The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 15, 1914, Home Edition, Page FIVE, Image 29

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SUNDAY. MARCH 15. Castleberry & Wilcoi t Two Stores will save you money on your grocery bills. Will give you prompt deliv ery service to any part of the city or sub urbs. You Will Get What You Want from a full stock of every thing in the grocery line. • And only the best quality. > At prices less than you will pay elsewhere. __ % Agents for Chase & San borns Teas and Coffees Castleberry & Wilcox Summerville Broad Street TWO STORES. Phones: 3166 - 3167 6746 -6747. Steel Work To Go Up Very Rapidly During This Week The »lwl Inti) on the majority »f the base* on tile site of the Umpire HulUllnK (lit* week will see the steel work begin to rllml) with great rapid ity. provided the weather l* good. There It already a great quantity at steel here an I 1,000 tout will he re quired to complete the building. The ateel worker, will begin riveting tat* week and the tound of tin- MMimikttC hummer* will be abroad in the land Thl* week the erection of ateel will SATURDAY WITH THE RECORDER And on the fifth day of the weok, which fell on a Friday, there came a woman up out of the le-rder* of taing- P-y and Clearwater. And ehe came with weeping and enp pllratton. And behold ehe rent tier garment*, and let down her hair, and cried unlo the ta*-d Keying: O l.ord! And ahe gnnehed tier teeth *l*o, and her tear* wort eufftclent to extinguish a beacon. But the Judge hardened hie heart and •aid: Woman: l.rave nff from tin weeping and make nn end of thy calamity. Far we of the law-court* are become cation* aa It wire an old »hoe, and they wlh avail thee nothing For lie auepected that hrt- tear* were crocodile. But the woman would not be comfort ed, and made a great nolae of tribula tion, like of all the c.tiiatroptite* of Job. And ahe anal tt was because of her children, and ahe plead that he he not hard upon her for their sake. After Arrest in Augusta , Negro Returns to Edgefield , Vws Load of Shot Into the Face of /. C. Smith Mack Mlnta, the negro who egcaii ed from the EdgefleH County ait thorltle* two days ago. and on whose trail the Augusta police und detec tive force has been working, has played the devil now. It will be re membered that he was originally ar rested in Augusta whither he drove some two weeks ago with a horse: which he stole from Mr. J. C. Smith of Kdeefleld. It was Mr. Smith who had hint arrested. Friday night after his escape he lay out In the woods near Kdgefteld. while the authorities were telephoning wildly all over the place, ana In the morning went back into the town, procured a shotgun in tome unknown manner, and Hhot Mr S-'mlth. The shooting occurred at about lo o'clock yesterday morning At first tt was feared Mr. Stnlin might be fatally wounded. Upward of twenty number eight shot entered Ills face, and though the doctors hove MIDNIGHT AT THE BARRACKS About half past twelve this morning around In the desk-serßeant's office a small and Interested crowd was watch ins the newly arrested being brought in. Several came up in a desultory way and nothing particular happened till all of a sudden appeared a young .white fellow, with a morose and glow ering expression, leading a negro boy "What did you arrest this boy for?" asked the sergeant. I Mesh brought imroun tosee£fccwnrked edhere." stated the young gentleman ' pompously. "What?" they inquired. "Hewascomingalongtheshreet." ex ! plained the new custodian of the law, ] "aniashin wherehewasgolng. lieshaid eeworkhere. Andljusheomerounloprove lit.” Which, of course, made the whole matter quite clear and lucid. It was Indeed a case of the Tiling leading the Blind. The white fellow gave his name, Which these columns refrain from giv ing. "What's the matter with him?" ask ed one of the onlookers, "This is what's the matter with , him," replied IJeut. Britt, extracting an empty half-pint bottle from the fel low's pooket. I Just about that time he caught on | what was taking place, and that the tables were turned. "Aw, looker*," he remonstrated, Tnoverwash'restedh'fore’mryllfe." "Well, you’re arrested now,” they fis sured him pleasantly. He was led away amid heated ex postulations. | Now the negro boy happened to bo | Dr. Jennings' chauffeur (mark the | word!) —a position of some conse cnnsequence in the city, and one not ! to be trifled with lightly. “Now tell us the truth about this business,” the city surgeon sternly commanded his henchman. “What did you arrest that white man for?" "I didn't 'rest him," he nnxlously as suredus "lie 'rested me!” j “I was walkin' 'long de street and he come up an’ as' me way I’s Roln,' and I pile him 'roan' to de barracks where ,1 works at.' And he said: Wou .black an' prove |t.' And he gralAne In de rants brung me roan* yarn." i The white fellow will answer a dmr '• i f plain Drunk before the re |(,,rder Monday morning, It was quite .the vaguest, absurdest, and most Freed of "Poison Pen” Charges, She Collapses Elizabeth, N. J.—Mrs Nelson U Pol lard, the society leader and church i worker acquitted last night of the i charge of w riting "poison pen letters," | was In a state of almost complete col | lapse today. She was happy over her acquittal, hut the strain of her trial and the long deliberation of the Jury caused her to break down. "Of course, I knew the Jury would , declare me Innocent," she said, "but I I thought they would not take so long." 25 BODIES NOW TAKEN OUT OF ST. LOUIS RUINS St Louis. -Twenty-five bodies to night had been recovered from the ruins of the Missouri Athletic Club building, which burned here Monday morning. Of these twenty-one have been identified. Five bodies are believ ed to be In the ruins. The body of A. T. Banns, of Chleago, and that of Marx Hammer, president |of the Neuster cloak and Soil Com pany. of St. Xa>uls, were Identified late today. All of the twenty-one Identifications were not positive * begin oft The Chronicle Building nl*o anil It will plug ret. very rapidly when It atart*. Conerete will be poured for the foundation of the Hotel Ada thl* week and that building will go up rapidly. Thi- contractor. Mr .1 \\ Albert, ha* a con»!dcrable trouble with water, The poatoTflee I* noon to *t*rt, *1 ter many delay*, and other biilldtn* will anon begin In Augusta, for ehe had fallen among Ihe win*. hildu r* wlm dwell besM,- 0 l: mge .mil iI t i had tempted her Ho that he we* In the end pereuaded of l»-r and bade her gn her way In pence. And It i one to pna* that a* the namr. were called of the tranagVceaor* on the morning of Maturdsy, which hapi<cnrd to he the very next day, la), the wom an’* name waa fori moat among them all. And ehe came In with a great limp. Ing, for ehe had Joined the rank* of thn lame and the hull. But ihe wept noth ing. And ehnme and anger were writ upon hor countenance, and defiance aleo, anti fear for what might befall, but nu nar row. And ihe Judge fined her tlifee shack lea of ellver and alx hlta, unlcaa ahe would go to prtaon In the atend thermit. And It came out lhaf the Italy of her children wai hut an title tale. Anil thua waa the t-mplu-ay Infilled which aald; And Rachel weeping for her children becauae they WKKJC NOT. now no Immediate fears for his life, unless blood poisoning should coinpli chlc the case, It la seriously doubted if his right eve can be saved. A posße of three or Tour men, mem bers of the rural police, Immediately set out to hunt down Mlmms, who had decamped as soon as lie had fired the shot. The negro crossed into Aiken County, where Sheriff Howard Joined his efforts to the small but determined party of searchers. They trailed the negro all day and tttey say they think one bullet fired by a rural i oltceman winged hint, and has so far not been caught. They lost his trail In the impenetratable swamp at about I o'clock this morn ing and thereupon abandoned the hunt for the night They expect to land hint before another sunset, how ever, and convey him out of reach ot possible attacks from would-be lyncher*. whimsically charming little episode witnessed In some time. "The more you ponder on It, the more delicious it becomes.” A VISIT TOMORROW New Spring Soft Pelts and Dressy Derbies In those nifty soft pearl greys, wide brim and low crowns. Also modish tans, mix grey nnd black, You should own a dressy derby. Style to suit any man ■3-OG. »3 o 0 "GOTHAM” SHIRTS—NEW SPRING SHIPMENT The patterns are dandy and you will like them. Every one Is guaranteed fast color. In white and fancy SI OO TO *2 OO Geo. H. Baldowski, Jr. PHONE 2443. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA. GA. Just Before Election Hobson Uses Motorcycle _____ Mobile, Ala -Camiutlhn mummer* for t’gpt, K h* Hobson, who I* opposing Oacar \V Cmlerwooil, for the United Hlali-a Denote, have announced that Cat tain Holman will make n motor >vt ,i tour of the Dtuti- during the t-n tluya preceding the primary of April Kilt. It will enable him, to hi* iminu ger* any, to make twenty apeechea :i day. He nnd other candidate* are now canpalgnlng In automobiles, but n«> candidate hn* ever attempted u motor cycle tour of the state. The 17th Infantry Gets Order to Go Thursday Atlanta, Ga. -order* were received at Fort Mi-I'heraon here today for the 17th Infantry, ordered to Fugle Pna*. Tcxna. for border ixitrol duty In con nection with the Mexican situation, to prepare to leuve not later than next Thursday. Uettt. Col. Thomu* Griffith, of the 19th Infantry, at Jefferson tmrrnok*. St. I .outs, I* expected to arrive here tomorrow- to take command of the 17th. lie aucceedn fidonet John T. Van Or*- dale, who recently reached the age limit of army service. Cheering in Court at Embezzlement Acquittal Montgomery, Ala.—James 0. Oakley. former president of the state convict i department, charged with embezzle- l mi-lit of $2,207 of state funds In one Indictment, tonight at 9:50 o’clock was declared not guilty. The verdict wa* reached on the fourth ballot. The jury announced ready with Its verdict at 9:30 o'clock hut It was twenty min ute* Inter before Judge Armlstead | Hromn arrived to receive It. The Judge j warned the spectators ngninst demon- i strntion of any kind, hut when the ac- | qulttal wa* read Oakley's friends, who . crowded the room, cheered lustily. There are a number of other indict -ments pending against Oakley. Stetson felt and Blum A Koch straw hats, the best made. F. G. Mertin*. KILLED IN AUTO COLLISION. oc*la, Fla. —Dr. A. O. Ransmi. a prominent veterinarian of Gained!lie. was killed near Tiller's Still, between hen- and Gainesville tonight, when an automobile In which he was making a trip to Ocala from Gainesville, ran Into a wagon O. M. I’aynter, a drug gist, and a negro chauffeur, who were In the car, were badly injured. SIGHT THE POTOMAC. Curling, N. F.— The United States naval tug Potomac, abandoned six weeks ago in the ice floes near Bonne Bay, was sighted tonight off Pearson's Luke, fifty miles farther up the coast. The Potomac w-as drifting northward. SI.OO shirt, 1 Jon Brand, the best val ue. Try It. F. G. Mertin*. Means Clothes content to morrow, next day and al ways. No round-about methods prevail in our business. We are in a position to serve you well bv knowing you well. We extend a wonderful service and back every sale with a guarantee. Don’t be “touted” into buying ready made clothes. Place your confidence in us and drop in here for a few looks around, if for nothing else. NEW NECKWEAR—“ALTMAN'S CRAVATB" If they bear that label, fellows, you know you are getting Jmtt the newest, right out of the barrel. Pure Silk, made In big aprlng shapes 50''. 75 f '. SI 00 228 JACKSON ST. LOWEST PRICES OUR CHIEF ATTRACTIONS SCHNEIDER’S THE PEOPLE'S STORE - A STORE FOR EVERYBODY Mail Orders Filled—Send Check With Order Wonderful Bargain Sale of Ladies’ New SPRING SUITS They are beauties—very nezvest imported materials, in all the new shades, includ ing black and navy. Hand somely tailored—lined with high grade peau decygne to match the cloths. Suits worth S2O to $35 at $lO. sl2, sls Fine Dress Goods All-wool Serges, 54 Inches wide, nnd forded Diag onals In black, navy. Copenhagen, tango OXf’ and green. Worth 12.00 yard sUw Beautiful Silks Twelve pieces highest grade Silks In all the new Spring shades. Worth $1.25; A()c< yard.. .... 39c Lonjj Silk Gloves l.adtes' Long Bilk Gloves. In black und <SQr colors, and regular $1.50 values Bleached Sheets Extra large full-bleached and hemmed Bed Sheets. These are extra good, full Ayr* 81x90 inch sheets; each BED SPREADS One hundred large Marseilles pattern Bod Spreads. Extra good qunllty. In Monday's sale, Q C/~» each EINE CAMBRICS On? hundred pieces full Inches wide bleached Cambric. Ten yards to a customer, yard ufQU Clothing For Men and Boys Men’s and Youths’ $7.50 Suits $4.75 Cut on the latest models, In a nice variety of mixed ef fects; Sizes 32 to 40 chest. The Newest of the New Fancy Black Cloth <fci QO Quarter Patent, Vamp Low Shoes for Women Same style In plain back, patent vamp or gunmetal calf, at the namo price— Women’s Shoes Regular $2.50 Grade Ci Reduced to z.’zzzr Jtzgi 2<4 to 8. Clearance price, pair Messaline Silk Petticoats. New Lot of <£*l 7Q 400, at ' One „f the heat lots of Bilk Petticoats we’ve been able to got for a long time-excellent a “ materials and new styles have seldom been priced «o low, „ _ Cpl . I w 7 Made with pleated flounces and felled scum*. All lengths, at. Monday NEW SPRING SILKS one hundred pieces of new Spring Wash Silks. All 27 Inches wide In the new forded Silks. Brocaded Silks and Embroidered Silk Stripes. In black and white and nil the pew Spring shade Silks worth 75c; yard •• Bargains Vv c>oj Mixed Blankets Fifty palm woo I -mixed plaid <F| Oft Blankets; Rond sf» value®; pair .. O Fine Cotton Blankets one hundred pairs full double bed size white Blank ets. Slightly soiled; MEN’S SII.K SOCKS— Men's r.Oc Bilk Hocks. In black only. | C _ I.tmlt R pairs to a customer; pair lut New Dress Ginghams New Spring Dress Ginghams, In all the now patterns and worth 12%r; yard * Figured Crepes One hundred pieces new Hprlng Figured CrepegMn all the pretty colors of the season; Ifj^ made to sell for l#c yard; only 1 Serge and Taffeta Dresses Persian brocades. Regular U 2.60 C/w Q/ k and 11 0,00 dresses DRESSES All-Silk Dresses in all the new shades and made with th» nnw4ruf fl,- effects. Also liandsomo Crepe de <C C OH Chine Dressea Worth tl2.r>o, «t Men’s and Youth’s to SIO.OO Suits $6.50 Bnnppy, up to the minute suits. In plait) and fancy ef fects; alzes from 32 to 41 chest. 39c Men’s and Youth’s to $15.00 Suits $9.75 All hand tailored suits tn the latest plain and fancy put tern*; sizes 32 to 44 chest. FIVE