The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, May 31, 1914, Home Edition, Image 25

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fIOME EOITIOM ». —ii VOLUME XIV, No. 151. Society MRS. SPOFFORD ENTERTAINS INFORMALLY. One of the pleasantest affairs of the week was the informal bridge party of three tables given Friday afternoon by Mrs. Robert Spofford at her attrac tive home on the Hill. The highest score was made by Mrs. Frank P. Gracey and the consolation cut by Mrs. John M. Clark both prizes being love ly picture frames. At the conclusion of the game a tempting afternoon tea was prettily served. Mrs. Spofl'ords's guesas were Mrs Gracey, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Ralph Wil lis. Mrs. J. D. Fowler, Mrs. John Sylvester, Miss Nannettee Willis, Miss Sara Jones, Mrs. George Summers, Comey, Miss Mary Anne Danforth. —Mrs. J. R. Anderson, of -occoa, Ga., has returned home, after spend ing several days with her sister, Mrs. L. F. Glenn and Mrs. Jas C. Harrison. A BIRTHDAY PARTY. Last Monday afternoon. May 25th, 1914, Little Lucile, the charming and winsome little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Lamb, entertained a few of her little friends at her home, 1334 Walton Way, it being her third birth day. At the hour .appointed which was 4:30 o’clock, her little guests com menced coming and at the hour 5 o’clock all were invited out into the large and beautiful yard where differ ent kinds of amusements were in dulged in and the little ones enjoyed it to their hearts content. At the hour of 6 o'clock little Miss Lucile was es corted to the dining room by her little friend, Master Richard Hughes, who walked in very graceful, they leading all the guests to the table that was filled with fruits, candies, cakes etc., and in the center of the table was a handsome cake with its three candles representing the age of little Lucile. Around the cake were some hand some pink roses, the gift of some of little Lucille's friends, the ferns and dif ferent kinds of pot plants were the decorations. Ice cream and cake was served plentiful. Those who were in vited were: Alberta Bassett, Riith Bunch, Alline Bateman, Frances Epps, Margaret Sumner, Jennie Lea-ley, Ethel Bateman, Alice Gay, Mamie Beasley. Gladys Bassett, Louise Hill, Gussie Sumner, Alberta Thompson, Gretson Waldermier. Willie Meyers, Herman Hughes, Wesley Thompson, Albert Walton, Ralph Cannon, Rich ard Hughes, Johnne Lamb, V. J. Lamb, Jr. s» A MOTOR TRIP AND FISH FRY. Through the hospitality of our gen ial friend, Mr. James Rushing, quite a number of pleasure seekers enjoyed a motor trip and fish fry at the locks Friday, leaving in the early forenoon and returning by the light of the stars. Onlanding at the locks all proceeded to get their fishing tackle together for business. Then going quite a distance below the locks, we began tempting the ap petites of the kitties, etc., and sue-, ceeded in landing quite a number of fine fish. Then going back to our appointed place some prepared the fires, some friend the fish, while oth ers spread the dinner, which was bountiful as well as appetizing. Af ter spending near two hours with out dinner we were taken to our best friend the cooler of ice "water and made our way hack to the fisherman's camp, se curing several small boats, some spent the afternoon rowing in the shade of the beautiful trees, while others fished, remembering the less fortunate at home and came out master of a nice string as a souvenir of our trip. Nev er has a more jolly or congenial crowd been gathered together, the only regret was that it could only last the day, then the parting. Those included in the party were Miss Mary Rushing. Miss Nelia Rushing. Miss Kate Rush ing, Mrs. Daisy Young, Miss Bertha Young, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson, of Philadelphia. Mr. James Rushing, Mr. Cleanland Rushing, Mr. Willie Carter, Mr. I. C. Hall, Mr. Bert Anderson and Master Cogdell Youn. ONE WHO ENJOYED THE OC CASION. Mrs. Wm. Harrison, of Harlem, spent several days the past week in Augusta with relatives. —Mr. and Mrs. Moses, of California, Mrs. Adolph Leser's parents, have ar rived in Berlin after a beautiful voyage and are delighted with their new' home —Mr. and Mrs. B. B. MeCowan are ex pected home tonight after spending a week or ten days In Rome and Forsyth. —Miss Justine Cantalou, of Edgefield, who has been attending the Women's College in Richmpnd, Va., will arrive ■Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. Jeff Thomas before returning to Edgefield. Mrs. Laura Duffy has returned to Philadelphia, after an extended stay with Mrs. A. A. Walden. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. DeWald have returned from a delightful Northern trip including New York, Atlantic City, Newport, R. I, and Philadelphia. Friends of Mrs. J. F. Battle will he delighted to learn that she has been moved from the City Hospital to her home, and that her condition is great ly Improved. —Miss Ollia Harris, who has been teaching in Denton, Texas, arrived last nights the guest of Miss Ollle Harris, with whom she will spend a few days before going to Nashville, Tenn., to attend summer school. —Mr. William P. Flythe, of Savan nah, has Joined for the week-end his family who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Flythe. —Mrs. Lynn McCormick of Grens horo, Ga., Is visiting her sister, Mrs.. J. T. Stone. —Mrs. A. L. Markwalter leaves to day to spend some time In Washing ton, Ga. —Miss Catherine Vaughn will leave tomorrow for Atlanta. —Mrs. John F. Hturman, Sr., will be with Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bturman, Jr., this week. —Mrs. Jas. C. Harrison. Mrs. L. F. Glenn and Master .las. C.. Jr., are spending the week-end In Harlem. SI. Mary’s commencement exercises end banquet will be a delightful event THE AUGUSTA HERALD SPECIAL LOTICE Beginning next Saturday, June 6tli, we will dose our store every Saturday during the sultry months of June, July and August, at 6 o’clock p. m., so that our em ployees will have an opportunity to get a little extra recreation. All we ask of the public is to do your shopping early in the day as possible. VON KAMP, VAUGHAN & GERALD of Wednesday afternoon at five o'clock, to which a limited number of friends have received invitations. —Mr. Burton Mason, of Savannah, has joined Mrs. Mason, who is visit ing Mrs. Joseph Ganahl, on The Hill, for the week-end. —Mr. J. Allen Seats leaves this week for Macon to attend the Mercer commencement exercises. —Miss Nellie Wandelken, of Char leston, will arrive today for a visit with Miss Cleo Chapman. OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW ENTRIES IN GOLD SHOWER Big Bonus Votes Given For Clubs of Subscriptions Turn ed in Before June 9th—Full Details Printed on Another Page Today—The Contest is Young and There is Plenty of Room For New Candidates. It is not too late to enter your baby in the Shower of Gold contest, now being conducted by The Augusta Dally Herald. As a special inducement to new entries, the manager of the Shower of Gold department an nounces what is known as "Oppor tunity Period,” as fully explained in a full page announcement today. Every mother in Augusta and vicinity should turn to this announcement and read it carefully. Those who have not entered their baby’s name should lose no time in doing so. Read the announcement and come right into the Shower of Gold oilice and let us talk to the baby. Alter this is done see all the baby’s relatives and get them to give you their subscriptions. Every subscription counts for so many votes and during Opportunity Period for every s3l) turned in on sub scriptions a bonus of 460,000 votes is given. One of these big ballots will place your baby in the lead, so pay no attention to a few thousand votes that some of the candidates may have to their credit in the standing* as published in the paper. In less than a day an active mother can enter the race and surpass any baby in the race. The Contest Is Young. This is in its very earliest in fancy, but it is going to fairly hum with the close of the week. There are any number of mothers and fa thers interested in this great race, w‘ho appreciate to the fullest the op portunity knocking at their door. They mean to see their little darling crowned the most popular baby in Richmond County and vicinity, and are bending every effort In this di rection. It may mean the sacrifice of some little spare time and labor on their part to secure the coveted title and its emoluments for their little sweetheart, but they know that In the end if they be successful the reward will be well worth the while. In addition to the honor which is conferred upon some baby on June 2!)th we are going to give a number of substantial prizes which will be awarded to the winning contestants immediately upon the close of this enterprise. Let's all get busy for that little ray of sunshine. Organize a systematic campaign, interest all of your friends and your neighbors in the success of your baby, make the work done in its behalf as far-reach ing as possible. If you are one in whose hands no subscription book has been placed see to this most impor tant matter at once, and call upon or let the Shower of Gold manager call upon you. This race is just now In its early stages, but if you are not up and doing without further delay you will awake shortly and find that the tide of battle has passed ruthless ly by you leaving you far In the rear. There are signs of unusual activity among the workers In Districts Nos. 2 acd 3, which includes all that ter ritory outside of the city of Augusta. There is an exceptionally fine field in these districts and It, is already predicted that the “Country cousins THE ONE PAPER IN MOST HOMES—THE ONLY PAPER IN MANY HOMES AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1914. will make the keenest kind of race for first honors. How the Prizes Are to be Distributed. The first grand prize is SSOO in gold. This will make a nice little bank ac count for the baby who has the high est number of votes in the entire con test at the close. The second grand prize is $385 Scripps-Booth Cycle Car, to be given to the baby having the next highest number of votes, regard less of district. The third grand prize of S39C in gold goes to the baby who ranks next in number of votes, while the fourth grand prize of S2OO will be given to that baby who comes fourth in the number of votes. In each district there are a number of prizes to oe awarded after the grand prizes are given. The first district prize is a 150 pony and cart, which goes to that baby who has the greatest number of Votes in each district. The next district prize is a $75 Columbia Grafonola —one to each of the districts and will -be given to the babies who come next. The third district prize is a S3O Baby Buggy to each of the three districts. The baby who ranks third in the number of votes will get this prize. Then comes the fourth district prize, which is a $lO purse of gold to a baby in each district who comes fourth in number of votes. Now, after all these prizes are given, there are four prizes of $5 Saving Bank Accounts for each of the three districts, which will he given to the next four babies, according to number of votes. Gift For Development of French Athletics SIOO,OOO Placed at Disposal of French National Com mittee—Olympic Games. Paris. —Universal interest in the development of French athletics for the Olympic games of 1916 at. Berlin has been stimulated to a degree by the munificient gift of SIOO,OOO which has been placed at the disposal of the I'Yench National Committee of Sports by M. Basil Zaharoff. An elaborate scheme has been drawn up and $60,000 will be devoted to training men men for the forth coming games, while $40,000 will be used in furthering In a general way the Olympic cause. In addition to the $60,000 the French government has given $30,000 for im mediate uses and wealthy Frenchmen have promised a sum aggregatlngg SIOO,OOO should this amount be re quired for the proper training and equipment of the French teams. M. Zaharoff’s $60,000 has been al loted as follows: Athletics, swimming, lawn tennis, football, $25,000; gymnastics, $2,400; rowing, $2,300; boxing, $2,300; wrest ling $1,800; fencing,, $4,600; shotlrig, $6,200; hunting, $1,200, riding and polo, $4,300; yachting $5,100; archery, $900; and cycling, $3,700. The success achieved by the French boxers and cyclists In recent years and the amazing advance of French foot ball has awakened enthusiasm such as has not been known before in French history, and with the' games taking place at Berlin, every branch of the sporting community Is making com mon cause in furthering the interests of the French competitors. To beat the German competitors is the per vading desire, but France may even do better than that. COLLECTORS AND BARGAIN HUNTERS PLAY NEW GAME London,—Collectors and bargain hunters from the arlstcratlc quarters of the West End have found a new spice of adventure. On a Friday, which la the day the rag and bone men of the metropolis display their wares for sale In the old Caledonian cattle market, near Pentonvllle Prison, In one of the dirtiest slums of the city, wealthy col lectors flock there to profit by the wonderful bargains offered. known that many of the articles on sale have been stolen by the rag and hone men. but the fact gives all the more Impetus to the trade. The haggling between the ragged mer chants and th'-lr wealthy customers Is worthy of an Oriental market. Both men and women are playing the new game VON hfIHP,VAUGHAN & GERALD MAKE THIS STORE YOUR SHOPPING CENTER MONDAY AND TUESDAY AND EFEECT A GREAT SAVING Big Sale of New Shirt Waists Women's New Crepe and Voile Waists, plain, fig ured and striped, all with the deep turn-down collars. Splendid $1.50 and $1.75 values, reduced to 990 Fancy striped Wash Silk Shirtwaists, plain tailor ed effects, worth SI.OO and 4.50, will go in this great sale, at .. $298 Fine Silk Crepe de Chine Shirtwaists, $7 to SS,SO values, reduced to $498 Entire Rtoek of regular $2.00 Crepe and Voile Shirtwaists, will go in this sale, at . . $225 lien’s Neckwear Fifty dozen Men's fine S'ilk Four-in-Hand Scarfs, in all the newest pat terns, regular 500 values, will go Monday and Tties day, at, each .. .. 25 ( ’ Men’s Silk Socks, with linen heels and toes, in all the best colors, worth 39c a pair, at .. .. 250 A Veritable Flower Garden is Our Ribbon Section Radiant with a myriad of color rainbows—for every creation of the ribbon world that is to be at all popular is here in almost bound less profusion. Some of these sorts are- Satin Messalines, Chiffon Taffetas. Dresden Taffetas and Satin Taffetas, 4 to 6 inches wide, in all the best colors, regular 35c to 50c values, at, yard .. 19c Muslin Underwear Odd lots of Mus lin Drawers and Night Gowns, for little children, slightly soiled, worth 50c and 65c a garment, will go Monday at .. 190 Women’s Muslin Night Gowns, slightly mussed, from handling, reg ular 50c and 59c values, at .. 280 Women’s Scalloped bottom Petticoats, the kind you can't see through, worth 75c, at .. ..44C Amber Bead Necklaces Worth 50c, will go Monday, a t 25 c Big Specials in Hosiery Tomorrow, between the hours of 9 and 12 o’clock, we will sell our entire stock women’s $1.50 colored Silk Hose, black and white ex cepted, at, pair (limited) . 88 r ' Special lot of Women’s full regu lar made fast black Gauze Lisle Hose, will go Monday and Tues day, as a big leader, at, pair 250 Children’s superior fast black lxl ribbed Hose, at, pair .. IRC Children’s full regular made Socks, In white, black, light blue, pink and tan, will go all day Mon day and Tuesday as a special, at, pair 15C OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY DURING THE HOURS OF 1 and 4 O’CLOCK TO GIVE OUR EMPLOYEES A CHANCE TO VOTE ON THE BOND ISSUE. We arc going after the lion’s share of your Monday and Tuesday shopping, and if goods that are snappy and new, qual ities that are dependable; and prices that are below par, count for aught, then we will see you among the crowds that will throng the aisles of our store. And here’s a fact—every pur chase you make at this modern store will mean an actual sav ing of unusual proportions. Our supplies are drawn from the makers of Fashion, and you have before you individual styles that must not and cannot be confounded with “bargain stocks”, and still every offering is an incomparable bargain. Little Things at Bargain Prices Sylvia Embrolderey Floss, at, ball .. 4C Large box of regular 10c Hair Pins, for 5C Jet Hat Pins, worth 5c each, will go Mon day, at 20 Seven spools of J. & P. Coats’ Spool Cot ton for .. .. 250 English Cotton Tape, full 10-yard roll, for 70 All Silver Mesh Bags will go Monday at Half Price ,T. & P. Coats’ Darn ing Cotton, three balls for gC All Sorts of New and £ Q Pretty Parasols at, ... I•O -P You never saw a handsomer array of dainty, smart Parasols at this price than we’ve now arranged for your selection. It em braces such modish sorts as: Plain Taffeta and China Silk Parasols, in royal blue, green, navy and Copenhagen, with plain mission handles, regular $3.00 values, at $1 69 Children’s Fancy Japanese Tinseled Parasols, extra good 39e values special for this sale, at 19c Entire stock of Fancy Novelty Parasols, ranging In price from $5.00 to $7.50, will go Monday, at $3 75 SPECIAL VALUES DRESS GOODS Lubin’s Wool Crepes, full 45 inches wide, In popular colors, worth $1.60 a yard, will go In this sale, at .. . 890 Six pieces of black and white Shepherd Plaid Dress Goods, full 36 Inches wide, worth 39c a yard, special for this sale, at 25c French Serges, In navy, tan, grey, black and cream, full 45 Inches wide, our regular $1.60 quality, will go Monday, at, yard 94c Panama Skirting, also good for bathing suits, In black and navy, worth 39c a yard, will go Monday, at 250 Black Wool Voiles, 45 Inches wide, regular $1.50 quality, will go Monday, at, yard SPRUNG DRESS SALE Customary $6.50 Values Reduced to $3.98 Just the most Charming assortment of these delightful dresses conceivable. They express the craze and very latest features of the moment, developed In newest cotton and linen fabrics, employing the newest trimming whims. The dresses for every occasion. 6.60 values, at $3 98 Entire stock of our regular $3.25 Chamhray Street Dresses, will go In this sale, at, (limited) About ton very pretty Silk Dresses left from our great stock, prices range from $20.00 to $30.00, tomorrow they will go at Half Price, A few pretty House Dresses, made of zephyr ginghams and French Percales, regular $1.75 values, cut to VuC The Valuable Purple Stamps Are supplanting all other Trading Stamps among the discriminating stamp collecting public, because It Is recognized as the stamp of greatest value. In fact, It Is the only stump that has a cash redemption value of $2.50 for a full book. Tomorrow, we will give fifty stain]** on all filled hooks of Purple Sturm s that are redeemed for $2.60 worth ol merchandise before 12 o'clock. DOUBLE STAMPS GIVEN ON ALL PURCHASES EVERY DAY THIS WEEK ON ALL PURCHASES MADE BEFORE NOON. beautiful Laces Tho proof of the money-saving possibilities and up-to-dateness of mir Lace Department is seen in the great number of women who patronize it. They know. Now suppose you take the hint and save money yourself. Torchon Laces, pure linen, 2 to 4 inches whl(>, regular 10c to 15c values, on the bargain counter, at yard 4c 300 pieces of round thread and square mesh Val. lacoh, In a large variety of prolty patterns, wortli SIOO per dozen yards, will go in this sale, at, dozen .. .. ~44<: Special for Monday and Tuesday only, wo will sell choice of our entire stock of fine Shadow Laces at Three-Quarters Price Waterproof Silk Maligns Nets, In Tango, Copenhagen, Royal Blue, Nell Rose, Pink and Light Blue, worth 35c a yard, will go in this sale, at, yard 18^ White Ratine 90 pieces of 28-inch width white Ratine, the most popular skirt fabric on the market today, worth 35c a yard, will go monday, from 9 to 12 o’clock, at .. 100 (Limited one dress pat tern to each customer.) MERCERIZED ZEPHYR GINGHAMS. In plain colors and neat striped and checked ef fects, regular 15c quality, special for this sale, at, yard gC CRINKLED SEER SUCKERS In striped effects, regu lar 19c value, at, yard 12'/ a C $6.00 PER YEAR—S CENTS PER COPY. Extra Values at 5c a Yard 300 yards of regu lar 100 and \2%c wide White Lawn, 3 to 10 yd, lengths, on the bargain counter, at, yd. gC John P. King’s yard-wide Sea Is land, worth !%<•■ a yard, at .. .. gC 2,000 yards of extra good yard wide Percales, reg ular 10c value, 5 to 15 yard pieces, will go at, yard gC Good Cotton Towel Crash, worth 8c a yard, reduced to 50 TOWELS AND TABLE LINENS 100 dozen extra large size bleached Turkish Bath Towels regular H9e value, will go at, each 250 Large size linen Huck Towels, the kind sold around town In a regular way at 36c; special for Monday, at (limited) 190 Large size Union Huck Tow els, regular 15c value, will go at, each .. .. 100 30 pieces of extra good bleach ed Irish Linen Table Damask, 72 Inches wide, regular $1.25 value, reduced to, yard 880 Pure Linen Napkins, full size, worth $3 .75 a dozen, reduced to *2 78 Bleached Mercerized Napkins, hemmed, ready Tor use, regu for 98c value will go all day Monday and Tuesday, at, dozen .. .. 68C fIOME EDITION Sheets and Pillow Cases Greatly Reduced 80 dozen full standard extra large Btze Sheets, regular $1.19 value, will go Monday and Tuesday, at, each .. 78C Rxtra good 69c Sheets, 72x90 size, will go Mon day, at 39C Fruit of the Loom Pillow Cases, worth 25c each, will go Monday and Tues day, at .-18 C 300 dozen good soft fin ished Muslin Pillow Cases, worth 18c each, will go in this sale, at .-IOC 30 dozen very fine em broidered Pillow Cases, bought to sell at 85c a pair, will go In this sale, at, pair 55C Cretonnes 30 pieces of very pretty Cretonne Draperies, reg ular 29c quality, will go Monday and Tuesday, at, yard .. . 19C Entire slock of our regu lar 150. and 19e Sllkoltne Draperies, will go Mon day and Tuesday, at, yard .. .. IOC Wonderful Values in Silks Short lengths of Cheney Bro’.s finest Spotproof Foulard Silks, worth $1.25 a yard, will go Mon day to early shoppers, at . . 440 Yard wide Chiffon Taffeta Suits, In black and popular colors, will go Monday to early shoppers, at, yard 98C Come early. Entire stock of regular $1.25 Mes sßlinn Silks, will go all day Monday, at, yard (limited) 75C Underwear Women’s bleached ribbed Vests, with taped neck and sleeves, the kind that sells every where at 15c, will go In this sale, at, each go Women’s Fine bleached Lisle Union Suits, extra good 75c value, spe cial for Monday, at 500 Women’s Extra good bleached rib bed Union Suits, all sizes, regular 39c values, special for Monday and Tuesday at , 25C (Limited six to a customer). Corylopsis Tal cum Powder Worth 25c a box, a*. IOC Bed Spread Specials 100 extra good white Honeycomb Bed Spreads, the regular $1.60 quality, will go In this sale, at, each (limited) 890 Imported Marseilles Spreads, fringed and cut corners, regular $5.00 values, will go as a big laad er. *289 Large size light weight Dimity Bed Spreads, worth $2.35 each, special for this sale, at *149 Extra large size white Honey comb Bed Spreads, scalloped and fringed borders, cut corners, $3.00 values, will go, at, (limited) *lB5