The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 27, 1914, Home Edition, Page FOUR, Image 4

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FOUR BUBONIC PLAGUE IS dFIRMEO 12-Year-Old Boy Diet From Disease— First Victim in Havana. Havana, Cuba.-Existence of bubon ic plague wa* officially confirmed to day when Carlo* Atvchaga, a Spanish boy of 12 year* old, dli-d front the dis ease He waa !h« flrat victim offic ially reported. lit body waa Immediately wrap ped in blanket* impregnated with dia Infactant, placed in a tine raaket and interred Hla death occurred at the Spanish Hoapital. Two othr-ra are officially declared to be suffering from bubonic plague Both patient* are in a critical condi tion The aanltan department haa Invit ed all the phyalriana in -ho city to examine and atudy the ease* At the um»- time san.-ary precaution* for I prevention of the plague'a a. read are 1 Good Bowels Are An Aid to Growth Growinq Children Need a Mild Laxative to Foster Regular Boivel Movement. A* a child grnwa older It require* more and more personal attention frofn tba mother, hjpl a* the functions of th« bowel* are of the ntinoat Import once to health, great attention ahould l*o palil to them. Diet I* of grant Importance, and th« mother ahould watch the effect of cer tain food*. A foial will conatlpate oi»o and not (mother, and no we have a healthy food like egg* eamdnK tdlloua neaa to thoiianiid*. unit a whole*oma fruit like lianana* ronKtlpatlng many. It 1* ala*, to he conaldered that tliu child la growing, and great change* are taking place in the young man or y onng woman. The aystem ha* not cot nettled Itnetf to Ita Inter routine. A very valuable remedy at thl* atage, and one which every growing boy and glri atomic: be given often or occaslon nliy. according to the Individual rlr * crniatance*. I* Or Caldwell's Hyrup ]'ep*tn. Thl* I* a laxative and tonic * otnbined, no mild that It I* given f» little h*cl*l*i*. an*l yet equally effective in the moat rohunt conntttutlon. At the flrat ;.lgn of a tendency to con stipation give a small doae of Hyrup I’opain at night on retiring, ami prompt actio I wl follow Ip the morning. It not only acts on the stomach an-1 * . but Its tonic properties tnilhl up ami strengthen the system gene nitty, which i* an opinion shnred by Mr. John I*#y, of nioomfleld, N. ,i. He Its* a large UeOly and at ages where the growth'ami development FOR EASTER Buy Your Suit From Us BUT TWO PRICES slOandsls High Grade Distinctive Clothing for Men. We Carry Eclipse Shirts, Onyx Hosiery, Lion Brand Collars, Silver’s $2.00 Hat Special is unequaled for the money. A. SILVER CLOTHIER AND EURNISHER 1028 Broad Street being redoubled and the quarantine tone enlarged Hr, Wilton, chief of the Vnlted State* Hospital Service, la enforcing extreme quarantine measures for oaa seiigers and freight for the United States I WITH ELIMINATION OF PARTY LINES. PRES’T WON IN FIRST TOLLS FIGHT - (Continued from page one.) shift In position of either side, J'arty line* have been broken, and demo crat*, republican* and progressive* divided Into two camps under banners proclaiming either for or against ra tten). Defection of aueh party chief* a* Speaker Clark, Majority Deader Un derwood, Chairman Kltxgi-rald of the i appropriations committee and other* from the president's support made the j fight inure bitter President Wilson reeelved early reports from ht* sup porter* and was eonfldent that his ar- Kument that he was asking no man to change hi* opinions but to correct a situation, would win the day. Speaker Clark'# vigorous statement denouncln th*- rule received various construction* Chamberlain Elated. Washington. - There wa* no change In the senate In the statu* of the repeal V MARIE DEY must h. watched. I.ltlle Marls has thrived especially well on |>r. Cald well's Syrup I’cpsln. Mr. Hey con sider* It the right laxative for young and old ami haa found Bone better for young children. The use of Dr. Oaldwell'a Syrup ivpsln will teach you to avoid cathar tic*. salt* anil pills ns they are too Imrah for the majority and their ef fect is only temporary. Syrup Pap ain tiring* permanent results, and It can lie conveniently obtained of anv nearby druggist at fifty cent* and one dollar a bottle. Results are always guarrnteed or money will he refunded. .’amilles wishing to try a free sam ple bottla can obtain It postpaid by addressing Dr. \V. H. Caldwell, 419 Waahlnkton St.. Month-din, 111. A postal card with your naqjc and ad dress on it will du. 11*111 which rest* with the canal com mittee awn Ming development* In the 'house. Senator Ctusn.herialn, trading ; repeal opponent* in the senate, was elated at the Nttuntlon In the house. "I waa lonely when I started this 1 flitht." ho said, “but wa are gaining (strength every day. It'* going to be iha old battle of '76 over again, the | Tory element on on# side and the iHasses of the people on the other.” Administration leader* continued to jegpress confidence In the outcome of 'the controversy. Adamson snd Hardwiek. House ado Inlstratlon leaders went Into executive session with ltepre*en (alive Adamson to plan the fight. Those wh attended were Represen tatives Hherley, Adamson, Hardwick, Coster, Hood, llenry Covington, Him*, I May and Palmer. It wa* derided to I renter the attack on the attitude of Speaker Clark. The time was divided between Representative* Adamson and I Hardwick, the former to make soma j discussion of the hill hut the latter to devote hi* speech entirely to a reply to Speaker Clark's statement of last night. Bpeakor and President. Home representative* expressed the view that the struggle had assumed the aspect of a contest hetweeen the I’rrsldent and Speaker Clark, it waa thought possibly the speaker might take the floor and lead the fight on the rule hyt It was considered probable that tie would reserve hla attack for the bill Itself. tlaller e* In the house began to fill an hour before the house met. Mr* Clark took her sea* In the speakers’ gallery. An outburst of aplause greted Speaker Clark ns he ascended the ros trum at noon. With his gavel he still ed the tumult and the chaplain begun Ills prayer. Resume Battle. Representative Adamson said he wanted to expresa opinions he had learned directly about the controversy and not upon ''aasumptlon* derived from a nine yearn lobby maintained In l*oth halls of congres In order to take from the treasury of the United States part >f the revenues for the benefit of a monopoly." Mr. Adamson asserted he and Rep resentative Henry had conferred with Speaker Clark as to the drawing of the ruth and "understood that he approved It." "We do not want to permit amend ment* to this hill hec&uae no amend ments are necessary," he said. “No amendments have been suggested by tho friends of this measure.” "Terrible Mistake." Mr. Adamson characterized the orig inal |,nssage of the free tolls provision as a "terrible mistake.” He pointed out that a majority of the democrats then in the house voted agalnat It. "If a majority of republicans and a minority of democrats should defeat this repeal, with an unexpected union i*f the lltherto discordant requhllcuua the fight will go on until this question Is settled right. It would only mean 'a long warfare until that was accom plished." On the floor there was a rustle of talk among members who crow led Ihe benches Representative I. Engle of Florida, an Invalid, was brought Into the chafe bar in hi* wheel ehi)r, Disposing of routine, the rule to i limit debate to 20 hours was taken up. Warned by Speaker. Speaker Clark warned "an aerlmon . ious ami exciting debate like this," should call for perfect order Alter tome didirult) he succeeded in quiet in'? the house Representative Sherwood, Demo erat. of Ohio, was the first speaker, lie urged an amendment to dismantlo ihe canal'a fortifications and neuiral lte It. Administration forces opened the fight In a 12-mlnute speech by Repre sentatlve Adamson. GRANDDAUGHTER OF EX PRESIDENT PLEADS CAUSE (Continued from page one.) I rannol have the place any longer Miss Colo la ontttlr.l to It." Mutt Adhere to Rule. Pontmaeter Oenoral. nuked about tlio Tyler appointment, kb Id today: "If Miss Tyler did not take the civil aervtce examination of course we can make no exception in her ease There are numerous cases of this kind among old Confederate soldiers, hut n rule has had to be adopted requiring civil service examination and 1 think we will have to udhere to it.” Incident Closed. Washington. First Assistant Roper, of the postofflco department, said later In the day that M A Williams already had been appointed by the postmaster general and that nominations of this rlass were not presidential appoint ment*. The commission, he added, has been mailed to Mr Williams and he regarded the Incident as closed. KEITH DROPPED DEAD IN ROOM Pioneer Vaudeville Produced in U. S. Suddenly Expires. Owned Chain of Theatres. Palm Beach, Fie. —Suddenly sirick on with heart failure Uonjatnin K. Keith, pioneer vaudeville producer In tlie Pnlted Staten, dropped dead in ] his room in a local hotel at midnight i He was BS year* old. hut apparently had been In the beet of health. Only [ yesterday he was wheel-chatr riding | With friends The theatrical magnate's sudden death came nfter a conference over business afaftrs with hts son, Paul. The latter stepped out ot the room for a few moments. When he returned h B found his father dend # Mr. Keith was horn In Hillsboro Brld*o, N H., and until he w-as 18 years old lived on the farm. Then ho aaw a performance of Yau Amburghs asd he became a follower of the shows as a laborer He ventured into the show business for himself several years later and followed It until 1885 when he conceived the idea of cou tlnuous performance theaters or vain devtile. The success oT vaudeville was al most spontaneous. In 1906 Keith combined forces with P. F. Proctor, hts greatest ■ competitor, and for a j time the firm owned a large number of vaudeville theaters known as the Keith and Proctor Circuit, loiter the firm was dissolved and Mr. Keith or 1 ganirod a new string of theaters uow 1 well known as the Keith Circuit. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. Sheron’s Assorted Drops are relished bv all. Whether they’re old. younq, large or small. A Word of Caution. I One should he exceptionally careful Just now about taking cold, and when a cold is contracted get rid of It a* quickly us possible. To accomplish thl* you will find Cliainberlaln's Cough Remedy excellent It Is not only prompt j*nd effectual but It is pleasant and safe to tnke, and baa a reputation of 'forty years bock of It. For sal* by all dealers Resinol stops scalp itching and promote* hair health IF you are troubled with dandruff, ectema or other ecaly, itching gcalp affection, try shampoos with Re*inol Soap and an occasional treatment with Resinol Ointment. You will bo sur prised how quickly the trouble disap pears, and the health »nd beauty of the hair improves. Avoid Imitations. Resinol Snap snd Ointment heal *kia eruption*, eloar owoy pimple* and blackhead*, and form a most v»lu*bl* h**u**hold treatment for sore*, burn*, bml*. piles, etc. For trial *tre. free, writ* to Resinol, Kept. 22-8, Baltimore, Md. Bold by alldruggiete. Preeeribed by doctors for lSyear*. DOES DANGER THREATEN YOU? Are You in the Coils of Disease? Maybe the serpent 'V 5J -of sick ness is crush in# you to death? ffr Your hack is heavy, 7 eyes dull, a never end r ing weariness holds you. h j Too many women well wg. know the meaning of EH’ hopeless dragging days [V and endless nights. Functional and or ganic derangements grow steadily when neglected— they become deadly in time. Don’t suffer longer. Stella- Vitae will relieve you now. This wonderful remedy is the guaranteed wo- Bp'L’ ■'iisvr I'sLtswi’ ffi 'll 1 ' ' nan’e tonic of the world. It is the fin shed work of a lifetime of a distin guished physician who gave the best 'ears of life study to its perfection. Stella Vitae is a lifegivingtonicguar inteed by every dealer wmo sells it Whenever a bottle fails to benefit you, he dealer cheerfully refunds every lenny it cost you. It is perfectly harm ess— healing and health in every drop. Thousands of well women all over the South testify to its wonderful proper ies. Shake off the serpent Get well. Begin today. Get a Dottle of Stella- Vitae, the guaranteed-to-benefit rem edy. Your dealer sells it in $1 bottles. Thaclier Medicine Co., Chattanooga, nn. Blood Needs Tonic Touch Thick, Stagnant Blood is Cause of Almost Every Dis ease—How to Get Vigorous Health To got the real feeling of keeni tealth moat people must have help In :hetr blood. And this result la certain oy using a a S.. the famous blood Itlood Disorders Quickly Knocked Out purifier. Hers Is a remedy made from the semi-tropical medicinal plants that grow In Georgia. And Its wonderful value la known and recognised the world around. Its dominating Influ ence In the myriad of little cells throughout the tissues mean the con stant elimination of blood Impurities with every beat of the heart. Half the people you meet complain cf weary musclce. stagnant brain, Jangled nervea, and a mournful desire to lay down and Juat cjult. Most of these people have been using nervines that spasmodically flare up the nerves only to die down again, as die they must. Avoid nerve stimulants. Bear In mind that this worn-out feeling Is due to poor blood, to bacteria In the water you drink; to the multiplying cf destructive germs In the blood faster than they can be overcome by the white corpuscles; and to what la known as auto-toxemia, that condition where the venous or impure blood accumulates faster than it can be re placed by the red arterial blood. S. 8. 8. gets at work In a twink ling; It Just naturally rushes right Into your blood and scatters germs right and left. r>o not neglect to get a bottle of S. 8. 8. to-day. It Is prepared only In the laboratory of The Swift Specific Co. 0-14, Swift Bldg., Atlanta. Oa. Send for their free book on Im poverished blood- Spring 59 for • Have you seen the new Hart Schaffner & Marx Style Book? IT’S now ready; and it’s worth your while to look it over carefully. You’ll get the right ideas about the kind of clothes you ought to wear. The book will do these things for you: i Show you in a series of fine illustrations, the correct styles in clothes for men and young men. 2 Tell you why ready-clothes are best for you to buy; and why Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are best among ready clothes. 3 Give you some good suggestions as to what you ought to pay for good clothes. 4 Give you some information as to the effects of the new tariff law on men’s clothes. These are a few of the interesting points in the book; it’s worth any man’s attention; let us know if you don’t get a copy. Hart Schaffner & Marx prices range from $lB to SSO. And are the greatest values for the money anywhere. Now in order to quickly introduce these clothes in Augusta to the ones that have not worn them we will reduce our profit and sell SIB.OO Suits for $15.00, and the higher grades at the same proportion of reduction. Come early while our line is complete. F. G. MERTINS 852 BROAD STREET. “The Home of Hart Schaffner 8c Marx Clothes” Phone 2036 and Say: “Send Me The Herald” A VERITABLE DENTAL PALACE iWWr Tilt i i~ TfnFjffl ALL WORK GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PAINLESS Fillings in Gold. Plat inum, Porcelain and Silver.. 50£ and ?1 Prices for all lines of work upon the same reasonable basis. REFERENCES : Union Savings Bank of Augusta and Thousands of Sat isfied Customers. ; Is Dr. Whitlaw’s New Parlors 842 BROAD ST. UPSTAIRS Every modem equipment and convenience. Dr. Whitlaw, with hLs corps of expert assist ants, are always on band. "Week Days—B a. m. to 7p. m. Sundays lO a. m. to 2p. m. Gold Inlays and Pro celain Crown, $4.00 up. FRIDAY. MARCH 27. Styles | Imu Crown and Bridge Work $4.00 up. Tooth up.