The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, April 13, 1914, Home Edition, Page SIX, Image 8

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SIX HWELE LOOKS SITUATION OVER Prospective Candidate For Governorship Will Make Known His Views This Week Atlanta, C*.— Hon. Wiliam H Hur wrll, of Hancock county, prospective candidate for ravfmnr, arrived in the city Hundnj. and will remain over Monday to try a caae liefore Judge Held. While here Mr Hurwell will hold Informal conference* with a number of friend* and make a canva** of the political aituatlon. While ha would not (ommll hlniaelf definitely at this time, ha atated that It waa hi* dealra to make the race, and that In at proh ability he would do an. If. after a care* ful atirvey of the aituatlon, he felt the time ripe to make an announcement. Mr. Hurwell made a aplendld record a* apeaker of the hotiae of representa tive*, and la personally popular all over the state. He I* aligned with neither so-called faction, and his race would be pitched on a high plane. Mr Hurwell. In speaking of hla pos sible race, said; "One thing I* certain: If I enter the race and J. Randolph Anderaon and Judge W. K Thomas are alao In It, It will be a race l>etween personal friends, and after the campaign Is over we will be as good friends a* •ter. I have the highest personal re gard for both of these gentlemen, and there would be no tnud-allnglng or bitterness to remember gfter the elec tion " Mr. Hurwell will hold further con ferences with friends during the da>. snd his decision will doubtless be made known within the next week UNVEILED MEMORIALS TO SCHOOL TEACHERS Interesting Exercise* at 1 P M. Today at Johji Millcdgc School. Two statues in the assembly hall <it (ho John Mllledg* school. memorials (o Mia* Rebecca Flaming Hint Mr« Augusta Prim row lacklr. (wo of the firal teachers of Iho old Fifth Ward aohool, woro unveiled i«t I o’clock thin afternoon with ImproMlvo exercises The actual unveiling who done by MlaaeH Marilut M urrah and Huriih Primrose llohler. Maater Ralph Shea and Maater Kdward Jeter. Addreaaea appropriate of the ocen alon were made hy Superintendent 1-awtnn It. Kvana of the aehoida an I Principal T II Oarrett of the Tubman lllah achool. Reminiscence* of the achool day a with the two teachera. In whoa* honor the' hnndaome memorlala aland, wer • recited hy Miaaea Joale A Hodeker nnd Annie K t’ampbell, now teachera of the John Milled!*. The progruac waa Interaperaed «llh niualc and waa carried out very auc ceatfoly • j jir - Chack Your April Couoh. Thawing freat and April ralna chill yon to the very marrow, you catch cold—Head and lung* Muffed—Ymmn fevarlah—Cough continually and feel mlaerahle—You need Dr. King's New Plaeovery It aoothea Inflamed and Irritated throat and lung*. atopa oougn, your head cleara up. fever leavea, and you feel fine. Mr J. T Da via. ot fttickney Corner, Me.. "Waa cured of a dreadful cough after doctor’a treat ment and all other remadlea failed. Relief or money hack Pleaaant—Chil dren like It. Get a bottle today. tOa and SI.OO. at your Dnigglst. Rucklen* Arnica Salve for All Sores. BURKE LIGHT INFANTRY NOW UNDER MAJ. LEVY With Local Militia, Waynes boro Company Will Also Take Part in Butt Memorial. Mnjor Abram I,evy, In command of the Third Itaiialton First Infantry. National Guard of Georgia, la highly pleaaed over the fact that the Burke l.lght infantry, the comiuny of mtlliu from Wayneaboro, commanded hy Capteain Oodhee, haa been made a part of hla command Before the Hpanlah American war the Wayneaboro com pany waa a member of thla l>attallon. The Burke Mght Infantry will lake part In the Butt memorial unveiling tomorrow afternoon, with the local military companies, ami altogether the battalion la expected to make a spe cially good allowing The entire bat talion. according to Major l-evy, will wear the new elite drub kahkt uniform Inatead of the blue. YOUR HAIR NEEDS PARISIAN SAGE It Quickly Removes Dandruff, Stops Falling Hair and Scalp Itch. •lust because your hair is full of dandruff, thin, streaky, dull and never will do up to look pretty, do not think It must be so Beautiful hair, thick, fluffy, lustrous and absolutely free from dandruff is only a matter of care Parisian Sage frequently applied *nd well rubbed Into the scalp will fork wonders. Just one application Btops Itching head, remove* dandruff yd «ll excessive oil. It goes right Jb the hair root* and furnishes ihe nourishment needed —the hair be comes soft, wavy, abundant and ra diant with life. Parisian Sage, which can be had at any drug or toilet counter, not only gave* the hair hut stimulates it to grow lotjg and heavy Get a BO cent bottle from T. G. Howard at once. Tb*r« is no ether "Just-as-good." HUSBAND TRIED | MANY MEDICINES Did Evcrythinq Possible For Sufferinq Wife. Neighbor Comes To Rescue With • Excellent Advice. flay. Ark. Mrs Ham Rice, of this town, says: "For ten or twelve yeara, I suffered dreadfully with cramping, dumb chllla and fever and waa alckly all the time. I almply Buffered ter ribly. After I was married, my hualmnd would stand over me ami ery, and any 'I wish I knew whal to do for you.' He was always getting some kind of medicine for me, but tt never helped One of my nelghtwir* advised him to get me a bottle of Cartful, the worn nn'a tonic, which he did, and after I bad taken the flrat bottle, I was re lieved of pain anil to much soreness, csiised from cramping My husband said for me to continue Inking 11, so I did, and now, Ihauka to Cardul, I am In perfect health. I uned to have a yellow complexion but alnce taking Cardul I can truth fully aay that I have a beautiful com plexion, and look like a girl of !H. I hope that all unhealthy women will at least try Cardul.” If you suffer from any of the nu merous Ills so common to women, try Cardul. It has helped so many thou sands of other women, thal it's un reasonable to think It will not help you. Ilegln taking Cardul to-day. Tour druggist sells It. •N. B.— Writ* to: t.allies' Advlsnrv Hepl . Chattanooga Medicine Co . Chut-I IBnooga. Term, for Special Instructions nod tit-page book, "Home Treatment # or XVomen," sent In plain wrapper, on re uueat. „ I Burns Expected Back in Atlanta; New Frank Angle Atlanta, Ga. Thu <l**ttfiaUon of I»r ' I*m tivi* William J. Iturna, who h*lt i Saturday afternoon !m being kept k h«* t it t by Horne attn« !»«•« in Atlanta Although it waa rumored that tho «let**<tlv»* wan enroute to Cincinnati, where hr goen to interview' I >ewry I lew ell, Hurtle official!* In Atlanta would neither deny nor verify the re ! port Sunday afternoon. They remain ed reticent reKarditiK their chief's journey. It Is aald, however, that tie wit re turn noon, probably tomorrow, MOTHERS OF7HIS COUNTRY have through nil ages past and will through all years to conic, take care of the ordinary simple ailments In cident to every family with their own lavorlte remedy. In almost every home In the land, l.ydla E. I’lnkham’s Vegetable Coin pound Is the recognized standard household remedy for female Ills; thousands of American women owe llieir good health to it Made from the roots and herbs of the field. It Is a simple remedy In which sufferln;; women may place perfect confidence. It contains no narcotics or harmful drugs NEWS OF DEARING, GA. Dr.iring, Ga.—Mrs Julian Harris, Mrs. G I) Adams, Mrs .1 B. Prlntup complimeuUd the little folks In both the Baptist and Methodist Sunday schools with an Kaster eng hunt on Friday afternoon. There were about eighty children besides a goodly num ber of grown up N>lks present. The occasion was one of real pleasure and enloyment to every one present. Ther is not a place of the stxe of Hear ing where the young folks take more Interest In Sunday school. Tin Faster services at the M 1- Church were very Interesting as well as Instructive on Sunday The many friends of Mrs S. D Bradshaw are delighted to know she Is doing nicely She is at "Wllh.-Il ford Hospital." where she has under gone an operation. All are anxious to have her return to us much im proved In health. Mr and Mrs Madison Adams, Mr and Mrs J Wade aud Mrs Will John son were In town Saturday. Mr and Mrs W. I, Parker and family are at Bell Springs for tha week-end. Mrs A H Nichols of \ugusta. Is visiting Mrs B. It Prlntup In West Hearing Rev. J It Knglnnd has returned from a visit to Wrens, Ga, The street running across tht rail road has been widened atnl new side walk made and the appearance of things are Improved Now If the Georgia Railroad would move the de pot a little hack and Colonel Howard cut a Utile off the "Neal" lot wd would have a much neater town Mr. James I.ongham. Mrs Pearly l.ucky and Master Vernon Lucky are al’ on the sick list Mrs It I’. Morgan and Miss Geor gia 1-angham s; etit a short while In Thomson this week. Miss 1-outse Blanchard, of Augus t». visited here this week. Mrs Jackson from Matthews, Ga.. visited here Saturday. She was ac companied by Miss Francis Jackson Mrs J R Bradshaw went to Au gusta to stand examination for post office a; Hits place. She has had some experience here and gave per fect satisfaction Messrs Bright and Sam Neal, from Adams Chappel, were here on busi ness Saturday. Mrs C A Huff ha* been In \u gusta some time to have her eyes treated She is greatly missed, both as a neighbor and mother, and her friends are anxious to see her couu back much improved. GA'S CREDIT IN TINE SHAPE Cratlfying Conditions to bo Shown by Report State Treasurer Speer. Atlanta, Ga. In hia annual report to the lc«tHintnre, now in rnurae «f prep aration, Htate Treasurer W. J. H|»e«*r ia < ulltnjc purth idar attention to Gcor* Kin h Mplerulld creilit Ilf* diHciiHai-H the temfM»rary l«*i»n made by the atnte to tide it over tho period when tan no may waa aewree, and whh h for the flrat time in the at'ite'a hlat**ry w'aa in exceaa of $200,. 000. t*niter the new* conatltutlorutl e.inenoo»cnt the atate horrowe<l thla time $476,n0n ior temporary relief, and « \«*ry dollar of It waa immediately uaed In payinK wluit waa due the pub lic a< hool teachers of the atate aa ! u aa It would ko. Borrowed at 3 Per Cent. The entire amii waa homiwed from alx national tmnka In Atlanta at ft per cent interest at a time when they w» r« yet tins 7 and K per cent from K‘w»d cuatomera Theae alx banka volun tarily made the entire loan at thla rate. Two of them are not atate de* poaltoriea and have no other deallrdta with the atate aalde from a desire to naatat Iri ao far as circiimatancea will permit tlieni to protect tin* «tat**a credit. At the tir»ie thla loan w»;a made theae aame banka were payina themselves 4 Vi to 6 per cent f»*r money for their own use, ao that It will be apparent from the loan which they sustained that they could have had no other motive than a patriotic action. Credit on High Plane. Mr. Hpeyr cals attention to the fact that G«*. credit la on a plane* a* hiah aa that of any atate in the union I h r Imnda w henever offered are taken aa safe and profitable Investment* free from a I taxea and have a I way* brought a good premium In the mar ket. "It la a fact greatly to Georgia's credit,” any* Mr. Speer, "that the atate of Georgia haa never In all her history had to sell her hondfl for leas than par or face value, v lileh la due to unusual aafcMuarda and protection thrown around her public debt by the Mink* inn fund provisions of the state <ron atit ut lon ’’ Tliii rctnarki'tble credit which the slate | i ••!- ea is creatly atrengthen* ed tin tr<*Haurer points out, by the fact thal under the state constitution alt « f the public property of Georgia, whi h in* ludi !< the Western and At lantic railroad, estimated to tie worth ia held as security fo|* the bonds which bear Georgia’s name. Strengthen* Weak and Tired Woman “I was under a great strain nursimt a relative through three months* sick new " writes Mrs J. <\ Van I»a Sr nolo, of Kirkland. 111., and “Klectrlc Hitters kept me from breaking down. I will never he without It." t>o you fed tired ant worn out* So appetite aud food won't digest? It Isn’t the spring weather. You need Klectrlc Bitter* Start a month's treatment todav; noth ing better for stomach. liver and kid fleya. Tl • great spring tonic. Relief or tnopev hack. 60c and SI.OO, nt your I tin • iv* PS. FELTON "honored BY GOVERNOR SLATON Atlanta, Ga. Mr* \V. 11. Felton, the old u active .uffragettt in Geor gia and i'ie Mouth, and the oldest in \ie Vi a with tin l angle exception <> I>i Man Walker, ban been honor id at the advanced age us 79 years by (lovet nor Slaton with appointment a cue of the five trustees and man agers or the new training school for Kiris. Mrs Felton ia one of the only two women In Georgia who have ever been selected to represent their state in the national councils of any politi cal party. Site is h woman of power ful intellect, equipped with a caustic longue and pen which she knows how to use when occasion requires It. Site has been closely identified with the •leading i eople in public life In the South for more than half a century. Neuralgia sufferers find instant relief in Sloan's Liniment. It pene trates to the painful part soothes and quiets the nerves. No rubbing-mercly lay it on. LINIMENT Kills Pain For Neuralgia ** I would not b* without your bail ment amt praiar tt to all who *uf!rr with neuralgia or rheumatism or pain of any kind.’*— Mr*. ii**ry i/***»w\ atNMVk Pain AH Gone *' l suffered with quit* a aerere nett ralgu* In-mi*, hr f»»r 4 month* without any relief. I u*ed your tjmmcnt for two or three night* and 1 haven't tuf ferrd with my head R. UwutdU. k\. Treatment* for Cold and Croup *‘Mr littla ftrl, twelve year* old. caught a m'ver* cold, and I gave her three drop*of Sloan's t.ifoment on «usmr on gvinff to heat, and ahe got up in the mtv’miqr with no rt*n* of a cold. A lit tie t«n\ nett door h»d croup and 1 gave the mother the I in tmen t She rave hi m three drop* on rom* to bed, and he got up without the croup jn the morning.’’ Mr. » . n. StmngZ lIL At *ll IVaUr*. Frku SS<w. 50c. *ad lI.M Sloan'* Book on Horae* **nt fr**. Addr«o* DtUnS.SIOAN.hL. BcJm. Mrs. fHE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA. GA. BUCHU PUIS LIFE AND VIGOR IN KIDNEYS Don’t Have Clogged Kidneys, Spots Before the Eyc»—Try Famous Old Folks’ Recipe. No more hone pains, aching hack, headache, puffy eyes, swollen legs, of fensive urinous odors, diabetes, cloudy urine, or frequent desire to urinate Try the following: hdn;, eating sweets or sugar (Jet from any reliable drug gist a good sized bottle of Stuart'* Itiirhu and Juniper Take a spoonful after meals in a glass of wster. Kid neys and llladdcr will then act fine and natural. A well known authority say* this Is the best kidney and bladder recipe, but the only sure way la for you to try It yourself. This treatment has cured thousands of sufferers where all other remedies have failed. Stuart's Bnchu and Juniper Compound won't make you feel slek when you tHke It, hut tones yon up Stuart’s Bnchu and Junlpnr Compound arts directly on the urine through the kidneys. It keeps the blood healthy. It strength* ns the neck of the bladder. It regulates the kidneys anti does away with back ache and all disagreeable symptoms If discouraged with other medicines try this famous old folks' recipe He sure you gel Stuart's Buchn and .Tttni per as Stuart's is properly compound ed fo r Kidney tumble SIX REVOLVERS STOLEN FROM BOWFN BROS. STuRE Plate Glass Show Window Was Smashed By Brick at Early Hour Sunday. Unknown party or parties broke Into anil robbed the itowrn Hros. hardware store at an early hour Sunday morn ing by smajihlng the large front plate glass show window. Six fine revolvers Were stolen. The robbery was not discovered by the officer on the beat until after day light It was then re|Mirted to the police headquarters and an Investiga tion begun. The police believe that s|»e> ial precaution was taken by the robbers to lire* the glass when the policeman walking Broad street was far enough away not to hear the noise. JEFFERSON'S BIRTHDAY. Mobil*, Ala. Public offices, hanks and many other business houses throughout Alabama were closed to day In observance of the birthday of Thomas Jefferson. The day was ran 4 a legal holiday by state enactment several years ago. EVERYBODY SHOULD SING IT ADDS DELIGHT TO THE JOY OF LIVING TITE HERALD presents you with this beautiful big song hook, filled from cover to cover with the good old songs of yester day the dear, sweet melodies of happy days. All The Old Favorites The easy song* to Bing, wtnc# include the Americanized ver sions of favorite German Songs, Irish Songs, French Songs, Italian Songs, Welsh Songs, Polish Songs, With Many Other*. Net Fen getting Our Own Dear Old American Sonqs All In one aplen- pa/w did big cloth- p bound volume, M - given for With 6 Coupons Paper-bound, 49 Cento Augusta Herald Readers Should lose no time in clipping the song book coupon printed daily in another column, and taking advantage of this great offer. Out-of-Town Readers With the expense amount snd six coupons include the amount named in the coupon to cover past age. and address THE HERALD Augusta, Ga. Tlip man with a song in his heart is the man that you prefer to do business with—the man who loves hie fellows and has a kindly smile for all. YOU CAN SING RECORD SALES OF FERTILIZER Georgia Bids Fair to Lead South This Year Acording to Reports. - . Atlanta, Ga.— tJeorgla bids fair not only to lead the South In the intellig ent use of fertiliser this year, hut also to surpaaso the famous 1910 record set In the slate In the use of fertlliz era, and If fertilisers can produce a big crop, Georgia stands a good chance of reaping a large harvest. This Information Is based upon re ports received from the sale of fer tiliser tags, the use of freight <ara for handling fertilizer* and the output of fertilizer* by the manufacturers. There In no Indleatlon that the amount of acreage under production Is to lie Increased, hut rather that the amount of fertilizer used per acre Is being Increased. With a practical exhaustion of ani mal atgo oniates throughout tho coun try, there Is an unusually heavy de mand being made upon the cotton oil mills of the South to supply cotton seed meal for which the atnmonlatea, so necessary for plant life, Is to he se cured, Ur Andrew M. Houle, president State College or Agriculture, writing on tho subject of proper use of fertilisers, warns the farmers that the more fer tilizer they use the better and more systematic must be the cultivation of the land. He adds: “Fertilizers should be regarded as a factor In crop production and not. as i,s too frequently done, as the main lement in obtaining a good crop." COULDN'T FIND “NOSTRIL!" Atlanta, Ga. —An old darkey named Calvin, who tends to the lawns for "de white folks” on Boulevard, has for years past been an interesting conversationalist because of his ten dency to improve on and modify words. In his vocabulary fernß be come “firms," while “petunias" he calls ''peculiars." This gprMg. however, he has sur passed himself. When called on a day or two ago to go Into the cellar and find the hose and water the front lawn, he was gone for some half hour, rummaging among the rakes and pruning hooks of yesterday. Finally he returned from the cellar with a woe-begone face. ‘Missy,” he explained, “Here's de hose, but for de life o’ me I can't find de “nostrils!” Only One "BROMO QUININE” Whenever vou feel a cold coming on, think of the full name, LAXATIVR BROMO QUININE Loo'- for signa ture of E. W. Grove on boi 25c. J ' 'I I I Greatly Reduced Illustration of the $2.50 Book. This Song Book Contains fiQ Portraits Us of Famous Vocal Mists BIJOU EQUIPPED WITH MORE MIC THIS Manager Sparks Providing for Every Comfort of His Pat rons. Better Shows, Too. Manager Sparks, of the HIJou, an nounces that for the comfort of the pntrons of his house he hag just in stalled twenty large oscillating elec tric fans and an extra large exhaust fan In the celling The twenty oscil lating sane are placed at the wlndowa on oH'-h side of the theater In order that they may blow In the cool, fresh nlr from the outside There will ims ltlvelx he no complaint thla summer about the house being uncomforab’y warm. A kitchen In the rear of a restau rant la situated under the Bijou stagu and In the past fumes of foods cook ing have risen through a narrow al- WESJERN UNION transferring of money by telegraph is old. This feature has been so im proved and the rates for this service so reduced, it needs a new name, MONEYGRAMS Full information gladly given at any Western Union Telegraph Office. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. The well known Syndicate Publishing Co., of New York was Induced to issue this splendid song col lection, and dally newspapers throughout the entire country are distributing it for the benefit of their readers. No expense or pains have been spared to make it complete in every respect, and it ai*o em braces many special features unknown to any other book of a similar character. An attractive innovation in this edition is the splen did illustrations. These consist of a careful selec tion of 69 wonderful portraits of the world’s great est vocal artists. The list includes Caruso, Tetraz zini. Matzenauer, Slezak, Melba, Farrar, Bond, Goritz. Scottt, Frem gtad and over twoscore more, reproduced from copyrighter photo graphs, approved by the artists themselves. MONDAY. APRIL 13. leyway next to the Bijou to a degree of unpleasantness In the theater. Manager Sparks, at his own expense, has erected a long stack over the res taurant'* exhaust fan In It* kltch *u and he says that hla patrons can pos sibly have no complaint In this re spect this summer. Keith Vaudeville, begin* this week, and next neck the Bijou will olfrr Keith Vaudtvtlle the last half of the week and a big tabloid roittl any the first part. Some of the big "tabu' booked so rthe coming few weeks are: Henpecked Henry, here next wetk, and following In order named, ls>rd Who’s Here.” The Three Twins. Miss Nobody from Htarland, The Ten derfoot, Bright Eyes. The Trouble Makers, and others. BUT SOME ONE MUST TAkg JOB George W. Perkins my* he dneieie want to lie police commissioner. Neither, apparently dona Colonel Goethals or anybody else. CONCEALED OUTWARDLY. "Everyone haa some secret sorrow,” said tho philosophic friend. "Yes even the fattest and Jolllest of us has a skeleton In his midst.”— Cleveland Plain Dealer. TJ 5 These Oponlons neaa Of Vocal Artist* LEO SLEZAK, the great Czeck tenor, who is in this country for his fourth season in grand opera and concert, says of "Songs That Never Grow Old:” "Syndicate Publishing Co., New York City. Gentlemen: Your complete collection of old songs is so distinctively American that I shall have much pleasure In taking it back to my home with me where we will all enjoy singing these good old melodies. Very truly yours, Leo Slezak.’’ MARGARETS MATZENAET'R prlma donna contralto of the Metropolitan Opera Company, Is another advocate of thq re vtcal of the dear old melodies of long ago. She writes: "Syndicate Publishing Co., New York City. Dear Sirs: I am strongly in favor of a revival of the dear old songs and believe your song book should be in every American home. This is surely a oomplete collection as I find in it all of my old favorites. Cardially Margarete yfatzenauer.’’ The Ansonia, New Yokk, Dec. 17, 1913. -7 SONG / BOOKS IN ONE VOLUME Comprising Home and Love Songs, Operatic, National and College Songs, Sacred and Patriotic Songs.