The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, May 31, 1914, Home Edition, Page TWO, Image 26

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TWO CLASS DAY EXERCISES AT ST. MARY'S. During the Entrance March the class reached the stage.. Here, behind a profusion of blooms, the htuls of 1914, led by their beloved president, took their places. A* the soft rays of the rose-colored light fell upon the group, rohed in modest, lightsome, airy garments, that harmonized With the delicate flesh of their faces, which, tinted with tho heaven-tip pped blush of maidenly modesty, shone as pure and chaste as heaven’s own clouds; truly gems In the loveliest sotting—each stood alone— > her personality of Instant recognition, yet all blended Into an harmonic whole—a picture such as lifts the soul at.ay from earthly, fleeting things Into those which bear upon immortality. The Class History culled from reminiscences of the days pased in dear old St. Mary's revealed nothing but dsys spent In sunshiny weather that set the spirit free, and made the members of the class all that sensible girls hould lie; persons Intlmstely ac quainted with the arts and sciences— but above and beyond all, paragons of perfection In girlhood's fairest vir tues; Innocence, purity, obedience and humility. The Class Poem was a worthy por trayal of the good, the beautiful, and MARRIAGE INVITATIONS Reception and Visiting Cards CORRECTLY AND PROMPTLY ENGRAVED 0 SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO. Forty-sevfcn Whitehall Street Atlanta, Georgia IT IS ALWAYS COOL ST THE ATLANTIC BEACH HOTEL ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Over $60,000 ha* been spent on tho hotel tfhls your, until now It Is unsurpassed along the entire coast. Splendid table—cheerful rooms, with eurf bathing, eutomoblllng, dancing, pool, aro Just a few of the attractions offered you at this hotel. An hour’s ride from Jackson ville with 18 trains dally. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. 117 50 * wop lt tip, single room without bath. 3000 a wep k mp. two In room without bath. 25 00 a week up, single room with bath. 45 00 n week u®, two in room with bath. Booklet on request. H. M. STANFORD, Mgr. Votes in Herald’s Label Contest given on all Purchases. Greatest Sale of Women’s Garments and Millinery We have broken all selling records during this sale. The women of Au gusta have shown through their response that, they appreciate the values offered at this, Augusta's busiest woman’s shop We have planned for tomorrow the biggest day In our history - the price reductions will make It eo. We mention only n Tew reductions In this space. No matter what you want In Suits, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Underwear, Gloves and Milli nery; you'll find It here at greatly reduced prices. Crepe Dresses AT .$8.98 —Beautiful Figured Crepe Dress, In wide range of style* and colors; a woman must eee this dress to really appreciate lip beauty and charm; worth lots more than wo ask. Cpepe de Chine Blouses AT sZ9B—('harming Figured Crepe DBlouses; exquisitely made of splendid quality material; newest styles; White, Black, Millie, Flesh and Yellow; value SB.OO. extraordinary Sale of Separate Shirts Our representative again shows sound judgment and expert buying ability lu the purchase of these Skirt* They consist of Wool Crepes, Bat lues. Serges, (iriuiUes, Shepherd Checks, Plaids, Dice Checks, Stripes, Black and White Mixtures and Black and Navy—worked out In the new ef fort*. Tunics, Hippies and plain styles. Materials are the newest and best value* SIO.OO, Monday S 3 05 300 High-Grade Trimmed Hats, Worth Up to $lO, Choice for Monday GOLDEN BROS. Ladies’ Outfitters 1054 Broad St. SOCIETY NEWS the true by a genius In word painting —not the "Mere words" nor “More words," but In the kind words In the very last line. As the ancient enemies are now reconciled; the peace congress Is In want of a subject for debate. The Glee Club, as a theme, told how the songs of former days still linger In the music room; the lullabies are not found there—they were taken home—to he sung over the cradle— that they might soothe mother's spirit while they close baby's eyes. The (nStes Prophet seems to Judge the future by the present—Georgia, tho queen of song, is unlike the prophet of old —honored In her own country. I fancy the tenderness of Nurse f.amar has been a blessing to the class of 1916. When the allar fires In the soft, bright eyes shall have made Nellie mistress of a heart and home, I trust she will communi cate, the secret to Ruth and thus cause her to emulate her name-sake and become famous In Augusta. The pTopbat that caused Marlon to choose the b tter part may not have realized that too much forethought cannot be given to this most Important subject; for upon tho right selection future success and happlnes largely depend. H Is surely on honor to he classed with 'Such ladles to whom it Is given to A Continuation of the No such Millinery-buying opportunity hm ever be fore been offered by this or any other Augusta store —even at the season'* close Imagine your being able to pick from 300 chic Spring qtyles at less than the actual cost of labor employed In their trimming! That's your good luck Monday—smartest Shapes of Hemp, Fancy Itralds. Milan Hemp, etc., trimmed In flowers, silk ribbons and fancy feathers, all colors and black Hats thst have sold as high as SIO.OO In this $1.98 group ACT NOWI Trimmed Shapes Women's Trimmed Hats, in a number of very at tractive styles; regular prices ns high as $3.00; spe cial Monday, your choice 790 More Panamas We were fortunate in securing another big lot of those fine Panamas women have been buying so freely—every new style—best values ever of fered at #1 98 garden the arth with the roses of heaven.” May the seer be correct as to .Jessie's delight over her Intellectual growth— and her Joy In the growing strength of her spiritual sense. This Is life on Us highest plane. The class will show that even suffra gettes have a vein of humor. The reply of the suh-grads show apt pupils and lessons learned —but vaca tion comes before they can be prac ticed. A CHARMING OPERETTA. An enjoyable vent of the week was an operetta given by the music pupils of Miss Riches' at the North Augusta Hchool Auditorium on Thursday even ing, fur the benefit of the library. Hcforc the operetta, a vocal concert, consisting of the following numbers, was given: "Butterfly Time,” (Vernon), Miss D. Brigham. "The Little Cares," (Brewer). "The Fragrance of Roses,” (Barry), Miss ),. Duke. "Vilanelle," (Acqua), Miss L. Brad shaw. "Roses, Roses Everywhere,” (Tro teret. Miss B. Bredenberg. ‘‘Cowslips and Clover,” (Travalsa). "Sweetheart,” (Stewart), Miss X.. Duke, "When I Think of You," (Johnson)- "<> Time, Time,” (Monkton), Miss L. Brad;;', aw. "Spring’s Awakening," (Sanderson). 4''Now Sleeps the Crimson -Petal," (Quitter), Miss 1). King Jackson. Aft r the concert, the operetta, scenes from "The Merry Milkmaid," was charmingly rendered. Following Is Iho cast of characters: The Merry Milkmaids —Miss Julia Johnson, Miss Myrtle Whatley, Miss Dorothy Brigham, Miss Lucille Duke, Miss Mary Duke, Miss J. Lindsay, Miss Gladys McDaniel. Queen of the Milkmaids —Miss Daisy Jackson. A Lady—Miss Lena Bradshaw. Farmer .Tim -Mr. Frank Dulse. A Fortune Teller -Mrs. R. Stelling. Two Jolly Young Farmers—Rie( Higes and Wad Matllson. A Peddler E. Williams. The performance evidenced very careful vocal training. Miss Julia Johnson filled the leading role with FRECKLES Don’t Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Them With The Othine Preecription. This prescription for the removal qf freckles was written by a prominent physlolnn and Is usually so successful In removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that It is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund the money If It falis. Don't hide your freckles under a veil; get an ounce of othlno and re move them Even the first few appli cations should show a wonderful Im provement, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strentgth othine; It is this that la sold on the money-back guaran tee. Votes in Herald’s Label Contest given on all Purchases. 1 s FHE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. real artistic ability, and she was ably supported by the other members of the east. Especially charming was the per formance of the Milkmaid Queen and of Farmer Jim. The young milkmaids, in their quaint costumes, maid a charming stage picture, and thqjr choruses were specially sweet. IMPORTANT NOTICES. To the Club Women of Augusta: Borne of the retail stores have agreed to close from 12 to 4 o’clock on Mon day, in the interest of the bond elec tion. As this does not seem practicable to all of our merchants, we call upon every club woman In the city to do her shopping before 12 o’clock on that day, thus co-operating with the desire to give all employees an opportunity to , vote for this important issue. By order of the president. MARIE d'A. ALLEN, Corresponding Secretary Augusta Wo man's Club. CRAWFORD CALENDAR. Open on Tuesdays and Fridays from live to seven-thirty—Miss Ben net. Tuesday—Miss Catherine Callaway. Friday- Mrs. Henry Curnaivy. Friday morning, 11:30-—Topics Club. CRAWFORD MEETING AT 10 O’CLOCK. WILKENFORD NOTEB. The Children’s Carnival is over. The rain d d not come as usual, and It was a great success. We have many per sons to whom we wish to extend our eordlal thanks, but this will all be taken up at the June meeting on Tues day, 2nd, at eleven o’clock, Y. W. C. A. A lull attendance Is requested. PARENT-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. The Parent-Teachers Association of Summerville school will meet Tuesday afternoon at five o’clock at the school. All Interested are invited to be pres ent. The Kate Rowland Circle of the King’s Daughters will meet Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock at the home of the leader, Mrs. Anderson. All mem bers are requested in attendance. GRADUATING EXERCISES OF MOUNT ST. JOSEPH. Cards of invitation have been sent cut hy the Sisters and Graduating Class of 1914 to their graduating ex ercises of Mount St. Joseph, which will take place on the afternoon of Friday, Jiine 12th, at six o’clock at the adultorlum of the college, which will lie used for the first time. The young women to be graduated will lie: Miss Elizabeth Chapman, Miss Kohertelle Chapman, Washing ton. Oa„ Miss Ruth Daniel, Miss Katherine Doolan, Savannah, Miss Nellie Davenport. MR. AND MRS. JOHN S. NIXON ENTERTAIN FOR MI3S DANFORTH AND MR. DAVIDSON. Complimenting Miss Mary Anne Danforth and Mrs. Albert R. David son, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nixon en tertained a congenial party of friends at supper Thursday at their country home, the occasion proving very de lightful. In the party were: Miss Dan forth and Mr. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Irvin, Jr., Misses Anna Baker and Rada I.a mar, Miss Irene Von Katnp, Mr. Tom Barrett, Mr. Hugh Walker Mr. Alfred Martin. A REFRIGERATOR FOR THE CHILDREN’S HOME. Mrs. Hollingsworth Is In urgent need of a refrigerator for the Children's Home. The one they have been using is all to the bad and It Is very neces sary for obvious reasons that they have a new one. Ts some of Augusta's good citizens are sufficiently Interest ed In tills very practical charity that the Children's Home is carrying on on and will send Mrs. Hollingsworth at the Associated Charities, a contri bution towards the purchase of a re frigerator, It will be money spent In the right direction. MINAHAN-VERDERY WEDDING CARDS. Cards of invitation have been re ceived by Augusta friends from Mr. | and Mrs. William Minahan to the I marriage of their daughter Mary Hen j rtette, to Dr. Dee Walton Verdery on I Wednesday, June tenth, at high noon, !in Frockville, Penn. At home after July fifteenth, North Augusta, S. C. | IMPORTANT MEETING OF LADIES' MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. The Ladies’ Memorial Association will hold an Important meeting at the • residence of Mrs. John W. Clark, Mon day, June Ist. at 11 o’clock a. m. Indigestion? Can’t Eat? No Appetite? A treatment of Electric Bitters In creases your appetite; stops Indiges tion; you con eat everything. A I real spring tonic for liver, kidney and stomach troubles. Cleanses your whole system and you fee’, fine. Electric i Bitters did more for Mr. T. D. Peeblo’s stomach troubles than any medicine he ever tried Get a bottle today. 80c. and SI.OO, at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Eczema. YALE & TOWNE BUILDERS HARDWARE A complete line in stock to select from for Your New Home BOWEN BROS. 865 Broad Street. ANDREWS BROS. CO. 870 BROAD STREET DOUBLE STAMPS GIVEN BEFORE NOON The Last Call on Spring Wool and Silk Suits These Suits are far above the average in attrac tiveness of style y materials, colors, Timmings and linings. Wooltex Suits Included in This Sale. Moire , Taffeta , and Silk Poplin Suits , Come Under These Absurdly Low Clearance Prices $19.95, $21.95, $23.95 Silk and Wool QQ QC Suits, Now ...00-wJ $25.00 Silk and Wool QQ Q r Suits QU.UO A Few of Those Wonderful Silk Dresses Left for CHILDREN’S CAMBRIC DRAWERS, with hem and tucks above, E the pair OC Tailored Pique Skirts $ 1.50 $2.00 Flared Peplum Pique Skirts for $1.50 Long Peplum Pique, Ratine and Corded Ratine Skirts $2.50 to $6.50 LaGrecque Princess Slips HALF PRICE New Flaxon Waists for $1.98 Sheer, crisp waists, with roll collar, double box pleated in front with rows of thread buttons, full blouse find ki mona sleeves. See Furniture Ad on Front Page, First Section $37,50, $40,00, $42.50 Spring Wool &<M C flfi Silk Suits ...OIJ.UU Dresses Worth $25.09 and $30.00. Any woman who is bound for the seashore, mountain, North, East or West, will find one of the charming dresses just the thing. The materials and styles are up to the minute, and a black or service able shade is very necessary on a great many occa sions. When the Fall arrives and you liave a stylish dress to wear you will be doubly glad that you took advantage of this remarkable Dress Sale; you will have the satisfaction of looking well coupled with knowledge that the cost was wonder fully small. .$5, $5.95 and $6.50 no Dresses for yj+Jw+sO Crepe, woven striped crepe, ratine and voiles, this season’s styles in white and colors. Some are tailored with peplums for morning wear, others are thin with laces, embroideries and satin girdles. All are bargains for the price asked. Novelty Wash Dresses in all white with color ed girdles or white, tan, etc., with touches of color in embroidery or in ribbon for girdles. $32.50, S4O, $42.50, f\{\ $45 Dresses for *p<£Om\JU New Dresses of Net, Laces, Crepe and Voile with long peplums, some very fancy, others tailored for tubbing $6.50 to $25.00 $29.75, $32.50, $35.00 Spring Wool&Q 10 EQ Silk Suits ...ol£.dU $27.50 Spring and QIQ QE Wool Suits OSU.OJ $9.95 T W /\\ s' WiiilK : I i H ys 1 3 ! m 7 / WLi SUNDAY, MAY 31.