The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, April 06, 1914, Home Edition, Page TWO, Image 4

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TWO iJI It Is Time to get under one of our now Straw*—or if you prefer, a new Spring Stylo Felt. Wo have tho Stetson and other makes from $3.00 to $5.00. See onr complete line of now Easter togs. McCREARYS “Home of Good Clothes." SOCIETY NEWS SUMMERVILLE PARENT TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. The April meeting of the Parent- Teachers* Aaanclatlon of the Hummer nille erhonk will Im held on Wrdnm <lay afternoon, al four o'clock, at the School. MARRIAGE OF MISS GARNETT AND MR. GEORGE L. MOORE. Intereating and coming rather In the nature of a gurprlae to their many mutual friend* wax the marriage of Mia* Lnrena •iarnett and Mr George 1. Moore. whKli toOk place y*«l<-i<i,*' rooming at etaht o'clock at the par nonage of the Flrai RAptlat church, I»r Aehhy J>mn i erformln* the cere mony While H waa rather Renerally known in "UK their friend* that the marring*- waa to occur, none knew Jcat when, ar.d vcaletday It wae eol e«nni**-d with only the family Conner turn*. Ir. uttendance. * The bride wore u alvllah coat atilt of blut i rep« . Hie Imlero opening; over a blouae of embroidered suite With thi* »vae w.>rn n emull black hat. trltn n eri with loriet-me-not* and a amart blur how the tone of the ault. Atre At*-ore la a daughter of Mr. J W. (larnett and la a young woman of delightful * harm and arcninpllah meme Mr Moore la a aon of Mre. O. L. M**ore. of Sharon, and la one of Au- RUata a popular young hualneae men. lie hoe only lived in Augtiata for the paet few yeara hut haa made many frtenda who extend to him and hla bride all manner of good wlahea. Mr and Mra. Moure left Immediately after th* niarrlaae of Atlanta where they will epend h few day*. On their return they will be at home to their frlenda at the Garnett raatdence. 711 Calhoun alrcct KATE ROWLAND CIRCLE TO MEET. There will be a meeting of the Kate Rowland Circle of the Kluge l>augh tera tomorrow. Tueada.v afternoon, at four o'clock at the realdence of Mra Charier Anderaon WHY NOT AUGUSTA? The young Women'* I'hrlatlan Aa aociHtion of Savannah haa Juat clone? a memberahlp conteat In which over a thouaand new mcinbera were added. The Savannah Prat.* anvk The total number of new member* received dur ing the campaign wa*. 1.05* and the total number of renrwnlg mo, making the total number of paid-up member** during the campaign 1.*7«. The total amount of money received wag 11, - 74* 50 The total amount of money turned In by the Blue aide waa sl,- 175. and that of the lied aide 1t,<74 50 The Young Women'* Chrlatlan Aaao clatlon of Havannah la now the Urgent In tha South. It la expected now that a new building will be aaeured. People have rraponded very generoualy to wrard thia end and aome have proutlaed their atipport. —Mre Wm. K Rowe left yesterday for l.ynchburg, Va.. to apend the Kae ter holiday* with her daughter. Mis* Rrdman Howe, who la attending Ran dolph-Macon Woman* College. —Mra. M A. K. Raynor, of Phil adelphia. la the gueet of her couatn. Mtaa Emma McCann on CaJhoun atreet Meaara , Hroadua Itroadwator Marlon Carpenter. Itrooke Wtiltton and Georg** W. Hchaofele returned to day from a very pteaaam week-end vlatt to Atlanta —Mra. Mathew T Scott ex-preal*lrnt of the Daughter* of the American Revolution, who ha* been recuperat ing from a severe Illness at AtigUKta, Ga„ will return to her home In Illinois on Monday and write* her regrets tha' ehe can tint visit her kinswom an. Mra Bellamy, on (hla visit, but ex pects to do ao at an early date.—Ma con Newt. Mra. Rcease Higvar leaves Wed nesday for Hendersonville, N. C„ fv>r the autnmer. VAPOR TREATMENTS FOR COLO TROOBLES Are now used In all hospital*. Th* vapors carry the medication to tha Inna* and adr pasvaae* without dla turblng the atomaoh When Vlck'a "Vap-O-Rup" Croup and Pneumonia Halva 1* applied over the throat and chest, these vapors—of Menthol, Thy mol, Kucaiyptol. Camphor, and l’ln* Tar—are releaaed hy the heat of the body, Usually the worst rolda no In one night—croup in fifteen minute* Vlck'a la fine for head rolda. asthma, and catarrh, and la absolutely harm loss. Three sizes—from 26c up. WOMAN’S CLUB TO SEE AFTER BILL TIDY BILL BOARDS. The Augusta Woman'a Club Is to further make beautiful the rlty by having more car# taken of the hlll boarda. It la a regretable fart that nil the hlll-boarda In the city arc eye Korea. When a new hill la put up It never occurs to the poater to clean away all the old pieces of paper that lire torn down, they are simply thrown down to blow about the streets and further add to their unalghtllnvaa. And again, there la nothing that appeals ao Irreatlhly to the small boy aa de facing or tearing down a freah picture *>i bin. The Woman'# Club, the Hoard of Health and the chief of police ara now ehlnd this, and Chief Elliott an nounces that the penalty of the law will be rigidly enforced on anyone apprehended of defacing or tearing down these bills. WHY ONE FARE FOR THREE? A great deal of complaint haa been occaaloneil by pnaengera on the aur htirhan car* on Hundaya especially, by the fact thnt ao many of the neats are taken up by nurse* with children. There will be one nurse and three children, which mean* one fare for the fotlr people, who occupy four scat*. For the accommodation of other pat rons of the car* who have to atand up after paving their straight five cent* fare. It la auggeated that the Auguntn- Alken Hallway Co. take tip till* mat ter of three-for ime and aec If It cant be regulated better. ANOTHER AUTO RIDE SATURDAY. The Saturday automobile ride* which are being given by the Woman’s It latneNS Club of the Y. W. C. A., are proving so popular that there will be another Saturday afternoon of thla week, three o'clock, starting from the Anaoclatlon and having for Its objec tive pop t Stephens Creek, where tea will be aerved. An, ticket* bought and not lined last week will he honored thla week Those who anticipate attending are naked to communicate with Millie I'ark* by Thursduy afternoon. The Kusliicaa Woman’a Club extends to the Augusta-Aiken Railway Com pany their sincere thanks for the sev eral courteaiea extended to them, es pecially those at Stephen*' Creek. LITTLE NEORO SUSPECTED OF SENDING IN ALARM Chief of Police Elliott Is holding u email negro boy suspected of havlnk sent In the false alarm front Judge Kve'a corner last night at N o'clock Whe nthe chief reached the scene last mglii he heard (lie story of two boy* running down the hill from the alarm box Immediately after the alarm was sent In. One of these ha* now been trace! and la In custody. He claim* to have been at home at the time of the alarm and .In fact, not to have been out on the Wrlghtshoro Road at all Inst night. He I* l*elng held until thla statement can be proven either true or untrue The other boy who waa running dovvu the hill la not known Found a Cur# for Rheumatism "I suffered with rheumatism for two vearr* and rould not get mv right hand to my mouth for that length of time." write* las* 1.. Chapman. Mn pie ton, lowa "I suffered terrible pain ao l could not sleep or lie still at night, Five years ago I began using Cham berlain'* l.lniment and In two month* I was well and have not suffered with rheumatism since." For sale by all dealers. SPORT DOPE South Atlantic L*ague, Columbia In Augusta Savannah In Charleston Jacksonville tn Albany. Columbus In Macon. Exhibition Game* Today. Rochester In Atlanta. Napa In Cincinnati. Toledo v* Memphis In Little Rock, Philadelphia vs. Athletics, in Phil adelphia Cub# in Indiannpolla Giant* tn Memphis. Brooklyn vs. Yanks, in New York. I >etroil tn Louisville. Detroit Second* va in Owensboro. Levy's 65th Anniversary Sale Tomorrow Features "Altman & Grossman’s" Women's Easter Coat Suits . , AT TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS {2* TheJ. WILLIE LEVY CO. THE COMBACKS VS. COMERS FIGHTING FIRST BATTLE OF SEASON THIS P. M. Battle Royal Started at Four O’clock. Manaqer of Colum bia States That His Players Would Give Auqusta a Run For Their Money: Biq Crowds at the Ball Grounds. Ratteriea Tor Augusta: Neyer house nnd Kuesse.- For Columbia: Catcher, Chalker or Braun: pitcher. Rardiner or Wtnchell. Columbia rooterr here. I Atoka like "Attendance Cup" for Augusta Thla afternoon at 4 o’clock Manager Rrouthers' marched Ills aggregation of youngsters down to the hall park to play the first game of the season Manager Harblnson of the Comers arrived in Augusta last night at 8:55 Helping Kidneys By Clearing Blood A Function Greatly Assisted By a Well-Known Remedy. Most reader* will be Interested to more clearly understand why analysis of urine is *•> Important. In the use of 8. S. S. to purify the him*]. Its action ta a stimulant to the myriad of flue tilood vessels that make up the constructive tissues of the kidneys. AII the blood from all ovsr the body must pass through the kidneys. They act as testers and aaaryera. And according to what tin ~ at:on-,;, [,sss out tn the urine, betk aa to quantity and materials, the hesWh of the kidney* and th* quality of the blood ta determined. The eatalytjc energy forced by 8. St. 8. ta ahown la the urine. It Is also demonstrated In the skin And! a* the blood continues to sweep through the Kidney* the dominating nature of 8 8 8.. acting as tt does through all the avenue* of elimination, ahow* a marked decrease of disease manifestations aa dem onstrated hy urine analysta. This assist ance Is * great relief to the kidney*. The body wastes are more eveuly distributed to the emunctortea; their elimination la slim ■dated hy the tonic action afforded the liver, lungs, akin and kidney*. Thu*. In rases of rheumatism, eyetltia. chronic sore throat, husktness of voice bronchitis. *«th ms and the myriad of other red** Indica tions of weak kidney action, fleet purify your Mood with 8. 8. 8 . ao It will enable the tissues to rebuild the cellular streugth and regain the normal health, 8. 8 8 I* prepared by IMe Swift Spccitlc Co mt Swlh Itldg Atlanta. Oa . and If you have any deep-seated or *b*tlnate Mood trouble, writ# to tbvlr Medical itepl. for fra* a dries. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA. GA. No better known or better made Women's Garments in the world than “Altman & Grossman" of New York. Only the Highest Class Suits are made by them, and their styles are conservative. No matter about the prices for Liberal Discounts have brought them within the reach of all. The crowds of ladies who came today only to look and stayed to try on, and to buy, attest the wonderful Savings at Levy’s on your Easter Suit. Call tomorrow. All discounts Cash. o'clock with his bunch, and stated that they were certainly going to give the Cotnbacke a run for their money. Augusta fans do not mind this in the least. In fact this is the kind of a ball game that the local fans have been hunting for, for the past couple of years. As The Herald went to prees the grand atand was rapidly filling up and still more folkß waiting in line to purchase tickets, to see the first bat tle which is staged between the “sis ter teunis." All lndicationa point to a tremendous crowd for the opening day and If things keep up like they are moving now —well Augusta will stand some chance of winning that attendance cup. Columbia Rooters. There is a certain bunch of Colum bia rooters piloted to the right hand of the grand stand that had better not make too much “fiisa" this after noon as the Augusta fans are mighty enthusiastic over this game, and there are a few that have also passed the first stages of the baseball fever and have now graduated into real sure enough fans, and, a few of those can not be "trusted"—but one can not al ways "sometimes tell.” Manager Brouthers stated that as the local team has been christened the Combarks. he for one, Is certainly going to make a comeback, at least he is going to try. "Babe" has the following men bunched together to down the Comers this afternoon: Neyerhoute Pitching. Neverhouse will do the twirling with Fuesae stationed behind the bat tn order to stop the pill. Neyerhouse says that he is going to try his best to make thi* a no-tilt game, but IT the "Hoy Manager" team should happen to knock a few toward the rear of the diamond he has three husky gaters In that zone just for such a purpose They are as follows: Boyd, centerfleld; Norcott or Askew, left field, and Ashby in the right. Satiric will have full charge of the hot sack in this afternoon's game as well as for the rest of the season. Clark w ill hold down the second plate. The third will be taken care of by no other than Brouthers himself, Broughton will play shortstop. Comers' Line-up. The following hailed us the Comers will be arranged in hatting order as follows: Rber:s, centerfleld; Osteen, short stop; Harblnson first base; Holland, left field, Betxel, second base; Fin negan or Kuhitnan, third base; Ezell, right field; Chatker or Braun, catcher and Gardiner or Winrhell aa the pitchers By looking up the latter team's player* one will gain the information that ali of these men are veterans of * the game, and if things work as they i have in the past Augusta will have a Irun for the money as Harblnson stated —but one can never tell. THE BIJOU Boyle Woolfolk'a "Petticoat Min strels" will be the attraction at the Bijou the first three days this week, und will present ideal entertainment of this form, opening with motion pic tures showing the players alighting from the train, the arrival of the party at the theatre, the street parade, the hand concert in front of the thea tre and the girls making up in theit dressing rooms. This novel introduc tion suddenly changes from pictures to reality and suddenly a handsome "first part" Is seen with lady min strels in glorious array. The com pany includes some of the moat notable of female stage performers, such as Nettie DeCottrsey, Selma Cor bett, Rek'hardt Sisters, Mary Bills bury, Marie Clark, Olivia 1-ennett, Maole LaVole, Transfleld Sisters and Myrtle Bliss. The singing Is a strong feature of the “Petticoat Minstrels," there be ing capable solosists and splendid en semble numbers. The comedy is remarkably clever being built up by John P. Reed and Clarence Marks, the final end-men in troduced in order to contrast the fun of men and women. These comedians are among the best known in the realm of burnt cork. John P. Reed has long commanded a high position In vaudeville and Clarence Marks wtTl be recalled for his splendid work with George Evans' “Honey Boy” Mlnstrela last season. Boyle Woolfolk’a "Petticoat Min strels" come here with the original company, direct from a big success In Chicago. Cough Medlolne for Children. Too much care cannot be used in se lecting a cough medicine for children. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful substance and be most ef fectual, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets these requirements and Is a favorite with the mothers of young * hlldren everywhere. For sale by all dealers. —Mr. Thomas Olive was down from Harlem today. —Mr. and Mrs. Greenvioe Talbot spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Andrews In Barnwell. —Friends of Miss Delle Harrison will regret to learn of her illness at her home in North Augusta. Beautify th« Complexion IN TEN DAYS Nadinola CREAM The Unequakd Beautlftcr I USED AND ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS Guaranteed to remove tan, freckles, pimples, liver spots, etc. Extreme cases about twenty daya. Rid* porcj_and tissues of impurities. Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy. Two sites, 50c. and SLOO. By toilet counters or mail. V.trtO.VAt roILXT COMru.Vy. rmrlt. Tmm. Levy’s Reduction Sale Li L Ar; / •'J Atimi ifr 1 ii" ft Ml wm| -y JU •Si iiitiillLbsJ Wf f if i / / \ J H /1 t jlf In M id / '! ri Ui./ Has kept this department on the run the entire day. No wonder— the famous New York line of “Jos. Skolhey & Co.’s" Boys and Children’s Suits give a selection for the Boys Suits that has been seldom shown in Augusta. The styles are numerous and snappy, the fabrics from Scotch and English Woolen Mills —Ncrfolks, Sailors, Russians —to fit boys of all ages. And for THIS WEEK ONLY, they’re on the DISCOUNT LIST, and a saving awaits you. Don’t delay; send the boys up tomorrow. Boys’ Easter Hats, Caps, Neckwear, and Furnishings, a style show in itself. The J. Willie Levy Co. Ideal Baseball Weather For Opening of the 11th Annual Playing Season of South Atlantic League Ideal baseball weather today at tended the opening of the eleventh annual .playing season o£ the South Atlantic League. Four games on the schedule for today as follows: Columbia, S. C., at Augusta, Ga. Savannah. Ga., at Charleston,, S. C. Jacksonville, Fla., at Albany, Ga. Columbus, Ga., at Macon, Ga. These contests which mark the advent in. to the league of Augusta and Columbia, increasing the circuit from six to eight clubs, are part of a Reason schedule or 126 games. The first halt of the season, comprising 63 games, ends June 17th, the team finishing this period with the highest percentage will meet the leader of the second period ending August 29th, for the pennant. 1/Mt year such a post season series IE KILLED IK RIVER CAISSON Fatal Explosion in Mississippi River Woik Near Memphis. Victims Down 90 Feet. Memphis, Tenn.—Nine men were w»re killed here today when they were caught by a gas explosion In Caisson Number Five of the new Harahan bridge, under construction across the Mississippi river. The men had just gone to ivork In the caisson when the explosion oc curred. The dead: Thoma* Leonard, John Clayton, John King, J Johnson, A. Winkler, P. J Farrell, Mike Burke, Jack Powers and Peter Watson. 90 Feet Deep. The caisson in which the explosion took place is near the Arkansas shore and is 90 feet deep. Ten negroes had just been relieved by the men caught by the explosion, of whom were white. The negroes were in a room about 15 feet from the surface when they encountered the first rush of gas and hurried to the top. According to reports Peter Watson, one of the victims, was not a mem ber of the shift, but went down to in vestigate the origin of the gas. None of tlie negroes, w ho had been working in the depths all night, would ac company hhp and the fact that Wat son's body was found in one of the rooms nearer the top than the other dead indicated that he met death by asphyxiation before reaching his fel low workers. Get Divers’ Suits. Officials of the Union Bridge and Construction Company claim that eight men composed the shift which entered the tube this morning. Up to noon only two bodies, that of Wat son and Burke had been recovered It would be necessary, it was stated ta get divers' suits before men could be sent into the tube for the other bodies. MONDAY. APRIL 0. On the Boys’ and Children’s Easter • Suits was unnecessary, Savannah winning the first place in both the first and second periods. Many shifts have taken place in the line-up of the six veteran clubs oh the league and the now teams assembled at Augusta and Columbia are report ed by their managers to be on a par with any of their competitors. An evenly balanced fight for the 1914 pennant is forecast by sport cr.itids. jSspF^imarai r/^\i " A^T . v„„-S# # u c M,adazne Ist hell's •Beauty Lesson* LESSON VII—PART 11. THE EFFECT OF COLOR ON THE SKIN. Discard Senseless Rules- Onr grandmothers had certain rules h} this regard that must have mitigated strongly against their appearance, espe cially as their color card In regard to wearing apparel was limited. In thoa* days dark people were supposed to wear red, blonde* and auburn-haired b<u-. while widow* and *U women over *®rty were confined to unrelieved blacky mo cut and dried color rules are stupid, ftm. broadly speaking, any woman can wear any color if the shade is carefully <£»•*?- and these rules seem particularly lrntat ing, for they are quite opposed to the nr*s canons of artistic dressing. Colors for Blonde*. Most blondes hare light bin. ey«“ Thls type can often wear psto “ V?! blue is at all deep, it will km color in the eves and make them sppeSj or grev. A fair blonde without much color look, far better In red, which adds color to the rheels fvod. by fc.r-vritnsr » contrast to the blus In tbs syes. empha ■isss their color. Sandy blondes with no prooouncsd color In chssks or hair and with * strongly marked generally PJ I ,* color* such hs red or green to offset this monotony, thus forming what wewould term an agreeable con 'rast. ...Th a tvoe some cases, however, where such a yP* appears well in the soft p*»tel blue! native and ro*e. the ft color* har monlzlng with the delicacy at the tace. This apparent contradiction Is bnt an i lustration of the fact that we _ c . a ? l down abeolute rules for different type*. NOTE—Lesson VII is dltrided into four pert* and should be read throughout to obtain full information on the subject. (Lesson VIT to be continued)