The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, April 12, 1914, Home Edition, Page TWO, Image 24

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TWO ... NEWS OF SOCIETY ... THE SPRING CLEANING Now op«*n up the windows of the heart, And let the sunshine penetrate* the gloom; Clear out the fears and doubts that grimly start Like ghosts within the mind's dim haunted room Brush out the cobwebs that your maJfce wrought, And sweep away the grudges that you bear; Replace each petty and ungracious thought With one that is forgiving, true and fair. And when the task is finished, you will find That, happiness is destined to remain Within the sunlit rooms of heart and mind, And know your work has not been done in vain. —Reynale Srrtßh Pickering. 1920 Greater Minstrels the Event of Tuesday Bvtr> utic la talk inf nml anticipating tli« Rif-nt minstrel performance, that will !•« given neat Tu«*adajr n.fiit, tlta i»us, t> lb« crlHiratcii IB JO Minstrels. Iha m • of s< <ts liara ali<w«ty t xiefUeu tl.r Uftlll Mftrl nißlit p« .tr going to In ti a | p >1 In not being alii* to wli* DcNfsttiili ni iKrilfl'«*nt offering Tues'tn) tight.' Two rnor«* days will elapse. how •\rr. an<) litoK wins |>t ter-si Hm»i« will only Ituw* t items*! vei to blame Kvery bo<iy. la going <*r nathsr «v«ryboil> la go tns ts» try to i* tio-re t and unfortunately, II fejipm »|> -I i ».♦* t,i and la Unilttd, Iha Aml nut on Tu#sdgy night will l»e Hot ofuy ttie* laPin **>t, luit the moat pul turagl trust tiua ever whnraanl uny per formance Mt tlie theatre. The perform - at a I hern selves are proud of tha tMfL Unit they have n iirognirii of teal cele brities to offer their slid ence role* billies, In more respect* than one. The of smne of the moat prominent men of the . Ity forhlnn the nientlorilng of ham* a hut thus* who attend the allow run) lie prepared for nurprlaea, on every hand Am one gentleman ox - pressed It thia morning, Tin 1920 Cloh have eccured about e\«i>|t)o*ty that la worth securing. Tal ent, new ami old. will Hhound in pro fusion. and It la only h true statement of facta to any that the club will offer \ »’ e*l collection "I artlata ever before the Augusts public All thla ia io«»re wonderful when It ta considered that each and every man In the performance la a native Atmuatan «th hia whole heart and aonl m hla aofk, Mnd devoting every energy to moke, Absolutely perfect, the part aa a:guest to him. Thla whole-mailed aptrlt ta the aacret of the wonderful success of The l!Ch Club, and It haa been more th.m ever deimmatrated In the perform ance thla aeaann. man ima l»een thormighly determined to make this show Tueaday night, one that the public will never forget. To borrrw the phiaae of a well-known advertiaer “The recol lect ton of quality will remain, long after the coat la forgotten ’* The amaU and trifling coat of Wit making the brilliant mlnarrel perform* ance la the Very least po.ot to lie con sidered, Their men of The Club and the ladies of The Wllhenford Chll dien’a Hospital—-the beneficiary-- have given their time »nd tulanta. tinreaerved ty to the cause of tbl* worthy charity,, and the public la given the double op portunity of aealating charity and re ceiving In return two hours’ of un« adult elated pleasure and enjoyment. The 1991 Club la a real live org litigation c< ntginlnff on Ita inetnberahlp roll thirty- MMK. IKKHKLI. You Can Telephone Your Order THE STORKS (h«| handle Mmo lae'b—ll’s Toilet Preparation* sre modern stores, ready to serve you satisfactorily and well. They are conveniently located In all sec tions of the city. There's one near you. You can etop to the telephone now—till# minute—^end order what you require It will ho delivered promptly for these store* take pride in the service they their customer*. Mine. lse'beiVs Turkish Itsth Oil. 50e and 11 00. Mme. l»e'heir* Exquisite FWee Puw ditr, bcO. Mm. Is.'t elVe Nstursl Blush Rouse, Hoc. Mme. ler'tw-l) a ltcae Blush Stick Rouse. Sic. Mine Ise'i •T» Lilac Hand IVhtte ner, Isc. Mme. Ur bell e Skin and Food amt Wr Okie Paste lOr and II DO Mme. Is. b.'tl * KU-nn Worm Eradt ca lor. It Ml. Mine. ia«'l<eU a D. C, Depilatory Powder, 11.00. Sold by Oood Stores fcverywhtra. CENTRAL T. G. Howard. Broad and Jackson Bts. T. G. Howard. 710 Broad Ft. Wetson Drug C*., *l} Broad St. SIMM Lit Y ILLK C TIIK HILL") Summerville Drug Co., Partridge Inn. EAST *ND: Froafa Pharmacy, 601 Broad St. WRIT END: The King Pharmacy, 1256 Broad Su NEAR UNION PErOT: H. H. Hubbard, 603 Ninth Ht. WEST END: Lake View Pharmacy, Broad St. and Crawford Ave. Made by Mme. Ise’bell SS? No. Michigan Ava., Chicago, 111. If your dealer’s nsnn ia not in the ahor. tie) Jie ran set Mme, Iso'heU’a Toilet Preiwvatlnne for you I rum hia wholeaaie druggist five men, the pick and cream of the city*a talent. Kadi man works for the good of the organU • lion, and the per - formulae Tueaday night will he a mag nificent proof of the tremendous ef ficiency <.f combined efforts and con sclentioua w«ak (Carefully trained, each detail of the elmw receiving the some undivided, careful at lent lon, the public will receive the benefit of a finished and perfect performance and one that will easily rank among the top-notchera. The men of the club are enthusiastic, they arc proud and elated, ami they have every cause to he so. They de serve the success which will attend their brilliant and magnificent offering The program contains a lift of real artlata. men who wire selected with only a view to their abllltV* and there la abundant ability In the ranks of those men who form the 1920 Orenter Mlnatrel <*»Ub. A hasty glance through the of ficial program reveals the fact that the audience Tuesday flight Iji going to be a fortunate one. they are going to wonder that they have never heretofore realized the brilliant talent In their midst. To attempt lo describe in detail the many different and original scenes, acta, etc., would tie Impossible, hut when the curtain rises on the performs nc«*. th**ae who are fortunate enough to be In the udlenc* win \ > afforded startling sur prises 'rlie University scene of the brilliant “first i»art.“ will be one of the moat novel scenes ever created for any minstrel prod net lon. Kvery detail will he faithfully carried out ami the on will even catch the “college*' spirit, which will permeate through the entire scene In this “first part*’ the beautiful voices of Messrs. John Row, John t'hapmaji. 1-Yank llulse. Jr., O. C. lieltnonieo. James Molherin and Joseph Mulligan will he heard In aolo work Augusts boasts of no sweeter singers and a glance at these names assures the audience of the pleasure In store for them In the musical feature of the pro gram. Another feature of the musical part of the pdfiftiillMi will l»e the splendid '-horns Work The men. composing this chorus are nil the possessor* of splendid 'wires and this year, they have been What carefully trained. The choruses, fh'em salves, have all been selected and an*' especially beautiful. The "f.rst part * «»f tile mltisirel would, of course be In complete without the comedians, and In tils featma The 1930 Club la extremely fortunate The names of Meaars. Leo Cotter. Marlon O'Connor, llcnry CSard ner and Will Irvin, assure the audience that no “end men" could possibly he found In the city, more thoroughly cap •*Uo and able to fill these difficult posl tlona. These talented men will bring even greater fame to themselves Tues day night, and will take full advantage of their opportunities. It has been whisptVed that they are going to create a few “opportunities,** hut this la not for publication. In the character of '*n#an“ of the University or Interlocu tor. the peer of any In the country will be found. The public needs no Intro duction to Mr. Jas J. Matthews, his ability and talent are Already widely known and recogmlied. The training and directing of the en tire dub has been under his personal supervision and he deserves the praise olid credit, which will be his. Mr. Mat thews, as well as being the real “head” of the performance. Is the creator of every scene used throughout the entlr production, and lie la a genuine genius In thia line. The magnificent “first part'' of the mlnatrel wit he brought to a brlltant close by the novel act of Meanra. Jack Cranston and ICdward Wal ton In this sketch. Mr. Cranston ami Mr Walton will Introduce two of the latest songs assisted by the full chorus. Mr ('rumton has a style of hla own too novel and original for description Mr. Walton's imp'Y* mutton of “The College Widow will t»e not only one of the most brilliant impersonations ever seen on any stage but one that will be by fur, the finest act Mr. Walton has ever done. Ills ability In thla line haa al ready made him famous. To follow out the bleu of novelty and variety, three splendid wots will he introduced in the “second part" of the performance. Messrs Wlhfer Ht\>lU and Kohrrt Hike* will ©m*r their latest musical and dancing set and these men air both splendid grtigts, as well ns hrillUnt musicians. Mr. Frank Quinn will be heard In one of the most delightful mon ologues ever on the stags and this will b« another real treat Mr Quinn Is tal ented end entirely original. Messrs. John Kog and Jos. McNeill, who delighted the audience last season with one of their laughable sketches, will be heard again ties season In an entirely new offering There Is no need for praise In mentioning these two well known and talented gentlemen. The crowning scone of the show w 11 l*e ths gorgeous and faithful reproduc tion of the roof garden of the Univers ity showing the most modern Cabaret scene ever presented on the local stage. The lighting effects have been especial ly arranged, the Impersonations are In the hands of most cspable man. and everything possible has been done to make th a scene superior tn every way to any thins oxer presented tn minstrelsy. The Idea of life motion and color will prevail throughout. In this scene, the •stars” of the club will be Introduced -the moat twominent men of the city in ever>’ variety of sketches, affording tha Audience novelty and rare treats in rapid su (‘cession Kvery number wi l be a “feature” an act worthy of place in the highest Mass of profess onal per formance MV Fred t*ch«ffner. Mr Cal Lamar, Mr (Vanaton and many others will be afforded splendid opportunities of ex hibiting their brilliant talent. There will bs music of every sort solos and chorus work, all of the highest calibre. The hesitation and tang*', to be given by Messrs Arlhur CtVnnor and Lombava Brinson will be quite the fnest thing of its kind ever presented In August*. These two well-known men are perfect dancers and their abl’ity is unquestion ed They are artsts.of the highest Dpi, In addition to Messrs O'Connor and Brinson, the dancing feature of tha CatrtNPet scans will he in tha hands- or rather sees of the following gentlemen! Messrs Lester Tyco and Hubert Irvin, Henry Gardner and flaiph Bryans, Victor Mark waiter aid James flsrtlsy. Tha 1930 Ckib has selected these wHl known men, because of their abtl'.fy and the audience will have I tie pleasure of witnessing some of the highest class dancing ever seen on any stage. fsm t f»sget the pomde at nodn on Tuesday arid unless you want to take a chance on missing the performan* a, don’t procrastinate shout those reserved seats. Ths 1920 Club 1s going to play to standing room only. DR. JONES' BIBLE CLA93. Dr. Jon-* wtll mimic the meetings of hi* IJIbIM (’ln** on Wednesday at twelve at the Y. W. C. A. WILLIS DE HUFF CARDS OUT. Card* of Invitation have been *ent out by Mr. and Mr*. John Turner WIL ll* to the mn triage of their daughter, Elizabeth Mary, to Mr. John David De fluff, on the evening of Saturday, April 25th, at eight-thirty o'clock, at the First Nuptial Church. NO MEETING OF BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. There will be -no meeting of the Ladle* Mtxslonary Society of the First Baptist Church tomorrow, the meeting having been postponed until Monday of next week, April 20th. OUT-OF-TOWN WEDDING OF INTEREST TO AUGUSTA FRIENDS. Augusta friend* who reeall no pleas antly Ml*s Lillian Kvt-lyn YVllsou, of SlmpKonville, S. C-, during her fre quent vl*lta to her slater. Mrs. How ard Mattlwm Avary, of this city, he Interested In her approaching mar riage to Mr John IJoone, of Raleigh, N. which will take place Wednes day, April Jhth, at the home of the bride’* parents, Mr and Mrs. Sidney Julius Wilson, In Hlmpsonvllle. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. Mr. Watson at the Klrat Baptist Church, and the young couple will leave Immediately afterwards for a trip to North Carolina. The bride will we* r a green tailor ed suit with hat and other acceaorles of corresponding tones, and will car ry an armful of bride roses and vaL ley lilies She will have for her ma tpon-of-honor. Mra. Ralph Hunter Martin who will wear white crepe me tenr and shadow lace, and carry pink carnations Her maid of honor will he her sister, Mia* (irftce Wilson, and her other maids Ml-V Lula Willis, Miss Alluwee WHtson, Mis* Julia Johnson and Mis* Maud Cannon. The mald-of honor will wear a picturesque gown of flowered crepe and the other maids will wear white crepe finished with butterfly caps Their flowers will he pink carnations. The best man will he Mr. Charles Fraser, of Richmond, Va . and the ushers will l>« Mr John De Free, Mr. t’eden Me (lowan. Mr George Goldsmith ami Mr. Coke Smith Little Misses Wil ma and Thelma Goodwin, will be the twin flower girl*, and will wear shadow lace dresses. MARRIAGE OF MISS WALKER AND MR L. O. DRESSEL. Interesting to friends will be the announcement of the biarrlnge of Miss Robbie Virginia Wt%er and Mr Lawrence Oliver Dressel, which too* place yesterday afternoon *t 6 o'clock nl the parsonage of St. gntthew's Church. Rev. P J. Bame performing the ceremony. No cards were stmt out mid there were no formal announce ment made as p> w'hen the marriage was lo occur, ao the announcement that it hns already taken place be learned of with much auirprise. The bride wore a beautiful gown of peacock blue with a smart and most becoming hut. Immediately fol lowing the ceremony the family con nections and a number of close friends were apprised of it Htid an Informal reception was held at the home of the groom’* parents. Mr. and Mrs. J H. Dressel, 1412 Walton Way, where congratulation* were receive! and a delirious huftet supper servled. Both Mr and Mrs Dressel are well known young Auguatans and enjoy a verv flattering popularity, and the oc casion of their marriage Is the occa sion of the extending to them oT the most cordial felicitations. IN HONOR OF VISITORS. Mrs Benot and Miss Isutra Rcnet will entertain with afternoon tea at the arsenal Monday afternoon In com pliment to Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Councilman. Guests are Invited from five until seven. EASY 10 DARKEN CRAY HUB A Wonderful Recipe That Is Not Sticky or Mussy—Harm less, but Darkens Evenly. When your hair turns gray, white, prematurely gray, faded or thin or falling, try the following: On retiring, comb the hair free from snarls. Rub Q-lhin on the hair and scalp like a shampoo; use plenty of Q-Ban, ns It can’t hurt you and Is not greasy or messy but delightful to use. Be sure It reaches the scalp and roots of the hair. Then allow hair to fall free and dry all night. The gray disappears and a few more applications of Q-Ban, like above, will darken the hair so evenly snd naturally no one ran pos sibly suspect you are using a hair color *1 storcr. In addition, the above treat ment stops dandruff and Itching of the scalp, stops falling hair and promotes Its growth. Q-Ban Is very popular with ladles, as It has the effect of giving your hair that appearance of thickness, glossiness and fascinating bexuty so much admired by all. A big 7 07 bottle Is sold for only 50c hv Frost’s rharmacy, 502 Broad St.. Au gusta. (Is. Out-of-town people sup plied by mall.—(.Advt.) THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA. GA. Buy May Manton’s New Spring Paper Patterns, Each 10c. After Easter Specials at “The Satisfactory Store” Ready-to-Wear Specials About 60 After-Easter Spring Coat Suits. The style and quality of these Coat Suita have been our best sellers and are just the proper thing for mountain and seashore for the Slim mer, as well as immediate sendee. ■ Your choice of any in the lot at only .. .THREE FOURTHS PRICE Children’s Wash Dresses, sizes 6 to 14 years, at $1.25 Women's Wash Dresses, all sizes, at .. sl-25 House Dresses, neatly trimmed $2.50 Linen and Zephyr Dresses, for street or home $3.50 to $5.00 EASTER FANS Gauze and Silk Eastor Fans, from 5<V up Japanese Paper Fans from 5c 4 up After Easter Parasols and Hosiery Our line of Easter Parasols was so complete and well assorted that their beauty and moderate price was frequently commented. Many of these beautiful Parasols are still In stock, from.. . XI 00 «P Children's Parasols, for little tot up to big sister, from 50<- «P Our line of Hosiery has always been accepted as the best in the market at the price. Why? Because they are always fresh and new. The best line of Cotton Hose to be had, at.-l©’ and 12HO Imported Lisle Hose for men, women and children, at 25 c Cobweb Gauze Lisle Hose, a 50c special, at 33 1*3 1 ' Silk Boot Hose with good lisle tops and bottoms, at SO 1 ' White Irish Dress Linen I'4 yards wide, a beautiful finish which will at once commend itself to women for an Ideal tailored suit or separate skirt. A recent ship ment enables us to offer something special In this 90-inch Linen in values not usually offered In Augusta. Six different shades for your selection frO'"' SD*-'- ftfl 1 Xl and Xl SSO 45-inch pure Irish Linen, for a leader, at 50'' 3« inch Linen Lawn, a regular 40c value, at 29'’ Fine Linen Crash for guest towels, per cut 29*-' and 50 c After Easter Pick Up 11.50 White Shirtwaists, beautifully trimmed In lace or embroidery. made of very fine French chltfon and worth *1.60 each, now 75C *I.OO Crepe Gowns, easily laundered, In white or colors, at 59*' 10c Ribbed Vests, low neck, no sleeve, taped, at 5 C *I.OO Middy Blouse, trimmed, worth *I.OO, at 50'' Panties for children; ages 2 to 12 years, at 10 c Kitchen and Housemaid Aprone, -dust colors, from.. .25*-' to R9* Genuine Stone Wall Rompers for boys, any size, at 50>’ Men’s 500 Nainsook Athletic Vests or Pants, each 39'’ Men’s fine Spring Negligee Shirts, at 50*-' and XI 00 BURTON-TAYLOR WISE COMPANY, Inc. 761 Broad St. Read the clever little stories “The Moods of Genevieve ” Beginning Wednesday on the Editorial Page, taking the place of “How Bill Got Along” to be concluded Tuesday Many of these lovely Easter specials reached us too late for earlier selling and many of them are gathered from the regular stocks and as desirable now as they ever were , but lo make room for early Summer and to reduce our large stock we have planned an After-Easter event that will mean a great saving to every purchaser at “The Satisfactory Store." Start the new week by looking over our After-Easter specials . ** as ® ncau “The Satisfactory Store” WE GIVE AND REDEEM THE PURPLE TRADING STAMPS^ Elegant Spring and Summer Dresses Beautiful Crepe Dresses with an art V-tic touch of contrasting colors, lace yokes, ruffled peplum and a dozen Other attractive little conceits that in dividualize every particular dress and sets it apart from all the rest; in other words, just the beautiful, high-class dresses that the “Satisfactory Store” has a reputation for. Hundreds to se lect from at popular prices. Beautiful Crepe Waists The loveliest waists perhaps that Dame Fashion has yet conceived; not only the style being extremely .novel and comfortable but withal an eco nomic waist. Prices popular and ex tremely lo w— sl.2s, $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00. M-en’s all linen Collars, as long as they last, to go at 3 for 25^ Men’s $1.25 Negligee Shirts, at SI.OO After Easter Silk Sales One lot of short lengths up to 66c values, to go at 29 c 27-inch Messaline Silks for nest weejt, at.... 69^ Cheney Brothers’ Spotproof Foulards. 61 values, at 79^ 36-lnch Messaline and Charmeuge Silks, 61.39 values, at 98 c 62.50 Charmeuae, Crepe Meteor and Silk Crepes, 40 inches wide, at 81 98 36-inch Silk and Wool Perrno Tussah, 61.50 values, at 81 25 All Wool and Silk and Wool Mixtures, for a special, at 81 00 These are the season’s best offerings and include all the most wanted shades for the 1914 Spring Suiting and at prices far below their real value or former price. Wash Fabric Specials 15c Crepe for waists, gowns and dresses, special 10 c 25c Crepe and Colored Flaxon for dresses, at lf*C 39c Mercerised Batiste for waists and dresses, at 25^ 25c English Nainsook, in different lengths, at 15 c 35c French Dimity, soft and sheer, 34 inches wide, at 19 c lac Brown Linen and English Percales. 36 inches wide, at.. . .10^ 10c Pajama Checks and Longcloth, 36 inches wide, at 7HC 10c cambric finish Bleaching, soft for the needle, at 7M|C Sc Sea Island, 40 inches wide, long, smooth, at 5 C 7V a c Apron Olnghams, in fast colors, at ' 50 Neckwear and Gloves 16-button pure Silk "Contrast" Gloves, at 81-25 16-button Kayser pure Silk Gloves, at 81-00 16-button Kid Chamolsette Gloves, at 8100 2-clasp and 16-button Chamoisette Gloves ,at 50*^ Kayser pure Silk 2-button Gloves, at 50 ( ' Neckwear in exquisite patterns embroidered on net and sheer material, also some collars of linen; there are collars, collar and cuff sets, fichus and guimpes. SUNDAY. APRIL 12. Augusta, Ga.