The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, April 11, 1914, Home Edition, Want Ad Section, Image 2

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SATURDAY. APRIL 11. LEGAL NOTICES 1 **¥*«»•• BALE. ’’’ ITATK OK GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY— Will l>* auld •• *•)* Court lloua*. In th* City »t Au(c»n«. County and Mt»l* afgra—H ih* wm«l pl»<» lor holding Bhartff* ValM .on ih< firm Tu*ad»y In May mil. during Hi# l#B'l hour* of **l«, Ihr following .1. *.*rih*d property, «o-wi«: On an unci! v dr<l our - hal f Interval on l*j| No JO, Word 2, ll'ook t. 6, aa *l*. e-Tlhcd on offirml Humor a h)*l#m, I’latl !n Office >.f Ihr MimW of I lir City o* Augusta. mho It agul lot front* 39 f##i on Ihr *t*l *ldr of Humm*r Hlrrrt and extend* leick H» fe-l. bounded E.i»l hy HnmmM Mtrret; Hoot It hy lad No. 21; wrat by Imt No. 111, and North hy Ini* No. 16." 17 and 19, *pec »l r. frrain r be- In* ntadr to aald Mots and plat Bald lot I* mnr* particularly dr* rtbed In a dar t <latad Ortobrr 2nd. 1W» from W. If. Fr**rndrn to TVm. Edgar Wtlllam* and ]>*v4d (i Will am*, rrcordad In proper offlc#, JliKllt 7A a. folio M*l Hold prop, rriy Irvlrd on «a th* property of De fendant to aatlafy a fl. f*. I»»urd from W II Nurnberger. J P. and of N. I*. Court of 120*1 I Mai riel, O M . of aald County on thr 2tth day of March, 11*11 In favor of W. B. Ftannlgan against lntvr William* I.avy mad* thl* 11th day of April. IBM, and notion *®rv*d. * JN’iV tV. CLARK, fllirriff of lllrhmond County, Ga. A 11 17 21 M 1 CKOROIA. RICHMOND CfR'NTY— To th* t rrlor Court of aald County; Thr petition of K. O, Kalhflelsch, It. W Kpofforrl. W A- Harman and J w Hammond, ad of Richmond County. G*or*ia, rrafirrtfiiily ahowa: I. That Ihrr dralr* for thrmarlvra, th,.lr aaaorlalra and auroraaora to ha ln . orriornlrd undor thr noma and style of ■’AUQITHTA HASKHAI.t. AHSOCIA TION," for lha p*rlod of twanty year* with all rlßhta of rrnrwal Uirrnnftiw that may bf* now or hsresfter fnuitto l y Ihr law* of Georgia J. object of Ibrlr Inrorporatlon la prrnnlary train to th* stockholders; and th* principal hualnraa fh*y propoa* , arrvlng on I* lha organisation and m:in*«rm»nt and conducting and on*rat la* a It.iart. Club. Ih* arm* l«m* a mrnihrr of Ih* South Atlantlr I.nagil* In and for and aa representing In aald Kouth Allnnllr l-ragu# lha City of Au (roata, aald Htal* and County, and ad olhrr hualnraa In ronnrrtmn with anel i anally appertaining lo Ihr operation and carryln* on of a Haarhall Club a* aforesaid' Thay dralrr to hava all th* ilshi* privHagra, mrldrnt* and tmmu nlllaa nauallv appertaining and com monly undfratood to h«lon* to aurh cof pornton* aa afor*»»ld. 3.—Thr capital atorlc of aald corpora tion ahull hr five Ihmiaand (96,000.09) dollar*, th* majority of which hna at raady horn aut.arrlhed. nnd inora than forty (Id! per ertit. of which hna al ready lorn paid In Th* par valua of each share of afock ahall h* twanlv-flv* ($25.91» dollar* Th* prlvllr*c I* da tum! by petitioner* of Increasing Ih* amount of capital atnrk at any time, nnd from time to tiro*, by a majority of in* MCorkho rtcra to an amount not to exceed Ho the ultima’# ton thousand (110.000.001 Hollar* 4 Th*> d*»lr# the privilege of pro vid ng hv-lawff for thi* government of jbhM rr.rporntlnn. to provide for the election f officer*, an*- If desired a hoard of director*: and the power t<» rrmte debt nnd to execute *ueh evi dence* lhereof a* they may deem "ro per. nnd ronale’enf with their charier and »)v-l*w* and generally tn have and In exerclm* nil the right* nnd privilege* Incident in their Incorporation «* pro vided for and allowed under the law* of Georg a f. They Soalre the right to *ue and to hi' aued to plead and be Impleaded. t»> hove nnd uae • common aeal. and to d<* nil thing* that may be necennnry for the nuc«'*'Msfiil currying on of aald bnnlneee Including the right to buy. hold and sell rent es»into an«l personal property etilt nhte to ihe purpose* of the corporation, nnd In Incurring debt* In the conduct of the ffnlr* of the corporation to l>e al low id the right when necessary to *e ciirc the an me hy mortgage, security deed or other form of Hen under exist ing law*. r. The pr'ticlpal office nnd place of hiilsnes* of the proposed corporation will be In the City of Augusta, aald Ht.ite and County. WHKftKFOUK your petitioners prny. lug t«» all the law* reguh'tir g the granting of chavtera, and I rod in tig t<» 1 1 in < 'nut t the proper evt* denc*< of such, an order be granted In cor|>oratlng them us prayed for In this petition and In the terms and In ac cordance with the statutes C lv PUN BAR. Attorney for l*etltloners. Fled In office Jhia 7th day of March. 1914 • PANIKT. KERR. iteik Bupoior Court. Hlchtnond Co.. Gh ST ATI: •»F GEORGIA. HICHMONI> COt’NTY I, Tinni*l K*rr. Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County. Georgia, d» hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the petition for incorporation of “ACGCSTA BASE BALL. ASSOCIATION.” the original of which i. filed In this office this day. WITNESS HI) official signature and seal of said 1 ourt. this 7th day of March. 3914. PAN I Falx KERR Clerk Superor Court, Richmond Co.. Oa M 7 14 A 4 lie ST.v n; n«* OKOitniA ItirilMOXD I’ol'NTV T,. lit* I«i>l.t*w of liunlel Burn* I»\« r, !>♦«. Miikxu R Martina having fll«*«l her f i'iii .mi !•* r«Mjuli*' Alonso lY.un* I‘unly. mini inMr.iUn- with tha will ,nun'X«"l of tha imata l»» Oaorghi of l»nni**i lUA*n* Dy«r. lat«* of Jackaon County, Sl.Uo of MlVhOlirl tlr« t to aXfIOUIK ami *!«*• hv«*r 1HI«*»- In «(tmpllMiif *> with a o»*n.*in Doml f<» T ll'> gH*u b> Il f ■•‘hml pill ul Hum* 1 »\« r t> K. (L M* rttn*. uml inafn i* tl by him to khKI MagKli U Martin* You Mild (Ht li of you wro herthy ra milt* «l o l»*‘ an<| i«pgM w at tin' Court of (*r<Htun\ of hud Counts, to !>*• bfld on tli. iiian Moi:tiH> in May 11114, at Hi o'clock a in . ml allow oauat*. if any von tinvo \\!’\ tin* pra>or* of th*» p*ti- Honor should not !>♦* granted and said administrator raiulrcd to maka Titli*i in conformity with said Rond. \Vitm*H» m> I taint and off rial ntgua turv, tb s Uth d«v of April. 11*14. \i KXANPKn R W U.ToN. Ordinary Richmond County, Ga. VL 17 24 U 1 Samuel t; iltard ' h I ula S Gilliard- Libel for IMvorci*. Richmond Supotior Court Ma> Turin. 1814. Yhf defendant 111 the above Mated radr S GlllUrd. nee Lula S Smith, la hereby lequ'ted. in perton. or by at torney, to l*e and appear at the nest term of Richmond County. Georgia, Su perior Court, to be held in and for aid County aforesaid on the lltb day in May. ISM. then nnd there to answer I*l intiff in h r ao’ion for divorce, a* in default in auch appearance, the Court will proceed thereon ua to Juatioe may appertain This jflh day in March. ISI4, PAMKL KKRR PAUL CHANCR. Clerk ot Court Petitioners’ Attorney. M2l 28 All 7bc STATE <>F GEORGIA RICHMOND COUNTY- Wltereaa. Archlb A lila< ivahear. Ad ministrator de bonis non. of the estate of IV. C. Walker late of Mid County, deceased, has applied for Letter a of l>i»- mietikm from aald Administration. This is therefore, to cite all persona concerned. to he and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said County, to be held on the flrat Monday in May A !>.. ! 1811. at 10 o’clocJC a. in., nnd show cuue* if any they can. wh> aald Letters . should not bo granted. Witness my official signature this 11th dnv of April A D ISI4 ALEXANDER R WALTON A U 17 24 M i Ordinary, U. C. __ FUNERAL NOTICE davih'thk rklativkh and frond* us MR. LKROY L. DAVIS. Mr* J V. laivla, Augusta, and Mr, nnd Mra. Cha* II Davl*. Davlaloro, (la,, arc raapactfully Invited to altrnd thr funrral of Mr I.KIRiY I- DAVIS at Harion’* Chapel, * mile* on Deana brldgc Hoad, TOMORROW iSunday) AFTWRNOON at I o'clock. Interment tn th* King c*m*t#ry. LEGAL NOTICES. COM Ml tlllONb Rk‘ SALS. I'urauml to an order of tha Superior Court of Richmond County, of March *oth, IBM. in thr raa* us Charlea H. Hironii. hy Executor, va Margaret H. Hall, at nl. WHI hr wild al public hut err, at Ih* Court lloua* In Richmond t'minti Georgia. within the legil hulira of wale, Tucadnv, May Mh, 1811. th* fol lowing property, 10-wlt: All thui trad of land In ilia County of Richmond hi t* of orntgia cunslstlng of thirty-two (32) acre*, more or lea*, lying from a half to thr**-uuartera of a mil* aoutli of lha Wrlghlalairo Rood. In thr vicinity of Monte Kano, and hound rd aa follow* North by Mm extreme end of th* properly known aa Tuxedo Park. East hy land* of Cold, n Rhtnd, now Sar .h A| Slokea. South I y tlic Ka r mount Corporation, and Weal hy th* Weal End Improvemant Company Cor poration A plat of a ild properly will hr auhmlttcd In proaprctlvc purchasers. Sold properly sold for partition among owner*. Said sale subject to confir mation hy tha Court. Purchaser to pay fiw paper*. W. T. OAKY, fl. R. COFFIN. JAMEB H. f.rSKKY, .JR. A 11 12 22 M 2c Commlaaloner*. HTATK OK GEO KOI A, RICHMOND COUNTY— Win* eaa. Miry McKelvle, widow of I .out* McKelvle, lal* us said County, dci cased, lias applied for year's support. This la, therefore, lo rile all person* concerned, to he and uppuur at ilia Court of < irdliuiry of aald County, to ha held on Ilia Oral Monday In May, A. D., I!i| 4, nl 10 o clock a m., and alow cause. If any they ran, why aald year’s support should not ha grantad, nnd return of ilia aptwalaera mada the Judgmeul c*f aald Court. Witness my official s ttnaturr this 11th day of April. A. I).. IBM. ALKXANDBR It. WAI,TON. A1117:i M l . Ordinary. H. C. NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to an order us the Honorable Joseph Gauahl, Referee iu Bankruptcy, paeaed, alur due notice t«» all parties In Interest. April 11th, 1914. will be sold »t public out-ory on the first 'rues<la> In May. 1914. before the Court House door n Richmond County. Georgia, the ful lowing described property, Iwlooging t° James I*. Armstrong, to-wft: All that lot of land In the City of Au gusta, Kh-hniotid County. Georgtu, known No 1741 liroad Street fronting forty (40) feet on liroad Street, and ex tending Inn k of eijuul width toward* the Canal, said property Is hounded North by Augusta Canal, l‘a«st l»v land now or formerly of ,los. I*. Bowles. Jr.; South b> Jlroad Street, and West by laud now or formerly of W K Miller, Jr. Rato property Is sold free from all Ileus and will be Jollied In hy Mary C. Wlcksr A< kriitgi-, who holds title to said prop et ty to secure ;» debt made by a previ ous owner. Sabi Indebtedness amounts to IkOtMMI principal, besldea interest. Term* cash. Purchaser to pay for papers O. W ANDREW. Trustee In Bankruptcy, of j p. Arm strong A 11 18 25 Mtu Notice Is hereby given lhat the rtrin of Jackson A- Alexander, heretofore en g.ged In the busitiess of general In surance In the CltW of Augusta Hlato of Georgia. I* this ipiy dissolvsd by mu tual cpnssnt, Mr J Bishop Alexander, Jr retiring therefrom. The hualness will |»e conducted at the same place by Mr Walter M nokson, Jr., who will settle ill firm llshlllties sml receipt fur all debts due the firm This Sis; day of March. 1914 J. BISHOP ALEXANDER. JR M 21 28 A 4 lie Swappers' Column BEND IN YOUR SWAPS. There's no chars# l°r insertion# You pay fi cents for each answer Have you anything you want to Hwiip or Kx rliangi*? Let the other fellow know. Augusta in full of active, energetic, enger Swappers, who will he gl.ul to make your nr'qualntafica through the Swappers' Column. wn i icxcH w;i- 1 Large load of siall manure, for two g»>otl lay log young hens (white preferre«l) or four 14> pounds of fresh home-made hotter Address "Fertiliser,' Swappers' Column, care Herald. Al 2 ww 11 r» fJTIW vi* aii QBE)ck. In good condition, for a rockliiK "’hair or anything of equal value. Addrass llsmnumd, Swappers' Column, care He.- aid Al 3 in: chßam chuiin. almost new. for two young hens, any loved. Atl itress Churn. Swappers' Column, ~aro lleraUl. Al 2 wni sw \i* cm; il\T(vakT»~imano for horse and huggv. Vddress \Y T. lv, Swappers Column, cure Herald. AIS WILL SW \|* ONI-:" MANUY LICK IN culwttoi for anything of equal value Address w t. K . Swappers' Column cm i* 11< i a »l ALI win SW \ r .»\ i *: v s STt •v i' n >i; for ma thing of rqual value. Address W T. K . Swappers Column, care ller \n Political Aivimmcemcnts TO THE VOTERS OK RICHMOND County: I hereby nnnounce my can didacy for sheriff subject io the rules and regulation* of the White Primary Your vote w'll he appreciated. M24tf J T. PLUNKETT. WANTED HELP—MaIe WANTED fTU.ORKH HOYS OVER I* years of Humima Department. RlvoraM* Miu» wmro \\ A.VIKD Cul.Oluip HOYS TO i’Alt-i r> The Herald. Apply No. * Sul). ! 51,.i0.r,. ST Illli street. *f ; \Y VN IKfi COI.OUKIT*HOY S TO I' All- ! ry Tli* Herald. Apply No 1 Sut>- ktatlon. 1037 IHII etreel. If! \\ \NTKH AT ONI’K A SCHAi’P feur; must come well recommended Phone 6SM. Alio \\ \N ED COuYuKD fiOYR so IKH ry The Herald. Apply No. 1 bub-) Station, IM7 11th street -f \N VNIKI' COLORED HUY S TO CA it * ry The Herald. Apply No 1 Sub- ; Station. 103" 11th street. ts . WAN ■ ED—Roim \\ \\ i;• TO RENT ROOM tH pnvute family, ly bualneai* >roiuan; ill conveniences Address X. ’A., care Her- Mb' WANTED—Board TOP Nil MAN. Si No'l i: vn \NTS riHun with t>r without bo.»rd. In prl- j vate family centrally located. Addrtaa “Travelling Main ‘ care Herald. Al3p j WANTED HELP—M.Ie and Female. WANTED Li MAN woman to act as our agent In this In \ for our famous Crowe’s Vegetable* Toilet Soap Remedies etc Call at one*'. No. eOJ Campbell. tAsk for MU tier.) Al 2 Ham SITUATION WANTED—Fe male* I-ADiit UAiS (WHiTK), nntfr* c|aa*. two yaor* In America, Wlatia* employment. C D- No. 1. car* Herald. WANTED—Bj)arflcrs WAN'I'KIi .lOARDBRs"ROOM WITH IP*,.] hoard; hot and cold water; cen trally located. 1024 Reynold* a treat. I’hon* 1788. A. Ip TWO NIi'III.V h'I'HNIKIIKI> UPSTAIRS front rooms wlih hoard, c*n bs HSd April 12th. lute* reasonable. Apply 702 Green* atreet or phone 2738. Allp WANTED HOARDERS: ROOM WITH good hoard, hot and cold water. Apply to 1052 liroad atreet. Al2p WANTED —Miscellaneous \\ \N l EJI TO JT HMAJ-I- la-ECTRIC motor for alternating currant. Ad dreaa Motor, c»ra 1 lew uM WANTED; A l-HOR.HEi*OWEU Mo tor, 110 or 220 vu», *0 cycle*; lowest cash price. RIJou Theatre. Ats FOR SALE —Real Esate FOR HAI.E: ONE CORNER DOT, ISOO block Reynold* street, two-atory brick house, aeven room* and hath, *»Tvnnt*‘ house and garage; double lot; at bar gain He* it*. Cochran A Muaon, 211 Marbuty street. IHR KAI.K JI’KT nW 'KNIfiU. avenue on Ninth street. Mania Ha no, lot 60x156, price 1000.00. Apply 1240 liroad alreat. Al3p FOR SALE: SIX-ROOM 110 l si; o.N Monte Hnno. Dealrable location. A 13 par cent Investment. Addrea* Owner, m e Herald. Al3p FOR SALE—Miscellaneous For SALE; two” 'eight KEirr sT lenl salesman show case*, s2(l ho for the two. Address I*. A., rare Herald. Al7p nut ham:; 'i 1 win Indian motoii cycle, IB 13 inodrd. very little u*cd. Rargaln at |175.‘”0. Augusta Pharmacy, 1211 Murbury. AlSp FOR BALE; A UnE HECONI >- ll.vfs’O set of Cyclopedbi of Applied Blsctrlclty and other seta of reference. Delloueat'B, 111-lit 7th atr—t. n>li' HAI-K; liITSHTON ROW HOAT and canvas* canoe, good condition, cheap* Addreae No. 10, care Herald. FOR KAI.K EXQUISITE EASTER carder prayer book* and pennant*, at Delhpieat'a Hook Shop, 213-215 7th St. BAHOotik bi’dio sphlnTT” top hug gy with harnexs, practically new bug gy. harness hand-made, allver mounted; genuine bargain, twill sell with horse only). $72.00. Augui :u Pharmacy. 12S1 Marhury. Al3p FOR SALE—Farms IM icRK FARM. 190 ACRES IN CUL t.Vtttlon. 2 ilMi'lltng*, 4 to 6 rooms *•. h. 3 t mini houaca; at Grovetown, C.i 6 ml!** out; al a liargaln. 8<» us. Cochran * Mason, Heal Estate Agents, 214 Mnrtiur) Bt. f-Orl SALE —rnuitrv Kll.v KU I A M I*! N EH. A COM Isl N A TIO«I Ilf beamy and utility. Circular and mating list free EgHS, $3 setting, two A* sb. T. L. Ifllton, Lancaster, 8. C. Aid)' FOR SALE —Livestock • OMBINATK IN Hi 1 • Y H< >UBE. 8 years old. perfect qualities, good driver, monev back If not satisfied. Hare bargain at $200.c0. Augusta Pharmacy, If a r b u r > \ ‘ ONI MAKE Pi KFI )i iIA gentle and with goswl qualitleH. Also hugg) tn good condition Mrs. J. P. Sin tli 1311 Monte Sano Ave Al3p FOR RENT—Rooms IH m KENH I >N I NB ’E UAKGE R( M 'M, well ventilated, with hath adjoining, also electric lights, furnished or un furnished In private faintly, at 1294 Brood Bt. s Al2c TO RENT V WKLIa FURNISHED front room for a gentlcmm, privilege sis hot hath, private home; price $8.04 per month. Apply 410 Broad street. Al7e FOR KENT NIVkM FURNISHED room m private family, use of bath, phone and lights. Apply 428 Reynolds street. Al3p LOST AND FOUND I.»s i HATI RDA\ M( )RNING, •$< )Ll ‘ mounted fountain p«»» with Initials L. N. Return to lleraJd Office a’id get reward. Al2p LOST U'KIL ;iun. lahok presto- Itte tank on Mllledgevllle Hoad, no tween Augusta ami Harnett. Hew ai d It returned to *.’6 Hroad St., Augusta, (Li. _ AJ_-P \\ INKSOAI v! riCKNOON, ladies' silk umbrella, silver handle norked C. Reward. Jno. Ja\ Cohen. Al 3 PIANOS AND ORGANS. ‘ \YK 11 AY 1C SKVKHAL USKI> PIANOS of good makes, bargain values. Up rights. $75. S9O. SIOO, $125 and up. Square pianos, carved legs,-these pianos are ill good tone and condition, good practice piano, from s.*o up. Write Tor list of bargains. A. A. Thomas Plano Co. S3O Hroad Street, Augusta, Uu. Phone 6S$. ORGANS CHURCH, CHAPKI. AND parlor styles, some with mirrors, goon values at $25. $2-**. SSO, S6O and up. Call or write for bargain list. A A. Thomas Piano Co., $39 IProad St. Augusta, 4u, Phone oSt>. SIIKKT MUSIC CKNTVKY EDITION: The best, get latest catalog of nearly . oeii choice and standard coni* tosttlons The best at the popular price of 10c A. A Thomas Plano Co. $39 Hroad St . Augusta. Ga. Phone 695. SUNSIUNK POIdSIl: TUB REST ?5c piano and furniture p lish made, con tains no add. spirits or grit 4- os. bottle 25c. Equal to a quart of other polishes. A. A Thomas Piano Co., 639 Hroad St . Augusta, Ga Phone s3s. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE—SEVERAL OF the most desirable buildinq lots in Monte Sano, on Wriqhts boro Road, between Troupe and Winter Streets: water, seweraqe and qas accessible: two blocks from electric car line and three blocks from fire station now in course of con struction. and near the Monte Sano qraded school. Terms to suit purchasers. Apply to Wil liam F. Eve, 511 Dyer Buildinq M3i>-n-Al-4-«-9-n Hi- THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. FOR RENT—ReaI Estate FOR RENT MODERN FDAT, THREE connecting room* and hull, bath, el*c trtc lights, gas, etc, I‘lton* No. 3124-J. Al.lp SANG LEE LAUNDRY SOS McINTOSH HI.. OFFICE AT 404 Jackson Si., next to Chop Suey Rea tai-rant. Phone 2611, Hang Lee. Prop. M24-MO EASTER QIfTS A HANDSOME GENUINE LEATHER hand hag, a beautiful mesh hug-aVa have them In silver und gun-metal, cut prices. Augusta Trunk Factory, 735 liroad, opposite Monument. ts LOOK AT THESE SHOE REPAIRING PRICES: Wot PAW Rubber He*ls ,25c Men’s Half Soles, sewed..7sc $1 00 Men’s Sewed Soles .. ..75c Men’s Tack Soles 50c Ladles’ Soles and Rubber Heels 75c Ladies’ Sewed Soles .. . .65c Ladies’ and Children’s Tack Soles 25c to 50c Tread Air Rubber Heels .25c SDrinn Steo Rubber Heels 35n Cat Paw Rnhbcr Heels ~3Bc Osulivan Rubber Heels *-45c Shoes called for and delivered. Out-of-Town People Use Parcel Post. ALEX RAE. Phone 323 236 9th St. Augusta Shoe Repairing Phone 943. 965 Broad front rar your life Sfiff'qnrp Rubber ( Heels Soften CityP.ivements l ,AH Styles. *nd Sites Rubber Heels 25c Men’s Sew Soles 75c SI.OO Men's Whole Soles .. . .SI.OO Men’s Tack Soles 50c Lariies’ Soles and Rubber Heels 75c Ladies' Sewed Soles. Leather Hpels 650 L? H 'es’ *nd Children's Tpok S"les ... .25c to 50c Tre?id-/' i r Ruhhor Heels.. .?5c Rubber Heels 350 Cat Paw Rubber Heels... .35c os"iivnr- Rubber Heels... .45c Your Shoes while von pm home Work Called f r- Anri Holivereri J SAWILOWSKY, Prop. Irish-American Bank Final Notice to Depositors Tartios lmvlng deposits in the Irish American Hank are notified to leave their pass-books to he balanced. The books will be re turned when balanced. Positively no deposit will be re ported as correct to the Court un til checked with the pass-book. IRVIN ALEXANDER, Receiver Irish American Hank. April 8. 1914. SHOPS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Designed to place before the Public the Merchandise. Craftman ahlp and special service offered by the Exclusive Shops and Specialty Stores not usually Advertised - AUTOMOBILE 3. Mnaneto and carburetor work my specialty. Telephone lilt. *)und*y phone 2075-J All work guwr*nt**d. Cheeseborouqh Repair Shop Th* R«d Front 549 Bro«d •*- AUTOMOBILE TIKES We ran fumlah ywi with atandaM ruarantaed Urea from 6 par cant to ?r> per cent lea* thnn prlca. a to do your repatrlnir at amall coat; aB work m»arantead to aatiafac tion. Oat our ja*lcaa bafora buying elaewhera. DAVIS TIRE A RUBBER WORKS* AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT Whan your car need* repairing bring It lo u*. W* keep vnttr Electric Self-StartW, Electric Light* and Generators In good repair. W. C. GUNN, Phone 2967. 726 Reynolds St. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Protect your automobile tn tne Royal Insurance Company, of Eng land. Strongest In the world. In a ire* agalnat Fire, Theft. Liability. Property Damage. and Colllaion Damage*. W# also laaue accident and health policies. All at the low est adequate rate*. J. V. H. ALLEN A CO.. 'Phone 411. 121 Jackaon St. fIUTOMORILE PAINTING We have opened a first Class Paint Bhop. and can attend your wants at very reasonable c->st. NORTH AUGUSTA WAGON CO. Just across the Brlrigo. AUTO RFPAIRING Electric Splf-starter and Ignition experts. All work guaranteed. B. P. BOONE. Phone 826. S*7 Broad. BICYCLES Agent for READING, BTANDARD. NATIONAL, PIERCE. We have the best equipped repair shop In the South. JOHN F. BRICKLE, 226-28 9th. Phone 19H. CIGARS. For Bigger. Busier Augusta Smoke F. A. W. CIGARS Patrpnlze Home Industry Wolfe & Lombard Cigar Co. Makers. COAL KIMBERLY COAL Second to none. Ur; Oak and Pine tnove Wood Hill delivery. W. C. IVEY & CO. Phone 780. CONTRACTOR E H. MOBLEY, No. 4 Irish American Rank Bldg. GENERAL CONTHACTOR. Phones: Office 2476 and Residence 6625-L. ORY CLFANING ROBERTSON TAILORING CO.. 1001 12th St. Phone 1268. Ladles’ and Rent’s o'othes clean, pressed and dyed. French Dry Clean ing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered same day. Electrical Contractors Auto Supplies Fresh Batteries Weekly. WHITNEY-EVE CO. 1008 Broad. Phone 131> GRIMAUCTS VEGETABLES Fancy crisp white celery at popular prices. Boswell's Jersey Creamery butter, per 11'.. 80c. Full line of vegetables. See me or phone ISO.i f.s- your Easter dinner, you will be pleased. AUGUSTA GLAZING CO. IUBOLAZING of all. KIN PS. SETTING PLATE GLASS. REPAIRING CHURCH WINDOWS OF LEAD AND ART GLASS. REPAIRING SHOW CASES. REPLACING AUTOMOBILE WIND SHIELDS A SPECIAL IY. 448 BROAD. PAUL D. FAGAN. MGR. PHONE 71. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LEND ON REAL F.s 1 VI <v Augusta Real Estate Co.. 533 Bfoyl^S^ T": * ""fir* ; THE GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIRING AT 554 BROAD street, is now open. Work done whil you watt, by the Goodyear System. Best material, first-eliiss work at rea aonable prices Work called for and i delivered. I’hcne 1737. WM. GOINGS. Mgr. GARAGES IVEY’S GARAGE Phona 3197. 304 Washington. AGKNTS FOK HUPMOBILES Flv* roars' experience w Ith Chalmer* and Hupmobllea CARS FOR HIRE. GASOLINE AND OILS The he*l gasoline and keroaene, a l *n engine nnd machine oils. Lowest prices for rash. Free and prompt de livery. Special prices to regular cus tomers. CRYSTAL OIL A GASOLINE CO., Phone 806. 909 BHta F. PETERSON, Prop. PERROUX & JONES Augusta Garage Repairs, vulcanizing, supplies. Free air. Open day and night Largest In city. 720-22 Reynolds St. Phone 120. GABOUNE, IS'/ao Motor car*: washed and polished. 25c, 40c. UNION GARAGE 663 BROADWAY. OARAGE—REPAIR SHOP. BTUDEBAKER DEALERa 7TH AND REYNOLDS. PHONE 376. AUGUSTA MACHINE CO. S. E. MARSTON’S Harness and Shoe Bhop. All work done hy hand. 738 Ellla St. N. W. SULLIVAN, 1169 Broad St.. Harness maker and Repairer. Work neatly done at moderate prices. I can save you money on custom made harness. Mazda Lamps Reduced 10, 15, 20, 25, 40 Watt 30c Each. Whitnev-Eve Co. 1033 Broad St. Phona 1316 MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY A. GREEN. He makes your mattresses level and square. New tick made free. Return mattresses same day. Phone 1910—shops 1261 Marbury street. PAINTING CONTRACTORS For reliable House Painting and Decorating see E. B. Smith A Son, 70'. Moore avenue. Estimates cheer fully furnished. Work guaranteed; city refrences. PIANOS A. A .THOMAS PIANO CO Phone 686. 639 Broad St. Pianos. Player Pianos. Electric Pi anos, Organs. Graphophones and Records.—Everything Musical. PIANOS AND VICTROLAS" Phone 8327. 854 Broad. The latest styles the market affords. CASH OR CREDIT. W. P. MANNING MUSIC CO. POOL. POOL POOL. 2 1-2 Cue. Do Dmo In Pool Parlors. 818 Broad St. EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY IN THE WANTS L. F. GOODRICH Architect 1&? Eighth Street, Telephone Augusta, Ga. 469. AUTOS FOR HIRE. FIRST-CLASS AUTO SERVICE. WHEN in need of auto for hire, call 2122 or 2026. G. A. Wilkinson. Al'lp ANTIQUE FURNITURE. CI.AWFOOT SIDEBOARDS. TEA l’A blos. card table, desks, high-post beds, hook cast s fenders, andirons, eandl sticks Upholstering and repairing. F. Kenyon. 317 7th St. Phone 2219. .UJtfe NOTICE TO PUBLIC. FOR QUICK. UP-TO-DATE HACK service, call day phone 1570-W. Prompt attention, polite drivers. A 1 <!p SUIT CASE BALE SPECIAL BARGAIN THIS WEEK IN stilt cases 39.00 value, tills sale only. 36.77. See us this week sure. Augusta Trunk Factory. 735 Broad, oppoilte Monument. £OC ARE SOOR s Wholesale and Retail Tin Shingles, Tin and Rubber Roofing. W.B.Toole & Co. Tel. 264. 035 Broad. “Let Us Cover Your House” SATURDAY. APRIL 11. REAL ESTATE If you buy your houses, lot* and farm lands from tn* w* both mak* money. J, B, CHAPMAN, Phone 2900-J. Kllla ft Campbell Bta RUBBER STAMPS ■- W. OODGI, Rubber Stamp*. Reals, Badges, Sten cils, Alumnlum Checks. Ac. s6s El lis street. PHONE 1421. STORAGE. We do storage. W* pack and ship goods We aura you money on second hand goods. We save you money on new goods. W* always ha- * bargain* for you. HUGHES FURNITURE CO. Phone 696. *67 Broad. SPECIALISTS DR. N. EJ. ALFORD. Th* only Resident (21 year*! and Reliable specialist In Augusta treat ing all diseases of men. women and Children Successfully without opera tion. Consultation free and Invited. OFFICE 969 BROAD BT. THE CLOCOTAN J. C CARNS 210 Centre Bt. Watch and Clock Repair Bhop. Twenty-four years daflv experience; tan years at this location. Guarantee work on guaranteed Stock TAILORS. HARDWICK 5 GERMANY TAILORS AND RENOVATORS Suits Made to Order. iPhone 1622 • 213 6th Street. JACKSON & BAILEY Phone 1784. 828 9th. Street First Class Tailoring. Gleaning, Pressing and Repairing. TIN SHOP PHILIP L. MACK, Phone 493. 913 Ellis BL Tin and Sheet iron Worker. Estimates given on all tin and sheet Iron work. Promp‘ attention to re pairing. WELDING SOUTHERN WELDING CO. Phone 1332. 961 Broad St. Welders of all metals, and all kind, of machinery breaks repaired car bo" cleaned from auto cylinders with oxygen. WAGON MANUFACTURER LOWREY WAGON WK3. Established 1847 Manufacturers of farm wagons carts and trucks, especially equip ped for repairing and painting. Corner Ellis and 9th. Bta. Telephone 1309-J Augusta. Ga. WOOD YARD BABY WOOD YARD DRY "INE AND OAK Stove Wood a Specialty. Quick Delivery. C. A. KING, Merr. Phone 2881. 840 Fenwick. WAGON SHOP BLACKSMITH WORK and HORSESHOEING E. T. EUBANKS WALL PAPER INTERIOR DECORATORS. Foreign and domestic wall papers ar.d awnings. Telephone and we will attend promptly. PHILLIPS C ROGERS. Phone 2051. 1610 Fenwick St. WALL PAPER AWNINGS T. G. BAILIE & CO. Phene 166. 712 Broad St. KEEP FT.IES OUT BY HAVING YOUIt house screened with Baker’s Improved Metallic Window and Door Screens. Call 2946-W for estimate or write G. G. Wheeler. 6IS Broad. Alle ROOF LEAK? Have your work done by experi enced tinners. All work Riven P er ‘ sonal attention. My prices are right. E. A. DEMORE Phone 2031. 523 Broad St’ GET IT HICKEY'S Your Easter HAIR CUT 5 Barbers. Xo Waiting. Polite Attention. 221 Jackson Street.