The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 01, 1914, Home Edition, Page TEN, Image 10

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TEN 4% —™ E —4% Planters Loan &. Sayings Bank 705 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Organized 1870 UPON THE ROCK OF 44 YEARS DAILY EXPERIENCE, this Institution has huilt its well-earned reputation for SOLIDITY, STRENGTH AND SAFETY Thousands of our people re rtlfy to a happy exporii-nrp here, and give Jußt credit to this hank for the such a* of themselves and their children. In their effort to acquire financial Independence. OUR BEST FACILITIES ARE OFFERED to those seeking bnnk connections, and no eflort is spared to enhance the Interest of our depositor*. WE SOLICIT THE ACCOUNTS or careful, conservative peo ple, and Kive the name caretul attention to Mirmll accounts as to the larger ones. SAFETY LOCK BOXES in five different sizes. $3.00 to $20.00 per year. DEPOSITS MAY BE MADE BY MAIL. Our Mailing Department has been established with great care and the accounts of depositors living out of town are handled wHh accuracy and dispatch. L. C. HAYNE, President. GEO. P. BATES, Cashier. NEW ENTRIES IN SHOWER OF GOLD Biq Bonus Given For Each S3O On Subscriptions Turned in Before June 9th, at 10 O’clock P. M. PLENTY OF ROOM FOR NEW CANDIDATES. They Should Enter While the Contest is Yount? —Full De tails on Another Paj?e. Watch The Wednesday’s Paper for The Standing of Candidates. At the Bonlto today. Visit the Donlto today. The The following faces will greet you from the screen: Miss FranelH Mne Mock and Master Charles Ham bo. . It In not too latn to enter your baby In the Shower of GoUl Contest n-«w being conducted by The Augusta Herald. Aa a apodal Inducement for m u entriea. the manager of the Shower of Gold Department an nounces what la known mm the "Op portunity Offer.” which Ih fully ex plained on another pane of this Issue. Every mother In Augusta should turn to this •nnouncmnwit and read It carefully Those who hav ■ not en tend their baby’s n.ime should lose no time In 'doing so. Read the Announcement and then write to the Shower oT Gold head quarters and let us lake u picture of the baby, After this Is done, see all the babies’ reuUlvct a d pel them to ltl\e their tuhscrip ton Every sills script ion conus tor .» certain number of votes and (firing Opportunity Offer for every 130 on Mibrerlptlcms s lilr bonus ballot of 450,000 extra votes Is given One of these Hr Uillots will place your baby In the lead, so pn\ no attention to the few thousand votes that some of the candidates may bave to their credit in the stnmlltiß, aa published In the paper. In less than a day, any sctfve mother can enter and pans any htihy now in the race The Conteat is Young. This race U now in Its Infancy, but Is going to fairly hum at the close of this period. It may mean the sac rifice of some time and a little labor on the part of the mothers to Rain the coveted title for the little dar ling, hut they know that in the end. If the . are silo esaful, the reward will well he worth the effort. To have vour little darling elected as the most popular Imby tn Augusta oi vicinity, through the medium of thl enterprise, will have the effect of placing it on tile social plane equal to tbal of any other little cherub In this locality, and it* fame will be heralded Telephone Bell!” || 1 And more than likely you're busy with * | JK* «*“•*» ° r U> * •«*“« important | But you've got to go to that telephone.—end the stair* I] have got to be climbed, whether you like It or not. f ] Now you don't try to get along with one water faucat, U why with one telephone? Why not have an Kxtenalon Wall IJ | T elephone to bring tbe calls to you? • } Save the wearing tramp up stairs, or down. Hava a Bell Telephone at your elbow, always. 11*00 per mooth in residence*. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY afar. In addition to the distinguished honor wtitcu Is io uu coniorred upon some baby on June 29th, the tJerald Is going to give substantial prizes in gold which will be given to lue win ning contest, ime iin nied lately upon the close oi this enterprise. Let's an get busy now lot that little ray of sunshine. Organize a systematic campaign, interest all your relatives, your irienus and your neighbors in the success of your little favorite, making the work done In its beliuU us lar-reactilng as possible. Act Uultk—‘ tart Riynt Now. If you should be one of those In whose hands no subscription book inis yet been placed, see io tills most Important matter at once, and call upon or let the Sluiwtr ol Gold mum ager call upon you. This race Is Juki now In its hrst stage, but. If you are not up and doing without further de lay, you will awake shortly and ilnd that the tide of battle hiiH swept ruth lessly by you, leaving you far iu the rear, There are elgns of an unusual activ ity among tne workers In district Nos 2, and which Includes all that territory outside of Augusta. There it an exceptionally line Held in this ilia hjci and it Is already predicted that the "country cousins'' will make i. t keenest kind of a race for first hon ors. Have Paper Started at Any Time. A number ol inquiries have come to this office In regard to taking out the subscription and having it started at another time. This can he done and the votes will be issued on all orders of this kind. Many who are now taking another paper wish to dla i i.ntluue It at some date and do not wish to have another paper started until their time expires on the olio I hey are taking at the present time. In such cases just let ua know Hie dale the subscriber wants the paper accordingly and the votes will he Is suid as soon as the money for tile subscription is received. How the Prizes Are to be Distributed. The first prize Is $50(1 in gold. Tills will make a nice little bank ac count for the baby who has the high est number of votes in the entl - con test at the close. The second grand pi l/e is $:tX5 Sc ripps- Booth Cycle Car, io lie given to the baby having the next highest number of votes, regard lens of district. The third grand prize o $;!(K) in gold goes to Ihe baby who rankß next in number of votes, while the fourth grand prize of S2OO wi I be given to that baby who comes fnuith in the number of votes. In each dlstrlot there are a number of prizes to he awarded after the grand prizes are given. The first district prize is a $l5O pony and cart, which goes to that baby who has the greatest number of votes In each district. The next district prize Is a $75 Columbia Grafonola one to each of the distrlcta and will he given to the babies who cotne next. The third district prize Is a S3O Baby Buggy to each of the three districts. The baby who ranks third i> the number of votes will gel this prize. Then cornea the fourth district prize, which is h s|n purse of gold to a baby In each district who comes fourth In number of votes. Now, after ail these prizes are given, there are four prizes of $5 Savings Bank Accounts for each of the three districts which will be giv en to the next four hahles, according to number of votes. FUNERAL TODAY LIEUTJATCHER Faithful Police Officer Passed Away Yesterday Morning After Three Weeks Illness. A shadow of gloom was cast over the entire police department of Au gusta yesterday morning by the death of Lieutenant Edward B. Hatcher, whose serious Illness for the past three weeks has been the constant concern of his fellow officer*. Not only has the department lost a close friend and valued member, but the city at large feels In the death of Lieutenant Hatcher the taking away of a poular and highly tieloved man. Funeral Thi* P. M. The funeral services will be held at 5:30 o’clock this afternoon from his residence, corner of Walton Way and Druid I’ark avenue. The interment will he made at the Pity cemetery. The active pallbearers will be the police sergeants: Watkins, Hardeman, Mt-Ardle, Quarles, Elliott and Spauld ing. The honorary pallbearers will be Hon. Jacob Phlnlzy, Chief George P. Elliott. Messrs. George W. Wright, K. M. Wilder, B. A. Pendleton, E. J. Lyon and Warren Walker, the five members of the civil service commis sion; ('apt. S. E. Grubbs, Messrs. J. J. Saxon, W. M. Fulcher and S. S. Schwoozwel**. Thu deceased ts survived by hiß wife, who was Mrs Annie V. Mills be fore tier marriage; a brother, Mr. Wal lace W. Hatcher, of Port Worth, Tex., and four slgJ-ers, Mrs. Annie Blount and Mrs. A. K. Young, of Atlanta; Mrs J, II Reese, of Shell Bluff, Ga., and Mrs. Hym Crouch, of this city. Born in Burke. 'Lieutenant Hatcher was horn In Burke county, Ga.. October 20th, 1856. He was a member of the Woodlawn Baptist church. His career with the Augusta police department began 29 years ago. when he was elected as pri vate Since that day he strove to do the duty of a police officer and won admiration in and out of the depart ment as a faithful, courageous and dutlous officer. He climbed the lad der step by step, first serving as a sergeant and then through his effi ciency winning the promotion as lieu tenant, In which capacity he served for three years. In point of service Lieutenant Hatcher was one of the oldest officers on the police force here. His long service with the department together with his ability to raise himself to the position of lieutenant gave him a knowledge, such as nn efficient police officer must have, that few possess. He knew his business and always stuck strictly to It. He was liked by all classes wdth whom he came in touch dally because of his fairness and Justice to all. It mattered not wheth er a man was of rank or not, If In the hands of Lieutenant Hatcher, duty was done. CASINO AT THE LAKE OPENS THIS EVENING “The Girl of the Golden West” The Attraction. Shows at 7:30 and 9:15 P. M. The Ciislno nt Lake View Park, Mr. Ed Benson, manager, opens tonight with the OollenHtein Musical Comedy Company, a theatrical troup of six teen people, reputed to he one of the largest companies traveling this sec tion. The show tonight will be "The Ctrl of the Golden West.” Formal announcement of the open ing of the Casino for the summer sea son was made In Sunday’s Herald and was read with a great deal of inter est. There are many ~>oople In Au gusta who are delighted to know that again the Casino has been put Into operation. Tho public generally will he more thart ordinarily Interested, however, tn the announcement by Manager Benson that strictly high class attractions will lie booked for the Casino this summer, and that the theatre w..l only cater to tho very- best class of people. Two shows are given every night— one at 7:30 and the other nt 9:ls. There will also he matinees at the usual hour. The admission prices are 10 and 20 rents HONOR JEFF DAVIS’S BIRTH ON WEDNESDAY Exercises Will Be Held at the Court House at 6 O'clock. Splendid Program Arranged. The anniversary of the birthday of Jefferson Davis, the first president of the Confederacy, will be celebrated in Augusta next Wednesday, June 3d, by fitting exercises at the court house by the Children of Confederacy and the Daughters of the Confederacy. According to the annual custom on Memorial Day. April 26th; Robt K.'s birthday. January 19th, and Da vis' birthday, crosses of honor will he given descendants of Confederate soldiers deserving them. The exercises Wednesday will he held In the Daughters of Confederacy Hall and will consist of music, both Instrumental Rnd vocal. There will h« addresses made by Hon. S. L., Olive anti Hon. J. Rice Hmitli. A featuie of the program will he a comet solo by Mr. Robt. Sikes The exercises will begin at 6 p m. The public is Invited. HIBERNIANS TO HAVE PICNIC AT BERZELIA President John J. Callahan Makes Arrangement for An* nual Outing. rrosident T ->hn J. Callahan, of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, has made arrangements to take the Hi bernian* up to Hersella for a day's ■ lit mi; in the near future. The Ber sella picnic grounds have long been famous and the Hibernian* will un doubtedly have a splendid time, THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. MOTHER GOMES TO DAUGHTER’S RESCUE When, Daughter Thought, Every Avenue of Escape Closed, Mother Came to Rescue. Louisville, Ala. —In referring to her recent troubles, Mrs. Bessie. E. Bruce, of this town, says: "After childbirth. I suffered greatly with wasting, and various womanly troubles, and was in bed for six weeks. Half the time, I could not move, only when I was turn ed over by some one. Oh! how I suf fered, no one knows. I wiy-t told that I would have to go through an operation, but at the time of the operation, I was too weak to undergo it, and I decided there was no chance for me. As a last resort, my mother advised me to try Cardul, the woman's tonic, and my husband bought me a bottle. 1 could tell from the first that It was doing me good, and by the time I had taken the first bottle, I could stand on my feet. I got another bottle, and before I had taken It up, I was just about well. The pains all stopped, and in a short while I was able to do my work. I know that Cardui saved my life, and 1 would not be without it in the house. I almost waited too long, and l advise all suffering woVnen not to wait, but to begin taking Cardui at once." Your druggist soils Cardui. Get a bottle today. CONFIDENT OF EVANS GOING TO CONGRESS Mr. Robert M. Martin, Cam paign Secretary, is Confident That Evans Will Win. Mr. Robert M. Martin, secretary of the A. ,W. Evans congressional cam paign committee, was In the city yes terday and he says that he is quite sure that Mr. Evans will win the race for congress this year over all oppo nents. Mr. Martin Is a former news paper man and is a relative of Mr. Evans. He claims the counties of Washington, Wilkinson, Jefferson, Glascock, Warren, I.tncoln and Talia ferro with a total of IB votes In the electoral college, which will be enough to win. Mr. Martin says that he has been through these seven counties and Is certain that Mr. Evans will carry them all. Mr. Evans himself will be here on the Bth Inst. BROTHER OF AN BIG LOUISVILLE BANKER Mr. Earl S. Gwin Chosen Pres ident American National Bank. Started as Bank Mes senger at $3 Per Week. Mr. Earl S. Gwln. a brother of Mr. Thomas J. Gwln, of Augusta, presi dent of the Second National Rank of New Albany. Ind., has been chosen president of the American National Jtank of Louisville. Ky„ one of the largest hunks In the Kentucky city. Mr. Gwln is only 39 years of age and he began work for the Second National as a messenger boy at $3 per week. Mr. Gwln is ex-president of the In diana Rankers' Association and one of the most prominent men in that sec tion of the middle west. New Albany Is Just cross the Ohio river from Lou isville, Ky. SEVERE STORM STRUCK MATTHEWS SUNDAY P. M. Matthews, Ga.- —One of the worst storms hit Matthews and community In the history of the county. It com menced at 3:55 Sunday afternoon and lasted 38 minutes. Considerable dam age done. Vehicles were Mown away, car boxes on the sidetracks were wrecked, residences were damaged: the beating rain ruined household and kitchen furniture. Hall was heavy at one Ume. but no damage was done by It that can be learned of at this time. The estimate on'the dnmage done by the storm has not been determined as yet but Is considered to be consider able. Other communities, to the south of Matthew*i, affected by the storm have not been heard from, as the wires are down and communication Is sus pended for the present PER FEC TWE A T H EfTfO R OLD DOMINION TENNIS Richmond. Va. —Perfect weather gives promise of a brilliant June week for the Old Dominion Tennis Tour nament. which was scheduled to open at 2:30 p m. today and to continue through Saturday on the "sandpa pered courts of the Virginia Country Club. The winner of the ladles' sin gles will meet Mrs. Constance Sulli van of Richmond for the challenge cup. The winner of the men's singles wilj meet Dr. Nat Thornton of Atlanta fqf the challenge cup. Gat Rid of Your Rhoumatiam. Now la th# time to get rid of your rheumatism. You can do tt If you apply Chamberlain's Liniment. W. A. lock hard Homer Cltv N. Y„ writes: "Igist spring I suffered from rheuma tism with terrible pal na In my arma and shoulders. I got a bottle of Cham berlain's Hutment and the first ap plication relieved me. By using one bottls of it 1 was entirely cured." For sale by all dealers. _ EXCURSION TO TYBEE SUNDAY Initial Sunday Excursion of the Season Was a Fine Success. A Large Number Made the Trip. Engine 1605, of the Central of Geor gia Railroad, with seven coaches well filled with pleasure anticipating ex cursionists, pulled out of the Augusta union station at 6:50 o’clock yesterday morning, making the initial one of those Special Summer Excur sions that the Central of Georgia is noted for; has been operating for twenty or more years successfully, Judging by the patronage from Au gusta and all along the line. The trip yesterday was all to the good and despite the fact that Jupi ter Pluvlus has not been operating his watering cart along the road bed of the Central of Georgia in many weeks (until late last night down about Mil len) the dust was conspicuous by its absence, and caused many on the spe cial to wonder at same. The schedule was maintained to a dot, and, accord ing to promise, at 11:30 a. m. (Au gusta time) No. 1605 shut off steam in the Central station at Savannah. At Dover three well filled coaches of excursionists were attached to the special. These folks came from Dub lin, Statesboro and way points. The Central, also, operated a special from Macon of seven or eight coaches. Although the resorts on Tybee Is land have been in full blast for some weeks, yesterday may be said to have been the opening day of the seashore season, hundreds of Savannah people, besides the up-country visitors, going to the island during the day. The Central, on its Tybee division, oper ates hour trains on Sunday, and the road had all it could do to handle the vast crowds who sought the ocean yesterday, trains of ten, twelve and fifteen coaches being run during the afternoon. The beach was as full of bathers as an ant-hill with a lump of sugar In its center is of ants in the afternoon hours. The amusement re sorts reaped a carnival of coin, ev erybody seeming to be trying to get rid of their money one way or another, and the opportunities were galore. Rural School Notes : The majority of the rural schools of Richmond County' closed their session on Friday, the 299th. In a few instances, particularly in the 119th and 123rd districts, they will continue until the 12th of June. The grammar school held Its closing exercises on Thursday evening, the 27th. The school enjoyed a picnic outing at Carmichael’s Club on Friday. Mr. P. S. Carmichael Is principal, with three assistants, and has In his charge the children of the orphan age located there. The Hood’s Arbor School, with Mr. Willard Holley as principal, and Miss Eva Bankman as assistant, held Its closing exercises on Thursday- evening with a very nicely arranged progrom, suitable for the occasion. This Is the largest rural school in the county. The Blythe School, with Mr. J. J. Cornell as principal, and Miss Sadie Reese as assistant, picknicked at Lake View on Friday. The enrollment here has made a desired gain over last year. The Pine Hill School had their pic nic on Saturday on their school ground, as did the Berlin Se.hooln while the Mechanic Hill and Mcßear Schools united with their picnic at Mcßear. The Evans Academy will close on June 12th. Their custom is to have their annual picnic at Lake View Park. Miss Sue Reynolds, who has had charge of the Rocks School for 40 years, has, during all this time, ob served what Is known as chili ren’s day on the fourth Sunday In May. Her programs are always of the high est order, and this year excelled any ever before. Several prominent citi zens of the county were presnt, among those, Supt. L. B. Evans. Pupils and teachers are looking for ward to their vacation wfltih much pleasure. The Institute for the rural teachers wil be held at the Tubman Itigh School during the first week of Sep tember. BUCHU PUTS LIFE AND VIGOR IN KIDNEYS Don’t Have Backache, Clogged Kidneys, Spots Before the Eyes—Try Famous Old Folks’ Recipe. No more bone pains, aching back, headache, puffy eyes, swollen legs, of fensive urinous odors, diabetes, cloudy urine, or frequent desire to urinate. Try the following: Stop eating sweets or sugar. Get from any reliable drug gist a good-sl*ed bottle of Stuart s Rucbu and Juniper. Take a spoonful after meals In a glass of water. Kid neys and Bladder will then act fine and natural. A well-known authority ears this Is the best kidney and bladder recipe, but the only sure way is for you to try it yourself. This treatment has cured thousands of sufferers where all other remedies have failed. Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper Compound won’t make you feel sick when you take It, but tones you up. Stuart's Buchu and Juniper Compound acts directly on the urine through the kidneys. It keeps the blood healthy. It strengthens the neck of the bladder. It regulates the kidneys and does away with back ache and *ll disagreeable symptoms If discouraged with other medicines try this famous old folks' recipe Be sure you get Stuart's Buchu and -unl as Btuart'a Is properly compound ed for kidney trouble. Was Ever Such an Op portunity to Save Money in Augusta? If you don’t like the Prices quoted on anything in Speth’s Entire Stock Tell Us How Much You Will Give For It. Make a bid. No reasonable offer on anything in the entire house will be refused. Everything in the House MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEIL Come here early tomorrow morn ing, go through and pick out what you can use, make a bid as a whole or on each separate article, and if it's fair, you can take the lot, pro vided, of course, you bring the money, as this sale is strictly for cash. No C. O. D's., no approvals, no Stamps. Just simply a sale of what you want at your own price* L. P. SPETH MONDAY. JUNE 1,