The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 22, 1914, Home Edition, Page FOUR, Image 20

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FOUR WANTED Yob TO KNOW"THAT \VK AUK A Ml Broad street with u comp-eta Una of*. player-pianos, Vlrtrolaa, guitar,. mandolin*. vlulenn and nil kin'a of tnualrnl Instrument* Cash or oradll, W I' Manning Muair Co. WANTED—Boarder*” WaNTKD: TWO LADY HOARDER!* ntea oration for lummtr. on# N rk «.ff Walton Way n#ar Hi»fnm#rvtlU. A*l dr#aa A C. 11. car# llnald. "WANTED ROAHDKRK PAN AiTOM modem a couple or two young men with room *>n<l hoar*! I.arir* from room, hot nnd oold wfctor. Ml T#lf>*lr. l*hon# an>-j, Wanted A~roi'pi,K mi two on thr## gnitlrmen to occupy a Urn# front room, nicely furnished, with nr without hoard; centrally located with all oonevnlencea. Refer**ii< ea ex* hanged. Ad dreen L M rare Augoata llemhl WANTED HELP—MaIe wanted* ett k rget n . well veraed men of g«*wt Rtinrftnff tn co operate with us In the yerirral Introduc ln«t of a product of tested qualities of area teat benefit to farmers w# fertilisa tion cost reducer. Offer liberal com mission, contract, rxrluaive territory, write I\ O. Bo* .tit Mtivannah, Oh. Wanted . . - t..m»-i • hoy* over h years of Hire. Hanging Department, yitverslde Mis Wanteir at once a “good ALL round white tinner; a *#o«1 business proposition to sober. Industrious tn*.n. Write P H Fraser, Georgetown. H C. Wanted maciiinihi and expe rlenced Corliss ms ne man for cotton mill near August* 92,00 per day. Young man preferred Give reference. Address CTott'»n Mi !. « arc* I ler •! • I "G(i\ IJCNMI VI I* I* *N ■' A It i easy to get My free booklet Y 45*. tails how. Write to<hi> NOW. Karl H j’Wins. Wtihftnfl i C • wIKSki 'i in 1*a!:•; time* nl home. Mull business, (kfii't worry six hi cm|>liml. iloyd If. Brn»n. Omaha, N«hr \» . - • i •' Wholesale rlry k(hml» coinjMiiy, Hive expedience and Additu Hook ke< per cat i llrrald WANTED SITUATION—MaIe iKa!?TEI> I*OHITION AX WHOLESALE grocery nr shipping clerk, mould con alder rets:] proposition; 6 yen**' i*xper> •pea and beat reference. Address 0 11. A. X.. care Herald WaNTBD - BV YorNC MAN'ViK (iIMUi habit* Job In wholesale grocery bus!- neaa. either shipping clerk, salesman on road or in city have h«d ten yesr*' «•*- perlnce In grocery hualneaa AddltKi Experience flrocar, care Herald. Wanted. hitfation to drivk delivery wagon, wholesale or retail; six year* experience; ran give refer •ncea Tien Timbers. 12th and Twig** Street, City. WANTED—Rootm ROOMS WANTED. A COITIM.E DKBIHKH HBVSRAI roomi in private faintly, convenient to buaineaa section. Addreaa C. A. C., cure I. WANTED—Miscellaneous SONG TOEMH WANTED: I'LL Ft IRK * iah music and publiah If accepted Have paid thousands in royalties. Kst ls» years Booklet and particulars fra. John Had Tres. Columbus Circle. N. t #. tN K Will I*AV YOU 1120 00 TO Dis tribute religious literature In your com munity. Sixty days’ work Experience not required Man or woman Oppor tunity fm promotion Spare time may be used. Inter national Bible Tress. Thll adi 1( 1 #ANTEI>: FI.AT TOP OFFJt r KTeSk. five feet long; must be in first-clast condition. Address Cash, care Herald %ANTKI> LOAN OF O.boO.tMi WILL secure same with real estate valued at SIO,OOO 00, Mini additional security valued St $2,000 00 Address Loan, cate Au gusta Herald. WANT ED • . I NT! KM \N ROOMI with or Without board, a first-class room In every respect; bath, toilet and ill moderate conveniences. Apply in per son, 1514 Tope avenue. References ex changed V. A. MeFeely. WANTED—Aqents TKH « i :NT TKt 'H I Wonderful little article. Sells like wildfire Can be carried lu pocket. Write at once for free sample Milton Alfg Co.. 2333 Finch Ave., Dayton* Ohio. com mi: fT man - oil" wom a n~ii ei* r k sentative wanted In each locality, part or full time. SSO to SSOO s month. Every customer secured gives you a steady monthly Income. Only one ap pointment in each locality; hurry and be the first to apply. Write Hot 10*409, Cincinnati. O. i s'.res placing valuable agency, suie re wetter permanent Income. business builder, easy, im competition, protected territory guaranteed Automatic Tctfoc i W< 4 N > AUENTF HIT TARTKUT \KS OK one of the best paying proposition* ever nut. The New Portable OU Oas stove for heating, cocking «nd baking. Bells like wildfire Eight In weight practical $25 to ff*h per week. A post il wilt bring our money making proposition. The World Mfg Co.. 5832 World Bldg, Cincinnati. O. ftON'T BE AN AC ENT- OWN YOt'lt own bunlm*** Wr furnish com pi* to v»rax*t)o*l. low prlo outfits for put inn In gtVd, silver, copper, nickel, etc. We furnish recipes fortnulss, trsrte secrets. Work essy. profit titormous Semi tothy particulars Ocsy & Co.. Plating Works, 1432 tjtay HMg , Cincinnati. O. AGENTS GET PARTICULARS .>F the heat self-heating Iron on tl>o mar hat. Low In pelc— abedlutelv practical. Three wile* a day mean* 140 n week profit to you Send poatal today. C. Brown Mtg. Co., 343:, Brown Bldg., Cin cinnati. O. Aft ENTS ~MAKE ~»5 000 THIS Vl'Alt Be your own boa*, independent, abund ant money. your time your own. All or aparr ume—at home or travelin* Write E M Piiltman. Sales Mgr . SOS* Syca more fit.. Cincinnati, O. today for full particular*. WANTED —Salesmen WANT FT > caFarlk Salesman on man with retail experience to beam Work at once selling our Ca«h Credit £> *tem which I* taking both the whole anle and retail merchant* by norm One salesman earned l&S‘> 60 durtn* sixteen day* past work Join our sale* or Irani an l ton and earn from #3.000 (0 j:,,iou far 1914. The ,*le System Company, liavlon. Ohio. Vr ANTED; TRAV KM NO SA~!. KS MK N to carry an up-to-date l;ne of trunk* and baa* on commission. No advance. The Pcterabura Baggage Company, Pe terrtur*. V* “WANTED HELP—Female WANTED COOK; WANTED A CO* K that esn come wsll recommsndsi! Mrs. Luis C. MnxwoU, The H>ll. Phone 6st* SITUATION WANTED—Fe _______ male. la duct maTd tWHhrk). niunr clam. t«u yuan In America, wlahe, employment. C. I*. No, 1. cara HaraUl, FOR SALE—Miscellaneous FOR HALF. HARK OLD HOOKH OF all kinds snd anything that Is s took reel F<*i i i « - i i i;n ;i t atitomoW'e. first-cluss condition, four new tires Will sell cheap. 14 F Boons, f. 27 Broad. ! WATKRMKI.LO? KKI* I LI I have 200 lbs., absolutely pur# "Wat son'' me lon seed for sale St SO# per pound If desred by mall add fmatsge It It McCowen. 991 Broad HI Augusta. Os. IMPItOVKD AM* HKI.KCTLf* COTTON He»'d; pur# and Improved genuine Pe terkln cotton seed, no other variety tested for no long a period Is so profltlc; will mdtire ns hard usage; ts» cents n bushel, spi < mI prices large quantities Improved Tool# cotton seed, preeminent ly the most prolific cotton for the South, IS cents; special prices large quantities Calhoun Agricultural At Investment Co. fit Mstthews s C. » For SAM A FIN I. HKCONfi IIAND #*t of Cyclopedia of Applied K edrh lty and other sets of reference. Iteilquest’s, 212-21# ?tti street. FOR SALE—Poultry POULTRY. BfaACK LKGIfORN 10 OG 9 FOR hatching, winter laying kind, 9Lf>*> per setting O. li Kve, 952 Ch.ifee Ave. 1U KF COCHJN BANTAMS. $S OO^TRIO. I igga 1 1 I# pel fifteen I lUu k Cochin B ntam co» kerel, 93.0 fl e/ich. Kggs. |1 fiU per fifteen. M A. Hhewinake, Dublin, Go. li . I : • y tpTNER. A COMBINATION of henuty ami util ty. Circular «n*l meting list ftee I'ggs 93 setting, two fin S.V T L. Hilton. laancaster, 8. C. I < ll IfATt MING. WHITK ORP Ington, prig*- winners Augusta Fair, 91.60 f*«»r setting Jlhode Island Reds, sl. Incubator egg* furnished on short no the. Indian Runner I tuck Kggs, fits* per logon. Mrs, C. C. Howard. Phone 2130-J. EGO* Ft >lt II ffCHJNG I R( *M 'I It VP nested, cxldhliion an*l utility White, Black and Puff Orpingtons, |»«rk Corn ish Indian Games, Partrldg** Rocks ami Runner Ducks Pens headed by Im ported and Houthern chitmplon mules, scientifically muted. Free Illustrated catalogue and poultry guide Beveled Plantation, llatTy Lee Hurll##, Owner and Manager, Darlington, 8 C. CD mo# THAT HATCH. Customers report a chicken from every egg White Orpingtons, $ I.f»<» and Reds 11.00 for 15 «ggs MV a. C. C. Howard. Theme 2130. J. \\ ill i i • mi'lNni<lN AND 111 OKI V I day-old chicks, at 15c each, guarantee safe delivery of hexlthy chicks Modern Toultry Farm. Darlington, H. C. FOR SALE—Livestock l (>R BARK t )NK RAY H< lit HI KDi 11 ' years old. good driver, go«'d saddle horse, will work anywhere, gentle, cheap quick buyer. Apply 1534 Heckle Hi. FOR RENT—ReaI Estate I: INT Sl' *R \«i F, IP >< >M, 30x25; centrally located; can be used for oth er purposes. Apply y. J. T., Herald Of fice i KI.IJ rminu and hath, guruge, modern Im provements Reduced rent till October let. h .J. Henry. For rent i<« »\rdTnir lb o si: «)N prominent Broad street corner; 12 rooms, baths, electricity, gas, good con dition; possession April Ist. Apply to (loodwln A Duvall. T*» RENT T«> r \i:l V W ITIKRT f small children, 5-room flat with pri vate hath and other convlences. $16.67 per month. Also fia* sale one good piano, cheap, account of moving. Apply to hi Walker street. • I FOR SALE—ReaI Esate I FARMS: 250 FARMS IN South Carolina and Oedrgl*. any six# and location. Houses and lots In all parts of Augusta for sale or exchange Terms to suit. Cochran A Mason. Real Estate and Renting Agents, 214 Marbury. Six miles out on oa it. n. 'll acres, poultry, truck and fruit farm, 2- storv. 8-room dwelling, 60xS0 chicken house, and brooder to match. 1.500 chickens, paying under contract SIOO per week, cheap. See us—Cochran A Ma son. 214 Marbury Ht. f i 200 rwo ill l PINT i h »TS. JURT off Central avenue, on Ninth street, Monte Sinn, two adjoining lots. s<>xlsH, facing clt>. Apply 1240 Broad street. FOR SALI AN ts TRACTIVE MOD ern home, In good location; also a fine lot cheap. Address K. A. T., care ller sld. FOR SAIK IN NORTH V. HI V twolslorv house, s rooms, front and hack porch, wide hall; lot 56x250; stable, cow house, buggy-shed, poultry house and run. Easy terms. Phone 3585-W. FOR HAl.i: TWO I/VTB ON MoDO well street. Summerville 50x200 feet etch, fine locality and very reasonable price Address Annex, care Herald. 1 'OK BAI> i LOTS ON WHIQHTH horo RAtd, Monte Sstuv Price very reasonable and high up. Prices gradually rising In this locality. Address Wrsghts lum>, rare Herald I'. »ii s\l l m:SU»KNCiC ON M« »vn: Sano at a real cheap price; six rooms, one*story* * l l convenlonooo. Lot 50x150 feet. Address J US, cave Herald. vein sm.k or to kknt my aprii* let. furnish**! IN room lodging and b anl ng house. 10r»- Proud, corner Kollook. FOR RENT—Rooms nut RENT: Fl'ltNlftHßn Iti'i'M I*> couple or young man, with or with out board. In private family. Address F. It . care Herald. IF YOl* WANT A NICK ROOM, A good bed and somethin* good to eat, an to 959 Broad street, or see Breedlove, ll( Campbell st. FF It Nfi ll F. 1> Oil I’NFt'UNISHKD nun* at 1940-45 Walton Way, upper or lower f al; a* many aa may be de sired up to seven, modern. Jaa. It Lea gue A Co. FOR ' RENT: !U TELFAIR STREET, 4-room house w tli garden Appiy F. F. Branch. 334 Walker. Phone 2911. LOST AND FOUND *■ KAYKP FROM 1107 LKKKNEF BT.. Fox terrier, white wttti Mftok rairklMt, leather cooler on neck Answers to n.-*m«» of Hob. Kinder pie is# notify Economy Shoe Co,. 310 3th St oil |M*% T rs v MADAME EI.DON SCIENTIFIC BALM -Ist, claim oyant and astrologlat; teat reading hy mall; send hlrthdata and five :-cent stamps 45ty) 14th s?t., N. W„ Washington. L) .& mm BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. WANTED IDKAH. WRITE F< I of Invention* wont*-'! by mantifaelur* , ra « n j prii.a offered for Invention,. Our four t««ok, sent free Patent se cured or fee returned Victor J. Kven* A <"o„ Washington. D. C, FARM MACHINERY. HTALK CUTTKHb 125; DIHC HAR. row*. IIK. Hmoothlhg Harrow,. It, Pulky Cultivator, 6 ,hov#l, »1 7; Hprin* Tooth Culttvutor,. ,11 steal. 14.10; Disc I'lowa. luivtnri eorn and cotton planters, *ll alee , 111 sft Kertlll,er distributor, ft.ftO. f<*»ollne Eoklne* and II iy l're„. a*. ,11 nnd price,. ITion, 1»47 or *e* u,i>z e. Harnlm. ________ PERSONAL. MARRY IF YOtf ARE l/)NEI,Y THE rcllahl,. confldcnll«l, aueceaaful cluh, hnve Inrr- mini tier of wealthy,' eliglhle menibera l.olh aeaea, wlahea i,rly nmr rpiKea lieacrlptlon, free, Mra. Wrub* , Box 2d. Oakland, Cal. KAIRKRODK I.YIN'i-IN INFIRMARY a private Inatliiiilon. with every horn, . fort und aklllad medical aervice. Itox Ti*;'i, Rlfhmond, V". WIDOW 3». WORTH ff.ft ftftft WOUI.I) marry Confldanllal R-llox 34, Toledo I .I'll K o'', Toledo, Ohio. MISCELLANEOUS I.ADIEH DEHIRINH MRS M. RCM mera, of Houll) Hand, Ind,, Home I real no nl fill fenmle trouble, call on llranch Mar . MVe E. M. lloppnae, 902 Onler St. I’hone 259-J. MAKi: FROM ITS TO WEEK copylna poatal* and letter,. Male of fern a li- el it inti for particular*, ro-operu tlve Adverilalng Agency, P. O. Box 41. Ruaktn. Oh. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED: AN IDEA WHO CAN think of pome a'rnple Ihlna to patent? Pmlccl your Idea,; they mny brlna you weulih. Write today and get our IYc« hooka "Million, In Patent*," "Needed Invention,." and "Patent Huvera." Ad - dreae Randolph Sr Co , Dept. 2210. Patent Attorney,. WaMilngton, D. C. SUIT CASE SALE; HPECIAI. BARGAIN THIS WEEK IN autt rafter solin value, thl, rale only. *f. 77. See lift till, week aure. Align,m Trunk Fm-tory. 735 Ilroad, oppoftHa Monument. Kl EP FI.IEB OCT BY HAVING Voi'R houae arreened rvltli Baker', Intported MelHllle Window and Door Herein,. Call 2948-W for eallniHle or write G. O. Wheeler, 64S Broad. ___________ THE GOODYEAR SHOE BEPAIRINO AT 554 BROAD rtreet, I, now open Work ipna while you wait, lay Ihe Goodyear Hyatem Beat materia!. flr*t-ela»a work at reanonable pvlree. Work railed for and delivered. Phone 1737. Wm. Going*. Mgr. FINANCIAL MONET TO I.END ON BEAT. ESTATE. Anguata Real Eatat* Co.. *B3 Broad St, MEAT MARKET REAL BARGAINS IN FRESH Meats for cash at M. T. Hair’s Market, 6th and Ellis. Phone 542. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Fi Ht EI.ECTRICAL WORK CAUL, THE Ingram Electric Co.. Phone 1361-J. Prompt, courteous efficient ,ervlce. ANTIQUE FURNITUht c; AW FOOT SIDEBOARDS. TEA TA hlre card table, deaka. high post bed,, book ca*-r fender,, andiron,, candle stick, Upholstering und repairing. F. Kenvon. 312 7th Ft. Pheee 2215. AiKjustd Shoe Repairing Phone 943. 96S Broad PAW Rubber Heels 25^ Men'* Sew Soles 7o L ' $1 00 Men’s Whole Soles SIOO Men's Tack Soles 50*' Ladles' Soles and Rubber Heels 75*^ Ladles’ Sewed Soles, Leather Heels GSC Ladles' and Chlldren’a Tack So lea 25*' to 50 c Tread Air Rubber Heela 25*^ Spring Step Rubber Heel* . ...35*T Cat Paw Rubber Heels 350 Osullvan Rubber Heels 450 Your Shoes repaired while you are at home. Work called for and dellv. arad. J SAWILOWSKY, Prop. Swappers’ Column Poor iNrrn\Tous. two x-ray HW-oSK and two Mandy l,ee ISO Hiid 140 ris K maohlnra. will »«np or aril. Ad- 1 dtrsti A. 1), 11. Swapper* Column, care! Herald. \\ 11.1 ."“SWAP ONK 100-CHICK MANI'Y ' T.oe brooder, In (rood order, worth IT: one 100-clilok Cypher'* brooder, good as new worth |li. What h<ve you to swap 1 for these* Address Brooder, Swappers Column, rare Herald. Vl V E-PPABBENOKR MAXWELL all j lomohile will swap for lighter car or 1 anythin* of 11* equ*l value or will sell cheap Answer A K. S. 0., Swapper* Column, care Ueruld. WANTED TO SWAP ONK CtX'K ANIli three lien*, thoroughbred White I.e*. horn* for Rhode Island Red*. Plymouth Rocks or any Urge ehtoaen* Leghorn* are young and all hen* are laying. Ad- | drea* C N. H.. Swappers Column, care Herald. | wiT.l. SW AP ESTABLISHED MEAT I business for house rent eiiual value. local on Address “Buslnes*. " : Swapper* Column, rare Her Id. W tNI Kir so SIVIP ONE RI STON oomblnatton row Nail and canoe, com , new JUWOO |p good condition, f r row host suitable to use with portable m«>- i t>r ITeferatdv a Halims steel l>oat. Address Rus'on Boat. Swappers Column, t cars He t ale. j THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. ffchuci, LOOK AT THESE SHOE REPAIRING PRICES; YlJLrt iofJ PAW Rubber Ho'.ls 25c Men’s Half Soles, sewed..7sc SI.OO Men’s Sewed Soles .. ..75c Men’s Tack Soles 50c Ladies’ Soles and Rubber Heels 75c Ladies’ Sewed Soles .. . .65c Ladies’ and Children’s Tack Soles 25c to 50c Tread Air Rubber Heels .25c Sorinq Sten Rubber Heels 35c Cat Paw Rubber Heels ..35c Osulivan Rubber Heels .-45 c Shoes called for and delivered. Out-of-Town Peooie Use Parcel Post. ALEX RAE. Phone 323 236 9th St. AUGUSTA GLAZING CO. REG! A/.ING OF AI.I. KINDS. SETTING PLATE GLASS REPAIRING CHTTROH WINDOWS OF LEAD AND ART GLASS. REPAIRING SHOW CASES. REPLACING AUTOMOBILE WIND SHIELDS A SPECIALTY. 44S BROAD PAUL D. FAGAN. MGR. PHONE 71. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE FRIENDS OF MR. GEORGE W. Summer, hereby announce his candi dacy for Council from the ftth Ward, auhtect to the Rule* and Regulation, of the White Primary. _____ KOON\ CAN I iff) AT E FOR counrllm.m, sth ward. Subject to White Primary'. TO THE VOTERS OF THE FIRST WARD. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MY CAN Dl dary for the City Council from the Flrrt Ward, subject to Hie rules of the white primary. ,un-tf C. GORDON LAMUACK AT THE VERY URGENT AND KAHN e,t solicit, ti on of mmiMttti, citl *ena from all parts of the ward, I herewith announce my candidacy as member of Council for the Sixth Ward for the term beginning January 1. 1915, rtihject to the rules and regula tions of the White lY.marv Commit tee. S. A. FURTSON. TO THE Vi ITERS OF RICHMOND County: 1 hereby announce my can- l rildiicy for County Commlsslner. sub ject to the rules and regulations of the White Primary. M» HENRY B. PUND. A CALLED <•( >MM rNIC ATli in“o"f scT m clnt Lodge will te held In their J Lodge Room at Masonic Tern- I g\ pie tomorrow, Monday, mern ew, ing at 1# o’clock, for the pur l">re if attending the funeral of Brother Littleton K Smith. Member, of Webb, Lodge and ' vialtlng brethren are invited lo he present. By order of T. MILLER MORRIS. W. M. M 22 W B. TOOLE, Secretary. ! FUNERAL NOTICE SMITH ENTERED INTO BEST IN the 47tli year of his age In this city at 6 ;ift p. m., March 21it. 1914, MB. LIT TLETON R SMITH, th.- beU>v«4d husband of Mrs Klixaheth R. Smith, and father of Mary Elisabeth Smith. The relatives mid friends of the family are respectfnlly Invited to attend his funeral at 11. E. Elliott’s Private Chapel TOMORROW (MONDAY 1 MORNING at 11 o’clock. Interment In the City Cemetery. M22C GET IT —at— HICKEY’S That Spring HAIR CUT 5 Barbers. No Waiting. Polite Attention. 221 Jackson Street. The Capitol Case FOR LADIES AND GENTS. Everything new and first class. Our Regular Dinners are served to none but first of all. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Phone 3005 —W. SHOPS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Designed to place before the Public the Merchandise. Craftmgn ship and special service offered by the Exclusive Shops and Specialty Stores not usually Advertised - AUTOMOBILE 3. Magneto and carburator work my ■porlaltv. Telephone 1211. Sunday phone 2075-J All work guarant„3. Cheeseborough Repair Shop The Red Front 849 Broad Bt. AUTOMOBILE TIRES We can furnlah you with ,tnnd,rd guaranteed tires from 5 per cent to 2ft per cent less than Hat price, a'ao do your repnlrlng at amnll coat; all work guaranteed to give satisfac tion Get our rwlce* before buying elsewhere. DAVIS TIRE A RUBBER WORKS. AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT When your car need* repairing hrlng It to ua. W# k##p vour Electric B#*f-Start«r. El#ctrlc T.'gfta and Qeneatora In good repair W. C. GUNN. Then* 2997. 729 R#ynoldß «t. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Protect vour automobile in tht Royal Insurance Company, of Eng land Btror*eat In th# world In eurea a*alnat Fire, Theft. Liability. Property Damage, *nd Collltl°n Oamaqe*. We also loan# accident nrd health polfclea. All at the low est adequate rates. J. V. H. ALLEN A CO.. 'Phona 411. 121 Jackson St. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING_ We have opened a first c’.nss Paint Shop, and can attend your wants at vorv reasonable cart. NORTH AUGUSTA WAGON CO. Juat across the Bridge, AUTO REPAIRING Electric Seif-,t»rter and Ipnatlon experts. All work guaranteed. B. F. BOONE. Phone *26. 527 Bronrt. ~~8 ICYCLES Agent for READING, STANDARD. NATIONAL. PIERCE. We have the best euulpped repair shop tn the South. JOHN F. BRICKLE. 224-28 9th. Phone 1914. ' CIGARS. For Bigger. Bu-ler Augusta Smoke F A W. CIGARS Patronize Home Industry Wolfe & Lombard Cigar Co. Maker,. COAL KIMaERLY COAL Second to none. IT: Oak nnd Pine move Wood. Hill deilvery. W. C. IVEY & CO. Phone 780. CONTRACTOR E. H. MOBLEY, No. 4 Irish American Bank Bldg. GENERA!, CONTRACTOR. Phonos: Office 2476 and Residence 5625-L. DRY CLEANING ROBERTSON TAILORING CO.. 1001 12th St. Phone 1268. Ladles’ nnd gent's clothes clean, pressed nnd dyed. French Dry Clean ing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered same day, Electrical Contractors Auto Supplies. Fresh Batteries Weekly. WHITNEY-EVE CO. 1033 Broad. Phone 1316. GRIMAUD*S~~VEb£TABLES We send out nothing but the freshest of vegetable!. . Received dally at. GRIMAUD’S Phone 1305. Georgia Electrical Co. House Wiring and Electric Signs. Let us quote you. 933 Broad. H. B. MITCHELL, Mgr. SANG LEE LAUNDRY 909 McINTOSH BT.. OFFICE AT 409 Jackson St., next to Chop Suey Res taureni. I'll on* 2(11. Sang Lea, Prop. IwAbTON promwccofmum Phon# ... Rear Qai «M 7. R. R. Bink. “WE PRINT TO PLEASE”. WM. H. McNEAL, TaUor SUI T S MA D E TO ORD ER. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. 738 Ellis Street. (Up Stairs.) Augusta, Ga. Phone 1640. Win. 11. McNeal, Prop. Sanitary Grocery and Meat Market A choice aupply of Fancy Groceries and Fresh Home Killed Meats at the Lowest Prices. Your patronage appreciated. Quick Deliveries and Prompt Service. L. HOPKINS, Prop. Phone 1917. 1611 Walton Way. We Give and Redeem Trkding Stamps. GARAGES IVEY’S OARAOE Phene 3197. 304 Washington. AGENTS FOR HUPMOBILEB Flva year,' experlenca with Chalmer, and Hopmobllea. CARS FOR HIRE. PER ROUX A~JONES ~ Augusta Garage Repairs, vulcanizing, aupplteh Free air. Open day and night Largest In city. 720-22 Reynold, St. Phone I*o. GASOLINE, 18'/ 2 o Motor rare washed and polished. 25c, 40c. UNION GARAGE 563 BROADWAY. GARAGE—REPAIR SHOP. RTUDEBAKER DEALERS. 7TH AND REYNOLDS. PHONE 376. AUQUBTA MACHINE CO. HARNESS MAKER W. W. SIMS 547 CALHOUN STREET. Harness making and repairing of vallte, and aatehela. S. E. MARSTOITS Harness and Shoe Shop. All work done by hand. 738 Ellis St. N. W. SULLIVAN, 1159 Broad St., llamas maker and Repairer. Work neatly done at moderate prices. 1 can save you money on custom made harness. MARKETS G .8. Smith Native meats, beef pork, vea!, country »iy!e sausage, staple and fancy groceries; fresh produce. Phone 68. 218 Center 3t. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY A. GREEN. He makes your mattresses level and square. New tick made free. Return mattresses same day. Phon# I*l6—shops 1251 Marbury street. PAINTING CONTRACTORS For reliable Houae Painting and Decorating aee E. P. Smith & Son, 70’ Moor# avenue. Fatimates cheer fully furnlahed. Work guaranteed; city refrences. PIANOS A. A .THOMAS PIANO CO. Phone 686. 639 Broad St. Pianos. Player Pianos. Electric Pi anos. Organ,. Oraphophones and Records. —Everything Musical, PIANOS AND VICTOROLAS Phone 3327. 854 Broad. The latest style, the market affords. CASH OR CREDIT. W. P. MANNING MUSIC CO. POOL. POOL POOL, 2 1-2 Cue. Do Drno In Pool Parlors. 818 Broad St. REAL_ESTATE If you buy your houses, loti and farm lands from me we both make money. J, B. CHAPMAN, Phone 2900-J. Kills & Campbell Sts. EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY . IN THE WANTS L. F. GOODRICH Architect 122 Eighth Street, Telephone Augusta, Ga. 469. USE HERALD WANT ADS. ROOF LEAK! Rave your work dons by axpe l aeced tinner#. All work given per ■enal attention. My prices get light C. A. OEMORE, Phone 2091. *2* Bread 8t SUNDAY. MARCH 22. _ RUBBER STAMPS K. W. DODGE. Rubber Stamp*. Seal*. Badges. Bien> ells, Alumnlum Checks. Ac 853 Ki lls street. PHONE 142 t. STORAGE. We do storage. We park snd ship goods. We save you money on eeeonrt hand goods. We save you money on new gm da We alwaya have bnrgnlns for you. HUGHES FURNITURE CO. Phone 656. 267 Broad. SEWING MACHINES LEWIS E. MOSLEY Phone 1557 5:11 Broad Rowing machines repaired, needles, parts of all kinds: bargains In second hand machines. SPECIALISTS DR. N. E‘ ALFOBD. Th* on'y Resident (21 year,) nnd Bellabie ,peelall*t In Augunti treat ing all disease* of men. women and Children Sucre*,hilly wdthout opera tion. Consultation free nnd Invited. OFFICE 969 BROAD S'T THE CLOCK MAN J. 0 CARNS 210 Centre s*. TTritoh and Clock Rcpa'r Shop. Twenty-four years daily exr«ri pnC *« tens years at this location. Guarantee work on guaranteed Stock tailors! HARDWICK & GfRMANY TAILORS AND RENOVATORS Fulls Made to Order. Fhone 1622 213 6th Street. JACKSON & BAILEY Phone 1784. 823 9th. Street. First Class Tailoring. Cleaning. Pressing and Repairing. CHARLIE McLAUGLIN. Clothes (leaned. Pressed nnd Dyed. French Pry Cleaning a spe cialty. I.adieu Suits and Skirts. Phon# 2735. Cor. Jackson & Calhoun Streets. S. D. SPEAD STTITS MADE TO ORDER. Cleaning. Pressing and Repairing. Phone 3076 1149 Broad Street. TIN SHOP PHILIP L. MACK, Phone 493. 913 Bill, St Tin and Sheet iron Worker. Estimates riven on all tin and shee Iron work. Promp" attention to re pairing. _ WELDING ” SOUTHERN WELDING CO. Phone 1332. 961 Broad St. Welders of all metals, and all kind, of machinery breaks repaired car ho*’ cleaned from auto cylinders with oxygen. WAGON MANUFACTURER LOWREY WAGON WKS. Established 1847 Manufacturers ot farm wagons carts and trucks, especially equip ped for repairing and painting Corner Ellla and 9th. Sta. Telephone 1309-J Augusta. Ga. WOOD YARD BABY WOOD YARD DRY "INE AND OAK Stove Wood a Specialty. Quick Delivsry. C. A. KING. Mgr. Phone 2881. 840 Fenwick. WAGON SHOP GLACK-MITH WORK and HORSESHOEING E. T. EUBANKS 18 Centre St. WALL PAPER AWNINGS T. G. BAILIE & CO. Phone 166. 712 Broad St. T/-jp,LE’S rUU(.'s ARB gOO£ s Wholesale and Retail Tin Shingles, Tin and Rubber Roofing. W.B.Toole <Sc Co. Tel. 264. 635 Broad. “Let Us Cover Your House** Used Automobile Sale One Rambler Runabout. $25 00 One 4-Passenger Oakland. One 1913 Overland Roadster. Two Little Four Roadsters. One 5-Passenger Westcott, / One 5-Passenger Marion (Now). All cars In first class condition. L. C. Edelbiut 551 BROAD STREET.