The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 15, 1914, Home Edition, Want Ad Section, Page SEVEN, Image 23

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SUNDAY. MARCH 15. THE IDEA FOR THIS N9VEL si PRACTICAL DESIGN MAS ORIGINATED BY "WINIFRED WORTH’’ ;l®caratl«i Hr ror other articles-i. THB Lazy Daisy stitch has ben a fsivorate that all needle workers .have afeoted with their series of fancy stitches. Its chief feature Is Its dlmt simplicity of construction. In this pattern the flowers can be rapidly •Bibroidercd, and If rope silk Is used In their construction, It being heavier than Hess, the flowers will be showy and the finished pattern elab* orate T® make something decidedly artistic procure for the cushion a smooth cream silk, rep or the banana tinted linen. Place the pattern as shown In the diagram, separating the borders to suit Individual taste. Embroider the leaves solid with green silk, using the deep green and tip each leaf slightly with rale Rtavn Use white repe Aosb for flowers, and a very pale yellow or greenish fellow for the centers The running stripes should be made to outline with the dark green floss Sincerely yojirs. * .... TO TRANSFER THIS DESIGN. Put some soap in a pint of hot water stir and remove soap. Saturate Design with mixture, then remove excess moisture by partially drying De llgn Place material on a hard, flat surface and lay the Design, face down, upon the material. Cover with two folds of newspaper, and with a table spoon rub. pressing hard until the D’sten i« entirely transferred. PATENT PENDING. World Color Printing Co., St Louis, Me | M j % j" 11 sp i i, I' I lllllu- | | milUiu.jl) |lutm • , J \ if, JAIL MEXICANS FOR MAN 'S DEATH Engineer Fisher, of Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Freight Train, Killed By Box car Thieves. Princeton, lll. —Thirteen Mexican track laborers are in jail anil another is dying, it is said, in a hospital, as a result of the murder early Friday at Manlius, 111., of Arthur Fisher, en gineer of a Chicago and Northwestern Railroad freight train, by box car thieves. The Mexican in the hospital and one of those in Jail, it is claimed, were identified Saturday by the train crew of which Fisher was a member as two of the four men who attacked the freight crew. These two men are the ones who entered the cab. It is said, and shot the engineer because he re fused to obey their command to pull the train ont on the main track and proceed in spite of the fact that an other train was due from an opposite direction. Captured at Langly. The two men were captured ut Lang ly early Friday after a fight in a hunk car. When Deputy Sheriffs Hert Sko glund and Leslie Beyer followed tho ,nien and entered the car, the two men fired at the deputies. One was shot in the face and the other in the side. The deputies returned tho fire, fatally wounding one Mexican and knocking down the other. They brought the two prisoners to Princeton. Sheriff Beyer arrested all the Mexi can track workmen he could find Sat urday and held them as suspects. Search will be continued for the other two men who tried to loot the freight train. , Complaint Made. Complaint had been made for some time that packages had been missing from cars. Karly Friday, while the train of which Fisher was engineer stood on a s ding at Manlius, a mem ber of the crew saw men throwing goods from a box car. He ordered them from the car and one of the thieves fired at him and held him un der the muzzle of a revolver, while the other three ran to the locomotive. When the engineer refused to start out with his train the Mexicans shot him. Then, joining their companions, ah four fled towards Langly. During the hunt for the Mexicans all sorts of rumors spread about the killing of officers and Mexicans, and It was not until last night that a checking up showed that no one had been killed except the engineer and no one had bene fatally injured ex cept the one Mexican. The two depu ties are-not severely hurt. 10 YEARS LOSS wool Revenues Necessary to Main tain Panama Canal Will Amount to $19,250,000 Per Annum. New York. —The exemption of coast wine shipping using the Panama Canal from the payment of tolls would mean a loss for the first ten years of $20,- 000,000, said FVof. Emory K. Johnson, of the University of Pennsylvania, to night at a dinner of the University of Pennsylvania men of New York. This loss. he said, would have to he borne by taxpayers of the United States. Professor Johnson was appointed special United States commissioner of Panama traffic tolls by former Presi dent Taft and served as such in 1011-111. ‘‘To enable the canal to carry Itself! commercially without being a continuing biiVden upon the taxpayers of the coun try,” said Professor Johnson, it will he necessary to obtain revenues of about sl!* 250,000 pev annum. This total is made up of $3,500,000 for annual main tenance and operation; $500,000 for zone sanitation and government; $250,099 payable as an annuity to the republic of Panama; $11,250,000 to cover the biter est, at 3 per cent on the $375,000,000 In vested in the canal; and $3,750,000, to . provide a sinking fund of 1 per cent to retuvu to tho treasury the cost of the canal during the next fifty yurt “This revenue must be obtained main ly from the tolls collected from the ves sels that use the canal. If all vessels paid tolls, the revenue of the canal at the end of ten years would cover th*' annual outlay for operating expenses and charges on capital. If owners of American ships engaged in the coast wise trade arc excused from the pay ment of tolls, the revenuts will not suf fice to make the canal self-supporting. ITo exempt coastwise ships from th<*. payment of tolls means a decrease of at .least $20,000,000 In revenue." 1 Dead, 30 Badly Hurt, As Steel Car Stood Upright St. Paul. Minn.— An unidentified woman was killed and more than thirty persona were injured, several probably fatally, when two roaches of a passenger train on the Chicago, b't. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad tonight rolled down an embankment at Mendota, Minn. The first part" ot the train remained on the tracks and came to St. Paul with the dead and injured. The train left Omaha Tor St. Paul early today. One of the derailed cars stood almost upright, throwing pas sengers to the end of the coach. Hardly a passenger in this car es caped injury. The fact that botn coaches were steel probably saved a store of lives, railroad men said. i 4t i Ul A UJ r\ * C\\ l/O '*■ _ n A /) /I - NAV/y i- f\ //I W J J • o TAFT REFUSES $5,000 OFFER OF A COLLEGE Wilmington, Del.—Former President William li. Taft lias declined an offer to become president of Delaware Col lege. which position was offered him at a salary of (5,000 a year. In a letter to a trustee of the institution he sold: "I am quite content with my posi tion in New Haven and I could not ac cept the presidency of any university or college for two reasons: ‘First, because 1 am not fitted for it, and, second, be cause l have other work in which I be lieve I can do more good.” Whenever You Need a General Tonio Take Grove’e The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because It contains the well known tonic properties of QUIN INE and IRON. Drives out Malaria, enriches Blood. Builds up the Whcf# 6ystem. 60c.—(Advertisement ) ATTENTION! If You Don’t Get More Answers —You’ll Get Your Money Back. The Augusta Herald guar antees to refund the money you pay for any WANT AD that does not bring more answers than the same ad in any other Augusta news paper. IHE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA„ .I II 1 it til 1 i : • i ! ' Mexican General Sends Tart Reply in Refusing Demand of Gov. Colquitt Laredo, Teaxs. —Two demands from Governor Colquitt, submitted hy Ad jutant General Hutchings, of the Texas National Guard, to General Alvarez, commander of the garrison at Nuevo, Laredo, for the return of Ir rses al leged to have been stolen from Clemente Vergara and for the delivery of Apolonio Rodriguez, alleged slayer of Vet-guru, were refused hy the Mexican commander, according to reports here tonight. Jn refusing to grant the demands. General Alvarez said he could not pos sibly consider them in an official capacity as the matter should be taken up through the proper diplomatic channels. "Therefore. I must refuse youv demand," his note read, “and suggest that the state of Texas, If It has no competent adviser, employ some person who will advise you that the demand for Iho return of horses must go through proper diplomatic officials." If You Don’t Believe These Figures Correct, Figure it Out Yourself Flic*. Egg*. June I—One fly lays 130 •• 10—00 flics (females from ffre hatch) lay 7,20 v “ 20 —3,600 flics lav 432,000 a 0—216,000 flics lay 25,920,000 July 10—12.900 Wo flics lay 1,555,200.000 •• 20—777,000,000 flics Jay 93.312.400,000 “ 3<> —48.066,000,000 flics lay 6,593,720,000.000 Aug. 9 2.799.360.000.000 flics lay 386,923,200,000,000 “ 19 —167,961,000,000,000 flics lay 20,155,892.000,000,000 •« 29 —10.077,696,000,000,000 flics lay 1,209,323,520,000,000,000 Sept. S- 601,279.70M00.00p.000,0<>0 flics lay 72.559,411,200.000,000,0<rt| “ .19—36,279,705,600.000,000,000 flies lAy 4,352.564,672,000,000,000,000 •• 28— 4,353,564.672,000,000;000,000 flics lay oh, figure It out yourself. IT’S “NONSENSE, CONCENTRATED” Adamson Jumps Opponents of Tolls Exempt ion Repeal. “Monstrous Perversions of Truth.” Washington.—Statements that gov <rnment vessels would be compelled to ■ pay lolls If the Sims bill repealing the exemption clause of the Panama canal act were enacted, were charcterlzed today as "monstrous perversion of the truth and the most foolish folly enun ciated since fools were discovered," by Representative AdainKon, chairman of the house Interstate commerce com mitee. “Much vessels are not mentioned In the canal act nor in the Kims bill and ought not to be," the statement con tinued "They are owned by the same owner who owns the canal and passes its vessels by right of ownership ac cording to treaty. Owning both war ships and canal the government could Pay tolls to nobody but itself, which would he concentrated nonsense.” Three minority reports on the toll re peal plan were presented from the committee today. Representatvle Doremus of Michigan, and O’Hhaugh , newsy of Rhode Island, democrats, de- clared "they could ace no reason to re verse their position advocating coast wise shipping exemption shipping; while Representative Knowland, of California, and Representative Raf ferty of Oregon, presented separate reports attacking the repeal plan. SHOT, BURNED BY MEXICANS Posse After Desperadoes Who Attacked Town on American Side of Border. San D'ego. Call. — One man was burn ed to death and another was seriously Injured when a band of raiders believed to lie Mexicans, attacked a general Str/e at Tecate, forty-five miles from this city toidglit, and escaped. Tecate Is near, the border on tin Arn erlean side. /i woman who saw the at tack reported to the commander nt Fort J’.osecrans that troops were needed ijnd that the populace was terrorized. A posse was organized and Is now pursuing (be desperadoes. The dead man was Identified as Frank Johnson, of Han Diego. ,A fellow clerk, Warren Wlederbacb, also of this city wax snot In the bead, but struggled through the brush for a mile to the nearest house and spread the alarm. According to the most reliable infor nulloii, four men, described as Mexi cans, entered iha after dirk, and held iiip lit* two clerks Johnson re sisted and was shot Wlcderbm h wan marched out < f the store and shot, but not fatally wounded. He fora leaving I lie scene the bund set fire to the store and the body of Johnson was Incine rated. Tecate Is In an Isolitnd s'-tlo* telephone communication could n"t bo had rleetly with the town. HIRES KEF AS STORES CLOSE Pathetic Scenes When Doors Shut in Siegel Institutions. Police Active. New York. —Tim Fourteenth atreet store and that of the Bimpson Crawford 1 Company, 'properties of Henry Hiegcl and Frank E. Vogel, who are under in dlotincnt in connection with the fwiluva Of the Hicgel private hank and inarm u tile enterprises here, dosed their door* tonight l»y order of the fedora! court In response to a petition by receivers and creditors. Aisles Crowded. Aisles (iowded with patrons seeking last hour bargains the arrest of a few shop-lifters, tie appearance of orgfUilz* ers of the Industrial Workers of tin* World, the Reported presence of agent* of ipiestlonable employment bureaus ol« bring girls work, and the h.Men. h weeping of women and gills who had lost, their savings In the Hlegol bank were Incidents that attended the closing of the stores. Printed lists of reputable employment agencies and respectable boarding houses were distributed among women and girl employes by social workers who ha<l reports that white slave agent* were rnlngdng with tbs discharged workers. """“"*** ~ Stopped by Police. The police stopped speech-making by Industrial Workers of the World. I land hills bearing “A Call to the Unemploy ed" to organize were dlsrrlbuted, In viting the clerks and the shop-girls to attend an Industrial Workers of the World mass meeting Monday morning. Several men who attempted to make street-corner Addresses to the departing employes advised them to steal bread If they got no opportunity to earn It. A committee representing depositors In the Hlegel bank called on attorneys of Hlegel and Vogel today and was In formed that the partner* had not g» • pared a new offer of settlement as the depositors were told last night. "In view of the present turn the case has taken It would be Impossible for us to make any offer," said Jjoulm H. Jjavjt, of counsel. Invigorating to the Pals and Sickly The Old standard general strengthen ing tonic, GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria, en riches the blood, builds up the system. A true Tonic. For adults and chil dren. GOc. | GIRL SAYS SHE'S DOROTHY ARNOLD Under Name of Ella Evans Has Been in Los Angeles Two Years. Kicked By Horse. Log Angeles, Calif.—A young wo man who has been living here for more limn two yearn under tin; name of lilla ICvans, declared today that she really was Dorothy Arnold, who disappeared from New York in De cember, HflO, according to the story which the (examiner will make public tomorrow. The your:# woman who wan quote! an having aaaerted that she was the New York society girl who disappear ed from Hie home of tier father. Franc I h H. Arnold, maintained secre cy an to how all" came to California, lull declared that Immediately after hi c left her horn", stio remained for a time in New York City and then went to Rochester. After coming Went, nho Hkid, till" became a moving; picture actress Joining a company tit Glendale, n Hilhrurb of l AngelfH. She told of having been u patient at a honpltal In this city for a time and liavlm; < aid a visit to a woman friend in Kan 11 lego. Later, aho declared, ahe wan kicked lev a home with the insult that KUe became an invalid. For Home time ahe had occupied a cottage at life South Avenue, where ntic wax found by newspaper report ers today. Tries to Turn Straight; Gets Back His Rights H. S. Hayward Worked For Newspaper Until Driven Away By a Letter Threatening Ex posure. Baltimore —Govern** Ooldsborough fa day restored citizenship rights to Murry H. Hayward. who, after serving a five year term In the Maryland penitentiary for the larceny of Jewelry here in 1903, obtained employment on a Cumberland newspaper and remained In that posi tion until a few weeks ago when he sud denly disappeared. Hayward left n note saying he was driven away by threats of exposure by an anonymous letter written because of Hayord’s articles at tacking certain local conditions. Recently Hayward’s former employer received a letter from him In which tie said he Intended to lose hhrise'f in some d'stant Part of Hi co continue his struggle to live an honest and respectable life. SEVEN