The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, May 17, 1914, Home Edition, Page EIGHT, Image 32

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EIGHT - THE - Planters Loan & Savings Bank 4% 705 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Organized 1870, UPON THE ROCK OF 44 YEARS DAILY EXPERIENCE, this institution hn< built its well earned reputation for SOLIDITY, STRENGTH AND SAFETY. Thousands of our people certify to a happy ex perience here, and give just credit to this Bank for the success of themselves and their children, in their effort to acquire financial independence. OUR BEST FACILITIES ARE OFFERED to those seeking bank connections, and no effort is spared to enhance the interest of our depositors. WE SOLICIT THE ACCOUNTS of careful, conservative people, and give the same careful at tention to small accounts as to the larger ones. SAFETY LOCK BOXES in 5 different sizes, $3,00 to $20.00 per year. DEPOSITS MAY BE MADE BY MAIL. Our Mailing Department has been established with great care and the accounts of depositors liv ing out of town are handled with accuracy and dis patch. L. C. HAYNE, President. GEO. P. BATES, Cashier ENGRA VING Quality and Service rombln.*! with price* (ns cheap ns Is ronnls tsnt with Kood workmanship), aro Hnxitrod you, If your next order for Knt;raved VlsltlnK Cards, Announcements, etc.. is placed with us As work Is dono In city It naturnlly aivcs you the advantase over placlna your order throiwh some mall order house. Try us and bo convinced. SCHLEY ENGRAVING CO. Branch Office Augusta Trunk Factory. Wilt Start An Account Starting a bank account ia about the easiest thing in the world, and nothing in the world is so fraught with possibilities for good. We want STARTERS. Our experience is that THEY ALL LEARN TO SAVE Why not try YOUR hand with the next Dollar that comes your way? THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK 34 YEARS Of FAITHFUL SERVICE. SUMMER RATES Shorthand and Typewriting (8 months) ttlfttO Bookkeeping (8 months) ......'. £lB Ho I3. r , OO INiQHT CLASS Shorthand and Typewriting (S months) tioen gssacs 1 .??""^ 1 -■ fifjjj MISS FUNK'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and BOOKKEEPING Harlson Building. | LOOK FOR YOUR FRIEND’S BABY 4% I Today the coupon Ik good for 500 I votes instead of 25. Every reader of I The Herald should cut out this coupon and oast it in favor of some baby that has not yet entered. No extra pa pers will be printed and none will he j Hold. The llorald'H groat race for fame | end fortune for the dear little dlm i pled darlings of Augusta and vlcin | lly may now be claimed to be in full ' swing, for on another page in today’s I paper will be found a list of the little 1 cherubs already entered In thla nrmm | moth newspaper enterprise. If you have not already nominated your own little favorite, or If hln or her name does not appear In thiH Hat fill out a nomination blank forthwith, Rive the little sweetheart at least equal start and chance with the others, send this blank to the Shower of Gold depart ment and then begin the light and not uncongenial task of coupon ballots. Only a few days ago The Herald made the first announcement of the baby contest, which immediately met with public approval. The Herald asks contestants, parents and friends to gather coupons and send or mall them to this office. Kurh one today counts five hundred votes and it may he but one of these that will win for the baby. Do You Love Your Little Baby? If you love your baby, dear mother, and the little one's name appears in the list of contestants, do something to help the baby win. If the gold is not an Incentive the honor should be. Your baby, of course, Is the only baby —that Is the feeling you should have. It Is the spirit of the loving mother, whose bright eyed baby means the world of content and joy, or whose smiling Hue causes the mother to overlook the .childish caprice and love on the little one in an unexplainable way. Start Your Campaign Now. So we urge you to be up and doing at once. Do not wait a single hour, for you know delays are dangerous even to the candidacy of your baby. Unless you appreciate the value of time in this matter you can’t hope to occupy a commanding poslton In the race. You must be aware that the more you think about going to see your friends the harder the matter be comes to you. Don’t think about it, but go to see them at once, and when you aro well into the matter you will be surprised to find how readily your friends will rally to your support. As matters now stand your friends do not know whether |t is your desire to make a rae , for the prizes and glory and unless you tell them, their sup port will be given to someone else. Send in Your Baby'i Name. Several babies appear on the lint today without names. These names have been sent in by friends of the parents who failed to send ttie baby's name. The parents of the babies would confer a favor on the contest manager by calling at the Shower of Hold headquarters and supplying those names. If you can't come in person, drop a post card or use the telephone. All babies entered in the race are entitled to the 5,000 votes which go with the nominations. Many of them have several thousand more votes in the ballot box. These will be printed j in u few days. 500,000 Extra Votes. In order to encourage early activl | ties In the Shower of Gold contest, I 500,000 extra votes, will be given for i the first *20.00 In subscriptions turned lln to the credit of each baby. Get an early start. Thla only means three 1 and a half yearly subscriptions. This *20.00, however, may be made up of | six months' subscriptions and yeurlv | subscriptions. How the Gold Will Be Distributed. In addition to the $2,3.10 in gold The ; Herald will give to all losing candi dates a commission of 10 per cent of < all money on subscriptions turned in by them, or for them by their friends during the contest. In case of a tie for any of the prises the money will lie equally divided be tween the candidates ticlng. No baby can win more than one prize. Ballot Box at Office. The ballot box Is at the Shower of Hold headquarters. Votes may be brought in or mailed to the contest department. The count will be made the night previous to the publication of the list. Votes received during the day will not lie counted until after 4 o'clock the same evening and then will appear In the published list the following day. We Want Picture*. We want the picture of every baby in Augusta and vicinity for publica tion in i lie Herald. If you have a | Photo of your baby that Is satisfactory send It in so we can print the picture. If yon have no photo that Is snilsfac torV call at The Herald office and we will give you an order to have a pic ture taken absolutely KREE ut the famous Tonimlns studio. Open Every Evening. Tim Shower of Gold headquarter* in Thomas' Piano Store will lie open every evening. Parents of babies and their friends are invited to call ami gel acquainted. If you can't come to the office use the telephone. Num ber 211*. Who May Enter. Every white child right year* of age or under In Augusta and vicinity is eligible to enter the great race for GOI.D and GIJIRY. I.lst of names may be found on an other page. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE The Chautauqua. To the Editor of the Herald, Sir: 1 feel that Augusta owes Mr \V. A. Hunter an everlasting deltt 'of gratt lutle tor getting the Kedpath Chautau qua to Augusts. It la upllfttiiK In Its tendency, Our children and our homes will he better for Its coming Now. Mr Hunter has agreed to bring the ‘'Kellogg-Haines Singing Party" to Anbury church Sunday evening at * o'clock. This kindness we appreciate very much. After the sacred concert Mr Hunter will deliver a lecture. Many of our people have attended the Chautauqua, but many could not 1 am so delighted to he able to bring ' part of It to them liespectfully, A, l> ECHOIC. Bread is the staff of life. SENSATION FLOUR makes the best. ’Nouqh said. ASSORTED CHOCOLATES at Monday 39c. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. That “Holy Grail" Broken , Beyond Repair; Verified Rome Both religious devotees and art lovers have learned with regret that the Veccnt reports of the breaking of the "Holy Grail'' beyond repair at the Ca-I thedral of Genoa are true, although sat- j Isfactmry explanations of the accident are still lacking. One expert who as cribed Ihe breaking of the ancient basin to dampness in the cathedral Is popular ly suspected of shielding someone who accidentally broke the vessel. While It is doubtful that this basin i* really the sacred cup around which so much legendary romance of knighthood days was woven, it has been accepted as such by a large number of Catholics. The vessel was brought to Genoa in 1151 by Gog ielmo Kmbrlaco, among the spoils of the conquest of Caesarea. Tra dltion then said, and has since been fol lowed. that in this octagonal cup, cut from what appeared to be a flawless em erald, Christ drank at the T,ast Supper and later In It Joseph of Arimathea pre served the blood lYom Christ's wounds at the crucifixion. Napoleon Bonaparte, "the great thief,’’ as they call him here, carried it off to Paris, In 1807, and it was then tested and found to he of glasß. It had slight ornamentation and appeared to be fin ished with the tool as In gem engraving, while the color and transparency were perfect. When reclaimed by Italy it was so badly packed that It was I .Token In the return and mended with gold fili gree. Once before it left the cathedral, In 1819, when it was ,dven as security by ttie town of Genoa needed for military defense. Eight years pass ed before It was rturnd. WON’T PERFORM MARRIAGE WHEN HEAD IS UNCOVERED London —-Protesting against what he described as the growing custom of bridesmaids and other women in the bridal parties attending marriage ser vices with uncovered heads, the Rev. H. N Sales, vicar of Waltham Cross, said today it was comon for brides maids to attend the service cither without hats or with something which by no stretch of imagination could be called a covering for the head. In future tHe clergy of his parish, he said, would decline to solemnize marriages where the Scriptural rule was not observed. HE WANTS TO KNOW. "Mother, why did you drown the kittens?” "We don’t want them, Waldo.” "W r ere they not sufficiently eugen ic?” FRECKLES Now It the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine—doublo strength—ls guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine—dou ble strength—from any druggist, and apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis appear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beau tiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine ns this is sold under guarantee of money back If it fails to remove freckles. Let Us Keep You In the Style— -New Hats from your Old Ones Ladles’ k Men’s Felts, Straws, Panamas Cleaned and re-blocked to lateet model*. large Panamss made to any width brtm or crown. No tnjurlona chemicals need. German Hat Co. and French Dry Gleaners ArorUTA. cl A. ««0 Broad St. Phone 1147-J W. H. COOK. JR., C. E. HETT, Supt. THE COOK CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 517 Leonard Bldg., Phone 291. Sidewalks, driveways. Copings, Steps, Cement Work of All Kinds. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. “BETTER” ICE CREAM “The Cream of Quality.” Absolutely clean, pure and sanitary. We invite you to inspect our plant at any time. Order from your grocer or direct. Better Ice Cream Company McCartan St. Phone 1778. Under Planters Hotel. A WAR ON PRICES Cheese a lb. ISc Tomatoes ST,” can lOc Baked Beans IT* „„ can 7c Catsup 3 bottles 25c Lima Beans N 77“„.... can 10c Steam Cooker Free with one can fI&P Baking Powder 50c A&P Old Virginia Sugar Cured Hams, lb 19c Snowdrift Compound No. 5,55 c; No. 10. $1.10; No. 20. $2.20 New York State Potatoes, peck vIOL Yard Eggs, /)r r dozen AJL SENSATION FLOUR makes more, liqhter. whiter and better biscuit than any other. Try it. PHONE 3427 Have Your Automobile Repaired at Reliable Auto Co. WALL PAPER Mattings. Shades. Pictures T.G. BAILIE & CO. 712 Broad Street AWNINGS HONEST, RELIABLE BAG6AGE Every piece that beare our name le absolutely guaranteed. Our prices the lowest. TRUNKS. SUIT CASES, ETC. Largest line In thla section of the South. Augusta Trunk Factory 735 BROAD STREET. OPPOSITE MONUMENT. Tor Ice Tea Use The a - Nectar, king of all Teas. Pound. .. 60^ 844 si, Have You Thought ofThis Fact? I?® ad ,T a £ tage , to y ou * n t [ adin s With us, is that you are buy ing f rom McCarrel, who has, himself, been a very large consumer ?L ®™7 t L ln * in , the ,lne Building Materials, Painty etc. for !n^L PaS f J w ? ve Years - McCarrel has been through all the experi ences of the Consumer, and he can take your view. Everything from us is under the Original Label of the Manu facturer, and we represent the very best. We do not manufacture, remix or dope. We take care of you in small retail or car lots. McCarrel supply co. 643 BROAD STREET. PHONE 1626. Toilet Paper Rons .. 7 rolls 25c Starch Laundry .. . . 4 lbs. 15c Pineapple can 15c Sardines :: p oT a can 5c Crab Meat £7.“ 35c LEMONS Doz. 15c Pure Lard Pound 14c Let Me Sell Vour Real Estate T will soil your Real Estate if you will give ni p a chance, and on regular Agents’ commission—no more, no less. I will advertise it for you in plenty of space in the Augusta papers, and will not charge you anything for the advertising. Ido not Collect Rents —am not in the Insurance business*— have no Side Lines. Just sell Augusta and suburban Real Estate on commission —no sale, no charge. I would like to sell yours. Write me or phone me or call to see me. P. S.—l would like to buy a residence for about $4,000, close to business, contain ing about 7or 8 rooms, modern conve niences. 1 G. P. TALBOTT Real Estate Agent 511 Leonard Building Phone 3057 SUNDAY, MAY 17. Sultana Coffee Is the Best Value on the Market. This Coffee is al ways sold in Cardi nal Red Trade-Mark Bags. TAKE NO OTHER. Lb. 30c Fancy 24 lbs. Patent r—y q Flour ,/OC Best A&P nn_ Creamery A if! Butter uuu