The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, April 12, 1914, Home Edition, Page FIVE, Image 27

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SUNDAY, APRIL 12. KELLY’S DYEk BUIUDIINQ CORSETS The popular demand for the Front Laced Corset has prompted us to show the latest models in all three of the Corsets we handle. The Modart —exclusively front laced; the Redfem in both front and back laced; Warner’s Rust Proof —in both front and back laced. A model for every figure is the watchword in our Corset de partment. All Corsets fitted when re quested. Modart Corsets $3.50 to SB.OO Red fern Corsets $3.50 to $6.00 Warner’s Rust Proof ... SI.OO to $3.50 WE GIVE PURPLE STAMPS The Store That Has The New Things First WE REDEEM PURPLE STAMPS Engagement of Miss Alice McGovern and Mr. Alvin Moore McAuliffe Announced Mr. and Mrs. William Manley Mc- Govern announce the engagement of their daughter, Alice, and Mr. Alvin PLANS FOR THE SOCIAL SIDE OF SHRINERS’ CONVENTION. The Shriners’ convention In Atlanta early In May is being anticipated with interest and pleasure, and a series of entertainments are being planned for the distinguished visitors, many of whom will be accompanied by their wives and daughters. Tuesday, May i 2. a luncheon will be tendered the ladies at the Druid Hills Golf club which will be largely attend ed. This will be the second large en tertainment to be given at the pic turesque club house which has re cently been completely, the initial one to be the formal opening on Wednes day, April 29. The large social event of Tuesday evening will be the banquet to be giv en in honor of the imperial potentate at the Piedmont club where covers will be laid for 500 guests. Wednesday afternoon, May 12, the beautiful home of Governor John M shall Slaton and Mrs. Slaton on Peachtree road will be the scene t>; a garden party which Mrs. Slaton will give in complim|fit to the visiting la dies. A number of smaller parties are also being arranged for the week which Will included luncheons, Informal dancing parties and teas and which will be held at private homes and at the town and country clubs. THE HOT WATER CURE FOR ROSES. "Boiling water will revive flowers MEALS 1 BACK? DYSPEPSIA, GAS, SOUR STOMACH7-PAPES DIAPEPSIN Try it! In five minutes Indiges tion and Stomach distress gone—Eat without fear. , -4 Time it! In five minute? all stom ach distress gone. 1,0 Indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching "f R as. acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Dlapepsih is noted for it speed in regulating upeet stomach?. It is the surest, quickest stomach doc tor in the whole world, and besides, it is harmless. Millions of men and women now Smart Snappy Suits No two ullko. Insuring you that much defin'd individuality of dress the Kelly Store has made possible and for which we have received the praise and appreciative patronage of thous ands of Augustans and pntrons in ev ery town in the zone of our shopping district. In addition to sizes for aver age figures, we have suits for little women, misses and extra sizes for stout figures; sizes It years to 49 bust. The materials are; Moires, Poplins, Taffetas, Waffle Checks, Shepherd Checks, Wool Crepes, etc.; priced— sl9.9B to $49.00 Corset Special LOT No. 1 $3.00 and $3.50 Corsets, all well known makes, including W. B. Elastine Reduso; models of high, low or medium dh ■* QO Bust, to close.. .. I® A.5/0 SOCIETY NEWS Moore McAuliffe, the marriage to take place at St. Patrick’s church on the morning of June tenth. that are so wilted that almost any one would throw them away as worthless,’’ says a woman in the New York Sun. She was scraping down the limp stems of some fullblown roses that drooped dejectedly. "I am doing this lightly, you see.’.' she continued, "so that the hot water will soak all through the stems." After she had finished scrap ing, she put the flowers into a deep pitcher, went to the stove, and took from it steaming hot water kettle. Then she poured the hot water into the pitcher until it just covered the stems, and left the roses above the surface. “There! In a few minutes I shall have fresh flowers for the dinner ta ble,” she said. And her visitor saw Just what she prophesied—a mass of roses that looked as If they had never thought of wilting. ”1 always try the boiling water cure on roses before throwing them away," she concluded. "Very few people know about it. You musn’t lay the flowers themselves In hot water. Just let it cover the stems.” MYOSOTIS DANCE. The Myosottc Club vjlll entertain with a dance at the Armory Wednes day evening. MEADOW GARDEN TO OPEN. Meadow Garden will be open on Monday, April 13th, from 11 to 2 o'clock, wo members of the local chapter D. A. R. will he present to re ceive visitors. eat their favorite foods without fear —they know it Is needless to have a had stomach. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from eny drug store and put your stomach Stop being miserable—life is too short—you’re not here long, so make your stay agree able. Eat what you like and digest It; enjoy it, without fear of rebellion In the stomach. Pape's Diapepein belongs In your home. Should one of the family eat something which doesn’t egree with them, or in case of an attack of in digestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stom ach derangement, it is handy to giva instant relief. EXPRESSIONS OF A PROFESSIONAL ORSERVER On entering the Kelly store one finds there spring In ull Its glory. The store that has the new things first, as they Hre pleased to call It, was a busy one indeed. But as Is always the case, my companion nnd I were generously shown through the store. To the left—on en tering—we found, first, display cuses filled with spring coat suits, silk suits of moire, taffeta, brocades and poplins, wool suits of soft crV'pes, waffle checks, shepherd checks and combina tion wool and taffeta in every imaginable color, In populat Eton, pointed and round coats. The skirts have minarets, pep lums and ripples, and. as Miss Kelly explained, there were no two alike. And now we come to the sec tion for dresses. There is no garment made that allows the artistic skill of the master de signer that the spring dress does, and in the Kelly dresses FOR MISS BOSLER. Mr. und Mrs. Warren Walker enter tained with a dinner party Thursday night in compliment to Miss Marie Bosler, of Albany, N. Y. PHILOMATHIC CLUB. The Philomathic Club will meet Wednesday at four thirty at the Y. W. C. A. MISS HICKMAN TO ENTERTAIN FOR MRS. J. C. WHITE. Miss Ellen McAlpine Hickman will entertain with a tea Wednesday in compliment to Mrs. J. C. White, of Belfast, Ireland, Guests are Invited for five o’clock. PAVLOWA SAYS TANGO ALMOST THING OF THE PAST. Mile. Anna Pavlowa, the Russian dancer, yesterday predicted the early death of the tango, the lame duck, the horse trot, the fish walk, and the other new dances. “Modern dancing has gone Just as far as it can without handsprings and double flip-flaps being resorted to,” she said. "The acrobatic school of ballroom dancing has seen its day. The craze Is at its height this winter. In the summer will come the reaction. Things always go by extremes, par ticularly In America. 1 believe the pendulum will swing so far to the oth er side that mlnuet-llke dances and variations of the Virginia reel and enlivened forms of the old square dances will soon be popular.” "I am so sure the minuet will be danced again in ball rooms,” said Mile. Pavlowa, “that I have made minuets the feature of the new divertissements or shorter numbers we will dance In our sixteen programs at the Manhat tan Opera House. I know that the minuets will be Just as popular ns the gavotte, which was Introduced to New York last fall, and which I have danced at each performance In America since, or jnore than 200 times. You see we do on the average nine 'performances a week, and have been on tour for twenty-four weeks. As you see, I have become quite thoroughly American ized." Mile Pavlowa displayed a really vol uble and witty command of English. But when Pavlowa talks words are hardly necessary. Her hands, her eyes, her shoulders express her mean ing.—Exchange. UNTHINKABLE NUMBER OF FLIES PREVENTED BY KILLING ONLY ONE. Fully 4,353,465,672,00tt000.fifi0,000 fit's can be slain, prevented, wiped out of existence by one good, healthy swat of a fly-swatter at this time of year, starting with one fly now, the great number named above would be the dl rect result by September if that fly is allowed to live. Clean away trie fly’s breeding places, that Is, prevent thousands from ever being born at a'l and the number destroyed in the long run Is almost unthinkable. A year ago the "Swat the fly!” slo gan had a country-wide vogue, and as a result probably billions of files were swatted. But because of the enormous capacity of flies for rriuiti- COPY OF ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN AUGUSTA APRIL Bth, 1914. A STROLL THROUGH KELLY'S Extraordinary Waist Sale Twonty five dozen Waists, including White and Black Jap Silk, embroidered Voile and Crepe in all white and col- QQn ored designs, all new models, fresh and crisp, shown for Hql. the first time Monday, extra special Scalloped Cambric Underskirts, double panel, full length of skirt, OCp special u Laces, Embroid- || AI [ PRIPP eries, Ribbons all HULI ImUL THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA, GA they hnve dona themselves proud In color combinations, le and effect. The soft crepes, elabor ately embroidered in brilliant or soft colorings, one and three piece "Ilk dresses of pussy wil low, tnffeta, crepes, moires and charmeuse and any number of dainty little morning dresses and smart tnffeta dancing frocks, ornamented with ribbon roses nnd sheer dainty lace. And now for the blouses. The Kelly showing is a most extensive one. Soft crepe voiles, chiffons, silk crepe coatees, tub silks, Jap silks. In all white or embroid ered in dainty colored floral de signs. In the hosiery and glove sec tion we were shown the while with black stitch, and black with while stitch, in both silk and kid gloves, and in the hosiery, too, this Idea was carried out with the white and black clock. The washable doeskin nnd the eham oisette gloves are most practi- Closi’tl Knit Combi nations, sheer fine knit, a most practical and popular garment plication—a single pair may produce billions of their ki%! —there did not seem to be a very appreciable diminu tion in the total number. The wiser slogan, “Starve the fly!” has been adopted this year, and the only meuns of starving the Insert is by al lowing it nothing on which to feed. Filth Is Its food, and not only shouid the city streets be kept clear of It and the vacant lots not ho made the convenient dumping grounds for ev ery kind of refuse, hut every corner of a closet or cellar or kitchen should he cleared of Its unsanitary accumu lations. The most productive breeding places of the disease carrying fly are garb age cans, eusplilors and manure. To keep a large city absolutely clean with respect to these is so small laßk, but by the interested and intelligent co operation of the municipal authorities and the citizens generally the danger of disease from flies can be reduced to a minimum. Ilf the war against the fly, clean liness is the heavy artillery, vigilance the machine guns, and determination the Mausers. The old adage that "Cleanliness Is next to Godliness” Is strictly true In tt municipal sense. "Godliness” means puUty and beauty, and a city which has these qualities is a magnet for the reception of a good citizenship. NEW PRESIDENT 80UNDS FIRBT MESSAGE TO GEORGIA BRANCH To the Georgia Branch, National Mothers’ Congress and Parent-Teach er Associations. Realizing the mag nitude of the work and Its grave im portance, I have undertaken the. re sponsibility resting on me by virtue of my office with the knowledge that without your co-operation and prayer ful assistance I can do very little. Therefore, at the outset I make this a personal appeal to each officer of the organization and to each lndivid- Self Rising Flour RO ,; No. 2 Tomatoes, 3 for 2RO No. 2 Tomatoes, 2 for ....150 Sugar Corn, 3 for ZSi 1 ' Red Velva Byrup, 3 for... 25'- WOLVERINE TEA COMPANY H. E. PHILLIPS, Mgr. Phons 3366. 1288 BROAD STREET cal and smart, nnd for the hofl ery you will find every imagin able shade In silk hose ami many novelties, such us brocaded silk hose, lace hose, ombre silk hose and Cleopatra silk hoae, with an ankle bracelet of brilliants. Tbe silk underwear section Is most complete, with beautiful und practical garments. Prin ces slips of glove silk, with lace camisole and flounce, corset cov nr glove silk, with no buttons,west, plain or embroidered combina tions, nnd bloomers In white, pink and blue of delicate tints; corsets, muslin underwear, neck wear, veilings, and, In fact, the whole shop Is alive with new things nnd the thought came to me—Well! one might bring their shoes and hut here nnd leave with nn outfit that they might bo proud of anywhere, and for any occasion, morning, after noon or evening wear, nnd Miss Kelly quickly remarked: "That Is the Idea exactly; that Is our object and ambition," nnd we left wondering how so many new things, snd such a great stock could be gathered togeth er under the roof of the little shop that has fought and won for their side of the street. Sheer soft Nainsook Envelope Chemise Drawers, wide rib' bon shoulder 01 OR straps Olitd ual member thereof, and ask that you give me your hearty support in all our undertakings I fully concur in the recommenda tions of our restiring president, Mrs. James R. Little, and those recom mendations so far us It is in my pow er, shill he respected. The work of the greatest impor* which faces us at the beginning of my term of office, Is that of organiza tion. Steps are being taken, even »t this writing, toward scouring at least one mothers' club in each county of Georgia. In this work of organiza tion we are making use of the assist ance furnished us by the country su perintendents of education. The At ianta Constitution Is the official or gan of the organization. In order that our membership may grow as rapidly as possible. It Is nec essary that the work and Its alms should be given as much publicity as possible. For this reason, as well as one equally cogent, namely, that each organization should keep 111 close touch with all others, It Is urged that a press correspondent be appointed by each local body, her duty to send news to Mrs. E. M. Mitchell, 1149 Peachtree street, Atlanta. One of the mistakes of parents here tofore has been that they have neglect ed the formation of a common Inter est between parent and teacher. Tills Is being rapidly remedies. Wonderful results are being derived. Parents are interesting themselves In the work of the schools, are co-workers with the teacher In trying to better the school and Its surroundings. I urge upon every mother that she maintain a dose supervision over the ilteratnre which fulls Into the hands of her child. A systematic course of reading is an education in liself, whii< on the other hand, great hurm Is sure to follow should the child be permit ted to read Indiscriminately lhe liter ature common lo the day. The mind Trunks! Leather Goods! We guarantee the wear of the Trunks we sell. Prices the lowest. OUR GUARANTEE YOUR PROTECTION. 735 BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY Opposite Monument. SPECIALS Bull Head Catsup, 3 for.. 2!>C ' Bull Head Jelly, 3 for 25'- California Dessert I'eaches for 25‘-’ Fresh Eggs, while they last, dozen Ufl Exclusive Dresses in Silk or Cotton Never has there been a season of smarter styles In dresses of silks and cottons: l’iiss> Willow Taffeta and Crepe, Swiss Taffetas, .lap Crepes, Crepe Meteors nnd Crepe do Chine ale the favorites In silks, while rich em broidered enpes, embroidered Batistes of Imported make, Iron frumo Voiles, Cord Crepe and dainty Hresden Crepes hold first place In the cottons. High colorings and fruit ornaments arc ll' l orally shown among the high etas novelties. We are ready to show yo„ hundreds of styles no two alike; priced— ss.9B, $7.50, $15.00 $19.98 to $49.00 Corset Special LOT No. 2 $2.00 and $2.50 Corset*, nil well Known makes, high, low or me dium bunt; while tic db <4 Off lot lasts, special.. . UNDER W EAR B 1 6 of the child Ih formed by the Ideas re ceived. Let us he sure that no false or vicious facts reach them through the medium of Impure literature. This, in brief, constitutes an out line of some of our more Important endeavors. Let me UHk your earnest —Weak Heart Many people suffer from weak hearts. They may experience shortness of breath on exertion, pain over the heart, or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after meals or their eyes become blurred, the heart is not sufficiently strong to pump blood to the extremities, and they have cold hands und feet, nr poor appetite because of weakened hi,mil supply to the stomach. A heart tonic snd alterative should be taken which has no bad after-effect. Such is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery which contalnn no dungoi'oai narcotic* or alcohol. It help* th« human *y*L«m in the con*tant manufacture of rich, red blood. It help* the utomach to aiwimilate or takeun the proper elementa from th« food, thereby helping digestion and curing dynpepnia, heart burn and many uncomfortable iiytnp tom*, ii to pH excenflive tissue want a in convalewccnce from fevers; for the run down, ammnic, thin-blooded people, the “Discovery” is refreshing and vitalizing. In liquid or tablat form at moat drug atoraa or Band SO onm-cant atampa for trial box to Dr. Piarem'a Invalid* ’ Hot ml. Buffalo, N. Y- R„d Chapter VII on Circulatory Ora an. in the "Medical Adviaer” - A French rioth bounri booh of 1008 page. rant on receipt of 31 one.cent •tamp,, addreta as above. Typhoid the Penalty tor Drinking Dirt A late dispatch eays Typhoid Fever Is the Penalty for eating and drinking dirt, according to the testimony of Surgeon Leslie M- Lumsden, of the Public Health Service, before the Senate Commit tee considering a bill for federal investigation of malaria and ty phoid. Another dispatch from Berlin announces the discovery of a new antl-typhodd serum by Staff Surgeon Former of the German Army, who has been experimenting with a view to lessening the side ef fects of inoculation. THE PREVENTION Of this fell destroyer of life !«d vitality Is at hand to the people of Augusta, certain, sure and effectual, In drinking PANTHER SPRING WATER Perfectly Pure. KELLY’S I )VHH BUIUmiNq Jjyjd Be it Silk <»r Muslin* wear, we have the most extensive assortment ever carried in Augusta. Dain ty lace trimmed lingerie garments, Frepe de Chine or (Hove Silk, in white, flesh, pink, and light lilue. Any number of new mod els that we dare not men tion or our imitator com petitors will be investi gating in order to dupli cate. Come I" Kelly’s f,»r thp now and practical things. Special prices and sales in both Silk hiiil Muslin lTn dearwear. Monday Is the day. FIVE support toward their attainment. MUS. HOWARD PAYNE, President. Mrs. J. A. Ltghtsey and children, of Sycamore, S C. are on a visit to Mr and Mrs. .1. H. iloonies and family on Gwinnett St. / Lf\ To HARPER BROS. -t 11 1 i . ’".'"inaßa ART STORE For your Picture Fram* ing, and you will always have a pleasant smile. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 730. 668 Broad St