The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 22, 1914, Home Edition, Page SEVEN, Image 23

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SUNDAY. MARCH 22. Another Skyscraper is Planned For Augusta Plans Being Drawn By Mr. G. Lloyd Preacher In Addition, 100,000 to Be Expended Im mediately on New Buildings—Two Three Story Buildings Near Broad and 13th Streets—Mrs. Morgan Owner SYNAGOGUE ON TELFAIR STREET, MARY WARREN HOME TO BUILD Elegant Residence For J. M. Rainwater and Mr E. S. Clark. Mr. Preacher Designs All the New Buildings—Says Building Era is Just Getting Started. Plans being drawn for another skyscraper to go up In the cen tral part of Augusta. Three story brick store and apartment building on the south east corner of Broad and Thir teenth street, east side, just south of Broad. Both buildings to be erected by Mrs. Juanita Morgan. Klegant brick residence on Mon te Sano Avenue, for J. M. Rainwater. Another elegant residence on McDowell street, for Mr. E. S. Clark. Plans for brick synagogue, for congregation Adath Jeshurun, on Telfair street, north side, just west of Tenth. Plans for Mary Warren Home, to be elegant structure of brick. Exact location not yet announc ed. Architect, G. Lloyd Preacher. Above are the announcements for one day for permanent improvements in August.- secured from the office 'if Architect O. Lloyd Preacher. While it would seem that these would be a sufficiency for a time, still there are other things in contemplation formal announcements of which will be made later. Mr. Preacher, who is the associate architect with Mr W. L. Stoddart for the Empire Life's 17 story building, and the Chronicle’s 10 story building, and who designed the Hotel Ada, also in course of construction, the St. Jos eph School now about complete, and the magnificent new city hospitals, says that Augusta's building era is just getting a good start. It was thought when plans were an nounced for two skyscrapers that they would be all the office buildings to be constructed In a number of years. However, even before these two buildings have been completed to tb? first floor, Mr. Preacher is drawing plans for another one. No other, data is forthcoming on the third skyscraper but the Information is authentic that it will be built and work will probably start in the not far distant future. On the southeast corner of Thir teenth and Broad Mrs. Morgan will build, after plans by Mr. Preacher, a three story brick building, with stores underneath and apartments above. This building will face 45 feet on Broad and extend back 90 feet along Thirteenth. In order to construct this building Mrs. Morgan will have to tear down her present residence. On Thirteenth .street, just in the rear of the store and apartment build ing, Mrs. Morgan will erect a three story office and apartment building, facing 58 feet on Thirteenth. There 5==550,000-5 FIVE PROPERTIES —Two on Broad street, large frontage, ruiming through to Jones street; Warehouse Lot on McKinne street; Five Acre* near Summer Hill Road; One Acfo on Summer Hill Road. Lots on East side McKinne street. CHAS. WARREN DAVIS Real Estate and Insurance. 218 Dyer Building. FOR SALE Three splendid lots on Monte Sano, corner and two adjoining, size of three 150x200. Two blocks from car line one way and three another. See me about this if you are thinking of building or invest ing. An elegant home on Monte Sano Avenue; large lot, dwelling of 8 largerooms, kitchen and pantries; two bath rooms, furnace heated, gas and electric light fixtures; metal screened. Terms. Four room house on Marbury, near Gwinnett. Three room house on 3rd Avenue. Roth of the above on easy terms. Monthly payments. A bargain in a farm of 250 acres in Columbia county, 125 acres under cultivation. A small 3 room house on South Boundary for sale on easy terms. J. HARDWICK JACKSON 409 Dyer Building. Phone 3446 will be offices for physicians on the first floor and apartments above. The congregation of Adath Jeshurun will build an elegant synagogue on the north side of Telfair, the second door from Tenth, and west of Tenth street. Mr. Preacher has just completed the plans and work will start soon. The Mary Warren Home for the aged, instead of the frame building which now stands in front of the city stables on Broad street, will have a splendid brick home. The plans have been completed by Mr. Preacher and work will start as soon as the ladies in charge of the home can select a suitable site. Mr. J. M. Rainwater is to erect an elegant two . tory brick residence on Monte Sano Avenue. Bids for its construction w II be opened tomorrow. Mr. E. S. Clark, a brother-in-law of Mrs. George S. Lombard, will erect a two story brick home on McDowell street. Mr. Clark is from the north and this is his first winter here. He liked the climate so much that he pur chased a lot and decided to build at once. The improvements mentioned, with the exception of the office building, amount to In the „ neighborhood of SIOO,OOO, while the skyscraper will cost, in all probability, between $250,000 and $500,000. With work on the Empire progress ing well and the first story of the stell already in place, with the Chronicle’s steel beginning to be put in place and with progress being made on the Hotel Ada. this city is in the midst of the greatest building era in her history. —■ UNFORTUNATELY PUT. Departing Guest —You’ve got a pretty place here, Frank, but it looks a bit bare yet. Host —Oh, it’s because the trees are so young.—l hope they’ll have grown to a good size before you come again.—Pub- lic Ledger. The B & B Case Dining: Parlor FOR LADIES AND GENTS. Try the Finest Sunday’s Special Chicken Dinner, From 12 to 3 p. m. Only 25c 983 Broad Street. Phone 3013-J. ERECT ROME ON MILLEOCE ST. Mrs. F. A. Schutte Purchases Lot For $2,000 and Will Build Handsome Residence. Mrs, F. A. Schutte has just pur chased through Alexander and Stein er a lot on Milledge Street, the Hill, and will erect very soon an elegant residence. The price paid for the property was $2,000. There have been a great many sales made recntly involving Hill nroi ertv and there Is an ever-increas ing demand for desirable lots. Both on the Monte Sano and the Summer ville aide la there much acltlvlty both in trading and in building. Several new homes are contemplat ed on the Hill and work will begin on them within a short time. transfers’ made THROUGH J. W. BEASLEY Among the real estate deals this week are the following made by Jos. W. Beasley: Two-story resldenec on Emmett street sold to Mr. C. F. Hall, the con sideration being $2,300. l.ot on Monte Sano sold to Mrs. Cora for SSOO. Lot on Monte Sano sold to Mr. B. F. Thompson for $425. A Home on the Hill I have a beautiful home, occupied only two years, on summit of the Hill, for sale at a bargain. The house contains parlor, din ing room, pantry, kitchen, library on first floor. Second floor four bed rooms with two baths. Tile floors. Third floor has three bed rooms and bath complete. Large % closets throughout the house.. Furnace with steam heat from cellar to garret. Front piaz za extends across. Fine shade trees. Lot 133x233 ft entire front of house. John W. Dickey Broad Street Store FOR RENT We can offer for rent on long teim contwict, a splendid Broad street store, South side, between Jackson and Cummings. Store has 50 foot front age and 13,000 square feet of floor space. Will be rented as a whole or subdivided to suit tenant. See us early Monday for other data. Goodwin & Duvall UNION SAVINGS BANK BUILDING. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA. GA. Real Estate Transfers The following la a list of the proper ty transfers In the clerk's office dur ing the past week: $2900: John M. Clark to Mrs. Eva W. Carr, 13.4 acres In Richmond county. $450.00: O. It. Nixon to Mr*. Mary Elliott, east side New Pine street. $0,000,00: William Behwetgert to Isa belle H Be man northwest corner Queens Way and John street. $200.00: C. W. Bland to Robert W. Walton, 4 acres In Richmond county. $7,500.00: Henry C. Roney to J. Cary Lunar, $220.47 acres in Richmond county. $8,750.00: J. C. Umar to Wilbur Pierce Baumgardner, 220.47 acres in Richmond county. $2,050.00: George A. Morris to A. W. Lucky, norlli side Pope avenue. $300.00: The Augusta Land Company to Sallle E. Edwards, south aide Tel fair street. $700.00: W. H McNenl to A. D. Dun bar. west side Picquet avenue. $1,500: Catherine Driscoll to Nor man A. Hicks, west aide Mdntosali street. $1,150.00: Henry Wright to A. V. Kirsch. two lots. $8,350.00: Jaeob Kdelstein to Gert rude Capen Whitney, north side Greene street. $250.00: Jesse D. Shank to Annie E. Shank, one-quarter acre in Summer ville. $300.00: Annie E. Shank to James F. Burdashaw, one-quarter acre In Summerville. $500.00: Frank X. Dorr to Mrs. Susie Pate Bain, two lots. $2,000.00: Realty Investment Com pany, to Andrews Bros. Co., southeast corner Glenn avenue and McDowell street. $2,500.00: J. T. Miles to Mrs. Etta Luckey, lot at Intersection of Gwin nett street, Augusta avenue and Rail road avenue. " $1,200.00: Wm. H. Harison, Jr., to Miss Mary C. Summers, two lots. $1,100: A. V. Kirsch to Janies Dar den. west aide Roberts street. $2,600.00: Robert M. Stiles to A. V. Kllach, west side Ninth street. $2,700.00: Hamilton Phlnlzv to F. W. llulse, Jr., two lots on north side Kll|y street. MR. CHAS. 67 MATHENY BACK AT OFFICE Mr. Chas. B. Mathcney. who lias been quite 111 tor several weeks with ap pendicitis. was back at Ids nfilce to day and warmly greeted by Ills many friends, Mr. Mathcney Is the senior member of the firm of Mathcney & Peebles, real estate, and a most popular gen tleman. HOLLEY WAGON CO. Builders Of All Kinds of high Grade Wagons. We Repair and Paint Buggies, Carriages, Wagons. Automo biles on Short Notice. Good year Rubber Tires. Horse Shoeing. 602 and 504 McKinne Street. TELEPHONE 803. ON THE HILL FOR SALE New modern homo of 8 rooms, nicely situ ated, on Hickimm Road, convenient to car line. ■ > Reason for selling, owner leaving the city. Price Only $7,500. I— GEO. W. HARDWICK EXCLUSIVE AGENT. Real Estate and Loans. 305 Dyer Building. BUY A GOOD LOT Build a Bungalow Home In Summerville This Summer You’ll Make Money I have a lot in Summerville for sale that is a good proposition for some one who will act NOW. It’s on the south side of McDowell street, a few •tops west of Mflledge Road, and two blocks from either car line. It, so lies that nothing short, of a sky-ecrapor can ebfrtruct the view east and south. It’s 100.9x200, just tlho proper size for a suburban home, or two bungalows for rent. Tt’s on the right side of the street for comfort on the front porch in the afternoon. Tt is the only lot in thi s neighborhood of nsco homes that can he bought. i Ask the price of lots of this size so situated and you’ll he convinced of the merits of this one. The price is $2,300.00. and is “DIRT CHEAP.* Terms can he arranged. Let me show you this lot. Phone or write. WILLIAM SHERON 305 Union Savings Building. f Phone 1581. Phone 1581. GRAND GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH ZIGFIEL.D foll i es CONGRESS OF STARS IN THE CAST FRANK TINNEY LEON' ERROL, NAT M. WILLS. ELIZABETH BRICE, STELLA CHATELAINE. ETHEL KELLEY. J. BERNARD DYLLYN, WIL LIAM LE BRUN. HARRY GRIBBON, CHAS. MITCHELL. CHAS. PURDY. MURRAY QUENN, FLORENCE GARDNER, PETER SWIFT. MAX SHECK. LOTTIE VERNON. ARTHUR ROSE, also JOSE COILINS 100 ZIEGFELD TANGO AND BEAUTY CHORUS —100 SEATS ON SALE THURSDAY 10 A. M. Prices Matinee and Evening $2.00. $1.50, SI.OO. 75c. SEVEN MONDAY. MARCH 30 Matinee and Eveninq. Builders Attention! SLUSKY’S Rubber Shingles $3.7 5 SQUARJE Made of High Grad. Asphalt. Mineral Rubber and Felt. Fire proof. wear and weatherproof. Bapeclally attractive for- bunga lows and. realdnnca. - »• David Slusky 1009 Broad Rt Phone 100.