The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, May 05, 1914, 4.00 P.M. Edition, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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EIGHT COUNT!PRIMARY STIRS ATLANTA Recent Glare of Publicity Caus ed by Frank Case Causes Doubling of Efforts to be Sheriff. Atlanta. Ga —It h.'i* been many a lons lear since Atlanta was as much excited over a county primary elec tion as she Ik this morning Tne recent glare of publicity that ha.- he ’n shed on the police department and the courts by the Frank case has re sulted in a doubling of the usual In teres’ In the race for sheriff. The Incumbent, Calvin Wheeler Mangum, is opposed by Police Captain W M Mayo. And although it is against all rules, tho police department Is work- TIZ” FOR ACHING, SORE, 110 FEE! “TIZ" for tender, puffed-up, sweaty, calloused feet and corns. Peo:>!- who ar* forco<l to at and on their feet all day know what aoro, len der, aweaty, burning feet mean. They uae *TIZ," and "TIZ” cure« their feet rlaht up. It keepa feet In perfect con dition. “TIZ” i» the only remedy In the world that drawn out all the polfl* nnoua exudation* which puff up the feet and oauae tender, wore, tired, ach ln* feet. II Instantly stop* the pain In corns, callouses and bunions. It's ■lmply glorious. Ah! how comfortable your feet feel after using '‘TIZ.” You'll never limp or draw up your face In pain. Your shoes won't tighten and hurt your feel Get a 25 cent ho* of "TIZ" now from any druggist, department or general ■tore Just think! a whole year'* foot comfort for only 25 tent*. MI-O-NA QUICKLY ENDS INDIGESTION Do not continue to suffer with Indi gestion or dyspepsia causing heart burn. dizziness, after dinner distress, headache, biliousness, pain In the bow el*, or sour and gussy stomach, (let effective and lasting relief at once. Buy from Hny druggist—today—a fifty cent box of Ml-o-na Tablets. Thev quickly and surely end Indigestion and stomach distress -are pleasant to take and perfectly harmless. Ml-o-na Is one of the most depend able remedies for disordered stomachs. It heals the sore Hnd Inflamed cm hranes and Is not only a digestive and antacid giving prompt and effective relief, but la a tonic that tones up anil strengthens the entire digestive sys tem -the flow of gastrte Juli es Is In creased then the food Is properly digested and assimilated—you enjoy robust health. Why suffer stomach distress so other hour? It Is not only needless but may be dangerous -many serious diseases are the result of neglected stomach Ills. Do not delay—get a box of Ml-o-na from T. G. Howard, take them as di rected, and if you are not entirely satisfied with result* money refund ed. Does Your Stomach Trouble You? Moyr’s Wonderful Stomach Remedy Is Successfully Taken in Cases of Stomach, Liver and In testinal Ailments And One Dose Has Often Dispelled Year* of Suffer Irk I** s \ / 1/■ > J V ? / yS~ i Mayr’s Wonderful Stomach Remedy will change - that Lon£ race! WmilkW Ntomark Remedy (in nrallv be turned * wonderful irmrdy and fbe benefit! that it gleet in mini of tbe moat chronic caaea of Stomach Trouble ban spread ita lame from one end of the counter to the other. No matter where you Hre---row will find people who hare aviffered with flaoiaeh, l.tror nod Intestinal Ailments' etc., and hare been restored to health and are loud in their •mine of thia remedy There ta not a dar but what one beats of the wonderful results •burned from thia remedv and the benetita are entirelr natural, aa tt aeta on the aouree and foundation of theae ailraenta. reamrini the poisonous catarrh and bile accretiona. tak ing out the mflamstion from the mteatinal tract turd aaaiat in rendering Ibr name anti •rptrc Sufleeera are urged lo irr one dose— which alone ahould relieve rout autfering and eonrinre yon that Marr'a Wonderful nt.mi.rl, Weane.l. ahould reatore rou to good health. Put it to a teat today—the reaulta will he a revelaticn to rou and you anil rejoice over gout n nek reeoeery and once again know the joea of living Send for booklet on Stoma a Ailments so Two H Mayr, Mfg. t'hemiat. ltd Whiting St., Chicago, or better (till, obtain n bottle from your druggist. Ftw naio In Augusta n> T t|. Howard I>rug Stores and drugglatr everj where. Ir.g hard for Mayo while most of the county official r wd are pulling equally hard for . ogum. The Mangum crowd charges third uegree methods arid "torture cham ber' rule on the part of the police, while the police charge inefficiency of jail management on the part of Mangum. netting this morning is three to two In favor of Mangum as a winner. There is another pretty rough fight on over tne county commissioner of fices, and heated cards making sen sational charges, accusing comtnls -ioners of using their office to pro mote private real eslate schemes and the like, have lent a spectacular asiect to the campaign. The citizens are voting today, too, on lltc question of whether or not to authorize ■, bond issue of $750,uu0 for a new municipal hospital. At tills moment it looks as if the hospital bonds will he defeated, though the advocates of the, measure haven't given up hope. NEWS OF GREENSBORO Greensboro, Ga.—Minn Lucile Mr- Comnionn entertained :i number of hqr friend* delightfully Friday afternoon In honor of her eleventh birthday. Hook wa; played, after which Ice cream and cake wan nerved. All.khoh Julia and Lila Merritt assisted in the entertainment of the gin-Mia. Mihh Maude Townacud of Athens Hpent the week-end at home. Mlhk Fannie Lou Branch haH re turned from a visit to Athens. Mr. Garnet Evans of Atlanta spent the week-end here. Mr. S. F. Pirkie spent Sunday here with his parents. Mr. J. T. Neeson was in the city yesterday. Mr. Linton Bethea of Atlanta is spending a few days with parents here. Mr. Louis Shipp of Sparta spent Sunday with parents. Mr. Ha! Baugh of Madison spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. Miles Lewis spent a few days in Atlanta. Mr. Douglas Branch spent a few days In Atlanta. Mr. Eric B. Andrews left today for Atlanta, where he Joined the army. Mrs. E. C. Hixon entertained a number of friends delightfully Friday afternoon. Master Robert Boswell of Pen field spent Sunday here. Miss Emily Boswell of White Plains was the week-end guest of Miss Mae Gheesling. The new trains that came through here Sunday were greeted by a large crowd. Mr. Fred Treadwell of Greshamvllle has accepted a position in Rice Drug Company. Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Goodwin of Crawford spent the week-end with their daughter Mrs. o. H. Gheesling. Mrs. H. Geissler has returned fripu a pleasant visit to her daughter, Mrs. John Ashurst, In Aiken, 8. C. 'a Mrs. E. C. ilixori and Mrs. A. S. Mosely spent the wok-end In Rome. APRIL HONOR PUPILS AT DAVIDSON SCHOOL Names of Those Given Who Were Perfect in Lessons and Attendance Last Month. Following in found the iiaiiiph of thoae pupil* of the I>*vldMon Grammar achool who were excellent In their leaaona, punctual In attendance, etc., during April: SECOND GRADE. Roll of Honor. Albert Pumford, (Hilda Riddell, George Link', William Tarver, Minnie Cohen. Uruydon Willi*. Lunette (illl, Ruby Whaley, Thoma* Goodwin, Grace Walton. Howard Jordan, KJtSHh'h Crenshaw (iwinn Nixon Roselle Rosenthal, Filial Hamlin, Joseph Whitlaw, Anna Leman FOURTH AND FIFTH GRADE. Not 'lardy or Absent. . . Ore hie Galloway, Thomas Jenning, Wesley Thompson. THIRD GRADE. Perfect Reports. Perfe ct r« i orts for tin* month of April were received by the following pup Is in tl»© third grade, Davidson school: Juyme Weeks, Ruby Ganus. Pearl Gage. Sarah Rurokhklter, Fannie Sandler, Resale Rosenblatt, Oscar Adams. Not Absent or Tardy. The following pupils were neither ab sent nor tartly during the month: Kthel Bateman Guaaie Owens, Sarah Rurckhalter, Pearl Page. Henry Holmes, Grace Spradley. Henry Inman. Clnude Teasler, F. G. Mertlna, Jsyme Weeks. Hex wood Woodward. SIXTH GRADE. Honor Roll. Those on honor roll In sixth grade for the month of AprH are a* follows Frances Roller, Ids Masur, Jessie Barton, Gladys Luquire, Rachel Shapiro, Bessie Sandler S'iah Poliakoff, Glmlys Scott, Prance* Parker, Fannie Paltronrtx, S idle Allen, Smythe Stirtunan. I lose! Mertlns, Ruling on P.M.’sWhoTry to Swell Stamp Sales Washington Postmasters who con spire with out of town persona to swell their postage stamp aales a«>! thus Increase their salaries are sub ject to conviction for crime according to decision Monday of the supreme court. The court held legal the In dictment of Harold Foster, former postmaster at Brookfield, Maas, for conspiracy with certain New Tort, citizens to have the latter buy their stamps from him. The Modern Woodmen of America Meet in Macon The state convention of the Modern Woodmen of America will be held in Macon this year The two Augusta camp* will gend a delegate from each, which are a* follows Messrs l). S Hoillngahead and Janies C Hush An effort will be made to bring the next convention to this city, and with the hearty cooperation of th* Mer chants and ManuTacturerw and the genera! public thia effort may be made oestble. Thi* is he first convention o! the Woodmen tht Augusta will be repre aented at They have beeu organ. and her* since IMS. 13 AMERICANS HELD IN PUEBLA Admiral Badger Reports Infor mation Came From British Consul at Tuxpam. Washington-—Admiral Badger re report od to the Navy Department to day the receipt of word from the tor pedo boat destroyer Drayton at Tux pam that Territorial Minister Hacinda there had ordered customs officers not to clear or enter any vessel from or to American ports. This order, .t was further reported, had been giv en to all ports in the state of Vera Crux. The Drayton also reported that 1?* Americans had been detained against their will at Mult&ltuyea, in the state of Puebla, about 60 miles from Tux tarn. This information was given to the British consulat Tuxpam by Amer ican refugees who said the Mexican authorities give as their reason for holding the Americans a desire to as sure their safety. The British con sul has wired the governor of Puebla requesting their release. Kermit Cables He's Due at Lisbon May the 20th Madrid Miss lirllp Willard, daugh daiighter of th< American ambassad'F to Spain, Joh. E. Willard, has received a telegram from Kermit Roosevlt, l.< whom she is engaged to he married, saying he will arrive at Lisbon May 20. The Roosevelt party is expected to reach Barbados from the Amazon May 7. Col. Roosevelt will go first to New V ork, thence to Madrid where he will niei'ct. his son about June S. Kermit Roosevelt’s marriage wPI take place probably during the second week of June In the Protestant Episco pal church In the building of the Brit ish ern bassy here. PUT SULPHUR ON AN ITCHING SKIN ANO ENO ECZEMA Says this old-time Eczema remedy is applied like cold cream. Any irritation or breaking out on the face, arms, leg* or body when ac companied by Itching, or when the akin la dry and feverish, can be read ily overcome by applying a little bold milphur cream, aays a noted dermat ologlst. He states that bold-sulphur Instant ly allays the angry Itching find Irri tation and soothes and healß the Ke zema right up leaving the skin clear and smooth. Bold-sulphur has occu pied a secure position for many years In the treatment of cutaneous disor ders because of Its parasite-destt'oy- Ing property. Nothing has ever been found to take Its place In 'resting the Irritable and Inflammatory skin af fections. While not always establish ing a permanent cure It never fails to subdue the itching Irritation and drive the Eczema away and It Is often years later before any eruption again appears on the skin. Those troubled should obtain at any pharmacy an ounce of hold-sulphur cream which l.t applied to the affected parts In the same manner as an ordi nary cold cream. When a Man Proposes to let you thoroughly test an article before you buy It. that fact should go far to convince you that It contains merit. GLOBE TONIC stands the test of time and hundreds of people In Augusta who have been cured of Indigestion and Rheumatism, willingly testify to Its curative power. WF give FREE SAMPLES every day or sell the regular It bottles for 500, and will refund your money If not satisfactory. Give It a trial. BRANCH: Globe Remedy Co. 12t14 Broad Street. Augusta, Ga. (ONSIIPATION SAFtIY ANO EASILY OVERCOME No Need to Risk Unpleasant, Often Dangerous Calomel—Dodson'* Liver Ton# Takes Its Place. You can now profit If you wish by the experience of many people who have found an easy, pleasant remedy to take :>e place of calomel for con stipation. sluggish liver, etc. Dodson's Elver Ton* Is best to take Instead of calomel and ha* brought the brightness of health Into many households it hgs none of Ihc dis agreeable and often dangerous after effect* of calomel. Your druggist positively guarantees to refund purchase price title! of Dodson's I.lvor Tone In case you are not entirely satisfied after using It and recommends this remedy a* a strictly vegetable liquid, containing nothing harmful, so you run no risks of any kind in trying It now. Dodson's l.iver Tone never leave* bad after-effects, but works easily and naturally, without pain or gripe and without Interfering at all with your regular habits, diet or occupation. | THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. SHOT COMING FROM CHURCH. Marionville, Mo. —Miss Ethel Griffy, 18 year old girl, is dead from bullet wounds and her mother probably ser iously wounded as a result of an at tack upon them from ambush while they were returning from church Sun day night. The police believe the shooting was done by a former ao mlrer of the girl. USE ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE. The antiseptic powder to be shaken into the ahoea. If you want re*t and comfort for tired, aching, jwollen, aweating feet,,ose Allen’s Foot-Ease. Itre ieves corns ana bunions of all pain and prevent* blisters, aore and cailona spots. Just the thine for iMnring Parties, Patent I.eather Shoes, ana for Breaking In New Shoes. It is the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Try ft to-day. Sold everywhere. W eta. Don't accept any substitute. For FREE trial vackage, address Allen S. Olmated, L« Roy, N. Y. Planning for the Stork's Arrival Among those things which all women should know of, and many of them do. the period of expec tancy. Its chief purpose la to render the tendons, ligaments and muscles so pliant that nature’s expansion may be accom plished without the Intense strain so often characteristic of the period of expectancy. At any rate It Is reasonable to believe that slnee "Mother s Friend" has been a companion to motherhood for more than half a century no more timely advice could be given the inexperienced mother than to suggest Its dally use during ex pectancy. A: k at any drug store for "Mother's Friend," a penetrating, external liquid of great help and value. And write tc Bradfleld Regulator Co., 302 Lamar Bldg. Atlanta, Ga., for their book of usefu and timely Information to expectanl mothers. It contains many suggestion* that are of Interest to all women. DIETZ BROS. 1022 Broad Best Class Men’s Furnishings for the money to lie found in Au gusta. Arrow Shirts, Arrow Collars. Superba Neck wear. A $3.00 Hat for $2.00 Gifts for the Bride A Good List to Choose From Sets of Spoons Coffee Sets Salad Forks Sugar Trays Sandwich Trays Vegetable Dishes Cut Glass Coasters Sugars and Creamers Butter Spreaders Mayonalse Sets Berry Spoons Carving Sets f-alts and Peppers Chafing Dishes Baking Dishes Chop Trays Tea Sets Punch Bowls Chests of Silver Flower Vases Breakfast Caster* Decanters Comportiers Bouillon Spoons Olive Dishes Berry Dishes Cold Meat Porks Knives and Forks * Mantle Clocks Gravy laulles Casseroles Water Pitchers Percolators I.emonade Jugs Serving Trays Water Bottle* Celery Trays Wm. Schweigcrt & Co. Th* J*w,l*r* Gorham Silver Polish, :sc. Is a splendid ex ternal application sold In most drug stores under the name of "Mother's Friend." It Is a penetrating liquid and many and many a mother tells how it so wonderfully aided them through = THE = Wise Dq Goods Co's. BIG MAY STOCK REDUCING SALE Presents a Money Saving Opportunity Seldom Found in Augusta. Children’s Percale and Gingham School Dresses, worth up to SI.OO *SO/* each, at *Jsl. Ladies’ Lingerie, Voile and Lawn Waists, slightly soil ed from handling, worth up to $1.50, to en close at $1.98 new Voile Waists, beautifully made and trim med in the verv latest f t vles ’. $1.19 $3.50 White Crepe and Voile Dresses $2.95 SI.OO Satine Petticoats, in the latest shades 69c $7.50 White and Colored Voile Dresses, $4.98 SIO.OO Crepe and Voile )T™: $7.50 15c 40 inch White *f f\- loawns, at IUQ 10c 40 inch White C - Lawns, at JC 19e White Flaxons and ?, irai,ies ' 10c 20e 45 inch White Indian i6c 171,4 c 36 inch full bleached Pepperell 1 *)!/ r Drill, at I^/2 C Regular 10c 36 inch Bleach -7: 8 l / 2 c Regular 35c Fancy OKr Crepes, at 35e Pongee OF- Linens, at 714 c yard wide Sea F - Island, at 71,4 c Apron Ging- F - hams, at •*** Pearl Buttons, worth 10c per dozen, 5c Ladies’ Bleach Ribbed 35c Ratines, 25c 1214 c yard wide 1 fir Percales, at I l/v 98c 45 inch Embroidered (’repo Flouneings. fine for commencement lIQ r dresses, at TUESDAY, MAY 5. '