The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 22, 1914, Home Edition, Page SEVEN, Image 31

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SUNDAY. MARCH 22. First Monday in May Decided On For Cotton Conference Gratifying Reports Received From Exchanges in the South. Texas and Oklahoma to Send Delegates. Augusta Cotton Exchange to Entertain Visitors. The first Monday In May ha» been definitely decided on an the date ot the big cotton conference In Augusta when future contracts and also the *pot cotton proiosltlon will be token up and thoroughly discussed by rep reaentatlves from various cotton ex (hanges In the South. Tbe reports which have been re ceived. since the Invitation to attend a conference In Augusta were sent out. have been very gratifying, and particularly the news that represent Raised the Quaker Oats Capital to $10,000,000 Chicago.—Records of the transfer of the American Cereal Company to the Quaker Oats Company were real today into the record of the govern ment BUit to dissolve the Quaker Oat Company under the anti-trust laws. Tangible property of the cereal corn pan' amounted to $3,500,000, accord !ng to the testimony, and $7,000,000 was added Tor patents and good will. «! GIRLS! II MUSI TRY THIS! DOUBLES BEAUTY OF YOUR HAIR Get a 25 cent bottle and make your hair lustrous, fluffy, abundant —Stops fall ing hair. Immediate?—Yes ! Certain? —that's the joy of it. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and ap pears as soft, lustrous and beautiful a cloth woth a little Danderine and hair cleanse, just try this —moisten a cloth witli a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and in just a few OUR PIANOS Are found in some of the best homes of this city. Not because the prices were highest, for they are not, but because there is Honest Worth and Fine Workmanship in every piano we offer. CAN WE SHOW YOU PIANOS ? We offer the following bargains genuine bargains—well worthy of your immediate atten tion: They were taken in exchange on Rtultz & Bauer, Bjur Bros, Melotona and Exceltone Play er Pianos. Uprights and others in stock f<tr your inspection. , Terms To Suit Your Convenience $375 Kimball, mahogany case, for . . ..$225 $550 Stultz & Bauer, mahogany case, for .$250. Billings’ Cottage Piano for $75 Uathushek Rosewood SBS SSOO Schuman, mahogany art case, for .. .$275 $350 Kingsbury, rosewood case, for .. ..$l4B S4OO Bailey, walnut case, for $225 S3OO Muelhauser, mahogany case, for .. ..$125 $350 Bradley, mahogany case, for $195 S4OO Carlisle, mahogany case, for $250 $750 American Player, mahogany case, for S3OO SI,OOO Nurmo & Clark Square carved, rosewood case, pearl keys, for ~5125 We are agents for Century Sheet Music. h Get latest catalogue of nearly 1700 Standard Compositions, at popular prices of 10<!* a copy. Catalogues now ready for distribution. Tuning and Repairing by R. J. Watson. JLA.THfIISPIANO 00. No. 639 Broad St. Phone 686. Augusta, Ga. iitlvcs from Texas and Oklahoma c :• changes will be present. It is ar gued that with the exchanges furthest away from Augusta agreeing to senit delegates there will be on difficulty in securing representatives from ex changes closer by. It Is believed that the meeting will result in a much better understand ing amonng the eototn men and that much good will he derived from It. Suitable entertainment will be pro vided by the Augusta Coton Ex change for tbe visiting cotton men raising the valuation to more than ?10.(TPo,000. H F. Dousman, former sercetary of the Consolidated Oatmeal Company testified that tne consolidated com pany was replaced by the American Cereal Company. The Consolidated Company, he said, was the original oatmeal pool and arbitrarily fixed prices. CHARGE 7 WITH MURDER. Trinidad, Colo —informations charg ing seven strikers of the Forbes Tent Colony with the murder of Neil Smith, a non-union miner, were filed today. Hail was fixed at SIO,OOO each. moments yon have doubled the beapty of your hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neg lected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brit tle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair. Danderine dissolves every parti cle of dandruff; cleanses, purities and invigorates the scalp, forever stop ping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be ut ter a few weeks’ use, vhen you see new hair —fine and downy at first — yes—but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pret ty, soft hair, and lots of it, surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s Dan derlne from any drug store or toilet counter and just try it. Unusually Fine Chautauqua Program Has Been Arranged Seveu Days' Engagement of Redpath Company Will Begin Probably May 11th—Tent to Accommodate 4,000 People. Kyrl's Band With Grand Opera Singers Coming. The complete program for the com lug Chautauqua, to be presented In Augusta seven days beginning May 11th, probably, by the Itcdpath Com pany .under tne auspices of the Au gusta Young Men's Christian Asso ciation. is announced today by Sec retarj \V M. Hunter of the'Y. M. C. A It Includes some of the most cost ly productions obtainable mat Is even better tluin last year's program. Provision will bo made this year to accommodate a thousand more pa trons than last year. Tbe sale of tickets will b'- exclusively in the hands of the \’. M. C. A., announce ment of same will be made shortly. Duo to the nrarngement- of such an excellent progrnm. which Is print ed herewith, It Is predicted that all available seats for the Chautauqua will he disposed oT long before the event takes place. The location ot the tent has not as yet been definite ly decided. The morning lecture hours will he devoted to dramatic Interpretation Every afternoon an hour will be given over to Boy Scout work and girls' camp fire. By special request from Secretary Hunter Kr.vl's Band. Jno. B Hutto and the Ben (ircet Players, all here last year, will return again this spring. The remainder of the Chautauqua will he entirely new. No praise too hjeli can be given to any of the troup. The Chautauqua will be one of the biggest events in the way of enter tainment Augtifrtans will have this year. Following is the program to be given in the order named, first para graph first day, etc. HOKE SMITH AND JONES IN CLASH Washington Senator Takes Exception to ‘‘Skating on Thin Ice” Remarks of President. Washington. —The opening of the legislative battle for repeal of the tolls exemption provision of the, Panama Canal act was delayed until next week Iby prolonged consideration in the j house today of the rivers and harbors : appropriation bill . Renewed skirmish j ing in the senate served to reveal how | ever, the intensity of feeling in the controversy. • Administration leaders had planned I to call up the Sims repeal bill in the house today and present a rule to lim iit general debate to fifteen hours, it !is not like', now that the bill can be I taken up before Tuesday or that a vote .van lie had until late next week. Senator O’Ciorrnan, chairman of the i inter-oceanic canals committee, who opposes repeal, announeeed in the sen ate today that he could not call a meeting of his committee to take up the repeal controversy until several absent members returned. Senator Owen, a member of the committee, who earnestly supports the president's request for exemption re peal. said he would not seek to hasten consideration of the matter unduly. Senator Jones Protests. Washington.—Senator Jones' resolu tion calling on President Wilson for information as to what nations laid protested against the Panama tolls exemption was referred to the foreign relations committee after Senator O'Gorman and its author had with drawn objections. Senator Hoke Smith and Senator Jones clashed when the latter wanted the clerk to read a newspaper story saving the president desired a limit on Panama tolls debate. Senator Smith blocked it, hut Senator Jones later read the article which sought to sliow that the president had told members of the house that debate on the bill should be limited to 15 hours. "I don't believe the president mado any such suggestion," said Senator Borah, republican. Almost Every Day. “Wc see in almost every newspaper every day.” Senator Jones continued, "reports of Senators nr representatives going to the president to ask whether this or that bill suits him or this or that amendment is satisfactory to him. Whether these reports are cor rect I do not know, but they occur so frequently that there must be some foundation for them. “It was published that during con ference I had witti the president the other day regarding my recent speech on this tolls matter that tile presi dent had told me I was ‘skating on thin Ire.' I never heard any such statement from the president. If it was made afterwards, It was made for con sumption of the press." Keveral democratic senators re remarked they had profited by con sulting the president on various sub jects. • Charge Filibuster. Washington. Representative Kims interrupted Representative Moore, republican, who was talking on the rivers and harbors bill In the house today, with an accusation that there was filibustering on the Republican side against ttie Panama exemption repeal to gain time for its opponents. Ho objected to the long debate on an 18,000 Item Iri the river bill for Rac coon Creek, N. J., which he said had not been assailed. Both Moore and Repo ' Mann denied that any filibuster was in progress. Moore sugested that Sims "evidently had heard from some one 'higher up. " and had hurried to hasten action on the repeal. Raccoon Creek stayed In the rivers bill, without further argument. WATERLOGGED, ABANDONED. Key Weit, Fla—Advices by radio signed by Captain Muettrich, of Ger man steamer Htelgerwald. In north latitude 27 degrees, 30 minutes, lon gitude 69 degrees, 17 minutes west, states that the three-masted schooner S. C. Haskell, from Boston is aban doned and water-logged. Dangerous to navigation to vessels to and from West Indies. FIXING THE BLAME. "For all the trouble in this land I’ve found the cause,” said Ben; "One-half the folks are women, and The other half are men,” '—Cincinnati Enquirer. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. 11 A. M. Morning lecture hour 3:30 P. M. Dunbar Brothers, quartette and bell ringers Maurer Sisters' concert Wolff Kranson ltuker Co., muslenl. Cathedral Choir, Farlnelll Trio. Kcllog llains. Kryl and his band with Grand C)| era, afternoon and evening 4 P. M. Hon 11. D. Aliien, Federal Judge, Boston. Everett Kemp, monologlst. W. A. Col ledge, lecture, Marcus Kellerman Baratone). Political Man (to be selected). Montoville Flowers. Kryl and his bank with Orand Opera, afternoon and evening. 8:30 P. M. Dunbar Quartette. Maurer Sisters. Wolff Kranson Baker Co. Cathedral Choir and Marcus Kel lerman "Reno," the Magician. Children's matinee l.lght opera by the Kellogg Halns Company. Kryl and his bank with Orand opera, aTternoon and evening. 9 P. M. Jno. B. Ratto. Edward Amburst Ott. lecture. The Ben Greet players. Cathedral Choir and Marcus Kel lerman Farinelli Trio. Eight Opera by the Kellogg Hftitis Company. Kryl and his band with Grand Opera, afternoon and evening. SPEAKER CLARK SQUELCHES IT Rules That Resolution Calling on State Dep’t For Informa tion is Privileged. Washington. —Efforts of Represent ative Murray, of Oklahoma, to call up his resolution requiring the state de partment to transmit to the house facts bearing on the recent Loudon speech of Ambassador Page failed to day. He contended the resolution was privileged and ns the foreign affairs committee had not reported It, he sought to call it up. Speaker Clark ruled that as the res olution called for "opinions and con clusions” it was not privileged. “I don't know.” said the speaker, “whether the state department knows what its policy is or not, or whether it knows what its pulley will he to morrow or next year or fifty years from now. Certainly a statement on this point could be no more than an opinion.” Prevent* Grip Cures Grip. LAXATIVE PROMO QUININE re moves the cause. There is only one "PROMO QUININE." Look for sig nature of E. W. Grove, 25c. Don't miss the ten days sale of low shoes at Rice-O'Connor Shoe Co. Georgian's Impeachment Resolution to Judiciary Washington. —A resolution to 1m- I each Justice Daniel T. Wright, of tile supreme court of the District of Columbia, was Introduced today by Representative Park democrat, of Georgia, and referred to the Judiciary committee. The committee recently dismissed as uncorroborated, charges similar to those contained in the Park resolu tion, which adages the justice was guilty of improprieties on the bench and in private life. Justice Wrlgbl sentenced Samuel Gomners, John Mitchell and Fran* Morrson to jail terms for contempt, of court In Bucks Stove and Range case. Get Rid of Piles at Home Simple Home Remedy, Eaeily Applied Givee Quick Relief snd Prevent! All Danger from Operation. Send for Free Trial Package and Prove It in Your Case. Don't even think of an operation for piles. Remember what the old family doctor said: Any part of the body cut away is gone forever. One or two ap plications of Pyramid Pile Remedy and all the pain, fire and torture ceases. In a remarkably short time the con gested veins are reduced to normal you will soon lie all right again. Try this remarkable remedy. Hold everywhere at drug stores. Hend for a free trial package and prove beyond question It is the right remedy tut your case, even though you may lie wearing a pile truss.* Just Hend In the coupon below at on«e for the free trial treatment. It will show you conclusively whut Pyfa mid Pile Remedy will do. Then you can get the regular package for 50 cents at any drug store. Don't suf fer another needless minute. Write now. FREE PACKAGE COUPON. Pyramid I>rug Company, 462 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich Kindly send me a trial treatment of Pyramid Pile Remedy at once, by mall, FREE, in plain wrapper, so I can prove Its splenlid re sults. Name Street City State 11l *'ll 4® 4 4 4 4 Ik i ft o * i ifc im \Hil4 I . . ■* \S\SX^\\V v x\ 111 l §lll A, H K 'it . ]LT. mil I*! The “come again” idea is always upper-\ most when we’re fitting you with good foot wear. A single sale is not enough for us; we want to please you so well that you will come back next time and then again and again. Of course, that means that we must give you the right sort of service, correct style, comfort, value. We’ll be glad to show \ you what extremes we go to in that re spect any time you call. § % ® H ill f 1 H —!< —if ‘ | _______ s* i 1 "'I t 1 I Al * y \ * We have just received a carload of porch Rockers, and will offer the following prices Tor Monday only. $2.50 Rattan Heat, green or white finish *1 98 $3.00 Rattan Seat, Icon or white finish *2 QO $3.50 Rattan Seat, green or white finish *2 25 $4 .50 Rattan Seat, green or white finish *3 10 $0.50 Jumbo Special, green or white finish . . . *4 82 Complete line of Office Furniture. Roll Top Desks, all sizes. Flat Top Desks, all sizes Typewriter Desks and Tables. Office Tables, all sizes. Book Leases, Revolving Chairs and Stools. Special prices for this week. Bailie-Edelblut Furniture Co. 710-712 Broadway , OUR Vtt * THEORY \ SATISFACTION GIVING CALLAHAN’S Walk-Over Boot Shop fifipa We give and redeem Purple Stamps. We sell on the Club Plan. Odd Sideboards In mnlmgany, golden arid fumed oak; you can save 50 per rent on these prices ranging from *fi OO <o *2OO Colonial Mahogany Dining- Room Suit. Buffet, 50 inches long with mirror, China Closet, Hervlng Table, Dining Table, 54x8, i side chairs real leather seats, arm chairs real leather seats, Would cost you anywhere e'se $275 *144 Sheraton Dining Room Suit, in Mahogany. Buffet, 00 inches long with mirror, China Closet, Dining Table, tkxc Toot, Serving Ta bio. \ Hide rhalrs, real leather seats; 2 arm chairs, real leather seals; nothing cheap about this, only the price. $275, cut to *147 50 Supplies for All Makes of Sewing Machines. We Store and Pack Furniture. . fbfpfeu \ >1 Heed Rockers, Chairs and Couches $5.00 values, cut to .. .. *2 75 $7.50 values, cut to .. .. *4 75 $12.00 values, upholstered, cut to *7 98 High grsde Iron Bods. 1- post, $5.00 value, cut to .. .. *2lO Bungalow and Cottage, $7.00 values, cut. to .. . *4 75 2- post, 7 fillers, $12.00 values, cut to *7 98 Got our prices before you buy. The Quality Store SEVEN Hsliy M