The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, April 05, 1914, Home Edition, Page TWO, Image 10

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TWO pttlplt®KcU)S baptist. Second Baptist Church O. P. Ullhert, peetor Preaching l»y Rrv. Geo K. Da via, pastor First HhU tt*t Church of i irangcburg, ts. , at 11;IS a. m ; theme, "A l»«t Saviour"; theme at » p. m, "The Unpardonable Sin." Dr Dm la will address tha Sun dry achool at in iv to. Good Bing ing. Revival eervleea will continue through the week. Public eordlaly In vited. Crawford Ava. Baptiet Church. Thomaa Walker, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. in. by th- parlor and by Rev. W. K Smith. Sunday school at 3 p in.. W. K. Hentley, superin tendent. W. R. Smith la i» food and great preacher, and will preach every niaht thla week, t'onia and hear him. Firat Baptlat Church. •a Aahby Jon**, I>. D.. Vt cochin at 11:15 a m . and *3O 1». m . by Dr. J. E Hicks. «'f Danvlll*. Va' Woodlawn Baptist Church. Chare.- Avrnue. juet off walloll Wav Sunday eehool. 9:45. B* P'J Youngblood. Supt Paaior Evan«*llat 0 K Welch. Ot Youknip. Dtxa*. will preach at II a. m , 4 p m , and 8 1a D m Service* will continue for the tncomiuk week. 4 P m. and 8:15 P The ittablie cordially Invited to our aervtrea. R K 1- Harrla, rwtof CHRISTIAN. Firat Chrlatlan Church. Smooth and tireene street* I low er.i T. Cree announce* Blblo ach.ioi at 10 a tu. Preaching at 11 15 *• ®-» "The Spent Soul"; and at * 15 P. a, -The Fact of t'hrlat, What \\'* me<-Unit on Monday at I P it. wtich every woman in the church la urged to altcnd. H|.«*W »«vlice. everv night thl* week at *ls P • with aerie* of sermons on "Becoming a Christian " Public aasured of u cor dial wnicotnc Weat End Chrietian Church. Subject a of dlac.urre for April 6th-- klornii K " hat la the HapPT! Whut la the Happy DJ£- «H>i,c|fded Rthle school 3p. m. frayer me. .ti c Wednesday night * S iiu service ut parsonage rhura.tay niaht * o'clock. We will hold evan gelistic ae.Mc.-a following the cloaa of the Unlen Meeting. H. U Voach. Mln later. CATHOLIC Sacrad Heart Church. Comer Greene and McKlnna alreeta. In charga of tha Jew It K *‘ h *^ Masse* begin *t 5:30, 620 T,IS and 0:30 a n. Sunday school at V> \ a in. Blessing of the 1 aluia at j' a m fallowed by a low mar*. In the evening, at R o'clock, Hoaary. aacmon un.l l>. nedlcilon. On Holy Thuraduv and Good Friday morning services t gin at 7 o'clock and the evening arrv fts ut h O'clock, on Omul Friday » arnooli at 3 o'clock, the Way of tin- Crnaa On Holy Saturday -morning the ceremontra begin at 8 o'clock, and biKb u.a»a fcllpwa about 7 oclock. St. Patrick'* Church Palm Sunday: Mswses “t 7. ». 10 ,u * in. Blessing of Palma b«for. the Ihm mass- H* nrrmnn and hone diet Mil) lit I I*. ID* . Monday. Tuesday »ml Wednesday, niiif at 7 unit 8 a. m. . , II iy Thursday, muaa nt 8 h. nt, fol lowed by tin- proceaslon of the Blessen Sacra nefit Holy Commualon will be at 7 o'clock-n m. I Friday. morning office »« * e't look. The Way of the Cross at 3 P m, H-inion at 8 p m. ltoli Saturday, service at 7 a. tn. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First Church of Christ, Sclantiat V, -I. rmm. Hank Hid*. Scrytco* piimliy mornlnK »*t H o’clock. NVco* ev+ntnn wt k o’clock. Bunox> •chool it 12ill*. H :i<Mnpr room open daily from 11 1° I o « lock except Monday*. The pub -11, l» cordially Invited to attend the grrvlcea and vlalt the reading room. LUTHERAN. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church J Fowiuun Derrick. pastor. I'alm Sundav April 5, 1*14: Morning serv lc. nt 11 o'clock. Kvenlng aorvlce at 8 o'clock Service ouch evening during the week at *:ls. Sunday school a' 9:46 a. tn Church la at No. 557 Greene street. Everybody welcome. St. Matthew's Lutheran Church No. 548 Wslker atreet. P. J. Battle, pidor. Divine worship at 11:15 a. nt. •i d Bp. nt. Confirmation at the morning service. Sunday school at ™45 a nt. Gao. H. Uercke. superin tendent Quarterly congregational meeting at 4 o'clock Sunday after noon. ladles' Aid Society will meet Wednesday eventns «i 4 o'clock. Ser vie** every tvtninc during H»dy \\ m\ >k: 1 f*. #x<**pt Friday «nd Btttyrnuy. Service at II a. m. on Friday. Holy Communion Thursday evening Fvery t>cd \ welcome to these services. METHODIST. Broadway M. E. Church. Corner Hroad and Mill streets Rev. C M Vsrdsl, psstor. Preaching at II o'clock a m and 8:15 p. to, by Hev Win. Hill. Sunday school at 9:30 • m., Wilfred C. Lysth, supcrlntend ent The revival sen Ices conducted hy Hev Hill will continue through the con ing week. You are Invited to come and worahlp with us. Weodlawn Methodist Church. Corner Fifteenth and Stlcox streets p,.\ J. O. Brand, pastor. Preaching at 11:15 a tn. and 8 p m. hy the pastor. Sunday achool at 9 48 a. tn. H G, McGowan, superintendent. Claaaes for men and women meet e\iry Sunday morning with the Sun dae school All nten arc Invited to come out at 10 o'clock and meet with the Brotherhood Bible Claes Revival an eatings will continue In this church, preaching al 4 p. m. and 8 p m every day Strangers are cordially Invited to all services held at this church. Asbury Methodist Church Sunday school at *46 a. m.; at Mann's. 10: SO. Preaching at 11:16 a. m and at 8 p. m.. by Rev Wm. J. Pe- Bardeleben. Sermon at 4 p. m. for the children. The revival la growing In Interest. To be continued next week nt 4 and 8 p. nt. You are urgently requested to come out and help us. St. John Methodist Church. 7P.0 Greene Street Rev s. P Wig gins pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a m Preaching. 11:15 a m. and 8:15 p. m. Morning, "The Holy Spirit" Evening, "What Is Sin?" Revival service* will continue thruuKh the week order of aervice: organ Voluntary. Hulxila llymn Prayer Apoetle* freed. Anthem, "f'hrtot, the l-ord. i* Risen.” Srhnecker. Reading from the I'nalm*. Gloria I’atrl. New Teatamenl l. offertory Anthem, "The Strlfa la o'er," Neldllnger. llymn. Serinon t'oombe. organ Poatlud. Duck, fholr Soprano, Mlaa Kate Mulkey; Alto, Ml** Marlon Mallard; Tenor. Mr .lamea; llaao, Mr Wood*, Organlat, Mlaa Murat.m. EPISCOPAL. The Church of the Good Shephard. The Hill, Archdeacon Johnson, rec tor Palin Sunday. Litany, Holy fom nfunl.m and Hcrirmn at II * m Sun day achool at 4 p. in Kvenlnn prayer and addreaa at 6 p. m. The *erv li .-u for Holy Week are u* follow*: Holy Communion on Monday, Tuesday, Wedne*.lay and Thursday, at 10 a. m. There will aluo be Holy t’ornmunlnn at 7:30 a. m. on Thuraday. tin Mon day, Tuaaday, Wedneadny and Thnra day there will be evening prayer and nddreaa at 6 p. m. On Good Friday there will be morning prayer. Litany and altar service at 1:10 a. m. I’aa rton aervice from 12 noon to 3 p m. Kvenlng prayt-r at 6 p. m. St. Paul’* Church. Q. Sherwood Whitney, rector. Palin Sunday, April sth Surday achool, 9:45 a rn. Holy Communion and *er mon, 11:15 a. ‘ m Evening prayer and addro**. R p. rn. Church of tha Atonement. Telfair and Eleventh street*, Rev. Charles P. Holbrook. rector Palm Hnmbiy: Litany. Holy Communion and aertnon at 11 a. ni. Sunday school at 4 p. m. Kvenlng prayer and addre.aa at 5 o'clock. Week Day Service*—Monday to Thuraday, Holy Communion at II a. m. Kvenlng prayer and meditation at 5 o'clock, flood Friday, morning pray er and altar aervice at 10:45. The three hour*. 12 m. to 3 p. m. Kvenlng prayer at 3 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN. Sibley Presbyterian Church. Corner Broad und Kve street*. Re vival aervice* Sunday morning ut II o'clock and Sunday evening ut 7:30 i 'clock. Sunday achool at 4 p. m. Ha ra.'a claae meeta with tha Sunday achool. The revival eervice* will con tinue throughout the coming week, be ginning promptly at 7:311 p. rn. Theae aervlcea are conducted by tlie acting paato , Rev. 11. L. Heavea. We have good Binging and extend a cordial In vitation to all to attend theae a*rv- Icea. First Preebyterian Church Corner Telfair and Seventh at reel a, Rev. Joaeph R. Sevier, D.D., pastor. Divine worship at 11:16 a. in., und ut 8 13 j>. in., with sermon* by the pas tor. Roth services today will be in line with the revival services which began last Sunday and will continue Ihrou -h Ihla week. Preaching each evening at M:l6 luirge chorus choir led by Prof. Rattle. Sunday school at 4:30. A cordial welcome to all services. Reid Memorial Church Walton Way and Johns road, tho Hill. Morning service at H a. m. Kvenlng service nt 8 p. m.. sermon by Rev II Waddell Pratt of Abbeville, S C. Sunday school gt 4 p. m.. E, S Johnson, superintendent. The address to the Adult Hlblr Clhhh will be da llverud this afternoon by Mr. W. M. Rowland. Attractive vocal and or chestral music and ovar.vone cordially Invited lo attend. Qresne Street Presbyterian Church. Between 12th and 13th Streets. M. M Mac Perrin, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. tit, Preaching by the evan gelist. Rev P. H. roman, al 11:15 a. m.. and p, ui. Morning subject, "The Judgment, Pant, Present, and Fu ture.'" Evening. "Man." Mimic hy choir. Everyone la Invited to attend these services. COLORED CHURCHES BAPTIST. Pilgrim Baptist Church. At SlngflcM's hall, on Watkins, be tween Twiggs and Washington streets. Bible studies, Sunday, April 5, begin at 6 p. tn. ami continue until ti p tn. Devotional services from 6 to 7p. m Everybody Is Invited to toms and take a part with ua. Hav. Peter T. Gullatt, pastor. Cumming Urovt Baptist Church. The ltlll Rev R. J. Mci'ann, H P., pastor. Early prayer meeting at fi:SO o'clock. 1 “reaching at 11:30 a. nt. hy Rev. G. O. Summers, of the Walker Baptist Institute. Al 3 p nt. the Y M. C. A , accompanied hy Rev. S. X. Floyd. Rev, J W. Whitehead, and others, will hold Its public revival meeting at the Gumming Grove Church. Rev. J W. Whitehead. 1> 1 will deliver the sermon. Kvenlng services at K:3O o'clock, when llev. J. T. .Evans will preach. Rev, Thomas Sap will conduct the revival meeting of each week up to the third Sunday. Rev. S. C. Walker, B. P, will assist in the Y. M. C A sen Ices Sunday afternoon. To all these services the public Is most cordially Invited to worship with us. Shiloh Baptist Church. Rev. Witt Jenkins, P. O, pastor. Preaching at 11 a m., by the pastor. Sunday sob,ml b» 3 p tit. Preaching at 8 p tn . hy Rev. 8. \V. M. Murray. Revival going on all next week. The public in Invited, Central Baptist v hurch. Corner Hopkins and Marbury Sts. Hev. R J. Johnson, pastor. Kajly prayer meeting conducted by Brother A J Smith Preaching 11:15 a m . Htul 8:15 p. m., hy the pastor. At the evening service, the cnotr under the direction of Professor Porsa. will render several selection* before the sermon. It Is rally day, come and help us. The missionary society will resume recular weekly meetings on Monday night. Macedonia Baptist Church Rev. W tv. Jones, pastor. Prayer meeting at # a m Preaching at 11 a. nt. Sunday school at 1:30 p. ra„ R T. Cotton, superintendent. Bond eon <-,>rt at 4 p. m. Address hy Rev. C. A. Wardells. All are Invited to be pres ent. Thankful Baptist church Rev. L. P. Pinckney. D.D.. pastor. Early prayer meeting at 7 a. nt. Preaching at 11:30 a. m and at 8:30 p. nt.. by the pastor. Sunday achool ‘at 3:30 p. m., L. G. Harmon, eupar- I Intandanl. Prayer meeting Tuesday night, it V P. U, mealing Thuraday night. The public cordially nlvitcd to nl| theae aervice*. Hals Street Baptist Church Kariy prayer meeting at 6 a m. Preaching at 11:30 a. tn. and at « 30 p. m., by Rev. Win. Pope Sunday, 2 p. m., the Woman’s Mlaalon will have an hour. Prayer meeting be ginning at 4 p. nv The Habers' prayer at 5 p. m. R Y. P. If. 7:30 to *:3O. The revival still going on. Rev. Green Smith will preach the next two weekp. Come out llear the able man of Clod, Tin- public I* Invited. Rev. J. W. William*, paator. Tabamael* Baptist Church rtcgular Sunday nervier* by the pnll lor, llev. C. T. Walker. D.D. For the night service a short discourse fol lowed with the celebration of the Lord’* Supper. Friend* and vlaiiora nre cordially invited to attend the ser vice* for the day. Prayer meeting a! ft a. m. Preaehlng service at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. B. 3’. P. 17, meeting at 7 p, m Celebration of the Lord's Supper at H p. in. Union Baptist Church. Rev. T. H. Dwell*. A. M„ paator. Branching at 11:30 a. m. and R p. in by the paator Communion at 12:30 p m. Sunday achool at 10:30 a m , L. JO. White, superintendent. CONGREGATIONAL. First Congregational Church. Corner Jacket n and Gwinnett St*, nov John T Clemons, paator. Ser vice* Sunday: Preaching and the Ixird's ffunper al 11 p. m , and preach ing at 8 p. m Our revival meeting will lip continued till Ka*tcr Sunday. You are cordially Invited to attend all aervice*. CATHOLIC. Church of the Immaculate Conception. Palm Sunday, maaae* at X and 10 a. in. Illeaaliig of palma al late rnaaa Sunday, at 8 p. in., Rosary, sermon and benediction. Subject of ncrinon. "The Holy Sacrament of Matrimony.” Wednesday, at 8 p. rn . Rosary, ser mon and benediction Subject of ser mon, "The Catholic Priesthood,” Holy Thuraday, solemn mass at 8 a. n Thuraday. al 8 p. nj„ holy hour with sermon on “The Ixive of Jesus In tin Rleaaed Sacrament of the Altar.” After sermon partial chant of Tencbrar Good Friday, solemn office at 8 a. in. Musa of the preside tified. At 3 p. m, Rtallon* of the cross. A relic of the true cross of Christ will be venerated at this devotion. Friday, at 8 p, m., sermon on "The passion of Christ, - ’ and partial chant of Tenebrae. Holy Sat urday, mass at 8 a. rn , preceded by blessing of new fire, etc. Kaster Sun day, masses nt 7:30 and 9:30 a. m. This last mass is a solemn high mass The newly organized Clef Club will render Millard’s beautiful mass In G. Sunday night, nt 8 o’clock, Rosary, serinon and benediction The sermon will be on “The Triumph of the Croas." EPISCOPAL. Bt. Mary’* Church. 016 Telfair street, near Campbell street. Rev. Hatnuel A. E. Coleman, vicar. April 6, 1914, alxth Sunday In Lent. Services ut 11 a. rn. and 0 p. in. Sunday achool at 12:30 p. m. Serv ices Monday and Tuesday at 6:30 p. m., Wednesday at 7 p m., Thursday at 7:30 a. m. ntul 6:30 p m. Friday, be ing Gnffd Friday, there will be serv ice* ut 11 a. m. ami 6:30 p. m. Sat urday, Faster-eve, there will be serv ices at 6:30 p. m. The public la cor dlully invited to theao services; also to our service of song on Sunday, April 9, 1914, at 4:30 p. m. METH ODIST. Zion Methodist Church, Twiggs aired, oppoalto I'edur street. Rev. M. Phllbert Lankford, pastor Special features In all of the services Sunday, at 11:30 a. in., 3:30 and 8:15 P. m. The pastor and choir have put forth special efforts to make the serv ices Interesting Sunday. Special ser mon, "God Rewarding His Laborers," at 11:30 a. tn. Sunday school at 1:30 P. m, W. H. Harris, superintendent. Special sermon at 3:30 p. m. to the candidate* for Holy Baptism, "How to Live the Christian Life” Ttge Lord's Supper will he administered at this service. Special sermon at 8:15 p. m. and the glvlttß of the right hand of fellowship to the new members. All of the members and friends are re quested to attend the early prayer meeting at 8 a. m. To all of th serv ices you arc cordially Invited to at tend. Bethel Msthodist Church. Rev. A, M. Jordan, pastor. Prayer meeting at 8:30 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. nt. Preaching at 11:30 a. m. by the pastor Holy Communion at 1 |>. in. Allen League at 7 p. m.; sub ject, "Power Verse." Preaching at 8 P m. Revival services will continue all the week. Rev. W. A. McClendon, of Warrenton, til, will preach for tis. All are cordially Invited to come out. Trinity Methodist Church. Rev. W. M. Gladden, pastor. Special services st Trinity all day on account of baptism, felowshtpplng of new members and Holy Communion. Preaching nt 11:15 a m. At 4 p. nt. the pastor wll preach to young con verts and new membera. All arc wel come. Services at 8:30 p. in. Sunday achool at 3 p. in.. R. Johnson, superin tendent. Monday night. Class 9 serves refreshments nt the parsonage for the tally. Regular weekly meetings, PRESBYTKRIAN. Christ Presbyterian Church Corner Tel fa Ir and Cumming streets. Rev. J. S. Ellis, pastor. Preaching nt 11:15 a. in., after which we shall cele brate the " Lord's Supper," Sunday achool at 4 o'flock p m. All arc most cordially Invited to worship with us. A Series of Interesting Sen/ices at the Second Baptist All This Week Rev. Gee E, Da vis, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Orangeburg. S C„ has announced a scries of most Interesting sermons for this week. Mr Davis has greatly charmed the people with his splendid gifts. Those who hear him on the following topics will have no cause to regret It: Sundav night April sth, “The Cn pardonahle sin." Monday night, April fith. "Bursting Bubbles " Tuesday night. April 7th, "Big Man Little God." Wednesday night. April Bth. "Why tlod Gave the Ten Commandments." Thursday night. April 9th. "The Bi ography of a Notorious Young Man." FVlday night. April 10th, “A Sin Worse Than Murder." There will he splendid singing and you are Invited to attend. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. REVIVAL AT FIRST PBESBTTEIR Attendance Oood Each Night Ah Well As the Increase of Interest—Pastor Was the Only Preacher. The revival services at the First Pres, byterian church are progressing very satisfactory. The attenuance has been good each night, there being more than lhe nlghl before. Tlie Interest has also been Increasing, as shown by the eurneatneas of those attending, and the plana for extending the Influence of the meetings to others. The pastor baa done all the preaching, and with l«»t I nil earnestness he has laid upon Ida members the privilege of winning souls. Upon the unconverted he has laid the serious responsibility of de ciding for or against Christ, and hh* shown the eternal ronaeipienrea hang ing upon thla derision. There have been aoveral professions, and a num ber requesting prayer. Each evening after the service there are groups of men and of women who meet for prayer. These after-meetings have been the source of much power In Ihe meetings. Each one remaining unites In the prayer for the spiritual awakening of Augusta. The musical feature of the service has been one of the most attractive features. Professor Hattie, at much sacrifice to himself, has led the sing ing each evening In order to do this he had to give up several of his classes. He ha* a deep earnest desire to have everyone who sings get a comprehensive grasp of Ihe meaning of the song. To this end he make* them sing slower and softer than Is usually the custom, and the change from the “express-traln-rale" of sing ing Is quite a pleasant one. He has had good numbers In the choir each evening. The services will continue through the week, Ihe pastor preaching at B:L> o'clock each evening. There are no day services, the congregation uniting In the service at St. John's at 12:30 o'clock each day. FINE MEETINGS Al MR. MACEERRIN’S CHURCH Conpregations Have Been Good and the Meetings Have Been a Very Fine Success So Far. Tlie first week of Ihe meetings at Ihe (Jreene Street rvesbylerlan have been very Inters!ln*, mid good congregation* have assembled morning and night. The masterful Interpretation of the word of ihid by the evangelist has greatly de lighted growing congregation* who have uesemblt'd engetly eoch day for the messages. The Itev. D. H. Coman .» u minister of wide experience In evan gelistic work. His method 1* to take the word of God as Us own Interpreter, and his sermons have alKiut them the ring of certainty. As the end of all controversy Is to have the "thus said tlie Lord," there has been a satisfactory feeling about the messages that Uod is speaking through his messenger. The character of the preaching Inst week whs more food for the Christian than utlmonltion to the unconverted, though there have been many evidences of deep thoughtfulness among the un saved The sermons this week wIH seek to bring to decision those who are hesl tatlng. All ft the methods of the evangelist are conservative, seeking to CAiise the Interested ones to act on faith rather than through the agitation of feeling. Sunday morning nt 11:16, l)v. Coman will preach on “The Judgment, Past. Present and Future.” Sunday evenin'! the subject will he “Man.'’ lairge congregations will doubtless hear him on these Important subjects. The ntuslr has been splendid A tem porary platform has been built by the pulpit, and a chorus choir has been or ganised. accompanied by ptano, cornets and violins The singing has been so contagious that the whole congregation has henrtlly Joined In the songs. To day at both sendees the chorus will lead the singing Even’ day this week at 10:30 a. m. and 8:00 r m the evangelist will preach. Every regular member of the congre gatlon Is being urged to attend, and to extend pereonal Invitation to others to eome with Them The newspaper public Is areuslonted to reading rather extravagantly worded Invitations to dif ferent attractions, blit Mr. MacFerrln, the pastor of the church, feels that In alt deliberate sincerity he cun urge the people to come and hear the preaching of the Gospel from this remarkable preacher. Not for eloquence, though this Is not laok'ttg at all, hut to be taught the truth from the word of God Itself are the peoplq Invited to come. Holy Week Services at St. Paul’s Church Monday, April 6. Evening prayer 5 P. M. Tuesday, April 7. Holy Communion 7:30 A. M Kvenlng prayer 5 P. M, Sacred music. 8:15 P. M. Wednesday, April 8. Holy Communion 7:30 A. M. Evening prayer 8:15 PM. Thursday, April 9 Holy Communion 11:00 A. M. Evening prayer 5 P M. Good Friday, April 10. Morning prayer and altar service 10:30 A. M. Three hours’ Passion Service II to 3 P. M, Easter Even., April 11. Morning prayer 9:30 A. M. Holy baptism 5 P. M. Faster Day, April 12. Holy Communion 7:30 A M Morning prayer and Holy Communion ....11:00 A. M. Children's service 4 P. M. The offering on Easter Day will he devoted to the payment of the cur rent debt of 81.800 METHODIST REVIVAL AT DEARINO HAS CLOSED A great revival has Just closed at the Hearing Methodist t'hurch. result ing in a great moral and spiritual up lift to the community. There mere more than thirty conversions, twenty four accessions to the church, seven new subscribers to the Wesleyan Christian Advocate and seventeen family altars erected. Rev. W R. Eng land. the faithful, hard-working pas tor. was assisted hy Rev. .1 O. Bur nett. of Ruffing. S C. The co-operation of the people oi Hearing was inspiring. GOD’S STANDARD IS PERFECTION Christian Must Develop Char acter-Likeness to Christ. CREATED IN IMAGE GF 60D. The Desire For Harmony With Ood a Pa-t of Mtn's Original Psrfoction. Bom* Naturally Drawn to God—Faith tha Firat Stop—Consooration tha Bacond Stap—Than Growth In Gracs and Knowledge Lessons In tha School of Chriat—Justice th# Foun dation of Charaotor—Lovs th* Su pcrotructure Th* Great Test of Chora ctor. March 29.—Pas tor llussell preach ed a very Interest ing discourse to day on Holiness His text was: "As He which hath called you Is holy, so he ye holy In all manner of con versation.” (1 Pe ter 1:15.1 He said in part: The Scriptures explicitly declare - - - - J that our greet Creitor made man In Ilia own Image and likeness, and pro nounced His crenture very good. But when aln entered the world, through the disobedience of Father Adam, he was cut off from fellowship with his Creator-ns n part of the penalty of aln. This allenution from God must have been one of man's most grievous trials. He must have hungered and thirsted to draw near to God once more, to have the Divine protection, the Divine love; otherwise he could not hnve been created in the perfect Image of God. Bat as centurleß rolled on Adam’s posterity became more and more de praved and demoralized; the original character-likeness to God became blurred, faint, indistinct So while the desire for God still remains, in eome it is more pronounced than in others Tn some it is so feeble thnt they care little for their Creator and are easily satisfied by the pleasures of the world or by the sensualities of life Many are separated from God through Ignorance, superstition and the doctrine* of demons, as the Bible declares. Misunderstanding our grn clous Creator, they are thus driven away from Him. Whatever of natural Inclination they have had the Adver sary seeks to thwnrt. As St. Paul de clares. "The god of this world hath blinded the minds of them that believe not. lest tho light of tbe glorious Gos pel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them" (2 Corinthians 4:4), should scatter the darkness and make known to them the true charac ter of God; and thus they should be drawn to Him. But with some of the race desire for God and righteousness has prevailed above the stupefying Influence of the ■world, the flesh and the Devil. This class are drawn by the natural inclina tion of their minds Godward—desiring to be in harmony with their Creator. While those who were not born of re ligions parents have had a large expe rience with sin and alienation from God. others, born In a measure of Jus tification. have had a measure of fel lowship with God always, as children of believers. This class are in a fa vorable condition to be drawn of God, and to bear His voice speaking peace to them and pointing them to Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, the Life. "Lord, Bhow Ut the Father!" As these come to appreciate our Lord’s beautiful character and His loyalty to the Father, and to under stand that He came into the world to die for Adam's sin. their hearts re spond with increasing gratitude to the Redeemer and to the Heavenly Father, whose Plan our Lord was carrying out More and more do they long to draw closer to God, and to be recognized of Him as members of His family. Through the Word the Master In structs them that whoever will walk In His steps shall eventually see God In the fulness of Heavenly glory. Still further study of the Scripture* Informs this class that tbe first step to be taken ts one of faith. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Those who take this step must recognlzF that they are (tin ners, under the Adamic sentence, from which no one can be freed except in God's appointed way—Jesus. Then by faith they must accept Jesus as the Redeemer of Adam and his posterity. They must perceive that His desth on Calvary was a sacrificial one; and thnt the grand outcome of this Ransom sac rtflee will be that the Kingdom of God will be established in the earth for the purpose of uplifting mankind out ot sin and death conditions—hack to the fall image of God in the flesh. The Call of the Gospel Ago. Those who take this first step may know what is the second step; and it they have sufficient faith to take this step, their sins will be forgiven and they will tie granted a new nature This second step Is tfl accept God's in vitation to “present their bodies a liv ing sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto Coil, their reasonable service." Those who necepf this Invitation are thus USE HERALD WANT ADS. privileged to aacrihce their all of earth ly time, talent, wpultb. etc. When ibej have eo done, our Lord Impute* to them Individually His merit, and thus makes them holy and acceptable unto God. who Immediately accept* them and be gets them of His Holy Spirit. Thenceforth they nre New Creatures —"old things have passed away and all things become now." They are now counted as member* of His glorious Church. Their sins that nro past are nil cleansed; und the New Creature ban no defilement of Itself. But at taching to the flesh are certain tmper faction*, which from time to time crop out The New Creature is to be prompt to notice those; for the New Creature 1* the new will, which henceforth reg ulate* the mortal body. Apparently some of God's dear peo ple have not realized what n contract they hnve on band. Some are Inclined to lie careless about watching the very things which they have been told to watch. It I* for all the coneecrated to remember that their first obligation is In respect to their own flesh, not that of others. We may give each other valuable suggestions, but tbe re sponsibllity for the body rests with each n* a New Creature. And here we have the task of our Uvea; for in our flesh, as the Apostle says, dwells no perfection. Seme have one degree of imperfection and some another; some are more Imperfect and blemished In one way and others In another. But as the Scriptures continually assure us. there Is none righteous, none perfect, no, not oue. We all come short and need to recognize our shortcomings; and we nre to fight the good fight against them. Th* New Crsatur* In School. Whoever would be of the class to which God has called us must of ne cessity be developed; therefore who ever God has called, accepted and be gotten of the Holy Spirit are In the School of Christ. Then begin tbe les eons which they must learn—they must grow In grace, in knowledge and In love. As the Apostle explains, they must be transformed—be formed over If they nre not thus transformed, they will not be ready for the Kingdom to which they are called. This trans forming Is not a work In the flesh, al though It will affect the flesh to some extent It is the renewing of the mind—their mlmls must become new Thereafter matters are to be decided not according to their preferences, but according to certain principles—justice and love. The New Creatures In Christ have a set of new rules, alto gether different from what they had before they became New Creatures. The world has no such rules and reg ulatlons as those which are applicable to the New Creatures in Christ Ev erythlng done by those who are in the School of Christ must be squared by the Rule of Justice. They dare not do anything that would be unjust to a neighbor, to a brother or to anybody To the full extent of their ability the New Creatures must render justice Many of the Lord's people apparently have not fully realized this fact—that obedience to the rules governing the new nature means absolutely the Gold en Rule on their part toward all oth ers. They must not do to others what they would not have others do to them Because of failure on the part of some to recognize this principle, tho way of the Lord 1* spoken evil ot sometimes. If a Christian falls to pay his debts, or If he is careless as to how he involves himself In debt, it is because this principle of Justice does not stand out prominently enough bfr fore his mind. As an old creature he has perhaps been In the habit of ig noring the lines of Justice and of slid lng along as ho may be able and of leaving others In the lurch. This will not do for the New Creature: for he has come uuder a set of new rules, and no matter how much the old crea ture may seek to shirk, the New Crea ture's duty is to bring tbe body Into subjection and to see that justice rules in every act and word, and so far as possible la every thought. “They Shall All Be Taught of God." To whatever extent the principles of justice control our minds, to that ex tent we have character-likeness to God. Tho cultivation of these princi ples in all our actions and dealings, in all our words and thought*, must be our daily concern. It may be cornpar atively easy to be Just so far as money is concerned, to say, I would pay to the very last penny, and would live on the plainest of food rather than be in debt; but it is not so easy to be thor oughly Just In our words and thoughts The New Creature is to sit in judg ment on every word which his mouth may utter. It is no wonder that St. James says that if any man sin not with his tongue tbe same la a perfect man. The New Creature Is to be on guard that he may be developed along this line, and must thoroughly show the Lord that he has no sympathy with injustice. One must be just in his thoughts be fore be can be properly just in his dealing*. The man who thinks tin justly will act unjustly, in spite or himself; the New Creature must lie disciplined even to the control of his thoughts. He must never think of any one except with an unprejudic ed mind, a calm judgment, seeking to give other* tlie benefit of tbe doubt. If there is any doubt whatever. Addi tionally. he mnst lieed the lord's coun sel that we should exercise great mer cy. and that He would rather have us err In the sense of being too lenient than hnve n.s lie merely Just. But beyond Justice conies love, the very highest of God's attributes. God Is ilist: but lie is I.ove, also, which is higher, lu the sense that it implies something more than mere justice. USE HERALD WANT ADS. SUNDAY. APRIL $. Not only will God do full juetJr* .« everybody, but He will do a Uttl# more | —He will do eoiuutbtng of lure. This He ahows us tn Hl* dealing* with ' mankind. God wits only Juat when Ho condemned tbe race of Adam a* unfit for everlasting life; and He would still h*ve been Juat If He had never pro vided redemption or any other oppor tunity for the world whntever. God I* more than Juat, however, nnd so In due time He provided the Re deemer. This was Grace, this was ! Mercy, this waa Love. And Love has been working all through III*, great Plan of the Age*, providing first the Savior, then making provision for tho Church, that through III* mercy we might come from the rnnka of sinners up to the ranks of glory. To accnm pltsh this. He has forgiven the Bins of the Church, ha* encouraged them by assurance* of His love and favor all the wsy and ha* mad* all things work ; together for llielr good. "Be Y# Perfeot." This. then, la the Love of God; and the New Creature* In Christ must , have this character-likeness to Ged. We must have love, sympathy, and not merely Justice. There Is nothing of grace In the giving of Justice; any thing les* than Justice is wrong. But the Lord’s people must be more than Just; they are to be kindly affectloued 1 one to another, tender-hearted, forgiv ing one another, even as God fag Christ's sake lias forgiven them. Our Heavenly Father wishes His children to see that quality in His character and to copy IL This Is what Jesus meant when He said, "Be ye perfect even as your Father in Heaven Is per fect” We cannot bring our mortal body to that degree of perfection where every act would be perfect, ev ery word perfect but the mind must be in full sympathy and accord with God and His arrangements, and each must strive to the best of his ability to bring the body Into barmony with God. As the Bible teaches, the Church class are In the School of Christ being taught of God—His workmanship. By Ills providence and His Word ne has been working In us, by our experiences, which He has shaped for us. and by the opportunities which He gives us. All these things are designed by the Lord to bless us and to develop us in His own character-likeness, so that as Jesus said, we may be like unto our Father in Heaven, so that we may be holy, even ns ne is holy—that our In tentions. aims, desires, may be of ex actly the same kind as His own. If. therefore, any one who professes to be a New Creature in Christ has in his heart a feeling of bitterness, envy or strife, let him beware! Such a con dition of heart is dangerous; it is uot j of the Holy Spirit at all. Those who I have such elements of character are not holy as the Heavenly Father is holy. On the contrary, as the Apostle explains, these qualities of character are works of the flesh and of the Devil: and to whatever extent one possesses these, they are the result of the snirit of the flesh and of the Devil at work in the heart. But if, on the contrary, one has holi ness and a fulness of desire to know and to do God’s will as an increasing power in his heart, then he is indeed being sealed of the Holy Spirit of God. The character-likeness of our Father in Heaven Is being impressed upon him. He is more and more coming to see things from God's viewpoint—to see as God sees, to sympathize with the things with which God sympa thizes. to be opposed to the things to which God is opposed. The Grand Climax of Character. Of our Lord Jesus it was written: "Thou lovost righteousness, and batest iniquity: therefore God, Thy. God, hath anointed Thee with the otl of Joy nbove Thy fellows" (Psalm 45:7)- above the angels, above the Church, making Him to be Head over all things to the Church nnd decreeing that all the angels shall worship Him. (Hebrews 1.6-9.) In order to copy Him we must see to what extent He loved righteousness and hated iniquity. He so hated wickedness that in eyery way He avoided injustice, iniquity, un righteousness, sin; and He so loved righteousness that He preferred to die even the death of the cross rather than so resist the will of God. This, then, is the great test of char acter going on with the Lord’s people, and according to these lines God is dealing with them. It is not merely that they are fighting the good fight and trying to accomplish something in their flesh; for the New Creature will never succeed in getting as good con trol of the flesh as he could wish. But what God wishes to see in His people is that their whole hearts are set for righteousness, that they love the right and hate the wrong, and that they are striving to the best of their ability to put down the wrong and to uphold the right, especially in themselves —In their own characters and in their own acta, words and thoughts. So shall they be the children of the Highest; and when our great Redeem er shall examine them for graduation from the School of Christ, He shall be ready to say to each. "Well and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things." "My life flows on In endless song. Above earth’s lamentation; catch the sweet, not far-off hymn. That halls a New Creation. Through ail the tumult and the strife I hear the music ringing: It finds an echo In my aoul— How can I keep from Binging? "I lift mine eyes; the cloud grows thin; I see the blue above It; And day by day this pathway smooths. Since first I learned to love It. The Peace of Christ rr.akea fresh ms heart. A fountain ever springing: All things are mine since 1 am hSa llow can 1 keep from singing?” USE HERALD WANT ADS.