The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 22, 1914, Home Edition, Page TWO, Image 18

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TWO April no Dais 14 PROLOGUE. “It breaks the speed limit to smithereens." That's a candid opinion about this story. There may have been swifter talcs, but not re ccntly. It's an aeroplane of a yarn, moving so fast that you lose your breath while you fol low it. But you don’t need any breath, anyway, because you forget about respiration with yonr eyes on reading of this kind. Every man has his day of days. Yours may have come and you may be swimming in the full tide of fortune. If so, read how P. Sybarite found his. If your own ship is still in the offing, you will enjoy learning how the little spunky red headed bookkeeper won a fortune and an heiress, foiled all his enemies and had some of the most amazing adven tures ever penned—all in less time than it takes the hour hand to round the clock dial twice. (Continued from Yesterday) From llii* li- nil of thr innrnudrr mi other tongue of flume Ili Ued out to (lie Bound of tile aittne (lull. brourlilal rough, mid n liiiltet thuin|ied heavily Into the wn'l hostile [' Sybarite. Enraged tu-yond measure, lip drew back hi* worthless tvenjiou mid threw It with nil hi* might And kismet winged the missile to the tiring nrui of the assassin With n cry of pain nhd linger Involnntili lly lie relaxed III* grasp ii|hiii hi- op n pistol, and. drop ping It. ho .nr.ihled nnil hnlf fell, half threw liliiim d nvn to tiie next floor. A* he did this o white nrm was lev eled over I Intttlder of P. Sybarite. The worn n tool; deliherste nlra, flred —and uifs 11|. CHAPTER VII. The Lady of the House. MT mi <•, like a <l. lunii us exoop ;v. i trilltllliHii and overp rt "eriug ruge pos sessed I* Sybarite Wit limit the least hesitation In- stretched foilti ■ hand. snatched the pistol from tin* •rasp of the woiuiiii • who seemed to relinquish It more through surprise than willingly tli row himself half way down llie stair* nnd took a hasty pot shot nt Hie marauder almost Inrlit til* In tile darkness ns lie rounded the turn of tin* mp'.t flight Mission ttic little man flmifr on reek Jeaslr. A» lie gained the next floor down ttie hull lights Unshed up. swlteti on from the upper landing by the woman of the house Thua aided, he raiifrht Another glimpse of Ills prey midway donn the ne*t flight. nnd cheeked to Hike n soeoiid shot at 11111 l Afftln lie missed With but one thought he hurried on, swung round to the head of tiie atnlrs. *nw his innn at the tmt torn, pulled tip to him and— Beneath him a small rug slipped on pollahed parquetry of th* landing. P. Sybarite's heels went up and bla bend down with a alekenlng thump, lie heard hit pistol explode ones more Then, bounding up with unrsminon resiliency he snw tbs street door of the house does behind the fugitive and beard the heavy slaw of IL Above turn on the atnlrs tbs lady of tbs house appealed. “Com* back!" she called In a guarded tons. "He's mads a clean getaway. Cot to baud him that No use trying to follow. Tou wouldn't catch up lu a thousand years. Com# back—d'you bear?—and give me tny gun!” A trifle dashed, P. Sybarite obeyed. “Now then"—eh* addressed tbs little man. with a brilliant smile—"now we can powwow. Come Into the den." and led the way toward the rear of the bouse. Me trotted anbmlaelvely tn her wnke. Turning Into a dark doorway, tb* woman switched light into an electric dome. Illuminating an Interior apart ment transformed by a wildly original taste In eccentric decoration Into a lounging room of auch distressful unlqulty that It would have bred un rest In the soul of a lotus safer Black, red and gsld—luaterleaa Mack of coke, lurid crimson of fresh blood, bright, gin ring yellow of gold, new minted—were the predominant notes In a color scheme at ones somber and violent “Coxy little bole.” P. Sybarite couldn't forbear to comment with ■ shudder as he dropped Into a chair In compliance to fbe woman's gesture. Offering cigarettes In a golden cas ket, she selected ami lighted one for herself. “My servants are nil abed." ■be said, "or I would offer you a drink." Me DAY OF DAYS By I OHS JOSEPH VANCE Copyright, I*ll. kv the Praafc A. M#a*«y Co "Tou hu* m nervanta la tho house then?" "Do I look like a woman who dope her own houaework?” "Ton do not," he a (Armed politely “But can you hlamo me for wouderlne whore your servants 've Inreu through all thla racket P "They sleep on tha top floor Itehlml aornid proof doora," hi* hostess ex plained coiuplai'enlly. "and have or dera to answer only when I tin*, even If they abould happen to boar any thing " “But there «m a burglar." P. Sybn rite contended brightly. "Tou saw him yourself," "No." “Bnt—but yon did aee him—later on the atalra." Smiling, the woman ahook ber head "1 aaw no burglar, merely a dem friend In abort If It Intereata yon t* know, I aaw my husband." “Madam!" I*. Sybarite aat op. with a shocked expression. "Oh." aald the woman lightly, "we're good enough for one another—be and I! lie deaiTied what he got when be married me. Hut that'* not aayltig I'm content to aee him duck whnt'" coming to him for tonight’s deviltry Iu fact I mean to get him before In got* me. Are you game to lend mu n hand?" "Really— I'd rather be excused " “Really," *he mocked pleasantly “you won't he. I'm a gentle creature but determined. Perhaps you've heard of me-klni. Jeffcraon Incha?” Decidedly he had. aud ao bad nine tenths of New York's newspaper rend Ing population heard of the most dm garoiia woman In town. "Hut -ah—Mr. Incha, I understand died aouie year* ago." "Bo he did.” “Yet you speak of your htiaband”— "Of my present huaband. whose name I don’t wear for reasons of real astute. I took the rotter on becauac he's rich aud will be rteber when his father dies. If our marriage comes out prematurely be'll be disinherited ao we’ve agreed to a aub rose arrange ment, which lenves him ostensibly a marketable bachelor. "Now. 1 happen to know a marriage has recently been offered him, through which lie would Immediately came Into control of ,-t big pot of money, and naturally he's strong for tt But 1 re fused his offer of n cool $000,001) to play the lleno circuit, and ao ho con eluded to am- fur n divorce with a re volver. n Muxlm silencer aud a perfect alibi. Do you follow roeT” "As far us the alibi." "Ob. that* ipille simple! \X» don't live together, and he'* in sure enough society, and I'm not. Tonight tho an nuiil Hadlov Owen post l-enten nuts querade's In full swing just around the comer, and Friend Husband's then with the rest of the haughty hunch Can't you see how easy It would be sot him to drop round here between dances, murder his 'awful wedded wlft and heat It hack without hi- it licence lielnc noticed? Itut t rc ognlxed him I saw id* tiiouilt li'* musk wottldn't bide that mill I:new him Instantly" P. Rylmiite v is silent lie. too linen that mouth: Its wearer h-nl somethin:* to do with Molly I,<>*«tng "Now that von know the lay of tln land. how about helping me oflt?" Now. the trail of the man with Un twisted month promised fair to lend to Molly T.eaalng P. Sybarite didn't Unger on his decision. "Short of trying a 'prentice hand at aaaassl nation"— “Dou't be an as*! I only want to protect myself, besides, you can't re fuse. Consider how lenient Pve been with you. If I wanted to be nasty you'd be on your way now to a cell lu the Kuat Flfty-flrnt atr-eet station. But I waa grateful." “The saints bs praised for that!" exclaimed the little man fervently "What's It forr "Per waking me op In time to pre vent my murder In my sleep," she re turned coolly, "aud also for being the spunky little devil yon are aud ebaslug off that hound of a husband of mine If It wasn't for you he'd 've got me aura, or else," abe amended. “I'd 've got hint, which would have been al most a* unpleasant—what with being pinched and tried and having Juris* disagree and getting off at last only on the plea of Insanity andkll that Who era you?" "Michael Monahan, madam.” This waa tb* first alliteratlv* combination to pop Into his optimistic mind. “Oun that,” retorted the lady serene ly. "Come, what’s your real name?" Taking thought, be aaw no great danger in being truthful for once. “P. unfortunately —8) barite," he said. "bookkeef>er fer Whig bam A Wlxaper*. leather merchant*. Frank fort street." "And how did you come by that coat and bat?" "Borrowed tt from a drunken cop In Penfleld’a a little while ago. They were raiding the place, and 1 kind of wanted to get away-w Strange to aay, my disguise didn't take, aud 1 bad to leave by way of the back fences." "T don't know why." said Mr* Iwhe reflectively, ''but I believe everything you aay Now, what'll you take to do ms a service?" “My service*, madam, are youre to command. My reward-ah. your amlle!" “Hunk!" observed the Indy elegantly “How would a hundred look to you? Good, eh?'* “You misjudge me." the little man tnalated. "Money la really no object" "Htlll," she frowned In puar.leiuenL “I should think a clerk In the lestber business''-- "Pin afraid I've misled you. I should have said that 1 was a Clark In the leather hnslueaa until today. Now I hapfien to he Independently wealthy, a clerk no longer." "I think.” announced tha lady thought fully, "that you nra one of the allckeat young liars I ever listened to. On tha other hand, you're unquestion ably a perfect little gantlernsn. Aud. anyhow. I'm going to take you at your word and truat yon. Von'ra willing to go a bit out of your way to do wu a favor tonight?" “Or any other night" "Very wall." Mra, Incha roaa. "Walt here a moment" Wrapping her negligee round her. aha swept magnificently out of the den. and a moment latar again crossed P Hybnrlta’* range of vision as aho aa vended the atatra Then she disappear ad, and hla reverie waa presently Inter rnplcd by the sound of tha womnn'a high, clear vole#. “Hallo. Columbus, seven four hun dred, please! Hello. Mason! Taxicab please—Mra. Jefferson Incite! Yes charge. Y’es—lmmediately. Thank you P A moment later she reappeared on the stair*, carrying a wrap of aome sort over her arm. When abe again entered the den it proved Pi ha a man’s coat and aoft hut that alia had found for him. "Get up.” ahe ordered Imperiously, “anil change to these before you get pinched for Imfiersoiiatlug an officer. I'vo called a taxi for you, and thla la what I want you to do—go to Dntrb House That’s a dive. Fortieth street” “I’ve heard of It." nodded P. Syba rite. "Any sober man who stay* away from It la iitmoat perfectly aufe." “I'll trust you to take care of your self," aaid tho Indy. “Ask for Jted November Von know who he la?" “The gangster? Yes.” “If be Isn't In wait for him If yon wait till daylight. '* "Important a* ull that, eh?" "It's life or death for me,” said Mr*. Incite serenely. "I’ve got to have pro tection You’ve seen yourself how had I need it And the police are not for the llkea of me besides,” ehe added, with engaging candor, ‘if I squeal and IPi 1 fljflg MJ«r $ G r% - s«*K> "Tall him, 'Nells wants you.'" tell the truth then Friend Husband will t>«> disinherited for sure, and I'll have had all my trouble for nothing.” "Yon make It perfectly clear, Mrs. Inch*. And wbeu 1 see Mr. Had No vember!" “Say to him three words—‘Nella warns you.' Mo'll understand. Then you can go home." “If 1 get out alive." “You're safe If you don't drink any thing there." “Doubtless, but I’ll feel safer If yon'll lend me the loan of this neat little toy,” said P. Sybarite, weighing iu one band her autemutlc pistol. "He yours.” “Anything In It?" “Three shots left, I believe. No mat ter. I'll get you a handful of car tridges, and you can reload the dtp In the taxicab—uot that yoo're likely to need It." When It came to viscid second thought, alone In the gloom, of an uu sympathetic taxicab, P. Sybarite In clined to concede himself more ass than hero. Dutch Mouse, to which he was bound, bore tho reputation of being as sinister a dive as ever stood cheek by Jowl with Broadway and braxenly flaunted an all night liquor license In the face of law abiding New York, of which It was said that no sober man ever went there, other thau those who went to prey, and that no drankard ever escaped from It nnfleeced; haunt of the most deadly riffraff to be fonud In town And to this place P, Sybarite was traveling to deliver a message from n notorious woman to a ping lender, with only a 2o caliber automatic aud his native wit and audacity to guard the moderate fortune that he carried with him In cash (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) “I SAW IT IN THE HERALD” THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA, GA. /*vr * vTrrti ti f Every day man “lets things slide,” or “takes things easy,” habit is weaving its invisible threads into an unbreak able net about him. ... ... . THE SPECTACLE THE THREADS OF BONDAGE SUNDAY. MARCH 22.