The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, April 12, 1914, Home Edition, Want Ad Section, Page SIX, Image 14

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SIX REAL ESTATE NEWS REALTY DIGEST TO SHOW INCREASE OF QUARTER OF MILLION THIS YEAR City Assessor of Realty E B. Hook Says That Pur chase of Much Property By City and Tearing Down of Broad Street Buildings, to Be Good Increase. City NMrphir of rr»lty. Mr E. It Hook. haa about completed h!a work the realty digest «M» >e«T WII In* » little* ov«*r $20 1 0«0.W>0. showing an In crease «f *J6*.OO Mvtr the year prevl oua This will be done In fare of Iha fact that the city Iran purchased lirge quantities of property on Ihr- tlvar l*onk for flood protection purposes. which cannot, of cotirno ha taxed tiv lira cltv, thnt only tha around on which Thr Em OwJO_Pjj_Cinj Brick business and residence property on Broad street, 80xV» wav to Kll is street, two stories, 2 stores and 2 residences. Price $7,500.00 $2,500.00 Cash, balance at 0 per cent. Martin (St Garrett REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 137 Jackson Street. DID YOU KNOW That 40,000 Hydro-Electric horse power lias been developed at Stevens Creek, and is now available for industries in Augusta and this sec tion f And "Did You Know” that industries can increase the quantity and quality of their pro ducts. decrease the cost of their power, and at the same time relieve themselves of the expense of a power plant by using Stevens Creek Hydro- Electric power? "Did You Know" that this power develop ment makes it possible for Augusta to hold out to new industries greater inducements than any other city in this sections A Home on The Hill T have a beautiful homo, occupied only two years, 04 summit of tin* Hill, for sale at a bargain. The house contains parlor, (lin ing room, pantr\ v , kitchen, library on first floor. Second floor four bed rooms with •two baths. Tile floors. Third floor has three bed rooms and bath complete. Large closets throughout the house. Furnace with steam heat from cellar to garret. Front piaz za extends across. Fine shade trees. Lot 133x233 ft. entire front of house. JOHN W. DICKEY pfcr« him! Chronic U bulldlnin nr* I®* atcKil run ha tax*<l, line** the bulld ni* which formerly occti|»i**<l th*»* nlttl h*vs» torn fl«*wn *i<M th* n*w *»»»«*»• :n count* of erection Al*»» i «iu»nl tty of property wap ptirchsßvd and im proved during th* y* i»r devoted t » p«*h'*»l purpop** wnd th*r*for* iP non*! utttbl*. Th* rwfKtrt shows » splcnd d incr**ns* considering th* condition of nffalrs, whllff »i*xt j*nr th* lncr*a** will no itoiiht l»« much l.irg*r. 15 A CRTS ON HENR Y ST. CM A NOES HA NDS Mrs. M. J. Wadlcy Scllb Some of the Mod Valuable Prop erty on The Hill to Messrs. L. L. Arrington, David Slusky and W. L. McCrary—Alexander & Steiner Made Sale. Oih* of tho lament real estate deal* made In Augusta recently that Involv ed Hill property win consummated yesterday when a deed was filed with the clerk of court conveying aboil! lf> acre* on tip* north aide of Henry Street from Mr* M J. Wadley to Messrs I. I*. Arrington and W'. 1.. McCrary and Havld Slnaky. The price paid In vald lo have been In th'* of SIB,OOO. The deal wns made throiiah Alexander At Steiner The property la some of the moat valuable on the Hill, helms located very near »om« of the molt attractive home In tbla vl< mlty It front, on Henry street !»'!:! feet and extend* hack 5M fed It I* expected that the pro: »*rty will h** developed by tne GOING TO CHURCH (Anderson Hally Mall.) (iolnts to church la a habit, and a business and u pleasure and an edu cation and a help and a duty and a blessing Every man ought to lino something In this Hat that will hit him If he ha* a family, he can take ihe whole Hat to himself If he ha* any Intercat at all In the re*t of the world, he can take part of It. And if he doe* not think nhout anybody bui himself, h<* <an still find plenty of reason* In the list wITy ho should go There is no reason why the church should storm the citadel of a man * reason and conscience to Ret him t*> Ko to church, except the desire to do him Rood. The churches are getting on all rlßht without his support. They don’t absolutely need his money. Hut they want lo do him Rood. That is what they are here for. They ask him frankly to come and *ce what he can Rot out of It, not what they arc Roinß to ask him to put Into It. And any man oiißbt to he man enoUßh to ac cept that Invitation The trouble Is that most have an uncomfortable feeling that they will have to do something, not necessarily for ihe church, but for themselves. They know they are not doing right, and they don’t relish haring the church tell them so In a way that will make them want to change. But more and more they are com ing to see that the best thing to do Is to go. No man who goes is liable to be led astray. The church has a gospel that fits everybodj, and Is anxious to preach It. It Is a gospel for life and death, and every man will do himself and his family and hts friends and the rest of the world a service by going to hear U and by fixing up his life according to Its teachings. Take your choice of the reasons why you ought to do, only be sure that you go NEGRO FOR MOSQUITO BAIT Lieut. Col. William M. slbert. U. S. A., the builder of the Catun locks. the Oaton dam, the breakwater at Colon harbor and the excavation of the chan nel between the Gatun locka and the Atlantic ocean, hint written an Intcr oatliiK article on the Panama canal, hta flrat contribution on the subject, for the National Geographic Society at Washington, I). C. In hla article Col. Slbert aaya: A little to the north of the Gatun locks the American anti French canals Intersect. Hud the French canal been completed It would now be out of (late, tor Its locks would not be of sufficient size to puss the boats that would now offer. "In 1912 Gatun had probably the greatest Influx of malarial mosquitoes in Its history. The sanitary depart ment determined to locate all the breeding places for mosquitoes near Gatun, catch mosquitoes at such place | and, after painting them, turn them loose and determine from the color of the mosquitoes caught In Gatun from what point they came. I went down there one morning to see how they were caught and painted. Mosquito hurs. tied up nt the bottom, were sus pended from limbs. They had thou sands of mosquitoes In them ready to be sprayed with a colored liquid and the sanitary Inspector was asked how he caught them. He said, We have a more scientific way, hut this had to be done In a hurry. We simply let the mosquito bar down, as you would open a bed, left one side of It open i and put a Jamaica negro In there for I bait.' As soon us the mosquito bar was full the halt was removed and the end tied up. I saw a Jamaica negro standing there. John, were you : the halt in that bar?' 1 asked, and he replied, ’Yes. boss; that Is the easiest money I ever earned -ten cents an hour for sitting there and doing noth ing hut Just inviting the mosquitoes STEALING CHILDREN Philadelphia Public Ledger. Whether s-M-ar-old Warren Mo- Carrli k wa* kidnapped or met death by accident or design in a matter of conjecture upon which city councils ami the police differ. The fact that the hoy la missing la enough to arouse a sympathetic Ititercat almost equal to that following the kidnapping of Charley Rons In Philadelphia a gen eration ago. nnd the .stealing of the Cudahy boy In Omaha by Pat Crowe more recently. No crime la more despicable titan this inhuman piracy which robs a homo of Its child for purposes of ex tortion. or other reasons. The KUl napper ta put down on crime's calen dar us an arch villain. A Hat of the children who disappear annually would make a chapter of tragedy In the history of any great city. A boy’s natural en\ Ironment would seem to be In the country, but all boys can not live In the country. The city, of neces ally, becomes their playground, and unless there are carefully restricted districts lor pleasure the boy indulges naturally In a freedom fraught wtta peril. Swift and sure punishment for the kidnaper, as. for example, in the Sha ron. Pa., case, la a deterrent to the crime On the other hand, when a man like Pst Crowe, who received rBE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA. GA. purchasers and the will make of It a most attiactive addition Centrally located property as well as Hill property is nelng purchased every few days and Augusta will not he recognised as the same cltv within a Tew years. Ther • has Ic on a tre mendous increase In value both on lima-I Striu* and throughout the re mainder of the city during the past yar anil there has probably been more trading during the past twelve months than any live years before in the history of the city Augusta prop erty Is recognize 1 as being cheap now at almost any price th t it is offered and within the next few vears prices for r ropertles in many secalona will he double what they are now I2f),000 ns a ransom for the Cudahy boy, escapes punishment, encourage in«*nt tn given to the hunin»*y* of steal ing other men’s boys. Guilty of Robbing the 1 Lyerly, Georgia, Bank t-ysrly, Gs. —Frank M ule ws, on trial charged with having robbed the Bank of l.yerly on the night of January 29th of this year, today wn« found guilty In the Chattanooga county superlm* court. Ha will he sentenced April 21st. Mathews was Implicated In the crime In a con feaalon whirl, McNew made to the po lice anil which tie afterwards repu diated as having been wrung from him under pressure. In a statement to the Jury McNew •aid that Mathews "resemble.l the man who brought a sack" to Ids house Ihe morning after ttie robbery, and that the sack contained something "that rattled like money.” Mathews, who Is suffer ing from tuerculosls in an advanced Stage, Is being kept under guard in the open air. LOTS ARE GOING FAST IN PRIMROSE PLACE “All Primrose place lots will soon be sold," saW Mr. Murray yesterday. From the very first there wag a good demand for Primrose Place lots and the demand increases the more they were advertised. Primrose Place merits all Its popu larity for it Is a most delightful place, right on the highest part of the liill with uheaiitiful view of the sur rounding country and pleasant breezes al the time. The Hill is building up rapidly, and before many years lota up there will he much more valuable than they are no‘w. To Rent—New Store, 1146 Broad Street. See P. F. McAnally or W. F. Cavanaugh. . vil .» B. C. White laeg:?iorn. Indian Runner Duck*. Agents for Xrav Incubators and Brooders. DUNNINGTON POULTRY RANCH Phone 7521, R. F. D. Augusta, Ga. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Two story residence of 6 rooms in good location, near car line, while section. Rental 9192. RIO BARGAIN, SI3OO. Four small houses (colored) In growing section of city, good con dition Rental S3OO. Will sell you these so as to clear you 15 per cer‘ above all taxes. Insurance, etc. FOR KXCHANGF. 20 acre farm 3 mil.# from city, 4 room dwell ing barn, stable, sheds, etc., on good road, near railroad, S2OOO, or ex change for city property. 1 For exchange -or sale. Furrn of over 300 acres. Burke Co. BAR GAIN Several small fnrnis to exchange.—LOANS P. F. KEENAN & COMPANY MONTGOMRRT BUILDING. Phone 807-J. A Real Bargain In order to get quick results the owner has au thorized mo to offer this bright, modern, well built home for $7,000. The house is now and has four largo rooms and front hall Tt»x 120 on first floor, and four bed rooms and bath on second. Hot air furnace, gas, electric lights and other conve niences. The lot is 100 foot wide and 150 deep, and i*; well situated. For further information, ask George W. Hardwick Exclusive Agent. Real Estate and Loans. 305 Dyer Building. FINE HAUL OF NEGRO GAMBLERS AT 1:30 A. M. Police Descend on Place and An 8 Handed Game of ’Skin*’ Ends Abruptly. A negro gambling den was raided ■ ’ r ■ at I "■'> Tt stood or, the corner of Marliury and Jones streets what one would call a com manding position I.evy Beal, colored, was the proprietor. Ills place wits the south went corner. S'rffeants Caudle and Elliott have had their eyes on It for so time, but have been hiding their time, waiting for an twpkkMii occasion to do the raiding. At length Saturday night they decided from the number of t,ticks going Into the place and not coming out thnt somewhere in the house was a little game going on, and that there was a what you might cull quorum. So, taking Offi cers Mathews, J-owe and Kobertson. thev formed an army of invasion and hevrlged the citadel. The players . eased their game of skin and sur rendered without a struggle. Eight negroes were brought In, In cluding Levy himself and Sam Ham mond of notable past. Sam was ihe negro whom Sergeant McArdle ar rested some years ago one Sunday night with twenty-three half pint bot tle* of whichey secreted about his per son, doing a prosperous retail trade. He got twelve months on that occa- The cither arrests were (uiarley Reid, C. J. Hall, Charley and "Dock” Rob ertson. Sam t'artledge, and Eddie Wcstlcy. «* Caps, 50c, 750 and SI.OO, the flneat and most up-to-date styles ever came to Augusta. F. G. Mertlns. For Sale 43 new three-room houses that will pay 14 per cent on the Invest ment. Price, $21,000.00. Will sell the entire number or divide into lots of 12 or more houses to suit purchaser. Terms to suit purchaser. Also an attractive lot on McDow ell street. The Hill, 59x205. Price only $1,000.00. lsjt on Mllledge street. Monte Sami. 50x155. Cheap at $600.00. 92 acres on Dean Bridge road, half woodbind, half In cultivation; dwelling of 6 rooms, and other im provements. Price, $3,200.00. All of the above property are bargains at the prices named, D. W. Marks Insurance and Real Kstate. 400 Harison Bldg. Phone 363. Eggs for Hatching $1 Per Setting Money To Loan ON REAL ESTATE. SIO,OOO immediately available. T. D. CARY Irish American Bank Building. Three Special Bargains For This Week That Must Be Sold Investment Here Is alB per cent Investment for you. And a piece of prop erty that la located near a business street and where property la ad vancing In price. Wa ar# offering for sale three new cottages that arc rented to good tenant* for *36,00 per month. If sold this week can be bought for 12,789.00. We would advise you to buy this proper ty. It la really worth more money than we are asking for It. Bargains In Lots W'e tire going to offer you a nice building lot at the foot of The Hill, near Walton Way. with sewerage and water all ready on the lot for $350.00, In order to sell It by 12 o'clock Monday. The lot la worth $500.00. The other lot la located on Starnes street, near Wal ton Way, that we are going to sell for $500.00, and It Is worth $650.00. If you wish to buy u Yiargaln this Is your opportunity. W. T. Houston & Co. Harison Building. Phone 607. Augusta, Ga.' FOR SALE The owner of two lots on East Avenue, near Clifton, in North Augusta, is moving away. We are instructed to sell these lots at once. They are 50x133 eaeh, and face East. Water, sewer, and electric lights in the street. For a quick turn, we will let them go at $l5O per lot. * % v « i Jas. R. League & Co. 212 UNION SAVINGS BANK BUILDING. Phone 176. For Sale Walton Way Homes A two storv 7 room house on 1800 block of Walton Way, belonging to an estate that must be closed out at once, •« This is a rare opportunity for some one td se cure a home at a sacrifice price. On the 1000 block of Walton Way, a House of 8 rooms, all modern conveniences, on lot 40x160 ft. It is cheap at 83,200. Easy terms. On the 1500 block of Walton Way, a two-story House of 8 rooms, practically new, in perfect condi tion, and good neighborhood. This place is well worth $5,500, but will be sold to a quick buyer for $4,750. On the 1700 block of Walton Way, a two-storv, 7-room House, built two years ago; all conven iences; large corner lot. Cheap at $4,500. JOSEPH W. BEASLEY Phone, 6868-W. 215 Dyer Bldg. FARMS •'Back to the farm," is the good advice of one of the most noted financiers of the country. Listen what the immortal Grady said about cotton: "What a royal plant it 1b! The sun that shines upon it is tempered by the prayers of all people. It Is gold from the insjant it puts forth Its tiny shoot. Its fiber is current in every bank, and when loosing its fleeces to the sun, it flonts a sunny banner that glorifies the field of the humble farmer. That* msn Is marshaled under a flaS that will compel the allegiance of the world and wring a subsidy from every' nation on earth." If the above appeals to you call and see me Cor rvrlte) about the following: A magnificent plantation of 2.000 acres In Lincoln county, four miles front R. R. A splendid investment. 450 acres In Hancock county, adjoining the Berckmans’ celebrat ed peach nursery; an ideal place for fruits or grape. A bargain In Burke county, of 300 acres. Investigate. 250 acres in McDuffie, with good residence. Most reasonable. 176 acres in Richmond, on Briar creek, at a price that should at tract anyone wanting a place that will pay. Full Information regarding any of the above will be cheerfully furnished by— J. Hardwick Jackson PHONE 3446. 409 DTER BLDG. SUNDAY. APRIL IZ.