The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 22, 1914, Home Edition, Page EIGHT, Image 32

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EIGHT WHAT’S THE DIF? TWICE 55 IS 110 ryc »*jvt a “7“ \ a tsT*\ TH ST«.etT jjflf / ttoLLAO. AMt> A *»M.r W 1 SA> * A6O ° T MOW 1 \IXISVN'T feo 1 wfHT TO fcO l TWICE t fcoT To Go L/P To M.UCM WOOL 0 iTCOST | tXAT' yutf 1 T jjqtM iTR.StT tMPTtsKSS I Game Called at 3:30 P. M. Brooklyn Dodgers vs. Newark At Warren Park Tomorrow Afternoon; Postponed From Yesterday P. M. Game Will Begin at 3:30 O’Clock—Both Managers Are Cer tain of Winning, So, Therefore, This Will Be "Some Game” —Ducky Holmes Will Probably Pitch For Newark. Th» nmr between Newark (Inter national) ami the Brooklyn Datgrr*, which wh* scheduled for ye.ter day aft •moon. and pu*tpon*d oil amount <>t rain, will be played tomorrow afternoon. Tide aarne la a certainty, the only Uiliik that ran a(op it la rain, and the weath er man Kit ea a very favorable forecaat for Monday. Thla game will be railed at 330 o'clock. and will lw played down at Warren Perk Tlckela may lie procured at the ho* office, at the paik. The ad mlaalon will he 1!6 cent* a Neat, on the bleacher* and 30 In the irrandatnnd. Thla will he the laat chance that AUfua lane will have to wllneaa n hall K»me In thla city until neat year, that la. a yame between the "bln fellows" Both team, have II In for each other, each managin' being certain that ha will win thla fiinr. and. of courae, thla will mean a hard fought battle. Lineup*. Manager BoMneon of the Brooklyn Imdgera, announces hi* line-up n* fol low*: Miller and Fisher a* the caich era and Allclaon. Pfeflner and Whiner. Brooklyns Come To Augusta To Train For Next Season Manager Wilbert Robinson Doesn't Say So Outright, But He Broadly Intimates It—He and His Players Popular—Now Two President Ebbetts in Town, Father and Son—One Heads Dodgers, Other Newarks. Asked whether or not the Brooklyns would route here next year to train. President Khhetts said yesterday, "It's up to Hobble," meaning Manager Wil bert Robinson, the popular pilot of the club. It la known that Manager Roblnaon and Ills players are very fond of Augusta and the local fans are Just aa fond of the manager of the Dodgers and his player*. Although Roblnaon does not aay definitely that the team will come hack, still he Ima strongly Intimated that tt will return. "We do not expect In have such bad weather another season as we lm\e had thla,” said Roblnaon, "and, be sides. the weather here has been ns good as It has been elsewhere. We nre fond of Augusta and the chances are thst we will return" The Dodger* leave tomorrow night for Chattanooga enronte home. They will play In the Teneaace City and then g aeries of exhibition guinea will Its pulled off In various cities until their home lot la reached. The heat wlahea of the August* fan* go with them, Brooklyn will no doubt be a candidate for the pennant. President Khbetfi son. Charles H. Kbbetts, Jr., Is the president of the Newark club and the two teams are both owned Ip the same family. The Dodger* send their surplus tal ent over to Ihe Jersey aide and last year Newark had one of the greatest teams ever In the International League. This year the team Is also high class President Rbbett* la one of baseball's biggest men Ho ta a true sportsman and an all round good fellow. A great crowd will no doubt be on hand tomorrow afternoon to welcome Ducky Holmes, who will pitch against Ihe Brooklyn* for Manager Bmtlh'a Newark team. If Ihe weather le good Nap Rucker will probably be sent In for a few Inning* by Manager Robin son although Nap’s arm la a little sore. Nap and Ducky arrayed against each other In Augusta will be worth travel ing miles to aee. President Khhetts refused to ha quoted regarding the Federal Ix<aßue when asked for an opinion. Hl* team ha* suffered the loss of two player*. Tinker and Kirkpatrick He doesn't regret the lo** of Kirkpatrick ao much, but Tinker would hate been a great addition to the club. Kbbetts baa recently expended an enormous Newark vs. Brooklyn Tomorrow Afternoon "Ducky" Holmes May Pitch Ilia oilier players will come In line as, Ixihnrt, first base. Cutaliuw. second base; Smith, third hose, O'Mara, short slop; Stangel, right field; ItlgiTt, cen ter field and Wheat, left field. Manager Smith, of Ihe Newark boys, announces Ills iib follows: Iralton or Witter, left field; Tooley, shortstop; Col lin*. first l>aae. Neyer*. center field; Zimmerman or Cailalier, left field; Qety, second tsise. Heckmeyer or O'Rouge, catchers Pilot Smith will select his pitcher out of the following 11*1: Hall, Shack. Donnelly, anymore. J*>e, Bali, Button and I rocky Holmes. It Is al most a certainty that Ducky Holmes will he used In the bo*, and if ha la, well any Augusta fan know* that he for one, will make It hot fur the tkxlgars. Il ha* not been decided as yet, wheth er there will be a douhlc-hender sir not. The management stated that this mat ler would probably be left to the amount us fans that attend thla game. The gates will be thrown open at 3 o'clock and remember Its the last big league gume lo lai played In Augusta this season. amount of money In erecting a con crete grandstand In Brooklyn, With a team which will be a real contender In the pennant race, Ihe club should make big money. Kbbelta In a game loser, else ha would have gone to the mad house during the years that Ned Hanlon. Pat Donovan and Bill Haitian managed Ilia club. 999 OUT OF A POSSIBLE 1,000 Now World's Record Made By Warren, Pa., Rifle Team. Without Defeat Win Cham pionship. Washington.— Scoring !»!>{* exit of a p,>**iiile 1 (X> <x> new world'* record. Ihe Warren. Pa., rifle team, the present tltie-holdere. won the aecoml Inter-dub championship thle week, n t a drfent having been registered hk-.ilh»i Ihe tram In Ihe thlrlocn-werk match. The ahoot, held under the auaplce* of the National Rifle Association. was concluded with the eeorew made public today, of the !o*t week * competition. The District of Columbia team look second place with eleven victories and two detenu, Cleveland third, ten vic tories and three defeat* In tlie final match with Cleveland the Warren team put 99 out of a hundred shot* Into a hull * eye the else of it ten rent plreeat a distance of 76 feet. 2f eallber rifle* bring used Cleveland'* store w’i>* i*9B. equalling the performance that g*ve that teem a new world * rec. ord la*; week In class H. first honors went to King* M ll*. Ohio with thirteen straight vie torlee. Boston. Stillwater. Minn., and Walden. Odo . tied for r* cond pin e each with eleven win* and two defeats The fifty men making the highest per erntage In these matches *nd in the nat onal individual gallery match will tu> selected to represent the United State* In the international small bore match of I*l4 Among else* A. score* was Birming ham 99? vs WUmuttker Old Guard 899. Among class |t scores w»re: Louts vllle 963 u Madison. Wis 958. Hopkns, Minn, DTI V*. New Oileans, defaulted. 12,900.000 IS SPENT Of FEOS Expenditures Include Rental of Grounds, Money for Stands and Buildings and Advance Salaries. Chicago. —The Federal l.eague has spent $2,600.1100 In ll* campaign, ac cording to figure* given out today by President (illmore. The expenditures Include rental of grounds, money spent for Hand* and buildings and advance salaries. Regarding report* today that Gov. Teller bad said the National l.eague won hi offer SBOO,OOO to Glia* P. Taft for hi* holding* in Ihe Chicago club, it was said that the Connery - Spiegel syndicate wa* favored as the future owner of the club, should the ileal go through. BUST WEEK FOB BASEBALL PILOT Manager Brouthers Will Have Players Down at Warren Park Early Tomorrow Morn ing For Practice. Thin will !>e one of the busiest weeks yet in the South Atlantic League ramp in Augusta. The game of hint Wednesday gave Manager Hrouthers a chance to get an Insight into what the try-outs could do, and after he saw them worked out it did not take long to eliminate those that were of no use to him Now that “llnhe” has went till of the wntilri-ha player* that did not “make good/* lauk to their respective home*, he is ready to nettle down to the steady grind of practice. It In now only fifteen more days before the first game of league baseball will be played in Augusta, and every one knows thin game will fie with our "sister team" Columbia. Manager Brouthers will report, with his men, early Monday morning, down at Warren Park, and will continue to practice through the day. The Au gusta team now has one of the moat superb pitching staffs in the Halite League circuit, and much credit t* due Manager Brouthers for his showing so far in the matter of getting such good player*, in the very short time that was given him. Not only Augusta, but all over the circuit the team pilots are settling down to business, and if the tempera tun* behaves, things will lx> in a mighty good condition for the begin ning of the season. MANAGER BSOUIBS GOES TO CHARLESTON Left to Have Interview With Owner Walsh of the Charles ton Team; Understood Is After Player. Manager Brouthers of th* Augusta baseball le.utv left Augusta Hwturday afternoon at 3:40 o'clock, bound for rhatleaton on a little business matter for the leant It is understood that he Is to have an interview with Owner Walsh. of the Charleston team. In .in effort to get s couple of good players from that part of the circuit. It Is not kn<*wn what players he Is after, but it Is thought that 'Babe'* has h * e> e on a second basemen who is showing some fine form. Well, any " v. Manager Brouthers will he buck in Augusta at I v'dock Moudav morn ing. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA, GA. SATURDAYS SPORT DOPE American Ats'n. Schedule. Chicago.—The schedule of the Am* erhsin, Association, made public here today by President Chevlngton for the first time, has not been drawn with the Idea of avoiding conflicts with t tie Louisville races, and the league will compete for patronage with them. The season opens April 14th and closes Sep tember 27th. The sclgdule provides for four trips and 16s games for each club. NoSavannah Game. Savannnah, Ga. —Ham prevented the Savannah team from meeting Wild Bill IH> no van's Providence team tills after noon. Monday Connie Mack's Philadelphia Atlileth's are scheduled to play the Sa vannah club. St. Louie Beats Chicago. Monroe, La. The St Federal* defeated the Chicago Federal* here to day by a score of 13 to 5. Cubs Defeated Memphis. Memphis. Tenn —The Chicago National League team today defeated the Mem phis Southern League club here. & to 2, winning the game in the eighth inning witli a hatting rally which netted three runs after Memphis hud tied the score in Ihe fifth. New Paragraph Rule 18. Cincinnati, O. —The National Baseball Commission today issued a notice to ad national agreement clubs relative to u new paragraph of rule 13 of the national agreement. It follows: "Paragraph B of rule No. 13 of the National Commission, prescribing one of the conditions under which an optional agreement will be approved, recorded and made effective has been rescinded and the foil 1 wing substituted In lieu thereof: "(B) A major league club will be permitted to release for a subsequent se ison under optional agreement, two. but not more, of its players who have been recalled under optional agreements. “PROVU'KB. however, that the num ber of a club's approved optional agree- SPORT DOPE King Oeorgr bids fair to go down In history as tin* merriest of tho merry monarch* of England. Ills attendance at the recent baseball game between the world-circling (Hants and While Sox In London created nothing short of a sensation In the court circles of Kuroi'o. Ills announcement today that he has decided to be a regular patron at tho boxing matches of the Second Life (’.nurds has left Europe gasping for breath. If true this move by his majesty is going to be felt the wqrld over and will go a great way In establishing boxing on Its proper plane. “Long Live the King." Kid Williams. Now that Kid Williams, the Ral tlmore pursuer of Johnny Coulon, has been finally signed up for a twenty round championship battle with the champion for June !>th, at Unde Tom McCarey's Vernon Club, tt is to ho hoped that Sammy Harris, his shout ing manager, will confine himself to getting tlie Baltimore battler In con dition and allow the newspaper office attaches a much needed rest from his hourly outbursts. This battle should prove a royal af fair, as the last struggle between these two boys furnished the spectators with some very Interesting fighting. Wil liams on this occasion kept the cham pion bus> from start to finish and many who witnessed the fight were of the opinion that tho champion waa very fortunate that ho did not relin quish Ills title to the fast fighting ltal timorlan. New Rule. The new rule just passed by the New York State Boxing Commission pro hibiting fighters from selling tickets out of which they receive fifty per cent Is a good rule and should do away to a great extent with the fighters that are good salesmen hut poor ring mas ters and give the real fighters that know nothing about the business but everything about fighting a chance to demonstrate their true value. Other Rule. The ulher rulu abolishing the taking ment*. including those covering player* released under optional agreements for two auocesaive Heusnn*. shall not exceed eight for the same year." Two Out o* Three. Houston. Texas. —By defeating the Houston. Texa* l.eague team, 15 to 10, In a poorly played game here today, the New York American League team made It two out of three games for the series. Connie Mack Leaves. Jackaonvlll*. Flaj—Connie Mack, man ager of Ihe Philadelphia Athletic*, champions of the world wa* railed hur riedly lo Philadelphia this afternoon on account of the illness of hie daughter who underwent an operation for up pendlcltts yesterday. Snowstorm Stops It. Atlanta, Ga. —A snowstorm prevent ed the hall game here today between the Cleveland Americans and the local Southern Association team. The Cleve land cluh will leave here tomorrow for Athens, (la, where they will resume their spring training. Postponed at Macon. Macon, Ga. A light rainfall gnd chilly weather prevented the Boston Nationals from playing a hall game with the Macon South Atlantic League team today. The Boston players had only light practice. Rain! Wilmington, N. C.—Rain prevented the Philadelphia Nationals from play ing today the final game on their training ground* with the Baltimore Internationals. The team will leave here tomorrow evening on their way hack to Philadelphia. Jeanette Wins. Paris.—Joe Jeanette, ihe American heavy-weight pugilist, won the decis ion over (ienrges Carpentier, the French champion, on points in a fif teen-round bout tonight. up of collection* at boxing shows will no doubt prove popular. How many fan* have purchased tickets for about the limit that he could afford and af ter getting to the ringside have some ex-fighter that only excelled In the "boose" ring make an appeal for an other chance to hit the fire water. George Chip. George Chip of Pittsburgh, who has done little since he knocked out Frank Klaus, the former middleweight cham plon, is scheduled to again re-enter the ring In a bout at Akron, Ohio, with Gus Christie of Milwaukee. It is hoped that George will not decide to pursue the course of the other former stars and pick out soft spots but that he will take on some real live ones In the very near future. Denied Statement. Pack.v McFarland, who recently de nied the statement that he was going to forsake hi* native shores for some easy pickings over In Australia. It is said, will heed the call of the fight fan* and sign to fight his postponed en gagement with Mike Gibbons and set at rest all talk of a "runout" that has been floating In the air ever since his failure to keep his engagement with Gibbons In Now York. Retsin Trophy, With the day for the Davis Cup In ternational tennis tournament drawing dose upon us It is only right that wo estimate the tusk that confronts the United States players If they should successfully retain the trophy won in Kngland last season. With Franco. Germany, Canada. Bel gium. Australia and the British Isles arraigned against them, the American players will have no easy task to re tain the mpeh coveted cup. The rules of the contest call* for the Yankee team meeting the successful team In the challenge rounds on August 13, 14, and 15. t Since the majority of the nations will undoubtedly select the same play ers that competed for the trophy in 1913, the result of the matches a year ago may he taken ns a basis upon which to forecast the outcome of the preliminary matches. Upon this hypothesis It Is fair to as sume that Australia and the British Isles teams will prove the contestants In the challenge round and that the Yankees' team will have to play one of lU««o In the final game*. Use Aviation Funds to Encourage Record Making Berlin.—Training of aviators was suspended today by the executive com mittee of the National Aviation Sub scription. It resolved that the funds could he better used in giving prizes for the encouragement of record mak ing, as Germany, in its opinion, al ready is adequately supplied with competent aviators. Disappointed. Paris. —Jeanette had tlie advantage at the start and in the esrly rounds, which were marked by continuous infighting Carpentier put up a fine defense and several of the rounds ended in his favor The American, who had a trifle more weight than his opponent, landed heav ily, his blows staggering the French man, and as it appeared at the end of the fight that the American had been the more aggressive, the referee award ed him the decision. Carpentier is the idol of French ELECTRIC WIRING IS A PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT TO YOUR PROPERTY ELECTRIC WIRING makes your house more desirable to live in. Does away with matches and all flaming lights, therefore, pro teets your walls. If you should want TO SELL you will get baek your investment in wiring fixtures, and the house will sell QUICKER. # If you wish TO RENT the property ELEC' TRIC WIRING will make it easier to obtain a desirable tenant. DO IT NOW I Wire while we guarantee ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. We will carry the account and let you pay monthly. A.-A. R. & E. CORP. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT 812 Broad St. Phone 2751 SUNDAY. MARCH 22. BY “BUD” FISHER sportsmen, and there was much disap pointment over his defeat. ENGLISH 15 WIN. Inverleith, Scotland. —The English fifteen today won the international rugby championship, defeating the Scottish team by 16 points to 15. Readjust Scoring of Points. The action of the Intercollegiate A. A. to readjust the scoring of points in the annual field and track champion ship seems to meet with the approval of the collegiate world. This decision to score the fifth man in an event will make th passing of the day when a college equipped with a few phenoms can win the annual championship anil will in a great measure help track and field athletics in general by affording more men a chance to score. Pennsylvania will be the greatest sufferer by this new-made rule as the Quakers retain more first place men than any other college in the country. But the rule was not aimed at the Philadelphians, it was made for the good of track and field athletics as a whole. Down at Warren Park