The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 15, 1914, Home Edition, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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EIGHT I oz. lb. Cure Plus PANTHER SPRING WATER r> r) * Red and Buff, Dry Pressed DKIwN. and Common Building. LARGE STOCK. PROMPT SHIPMENT. Georjfia-Carolina Brick Co. Wrtl* twr Mill. Heward H Stafford, Proaidant. Augusta, Oa. HOTEL MELBOURNE UNDER. NEW MANAGEMENT. Regular, transient, and table Iwwmlers ac commodated. Rooms neat and elean. (food fare. Quirk Rervico. Rates peaßonable. Your patron age solicited. No. 601 l Broad Street. JOHN F. GRANDY, Mgr Vo pound* best C'ane Sugar sl.lO 6 pounds Rio Coffee $ 1.00 6 cans small IVt Milk 25^ 3 cans tall Pet Milk 25^ C. D. KENNY CO. Largest Sugar Dealers in America. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE Phone 601. JUST A FEW LEFT MmV *25.00 SuiiK $12.50 Indies’ $25.00 Knits $12.50 NO MONEY DOWN MASTERS & AGEE CO. The only store in Augusta that will sell you any thing to wear on payments for no money down. ■ V vmVV BW f go mti . EuES* Ifcr'SssSL rs LVSfh t /*vf7iF Wi r fy closed the Ruud becomes inactive, but stands in stantly ready to meet your next demand. A postal mailed to-day or a visit to the Gas Office will give you complete information. OAS COMPANY , , „„ 0 The (f a Invigorating ‘t ' 4 “Shower” J* At a “just right” tem perature—any time, all the time —one shower, fifty showers no delay, no waiting—and without any further attention than you give the cold water service. Just install a Ruud Automatic Water I leater in the basement to the piping already in use and “turn the faucet”—no further attention is necessary. The Ruud heats the water as you need it, and supplies the whole house hold—one faucet—or every faucet in combination. Just enough gas is burned to heat the water actually drawn. The moment the faucet is 1048 Broad Street SANDERSVILLE NEWS S<»nd*f Oa.—Mr* Annl* Rupp Hurt rhlklrrn ©f W.idi**y, Utt. ( vllitM fit* fid* Ittrp duriim Ih* WerH. Mr* I. 11. I (••It #nt#rtAln*d i« numlwr of th* yowriff Indt** hi ii ifpwifi* parly TuMriiy HficripHin, th« nffwlr (riven in tumor Mir* T'm|i*ot>, of ll«w --klriKvill#, <i« , th«* |tP*t of Mm* Tli«*na Holt Mr* E !#. Hr*r»*»ro w** hoi'ria Frl <lh> n/lemoon *t * imiMf |»»rfy givrn in honor of Mr* K. A Tlnrri* *nd h*r *ll**l, Ml** A«hl*y. of V*bb»*t*, tin. Til# wii* pl*y»d mI thr#* Uhl**. Mr*. Wlc*«r wr>n th« lop »«or*. * golf) frt*ri4«hlp *ir«vi*. nd Hi* honor gu**t w*r* pr* , ** , tlt*d Otth go d h#*l pin*. Mi** M«h*l Rftwltn** *i»l*rt*ln*d *l*hl ..f hi f ' - Ml* We i I ■ **vi«nifif *t *0 mietton hridff* purl y. Aft*r ih* gum* m modi delicious r*r«»*t w»* **rv*d. Ml** Mnry Tnrbuiion w** honi*** »*f Ih* Tranaylvnnlo Fttib W*»dnr*d*y aft ernoon *t their regular nierflng. Quick Home Cure for Piles Trial Package Absolutely Fra* —Will You Spand a Post-Cerd for It? If you are a sufferer from piles, In stant relief la youra for the asking, and n speedy, permanent cure will follow. The Pyramid r>rug Co., 471 Pyramid Hid*., Marahall, Mich., will aend you free, tn a plain wrapper, a trial pack age of Pyramid Pile Remedy, the won derful, aure and certain cure for tho tortures of ihla dread rilneoae. Thous arid* have already taken advantage of this offer, thousands know for the first time In years what It la to he free from the | ains, the Itching, the awful agony of piles. Pyramid Pile Remedy relieves the pain and Itching Immediately. The Inflammation goes down, the swelling Is reduced and soon the disease is gone absolutely. No matter how desperate you think your case Is, w rite in today for the free trial 'reatment. Then, when you have used It In the privacy of your own home ond found out for yourself how efficacious It Is, you can get the full - sl/>' package at any drug store for r.O cents. Every day you suffer after read'ng this notice you suffer need lessly. Hlmply fill out free coupon and mall today. FREE PACKAGE COUPON PYRAMIO DRUG COMPANY, 471 I’yrnmld Hldg., Marshall, Mich. Kindly send inn a sample of Pyra mid Pllo Romrdy. at once hy mall, FREE. In plain wrapper. Name I tract Cttv State \/f If You Can’t Come You Can Telephone If you don’t feel Rood — if it’s cold or stormy If you can't leave the children, or. If for nny other reason you can't come out or don't want to come out hist telephone. Your wants will he attended to just as promptly and carefully us though you came In por tion. Whether It's rubber goods, candy, a prescription no mat ter what Just telsphon*. HOWARDS DRUG STORES Motorcycle Delivery. All Vegetable Gardens Contain These Henna, Okra, Hoots. Onions, Cabbsgo. lurrots. Colls rds, Potatoes, Chard, Radishes, Encumbers, Squash. Corn. • Tomstoes. lettuce, Turnips. N. L, Wills! Sied Go. AUGUSTA. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA. GA. Mra W H, la»ng waa hoateaa Tues day afternoon of the Round Table lit erary f’luh Interesting papers on, tialnahorough, Millet and Reynolds were read. After the business and literary part of the meeting, a pieissnt social half hour was spent with the hostess. Mrs James MvrPk |*ft this week for her home in HaJtlmore, Md.. after a villi in Mr and Mra II h. RoMnon Mira Vannle Matlda tuts returned front a three weeks’ visit to friends tn For syth and Macon. Us. Miss latum Ashley, who has been the att/aetlve guest of Mrs K A. Harris for the past twit wesks rsturned Thurs day to her home In VaMosts, tia Miss Julia lamlel and Messrs. Itrnnt ley and James Itanlel of Mlllen, Oa., ware visitors to Mr and Mrs. B. A. Har ris during tha weak-end. Mrs J. T. Irwin entertained a etrrle of young glrla Monday afternoon et a eewlng party, at which Mtee Kate l*rlnc« and he*- gueet, Mtas Adeline Hmlth, of Wart hen, Oa., were the honoreea. The local Chapter of the Woman'll] Christian Temperance I’nlon he d their regular mouth y meeting Thureday aft ernoon with Mrs. Newman Wood, at her home on Church street. Mieses Marlon Jamevson, Nina and Fannie Helle Thigpen end Riolan Ca son. who are attending the Georgia Nor mal and Industrial College at MUledge vtlle, fie , spent the week-end with their respective parents. Mlee Mary Tarbutton w»s tho cordial I hostess Hutu nitty afternoon of a rook partv given In honor of her guest, Mrs. brayton Pope, of Jacksonville Fla, and Mlee Ashley, the guest of Mrs. K A.| Harris. Miss Nallle Frank Thompson of Ham k n,villi- On., has been spending a few date with Miss Therm Holt. Miss Kathalcen Altiei, Annl" N rit T>uggan, and Kffle Khewtnake were visi tors during the week-end to Macon, 0n.,1 and friends In Toomshnro, On Mies Jeanette Runkley spent the week-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. T. P Runkley. Miss Runkley was accompanied home by a friend, Miss Martin, who la also attending Wesleyan College NEWS OF JOHNSTON Johnston, S. C.—N*w* of th* rot urn home ©f Mr Jo** Jacobs, fit., from FV>rt Stanton, New Mexico, in nhout t*n day* i* welcome new*. Mr Jacob* left a year or more for the albove ntute for restor*- tlon of hi* health, which ha* greatly lm proved. Mr* Kale Crouch i* visiting MV*. Ilendrix. of Leesvllle. Mr* Susie Latimer i* vlisting Mr*. A. C. Mobley. Dr J. R. Miller and J IT. Miller, of Rock Hill, two prominent Equitable Life Insurance men. were guests of J. L. Welker on Friday. l,eroy Wert* visited hi* pnrent*, Mr. and MV*. O H Wertz last week. Capt. ami Mr*. T W r . True visited Mr. and Mr*. Hpnnn Toney the pa*t week Mr and Mr*. M D. W'llliam* of Ah giiHta vl*lted their daughter, Mr*. Tho* Hoyt l**t Sunday. Mr*. Jack Connerly, of Aujpjfftg, is visiting her parent*, Mr. and Mr*. Geo. Hubbard. Mustor Pago Nalann Ko«nro ontrTtnln oil for ft in Tittle friend* In the neigh borhood with a birthday party. The new f’entury Club was entertain ed by Min* Alma Woodward on Tueadav. After the Study «*f PkVt H. Ilenn \'l a delbdoue luncheon wan aerved. Mies Marie i’ullen of Springfield entertained moat delightfully with vocal and instru mental eelertlon*. Plano nHoatlnnn riln.* given by Mins Bertha Woodwani from the player piano. From present prospect*. Johnston 1* to have a Chautauqua In June hinting aeven day a. The l>. A n.’a w'ere entertained on Monday b\ Mr* .1. W. Browne when the live* of the l*nrti»an flenemln were read find dincunned SketrheM were read of umtf*\ Plokenn and Marion, after which Atnerl'-a waa imiig hy the ohap ter. A two-rourae luncheon was nerved and while eating the eve rented on tiny old glory flag* that inspired patriotinni Mrn Browne wan nnaisted In receiving jo Miitaeft Jennie Kdwarda and Hattie White. GREENSBORO NEWS Greennboro. Ga —Mrn J. W. Moore en tertained tin* I>aught<Ts of (Tinfederm’v, Tuenday afternoon. Mrn. Jennie llart Sibley, presiding. The drawing room where the buninesn nennion wan hehl was adorned with rut glaws van«*n of hya cinth* and daffodil* After a very de lightful program delirioua refreshments wei*e nerved The next meeting of the chapt*T will be with Mrn C\ E. Monfort. Mm. Jennie Hart Sibley, of Union Point, wan the honor guent at a beau tiful luncheon Tuesday, given by Mrs. J. W. Moore. Many bright nprlng flow era were uned with rhnrniing effort to adorn thin beautiful home. Bright daf fodil* formed the decoration for the dining room and the eenterpieoe frg* the perfectly appointed table. The W. C T I’, held a very Interest ing meeting Monday afternoon, at the home of Mr*. J. C. Will luma Mrs. T. B Rlre and Mr* J. T. Boswell had charge of the program which wnn on Union Signal I>ny, including delightful musical numbers, reading* and interest ing talk* by the president. Mrn. J. H. Hheesltng and MYs Hire Mrn. F. B. Shipp will lie hontenn at the April meet ing at which time Mrs K. Harvey Ar mor and Mrs H. 1$ .McUommons will have charge of the program. Mis* Marlon Park entertained n con genial party of girl friend* lant after noon. Quantities of spring flowrYs com bined with ferns made the library where the game of rook wan played doubly at tractive At the conclusion of the game sandwiches and hot cholocate was served. The dainty hostess wan assist ed by her sinters. Misses Hallle and Celesta Park. Mrs .1 1.. Wright and daughter. Mis* Marie Wright are spending this week in Atlanta. MYs K (». Smith spent yesterday with her daughter. Miss Marie Smith, at the State Normal, who has scarlet fever Miss Clyde Willis of Covington, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. amt Mrs S. H W Ul l a. Mrs Henley Hall and Henley. Jr . of Ingleslde, are the guest# of Mrs. (»eo. Hull Mis W. O. Armor s visiting her daughter. Mrs Will Carrard, In Mil ltdgeVlUe. Mins Klolse Motelev is home from a delightful stay in Madison. STUBBORN, ANNOYING COUGHS CURED. "My husband had a cough for fifteen years and my son for eight years, Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured them, for which t am most thankful." writes Mrs. David Moor, of Saginaw, Ala. What Dr. King's New Discovery did for these men. It will do for you. Dr, King's New Discovery should be In every home. Stops hack ing coughs, relieves la grippe and all throat and lung ailments Money back If It falls. All druglsts. Price 50c. and It. 00. H. E. Bucklen A Co. Philadelphia or St Louis. Gloves Cleaned, any length, 10c. Augusta French Dry Cleaning Co., Fone 2976. W. T B JEFFERY MOTOR CARS Reliable Auto Co. Hor«e Racing at Fair Grounds Tues day. March 17th, 3 o'clock. Gents, 50c; Lsdicc r- PATENT EGO BEATER FREE To all Purchasers of 50c worth of Tea, Coffee, Extracts or A&P Baking Powder Sweet Corn» a can 7c Kidney Beans 3 cans 25c Tomatoes IZT a can 10c Molasses 3 cans 25c Currants J;*/: 3 pkgs. 25c SWIFT’S PREMIUM HAMS, pound 20c Snowdrift Compound X<». 55©; No. 30, $1.10; No. 20, $2.20 A. & P. Fancy Patent Flour, 24 lb. sack .. .. 78^ ' < "l’ •• A W |!i mu HKi New York State Potatoes, peck .. Yard Eggs, dozen DROPSY SPECIALIST Usually give quick relief, have entirely relieved many seemingly hopeless rase*. Swelling and short breath soon gone Often gives entire relief in 15 to 25 daNs. Trial treatment sent free. DR. THOMAS E. GREEN Successor to Dr. H. H. Green's Song Box P Atlanta, Ga. Magnetos recharged, price $5.00. Special price to dealers. Reliable Auto Co. Double Purple Stamps Before 12 O'clock isBJE /Ks -^r New Suits in Exclusive Styles Priced at $22.50 Never has an early display of Spring Suits been so tempting and comprehensive. The freshest, newest fashion touches and style Ideas arc embodied In these suits. New and nobby materials and beautiful shades. Values up to 13T.50 for Monday, *22 r>o El Ryad Coffee Th« Mod Delicioua Grown. Thla Coffee I* al ways sold In Trade- Mark Green Hags, and for sale only at The A&P stores. Lb. 35c HAVE YOU READ “WANTS" Woodward Contracting Co. L. W. Woodward, Mgr. 405 Leonard Building. 6eneral Constractors. Phone 2968. GOLDEN BROS. THE LADIES’ OUTFITTERS. A WONDERFUL ONE DAY SALE NEW SPRING SUITS SO/75 A Remarkable Offering of Crisp, New Suits, Actually Worth $ I S.OO, $22.50, $25.00 and $27.50 New styles, new cloth and nsw colors. Your one best Suit Buying Opportunity cf season, represent ing actual cash saving of $7.50 to $15.00 for every woman who takes advantage cf this sale Monday. Starts promptly at 9a. m. Ends Monday at 6p. m. IS crisp, new Suits, splendidly made of choice, approved fahrlrs for the sprint? season. Largely one or two suits of a kind embodying all the newest style features. Short tut, loose-fitting Jackets In Japanese find bolero effects —befrilled and horuffled as suits the whims of Dame Fashion —and smartly trimmed with laces, colored embroideries and fancy buttons. The skirts are cut medium close fitting at the foot line— slightly full through the hips and finished with ruffles In tunic effects — following the same general lower lines of the jackets. Splendid regular SIB.OO, $22.50, $25.00. ami $27.50, Monday only 75 Charming New Hats ON DISPLAY IN GREAT AND PLEASING VARIETY So Many from which to choose—a pleasurable perplexity for any woman. Every hat. no matter what Us price, has ns its inspiration some high priced Imported model. _ Hats small to medium In size, Milan Tngnl has the first call. Real fine Milan". Belgium split and fine Leghorn as shown by the first shops of Parts. The trimmings for dress hats are beautiful Ostrich Plumes nnd fancies _in burnt ostrich, Goura, Nu midla and Paradise. For smart Tailored ll.its. ribbons, small roses and fancy flowers, also smart French novelties are quite the vogue. Wonderful assortments !n solid and In blending color combinations. Espe cially attractive models «t *3 OO TO *l9 OO Peanut Cotter lb. tic Tapioca a lb. 4c Cherries c:."’ a can 12c Baked Beans can 8c Cottolene s:„ 4 55c $1.30 Sultana Coffee Is the Best Value on the Market. Thl* Coffee la al ways sold tn Cardi nal Red Trade-Mark Ba gs. TAKE NO OTHER. Lb. 30c Fancy Lemons Dozen 20c $ W-r Ilf Ik E n Cream f\ n Cheese, / fP pound Best A&P nr Creamery iJIP Butter uuu $3.00 TO $19.00 EREE