The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, May 31, 1914, Home Edition, Page FIVE, Image 29

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SUNDAY. MAY 31. F A MAN can write a better book, preach a better sermon or make a better mouse trap than his neighbor, though he build his home in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door"—Emerson. We built ours accross the street, where Quality, Reliability and Individuality reign supreme, the path to our door is well beaten, we want to keep it slick and not have it washed away* Recognizing as we do that Monday n KELLY is the better day of the week, we are willing however to make any sacrifice for the betterment and advancement of Greater Augusta and will close on Monday (Bond Election Day) from Noon 'till 4 p* m. as requested* FROM 8:30 ’TIL NOON Camisoles with half sleeve, shield can be attached to same without any discomfort; lace and crepe or lace and batiste. Sizes 34-44. Prices 59<*, FROM 8:30 ’TIL NOON Klosfit Petticoats Made of Italian Silk with wide or nar row plaitings of same, regular and out sizes. Fit without a wrinkle. Black and white. Price $4.95 FROM 8:30 ’TIL NOON Sateen Princess Slips Scalloped and buttonholed with the interlock stitch, double panel front, guaranteed not transparent. Size 34- 44. Price $1.98 KELLY’S DYER BUILDING Society EXPERIENCE. I have known sorrow; therefore, now I know The worth of laughter; I Jiave been betrayed, Tried in the crucible; utterly dis mayed; Henceforth w ! th Truth forever let me go. I have known men who poured on me their hate; Commencement Presents We have just now received special pur chases made of goods bought for com mencement gifts. Many new, novel and attractive sug gestions. We haven’t space for listing these, but request that you come and look them oV&r —you will be de lighted. SCHWEIGERT & CO. THE JEWELERS Pollow the Sound of the Rapid Fire Hammer, Look for the Skyscrapers, They’ll Lead You to Our Door. How closely now I cleave unto one friend! I have heard scandals; therefore, I dened The absent, when foul vultures dese crate. £ I have been blind to goodness; now I see The glory of her name, all names above. I have known Judas; therefore, give me love One hour and I will face Eternity —Charles Pinson Town, in Hunsey. MISS HILL’S SCHOOL PRESENTS THE PRINCESS. The closing exercises of Miss Hill's School took place Friday evening when Miss Carrie Murphy was pre sented with a diploma, the presenta tion having been made by Mr. Lawton B. Evans. Preceding the closing exercises a number of the pupils presented very beautifully a dramatization by Miss Hill of Tennyson’s Princess and so beautifully was the work of the young thespians that every one in the large audience was completely captivated. The role of the Prince was most ac ceptably filled by Miss Alice Davidson while the title role fell to Miss Cas sie Murphy. Other dealing charac ters in the cast were Miss Katherine Gumming, Miss Alice Card and Miss Margaret Johnson. BISHOP ELLIOTT SOCIETY. The Bishop Elliott Society will meet Monday afternoon at five-fifteen o'clock at St. Paul’s Parish House. PHILATHEAS TO MEET. The regular monthly meeting of the Philatheas will be held Monday night at St. Luke’s Methodist Church. Matters of Importance relative to the coming convention on June ICth, In Columbus, Ga., will be discussed, and all members are urged to attend. Each branch of the Philathea will send a delegate and Augusta’s rep resentatives will number ten. MRS. YATES ENTERTAINS SUPPER PARTY. Mrs. Yates, the very capable and efficient housekeeper of the Y. W. C. A., entertained the house boarders of the association Friday night with a supper at Lake View. The party went out in the late afternoon and after a picnic Bupper enjoyed the pleasures of the Park anl Lake. EPSILON PHI ENTERTAIN. The Epsilon Phi Fraternity gave one of tlielr delightful dances Friday night at the K. of P. Hall. An orches tra furnished the most entransing music, and the chaperones of the oc casion were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Westmoreland. AN APPRECIATION. (Contributed). While we may not all be soldiers on the battlefield, or do some great MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY The floodtide of opportunity is now at Kelly’s. We invite your careful attention to this announce ment—because we know there is opportunity for profit in it to every woman in this city. This is not a “Bargain Store.” The great merchandise currents that flow through it are of the reliable, de sirable goods that are bought in the regular way—and put in stock because of their high quality rather than low price. It is safe merchandise at regular price. It is extraordinary merchandise at a special price. FROM 4 P. M. TILL 6 P. M. We will place on sale our entire stock of Silk Dresses at HALF PRICE All this season’s stock in a varied assortment of ' styles and colors. Sizes 16 years to 44 inches. thing, yet ye may at least be loyal. Now and then, as wo pass along life’s journey, we find. Indeed, some one— though not rich in this world’s goods —who is a veritable picture of loyalty, and when we find such, a one, I think it well to mention it, not excluding the name of the party to whom the honor is due. About nineteen months ago, we read in our city papers of the death of Mrs. Kate Murphey, wife of Mr. Walter Murphey, county police. Mrs. Murphey resided about two miles from the city and died leaving two sons and Tour daughters to survive her. Since the mother died, one son has been almost an invalid, and the duties of both, home and farm fall upon the three older children at home, as the father is seldom at home. But while mother lies cold and life less In the grave, still these children have not forgotten to love and cherish her memory, and rise up and call her “Blessed.” They have —as so few young people now do—worked arid saved their earnings, little by little, until the little plot of ground where rests her body, has been made beau tiful, and a beautiful monument to her memory will be erected by their own hands in but a very little while, that they may try, at leapt, to show their gratitude to the Mother who loved them so well. Could Mother in her grave but know how faithful her children have been to care for her last resting place, and to do everything at home as “They think Mother would have It done," she would say, “My Children Have Done What They Could.” —A FRIEND. MRS. NEALL TO ENTERTAIN COTERIE. Mrs. Wilfred Neall will entertain the Thursday Coterie this week. White Footwear! This will certainly be a season of White Footwear. We’re going to sell more White Shoes this summer than ever before. We are showing the best White Shoes made. Ask to see our $2.00 and $2.50 Specials THE BOOTERY R. L. GARRETT, Manager THE AUGUSTA* HERALD. AUGUSTA, GA. “Where the Styles Are Shown First” PARENT-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Mrs. J. M. Wolfe wishes to say there will be no parent-teachers meet ing until after vacation. The meetings have been so poorly attended she thought it useless to call another meeting as there are so few school days before vacation. On September the 3rd, this being the Ist Thursday, the regular monthly meeting will be held. We hope to have every mother present, as this will be a business meeting. New officers will lie elected and new work planned. WOODLAWN PARENT-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION TO GIVE ENTERTAINMENT. An entertainment will be given at Woodlawn school for the benefit of the school library. There will tie re citations, songs and good music. This entertainment is gotten up by the parent-teachers association, and the teachers, and the teachers of the school. The entertainment will be in the auditorium Tuesday evening, June 2nd, from 8 to ll o'clock. Tickets 10c. and 15c. BUSINESS WOMAN’S CLUB TO HAVE REST ROOM. The Business Woman's Club will this week open a rest room at the Y. AV. C. A. which will fill a long felt want. It Is the Idea of this thoughtful organization to have a cool comfortab ly furnished room, with restful chairs and couches, so that any tired mem ber of the Y. W. C. A. or any business woman In Augusta who is worn out and tired and base the time can drop in and rest for a half hour or so until she is sufficiently refreshed to again take up her duties. This will prove very attractive to the young women who take their dinners at the Associa tion, in this way giving them a place to rest either before or after. Room No. 11 is being fitted up for this pur pose. HEBREW LADIES AID SOCIETY. The regular monthly meeting of the Hebrew Ladies Aid Society will be Nervous Emotional Dizzy | Depressed # Mrs. Addle Curtninger, of Cedar St., Cairo, 111., wrote Doctor Pierce me follow a t “I Bond 31 cents for your Com mon Sonso Medical Advisor’ for my daughter who hna recently married and I k now the book will be of much value to her. I have read and used f<»r 26 years the valuable treatments contained in the ‘Medical Adviser* and have taken many bottles of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, and have been restored to health each time I used it. It is a great remedy for women as a strength builder, fine for the nerves and general health." Dyer Building. SUMMER RATES On June, July and August. Either or Both Courses, Phone 671 or 1410 at Once. A Delightful Trip For Sunday Afternoon DOWN THE SAVANNAH RIVER. Steamer Chappelle leaves the City Wharf (Center and Bay Streets) every Sunday Afternoon at 3 o’clock, returning at 7 p. rn. Good Music and Rerfeslnnents on board. Just the place to go with your Mother, Sister, Wife or Sweetheart. Strift enforcement of good order. No Intoxicating Liquor allowed on the Boat. 25c—Round Trip—2sc WE GIVE PURPLE STAMPS held on Thursday of this week, instead of Wednesday as Is usual, at four thir ty o’clock at the residence of Mrs. S. Lesser. WOMEN who are restless, with constant change of position, “fidget iness,” who are abnormally excitable or who experience fainting or dizzy spells, or nervoui headache and wakefulness are usually ■uffcreri from the weaknesses of their sex. DR. PIERCE’S Favorite Prescription is the soothing, cordial and womanly tonic that brings about an invigorating calm to the nervous system. Overcomes the weakness and the drag ging pains which resemble the pains of rheu matism. Thousands of women in the past forty years can bear witness to its benefits. Your dealer In medicine* flell. It In liquid or migar coated tablet form; or you can aond 60 nne-cent aUimpa for a trial Imx of Ur. Pierce‘% I-'uvorita Prearrlption tablet*. Addreen Dr. V. M. Pierce, invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce’a Pleasant Pellats Regulate end Invigorate Stomach, Liver and Bowels, Ssgar-Coatad Tiny Grannies. FROM 8:30 ’TIL NOON Shirt Waists .lust received another shipment of the much talked about Waists,entirely dif ferent from anything we have had, sizes 34-46. Price 98^ FROM 8:30 ’TIL NOON Walking Skirts Rice Cloth, Pique, Cotton Patino in white, and black and white, very latest novelties in fabric and styles; all sizes wanted. Price, each $1.25 to $2.50 FROM 8:30 ’TIL NOON A Summer Thought First glimpse of the new lingerie dresses. It requires no second tit ought to impress you witli the fact that the observation you make will be keenly interesting and instructive. Prices $3.98 to $49.00 KELLY’S DYER BUILDING DROPSY SPECIALIST Ufamily glvo ciul. k relief, have entirely relieved many seemingly hopeless cases. Swelling and short breath eoon gone. Often gives entire relief In 15 to 25 days. Trial treatment sent ftee. DR. THOMAS E. GREEN Successor to Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons Box P Atlanta, Qa, SUITS $ll.OO $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 All Wool and Silk. No matter what others offer you, we have finer goods for less money. F. 6. HeRTINS THE TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. FIVE