The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, April 05, 1914, Home Edition, Page SEVEN, Image 15

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SUNDAY. APRIL 5. WANTED \oL' TO "KNOW THAT WE ARK A 8(4 Broad »treet with a comp'et* lln* of piano*. plnyer-planoa, Vtctrolaa. miter*, mandolin*, vlol*n» and All kino* of tnualrul Inttrumcnl*. t'aah or credit. W. I*. Winning Mimic Co. WANTED: ROOM AND BOARD IN private family by gentleman with beat referenria Itcaaonuble nnd central. Aildrcaa J. A K., care Uernld. BOtiu POEMS WAITED: I'LL lah mimic and publleli If accepted. Have paid thouaanda In roynltln*. E*t in years Booklet and particular* free. John Hall l’rca. Columbua Circle, N. V. C. WANTED—Rooms WANTED: TO RENT ROOM IN private family, by buelnea* woman; all convenience*. Addre** X. Z., car* Her ald. WANTED- THREE OR POUR UN furnlahed room* for light ing. Phone 3193-J. WANTED—Boaroers WANTED BOARDERS: ROOM WITH good board: hot and eold water; cen trally located. 1034 Reynold* street. Phone 1795. ______ bToardehs WANTED. HOTEL MEL hurne. 604 Broad etreet. phone No. 147 S New management exclusively. Good tnrale. quick service; room* clean and neat; rates reasonable. WANTED HELP—MaIe Wanted: colored boys to car ry The Herald. Apply No. 1 Sub- Station. 1037 11th street. WANTED: COLORED BOYS OVER 14 years of age. Bagging Department. Riverside Mill*. WANTED: COLORED BOYS TO CAR ry The Herald. Apply No. 1 Sub- Station. 1037 lltli street. WANTED AT ONCE A GOOD AI. L. round white’ tinner; a good business proposition to sober, Industrious man. Write S. S. Fraser. Georgetown. S. 0. WANTED: COf.ORED BOYS TO CAlt ry The Herald. Apply No. 1 Sub- Station, 1037 11th street. WANTED: COLORED BOYS TO CAIU ry The Herald. Apply No. 1 Sub- Station, 1037 11th street. WANTED: ‘ COLORED BOYS TO CAR ry The Herald. Apply No. 1 Sub- Station, 1037 11th street. WANTED: TWO GOOD ENERGETIC sober men to take orders fer pictures and frame in city; good proposition for right party. R. L| Miller, 128744 Broad street. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS ARE easy to get. My free booklet Y 45ti tells how. Write today—NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C. WANTED; ONE OF THE FOREMOST chocolate houses requires energetic salesman to sell cocoa, chocolate coat ing and liquors to the confectionery and ice cream manufacturers. bakers and confectioners, supply houses, etc., in this city on commission. M. &S. Co coa & Chocolate Co., Jersey City, N. J. WANTED: FIRST-CLASS CLEANER and pressjer; must be sober and able to get business. References required. Ap ply 1001 I‘Jth street err phone 1268. WAITED: YOUNG MEN FOR POSI - in automobile business. Big pay. We teach you in ten weeks by mail. No tuit»«n charge until we get you position. Write today. American Auto. Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. SIOO.OO WEEKLY PROFIT IN SPARE time at home. Mail order business— don’t worry about capital. Boyd Frown, Omaha, Nbr. WANTED HELP —Mile and Female. WE WILL PAY YOU $120.00 TO Dis tribute religious literature in your com munity. Sixty days’ worK. Experience not required Man or woman. Oppor tunity for promotion. Spare time may be used. International Bible Press, Phil adelphia. WILL PAY RELIABLE MAN OR woman $12.50 to distribute 100 free pkgs. Perfumed Borax Soap Powder among friends. No money required. Ward Borax Co., 216 Institute PL, Chi WANTED HELP—Female WANTED: COMPETENT Y OUNG lady stenographer. Apply Monday, Mr. Bryan, Business Office, Augusta Herald. WANTED: AN ALL-AROUND COM petent diningroom maid. Apply 619 Greene street. WANTED "AT ONCE: GOVERNESS for four children. Address P. O. Box 861, Statesboro, Ga. LADIES: SELL OI'R NEWLY PAT ented sanitary spceialtips, cun make $lO to $36 weekly, premiums also given. Climax Co., 013 ... Taylor, Rt. Louis. WANTED: LADY AGENTS THROUGH out Georgia and South Carolina, to sell toilet preparation, never falls to sell, absolutely reliable. Beautifies the com plexion. Address Box 103 St. Mat thews, S. C. WANTED —Aqents COLORED MAN OR WOMAN REPRE > sentatrve wanted in each locality. Part or full lime. SSO to SSOO a month. Every customer secured gives you a steady montly Income. Only one appointment iln each locality: hurry tind he the first ;to apply. Write Box 3G — 109, Cincin nati, O. BEER IN CONCENTRATED FORM. Just out —nothing else like it. Carry right in your pocket. The biggest sell er out today—enormous profits coins jou money. Anyone can now have a cooling glass of T-ager Beer whenever Ihev want it. Its simply wonderful, amazing—great. Show it—sell them nil. Jf sr,n a week looks good to you—send post d today. The Antbrew Co., Dept. 1625» Cincinnati, O. AGENTS: YOU CAN MAKE $25 TO SBO a week selling guaranteed Alumnlnum ■ware. Complete sales course free. An swer <iu!rk to secure choice of terrltcry. Ihv. 151, American Alumnium Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111. AGENTS: ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD. Kerosene (coal oil) self-healing Iron. Absolutely safe. Odorless. Women wild shout It. J. E. Daugherty made *SOO In one month. Your territory open. Write quick for terms. Thomas Iron Co.. 13)2 Wayne Bldg.. Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS: SELL GCA RAW TE E D alutnnium cocking utensils. Sure sale where shown. SSO to S6O weekly easily made. American Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Dept. 3015, Lemont. 111. AGENTS: SOMETHING NEW—FAST pst sellers and quickest repeater on earth. Permanent profitable business. Good for ssu to $75 a week. Write for particulars. American Products Co., SOBB Sycamore St„ Cincinnati, O. wm SITUATION WANTED—Fe maIe. LADIES’ MaTd (wHITE) ' FtßST claas, two year* In America, wl*he* employment. C. D. No. 1. care Herald. WANTED —Salesmen 7>o yor want ho a pay. side or main line, retail, premium and Punch Bowl dealt? Five propositions. Am erican Factories Co., St. Louie, Mo. SALESMAN: FOR GENERAL MER cantlle made In Georgia to aell a new proposition of merit. Vacancy now. Attractive commission contract. $35.0(1 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxler Co.. Wholesale Jeweler*. 40-14 Carlin Building, Cleveland. Ohle. WANTED—Miscellaneous WANTED TO BUY DIRECT FROM owner, lot in Monte Sano, also smalt farm hack of Summerville or Martinez, on Washington Road; bargain. Ad dress F., care Herald. WANTED; TO PURCHASE A RK frlgerator, about 100-lbs. capacity. Phono 1057-J. Wanted to small electric motor for alternating current. Ad dress Motor, care Herald. FOR SALE—ReaI Esate SIX out on ga r. r.. si acres, poultry, truck and fruit farm 2- story. 8-rooin dwelling. 60x30 chicken house. and brooder to match, 1.500 chickens, paying under contract SIOO per week, cheap. See uo—Cochran & Ma son. 114 Marbury St FOR BALE: ONE CORn’eß liOT, B>oo block Reynolds street, two-story brick house, seven rooms nnd bath, servants’ house and garage; double lot: at bar gain. See us. Cochran & Mason, 214 fdarhury street. WANTED: QUICK BUYER FOR GOOD eight-room house, with all conven iences: excellent locality; large corner lot, outhouses, poultry yard and garden. Immediate possession; party leaving city. Apply "Suburban,” care Herald. BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE HOME: ON centrally located corner on the Hill, one square from car line, I have a cot tage house of five rooms and bath, at tractive in every way. and in perfect condition, with lot 110x160 feet. PRICE $5,000.00. If you will take a look at this place you will buy It. VACANT LOT ON HILL. ON RPLEN dId street, one square from care line, 61x161 feet. Old portion of Hill and fine shade. Ifrlce $20.0 Or foot. WANTED: FOR A FRIEND I WANT a house on lower Broad or Greene nr Telfair, between Fourth and Eighth streets, to cost not over $7,000. JOHN W. DICKEY. FOR SALE —Miscellaneous FOR SAI.E: FANCY GROCER i, FISH. oyster, ice and soft drink business, good cash business; best business stand on west Broad street. Must close cut at once on account of my health. Have been here eleven years; successful. Ad dress 1731 Broad. Call phone !>79. FOR BALE: A FINE SECOND-HAND set of Cyclopedia of Applied Electricity and other sets of reference. Dellquest's, 213-213 7th street. CHRYSANTHEMUM PLANTS: FINE chrysanthemum plants for sole, 59c per dozen. Phone 1679-J. FOR SALE: ONE TIME LOCK SAFE, fireproof. A bargain for cash. Address J. R. Dußose, Aiken, S. C. FOR SALE: 2 CONTRACTS, STAND ard Loan Co., Birmingham, Ala., about ready for use. for amount paid in for same, reply to "Contracts," care Herahlw FOR SALE: GIANT COTTAGE CALLA llllies, at Sym Mura's, 606 East Boun dary. Phone 1853-J. FOR SALK: GIRL'S BICYCLE AND lady's side saddle, used only short time. Phone 199. Asp FOR SALE: FINE~~BABY CARRIAGE, upholstered in leather, brass trim mings, dark green body, leather top, rubber tires. In perfect order. Address Carriage, care Herald. FOR SALE: A LARGE BUTCHER'S refrigerator and a romplete stock of all butcher's tools, blocks, knives saws, etc. Also a nice large horse. Apply to Mrs. E. M. Deas, 28 Cummings St., Au gusta, Ga. FOR SALE: FINE SHASTA DAISY plants, 35c per dozen, delivered. Phone 6908-J. FOR SAI.E: ONE BA&K SAFE AND vault, good condition. Quick, bar gain for cash or reasonable terms. For further information, write “J. M. S. r ” 137 E. Marrlon St., Florence, 8. C. FOR RENT—Rooms FOR JUENfi TWO NICELY FURNISH ed rooms for light housekeeping. 119 7th street. TO RENT: ONE ROOM. FURNISHED or unfurnished, for lady or gentleman; central location on Greene street. Ad dress R. B. 8., care Herald. FOR RENT: THREE LARGE ROOMS for light housekeeping, one large room with board to couple or two young men. Table boarders wanted. Address "D. W.." care Herald. FOR RENT: NICELY FURNISHED room with board or without, for cou ple or gentlemen; In private family. 1317 Ellis street. FOR KENT; FRONT ROOM: FURN- Ishod, hot snd cold baths, with or without board, private family. 1013 Telfair. TO RENT; SOME LARGE. COOL, furnished rooms, some for light house keeping; also a flat fixed for two parties. Call at #55 Reynolds street. TO RENT: FURNISHED ROOMS, electric lights, telephone and privilege of hath. Phone 170-J. FOR RENT: TWO NICELY FUR.NTS H ed rooms, bath, phone, electric lights ml all conveniences; centrally located; references exchanged. Address M. It., cure Herald. FOR RENT: NICELY FURNISHED front room, without board, to couple or two gentlemen. Apply 111 Walker street. FOR RENT: ONE SIDE. FIVE ROOMS. private bath, SIB.OO per month, to family without children; two rooms well suited for couple doing light housekeep ing, SIO.OO per month; and one large room suitable for office, or bedroom, for gentleman, at 661 Broad street. Call at 120 Bay street or phone 1361-J. FOR RENT: THREE DKLIOIJTFUL large unfurnished rooms, with kitch en and all conveniences for light house keeping; very best neighborhood. Ad dress Box 001. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED: AN IDEA. WHO CAN think of some simple thing to patent? protect your ideas: they may bring you wealth. Write today and get our free hooks ''Millions In Patents," "Needed Inventions." and "Patent Buyers." Ad dress Randolph & Co.. Dept. 2210, Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. IBnfc FOR SALE —Farms FOR SARK: TWO VERY ATTRACTIVE farm* In richest fanning section of Georgia; prlee right and good reason for selling; cash or terms. Address Edward Young Cluvkr, P. 0, Box 965. Atlanta, a».. or P. O. Box 269 Quitman, G«. IM-ACRK FARM. 100 ACRES IN « I I. tlvatlon, 2 dwellings. 4 lo 6 rooms each. 3 tenant houses; at Glove town, On., 15 miles out; at a bargain. See us. Cochran & Mason. Real Estate Agents, 214 Marhnry St, FOR SALE—Poultry SILVER CAMPINKH, A COMBINATION of beauty nnd utility. Circular end mating list free. Eggs $3 setting, two fur $5. T, L. Hilton, Lancaster, S. C. KOlt SALE: RARREDROCK ~KOUB, $5 per 100; 15 for $1.25. Address W. J. Dennis, Houle 2, Augusta, Q». it m: “Sale: tow settings of Barred Reck eggs. Owens Farm and Bradlev Bros, strains, $1.50 per setting from choice birds. M. J. Maher, 304 Sth or 2865 Cummlng street. Phone No. 256. EGGS FOR HATCHING. WHITE ORD Ington, prlxe winners Augusta Fair, $1.50 per setting. Rhode Island Reds. sl. Incubator eggs furnished on short no tice. Indian Runner Duck Eggs. sl.<W per dozen. Mrs. C. C. Howard.. Phone 2130-J. EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM TRAP nested, exhibition and utility White, Black and Buff Orringtons. Dark Corn ish Indian Games, Partridge Rocks and Runner Ducks. Pens headed by Im ported and Southern champion males, scientifically innlsd. Free Illustrated catalogue and poultry guide. Beveried Plantation. Hairy Leo llarllee. Owner and Manager, Darlington, S. C. FOR RENT—ReaI Estate RESIDENCE 1225 ELLIS STREET, 8 rooms and bath, garage, modern lm provemems. Reduced rent till October Ist. L .J. Henry. ’ K< 'lt RENT: 218 TELFAIR STREET, 4-reom house with garden. Apply F. P. Branch, 331 Walker. Phone 2811. FOR RENT: THREE-ROOM HOUSE, No. 420 Second street, with gas. Ap ply at 426 Second street. FOR RENT: FOR THE SITMM KR— one of the most comfortnble homes in Richmond county, nine large rooms, furnished, wide hak, high ceilings, piazza front and rear, elegant water and spacious grounds on splendid auto road. For particulars, address D. R. W., care Augusta Herald. LOST AND FOUND LOST: BRINDLE BULL PUP. ABOUT 8 months old. Ears long, tail cut. Re ward if returned to 1617 Walton Way. STOLEN: "LARGE HAY HOH SE, white star in face, left hind leg stock ing and slew-foot. Was delivering wood in city ((April 3), 1911, license on seat. Please call 2811 and give Information. Return horse and wagon and receive re ward. B. J, J. J. H. MORTON «. CO., PROPS. HOLLEYWOOD DAIRY CO. DAIRY products from a well-kept, healthy herd, handled by expert white help In sures you the best Quality and Serv ice. Ask the' Board of Health. Phone 8203. R. F. D. No .2. Holley wood Dairy Co., J. H. Morton Si Co., Props. . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. ’ WANTED IDEAS. WRITE EC ’. LIS of inventions wanted by manufactur ers and prizes offered for Inventions. Our four books sent free. Patent se cured or fee returned. Victor J. Evans & Co., Washington, D. C. PHONE 8203. R. F. D. No. 2. A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS THE best recommendation. Ask your neigh bor about Holleywood Dairy Co.'s Qual ity and Service. R. F. I>. No. 2. Phone 8203. Holleywood Dairy Co., J. H. Mor ton & Co., Props. MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES DESIRING MRS. M, SUM mers, of South Bend, Ind., Home treatment for female trouble, call on Branch Mgr., Mrs. E. M. Coppage, 902 Center St, Phone 259-J, FARM MACHINERY. STALK CUTTERS. $26; DISC HAR rows, sl9; Smoothing Harrows, SB, Sulky Cultivators. 6 shovel, sl7; Spring Tooth Cultivators, all ateel, *1.60; Dlso Plows. Davtnn corn and cotton pointers, all steel, $11.50. Fertilizer distributor, $1.00; Gasoline Engines and Hay Press es. all sizes and prices. Phone 1887 or see Wirtz & Hernlen. EASTER GIFTS. A HANDSOME GENUINE LEATHER band bag. a beautiful mesh bag—we have Ihcin in silver and gun-metal, cut prices. Augusta Trunk Factory, 735 Bfogd, opposite Monument. PHONE 8203. TODAY FOR SWEET MILK. SKIM milk and pure fresli ereutn. Quality, Service, Satisfaction. Holleywood Dairy Co., J. H. Morton & Co., Props. A 7' 1 PIANOS AND ORGANS. WE HAVE SEVERAL USED PIANOS of good makes, bargain values. Up rights, $76, S9O. $10'), $125 and up. Square pianos, carved legs, these pianos are In good tone and condition, good practice piano, from SSO up. Write for list of bargains. A. A. Thomas Plano Co., 639 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. I’hone 686. ORGANS—CHURCH, CHAPEL AND parlor styles, some with mirrors, goon values al $25, $35, SSO, S6O and up. pall or write for bargain list. A. A. Thomas Plano Co., 639 Broad St., Augusta., (ia. Phone 686. SHEET MUSICCENTURY EDITION: The best, git latest catalog of nearly 2,000 choice and modern standard com positions. The best at the popular price of 10c. A. A. Thomas Piano Co., 639 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Phone 686. SUNSHINE POLISH: THE BEST 26c piano and furniture polish made, con tains no acid, spirits or grit Large 1- oz. bottle 25c. Equal to a quart or other polishes. A. A. Thomas Piano Co 639 Broad St., Augusta, Os Phono SANG LEE LAUNDRY SO9 McINTOSH ST.. OFFICE aT 401 Jackson St., next to Chop Suey Res taurant. Phone 2611, Sang Lea, Prop. SUIT CASE SALE. SPECIAL BARGAIN THIS WEEK IN eiilt cases. $9.00 value, thl* sale only, $5.77. See us this week sure. Augusta Trunk Factory. 735 Broad, opposite Monument. AUGUSTA GLAZING CO. RECLAMING OF ALL KINDS. SETTING PLATE GLASS, REPAIRING CHURCH WINDOWS OF LEAD AND ART GLASS. REPAIRING SHOW CASES. REPLACING AUTOMOBILE WIND SHIELDS A SPECIALTY. 148 BROAD. PAUL D. FAGAN, MGR. FUONL 7L AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA, GA. V3Tm LOOK AT THESE SHOE REPAIRING PRICES: PAW Rubber Hc*.ls 25c Men’s Half Soles, sewed..7sc $1 00 Men’s Sewed Soles .. ..75c Men’s Tack Soles 50c Ladies’ Soles and Rubber Heels 75c Ladies’ Sewed S<Mes .. . .65c Ladies’ and Children’s Tack Soles 25c to 50c Tread Air Rnhher Heels ,25c Sorinn Steo Rubber Heels 3Ro Cat Paw Rnhher Heels ..35c Osulivan Rubber Hf’els --45 c Shoes called for and delivered. Out-cf-Town People Use Parcel Post. 1 ALEX RAE, Phone 323 236 9th St. Augusta Shoe Repairing Phone 943. 965 Broad fionj jjr your ff/e <nfcry/ /Rubber \ Heels Soften Ci/v Pavements 1 ,AH Styles. and Rubber Heels 25c Men’s Sew Soles 75c SI.OO Men’s Whole Soles .. ..SI.OO Men’s Tack Soles 50c Ladies’ Soles and Rubber Heels 75c Ladies’ Sewed Soles. Leather Heels 65c Ladies’ and Children’s Tack Soles 25c to 50c Tread-Air Rubber Heels.. .25c Rubber Heels 35c Cat Paw Rubber Heels 35c Osolivan Rubber Heels 45c Your Shoes repaired while vou are at home. Work called for and delivered. J. SAWILOWSKY, Prop. PERSONAL. WEALTHY WESTERN RANCHER 50, would marry. K-liox 35, Toledo Lea gue. Toledo, Ohio. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LEND ON REAT. FRTATH. Auguata Real Eatat* Co., 683 Broad Bt, //f r?Sa THE GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIRING AT 654 RROAD street. Is now open. Work done whlh you wait, by the Goodyear System. Rest material, flrat-class work at rea sonablo prices Work called for and delivered. Rhone 1737, WM. GOINGS, Mgr. SPECIAL NO r |CE DIVIDEND NO. 28 Merchants Bank, Augusta, G*. THE USUAL QUARTERLY DIVIDEND of $3.00 per share, on the capital stock of this Hunk, has been declared by the Hoard of Directors, payable April 6, 1914. to stockholders of record March 31. 1914. Checks wll* be mailed. K. E. KOHHOROUOir. aO OashlrS". ROOF LEAK? Have your work done by experi enced tinners. All work given per sonal attention. My prices are right. E. A. DEMORE Rhone 2031. 623 Broad St. SHOPS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Designed to place before the Public the Merchandise, Craftman shlp and special service offered by the Exclusive Shops and Specialty Stores not usually Advertised - AUTOMOBILES. Magneto and carburetor work my ■peclalty. Telephone Hit Sunday phone 2075-J All work guaranteed. Cheescborouqh Repair Shop Th# Red Front $49 Broad »t. AUTOMOBILE TIRES w> onn furnish you with ntnndard guaranteed tires frnm 5 per cent to 20 per cent less than list price, o'so do your repairing nt small coat: alt work guaranteed to give satisfac tion, Get our prices before buying elsewhere. DAVIS TIRE A RUBBER WORKS. AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT When vnur car needs repairing bring It to us. We keep your Fterfrle Self-Starts*, TClortrlr TdghtH nnd Oonrrntor* in good repair. W. C. QUNN Thona 2037. 72(1 Remold* at. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Protect your eutnmobtle In the Royal Insurance Company, of Enq lnn<l Strongest In the world ln» r ires against Fire, Liability. Property Daman®, *nd Oolllaion Damao®s. Wo m’so leeuo necldent nnd health policies. All nt the low cat adequate ratoa. J. V. H. ALLEN * CO.. 'Phone 411. 121 Jackaon St. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING We have opened a first ctasu Paint Shop, and can attend your wants at verv reasonable cut NORTH AUGUSTA WAGON CO. Just aertisa the Bridge AUTO REPAIRING Electric Self-starter nnd Ignition experts. All work guaranteed. B P. BOONE. Phone 826. 62T Broad. BICYCLES Agent for READING. STANDARD, NATIONAL, PIERCE. We have the best equipped repair shop In the South. JOHN F. BRICKLE, 226-28 9»h. Phone 1914. CIGARS. For Bigger, Busier Auguata Bmoka F. A. W. CIGARS Patronize Home Industry Wolfe & Lombard Cigar Co. Maker*. COAL KIMBERLY COAL Second to none. Dr: Oak and Pine hmve Weed Hill delivery. W. C. IVEY & CO. Phone 780. ~~ CONTRACTOR E. H. MOBLEY, No. 4 Irish American Brink Bldg. GENERAL CONTRACTOR, rhones: Office 2174 nnd Residence 6625-L. DRY Cl EfINING ROBERTSON TAILORING CO., 1001 12th R». Phone 1268. I,n dies* and gent’s clothes clean, pressed nnd dyed. French Dry Clean ing & specialty. All work gunrnnteed. Work called for and dollvered earn# day. Electrical Contractors Auto Supplies Fresh Batteries Weekly. WHITNEY-EVE CO. 1033 Broad. Phone 1314 GRIMAUP’S VEGETABLES Fancy criap white celery nt popular prlrefi. Boh well’* Jeraey (’refimory butter, per Ob., 30c. Pull Hn«; of vegetable*. See me or phono 130 r» your Easter dinner, you will bo pleased. ANTIQUE FURNITURE. CLAWFOOT SIDEBOARDS. TEA TA hles card table, desks, high post beds, book cases, fenders, andirons, candle sticks Upholstering and repairing, r. Kenyon. 312 7th St Phone U l9. The B & B Case AND Dining Pnrlor FOR LADIES AND GENTS. Try the UHH Sunday’s special Chicken Dinner from 12 to 3 p. m. Only for 26c. Everything New, Sanitary and up-to-date. 983 BROAD STREET. Phone 3013 J. The Capitol Case FOR LADIES AND GENTS. Everything new and first class. Our Regular Dinners are served to none but first of all. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Phone 3005—W. GARAGES IVEY S GARAGE Phone 3197. 304 Washington. ACIKNTB FOR HUPMOBILES Five yen pa’ experience «Ith Chalmers and llnpmnhlles CARS FUR HI UK. PERROUX A JONES Augusta Garaga Repairs, vulcanizing, mipplles. Free air. Open day and night. Largest In city. 720-22 Reynolds St. Phone 120. GABOLINE, 181/2* Motor onr*: washed and polished. 25c. 40c. UNION OARAGE 663 BROADWAY. GARAGE—REPAIR SHOP. STIIDEBAKKII DEALERS. 7TH AND REYNOLDS. PHONE 376. AUGUSTA MACHINE CO S. E. MARSTON’S Harness and Shoo Shop. All work dona by hand. 738 Elllt St. N W SULLIVAN, 115*1 Broad St.. Harness maker him! Repairer. Work neatly done «t modern!e prlren. I ran save you money on cuatoin made harneaa. Mazda lamps Reduce:! 10, 15, 20, 25, 10 Watt 30c Each. Whitney-Eve Co. 1033 Broad Bt. Phone 1316 MATTRESSES MATTREBSES RENOVATED BY A. GREEN. He makes your mattresses level and square. New tick made free. Return mattresses some day. Phone 1916—ahop* 1261 Mnrbury street. “ PAINTING CONTRACTORS For tollable House Painting nnd perorating non K. It Hmlth 8r Non. 70 Moore avenue. ICstlmates cheer fully furnished. Work guaranteed; rlty nfrence*. PIANOS A l . A .THOMAS PIANO CO Phono 686. 639 Broad Nt. Pianos. Player rinnos, Electric Pi anos. Organs. Grnnhophones and Records.—Everything Muslcnl PIANOS AND VICTROLAS Phone $327. 854 Broad The latest styles the mnrket affords. CABl! OR CREDIT. W. P. MANNING MUSIC CO. POOL POOL POOL 2 1-2 Cuo. Do Drno In Pool Parlors. 818 Broad St. REAL ESTATE If you buy your houses lots end farm lands from me we both make money. J, B, CHAPMAN, Phone 2900-J. Ellis & Campbell Sts. EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY IN THE WANTS L. F. GOODRICH Architect 122 Eighth Btreet, Telephone Auguata, Ga, 469. KEEP FLIES Otrr RY HAVING YOUR house screened with linker s Improved Metallic Window and Door Screens. Call 2IHC-W for eslltnate or write U. O. Wheeler, <l4B Broad. TnnLß’s rUUfs ARB SOOR s Wholesale and Retail Tin Shingles, Tin and Rubber Roofing. W.B.Toole <sc Co. Tel. 264. 935 Broad. “Let Us Cover Your House" WM. H. McNEAL, TaUor SUI T S MA T) E T 0 0R D E li. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. 738 Ellis Street. (Up Stairs.) Augusta, Ga. Phono 1646. Win. 11. McNeal, Prop. SEVEN RUBBER STAMPS E. W. DOOM, Rubber Ftanipa, Seals. Badges. Rten* ells. Aliimnluiu Checks, Ac. 852 El lis street. PHONE 1421. STORAGE. W* »1n storage. Wf park and ahlp gnoda. We save you money on seronS bond gooda. Wo eav# vnti mnnrv on n*w good*. Wo nfwnva ha « b irgnlna for you. HUOHES FUIINITURE CO. Phono 656. e 67 nn v'wn Tb#» on y nrssidrnt (21 yrara) nn*l annolnllnt In Augu«tn front ing nil dlnonnm of mm. women nnd Cbllilrm Pnrrrw«fnllv without opnrg tlon. Oonenltiition frro nnd Invltad. OPPICE 060 BROAD ST. THF 01 no* MAN J 0 CAKNS 710 Centre St. Witch nnd flock Shop. Tivrntv-fnur veara dnllv mr«rlai*Cg; Irr. ?#»nrn at thin lnrnllnn. Quarnntcc work on quarantead Stock T ATLORS. Tmpnwirn & (iPrhany TAILORS .AND RENOVATORS ffiill* Made fn Order. iPhone 1622 213 6th Street. JACKSON * BAILEY Phene 1784. s? 8 9th. Street. First Glass Tailoring, aeanlng. Presalng and Repairing. CHARLIE Mc'-AIIGL'N. riothee Cleaned, Pressed end Pvcd French Dry denning a spe cialty. l.sdics Butts nnd Rklrts. Phone 2735 Car Jackson * Calhoun ktrocta. S D SPF.AD SPITS MADE TO ORDER. Cleaning. Preening nnd Repairing. Phone 307# 1149 Broad Hlreet. TIN SHOP PHILIP L. MACK, Phone 483 913 Ellis 8t Tin nnd Sheet Iron Worker. Estimates given on nil tin and sheet Iron work. Promt* attention to re pairing. WELDING SOUTHERN WELDING CO. Phone 1335 061 Broad St. Weldera of nil motnla. nnd all kind* of machinery breakn r«p«lr*d car bo" cleaned from auto cyllndera with oxygen. ~WAGON MANUFACTURER LOWREY WAGON WKl' Established 1847 Mnnufactiif ern of farm wngona carta nnd triicka. eapeclnllv equip ped for repairing and pointing. Corner Ellla and oth. Bta. Telephone 1304 J Auquata. Ga. Wood yard BABY WOOD YARD DRY "INE AND OAK Stove Wood a Specialty. Quick Delivery. C. A. KING, M*rr. Phone 2881. 840 Fenwick. WAGON SHOP ILACK MITH WORK and HORSEBHOEINQ E. T. EUBANKS IK Cir.Ta Rt. WALL PAPER INTERIOR DECORATORS. Foreign and domestic wall papera and awnings. Telephone and we will attend promptly. PHILLIPS dl ROGERS, Phone 2001. 1610 Fenwick St. WALL PAPER AWNINGS T. G. BAILIE & CO. Phone 166. 712 Broad Bt. GET IT HICKEY’S Your Easter HAIR CUT 5 Barbers. No Waiting. Polite Attention. 221 Jarkson Street.