The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 07, 1914, Home Edition, Page FIVE, Image 29

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SUNDAY. JUNE 7- HIE WINS IDE 41IICE Bronze Yacht Defeats the Resolute on Long Island Sound. Contests Next Week Off Sandy Hook. Rye, N. Y. —The bronze yacht Van itie turned the tables on her rival, the Resolute, in the fourth Long island Sound race sailed today, winning by five minutes, fifty-two second in elapsed time. As the Vanitie gives the Resolute an estimated allowance over the 39 3-4 miles course, of three minutes and 1! seconds, the Vanltie’s margin was believed to have been two min utes and fprty seconds. The race was a fairer test than Tuesday’s contest, which was regard ed as more or less of a fluke, and which the Vanitie won by 16 minutes and 48 seconds. Both yachts were slow in starting and both were handicapped. Fifteen minutes after the start on the first leg the Vanitie went by the Resolute. The lead Increased until the fourth leg, when the Resolnt re covered two minutes. After passing the Resolute on the first leg, the Vanitie luffed around the first mark I! minutes and 19 seconds to the good. The Vanitie increased her lead to six minutes and 14 seconds at the sec ond mark. The Resolute picked up two min utes after passing the third mark. At the fifth mark the Vanitie was five minutes and 18 seconds to the good On the last leg the Vanitie pulled away still further and sped across the finish line in a consistent winner. There will be three open sea con tests next week off Sandy Hook. - g- The world was called a stage When Queen Bess ruled her realm. But in this swifter age It's just a picture film. —Louisville Courier-Journal. Jail Visitor —You say that for books brought you here, my poor man. Prisoner —Yes, mum —pocketbooks. —Exchange. “Land of the Sky” HOT SPRINGS MINERAL BATHS AND MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL J65.P00 has been spent recon structing and refurnishing this idea] summer resort. Golf, riding, tennis, swimming pool. Write for booklet. H. W. FOSS, Mgr. Late Tampa Bay Hotel. THINK OF US When In Need of Drugs, Patent Medicines 'Toilet Articles, or anything kept in a First-class Drug Store. ,YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECI ATED Phone 2214 and we will send for yoor prescriptions and deliver promptly. Randall’s Pharmacy 620 Campbell Bt. TRY KENNY’S TEA and COFFEE If you want Teas and Coffees to suit your taste, Kenny will blend them for you in haste. Now is the time to serve tea with ice. You will find our CHEON to be very nice. All varieties of Teas, from 40C to per pound. OUR PRICE IS RIGHT Cheon 50C per lb. Baker’s Chocolate... .32c per lb Granulated Baker’s Cocoa.. . 20C per %-lh. Su Kar SI 20 per 25 lbs. High Grade C0ffee...250 per lb C. D. KENNY COMPANY 1048 BROAD STREET. PHONE 601 ALL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. Ice, Fruits, Vegetables, Groceries ICE—22 12-lb. TICKETS FOR SI.OO. Just phone 1846. FRUIT—AII kinds of choice ripe fruit always on hand. Free delivery. VEGETABLES —A complete line of choice fresh Vegetables. Anything to be had in the Au gusta market. Free delivery. _ GROCERIES Complete line of staple Gro ceries. Free delivery anywhere. CHICKENS and E GGS—Fresli every day. It is to your interest and mine that vou phone me before making your purchases. A FEW SPECIALS FOR CASK, AND FOR MONOAY ONLY Best self rising flour, 24 lb. sack 75<* Best water ground meal per peck .. .. Fine Grits, per peck 30^ Hand packed Tomatoes, 3 lh, cans, 3 for . ,25<* 10c bottle Catsup, 3 for 25<* All goods delivered free to every part of city. J. L. RADFORD Phone 1846. 15 East Boundory. ONLY TEN FIRST MTEJIPK Good “Arbitrators of the Diamond” Are Scarce—No Dead Heat Decisions. Mr. Franklin, through the Charlotte News, has the following to say in re gards to “umps”: “Good umpires are rare. In the whole country there are not more than 10 first rate ones. The combination of keen eye, nimble lirain and cold nerve is not a common one. The umpire is chain lightning of baseball. His de cisions are rendered in the fifth part of a second; he renders them knowing he must stand by them afterward, no matter what happens. Every man inside the fence, whether blinded by prejudice or loyalty to home team, sees the same things and therefore feels that he has a right to his own opinion; but the umpire is the one man who is paid to know what he sees. V The prize fight referee sometimes has to decide which boxer won a hard battle. He has had time in which to review the situation; the w'hole mov ing picture of the light stretches back ward in his memory. Should the choice prove a difficult one there is always the comfortable middle ground —the draw decision, in which neither man wins or loses. The baseball um pire can render no draw decisions. The man is safe or he is out. When two race horses come nodding down to the wire and two noses flash by the first so close together that a linger breadth means thousands of dollars to the backers, the race track judge may fall back on the dead heat. The baseball umpire has no dead heats. Watching foot and ball, he must know which one was first. He can confer with no one. Right or wrong, the judgment must be made in the twinkling of an eye.” TRAINING FOR OLIPJCJMS Walter Knox, Canadian Run ner, Getting Ready to Help Britain Recover Lost Athletic Prestige. London. —Walter R. Knox, the Ca nadian runner who has charge of the training of prospective Olympic cham pions in England, is getting ready to help Britain recover her lost athletic prestige at the Berlin Olympic games in 1916. The task will be a colossal one, for we have been told frequently enough since the Stockholm games, two years ago, that British athletic ability has dwindled to the lowest pos sible ebb. But there Is hope. Britain does not wish to be the laughing stock of the athletic world. Knox is to make a great effort to produce a team of athletes capable of winning back honors which were once Britain s own. He has been engaged by the Amateur Athletic Association HOTEL RUDOLF, « Atlantic City, N. J. On the ocean front. Always open. Capac ity 1,000. American ana European p ans Hot and cold fresh and sea water In all baths: running water in guests' rooms. Broad Verandas commanding view of ocean and connecting with the famous Board Walk. Case Rudolf is one of the big attractions. Superb orchestra; after noon and evening dancing. A. S. Rukeyser, Mgr. Joel Hillman, Prea Good quality Rice, 20 lbs. for .. .SI.OO Best head Rice, 17 pounds for .. ..SI.OO Granulated Sugar, 20 pounds for . .SI.OO Fresh Country Eggs, per dozen 25^ Scene From “The Country Girl,” at the Bijou All of This Week One of the biggest musical comedy hits that ever traveled this section. ‘“The Country Girl," opens at the Rtlou Mondav. The star comedian olderi iS hit irodUCtlon 18 ljeW Ml er ’ ’ vao takes the * mrt <)f “Hiram Gree i.” His expression; “Oil, What Do You Want?" will prove a most de- Since the show started there have been a number of additions that make it oT the highest class in every particular. There ia a apocialtv ed as onnrlhe ?eVure S o^the "production rU ° n SißtCrß thEt i 8 Bald *° he B,n,p,y « rw,t Bert Byeratßdt > %ith hls vio »" is advertls expected d <nrder at S the°B and 18 Pxl ' ected t 0 Prove still more popular on the return engagement. Packed houses are to teach runners how to sprint prop erly; run a mile, stay a distance, and win a marathon; to show athletes how to jump and put the shot, and how to vault with the aid of a pole, the lat ter a practically unknown art here. Much Opposition. There was much opposition when this Scottish-!’anadian athlete was apoplnted, but there can he no doubt as to his qualifications for the po sition. Only a year ago he won the all round professional championship of America, in which he had to contest ten events, while he gained similar honors in Canada as an amateur. He wanted a match with big Jim Thorpe, the hero of Stockholm, whose honors were afterwards taken from him he cause he was declared a professional, but the Indian could not find the time.” As a practical man, therefore, Knox has gained much knowledge.during the 15 or 16 years he has been connected with athletics. And to practice what he preaches Is to he his policy of the future, for he intends, by demonstra tion, paarticultyly in field events, to create enthusiasm for the sport. He has a tough proposition before him for there is no re-enthusiasm for athletics here. SOUTHERN LEAGUE >4 Gull* Win Two. Chattanooga Tenn.—Mobilo defeated Chattanooga in both games of a doublc dcaer here yesterday. The second game wn* called in the sltxh Inning 10 allow Mobile to catch a train for New Orleans (FIRST GAME.) Score by tunings; R. H. E. Mobile oot 001 600 9 1 Chattanooga 000 110 000—2 6 1 Batteries: Hogg and Clark; Harding and Street. (SECOND GAME.) Score by Innings: R H E Mobile 200 000—2 7 0 Chattanooga 001 000—1 5 0 Batteries: Gudger and Schmidt; Sline and Graham. Crackers Win Again. Atlanta, Ga.—Atlanta won Its sixth consecutive game here yesterday by de feating New Orleans In the final game of the present series, 6 to 0. Perryman pitched a steady game for the local club and was given good support. Score by Innings: R. H K New Orleans . . . .000 000 000—0 9 t Atlanta mo 110 0.10—6 12 1 Batteries: Bnghy and Higgins; Perry man and Duane. Turtles Win. Memphis, Tenn.—Rallying to the sup port of Pitcher Steele, who relieved Holmes for Memphis during the seeorid inning, the local team overcome a lead of five runs and defeated Montgomery, 9 to 8. in the ninth Inning here today. Score by innings: • R H E. Memphis 210 200 121—9 15 2 Montgomery 250 001 000 -e* 11 .7 Battelies: Holmes. Steele and Bemls; Lively, Block and Donohue. Barons Defeated. Nashville, Tenn.—More he’d Birming ham to five hits today and Nashville batting Hardgrove out of the box In the second Inning, won the Inst game of the series by a score of 5 to 0. Hem mlngwny’s home run over the rlghtfield fence and his Sensational work around the third base featured. Score by Innings: R. JT. E. Birmingham 000 000 000—0 5 1 Nashville 140 000 000—5 7 1 Bntterles: Herd grove, Johnson and Dllger; More and Gibson. American is Winner of First "Aerial Derby" London.—W. L. Brock, the only Am erican aviator among the eleven com petitors in the "aerial derby,” was Saturday awarded the gold cup and a purse of SI,OOO as the winner of the first prize. Louis Noel of France, al though he was first to complete the 95-mile circuit, was disqualified be cause he missed a turning point and one observation post. Reginald Farr, an English aviator, was placed second. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE. "Walter, what does this mean? Yes terday I was served for the same I rice a portion of chicken twice thu size of this.” ...i.Y®*' Bir '” answered the waiter. Where did you sit, sir?” "Over by the window." "Then that accounts for It. Wo always give people who sit by the window* largp portions, ft's an ad vertisement.”—Brooklyn Eagle. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. Mister Ban Johnson Right Peeved at Seeing So Uluch of Jimmy Gilmore's Name and Picture in Papers New York. -’Tin Raid that Ban .Tohn sop fools vory angry because a lot of tha Chicago- newspaper persons print. Jimmy Gilmore's name and picture much often or these days than thoy do that of Ban’s, and also because the Chicago scribes give just about as much space to chron icling the doings of the. Feds as they do the Organized Baseball. The hoys out there ought to be a hit careful. Perhaps Ban can pvove that they have committed treason. And the penalty for treason Is either being shot at sunrise, or hung from a neighboring lamp-post. “The Feds,” remarked Ban the other day, “have shot their bolt.” Wasn’t it tlie sumo chuby party who remarked, in loud and blustery tones some two or three months ago that ‘Mho Feds are a joke?” And wasn’t it the very same Mister Johnson who said many other tilings about the Feds which never have come to pass? “Jim Coffey, the Dublin Giant. Is the brainiest heavyweight in the ring to day,’’ declares Billy Gibson, ids manager. “Coffey hi learning fast, and in two or three months he will be able to go against the best of them. My hoy will be a champion some day, or I miss my guess.” Tn view of the fact that Oibson, for many years the foremost fight promoter in New York, had a reputation for ac curate judgment coaceming fighters, one must give more than the average con sideration to his remarks. There is no denying the fact that Coffey has a marvelous physique. For HAS A CURE TOR PELLAGRA Barrie Nicholas, Laurel, Miss., writes: “Seems to me if I hadynot obtained your remedy when I ,4nd I would not have lived much longer. I am glad you discovered this wonder ful remedy that will cure Pellagra. When i beg .n taking Baughn's Pella gra Remedy my weight wag 60 odd pounds; now It is 90 odd. 1 would like to have this published and sent to sufferers of Pellagra.” This is published at her request. If you suffer from Pellagra or know of any who suffers from Pellagra It Ir your duty to consult the resource ful Haughn, who has fought and con quered the dreaded malady right In the Pellagra Belt of Alabama. The symptoms—hands red like sun. bum, skin peeling off; sore mouth, the lips, throat and tongue a flaming red; with much mucuous and chok ing; Indigestion and nausea; either diarrhea or constipation. There is hope If yon have Pellagra you can be cured by Baughn's Pella gra Remedy. Get big free book on Pellagra. Address American Com pounding Co., Box 2012. Jasper, Via., remembering money refunded In any case where the remedy falls to cure. rmUMMEHYB IDEAL VACATION PLAN FOR A BOY. The combination of wholesome recreation out of doora with a mod erate umuunt of reading, or If the hoy has been deficient tn achool, a certain amount of sys tematic study. Riverside Rummer Nava! Hchool and Camp la the only ln- Ktltutlon of tta kind In the Houth that has IJ. B. Government recognition and equipment. Cadets live in barracks or In tents as preferred. The last ten days will be spent In camp at Wright svlile Beach, N. C. Hesslon begins June 29 and continues eight WPfkfl. 1 Dlntrste* fslslog Reg»«sl. ' Hill"”’17. NAVAL ACADEMY In 27, Csln.iv llle, tJ. SM a big man lie is lightning fast on his feet, lie 11 terrific punch, can staml a lot of punishment, amt he's game io the ooro. These are the things, to gether with experience, that make men champion*. All that Coffey seems to lack la PUCficlnt experience, Imt Oibson says he will get It under his manage ment. Conch Harper, of Notre Damn Uni versity, claims he litis secured wonderful results with a lltlte device, something on the order of u telegraph Instrument, which he designed for the purpose of up sprinters. The sprinters toe Die mark. The start ing gun is fired, and at the very instant it Is. Harper touches a little key some thing on the order of n telegraphic key. A little hall rolls. The sprinters mtisl CHRONIC, NERVOUS, SPECIAL DISEASES CURED If You Are Sick of Experimenting, Sick of Failures, Sick of Being Sick, Why Not Consult a Specialist? I DO NOT SCATTER MY FACULTIES; I CONCENTRATE THEM ON SPECIAL DISEASES No man is too poor to receive my best efforts; no man Is so rich that he can procure better service than T am qualified to give to the special diseases which I treat. Mv office In permanently located In Augusta. MY BEST REFERENCES ARE MY CURED AND .SATISFIED PATIENTS. If you want skilled, scientific and conscientious treatment, COME TO ME. FREE CONSULTATION AND ADVICE. PILES. I cure plica without the knife; without detention from business; without coutery; no danger. No one need suffer from this complaint when this humano cure is awaiting them. BLOOD POISON. I use the newest and latest treat mi nt for Blood Poison and Skin Diseases (Professor Ehrlich’s, of Ger many), NEOBALVARBAN, or "914,” the Improved, and all other latest cures recognized by the medical pro fession. Neosalvarsan and these Improved remedies are absolutely safe and harmless and can he administered In the office, painlessly and with absolutely no 111-affects whatever. ULCERS. I care not how long standing, I usually euro them In a short time. - * BLADDER AND KIDNEY TROUBLE 9 Under my system of treatment show signs of Improvement at once. REMEMBER —My fees arc moderate: terrne satisfactory. I try to give the most for the least money. Consultation and Advics Frss and Confidsntial. Offics hours, 9a. m., to 7 p. m. Sundays, 10:00 ts 2:00 DR. OROOVER, Specialist SO4-7 DYER BUILDING. AUGUSTA, GA. SUNDAY RIVER EXCURSION POSTPONED to the extreme low water stage of the river, the boat excursion scheduled for toddy will be called off. Regular excursions will be resumed so SOON as the water stage will permit. S. S. FERRELL, Mgr. I'] try to get away from th* rinluh lino *v*n before th* lit tin ball begin* to roll. "Many a rare, e*pyet*Uy In th« Abort <ll HU non a, in lo*t m th© marling HnA*“ declares Harper. "A Blow mart vulna many a runner* chance for victory, even IT ha doe* com© nlong with a whirlwind finish. When It Ik figured that the difference between a star sprinter and a mediocre runner Is sometimes nicAAurcd only by two or three yards, it will be •eon what a big advantage is gained in Retting away from the starting mark at the head of the field. “My little Instrument was deplgned to tench the men to get away fast. When they found that they hid to try to heat *n Instrument Hint was as fan! almost as lightning you can bet. that they were all tens on, nil energy, all concentra tion on the ■tartlng line. They had their minds only on the quick atavt. And the Instant the gun flashed they were nway. "The Instrument liha, In my mind, proved to be a big mircesa, for 11 ha* speeded up the boys In petting sway - and that Was my Idea In Installing t.” Isn’t it funny what a difference Just a few months will make? Ban Johnson. Garry Herrmann, et nl. (In January and Fehruaryl “any player who Jumps Or ganzed Baseball and signs up to play with the Feds will never, under any cir oimrtaners, he permuted to play in Or ganized Basel'.all again. We are. through with him. forever, and forever.” And now, Bun, Garry and all the et al's are working overtime in and out of the law courts in an effort to win back the players who jumped. Genuine Palm Beach Suits for Men MONDAY AT $4. 75 The Same that others are offering at $7.50 and $lO. SCHNEIDER’S HOTEL Colling wood West 38th Street, New York City. SETH H. MOSELEY. Half Blk, from Herald Sq. & 6th Av. In midst of leading department stores and theatre*. Select accommodation* for dtacrimt nstlng people with personal attention nnd *ervlee impossible In the larger ho me. Your petronag* )• earnestly so licited. Room without bath,,...,,,..,,,.11,90 Room without bath for tw0..... .IB.OU Room with bath,, .12.80 Room with bath for tw0........,J5.00 Parlor Bedroom with hath. .*8,(10 Special attention given to ladle* and families. Restaurant at modaral* prices. GARDEN HOSE Large shipment of Garden Hose just re ceived direct from factorv. Hose Reels, Hose Pipes. Large assortment Lawn Sprinklers. THEO. 6. McAULIFFE 115 Jackson Street. I WILL NOT ACCEPT INCURABLE CASES. I HOLD OUT NO FALSE ROPES FIVE