The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, April 19, 1914, Home Edition, Page THREE, Image 23

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SI'NOAT. APRIL 19. ... NEWS OF SOCIETY ... MARRIAGE OF MISS O'FARRELL AND MR. GEORGE ALBERT SANCKEN. Th« Athena Herald'Of Wcdneidky rivw In anticipation of the marriage of Mine O'Farrcll and Mr. Sancken: The marriage of Miss Sarah Nor wood O'Farrcll and Mr. George Albert Snnoken will oocur thin evening at » o'olork at the nparloun home of the brlde'i mother, Mr*. Alonzo Henry O'Farrell, on South Milled go avenue. All the rooms of the lower floor of the home have been elaborately deco rated with a profusion of Ranter Ultra and pink bridesmaid ronen combined with feathery fern*, and the broad pi azza ha* been enclosed In canvas and »o adorned with palms and other trop ical plants that tt ha* the effect of a large conaervntnrv. At either «4 of the piazza punch will be served from table* twined with trailing vines. Pre siding over one punch bowl will he Ml** Mozelle Scudder and at the other punch bowl will be Miss Meador O'Farrell and Miss Marguerite Rowe. As the guests enter the reception hall they will have a lovely vista be yond the druwlng room which Is done In a charming color scheme of white and green. The walls of this pretty apartment are a soft shade of green with cream colored frescoes and the gold furnishings are upholstered In pastel colors, which blend prettily with the graceful palms and stately JUNE WEDDINGS Do not delay longer in placing orders for engraved in vitations. Our samples represent the very latest shapes and forms that have been accepted by refined and fash ionable society.* WE LEAD in originating artistic effects with fine material. Our prices are the lowest. Send for sam ples, which will be supplied free of charge. J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., Wedding Stationery Engraverst 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. At Levy’s Tomorrow THREE SALES A Sale of Women’s Panama Hats The above sales are on our regular stock, and all seasonable goods, so we’d advise early buying to insure a good selection. SALES CASH The J. Willie Levy Co. Easter Ml ten mwd here. The mantel I* bunked with plomtiMU* fern and ntudded with Easter 111 ten and white carnation*. The l>ay window at the north end of the room has a long mirror extending from the floor to the celling and about It hre tn.ll tropical palm* which form a pretty background for the font white pedestal*, two Htnnding on eith er side of the alcove nnd giving the effect of a chancel. The pedestals will hold antique sliver candelabra with white burning taped*, whose light will be reflected In the mirror behind. Htately Easter lilies will also »tand near the Improvised altar, nnd thJ guests will assemble here to awnlt the coming of the bride. Jn the hall and library ire used hundreds of pink bridesmaid roses, carnation* and valley lilies, which add to the beauty of the scene. The light* will have pink flower shades, which will shod a soft glow throughout the rooms. In the library the many hand some wedding gifts will be shown. The dining room, ilke the drawing room, has a lovely Easter Illy motif, and these beautiful flowers will stand on the buffets and china cabinets and will be the principal flowers used In this handsomely furnished room. The bride's table' will be very lovely In all Its details. A tall cut glass vase filled with Easter lilies will stand in the center and about It will be an oval Assorted shapes, regular $6.00, SB.OO and SIO.OO Hats on sale tomorrow at $3.00, $4 00 and $5.00. You’ll want one of these, so better come early; only 50 of them. A sale of women's $1.50 and $2.00 reg ular priced shirt waists at Sixty-Nine Cents All of our regular $1.50 and $2.50 tail ored Waists, show ing quite an as sortment to select from. A sale of all our remaining women’s Wool Coat Suits at still greater DIS COUNTS. shaped arrangement of small crystal baskets filled with lilies of the valley. Between the baskets will stand silver candlesticks holding white shaded ta pers. The silver cake baskets and confection dishes will bold whit* cakes and candles and all the other details of the table will be white. Mrs. Alonzo Henry O'Farrell, the bride's mother, will receive her guests wearing n handsome black brocaded gown made en train, the bodice trim med with dull Jet and chiffon. Assisting her In entertaining will be a number of relations from out of town. Haughey's orehestra will furnish a beautiful musical program, and promptly nt H o'clock will sound the first notes of the wedding march. The bride will enter with her broth er. Mr. John Calhoun O'Farrell. and they will be tnet at the altar by thz groom and his brother, Mr. Clarence Snnoken, who will be Ills best man. The pretty bride will present a charming picture In her soft white wedding gown and long tulle veil. The lovely gown Is fashioned of white bro caded crepe satin of a soft texture which drupes gracefully. The brocaded design Is of cream velvet. The skltt falls prettily from a Ince bodies veiled with chiffon and with pointed bits of the skirt extending up on It for lit tle way, where the points are fash lonul to vine-like trails of pearl em broidery which extend over t lie sleeves nnd fasten to other points of the bro caded material at the bark. The chif fon sleeves, edged with pearls, shadow the short ones of exquisite lace, and fall In points below where hangs a tassel of crystal beads nnd seed pearls. On the front of the bodice Is a crystal ribbon bow of bends which fastens toe skirt and lace of the corsage In a pret ty manner. The skirt is simple and hangs gracefully extending into a dcml-round train. Her tulle veil w|ll be outlined about the face with a frill of real lace, and a wreath of tiny or ange blossoms will extend above the lace, the sprays of buds and leaves falling gracefully on the sides. The bride will wear the groom's gift, a crescent of diamonds and pearls, and will carry a shower bouquet of bride roses and valley lilies. The Impressive wedding ceremony will be performed by Rev. Troy Real ty, rector of Immanuel Episcopal church. A brilliant reception will be held after the wedding ceremony, and many out-of-town guests will be present, among them, Mrs. John Sancken, of Augusta, the groom's mother, who will wear a white satin gown, with drap eries of black Chantilly lace. Mrs. Martha C. Frost will wear a becoming gray gown, and Mrs. Anna A. An crum will wear a handsome toilette of black moire. Mrs. Caroline Heard s gown will be of black lace over satiu. Mrs. IV. Austin Pringle will wear a handsome dress of black crepe de chine trimmed with cerese velvet, and Mrs. I.ouis Simonds. of Charleston, S. C.. will wear a lovely evening dress of white charmeuse trimmed with pearls. Seated with the bride and groom at the bride's table in the dining room will be a few of the bride's girl friends who were to have been bridesmaid* before the plans were changed, and some of the friends of the popular young groom and a few out-of-town guests, and they will make a happy picture seated about the handsomely arranged table. Those at the bride’s table will be Miss Mary Simonds of Charleston, S. C., who will wear a lovely gown of yellow chiffon with crystal embroid ery; Miss Kathleen O'Farrell, who will he very handsome in a cream lace dress and will have a bouquet of pink Killarney roses; Miss Aurelia O’Far rell, who will wear a becoming yellow charmeuse evening dress trimmer with shadow lace; Miss Elizabeth Shippen, whose pretty gown of lav ender will be trimmed with silver lace; Mrs. Clarence Sancken, who will wear a pink chiffon gown trimmed with duchess lace; Miss Nellie Phinizy, whose lovely gow-n will be of lace and chiffon; Miss Harrlette Benedict, who will wear pink chiffon; Miss Martou Nicholson, who will wear a beautiful pink taffeta dress with shadow lace and pearl trimmings; and Mr. Calhoun O’Farrell, Mr. Clarence Sancken, Mr. Herman Sancken, Mr. E. H. Arring ton, Mr. George Barrett, Mr. Fred Jordan, Mr. Wesley Houser, Mr. Alfred Martin, and Mr. Ed Dorsey, Jr. All the y-oung women who will be seated at the table will have bouquets of pink Killarney roses and the lovely flow ers will add a pretty contrasting note of color to their beautiful dresses. Many friends will attend the mar riage of Miss O'Farrell and Mr. Sanck en and will be entertained afterwards at the beautiful reception. Both the bride and groom are popular, not only in Athens and Georgia but wherever they are known and after a wedding Journey they will make their home In Florence, S. C, where Mr. Sancken has recently moved and entered busi ness, though he formerly lived In Au gusta. WRITE STORIES TOR MOVING PICTURE PLAYS New, Spare-time Profession for Men and Women—One Man Makea $3500 In Six Month., Owing to the large number of new motion picture theatres which are being opened thri ighout the country, there la offered to the men and women of today, a new profession, namely, that of writ ing moving picture plays. Producers are paying from $25 to $l5O for each scenario accepted, upon which they can build a photo play. $3500 In Six Months. As It only requires a few hours’ time to '-instruct a complete play, you can readily see the Immense possibilities In this work. One man, who gave the Ides a tryout, writes that he earned $3500 In six months. It Is possible for an In telligent person to meet with equal suc cess. One feature of the business which should appeal to everyone. Is that the work may he done at home In spare time. No literary ability Is required and women have as great an opportunity as men. Ideas for plots are constantly turning up, and may be put In scenario form and sold for a good price. Particulars Sent FREE. Complete particulars of this most In teresting and profitable profession may be had FREE OF CHARGE by sending a post card to Photo-Play Association BOX 158, WILKES-BARRE. PA. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA. GA. fielf Rising Flour 84V-’ No. 2 Tomatoes, 3 for 2S G No. 2 Tomatoes, 2 for ~.. 15^ Sugar Corn, 3 for 2.'V- Red Velva Syrup, 3 f"r.. 25'- WOLVERINE TEA COMPANY H. E. PHILLIPB, Mgr. Phsna 3356. 1288 BROAD STREET M U L L A H Y ’S ■ m '""" (/? -«J| v.'.s} v ;-* : . t l All ' v pig u • 1 Muni 'jUR ’ 1 A WONDERFUL LOT OF WASH DRESSES AND WASH-GOODS A ttractively priced and in such a beautiful array of patterns and colors that you will enjoy seeing them Unusually Pretty Blouses Wonderfully pleasing arc those cool little Blouses. They fairly radiate sweetness and softness. Many have frilly laee or net—at neck and sleeves or fancy collars, lending a soft, becoming effect to the wearer. Alto gether they’re about the best looking lot of waists we’ve shown in a long time. Prices range from $1.25 to $12.00 Desirable Stylish Dress Accessories We have exercised unusual care in select ing just such articles as would appeal to the refined woman. A harmonizing parasol or handbag, a dainty frill or collar, will add much to the attractiveness of your dress. We have a truly beautiful line now ready to show. Double Purple Trading Stamps Until Noon Monday. BE SURE TO READ THE BARGAINS IN TODAY'S WANT ADS J. A. MULLARKY CO. 5.10 Broad St. Phone 290 SPECIALS Bull Head Catsup, 3 f0r.,..25^ Bull Head Jelly, 3 for 2sV : California Dessert Reaches for 25 c Fresh Eggs, while they last, dozen 30 1 ' Wash Dresses Every one of these dresses is so well and carefully made, so neatly trimmed and of sueh exeellent materials, that you wonder how we ean sell them so cheap. Crepe Dresses in colors or plain 'JA white for Ratine Dresses trimmed with huttojrf "j C/"| Linen Dresses trimmed with buttons J I A and silk qp I U And many others, one prettier than the other. New Wash Goods dust arrived, a full line of new Wash Goods that were bought cheap, therefore we are going to s H cheap. Note the prices: 26-iu. Kcnford While Crepe, 50e value, yd. 25<^ 36-in. White* Ratine,soc value, for 25^ 15-in. (’ownfiore Voile, 50c value, for .. ..25^ 45-in. Opera Cloth, 65c value, for .47^ 29c Stripe Crepe, 20 inches wide, ~.25^ 50c Silk finish Ottoman 25^ Let Us Keep You In the Style -New Hots from your Old Ones Ladies' &, Wen's Felts, Straws, Panamas Cleaned and re-blocked to latest models. I,srge Panamas made to any width brim or erown. No Injurious chemicals used. German Hat Co. and French Ory Cleaners AUGUST A, GA. s*o Broad Ht. Phone 1247-J. THREE M U L L A R SI Y ’Si Double Purple Trading Stamps Until Noon Monday