The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, May 24, 1914, Page TWO, Image 2

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TWO SOCIETY SOCIAL GOSSIP The announcement oT the ap proaching marirage of l)r. P. I*. Comey and Miss Mabel Chamber lain, of Worcester, Mass., will be the ocaalon of much pleasant com ment among the boats of rlends whom Or. Comey haa made during Ilia residence of two or three years in Augusta. Mias Chamberlain ia a daughter of the late Robert H. Chamberlain and is said to be an unusually bright young woman and most charming, one who will prove a very delightful acquisition to Au gusta's social circles. Dr. Comey is an exceptionally charming man, a man who happily combines brains with a delightful personality, with the result that all who know him are most pronounced In his praise. It. was at one time feared that Dr. Comey would leave Augusta and return North, but now that he Is to bring a bride home. It Is hoped and expected that he will continue to make this city his permanent home. T*.e marriage will take place early In dune and a cordial welcome awaits Dr. Comey's home-coming with is birde. During the King’s Daughters and Sons convention Misses Uarce and Vivian Curry, Miss iieryl 1511 lott and Miss Susie llutt garcefully served as pages and facilitated the work of the convention greatly. Contray to the uuual order of pages these charming young women could always be found and were most us giduouh in their duties. Mrs .1. Hardwick Jackson and Miss Undue Rowland, who sail early In Juno for Europe, have a delightful time lu anticipation. Abide from their tour they will be the guest lor a month of Ihe Josef Hoffmans at their chalet hi Hwitz eriand, on Utko (lenexa. Nothing could more fittingly ex press Mrs. St. Amand's dance cxbl bition Friday evening at the (fraud than “The Carnival of Grace" nor could anything mvire exquisitely graceful and beautiful bn imagln d than were tbo sixty or seventy lit tie people wtio look part. Each one from the tiniest of tots, little five-year-old Sara Dor, to the oldest scholur of the school, being abso lutely perfect in their beautiful steiis and dances. Mth. St. Ainand possesses the true artistic spirit and temperament, and the effect which she always achieved is some thing superb. So beautiful and so perfect was the exhibition that one almost lost sight of the many wpeks of hard training It must have taken to acompllsh such splendid results, yet the results were very thoroughly appreciated, and the nu dience voiced their appreciation In the most stupendous of applause. As the curtain went down on the last scene, a delightful little caba ret sceue with cunning little wait resses Rnd chefs, the footlights were hanked with (lowers which had been sent the young dancers. Mrs St. Amand attained a very novel and beautiful efect In the Rose Garland dance by having one garland of living flowers gowned in fluffy puffed gowns of pink tulle snd the other In crimson, which with leaf green stockings ami trunks, simulated to perfection beautiful living rosp blossoms, their dainty little heads corwnlng the flower. In each and every nnm ber there was something beautiful ly novel and unique and Mrs. St. Amand is most deserving of the unstinted compliments that have been showered on her. A great deal of pleasant comment is going the rounds In social circles concerning this unannounced en gagement of one of the most popu lar and beautiful of Augusta girls to a prominent young Philadel phian. The marriage, so It is said, will take place In the fall. MRS. BROADWATER STATE PRESIDENT OF KING’S DAUGHTERS AND SONS. ■The eighteenth annual convention of tnc King's Daughter* am! Sons of Georgia closed Friday nlklit after one of the moat aucroaaful, In every way, conventlona that hna ever been held. ■A* *«» forecast In the announcement made at the Friday aeaalon. The elections were an follows: State President, Mrs. T, M ltroad tvater, of Waycross. Member of Central Connell, Mina Mary It. Campbell of Augusta Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. N. O. Brew, of Savannah Treasurer, .Visa Viola Kennedy, of Savannah. Custodian for life, Mrs T. J Darling of Waycross Executive board Mrs It. F ftrown, of Augusta; Mrs. It M. tllbbn, of Sa vannah; Mrs .Gurr. of Waycross,; Mrs. Harley, of Brunswick. A* lk-legate* si large in the Interna tional Convention which will meet In June In Detroit: Mrs It W Johnson, of Saxann-ih; Mrs. H M Gibbs, of Sa vannah; Mrs W. K Reevea, of \u- Suita, and Miaa Katr Hall, retiring state president. The members of the atate executive board also being ac credited delegate* to the convention. At the condualon of the business n eellng a beautiful memorial service Was led by Mrs It K. I. Harris and those who had passed axxay during the year spoken of reverently and tender ly Mrs. Henry Von Sprecken was Augusta's lost member and her loss Is fell as keenly now as when It occur red. Mrs. K. C, Goodrich with Infinite sweetness and pathos sag "Pace to Face,*’ playing her own accompaniment and Mias Miriam Dunham's awerl voice was also heard 1n solo. The last meeting Friday night before the convention adjourned, and in many respecta this waa the most important and Impressive meeting of all for It »a» the conaecratton a eating anil de voted to the spiritual aide of the King s Daushters organisation Mlsa I.lbhev waa on the program for the ohb r a I dreaa of the evening and for the in stallation of officer* hut owing to her absence Miss Hall took her place nml gave a very beautiful and helpful ad dress on tho subject of "Mottoes of Our order" and "Personal Service.” Miss Halt la a fluent and pleasing speaker and a splendid presiding of ficer. r While the absence of Miaa Ix'bhry was deeply regretted, no one eould have taken her place more effective!* than Miaa Hall, who la a spiritual. Report of Recording Secretary To the lsth annual convention of the Georgia State Branch of the In ternational Order of The King’s Daughters and Sons: It is with pleasure I report the list ing of all Augusta, Brunswick, Sa vannah and Wayeross circles. I Not after 18 years ts the branch qualified to receive a diploma, regard ing these lists of membership and the I absolute Importance of their accuracy, | and that the three lists should agree. I Macon sent no list of the Vineville |or Nellie Kean Troutman Circles. Dovlng Service Circle of Savannah, on account of small membership, caused from death nnd removal, Is now a Bible study class. It Is with regret I report no new circles. O! There's so much we could do; so many towns and cities waiting for us to enter: that the possibilities of work IN IDS NAME, and for Ills ser vlee make our responsibilities weigh heavily upon tiw. Thorc are three things the Georgia branch must, learn: Need, Responsibility, Obligation. When we eaeli fulfill these three things there will be no Inaccurate list, to ever re port, and the order will flourish like Die Bay tree, They will make each lust what He would have us to be for each entails the other I answered all letters of greeting received at Brunswick convention. Wrote reports of Dial convention for Dm Silver Cross Magazine. Wrote cultivated, intellectual and conse crated woman. The first number on the program was a beautiful quartet sung by the *yrlc quartet. Devotional service fol lowed „nd unfinished business was disposed of. A hymn was sung and Miss Hall then delivered her inspiring address. The report of the resolution committee followed and Die insinua tion of officers. The Impressive con secration service followed and new members were received after a hrnyn, “Abide With Ds,’’ was sung, the Rev. M. Ashby Jones pronounced the liene dltlon and Die slate president adjourn ed the convention. The convention will he held next year In Savannah. At the conclusion of Die evening session and Just before adjournment, Mrs, A. Rowland presented to Miss Hall, the retiring president, a beautiful basket of sweet peas, voicing the sen timent and love of the Augusta City ITnlori In a few graceful words to which Miss Hall responded most feelingly. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE CITY UNION (Continued from Preceding Page.) failed (o comfort and sustain the weary and wo trust that our work and tho spirit In which It was done will he acceptable to our King and In all of our future work may we never Wonderful Complexion ' In a Short Time formulas That Have Produced Remark able Results, Revealed by the Self- Made Beauty of the American Stage, Valeska Suratt. By Valeska Suratt HfllAT in tho Hunnu of npendinK ninny, many month* In m'hievlng . a (imperiite wliih when It can ho nocompUdhorl In <»n!\ < few dnya? That In the qucMtion I mmU of that great army of women whoee million hand*. nitTnijig and n»irh<, month-In and month-out. are PlayitiK with ten-flnuored orchestra*, voice lee* harmonies as a lure to Hriiuty. The time to hope for beauty Is p«st—> the time to achieve it Is here. If every woman who read* this w>U make up her 'lay> y. “Uaed Liberally, It Quickly Qlvet an Exceptional Lily-Pure Complexion." mini! tn 11*0 the. formula given, *he will *«*>n experience tin* great* *t Hurprtxe of hey career. The *k n responds with great alacrity when the proper material! ire uit*il. Fee thl* am! *•** how everv red apot, oVer> freckle ami hlctnliili will van ish am! leave in it* stead a Illy-like purltv am! tint like that of the molt iw*uutllul face* you have ever seen. Try It a tn! ace. Mix two tahtenpoonful* of glycerine In half pint of water am! mb! one ounce of alntotie. Stir until cool ed. Thl* w II form a antin' - cream. Fae liberally e\«yy day. Any drug atore will supply you with the atntone. • * * MISS F F O Ye*, even deep wrin kle* can be removed in a whorl time. To a half pint of hot water add two tea epootifulw of gl>ccrlne ml two ounce* of eptol. which can be obtained at any drug store. Nt r until cold. It wilt then be a watltiy cream. F»* tht* liberally every dav fi will produce an aston ish IP* difference In a short time, and wrinkles, crow * feet and deep line* will gradually d mppcav, tn iking tiie *k!n pump, vigorous am! youthful. This formula should be the fortune of thou humtsC of women, if they will but use It. • • • OLIVIA For a head wash nothing can surpass the use of eggol. This Is a cleanser more effective than any soap or other shampoo it remows every par* t ‘le of scurf, dltt atul skin scale front Its r and scalp, and leave* n moat re freshing sensation It make* the hair fluffy and silky, yet easy "to do up." the proceedings of last convention, from the printed minutes of which 2,500 copies were printed. Issued call for extra meeting held in Savannah last February. I now report: Augusta, 10 circles; members, 263. Savannah, 15 circles; members, 414. Jtrunswick, 1 circle; members, 35. 'Wayeross, 4 circles; members S 3. Ttdal list for 1914: Cir cles, 29; members, 795. Fight hundred and two paid mem bers rccordqjj on Treasurer Kennedy's list. Bess Macon's two circles. Number of Letters Written. Headquarters, 8; Silver Cross, 3; Mrs. Dickinson, 2; Miss Blbbey, 2; Mrs. Bourgwln, state president of North Carolina, 1. Copied Letters. Four copies of a letter sent to ex ecutive committee and four letters of call to executive meeting; to print ers, 2; answers to greetings, 18. And I made no record of my letters to our state president, reckoning them not as duty, but a privilege, gladly performed. I thank all the daughters of the Georgia state branch for their never failing courtesy and consideration to me, when ever I have sought inform ation or help in the recorder’s work. My prayers and love do follow you; God hold you each in His holy keep ing both now and for evermore. Respectfully submitted, CORNFDIA D. BREWER, Recording Secretary. forget, we are working for our Mas ter "In His Name.” Respectfully. JUANITA MUNDAY, Secretary, denmarkTs. c., news Denmark, S. C.—Mrs. A. B. Izlar, of Ocala, Fla., is visiting her grandmoth er, Mrs. C. C. Cooper. Miss Emma Owens has returned from an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. 11. W. Goolsby at HartsvlUe. Mrs. S. It. Tlndal is visiting her son, Mr. James It. Tindal In Birming ham, Ala. Miss Ruby M. Guess has returned to Sumter, where she has been teaching for the past session. Miss Ruth Buford is Ihe attra.ctlve house guest of Miss Sadelle Guess. Mrs. Julia H. Payne has returned from a week's stay in Wllliston. Graham's Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy entertained the students of the IDgh School Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Hon. and Mrs. H. G. Mayfield. It was a most enjoyable occasion, the amusement consisting of contests, readings by Mrs. II G. Ilordln and a history of Graham's related by Ihe chapter’s president, Mtss Billie Cooper. Tempt ing refreshments were served in the late evening. It very economical. ft** you rnn Ret enough at a moderate cost to produce a Uoseti or more luxuiinut shampoos. Use 0 tenapoonful of crrol in half h cup of hot water and use as a shampoo. ♦ • • MRS. V. W. S. -It is easy to have Klorious hair. 1 Rive you here a for mula which Is h aiirv and quick de stroyer of dandruff, a wonderful forcer of hah* Rtowth, and which stops iiair f illliiß, absolutely. Mix half a pint of water with half a pint of alcohol (or take a full pint of Imported bay rum. If preferred), and add one ounce of beta quinnl, which can lie obtained at any dniß Store it will then he ready for '»ee. It la the most economical hair treatment, and tho most effective you can ever obtain. • • • MISS PLAFKn For black heads, sprinkle some neroxln on a sponge, wet with hot water. This, rubbed on the blackheads, will remove them all, big and little. In a few moments. It is the only positive blackhead remover known. It also leaves the skin with a ruddy Klow. vigorous and refreshed. To in sure removing every biackhead, the en tire face should be rubbed ;is stated above, then bathed with cod wut«l\ • * • SFSAN W. F The only superfluous hair remover I know that will not cause a burn or spot mi the skin is simple sulfo solution. Th s dissolves away every hair evenly and completely with out burning it off. as Is the case when other depilatories are used. It is won* d#rful to see how easily and pecu lar ly It works. It leaves tho ek.n soft and beautiful and never tails. Further tn<*-e, it cun be used with safety on the tenderest skin, and anywhere on tho body. You nn obtain simple sulfo so lution at any drug store. • • * RKI'RIVKI) Developing the bust is problematical. though the f< l owing formula lias brought about very decided amt satisfactory results. It is worthy of a faithful Mix together two ounces of ruetone. half a cup of sugsr and half a pint «*f cold water, amt take two tea* spoonfuls after each me»! atul .it bed time Tills is perfectly safe. Avoid tha use of Instrument* they are useless, and Injurious besides. # • • MISS A C. F A biota! cleanser and pimple remover that never f ills to pro duce results In quick time is a mixture of t\ve|\e ounces of sugar and one ounce of sarsene in a pint of wtter. I> s solve thoioughly. and take one or two tcaspoonful* after each men! Oet the s.tmens* in the original package, by the ounce, at any drug store. see I.A MISKRARI.K The great discom forts of arm-pit perspiration may be controlled by s mpiv sprinkling lo drolli cd talc In those parts. This will bring the excretions tn the arm-pits to nor mal. the profuse perspiration will be checked, and your gowns will not he '■"is' sopping wet and fade, as a result. llnwol sod talc is exoe lent or perspir ing leet. or for an) excessive pernpira* tlon. and it dcattovs all odor* quickie and completely. No woman's toilet is complete without hydrol'sod talc. HONEST, RELIABLE BAGGA6E Ex-prv piece that bears our name I* absolutely guaranteed. Our prices thp lowest. TRUNKS. SUIT CASES. ETC. Uirgest line In title section of the South Augusta Trunk Factory 735 BROAD STREET. • OPPOSITE MONUMENT. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. SUN SPOTS AND VOLCANIC DIIST IN STRONG EVIDENCE As usual Scientists are advancing the idea that the condition of the weather for the past several weeks is directly traceable to the presence of spots on the sun. This may be true of the weather, but pruning of prices and sacrificing of profits at the “Satis factory Store” is due entirely to a determination by the management to reduce the stock to a normal summer condition. Therefore you may expect unusual bargains for the entire week. We Give “The Leading’' Trading Stamp In Doubles Before Noon. Ratine and Crepe Specials Just In, an elegant*lot of fine White Ratine, in new weaves and full bleached, at 250, 500.. 75, 85 c and.. .. #1 00 Just In a beautiful lot of new weaves In dots, stripes and check ed Crepe Cloth, at 250, 29 c and 50C Underwear Specials For a leader next week we will sell a Bisle Ribbed Vest, worth 10c, with tape neck and sleeve, good length, at 5C English Bisle Ribbed Union Suits, that are so much in demand now and are admittedly the coolest garment yet, at 50 c Gowns, cool sleeping garments that are made of soft Crepe or Bongcloth, in several different styles, from 500 up CoTset Covers, embroidery or lace trimmed, from 25C up The famous If. & W. Brassiere, indispensable, at 50C Children’s Muslin Panties, well made, at IOC Infants' Summer Underwear, from 15C up READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. Hosiery, Gloves and Neckwear Kilk Stockings fur next week nt 2RO Silk Boot amt silk I.isle Hose specials at and 50'^ Cobweb Gauze Hose, our summer leader _ 25 Kayser s 16-button Long Silk Gloves, at si oo Iwo-ilusp Silk and Chamolsette Gloves I,are Camisoles at .. #1 00 $125 ;*id $1 50 Why tax your patience inventing ideas for a cute neckpiece, when you can find them here so much cheaper? Yokes and Collars, Commencement Pearl Necklace 50^ Rugs and Art Squares Crex Rugs are the best summer floor covering you can get. It Is not only cheap and durable, but Is sufficiently heavy to lay flat on the floor and not roll up. We have several different sizes, from :< feet wide nnd 4Vj feet long to l-‘xls feet sizes. Prices, <6l OO *1 25 *2 OS $4 98 $7 98 and sl3 98 BURTON-TfIYLOR-WISE CO. "The Satisfactory Store" INCORPORATED. 716 BroaJ Street W. M, COOK, JR., Preet. C. E. HETT, Bupt THE COOK CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPtNY 5J7 Leonard Bldg., Phone 29J. Sidewalks, driveways. Copings, Steps, Cement Work of All Kinds. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Elegant Crepe Dresses that reflect the genius of the world’s most famous style producers. These Dresses are not gaudy or overdone, but just enough trimming to give a neat, snappy appearance. Prices .$4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $8.98, $9.98 up to $25 Wash Dresses for house or street wear, made of good fast colored mate rials, neatly trimmed. Prices $1.25,51.50, $2.50 and $3.00 Separate Wool Skirts with or without peplum, from $3.98 up White Wash Skirts in PK, Ratine and Linen, $2.00 PK, at .. . .SI.OO Children’s $2.00 fast colored School Dresses, at SI.OO Satin finish Galatea Middy Blouse, worth $1.50, at SI.OO For Commencement Dresses Very fine pure White Crepe Cloth, 3» inches wide, silk finish, and as dainty as a cobweb, worth SI.OO a yard, special 59^ 45 inch silk finish Mull, very special at .39^ 35c values in Bangai Silk, Crepe and Mull, at 25 $ 36 inch Mesaline and Charmeuse Silks, at SI.OO White Habutai Silks, at 50£, and SI.OO 36 inch Sherrette, plain and cheeked, 25e values, at 15^ White and Colored Crepes and Lawns, at Some Very Special Bargains $2.00 White Honey Comb Bed Spreads, 98 and no more, at .. . .$1.29 $2.25 Cut Corner Fringed Bed Spreads, 50 and no more, at .. . .$1.49 85c Table Damask, 72 inches wide 675 yards and no more, at 59^ 85c Bleached Sheets, 81x90 inches, only 200, at 69^ 75c Single Bed Sheets, only 300, to go at 59^ 10c Longcloth, soft finish, yard wide, 770 yards, at 71/0^ 29c extra large Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, 285 to go at 19^ 8c Linen Fruit Doilies, only 50 dozen in this lot, each 5^ $1.50 Irish Mill End Table Damask, 80 cuts different lengths, at SI.OO $1.75 White Crepe and Silk Waists, 100 to go at SI.OO Trunks and Suit* Cases About 60 Suit Cases, worth 51.50 each, for Monday selling, at $1 00 About 64 Suit Cases, worth $2.25 each, for Monday selling, at 81 49 About 93 Suit Cases, worth $3.00 each, for Monday selling, at '• 81 98 Entire line Trunks and Leather Traveling Bags at wholesale prices. Parasols Parasols If this hot spell continues or you expect to take a trip out of town you will certainly need a good sunshade or pretty parasol. We will offer Monday a splendid assortment of solid colors and fancy tops in a fine Silk Parasol, with paragon steel frames and fancy wood handles, that usually bring up to $3.50 each, at.. .-81-98 Rainproof Sunshade, 26 and 28 inches, all black, at 8l OO Silk Umbrellas, in good assortment.. 81-50 up Men’s Specials We sell the $1.25 Negligee Shirt in all-white or dainty stripes. that we can recommend to good dressers, at <m f)Q A splendid Madras Negligee Shirt, worth 69c each, at SQO We keep a splendid assortment of Men’s Nainsook and Knit Un derwear, with long or short sleeves and long or short pants. 50c Nainsook Vests or Pants, a fine grade, at HflC 29c Halbriggan Vests or Pan ts, a cool garment, at 25' ; Silk Sox in a variety of colors, at 2KC Long, soft Night Shirts, any size, at 50'- Wash Goods Department 8c Sea Island 40 inches wide, limited, at esc 7%c fast colored Apron Ginsham and Chambray, at. SC 744 c Colored Muslins, in new patterns, at !! .. ..SC 8c Bleaching, soft finish, limited, at fli'c TRY KENNY’S TEA AND COFFEE If you want Teas and Coffees to suit your taste, Kenny will blend them for you in haste. Now is the time to serve tea with ice. You will find our CHEON to be very nice. All varieties of Teas, from 40C to SI 50 P tT pound. OUR PRICE. IS RIGHT Cheon 500 per lb. Baker's Chocolate -320 per lb Granulated Baker's Cocoa .. 20' ’ ter U lb! Sugar gl 15 per 25 lbs. High Grade Coffee 250 per lb C. D. KENNY COMPANY 1048 BROAD STREET. PHONE 801 ALL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. SUNDAY, MAY 24.