The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, April 19, 1914, Home Edition, Page TWO, Image 22

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TWO MRS. SAWYER TO ENTERTAIN COTERIE. Mm. Crafton Sawyer will be hos ier* at the meeting ti<la weak of the Thursday Coterie. AUGUSTA TO CO-OPERATE WITH DRAMA LEAGUE. Annus'* will eo-operate with the Drama Lianne of America for se curing a national audience Involving a national drama. This 1. ague seek* to accomplish this through Its ertuca tlnnal committee, which send* out bulletins. Drams Study Courses and other material of this nature and through the anconrntfement of nmn teurs In plays, pageants, etc It also, through Its Playgotng Committee, en deavor* to organize and prepare such an audience tn the community that tin- community can dectate as to the character of plays *<-nt them by the New York booking agencies. Mias Caroline Cohb, of Atlanta, la the state representative for Georgia, and she la at present In Philadelphia In attendance at the annual conven tlon of the league. It Is Miss Cobb's purpose to rome to Augusta Just as soon aa possible and to add Augusta CAROLINA ARTS CRAFTS, mo. 1240 Broad Btreet, Aufnsta, Georgia. WITH MISS VAUGHAN Old FYirnHure and HhaffleM. Genuine Antiques. Mountain Wearing In Jtaaketa and Rugs. FEATHER FANE. HAND-PAINTED CARD*. Xoraltlae of all kinds tor gifts and prises. All goods absolutely handmade Thi Fine Goods For the Price Suils to order of imported Woolens $25.00 to SSO. SPECIAL In Kendv to Wear Huits, sls. S2O. $25. TROUSERS All Wool $2.50 to $7.00 F. G. MERTINS Tailor, Clothier, Fur * niaher. 854 Broad. GARDEN HOSE l.arjje shipment of Garden Hose just re ceived direct from factory. Hose Reels, Hose Pipes, liarpe assortment Lawn sprinklers. THEO. G. McAULIFFE 115 Jackson Street. sst "|M y b IJ ... NEWS OF SOCIETY ... to the sl*-clty circuits which will In clude Augusta Columbus, Macon, Sa vannah, Atlanta and Athens If tills circuit I* formed the hooking* for nest year will he mude as a unit hy Ihn New York manager*. This leggua Is for the purpose of elevating the stage and having pre sented In these citic* that have branches of the league only playa that are Up to the standard. LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT OF BT. MARY'S TO PUT ON ENGLISH PLAY. The language department will put on a charming little play In French a few weeks before commencement season I'atron* of the school and frlands of the faculty will h« Invited to attend. Language study Is one of the Im ! portent features of the curriculum i of Rt, Mary's Academy. The musical department Invited 1 their friends to the Grand Raster Music Festival, which was held on last Thursday evening and was In deed a feaat of music. INTERESTING MEEETINO OF CHILD LIFE CHAPTER. The regular monthly meeting of the Augusta Chapter of Child Life was held Thursday nfternnon at the Tub i man High School. A moat Interest lug program was prepared hy Mr* K H. Owens, chairman of the program ! committee The subject for discus- ( sion was "KuvlronmenL" The follow ) Ing papers were read “The Child World, "Mrs. John Whltawy: “The | Hoy In the Home." Mrs S A Porteon; : "Two Plctnres," Mrs ft ft Owen* An exceedingly Instructive and In- HAS A CURE EOR PELLAGRA Parrle Nicholas, Laurel, Mis*., writes: “Heem* to me If I had not obtained your remedy when I did I would not have lived much longer, I am glad you discovered this wonder ful remedy that will cure Pellagra. When I beg .n laking Haughn'a Fella urn Remedy my weight wag 60 odd pound*; now It la 90 odd. I would like to ha/e this published and sent to sufferers of pellagra" This Is published at her request. If you suTfer from Pellagra or know of any who suffer* from Pellagra It Is your duty to consult the resource ful Raughn, who ha* fought and con quered the dreaded malady right In the Pellagra Belt of Alabama The symptoms hand* red like sun burn, skin peeling off; sore mouth, the lip*, throat and tongue a flaming red; with much laiietmug and chok Ing; Indigestion and nausea; alther diarrhea or constipation There is hope If you have Pellagra you can he cured l>y Baughu'a Pella gra Remedy Oet big free hook on Pellagra*. Address American Com pounding Co., Box 2012. Jasper, Ala , remembering money refunded In any race where the remedy falls to care. To HARPER BROS. ART STORE % For your Picture Frani inp, and you will always have a pleasant smile. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 730. 658 Broad St Trunks! leather Goods! We guajuntee the of the Trunks we sell. Prices the loweeL OUR GUARANTEE YOUR PROTECTION. 738 BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY Opposite Monument Gifts For the Bride You will always find our stock re plete with offering, New, Attractive Suggestions suit able for wedding gifts, it matters not what you want to pay. Inspect our stock of latest arrivals. Schweigert & Co. JEWELERS teresting talk was made by Miss Atnj Htevons on ''Eugenics." The next meeting will be held ot the third Thursday In May at 4.::0 p in. The rubjeet, "Associates " MANHATTAN CLUB TO ENTERTAIN. The Manhattan Club trill entertain , Friday evening with a Mlfktfv dance at the Armory. A fine orehestri will ho In atfendanre and the even log promises to lie most enjoytiblc. MR. AND MRS. BEST GIVE SUPPER PARTY FOR MISS KATHERINE TUTT. Mis* Katherine Tutt, one of the most attractive members of the younger set, was the guest of honor at a delightful aupper parly given last night at the Country Club After aupper dancing was enjoyed 'till mid night. invited to meet Mist Tutt were Miss Anne Hoy kin, Mias Mary Dan iortli. Mis* Htonc Smith of New York, Miss Helen Smith, Or. and Mrs. Kel logg, Mr. jeptha Hull, Mr. Will oary, Mr. John K Davidson, Mr. Hurry Ar rington, Mr. Henry Haworth, Mr. ( liurlflM Kerris, Jr , Mr Charles Hirus lon and Mrs. George Fargo, Jr. INTERESTING MEETING OF NEWMAN SOCIETY. in the presence of a representative audience on Friday evening ths New mans at Hi. Mary’s held their last meeting for ihn current yewr, compli- mentary to the retiring pastor of Kt. Patrick's, the Itsvcrend Father Kaos. The stage In the music hall was beautifully sat, a profusion of Amer ican m-auilc* sent hy an Atlanta friend emphasized the color emblem atic of Newman's rank In the church. At the do»e of the exercises Elizabeth Dorr, In it few well-chosen words, bade fare wall to Father Kane and In be half of the members of the Newman <Tub presented a bunch of exquisite roses. The following program was carried out, under the direction of Huth Thompson, the president of the club: “I Know a Hank" C. K. Horn President's Address, Kuth Thompson Wmdatlon* from Newman's Writings Minutes of j-asl Meeting, Nellie Bher man. Critique of Last Meeting. Lamar Nat ve lie. Prelude to Dream of Gerontln*. Elgar Georgia Morris Angelical Chorna Elgar "Newman's Early Days," Georgia Mor ris. Minuet Pederewsk| Kllzaheth Klnchley Newman at Oaford, Marguerite Mc- Govern (*) “What the Chimney Rang..,, * GrlsWold <b) Last Night KJerulf Georgia Morris “Le Cnllfe de Hugdad" Relldieu Margaret Gray, Katherine O'l-eary Newn .in |ho Tractarian, Klliabcth Klnchley. “Pas dea Amphnres” Chamlnade Ruth Thompson. Newman, the Catholic Priest, Jessie Htulb. "Lead Kindly Light" Newman Addn-Hs tu Reverend Father Kane, Kllzaheth Dorr. DON'T FLIRT, BOYS AND GIRLS. The society editor has been sent the follow ink roniinunli Htlori and naked to give It spare In thn Columns today. Just why she can't nay. but ns the writer evidently wants to reach anmt "no unit The Herald is ever obllgina It Is printed: My Hear Boys and Girls: Have you ever thought about what It really menus to t* | n love? I mean, true love, not a more flirtation or friendship, but a love that will last as long aa life laats. Now listen: Billy tells us that he Juat simply deliKhts In flirting nnd seeing how many girls he ran make fall In love with him. He sa\s he cun aee nothing wrong about that. Well, ftllly, let'a turn the aoheme oxer ami plaee It on your aide for a little while. Suppose you nro dend In love with a certain girl, and she makes believe to you that you are the only one she ever loved, hut still she de lights tn seeing how many hoys she can make love her. Is this right? No, this Isn’t fair, la It. Billy? My dear boys, never, never tell a gtrl that you lovo her when you don’t, titrla nr,, of a more tender nature than boys and thetr hearts readily yield to love, and when you have proved untrue, you may ho sure you have broken a heart, ulthouch she may try hard to hide It. Don't fool a girl In love, It Is too sweet and sa,Ted. and. box a, when you meet a girl who la a flirt, mark her, she xx 111 make no man a good xx Ife. If you are engaged to a young lady and some one tries a scheme of “cutting her out” don't he tn too btg a hurry, in; dear, she Is a fake, t can tell you this right now. If she was the kind of xvlfe thn you wanted, to say noth ing of the kind you needed, she would first consider the other side of the question before she would come be tween you and your betrothed. If she Is the right kind of a girt, she will tell you that she demands that you give the other gtrl an expla nation and that you break your en gamement In a gentlemanly way be fore phe will aceept your company. If she tries to take you sway by hey silly attentions, beware of her, ns she will also prove a traitor »o you. A boy or girl that will prove a traitor to one xx 111 also prove one to the other. Olrle, don't flirt with men. They don't ad mire those attentions. Be your own sweet, modest little self, however homely yx>u may he, Ind don't be ex travagant and neglect your work. Mon admire economy In drees, also mod esty. If a young man Is xvorthy of your attentions, he wIII try to win you, and If not ho Is not worthy of you. and If you happen to win him In this xxay, you xvlll rue the day. Pears al ways give others due consideration, and remember that anyone that Is un true to one will slso he untrue to you. No one thinks It tn the least ama>t or xvell bred to flirt. "CUPID." CHILDREN OF MARY. The Children of Mary, St. Patrick’* perish, xx 111 meet this Sunday after noon at 4 SO o'clock. Members are re <lue«t,-d to return library books MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED. Friends of Miss Bertha Pa vis and Mr Kxqrll K. Slxemofe are congratu lating them on the announcement of their marriage, which took place on \prtl sth. Rev, Thomas Walker offici ating. The announcement was made last night and the happy couple are receiving congratulations. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA. GA. FINAL PREPARATION FOR MEMORIAL DAY You may have neglected to buy that Dress for Memorial Day, or perhaps it is a Parasol, Gloves, Hosiery, a new Waist, or some other needful article to make the day one of perfect content in your mind that you have fittingly prepared for this auspicious occasion. You will see by this advertisement that the “Satisfactory Store'* is reedy to help you make these final preparations, and as only one week remains, we ad vise you to start now . We give and redeem the “ Leading ” Purple Trading Stamps. Ready-to-Wear Specials 15-00 Rerpentine Crepe Kimonos, ribbon trimmed, at 82-98 Elegant lint Oriental Silk Kimonos, ,rom #398 up Cloke fitting Silk Petticoats, from #2 98 up Hlark satine ruffled Petticoats, $1.50 values,at #1 (X) l-ong Linen Auto Coats from .. . #5 00 up White and Linen Skirts, tailored, from #1 50 up Raincoats for the April showers, waterproof qq up Children's Dresses, elegantly trimmed, age# 6 to 14 years gj «J 5 Separate Skirts and Coats In moire and taffeta silk. Beautiful Spring Dresses It is not ncremary for you to lose sleep and fret yourself Into a fever about your new dress. We can sell you one for as little or less than it can he made at home for, and then too our dresses have a perfection of style and rharm about them that takes years of experience to acquire. (Jet one and be as well-dressed as anybody In the procession. Elegant Silk or White Crepe Dresses from ~.. #IOOO :| l> Street snd Evening Dresses. In fact Dresses for any occasion, made of the new soft mate rials. with appropriate and becoming trim ming Roma are white, others with color com binations, and all so daintily pretty and ex treme low priced that It is only a question of Ht. Prices #4 50 up House and Wash Dresses #1 25 to $3 50 SHIRTWAISTS A line rtf Rhlrtwalsta that represent all the newest Ideas and made with a view to comfort and pronom.-, tells the tale of our superb «t >ek of Rhlrtwalsta for the summer. Ha butai Rilk Waists with low collars that *»« h . »» #2 50 Crepe net Insert and relf trlmmed, fr< m #125 to #SOO Voile and Crepe Waists, entre rious insert, at #2 50 Habutat and Taffeta Silk Mourning Waiste, from S 3 50 U P One lot high neck and long sleeve White Waists, worth $1.50, at 75c Our Silk Department Our remarkable sales in this department for this season Is due mainly to the fact that our prices for the same kind of silks have been less than others ask and to the splendid line of colors carried regularly. 36lnch Messallne and Char mesuse, worth $1.25, at . 98 ( ’ Art Squares and Rugs We have 100 many fine Rugs and Art Squares for this sea son or the year, and in order to convert them into ready money wo will sacrifice the price as an inducement to move the stock quickly. 9x12 Axmlnster Art Squares, $23.00 values, at .. •15 98 9x12 Velvet and Brussells Art i, S3O xaiucs mgi99B 9x12 Wilton Art Squares, Worth $30.00, at .. . S2O 98 Small Velvet Rugs to match, 9x12 Orox Art Squares, worth sl2 50 each, at $7 98 54x90 Crex Art Squares, worth $5.00 each, at . $2 98 Small Crex Rugs, 36x72. Traveling Necessities Suit Cases that are well bound and strapped and not too heavy; bought at a sacrifice •ale and worth $2.50 each, « tl 49 A little larger size and worth $1 more, to go at .. $l9B Rainproof Cmbrellas that will shed rain, at SIOO Handbag*, in all the new shapes, from 50C «P ladles' Parasols In all the new colors, from .... $1 up Good, stiff Hair Brushes, special at 50C Hogbristle Tooth Bruehes, special, at IOC BURTON-TAYLOR-WISE COMPANY, Inc. 716 Broad St. Crepe Meteor and Cheney’s Pure Silk Crope has been the leader and will continue so, $2.50 kind, 40 inches wide. at *l9B 36-lnch Wnsh Habutai, for waists and skirts, at .. . 85C Cheney's spot-proof Foulards, worth sl, at 69 c Black, white and colored Taf feta Silks, yard wide. , A Live Notion Department The best line and assortment of pretty trimming buttons to be found anywhere; all kinds and colors nnd shapes. The purest, whitest and best Pearl Button, at 5C Wide and narrow scalloped Braid, at IOC 500 yards of ,T. 0. King Spool Cotton, at 5c Nickel-plated brass Safety- Pins, per dozen 5C Men's Ivory Collar Buttons, per 2%C 5 papers good Stick or Press Pins for RC White hemstitched Handker chiefs. at 2HC All kinds of weights for coats, skirts and tunics. Laces and Embroideries It must be admitted that this is an off year in Lace and Embroidery, and it is only Just the right kind that will sell at all. We have the right kind and you can find Just what you want In our large stock. “The Satisfactory Store” Summer Underwear Ribbed Lisl » Vests, tape neck and sleeve, 10c kind, at gc Maline Ribbed Vests with straps that stay up, at. jo ( Ribbed Lisle Union Suits, low neck and cuff knee, at 50 r Silk Knickerbockers, Union Suits and Vests, at SI.OO Crepe Gowns In white and colors at 59C Special line low neck and short sleeve Gowns, at #IOO Muslin Corset Covers, neatly trimmed, at 25 r And 50'' Muslin Pants, three tucks, worth 39c, at 25 c Maline Ribbed Drawers, at 25^ Boys’ Ribbed Lisle Vests, at .. .. .*. .. . .gC Spring Dress Materials Superb line of Crepe and Gaberdine Wool Ma «s■)■ 111 ihe new spring colors for coat suit or dress, 45 Inches wide, at .. #IOO Silk and wool Parmo Tassah, makes an elegant dress anti comes In the black and new shades, 45 inches wide, worth $1.75, at $1 25 In Wash Materials we are showing the new shades In rrish poplin, washes and will not fade, looks like silk, at 25 1^ Mercerized Linen In the new shades, at 29<" 36-inch Brown Linen for dresses and aprons, at IOC White Goods Specials 40-ineh White Lawn, worth up to 12%c, at 5C 40-inch Sea Island, worth 7%c yard, at .. 5C 36-inch Lon* Cloth and soft-finished Nainsook for lingerie and waists, in good lengths and worth 10c to 15c per yard, at 7 1 6 C 90-inch White Linen Sheeting, a special, at 50*’ 25c White Plaid Klaxon and dainty stripes, at 17^ 10c Pajama Checks and fine White 1-awn, 7V4C 72-inch White Table Damask, worth 85c at 59C Irish Table Damask, 2, 2V4 and 3-yard lengths, worth $1.50 per yard, at .. . #IOO Napkins, Doylies, Towels and fancy Linen Scarfs, etc. Hosiery and Gloves 16-buton Embroidered “Con trast” Silk Gloves, at $l5O 16-button Long Silk Gloves, double-tipped, at .. SIOO 2-clasp Wash Gloves in silk or chamoisette, at 50* Kavse r and McCallum pure Silk Hose, at $1 00 Silk Boot Hose, the best in Augusta, at 50C Men's Summer Specials Standard $1.25 Negligee Shirts, in dainty patterns, at SIOO The best Negligee Shirt In Augusta for .. . 50 c 50c Nainsook Vests, low neck and short sleeves, at ... 39 r 50c Nainsook Drawers, knee length, at 390 Men's Athletic Vests or Pants, at 25 c Men's soft Longcloth Nighties, at .. .. .. .. 50c Men’s Silk Sox or Imported Lisle Sox, at .. . 25C Men's Silk Four-In-Hand Ties at .. .. 25C Men’s fine Linen Handker chiefs, at .. .. IOC Men's 39c Suspenders, hard to beat, at 25C Men s Linen Collars We keep the genuine all-linen Arrow Brand Collars in all sizes for men and boys, at ZI2HC Silk Special Genuine Cheney Bros. Spot- Proof Foulards. 2.000 yards In the lot. Thes Silks are worth $1 00 to $1.25 anywhere in the city of Augusta, will go Mon day as long as they last at 69 c SUNDAY. APRIL 19. Silk or Imported Cobweb Gauze Hose, at .. ... 35C Imported Lisle Sox or Hose, all kinds, at 25^ Children's Silk or Lisle Hose or Socks, at 25C 19c Seamless Lisle Sox or Hose, at 12V4C Fast colored Seamless Hose, all kinds, at .. . IOC Summer ( t Bedding Full width, full bleached Sheets, at .. . 39 r 72x90 bleached Pepperell Sheets 75c kind, at .. . 0.5 C 81x90 bleached Pepperell Sheets 89c kind, at 7RU 90x90 bleached Pepperell Sheets SI.OO kind, at 85° Heavy bleached single bed Sheets, worth 76c, at ...-59 c Full sized Honeycomb Bed Spread!', special ..SIOO Fringed cut corner Bed Spreads, worth $2.00, at $149 Sanitary Dimity Bed Spreads, easy to wash, at .. ..$139 36x42 full bleached Pillow Cases, at .. ~ IOC Hemstitched Pillow Cases, drawn by hand, at .... 25C Some Wash Goods We carry the best quality of 38-lnch Percale, at .. IOC We carry the best quality of Dress Ginghams, at .. .. 10p We carry the best quality of White Madras, at .. .. IOC We carry the best quality of White Llnene, at .. .. IOC We carry the best White ana Colored Crepe, at .. .j. -IOC We carry the best Huck or Turkish Bath Towels, at IOC We carry Jergen's and Butter milk Soap, at 5C We carry a good soft bleaching, yard-wide, at 7^C Augusta, Ga.