The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 15, 1914, Home Edition, Want Ad Section, Page SIX, Image 22

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SIX REAL ESTATE NEWS Small Truck , Foultry and Fruit Farm H«> In your chanro Wc hav* on th* Gsnrgls Railroad. Just above Hrl Air lltllr over 10 mllra of Augusta. with four triilns s day and g.„„i T>.»,l Ol city, n rim small true! tl «nd fruit («rin Of * ■err*, nloo s-rooin homo. newly painful. newly papered, long front »n«i hack |.|it(M. J-ronm tenant house. Imrn, stabb poultry house Al»o go hearing apple freea, 30 be-irltig |ieach trees 4 cherry, 4 walnut tree a, and la rye actippernohg grape arlair, nhundant supply. splendid well Of a ate! ami spring near IMMEDIATE It IBSKHHION, HITT APPLT AT oNt'K RAROAIN PRU'r. j|t] 300 4Ta»h or terms. P. F. KFENAN & CO. MONTGOMERY 111.045, PHONE Sfli-J. Broad Street Property On th<* 120 ft block "f Hi- ad street, I have a modern new two story l»ri«*k building, fronting about tu fret on Broad and running through to .Tones, with residence on Jones street. This prop: rty is renting for *l.7'>o per year, ami is on the fastest growing block in Augusta. It is now paving 10 per rent on tlie investment in rents, and with its great increas in value, is a bar gain for someone. Five yean from now this property will be worth twice its present price. Huy Rroad street property and make money as others are doing. Phone (ISOH-w. JOSEPH W. BEASLEY REAL ESTATE. 215 DYER BUILDING. Walton Wav— Three beautiful Ms, opposite Arsenal. Broad Street, 300 block On *of the handsom est homes there. Bolder Avenue Near Walton Way, 2 choice holm's. Hickman Hoad —Corner of ear line, house and lot. Monte Sano Ave.—Fine lot, faces East. Walker Street —500 black, attractive home. (Jreene Street 300 block, Splendid lot. Broad Street 100 block, desirable lot. If these interest von. get prices from us, as we wish to make prompt sales of these properties, and will make it to your interest to buy now. Martini Garrett 137 Jackson Street. Real Estate, Fire, Liability, Accident and Automo bile Insurance. A Home on the Hill T have a beautiful home, occupied onlv two years, on summit of the Hill, for sale at a bargain. The house contains parlor, din ing room, pantry, kitchen, library on first floor. Second floor four bed rooms with two baths. '1 ile floors. Third floor has three bed rooms and bath complete. Large closets throughout the house.. Furnace with steam heat from collar to garret. Front piaz za extends across. Fine shade trees. *Lot 133x233 ft entire front of house. John W. Dickey MULL ST. LOTS ART SOLO Mr. I. Clarence Levy Purchases Through Alexander & Steiner Very Attractive Property. Three very attractive lota on Mr Dowell Street have Just been «oiil through A lax hii It* r ft Steiner to Mr I Clarence Levy. The loot were "ed b vi r* Pi am la Gump Ih* price jhiM ih understood to li.-ive been In the ticiglihorliuod of $5.<100 There In ii great deal of activity In Hill p ul estate Ju t now On the Monte Sane vide W. T. lloiiHtnn ft Company have aold a great many Tuxedo lota recently anil on the Sum mervllle aide there In also pinch trading. Building Permits The following In a Hat of the | «r --mltH laaueil by the city hultiling In spector during the past week, amount ing to over SIOO each: $l5O W H Mattlaon, ntnvn three room cottage from 1902 to 1911 Fen wick Street. SSOO Moore estate, ehangea and re palra. 11l Hroad Street. SI,OOO- 11. C. Il.iarilman, repairs, H 37 Hroad. SI,OOO .1 W Pierce, build four rot • aeon. Pierre Alley, nenr Spelman Street SSOO .1 W. Pierce, built two cot tagea. S|ieliuan Stret, near Railroad Avenue. $2,000 .1 W I’leree, eight cottages Railroad Avenue, near Spelman St. $175 \lvln McAlillffe, change root lo metal, 41 Charles Street. SBOO- M. A Mallard, one storv res- Idenee, 1200 block Spelman Streep SSOO- T. .1 Trlaon, add one alory to residence 1120 Plcquet Avenue. Real Estate Transfers The following In a Mat of the prop erty larnsfcrs in the clerk’s office during the punt week: 11.000 llcrry-Fortune Construction Company, to Mrs. M L. Morgan, north side 11 road Street. $so(l Surah McMahon, to l,yon ft Kelly, one fifth acre in Kiciiinoud County 11.0r.0 Ralph 1,. r.rifTln, e> William Croake, two lots, oust side Heatu Street $425 Monte Sano Realty ( otnpany, to W. .1 Croak*, one lot. $1,900 James It Hardman to An nie I*. Starr, west side of Chafee Avenue II.IWT Ilc-nry Vales, to U. K. Moore south side- Taylor Street. $1,351) Williain J. Croake, to Lockhart. I.ueky ft Co., south side Calhoun Street. $1 -400 l-oe knart Lucky ft So., to I'htil Must in, south side Calhoun Street. $2,975 J. I’. Plunkett, to Derwent Langley, northwest corner Walton Way and Holder Avenue $4,100 John \V Clark, sheriff to William II tt’Dowd, two tracts of 70 uerc-s in Richpiond County. $2,823 :u Mary C. Cuthbert to Klizuheth I) Mutt, wcßt side" of Hick man Road. $2,823.33 Mary C. Cuthbert to Lucy Doughty Kerry, west side ot Meigs Street. $575 S. A Palmer, to Otis H. Pal mer. 115 acres in Richmond County. SIOO Jolin it. Clark, to S. A. Pal mer, one lot In Blythe, da $::oo Samuel A. Palmer, to P. 11. Reese, one half Interest house anu lot, west side Hall Street, Blythe, (la. S3OO- S A. Painter, to O. H. Pal mer, one half Interest in house and lot In Hlytho, da. $4,333214 Mary C. Cuthbert, to Clara Doughty Butt, west side llick liiun Road $5,000- llaokett & Hell, to Herbert C I.oriek and Harry C. Vaiden, two bets, mirth side- Pen wick Street. $2,100 John W. Clark, sheriff, to Patrick Armstrong, 1219 and 1225 .Kmes Street. $125,000 doorge Compress Cam pan', to Atlantic Compress Com patty, tract of land on I7tn Street and machinery, compress and tools. $5 77ti 7S Union Savings Bank, to Dorothea A Bowe, south side Broad Street $1,702.80- M L. Brown, to K. B. llurekhalter 50.07 acres lu Richmond County. $2,200 Caroline L. Chafee to C. F. Mclntosh, north side Walton Way $211,750 Mary t'. Reid, to C. Henry Cohen, north fide Broad Street and south side Jones Street $5,000 Michael J. McAullffe, to Mrs Margaret McAullffe, south side Telfair $5.000 F C Mortlns, to Richard K Kitchens, 200 acres tu Richmond County $2,000 Michael J McAullffe. to Hairy V McAullffe north side Flor ence Street, west side Murbury Street, etc $450 Zachary ft Raymond, to City of Augusta, north side of Hampton Street. $750 Clarence E Clark, to Path • erlne C. Beers, south side Walker Street $l5O City of Augusta, to W. J. Cooney, west side Stovall Street S3OO Mm J Cooney, to C.eorge P Killed, east side Heath Street $l5O City of Augusta, to C.eorge P. Elliott, east side of Heath Street $2,00 t.eo. P Elliott, to W„ J. Cooney, west side Stovall Street. Motorcycle Cop Stops Chinese Smuggling Plot Loi Angeles. By overtaking an au tomobile aud capturing IS Chinese and two members of an alleged »yn iTVate. a motorcycle policeman at San Pedro, frustrated today a plot to I smuggle Into tills country u large I party of Orientals almost under the | prow of a revenue cutter. Four mere contraband Immigrants were caught after daylight but ten SChlnese and the smuggler launch which brought they probably from lower California, esc a ped . THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. DO AUGUSTANS BELIEVE IN AUGUSTA? Mr. Harrv C. Vaiden Makes Statements That Show Just How Much He Does Believe in Auqusta (Hy Harry Vaiden.) Every Urn* I atend an Auggneta Booater'a nesting, I always hear practically the aume atory of Augusta's advantagea. It la eaaentlal that Augusta capitalize and utilize these advantages, which we all know aha him. In order to receive the benefit. Enhancement of real estate In any city Is largely dependent upon the Increase of Ita population. Whatever hooats Augusta, Augiistans should boost. Those Individuals In Augusta who are so constituted as to make them Incapable of boosting, should at least keep posted. The records will allow that Augusta has been more active In real estate In the year 1913-14 than at any other time In her history. I feel thnt this Is largely.due to the fact that The Empire Life Insurance Com pany's magnificent seventeen story building created a seventeen-story faith In Augusta, and together with the Chronicle's steel building and the Savannah lllver Levee has caused Investors to begin buying At once a market was created, assisted greatly by the publicity In your paper of the trades us they oc -tired.. Real estati activity Is started hy citizens' attention being arrested, and made to see that they have real estate investment opportunities right at hand Instead of thinking they have to buy some Florida swainpa or tobacco lands. The minute the world knows that Augusta people are Investing In Augusta dirt, tthe outside capitalist will show like faith. Personally I am glad to see central real estate Investors in Au gusta buying on enhancement rather than on a rent Income basis. To begin with, rents in Augusta are entirely too low. and If land values were not so ahsuredly low In Augusta, you would see a number of the so-called Broad street stores Improved so as to bring in the proper returns. Population growth in the most essential thing to my mind for a substantial boom. We need a commercial hotel, —and we are going to have It, that will he so enticing that travelers will come through Macon, Atlanta, Columbia and Savannah to spi*nd the week end at our hotel. Heretofore we could offer nothing to the “roller-top desks.” Now we have two magnificent office buildings tinder way. Augusta Is the log ical distributing point for Georgia and Carolina. We want those agen cies established here*. We have to work for them, hut we must get them, and our banka should co-operate. The Merchants and Manufacturer's Association Is a great organi zation, hut the success of that or any other organization is largely depen dent upon the support of the city at large. They can invite capital to come anil invest In Augusta, and can eventell them the advantages It would he to them, and can offer our electric power, but unless we first show faith ourselves, the result will he futile. Recently we have had 35.000-horse power turned Into our city from Stephen's Creek. Soon our cities and towns will he linked together with Inter-urban lines, and competition between cities will likewise spring up. We have the Savannah river with its newly organized barge lines to help us meet this competition, but we need also, that which we have never had, a systematic way of organizing small Industries, which will consume Steven’s Creek power; Industries that will go over our store lofts and push out the tenants to little homes in the city and suburbs where theyrightly belting. If .this Is done, and we must do it, it opens another line of growth the hon e building companies will spring up. and the family that Is pushed out from over the hot store to make way for the small industry, can Invest Ills savings in a home. I would he one of a hundred men, that not only would buy SIOO.OO of stock on tin- first of every January in a profitable, small industry, but would work to help get a hundred more. Say for instance, a club of one hundred subscribing SIOO.OO worth of stock on January Ist of each year five years. Out of the hundred men, five men could he selected to Invest and safeguard the fund. This would mean SIO,OOO on the first day of every January for five years. The Merchants and Manufacturers' Association could then say: “Mr. Investor, not only do we invite you to our city, but if you have $5,000 to Invest In a suspender factory, we have $5,000 to lay beside yours as un evidence of our good faith, provided you can convince our committee of five your proposition is one of merit." With $10,000.00 two enterprises can he started every year with a SIO,OOO capitalization fully paid In, which will bring with them families that will have to buy or rent homes, buy groceries and clothes In Augusta, and not a single man of the club of one hundred will he burdened by such a scheme, hut on the other hand will be making an investment that will yield good re turns. . mm X T / Ta j Amenta for Nray Incubators and Brooders. DUNNINGTON POULTRY RANCH Phone 7521. R. F. D. Augusta, Ga. 12% on Broad Street Property T can show you a piece of property on Broad Street, that will pay 12 per cent on in vestment, and in a short while will bo worth double the price it can l>o bought for today. Don't let this bargain slip through your fingers. I can arrange terms. Clifford R. Dawson $ REAL ESTATE. AUGUSTA, GA. 311 Union Savings Bank Bldg. Phone 3077. Eggs for Hatching $1 Per Setting TUXEDO PARK All of Tuxedo Park Lots Have Been Sold But Seven . The people of Augusta don't fall to appreciate a good Investment In Real Estate when It Is offered to them. There were 140 lots In Tuxedo f’lirk. A few of these lots had been sold before this property was listed with us for sale. In four weeks' lime we have sold all the lots to the heat business people of Augusta, but seven, and they will he sold in the next few days Every purchaser will muke money on his Investment. And a good many that bought these lots are going to build homes In Tuxedo I’urk. There are already four new resi dences built and occupied In the Hark. Tuxedo Park has all the environments to make It most desirable for homes or Investments. living on the South Side of The Hill near Street Car l.lne ad St. Joseph College. When you think of buy ing high class property like this at the prices we- sold them for. no wonder that It only took four weeks to sell all of tneae lots. A word to the wlse-thlnklng man or wo'ntan Is sufficient. If you want one of these lots on the easy payment plan, we would advise you to see us the first thing Monday morning and go out In our automobile^and make your selection. W. T. Houston & Co. REAL ESTATE PHONE 607. FOR SALE Throe splendid lots on Monte Sano, corner and two adjoining, size <>f three 150x200. Two blocks from car line one way and three another. See me about this if you are thinking of building or invest ing. An elegant home on Monte Sano Avenue; large lot, dwelling of 8 largerooms, kitchen and pantries; two hath rooms, furnace heated, gas and electric light fixtures; metal screened. Terms. Four room house on Marburv, near Gwinnett. Three room house on 3rd Avenue. Both of the above- on easy terms. Monthly payments. A bargain in a farm of 250 acres in Columbia county, 125 acres under cultivation. A small 3 room house on South Boundary for sale on easy terms. J. HARDWICK JACKSON 409 Dyer Building. Phone 3446 40,000 Hydro-Electric ————l^——■■■■i^—■■■■■■■■% Horse Power Is now available for commercial uses in Au gusta and this section. The development of this amount of power will cause very material change in the number of industries, people, and homes in this section in the next few years. GET BUSY AND BOOST YOUR CITY FOR SALE At No. 458 West Avenue, North Augusta, we offer a modern cottage of five rooms and large hall, on a lot 60x200 feet. This house is conveniently lo cated to Schools, Churches, Trolley Cars, and in an excellent neighborhood. Price $3,000.00. terms to suit purchaser. Can give possession at once, or will furnish a ten ant at $25.00 per month until October Ist. Jas. R. League l Co. 212 UNION SAVINGS BANK BUILDING. Phone 176. SUNDAY. MARCH 15. HARISON BUILDING AUGUSTA. GA.