The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 17, 1914, Home Edition, Page TEN, Image 10

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TEN DEATHS DUNBAR. MK. Jl I.IA F WIU of the tale .Mr. \\ il ihin M Dunbar, died mi 111** ri siden< e. H. 7 FH tcciith Si i eel. in the fi.dh »enr of tier age tbit* hi irnmis The Min eral service* win in- conducted tomorrow nun mini Mt II orlork. from the Woodlawn Methodist Church, and the inirrment will be lo the City Cemetery. He regsed m survived by two brotn cm. John I l.*T«»te, Augusta; Ijirhi H ljiVMte. Dallas Texua; and oiip alater, Mr* K t Whim* in, ol till* city The pallbearer* are: C vv Pilcher I. I. Arrlng lon. t lias Renril. Hr A V David eon. lieora* Hutu >ii and Arthur Thomas, MALONE. MRS ANNiK Died >• i tetday at the City HoaplUl In tn< Mth year of her age, after a »ix week* llllieaa. Hie funeral net vice* were conducted from the residence, .’lot Popular Street, thin inornltiK at It o'clock. Hie Her. J. <», Bryant officiating;. I'll- Interment huh In the Weal .lew Cemetery. Ik-ceased la aurvlveO hy one non. Mr K. P Malone nnd one daughter, Mrs. Mattie Davis Answers lo Swappers N.o AWT « A K J N .... 1 Beil l.oug* 7 n» n « MM T I II II M 1 I'oorli 7 Car- I • 1 CP C I I *at»> k I lurks . . .! 2 I Sell Can-lace I M* times .......IS K I, C I Furniture ...... I Healer t II K 1 Indian* 4 Answers to Cent a Words a n A D II It A It Box 1 103 Book l*r per Botlrr BAB Bu*«\ Broker b r h Canter r i* c Ca»h Monry c c «' A C «'h«*p n k f t >ia mop. I I) M s D r K L. ton Firm Bartn»r a ii o Gro<'rr\ <I T Cl M O Cl K II I. C II T I. Mote: 1 w WANTED for TO KNOW THAT WR ARW A*l SI4 Rrosd street with a compel* tins *f piano*. player-pi* nos. Ytctrolaa. guitar*. mandolins. vtnlens wtid all hind* of musical Instruments Cash or credit. W. r Manning ftffustc Co. WANTED SI UATION —Male WANTS!» l*OS! h>\ AS WIWI.FMALK grocery «»r shipping clerk, would con sider retail pf«pn*lt|«.»>. * years’ expert - enca end best referen Address C, It. A. X., cere M*n»ld WANTED SITI \TIoN DRIVING WAG on, havf had IS year* experience and can fuvn’sli firs!-das* reference. Rich aril 1:0c ll.ilh hi. Auguata, cl». SITUATION WANTED—Fe-, male. WANTED I'OSITIuN AS UAKHIKIt by lady with experience Gan furnleh m»od refetei.i ee Addn *s M. I*., care Herald. i Inn r maid i\\ iii rw> kirh r ftaw. two yeam in America, wishes empo>ment. C. I*. No 1. care Herald. WANTED HELP—MaIe WANTED AT ONCE A GOOD ALL round timer; a good business propo sition tn eibti Industrious man. Write S. 8 Fraser, Georgetown, 8. C. WANTED COLLECTOR WANTKT* YOUNG MAN. 1* OR 17 Snare of age. to do collecting. 1V» not answer thle "ad * if vou can’i furnish references that you ran "hustle." Ad* drees W A M, care Herald. WANTED HELP—Female WANTED IMMEDIATELY Cook AND houhryirl Apply lc>:a csrranr St. WANTKP KAI.KSI.AUY AND TKIM mar Appb to Mr*, Cuffakl. lt'CO Broad. WANTED—Rooms BOOMS WANTED. A COUPt.K D MURKS PBVKRAI. room a in pnvatr family, oonvrnlrnt to tmatnaaa eactlon. Addrraa C. A- C., car* Harald WANTSM A NICE rri;Msiir.p room, brtwrrn tha 700 to Sam block 13- Ha. C: - -an« or Telfair ntnreta wi: It all convenience Stale Addreaa 8 C . care Herald WANTED —Miscellaneous WANTED: ROC>M AND BOARD FOB man and wife with email baby: muat V» cloee-ln and convenient Addreaa O'ayton Brown. lainirley, 8. C. XV XNTKD TO~BDROHASK CHIFFON ler and drcaaei Rhone 1557-J WANTED—Board wanted? occupants for nick room* with table board. Addreaa K. L., care iieralil. Telephone lUi. FOR RENT—ReaI Estate FOR ItKNT «T«RAO» BOOM. centrally located, nn lie u#e«t for oth er purposes Apply Q. J. T„ Herald Ul f Ice I pi|R ~ RUNT FLA T OF 3 ItOOMH. with all mmvenlencna Apply No. 31 I Lincoln street. * tiaa broad. kToiiK nut rent, ;•*-« SO, with drug *iiir.< flsliire* or for nny other purpose Apply to 11. A. Friiln, | 13th lliosd street. ItHKIDKNi'F. t:n NTHICBT, 7 loom* nnd hath, g image, modern tin s pmvemrnls Reduced rent till October Ist. I, ,J Henry. FOR SALE —Miscellaneous ANTIgU. KTHNITIIHK Op VAM’A -1 Ir imodi, rtir# nrfinttc fltilnh, I #>«r*||*nt |irei**rv*tlon, t ordtr. I AtfM» fi imcit BfM-l truer itvlfuf* nrtlutv' • proof* of f ».«#? it I W* hnvn j m f#»w f tmlf** KiwrlmetM worthy of «t --trntlnn of Itneni of hfauMful thing* A. A. 1 hotiui* I*l*no Co., filti Broad Rt., AuffUMt*, <Ja. I WANT TO HTTf«.|if6NT OH HKIJaOITT nt\ IfHtgtvifr hoii»«* Mt 10f»2 ItroMfl Rtrentj | l'J nmif up , all fur <*H*y term* for In FOR HALE: RAIt 15 i)|ji HOOK Hi; kind* and ttn> Oilrig that I* a book. I * Hit* *4. .i t *. . fin «tr#***i. FOR HAI.Kr 4> If IV f»-PAHBKNOICR All tom obi ir, firnt-rlMi* four r»#w tlrr* Will »«ll citrap. U. F. Boon*. ' road. FOR HALE: PtTNI»KKWOOI) TYPB wrUnr, gftod rendition, npe«l*l h*r c.iri On#. HoyaJ tyjirwrltfr. n*w. half prlr*. Addr**** I*. M .rare Herald. FOR MALE: OIL lIKATKR, BONE (TTT t*r. i*rn»» roAl heutlriff *t*»vr, mil tiuap; l«‘MVirig city, I'lione 3&S&-W. FOR HALE CHEAP ONE HFH <»F tuifTK '■ wh*rl*. right *i*«v Prh-r very rlifwfi, all In it* k>il r«»n<l|tion Adflre** i |<iikk> A ran- Herald. ONE INCPHATOR FOR HALE. Wild. take alinoMt anything for it, in good condition. Add re** "Incuhntor," tare Hi raid. WATKUMKI.IeON HEICH n>ll HALF. I have 200 1l»*., al»ig»iutely pure "Wut *iiii mellon *#*ed for rale a I 50c per |*L>tind If flenlred l>y mail ad<l poat.ige. It It. MeOuwen, 604 llrood Ht., AuguMa, (hi. FOR SALE—ReaI Esate FOR MALE FARMH: 150 FARMS IN Mouth 4'Arallna and OcAgta. any *lzo arnl location. llouaeM and lota In all part* of Angu*tn for *alo or egcliange. Term* to unit. Cochran A Mamm, Heal Fati&to *nd Renting Agent*. 214 Mai bury. \ m m Of T ON •I \ t: i: . «rre*. poultry, truck nnd fruit farm. 2- atory. I-room dw« ding. 60*30 chicken houae, «n«l brooder to match, 1,500 chicken*, paying under contract SIOO per week, cheap He® u*—Cochran A Mn non, 214 Marhury Mt. RIGHT ON IIIIOAO STREET. STORK and * x L'rtga room* and hath lang** yard and gnrilon. Servant house In yard. All for $3,150.00. Answer !>., care aJd. HOLME OF MIX' ROOMS AT 1543 WAls ton Way, hath, electric light* and gas, to a quick buyer f»*r Term* can he had Huy property ala** In North Augusta nnd pay monthly, like paying rent He* me quick, a* I have some ex ceptlonsi bargain* J. C. Whatley, North Augusta, M C. Phone 1000-W. Iron fled I JA M ■ tot a Lumber 1 J. vine I M T I Moody 4 1 OrUgan ........ 3 4 It It H 2 Rabbit* 1 Surrey I Show < 'line ..... I T t» K 2 Typewriter 1 PM O C 1 Whaley 2 Waahlnc MniiMna I X V 7. i /K 8 t II 11 Y * Inimeili.ite J I* g .1 H II K I. I. I* I* b + «* L< \ M M M \\ Mu) Modern N A C Ox Owner of Cottage V 9 R P I toon in HoomltiK Vfoime Real Ketate ft J T II F It Similar* Portable Hath Co. Snhaf itute. H It M It Q - M P w it H \v in’ n VV T H ’/d b s 7: t Y 111 C R FOR SALE —Livestock FINK HARK FOR HAI.K. UKNTLF. stylish i«nd fast, with saddle and har ness, good uualt t It'H avid sound; will make good hreedtr. Call ut I.aKs View rharmacy. West Knd. Ft»R HALF TWO-MIU II OOWB~ WITH young calves. WIR give 2 to B*4 gals Must sell at once. 14..4 Cooper Bt. pf»R BAM CIUCAI* l HAY ll* IUBR. ten miiih i Id, will work anywhere A nice driver Apply 306 West Avs., North Augusta. FOR RENT—Rooms FOR HUNT Ft HNISIIPtn ROOM TO couple or young man, with or with out hoard. In prlvats family. Address F. R., csr© Hetald. TELFAIR STREET, OPPOSITE Union Htation, furnished front room, communicating or single, reasonable. Rt m»MB TO RKNT TWO OR THREE very nice large room* for light house keeping, electric lights and hath, on cur line, Monte Kano. Family without chil dren preferred. Phone 6639-J. TO RKNT; TO \ or.NTI.I'M AN, ~\ well furnished room, privilege hot tuGh. private home, prlc'e 17.00 per mo. Apply 410 Kroad. Ft*U RKNT TO tINK OR TWO GKN tlenten, furnished room, next to hath, < 1 nets n lane* us heater), use of telephone. I* vate fumlly. centrally located. Refer* eni*i* In exchange. IV O. Ikix 6!>.’ or phone 14U1-J. FOR SALE—Poultry Full KAI.K 81NC.1.K i’OMU HIIODK Island Red eggs for hatching Now is 11 •• tinu' to hatch chickens for ■ irty fall layers, J H We I bom, 8-7 DAu tlguac street. LOST AND FOUND I.OBT SUNDAY NIGHT, MOTOR RUG Uuivsrd shipping tag attached. Re ward if returned to office of C. Coch rans Co., Reynolds street. BTRAVKII Hit STOI.I-7N * ONK I.HIIIT Jersex heifer row with hell on, Sun day morning, from Mr. l\ IV Randall, M. Moifre Avenue. City. Finder return and receive reward. FURNIBIIKD OR U N F U R N I S II K O rooms at 1840 42 Walton W«y, upper or lower flat; as many mb may he de sired up to seven, modern. Jos It. lea gue A Co IjOKT KEY A SMAl.h' RUM'K’nK steel with five small rod* attached lanve with lhrald atnl get reward. A C. K. Li »8T Mi IN DAY KF i I RN< H \ twetn Grovetown and Augusta, l.olv s gold vanity Ik*\ and chatn. Initials. “M C. W. In hox with fancy sf*eon snd cap Reward Hoy kin Wright, 4-S Dyer building. LOST TUKSDAY MORNING RB tw» en Unh n Station and l.eonaMl building small black leather change purse containing |35 and small change. Reward If returned to M>s Annie Wright, 411 Lon&rd huUdlng MIN WATCH BRACELETS. NKW SHIFMKNT JUST IN THE I.AT* es( fad; colors tan, hn»wn, black: price SI,OO. Heauty watches, sterling stiver bscks. engraved designs, move meats guaranteed, price only $334. Have them also In gun-met si. See them Augusta Trunk Factory. 735 Broad, op posite Monument. ANTIQUE FURNITURE. CI#AWFOOT M!I)EHOAHI»H, TEA TA t ie* card table, d«*aka. high |>o*t t»eda, hook cm*»* fendera, andiron*, candle stick* Upholstering and r«|tilrtng. F. Kenyon, 112 ?th Mt. Phona #4219. SANG LEE LAUNDRY lot M'tNTOKH Ml OFFICL «T 4ft« Jsrkwm Ht , rissi to Chop Husy Its*. Uursnt. Tboh- 24111. B*ng l.«s. t'sop. Auqustd Shoe Repairing Phone 943. 965 Broad ... PAW Rubber Heel* 2<V' Men'* Sew Sole* 7Ct r ‘ $1 GO Men’, Whole Sole* SIOO Men’g Tack Sole, r>()' Ladles' Soles and Rubber Heel, 'J'S*-' Ladles’ Sewed Soles, Leather Heels ... 65 Ladles' and Children'* Tack Solea 25 1 ' to 50C Tread Air Rubber Heel* 2!) 1 ' Spring Step Rubber Heel* .. H5 1 -' Cat Paw Rubber Heel* 35C Ocullvan Rubber Heel* 450 Your Shoe* repaired while you are at home. Work called for and deliv ered. J. SAWILOWSKY, Prop. MEAT MARKET REAL BARGAINS IN FRESH Meats for cash at M. T. Hair's Market, 6th and Ellis. Phone 542 AUGUSTA GLAZING CO. RRriI.A7.INQ OK ALT, KINDS. SETTING PLATE GLASS. ItEl'AlltlNf; CHURCH WINDOWS OF LEAD AND AltT GLASS. rtEI'AIIQNG SHOW CASKS. REPLACING AUTOMOBILE WIND SHIELDS A SPECIALTY. 44S BROAD PAUL n. KAGAN, SIGH PHONE 71. LOOK AT THESE SHOE REPAIRING PRICES: PAW Rubber Hc»,ls 25c Men’s Half Soles, sewed..7sc SI.OO Men’s Sewed Soles .. ..75c Men’s Tack Soles 50c Ladies’ Soles and Rubber Heels 75c Ladies’ Sewed Soles .. . .65c Ladies’ and Children’s Tack Soles 25c to 50c Tread Air Rubber Heels .25c Sorinq Steo Rubber Heels 35c Cat Paw Rubber Heels ..35c Osulivan Rubber Heels --45 c Shoes called for and delivered. Out-of-Town Peooic Use Parcel Post. ALEX RAE. Phone 323 236 9th St. For High Class Individual TAILORING A. H. MIEGEL 219 7th St., Leonard Bldg. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FOK ELECTRICAL WORK CALL THE Ingram Klretrtc Co., Plums 1351-J. Prompt, ciurtsou* sfflclent Msrvlcw. I HAVE PURCHASED THE Tailoring business of A. H. Miegel, in the Leonard build ing. and will conduct the business at same place. A R FRANK. 14 Years with Miegel. FINANCIAL MONTY TO LEND ON REAL ESTATE. Auguat* Real Eitat* Co., (31 Pro*J St. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. Swappers ' Column ntTFF ORPINGTON COCKEREL. FTNM bird, for n<n7*d Rork corkrral, *nm« grade. Ad#rs** "It,’* Swapper* Columo, rare Herald. WANTED TO H\VAJ> BABY MAX well antomohtle, In flret-elae* condi tion. fully aqulppod with wind ehleld, top. magneto, five llghte oil and rerblda good Urea, for 1# hiAaepower MagwMl car, with two upright cylinder*. In good romp lien. Will pay dlfferenee or will eell, Adreen Mux, Swapper* Column, care Hern Id. Wa’nT 'ld SWAP LOT IN' SUMMER vIIIe, lllrkmun Road. fenced and hedged, for lot In lower part of city equal value. Addree* Lot, Swapper* Column, car# Herald. WILL RWAPVtM stalks OF lint bon cane for nny thing of equal value that 1 ran nell for th* came amount at S’4® per etalk. Addree* Cane, Swapper, Column enr* Herald. FOR EXCHANGE: ONE timd of pure Indian Runner ducka to ex change for chlrkena of any kind. An ewer Ducka, Swappera Column, car* Herald. FOR EXCHANGE: 1 DETROIT. JEW rI gun atove for blue flame oil cook ntove, one large Arme Hornet hot blaal healing eloye for Mandy Lee Incubator. Addreaa 11. R„ Swappera Column, care Herald. A TRAINED rcTINTEItT* VKAUsToLI). for automatic ahotgun. or vlalble type writer. Addrenn "Burt," Swapper* Col umn. rare Herald. STANDARD BRED. ItKGISTKRKH •addle mare for young mule, or a, payment on automobile. Addrea* "Moody." Swappera Column, care Her ald. W ANT ED - TO HW AT 5-PABSENtKit Ford ear. In good condition, for Ford 3-pa manger RunabouL Addrea# Ex change.. Swat pern Column, care Herald. W A NTED TO EXCHANGE FORD touring car for Ern-d Runahount. Ad drenM Ford Car, Swappera Column, care Herald. Win. SAX' 31* OR SELL IM-EOG X ray or 140-egg Mandy Lee incubator*. Will lake two-hole blue flame oil stove and oven, groceVle* or feed. Address A I). H., Swappers Column, care Her ald. WIU.’ EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROP eriy. four hundred nnd fifty acres of good farm land, five good farm houses, nil occupied for thla year. Thin farm Is well located with nil conveniences. If you are Interested, answer at once. Ad dress M. T., Swapper* Column, care Herald. WANTED TO EXCHANGE ONE Ml’S rovle drake and two hen* (ducka) now laving, for anything of equal value or will *H| cheap. Address Duck*. Swap per* Column, care Herald. WILL SWAP ONE CRAWOFRD Dou ble bar bicycle. In good condition, with good tire*, for one second-hand visible typewriter Address Vlalble Type writer. Swnpers Column, rare Herald. | WANTED TO EXCHANGE A KIM-I ball plnno, In good condition, for a I good driving horse. Address Washing ton. Swappers Column, care Herald. WANTED TO EXCHANGE A NICE' oak Chcvul riresHer nnd washstand and I hoavy whit** iron b<»d, fr** * Vh-trola or ] oth«r musical Instrument*. Writ® whit j you have. Address “Mualc,” Swappers Column, rare Herald. WANTED TO EXCHANGE A CT,AW fo<*t extension dining table, good ad new a teU Inuge, for lumber, tn g(M»ff condition, or will ***ll very cheap Ad dress Table, Swapper, Columns care Herald. HOOF LEAKT Mara your work dona by exp*v t enced tinner*. At! work given per sonal attsntloa. My prlca# art right E. A. DEMORE, Phona 2031. »** Bread *L The Capitol Case FOR LADIES AND GENTS. Everything new and first class. Our Regular Dinners are served to none but first of all. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Phone 3005 —W. Shad Shad Yemmassee Shad, Spnnlsh Mack erel. Red Snapper, Trout, Bream, Blarkflati nnd Mullet; Norfolk Oysters. Wholesale and Retail. For Prompt Delivery Phone 1077. Jno . /W. Bush 721 9th Street. KUENEMANN TAILORING CO. We Guarantee satisfaction in every Suit we make. Your Credit is good 414 NINTH STREET. Sanitary Grocery and Meat Market A choice supply of Fancy Groceries and Fresh Home Killed Meats at the Lowest Prices. Your patronage appreciated. Quick Deliveries and Prompt Service. L. HOPKINS, Prop. Thone 1917. 1611 Walton Way. We Giva and Redeem Trading Stamp*. SHOPS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Designed to place before the Public the Merchandise. Craftman ihip and special service offered by the Exclusive Shops and Specialty Stores not usually Advertised - automobiles. Magneto and carburetor work my gpeclalty. Telephone 1211. Sunday phona 307 E-J All work guarant##!. Cheeseborouqh Repair Shop The Red Front S* ll B r °‘d B> ' AUTOMOBILE TIRES We can furnlah you with atandard gmiruntecd lire* from R per cent to 20 per cent le»* than ll*t price, a *o do your repairing at amalrcoat, all work mm ran teed to give aiitlsfae tion Get our befora buying elaawhere. DAVIS TIRE A. RUBBER WORKS. AUTOMOBILES FOR REMT When your car needs repairing bring It to us. We k®ep your Electric ffeif-RtartW*. Electric T.lghta and Oeneatora In good repair. W. C. GUNN Phone 29*7. 726 Keynold* 3t, AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Protect your automobile tn the Royal fnaurance Company, of Eng land. Ftrongcst In the world ln surea xga||)it Fire, Theft, Liability. Property Damage, and Colll*l°o Damage. We «!ao laaue accident and hcrtlfh pollctca. All nt the low est adequate ratee. J. V. H. ALLEN A CO . • 411. 121 Jackson St. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING We have opened a first c'.as* Paint Shop, and can attend your want* at verv reasonable cost. NORTH AUGUSTA WAGON CO. Just acrosa the Bridge, AUTO REPAIRING Electric Beif-»tarter amt Ignatlon expert*. All work guaranteed. B. F. BOONE. Phone 826. 527 Broad. BOARDERS Accommodations, nice ,'ooms good meals; rates reasonable Phone 1824 1034 Broad SI BICYCLES Agent for READING, STANDARD, NATIONAL. PIERCE. We have the best equipped repair shop In the South. JOHN F. BRICKLE. 226-2* 9th Phone 1914 CIGARS. For Bigger, Busier Augunta Smoke F. A. W. CIGARS Patronize Home Industry Wolfe & Lombard Cigar Co. Maker*. COAL KIMBERLY COAL Second to none. IE; Oak and Pine b.ove Wood. Hill delivery. W C. IVEY & CO. Phone 780. DRY CLEANING ROBERTSON TAILORING CO., lord 12th St. Phone 1268. Ladle*' and gent's clothe* clean, pressed and dyed. French Dry Clean ing it specialty. All work guaranteed. Work called for und delivered same day. • Electrical Contractors Auto Supplies. Fresh flatteries Weekly. WHITNEY-EVE CO. 1033 Broad. Phone 1316 GRIMAUD’S VEGETABLES We send out nothing but the freshest of vegetable*. Received dally at. GRIMAUD’S .Thone 1305. Georgia Electrical Co. House Wiring and Electric Signs. Let us quote you. 933 Broad. H. B. MITCHELL, Mgr. Hot Weiners Cold Drinks and Fresh Home-made Pies, at 116 Campbell St., Breed love's Place, next door to the Arm ory. The B & B Case Dining Parlor FOR LADIES AND GENTS. Try the Finest Sunday’s Special Chicken Dinner, From 12 to 3 p, m. Only 25c 983 Broad Street. Phone 3013 J. GARAGES IVEY S OARAGE Phone 3197. 304 Washington. . AGENTS FOR HtTPMOBILKH Flv*' years' experience with Chalmers and Hopmobtlej. CARS FOR HIRE. PERROUxY JONES Augusta Garage Repair*, vulcanlxlng. supplies. Free atr. Open day and night, largest In city. . 720-22 Reynolds St. Phone I*o. GASOLINE, 18'/j* Motor care washed and polished, 2!>c, 40c. UNION GARAGE 563 BROADWAY. GARAGE—REPAIR SHOP. STUDEBAKER DEALERS. 7TH AND REYNOLDS. PHONE 376. AUGUSTA MACHINE CO. HARNESS_MAKER W. W. SIMS 547 CALHOUN STREET. Hamesa making and repairing of value* and satchels. S. E. MARSTON’S Harness and Shoe Shop. A! 1 , work done by hnnd. 738 Ellis St. N. W. BTTLIaIVAN, 1159 Broad St., Harn*s maker end Rppnirer. Work neatly done at moderate prices. 1 can save you money on custom made harness. MARKETS G ,S. Smith Native meat*, heef pork, veal, country aiyle sausage, staple and fancy groceries; freah produce. Phone 68. 218 Center Bt. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY A. GREEN. He make* your mattresses level and square. New tick made free. Return mattreesea same day. Phone 1916—shops 1251 Marbury street. PAINTING CONTRACTORS For reliable House Painting and Perorating see E. B. Smith & Son, 70: Moore avenue. Estimates cheer fully furnished. Work guaranteed; city refrencea. PIANOS A. A .THOMAS PIANO CO. Phone 686. 639 Broad 8L Pianos, Player Pianos. Electric Pi anos, Organs. Graphophones and Records.—Everything Musical. PIANOS AND VICTOROLAS Phone 8327. 854 Broad. The latest styles the market affords. CASH OR CREDIT. W. P. MANNING MUSIC CO. POOL POOL POOL 2 1-2 Cue Do Drop In Pool Parlors. 818 Broad St. REAL ESTATE Ts you buy your houses. lots and farm lajids from me we both make money. J, B, CHAPMAN, Phone 2900-J. Ellis & Campbell Sts. REAL ESTATE Attractive bargains In city prop erty and farm lands. Elll* and Campbell Sts. J. B. CHAPMAN Phone 2900-J. L. F. GOODRICH Architect 122 Eighth Street, Telephone Augusta, Ga. 469. 1 \\aWTY\V7/3U>V,C*) r & ■ fWALTON PRINTING GOMPaSyI ’’hone Rear Ga, *547. R. r. QankJ “WE PRINT TO PLEASE". MASSAGE MANICURE HAIR CUT SHAMPOO = GET IT AT= HICKEY'S 221 JACKSON ST. TUESDAY MARCH 17. RUBBER STAMPS E. W. DODGE, Rubber Stamps, Heal*. liadgaa, Stan el a, Alumnium Checks. Ac. 863 Bi ll* alreat. PHONE 1421, STORAGE. We do etoruge We park end ehlp rood*. We *ave you money on *#eond hnnd good*. Wo live you money on new good* We a I way* have bnrgaln* for you. HUGHES FURNITURE CO. _Pbon* 656. e*7 Broed. BEWING~MACHINES LEWIS E. MOSLEY Phone 1557 6-11 Broad % Fewing itinchinea repaired, needles. par*s qf nil klnde; bargains In second h*nd machines. SANITARY HAIR PARLORS. Hair Dressing Messaging, Manicur ing. Phone 663. 946 Broad Bt. SPECIALISTS DR. V E AT.FORD. The only Resident (21 yearst and Reliable epeciallet In Augusts treat ing all disease* of men, women and Children Successfully without opera tion. Consultation free and Invited. OFFICE 969 BROAD THE CLOCK MAN J.~C CARNS 210 Centre St. Watrh and Clock Repair Shop. Twenty-four year* dally experience: lens years at this location. Guarantee work on guaranteed Stock TAILORS. HARDWICK l GERMANY TAILORS and renovators Suits Made to Order, tf’hone 1622 213 6th Street. JACKSON & BAILEY Phone 1784. 828 9th. Street. First Class Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. CHARLIE McLAUGLIN. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Dyed. French Dry Cleaning a ape olalty. l adles Suit* and Sktrt*. Phone 2735. Cor. Jackson & Calhoun Streets. S D~SPEAD SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Cleaning. Pressing and Repairing. Phone 3076. 1149 Broad Street. TIN SHOP PHILIP L. MACK, Phone 493. 913 Kill* Bt Tin and Sheet iron Worker. Estimates given on all tin and shee Iron work. Prompt attention to re pairing. WELDING SOUTHERN WELDING CO. Phone 1332. 961 Broad Bt. Welders of all metal*, and all kinds of machinery breaks repaired car bon cleaned from auto cylinders with oxygen. WAGON MANUFACTURER LOWREY WAGON WKS. Established 1847 Manufacturers of farm wagon* cart* and trucks, especially equip ped for repairing and painting. Corner Ellis and 9th. Sta. Telephone 1309-J Augusta. Ga. WOOD YARD BABY WOOD YARD DRY "INE AND OAK Stove Wood a Specialty. Quick Delivery, C. A. KING, Mgr. Phono 2881. 840 Fenwick. WAGON SHOP BLACKSMITH WORK and HORSESHOEING E. T. EUBANKS 18 Centre St. WALL PAPER AWNINGS T. G. BAILIE & CO. Phone 166. 712 Broad St. «ooif s ARB SOO£ s Wholesale and Retail Tin Shingles, Tin and Rubber Roofing. W.B.TooIe <StCo. Tel 264. 935 Broad. “Let Us Cover Your House” Used Automobile Sale One Rambler Runabout $25 OO One 4-Passenger Oakland. One 1913 Overland Roadster. Two Little Four Roadsters. One 5-Passenger Westcott, One 5-Passenger Marion (Newt. All cars In first class condition. L. C. Edelblut 551 BROAD STREET.