The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 16, 1914, Home Edition, Page TWO, Image 4

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TWO CcZ 27 SOCIETY NEWS Mr* Tnrnan 8 Chase of AtUnta. •ho hs* Imn spending several week* with Mr* lYank T. tlraham tn Co lomhl*. arrived today for * vl*H with Ml** Isabella Or*hum. before returning hum*. CALLED MEETING OF G. I. A. An Important meeting of the fl. I A. of the Brotherhood of locomotive I n elnirr* I* relied for tomorrow, Tues day, *ft* rnoon nt four o'«'l<>< k nt K. of r Hell. All memltor* are requested to attend promptly. PABENT-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL SCHOOL. Thor** will be a meeting of the l'«; rent-Teat l era Association of Centra’. Grammar school held Thursday after noon at fotir o’rloch at the aehno.. Till* la the meeting |>o*tt»ntied from the first Thursday on arrount of the • rather. It I* especially urged that (s•>. re he a large altendanre of parent*. —Mr Henry 8. Ludlow of New York ha* Joined hi* family on the 11111. -Mr* J. A. Ca*hin and her atlrae tlve rlilldren are visiting in Kavannah. Mr. Caahin I* at Hot MprlnK*. Ark. -Friend* of little Ml** Nellie Rvani are gl*d to see her out after her ro cent dine**. CARD OF THANKS. Mr and Mr*. W. V Hall desire to extend to thflr friend* their most »l>- Pracial!ve tgank* for thetr *.vmpathy In their recent baraavniflent, the loss Of their non I'harle* Bernard, »nd for the lieauttfiil flower* sent to hi* fune ral ye.'.erd*y. Mia* Marie Platt of Nanturket I* attending aouie time In Augusta. —The host* of friend* of I>r. Janie* I*. Smith will regret to learn of hi* < ontlnoed critical tlln<-**. Hr. Smith ha* been moved to the city hospital. Mr*. Harry Itobcrt of Macon will arrive tomorrow for a visit with Mr*. C. K. Agtell and Ml*s Susie Robert. Mrs. O. A. Rowland returned thl* morning from Athens, where she hi* been visiting her son. —Mr*. Purdue and Misses Mamie arid Katie Pardue, returned yesterday from a five months' slay In Atlanta snd are now at home to their friend* at their home on Carolina Heights. S. C. —Friends of Mrs. Frederick What* lon of Minneapolis, Minn , will he de lighted to learn that she ha* arrived fir an extended stay with her aunt, Mr* P M. Whitman, on Fiber! street The Improvement In the condition of Mr* James tT, Jackson will he learned of with sincere pleasure hr many anxlou* friends. Mrs Reuben Clark of Savannah la still with Mrs. Jsek son, Friends of Hr and Mrs Hcese (Kate Robinson! will regret to It irn Vvfi/ c M.adamc, Is el ells *3caufy Lesson -* LUKKOX IV. WRIAKI.ICH AMI FACIAL HiMM.II The ikln of (hr face (n a norms! < on eittnn In very *t**tlr. anil » low of this elasticity Ip th# frequent cause of Irir surface lines that mme of(*n tn yeuni faces, If these aia ueelectsd, they turn Into dwptr Rue* and wrtn kies In childhood tha Aral! 01 fatty tlaau* undri lying the *kln la firm and hsid, ai d tli« pUiii Ip stretched our It Ilka smooth aitk, If lllnree. or any other reuse. dr, If * ti la amount of fatty tissue or causes It to grow post mut fall awav. the akin (alia naturally Into wrinkles and «l-«■ t> furrow a These at* the two main ratiaea for • hat gteateat of heauty alliuenta wrln klea and under tlila head we may u'a.i rlaaa rrowsfeet, sagging chaeka and frowning lln.a In the psst women to garded euch atTlh'tlone aa the natural •reompanimeo! of advancing yeara. hut we have learned better today, and know that not onlv ran wrlnklea he pre vented, hut tn a large meaauie they ran he removed If the cauaee of wrlnklea ere luck of eUatlcttv In the akin and falling away of the fatty tltauaa, we muat look for a timed, or a praveutallva to maat theae condition* In othar worda, how can we keep the »k!n elaatlo and how can we offae| the tendency of tha sup tiortlnf tteaue to fall away aa time goea on? Maaaage la the gsnrraj answer to theae question*. and, whtla I do not bs lleve In maaaage aa a general cvire-gll for all akin trouble*, proparly uaed It ran he of the greatest aaalatanaca lu keeping the fair young and emooth. Pari I Maaaage. Facial mu * according to tha fol lowing dire* Ilona, will take from twen ty to »hu t v minute* A bury woman ran hard!V do them daily, and Ihla la got necessary or deniable, twice a week ia sufficient for a complete facial giaeenge. Begin hv cleanalng tha face thor ough!' with a pure aoap and water, or. I ref. mb!' will a good cleanalng cream which gete the accumulation* out of the poree and eoftene tha »ktn n aoap cannot do. If aoap ia uaed. rlnee thoroughly; If cream l» uaed, wipe off the surplus with a niece of poll line* fir cl eeaa cloth that haa l,p, yj wmplmki For tbg next step dip a clean, thick aquare of cloth i Turkish toweltng la generally uaedl Into fairly hot water, completely cover the face with thla and let It etav on until cool. Repeat thla operation three or four timer or until the akin la warm and ropy Thla ere cepe le to open and aoflen the poree as the *ktn ao they will quickly absorb the maaaage cream. 1 cannot give tha exact temperature of the water to ha Bred In thla warming nrooaea, for It gepetida on the akin. If the ekln la Ihfck and poree enlarged the water Should he almoet hot. If the akin la delicate nnd the blood near the eurface. It should hardly be more than luke warm Now dry the akin gently and tt la ready for the maaaage cream iLeaeon 4 to ha continued ) nt the Mine** rif Mrs, Reese —Mr*. Anna Wllstm and Mrs porter Frsker of Chicago are guml* of Mr*. Martin liunhar at her home In Ansley Park for a few days. They are on their way to Augusta, where they will upend a week, after a trip to the Her tmidas, and Havana. Cuba Mra. Fra ker Wit* Mlsa Mary Boll* Wilson before her marriage, snd was a frequent guest of Mrs lumbar, then Mis# Ret Par Ban Several Informal parties have been tendered Mr*. Wilson and Mr*. Fraker during their visit and a cordial welcome haa been extended them. They leave for Augusta Monday. • • • Mr* Virginia Hitt will leave early thl* week for a visit of several dav* to relatives In Richmond, after which ah* will go to New York to meet ||gf son and daughter, Mr. and Mra. Cam* roll Hurnalde of Paris, France, who nailed March 14 on the New Amster dam. Mr. and Mr*. Rurnslde have been spending the winter In Africa. Re fore their visit to Atlanta the middle of April they will be In New York for several week*. • • • Mr. and Mr*. I.udlow Jordan left Wednesday night for Savannah to sail from there for New York. Mr. Jor dan. who ha* been very 111, ha* re covered.—Atlanta American. IS THIS TRUE? The Ailanla American of yesterday cays: Augusta la setting a new nlyle In engagement announcement*. In fact, the formal newspaper one la being dis carded altoether. That city was never much on giving their new* to the pa • per*; so It la not probable that Other rltlea will follow them In adopting this fad, as It now seem* to be. BARBECUE FRIDAY. While the announcement was only made yesterday that there would ho Ho old time Southern barbecue given Friday of thl* week at Carmichael* Club, already there have been a num ber of tlcketa nngeg»*d These will sell for |2.fio a piece, and while the number I* In a way unlimited those wsio anticipate attending should not delay calling up Mra ( liarles I’hlnl xy at once (Phone 170) and secure their tickets at once, or Mrs Murdock at I Iton Air. Ttie continued Improvement In the condition of Mrs Mary Walker, who is at Margaret Wright, will lis learned of with much pleasure Mrs. Walker will, however, lie at Margaret Wright for two or three weeks lon ger. AT THE CRANFORD CLUB TOMORROW. Mrs Mayer and Mrs John Bg)ves ter will serve tea at the Cruiifoffl Club tomorrow Hfternoon Mr. and Mrs Thomas W Hallman are being congratulated upon the ar rival of a handsome baby daughter at their home, 1916 Greene Street RECIPES OF OUR PIONEER MOTHERS For th#» honir* treatment «»f wer# wonderfully dependable True, they knew nothing <*f drug**, hut owed their nurreMH to the root*, herb* and hark* nf the field It i« lntere*tlnK t<» note that Lydia K. Pink ham'* Vegetable (’(impound, the moat *ue« tewnful remed\ for female ilia we have, wan origiimlh prepared fur home tm* from one (if them* reetprM ltn fame haa now ctpread from tdmre to *hure, and thounandK of American w<» men now well and utronK claim they owe their health ami happlneaa to Lydia K IMnkhamn Vegetable rum pound. Jno. H. Kahrs Case Heard This Morning Decision Reserved The dtac of Jno H Kglira. who operated g Broad a I met mi loon against which the I-aw and Order League of Augusta In asking a permanent In Junction was argued this morning he Tore .lodge Henry (' Hammond. All of the evidence for both accused an the petitioner* was submitted and tie rigton 'vas reserved II Is expected Judge Hammond will not render hl» decision In the matter for several tint's yet The defendant was ret resented by H \ Woodward Kan . and Chits A. I’lcquet Ran. and the 1-aw and Order l eague to \V InniHn Curry E*n Conviction Born of Experience. The uan who has used Chatnher lain's Cough Remedy and watched and felt and realised Its remarkable cura tive properties will tell von that It no superior for coughs and colds The remarkable success of this preparation aided by Ito personal recommendations of people who hate hern cured by It has made It one of the most popular medicines In use. Try It when you have a cough or cold and realise for yourself what a first class cough medi cine will accomplish. For sale by all dealer*. SERIES OF DANCES AT THE RED MEN S HALL An auxiliary of the West End Camp. No 1ti052 Modern Woodmen ol America composed of the younger people of the city. I* giving a serle* of dance* at Red Men * Hall on each Wednesday etsuing of tills month The company I* composed of the following young people; Mr Sterling Mr K K Sixemore Jack Sterling . .. Mr S 3 craw lord Gilbert Sterling .. Mr .las C Burt Grace Sterling Mil* Glad's Smith Rlrdle Ix'vele** Mt»* Bertha Davis Mrs Sterling . . . Miss Julia Buck Solomon Snoop .. Mt. Geo Hewitt l’bet i Hustle Mr J W Buck Frit* Bumbleßergentteln Mr M M Wall Romp Mr. M. R Buck All (rlenda aivil member* of the M W A are Invited to be present at the next dame which will be given Wednesday evening at S o'ciock. BEST FAMILY LAXATIVF. Beware of constipation. Cue p. King s New Life Pill* and keep well. Mr*. Charles E Smith, of West Frank lin. Me., call* them "our family *htx»- llve." Nothing better for adults or aged. Get them today, Ssc All drug gists or by mail. | H. E. Buckbn A Co. Philadelphia or Bt. Louie. ■ RentoreH Natural | f)M Color to Grey Hair I 7/ I This la not due to any H // /■ dye (all hair dyea are K / fl harmfu| ) but '• * natural K j ■ result of the use of this 1, fl Hay's Hair Health clean- I l/fl sc* the sralp, eradicates B dandruff and strenglhena I Jmm the hair roots. Results l are guaranteed. If you I y are not cnlirrly satisfied, 11 M your dealer will refund I ■Jk the purrhase price. 31 i ' t Vk *«H tl « Hrumrie. Sample H V ■ Ms etd (•« hit arnl Jeaie* • **«' H ME n.i . I tar -Spat Co . Nawaik. N. J U <27 ALL MEMBERS CANVASS BY BOARD STEWARDS All Members St. James Church At Home Two Hours Sunday Afternoon When Committees Called. The board of stewards of St. James Mctfoidlat church decided this year that they would relieve their pastor, l)r. Hillard, of the great burden ot taking hi* conference collection: tnl* In the collection that ha* to be taken each year and I* for missions, church exten*lon, education, aged preacher* and other object*. In former years the pastor assumed responsibility for this collection, and. for a church hav ing nearly one thousand members, as HI. James has, It was a tremendously big Job. anti took the pastor two or three months to do the work. This year the steward* took the matter in hand and formed about forty com mittees, composed of two or three of the church members, who volunteertgl their services. The members of the church were all notified of this mat ter and were requested to remutn nt home Sunday afternoon for two hours. ■ hiring the two hours the whole membership was visited by the vari ous committees, every member of the church w as seen and gladly made tin ir subscription nnd what took months to accomplish lit the old way was dis posed of 'n the space of two hours. It was Indeed nn Inspiring sight to see the different teams at work all over the city, some afoot, some In buggies, others In automobiles, all bent on the same good work. Pastor Hillard feels that the activity shown by the stewards ami their cn workers menus more for HI, .lames rhureh and for the cause of Christ than anything that has taken place In St. James church In many years. Detained on Suspicion In Dorothy Arnold Claim r Woman Who Claimed to be Missing Heiress Suffering From Acute Hysteria. Lot Angoiot.—Detained on a R«*n* rharfc«» of nuspicion, Mr*. **KUa” Hjilawn* Millor-O’lVll wan held in the j city Jail today. She hud ft rated a st-n- HUtlon t* v claiming she \vua Dorothy ! Arnold, who vantuhed In 1910. Detec tives are seeking a physician and an- I other man. said by Mrs. O'Dell’s hus l hand, t’harles O’Dell, to l*«% response | hie for bin wife’s condition. Physi cians who examined the young woman ! said she was sufferinic from acute hys teria, apparently Induced by hypnotic influence. That she had recently boon under the Influence of a powerful dm* was the assertion of the police, who sahl the young woman admitted this. Mrs O'Dell repudiated her husband, her sister and her mother yesterday. $20,000,000 Waterworks in South Ordered Sold Pittsburgh, Pg.—• Federal Judge Oit todnv Iwunl hu order authorising tj>c receivers to sell the American Water works nrul Guanuttee t’ompuny, April 15. Hlllery Bruno whs named as inas tt«r to roiului'l the sale and approve claims against thg corporation. The American Waterworks Hint Guarantee I'ompany is a I it).(*00.000 i enterprise owning: w ater distribution plant* in a number of Southern cities and became Involved In financial dif ftcultle* when the First Second Na tional Hank of Pittsburgh closed lust July. It i* said that an offer for the com - pain has been made by a New York syndicate. REVISED BY SUPREME COURT Washington.—The supreme court to day reversed the fourth United States court of appeal* in litigation over title to a sprinkler system Installed at the Williamsburg Knitting Mills, at Wil liamsburg Va., when George 11. Holt and t'ompunv was held to he entitled to remove the sprinkler plant from the mill* company, now a bankrupt. Muddy Complexion When you see a woman with a mud dy or sallow complexion and dull ev e*. you may know that her liver t* out of order A few dose* of Chamberlain'll Tablets will correct it and make her look better and feel better. For sale by all dealers. THE AUCUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA. GA. HALTED THE AUGUSTA CAR AND HAD MEXICAN LEADER OF THE HAMPTON I TERRACE HOTEL ARRESTED Manuel Tovar. Charged By Hit Musicians With Failure to Pay Them. Tovar Leave* For New York and the Other* Are Going in Pursuit. Manolo Tovar, the Mexican leader of the orchestra of the Hampton Ter race Hotel, accused of falling to puy his mulsh inn* for their services, was arrested Halurday at the Instigation of th« musician* and Mr. Carter II Fits-Hugh, a wealthy tourist of l-ake Forrest. Ilk, who is stopping at the T e trace, As a result of the arrest of the lead er. the orchestra haa disbanded and the hotel ha* made arrangement* for Ihe service* of three young ladlea for the orchestra. Very Indignant. According to 11. Mllnllxky, the Rus sian cellist who appear* Indtgant over the way he and the other two musician* were treated, Tovar agreed to pay hi* musicians monthly, and It I* said Tovar was paid by the hotel weekly. Imrlng the past month a benefit concert for the orchestra wga given, and according to Mltnlt*ky, To var took all of the money and the musician* didn't gel a cent Mltnltxky say* Tovar learned that they were planning to have him ar rested and walked to Belvedere, where he hoarded an Augusta-Aiken electric car for Augusta. Mltnltxky, learning of Tovar's action, met the car In front Aged Widow of Old Miser Put In Jail On Bail Trover Proceedings This Morning Set Free By Judge Hammond Mra. Mary Rozier, 72 years old, whose late husband is said to have been a miser, was this morning re leased from the Richmond County Jail on a habeas corpus which was heard by Judge Hammond and sustained. The aged woman was lodged In jail Friday on hail trover proceedings brought at the Instigation of the ad ministrator of the estate of the de ceased. the heirs, brother* and sis ters of the dead man claiming a right to the money left by Rozier. some thing like $3,000 in amount. The law requires a bond of double the amount. It is said that It was impossible for the old lady to furnish bond and she BIDS DM TODAY FOR LAKESIDE CLUB The Building Will Cost About $3,000. Directors to Meet On Wednesday and Award Contract. Rid* for the building of the Lake side flub house were opened this morning in the office of Mr. T. M. Campbell, in the Johnson building. The bids were close «ml tin*, contract will not be awarded until after a meeting of the club’s finance, committee and the directors. Wednesday. The following are the bidders: Palm er A Magruder, $11,100: Woodward Con struction Company. $2,500; K. II Mob lev. $2,625; 11. S. Sikes. $2,627; W. W. Jones. $2.8X4; K. W. Hancock, $2,500; c. P Holley. $2,670: Crooks & Mob lev $3,550. and A. T. Bang, $3,388. Terre Haute Street Run Under Guard of Police Terr* Haute, Ind.—Street cars oper ating uniter police guard marked the aftermath today of Saturday night', rioting that occurred after a strike had been called. Few persons at tempted to ride on the cars. The warning sent here late yester day by Gov. Ralston, that IS compa nies of militia would be placed here with little delay should conditions warrant, had a tendency to preserve order. Divers Trying to Save The 500 Bales Cotton Norfolk, Va.— The work of raising the cargo carried by the Old Dominion I.tiler Monroe when she sank off the Virginia .oast January :10th, following collision with the Merchants and Mi ners Transportation Company's steam er Nantueket, is now well under way. Divers are working In the hold of the Monroe from the wrecking steamer I, .1 Merritt and barge Superior. In working to save five hundred hales of cotton which the Monroe carried, the divers have had to send up many packages of decayed vegetables, dam aged tobacco, etc. MESSENGER BOYS AT THE WESTERN UNION STRIKE The messenger boy* of the Western Union Telegraph Company went on a strike today about 2:.10 o’clock. The hovs say that the money prob lem will not agree with the high cost of living, so therefore the strike. They seem very determined in this move, hut it does not seem to worry the officials. The latter say that It will not delay the delivery of the tele grams in the least and by nlgbtfaa all will be back at work. HOW 10 TREAT CRIUP EXTERNALLY Hub Vick's “Vap-o*Rub‘* Ctoup and rnoumonla Salve well over the throat ami chest for a few minutes and then o ver with a warm flunne cloth, l.eave the covering loose around the neck so that tin* vapors Inhaled may loosen th# choktnir phlegm and open the air pus* s*ges t'sually one treatment relieves In fifteen minutes. One application a? bedtime will prevent s n ght attack Vick s will be found better than Inter* l - ►? the .»lr passages from head colds and catarrh down to bronchitis and Inc p* lent pneumonia. Three sties—Sic, SOo and SI,OO. of the hotel with one of the town's po licemen und had him arrested on the spot. SSO Cash Bond. Tovar manuged to obtain his release by putting up a SSO cash bond Yes terday he left for New York The other musicians are leaving for New York today .with the hopes of finding Tovar and getting some satisfaction from him. Mltnltxky also alleges that Tovar fearing he might have trouble with hla musicians, came to Augusta "und bought a pistol. He says that he showed him the weapon und told him that whs what he had gotten for him. Tovar was leader of the orchestra at the Terraco last season end seemed to he well liked. This year, says Mlt nltzky, Tovar was always trying to "do" the guests for money when ever he could. He say* that he solicited chances several day* ago on a dia mond ring and took snapshots of some of the guests for ten cents apiece, claiming that he was an artist and a, painter and would paint their pictures on sofa pillow covers when he re turned to New York. Mltnltzky says Tovar was not an artist and this was only a scheme to get money. had to go to Jail. She found the jail authorities very kind and considerate to her, however. In speaking briefly on the case, just before he sustained the habeas corpus. Judge Hammond Kaid that the story of Rozier, who filed saws nnd was aided at times by charitable institutions und died worth more than all but few in the community was one oT the most remarkable he had ever heard of At the time of the old man's death The Herald told of the gold found under one of the old planks In his house and some in one of the bureau drawers in his bed room. He was named a typical old miser. GETS $5,000 CHECK. Fort Worth, Texas. —Claude Cooper, an outfielder hold-out of the New York Nationals, who has been playing with the Fort Worth, Texas I.eague, team, today announced he had receiv ed a check for $5,000 from the Brook lyn Federal* as first payment on a three-year contract tendered him. He said he has not made up his mind to swept the bid. RHEUMATISM IN GEORGIA! A Bloo'l Disease and Can Easily be Cured by Using A Remarkable Remedy The general prevalence of rheuma tism hereabout* disproves the theory that the disease is confined to cold, damp climate*. The remedy to quickly ITon Can l.ssllv Drive Rkeuraatlsm Away, overcome rheumatism Is our own well known Georgia medicine, the famous blood purifier, S. S. S. Its action Is quite remarkable. Whatever may be your theory as to the cause of rheu matism or kind of rheumatism, Just remember this: 8. S. S. has the peculiar action of soaking through the Intes tines directly Into the blood. In five minutes Its Influence is at work In every artery, vein and tiny capillary. Every membrane, every organ of the body, every emunctory becomes In ef fect a filter to strain the blood of Im purities. The stimulating properties of S. S. S ’compel the skin, liver, bowels, kidneys, bladder to all work to the one end of casting out every Irritating, every pain-inflicting atom of poison; and scatters those peculiar formations In the nerve centers that cause such mystifying and often baffling rheuma tic pains. If you have drugged yourself until your stomach Is nearly paralyxed. you will be astonished to find that S. S. S. gives no sensation but goes right to work. This is because It is a pure vegetable Infusion. Is taken naturally Into your blood Just as pure air Is Inhaled naturally Into your lungs. Get a bottle of 8. S. S. to-day. You may depend upon It that the ■ tore that sell* you what you ask for Is a good place to trade Write to The Swift Specific Co., 0-11, Swift Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga., for their Book on Rheumatism. C* ..J- ' vV . jar j. jr SSL' Mi fi§pfr ■ jjpyjfcfo jfßßßt'f. Mg * IL* V* •! j 1 .a - ,~t M \ */ AH A MOST COMPLETE LINE OF BOYS’ SPRING SUITS Tlip sumo high class tailoring oa in our men’s KimncnK In fact, thoy arc produced by the, ffliup makers. McCREARY’S “HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES." THE MORNING WITH THE RECORDER Y’oung Mr. Rcsteasy was drunk last night,—nnd proud of it. He came up out of the guard room jocose and in no wise abashed w ith the sequel to his debauch. Hl* brother was In the wit ness stand und said that last night they were having a HundHy school en tertainment. (Vast amusement on the part of the accused.) The Judge, seeing this, became skep tical, and Hsked the brother: "What kind of entertainment was this?” "singln’," he said, "and joke-crack in'.” “What did your brother do?" "He was drunk. We told him he could come In there if he'd keep quiet. Ho he came in and sat down. Hut in a minute he jumps up and starts eussin’.” "Did you have ladies in there?” the Judge asked "Yes, sir,” answered Brother The Judge turned to the defendant. “Now let's hear from you,” he said. ‘‘Well—l wasn't so drunk. They all jumped on me and got me down on the ground choking me. They held me down there for twenty-five minutes." “What." said the Judge, "did you want to go nnd try to put the show on the Bum for ?" "I wasn't trying to put It on the Bum. X thought it was already on the Bum.'' Thus did Mr. Resteasy get the last word, but lie had to pay for his esca pade with $lO or 20 days. For the witty are not pardoned as they should be. Gloves Cleaned, any length, 10c. Augusta French Dry Cleaning Co., Fone 2976. W. T B SENATOR WEST. GEORGIA, CALLS ON THE PRESIDENT Washington. —W. S'. West, new sen ator front Georgia, today paid his re spect to the president, it being his first visit to the White House since lie w’as sworn as successor to the late Senator Bacon. 8 BATTLESHIPS SAIL. Washington.—Eight battleships ot the Atlantic tleet left Guantanamo. Cuba, today for Tangier Sound. Ches apeake Bay, for spring target prac tice b §»pa»«| mm ■ -■ i'cg&fer, I I v The three comedians in “The Rose Maid,” at the Grand, Saturday, Matinee and Evening. AT BIJOU TODAY MONDAY. MARCH 16. COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or 6 doies 666 will break any case of Chills & Fever, Colds & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not (ripe or 6icken. Price 25c. CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT Cures Runninq of the Nose, Cold, chilly feelings, sniffling, sora throat, lung troubles, oppressive feeling In the chest. Try Cheney's Fxpector ant next time. You need a remedy fur colds. 25c at drug stores. PLEADED "NOT GUILTY." Columbus, O.—Pleas of "not guilty” wer entered today by four democratic leaders in state politics when they wero arraigned on indictments charging them with alleged violations of the state civtl service law. Those arraigned were: William L. Finley, chairman of the state demo cratic committee: Emory W. I-atanner, state superintendent of hanks; A. V. Bernethy, secretary of the state fas commission, and M. A. Goller. chief clerk to the superintendent of banks. A Word of Caution. One should be exceptionally careful just now about taking cold, and when a cold is contracted get rid of it as quickly as possible. To accomplish this you will find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy excellent. It is not only prompt and effectual but it is pleasant and safe to take, and has a reputation of forty years back of it. For sale by all dealers. NO BIG DECISIONS TODAY. Washington.—No decisions were an nounced today by the supreme court fn the railroad rate and other impor tant cases pending. Beautify the Complexion IN TEN DAYS Nadinola CREAM The Unequalcd f(£iutifier USED AND ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS Guaranteed to remove tan, freckles, pimple , liver spots, etc. Extrema cases about twenty day;. ($L Rids pores and tissues of impurities. Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy. Two sizes, 50c. and SI.OO. By toilet counters or mail. Vdr/O.V.S L TOILET COMPANY. Porta. Trmu