The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 15, 1914, Home Edition, Image 25

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||OME EDITION VOLUME XIX. No. 74. THE WISE DRY GOODS CO. ■MI! 'Mmh Jjfr. \m£.y f/|\| iMWmi II gj m^^JWjsS;^ Binu | f M|D u jjn jf U r 1* Lflkw Hi fi nit Inf: ,!' »Tk* a M 111]' . Bm/I i U f I Hfw iJ IR 81 . || 1 || :i §Lm HR wW I\ - 111 !!‘'j|ji|ijijgK{ u mmm ftjj{!}|| l‘ ,: %'liWHilll'ia I Mjafl 1 fiWllnl! I 1 *.jjfwHl MH MM | ™ Jkl I 'wjjiil|| || ™!P /jm l IwSr IwmlnffliMf!! 'HHnHhti# i'll 1 Air JHljii/jil laaSEfiewl ‘ 1 ' !tl |H IfWyyjjfw ipffi; ||| SM/’Hn M/lflaK II I ffS | ji.y M't %**" hPiiil' llMlwfsb l :,|i ,!;_: Stamps Dur ||(fP ing the Morn ww ing Hours Which V Is a Saving of 5 Cents On Every Dol lar You Spend. THE AUGUSTA HERALD By Offering Just Such Merchandise as the Following and at Such Prices. Augusta’s Greatest Muslin Underwear Sale All lovers of fine, dainty, well-made Muslin I T nderwear will be greatly delighted with these beautiful specimens to be shown and placed on sale here tomorrow. Every gar ment shown represents the highest types of a leading manu facturer. Gowns, high and low neck, embroidery trimming, at... 50*' Pique Skirts with soallaped edge, at.. .. .. , $1 25 Double Panel Skirts with scalloped edge. at.. .. . .79<' Skirts, scalloped and embroidery trluyited, at. 50 r BV..ruf’♦r'.iH d.ihj>y 'ace tm. tucks, *t ,' i. 3,1 ffH Combinations with lace trimming, -it. #1 49 Envelope Chemise with lace trimming, at #1 50 Drawers with scalloped ruffle, at' 25'' Drawers with embroidery and lace trimming, at 50*' Corset covers with lace and embroidery trimming.. ~J)o® Corset covers neatly made with embroidery trimming. 25*’ Princess Slips in pink, blue and lavender, at #1 50 Princess Slips with lace and embroidery trimming. SI 49 Children's Petticoats with embroidery and tucks, at.,..25'' Children’s Drawers neatly made with tucks, at 10 ( ‘ Children's Drawers with embroidery and tucks, at.. • 25«- Special lot of beautiful Silk Kimonos, at $4 98 We Repeat for Monday the Sale of Household Neces sities. You Cannot Af ford to Miss This Opportunity 72x90 inch genuine Pepperell Sheets, worth 85c, at.. ~Rf)C 81x90 inch genuine Peppereil Sheets, worth 90c, at.. . 79 <: 90x90 inch genuine Pepperell Sheets, regular SI.OO values anywhere, special at RflC 90x90 inch Hawthorne Sheets, very heavy and fine, worth $1.25 each, at... .. .. ~ 98 1 ' 90x90 inch Hemstitched Sheets, worth $1.39 each, at. 11 19 42x36 inch Pillow Cases, worth 15c each, this sale only at IOC 45x36 inch Heroic Pillow Cases, worth 20c each, at.. . ]5 ,: 45x36 inch genuine Fruit of the Loom Pillow Cases, worth 45c everywhere in the country, for one day only, at.. . 21® 45x36 Inch Hemstitched Anchor Pillow Cases, regular 35c value, this sale only at 29‘’ Full bleached genuine Pepperell Sheeting, for one day only, at . 27' ’ 20c 45-lnch Pillow Casing, at .. 15® 45-lnch regular 20c genu ne Indian Head, fine for Pillow Cases, at 1 A<’ 72-inch full bleached fine Sateen Damask, fine range of pat terns, which would be cheap at 85c; special at 59® 72-lnch all pure linen Satin Damask, new range of elegant patterns, which is worth SI.OO per yard; this sale only, at 79® 72-lnch extra fine all linen Satin Damask; worth $1.39 to $1.50 per yard; special for one day, at.... *1 05 Double Bod Spreads, worth SI.OO each, at 89® 11- Bed Spreads, worth $1.75 to $2.00; this sale at. .SI 40 12- extra heavy Bed Spreads, which weigh on the scales 4 pounds and 8 ounces; good range of fine patterns, and would be cheap at $3.50; special for this sale, at.. . *2 39 18-lnch heavy Crashes for towels, worth 12V4c per yard; special at B%® Towels Towels 20x40 Huck Towels, worth 15c, at 10® Full bleached Turkish Towels, worth 15c, at .. lO® Elegant line of Huck Towels, worth 25c, at 19® Scalloped Huck Towels, worth 36c, at 25'-' Extra large Turkish Towels, special at 25‘' 25c Turkish Towels, at 19® THE ONE PAPER IN MOST HOMES—THE ONLY PAPER IN MANY HOMES, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 15. 1914. Our Spring, 1914 Showing ofßeady to-Wear Garments Presents for Your Consideration Authorita tive Models in Suits, Coats and Dresses, Also Misses’ Wear. We do not remember when a season’s fash ions have emphasized this fact as clearly. Taffeta Silk Suits, Silk Bengalime Suits, •Moire Silk Suitß, Pongee Suits, Wool Suits, in the very newest shades at ..$22.50, $25, S3O and $35 One piece Dresses, in all the latest materials and colors, from $5 00 to $50.00 We specialize on Mourning Garments, Coat, Suits, One piece Dresses and Shirtwaists of various materials. Dig Sale of Children’s Gingham anil Percale School Dresses for Monday. Greatest value you ever saw, at 75* to $1.50 (2 to 14 years.) Big White Linen Sale It Is a Privilege to Show Such Nice Linens at Such Low Prices. Mainly because we can dispose of such a quantity aa quickly, as our purchases have been largo, and w« secured many very much under the market values that w» cannot secure later. We therefore urge you to be wise and get them while you can, as we will have to ask you higher prices on additional shipments. 36-Inch 85c White Costume Linen, at 25® 45-lnch soft, fine, round thread Costume Linens; special for Monday at fJ9® 36-lnch good, fine, smooth, round thread Art Linens, 49C 90-Inch all pure Linen Sheeting; worth SI.OO per yard, at ' .. 79c 36-lnch Linen Crash Suiting, at ~ ~49® A Few of This Store’s Lead ers in Domestics Regular 10c yard-wide soft, fine Bleaching, at BVa'' All 12%c Bleachlngs Monday, at 10® 17'Ac yard-wide bleached Pepperell Drilling, at.. . .12^4® 20c 45-lnch Pillow Caalng, at 15® 20c Berkley Cambrics, at 12H® 10c 40-lnch White Lawns (limited), at 50 )2 %c yard-wide White Llncne, at 10® ■7t4c Apron Ginghams, at .. •» ..5® All standard Shirting Calicoes, at .. .. .. ..{C $6.00 PER YEAR—S CENTS PER COPY. munity. The Store That Furnishes the Newest and Best Mer- chandise for the Least Money. The Store That Has Become a Money Saving In stitution for the Public, Made so Matchless Bargains for the Men and Boys NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, IN THE BEST ASSORTMENT UNDER ANY ONE ROOF IN AUGUSTA. New, freah, spring styles, in the very ties! Imaginable patterns. bM No. I—-Shirts that nre worth 75c, at 49® Lot. No. 2—Are Values up to SI.OO, at 09® Lot No, B—ls the banner offering of the season. We will he glad for you to compare them with any $1.60 shirt tn th>y maiket and then give us your candid opiiiMVt ni to which Is the best value. Our special aide price, only » 08' Boys Nainsook Underweor, at. 25'' Boys’ Knit Spring Underwear, at .. .. .. .-25® « Men's 50c Web Seam Drawers, at 39® Men's 60c Spring-weight underwear, at 30® THE SEASON S GREATEST SILK SALE To Get the Best in This Line You Must See Wise New Taffetas. Fasti lon’s leaders nay you must have Taf feta. Wo have a magnificent line, Including tho two-tona effects, at, per yard . -81.25 $1.25 35-lnch Messalines, at ftlOO 26- new Rengallnen, In all tho now shades; special at B»® 27- Brocade Crepes, at ... . 50® 40-inr.h Crepe Meteors, worth $2.50 per yard; special at,.,. •• •. •• .. •*w •• *... 1. ... .... .... ... 41 •98 SI.OO 36-lnch Habutals, at.... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. . 800 27-lnch black, spot-proof ifahutai, worth 7Bc. per yard, at .. . 36-lnch new striped Wngh Silks. Tho kind that waahee; worth SI.OO per yard, at .-79® New lot of 22-lnoh Foulards, fine range of new patterns and colors; this sale, at so® 40-lnch $2.00 Crepe de Chines, at ..ft 1-50 SOME OF THE NEW WASH GOODS White ground Crepes, In a large range of dainty stripes and checks and tho very newest colors; worth 35c per yard, at .. 25*' New arrivals of a largo assortment of dainty patterns In Floral Crepes, whllo the lots last at 10® to 25 t: Exquisite lino of Crepes and Voiles, tn stripes and checks, also plain colois, at 35® ftn ' i 50® 27-lnch Pongee Linens, In about 20 to 25 beautiful colors and shades, at 35C $1.25 Silk Ratines, special at 98® 27-lnch Cotton Ratines, at 25'- “"d 29® 65c White Ratines, at 49® Beautiful assortment of Silk and Cotton Crepes, In floral designs, at 75® 27-lnch Corded Ratines, fine fabric for ono-plcce dresses, at 35® [|OME EDITION rrrr- The Store ItHul’' * That is Al ways Alert to the Best Inter est of the Com-