The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, April 05, 1914, Home Edition, Want Ad Section, Page THREE, Image 35

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JIINDAX APRIL 1. PUNT ALEXANDER'S 6000 SEED Vegetable Reeds. Grass Seeds. Flower Seeds, Field Seeds. Fertilizer, any quantity. Alexander Seed CO. 911 Broad Street. Augusta, Ga Before You Clean Up and Paim See that your store or resi dence is properly lighted. We are now guaranteeing ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for wiring, and if desired will carry the account on monthly payments. A. A. R. & E. CORP. J Commercial Department. I 812 Broad. Phone 2751. II Start the Campaign With a New Re ■ frigerafor It is very important to look after the sanitary custody of your food in hot weather. \ Our Odorless White Enamel Lined Refrigerators solve the prob lem. All Sizes and Prices CULPEPPER BROS, i Phone 841. 1019 Broad j W$ /A i w IIfU Jr~ • ‘Cleaning Up on Taney White Lettuce at popular prices. Also can serve you with most complete assortment of both Florida and Fresh from the Garden Vegetables. Bos well’s Jersey Creamery Butter, one pound Phone 1305 Or call on L. A. 6RIMAUD £ 210 Cummings Sat /Jm SIISSJ. - /Jm IrwW lm Maym ! ii \ fefeiti. *t J t *or k ' PAINT UP AND CLEAN UP iitiriEr ~ * ,h ‘ ■- Mattress Renovating w« Suarantee to make yo „r old mat treaa as sanitary „ a new one. Prlre. very reasonable. We call , or w<Jrk and deliver same day. A. GREEN Mattress and Renovating Works. 1251 12th Bt. Phono 191* WM. C. CRUICKSHANK Formerly of New York. 018 Reynolds St. Augusta, Ga. Phone 2948 J A Specialty in Decorating and Paper Hanging and Hardwood Refinishing, in Quick Time. mil tii i • *> ••'lll* - Screen Efficiency 1 Our screens are efficient. They are made to or<Jer. PJach window and door openlns carefully measured. We use copper, galvanized or black wire. The moat efficient method of ridding your home of flies and mosquitoes la to use our Screens. Phone 158 and we will aend an eatlmat'.- who will mak« you a price for Screens fitted in openings. We are booking orders now. Woodward Lumber Co. CORNER ROBERTS AND DUQAB STREETS, AUQUBTA, GA. PHONE NO. 158. y ,«m IL» I il I 1 z // Clean < Up- Paint Up and Build As a carpenter and builder my record of 30 years ser vice in Augusta speaks for its self. Call me for any thing in building or repairing D. V. WHITE 927 Ellis Street Phone 1881 THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. WE ARE RAPIDLY GETTING INTO SHAPE ”‘SS > McCARREL SUPPLY CO. Phone 1526 643 Broed St. Jy %x\s o\Y <f S \W\\% N t&fiwruiilA You Can’t Stay Cleaned UP Unless you are prated against the germ-laden fly and mosquito. BAKER’S IMPROVED metallic WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS axe the best and cheapest in the long run. I (Jail or write for estimates. G. O. WHEELER Tel. 2946 W. 648 Broad. ST PAINTS Absolutely the Best on the market, and made in Augusta. Remember you only pay the manufacturers profit . RINKER-DEAS PAINT NlfG. CO. j SOME CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP MATERIALS FLOOR WAX, FLOOR BTAINB. FLOOR POLISH. |GOLD BRONZE, We are manufacturers and Jobbers of Paints and Painters Supplies ALWAYS THE BEBT PRICES. O’CONNOR-SCHWEERS PAINT CO. 866 BROAD FRANK J. BTORY, Preg. N. L. WILLET SEED COMPANY AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. SWEET POTATO PLANTS!—We are large shippers Pumpkin Yam, Triumph, Nanoy Hall Yam, Vlneleas Pumpkin Yam, Triumph, Nancy Hall; Harly Red Hkln, Sugar Yam, Forty to Hill, White Jersey, New Providence and algo Porto Rico. Late April through June. Cash with or.Uir, 1,000 at 12.00, and 5,000 at *1 75 per 1,000. ANIMAL INDDUBTRYI —All kind* Breeding Utility or Breeding Stock (2 or 4-footed) and eggs. Tell us what you want and will sell you. EARLIEST FORAGE PLANTS—Beardless Harley (8 cuttings by Juno 16), and Pod Corn (cut 1n the milk June 20th). JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES—We have large stocks. OUR CATALOGUE Get It, made for the South In Its *■ a cultures sad types. 865 .Jones St. Phone 3066 ALUMINUM BRONZE, FURNITURE VA.RNISH, GLABB, VARNIBH, The Bright Store is invit ing and a Well-lighted Home ip a real home. Electric house-wiring and fixtures; Fans, Motors and Dynamos; Clearing and Re pairing Fans a specialty at this season of the year. Also Gasoline Lighting Systems metalled anywhere. Dealer in Gasoline Sup plies. H. I. HUTSON Electrical Mechanic. Phone 387. 408 Bth St. sanitary l >ure Food PgtectgjL *:ssss. -■,-sfft. i this week • • • • :' t # or the money K 'mSwELL BROS. in.’SS? J. B. BCHWEERB, V.-P. WHAT WB BAY WE DO WE DO. ipiSJ «3§ * Y^r-1 f i \J^L- I Iff Light Up and Keep Cool WHITE LEAD. OIL HOUSE PAINT, ROOF PAINT, W. T. NEILL, Seo. THREE