The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 07, 1914, Home Edition, Page SIX, Image 30

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SIX BEER FOR A' L Everybody Will Soon be Mak ing Their Own Beer at Home Cincinnati, Ohio, June 7, 1914. Bark to the old days. Beer an wait brewed at home by our forefathers will now again be brewed aa of old. A well-known brewroaster of thin city lias discovered a new way of supply ing beer to everyone in concentrated form so that by the addition of water and a little sugar anyone can now make their own beer at home at a cost of less than one cent a glass. Brew mas ter Shull who is considered an expert in his line, both here and abroad, has been working on tills new l roeess lor many years and right now lie announees the completion of his Invention He has concentrated Bar ley Malt, Hops and the other lngre uiculs used in making beer so that anyone can now have a pure, spark ling, cooling glass o! beer In their own home whenever they want It. His concentrated beer is put up in such a condensed and compact form that it •an be delivered to the doorstep by Parrel Post, anywhere In the country. On account of the Prohibition Wave, which has swept over the country the daily and national drink has been taken away from over 75 per cent of the people. This home-made beer will soon take the place of brewery liner in thousands of homes In the country not. only on account of Us cheapness and convenience, but Its purity, healthfnlness and strengthen ing qualities. The thrifty house-wife will soon sen Its advantages and great saving. No home needs now to bo without Us dally glass of good old l.ager Beer. A nourishing healthful refreshing glass of beer for the home, the farm, the factory, the office, the woods, streams and mountains. Easily and quickly prepared- always ready. Mr. A. B. Slmli, oT 463 Sycamore St Cincinnati. Ohio, states that he will he glad to furnish anyone who sends him their name and address, full In formation and also Ills free booklet. "The Secrets of Making Beer at Home." Commencement Presents We have just now received special pur chases made of poods bought for com mencement gifts. Many new', novel and attractive sug gestions. We haven’t space for listing these, but request that you come and look them over—you will he de lighted. SCHWEIGERT & CO. THE JEWELERS | Lady Painters _ v - mu Vlkwffim. Q *Ju We ere going to have an other “PaSot-up and Clean up” campaign, but It’s a long time off. In the meantime, if you have a painting *P*U, call up our store and we can advise you what materials you need to do beat the work you w ant to do. We have everything It takee to do a patnl Job. how ever email It la, or what ever surface you may have to paint. O'Connor-Schweers Paint Co. IF IT’S PAINT CALL US UP A World Capital—All Nations to Co operate in the Building of An Ideal International City Washington, D. C. —A grandly Ideal istic project has recently been launch ed by an International organization known as the “World Conscience So ciety.” The details and plan were conceived and perfected after ten years of altruistic labor and study on the part of Hendrik Christian Anderson, an American-Scandinavian sculptor residing In Borne, assisted by some 4U sculptors, artists, engineers, architects, and scientists, and has for its object the establishment of an ideal world city where all international activities are to have their home and inspiration. The Proposed City. A review of the massive and beau tifully Illustrated volume which em bodies the plan in its details was re cently published in the Monthly Bul letin of the Pan American Union. “This proposed International city," writes the reviewer, “is to lie a city of light, health, wide avenues, parks, playgrounds, fountains, lagoons, and noble buildings. It is to be a city with out slums, a city of efficiency, con venience and beauty. Not only In structure, plan, and equipment will it beb the ideal city, but it is intended to become the intellectual, artistic, and practical International capita) of tho world; a clearing house for the var ius social, cultural, scientific and po litical aspirations of humanity. 10 Square Mile*. "As designed It will cover some 10 square miles of ground. Its architec tural plans are so drawn that it can he built at almost any spot accessible to the sea that the nations may choose. While there Is ample room within tho limits of the city for the homes of the permanent Inhabltatns and the neces sary business and manufacturing plants, the. heart of the city Is com posed of buildings adapted to the uni fication of International interests. These are grouped Into three centers devoted respectively to science, art, and physical culture. The scientific center is connected with the center of art by the groad Avenue of Nations, flunked on cither side by palaces wide!) will house ambassadors and delegates representing their respective nations. It has for Its crowning motif the gl gantlc Tower of Progress, which rises to the height off 1.000 feet or more. On the summit of this tower will he Installed a wireless telegraphy plant and on the lower floor of Its colossal LESSON X. BREATHING—ITS RELATION TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY. W« alt know la a wane way the effect breathing has on the blood. The Inga ere one lmmenae wiporftory throagh which the blood p*»m tor the purpose ot oxygouaglon. or purifying, by mean* of the new air taken In. It la easy to aee that If an tneafflefent amount ot air la taken In by the tonga, tkla work of purtfVcatlaa la only partly done. IMPROPER BREATHING. Pew women, untme they bare been trained In thts enbjert breathe properly They rarely fill the entire bing apace and la fact, ft 1* no exaggeration to aay that one-half or two-thtrda of the hiag area la about all that la la taw TM* rmaßa tn many Ula; the one I partJcnlerly wteh to dwell on la anaemia and It* att endiant nerve weak ening. the rnault being -nerve*" or neurasthenia. The beauty of the akin I* largely dependent on the condition as the blood Such akin trouble* a* pimple* (acne) or ecaenu, medically spanking. are not Mood (Ueeaaeg, but (Masses* of the akin. At the mini time tltey are largely affected by the condition of the blood. Anything that will affbot the temperature of the blood or ha free, even (TwralatVm affect* the hne of the akin. When roay cheeka fade or torn purple there la eome thtng wrong with the blood. Bomettme* It la doe to lndlaciwtloa* of diet; more often It cornea from In sufficient oxygen, or an Improper habit of uing the long*. OUT-OF-DOOR EXERCISE. \ Take a faetory worker, or one abat up tn an office, turn him oat Into the country, aubiect him to ronaldnr abl<> eaerrlae In the open, and the color of the akin will shortly change from pallor to rnddlneaa. Whether ho la conactona of changing hi* method of breathing or not, the tncreaaed amount of pfcyulcal exercise force* hliq to take tn more air; the atr being purer than that to wblab ha ta accustomed the oxygenation In the lung* la more cp in plain and the blood more fully nour ished Out-of-door cTend*a, Rolling, rowtag. tennla. long walk*, when done under proper conditions and with the akin property protected are beautifying aa well aa health giving. Three pleaaaat thing*, however, demand a certain amount of leianre and many women are not able to Indulge ta them for (hat reaeon. In aach rases breathing saerrtaes ahonld be taken up regularly, night and morning ITteae need not take much time- twenty urinate* a day. divided Into two part*, ta auffleimt— and. If * moderate amount of onl-of door excreta* ta taken In conjunction, marked Improvement In both health and appearance will he noted. TO BEGIN THE DAY. Begin the day by throwing back the bed clothe* and discarding the pillow. Lit flat on the back, throw the hand* ov*r the bead and atrrtch. pushing out first one leg and thaa the other, the movements coming from the hlpa 1 assume that the window* have been open dur ing the night, either partly or wholly, depending on the *c«aon; no one should sleep without a constant re newal of fresh air tn th* room. Repeat this rtretebtag movement atx to eight time*: It wul start the circulation and give activity to th* limb*. BREATHING EXERCISES. Throw a loose wrap over the iheulder*. if the day ta cold, and take aa erect Heading position before an open window. 1 base will be found a world printing press. The Tower. “The tower rises in the midst of a circular spaces set apart for interna tional congress buildings for medicine, surgery, hygiene, law and criminology, electricity and Invention, agrleulturre and transportation, all of which are provided with hall, libraries, mu seums, and accessory offices. To the northeast is the International Hall •f Justice and to the southwest th* Temple of Religions. Completing the conception stand and international bank or clearing house and a world reference library, while In gardens near by are found the international in stitutes of higher learning. The art center Is connected with the physical culture center by means of gardens devoted to horticulture, natural his tory, zoology and botany. An Impos ing Temple of Art, forming the chief monument of this center, has been planned with spacious halls and gal leries for sculpture and palling, sur houndlng a vast auditorium. The physical center is Intended to facili tate a world reunion of athleticism and to promote the scientific develop ment of the human form In all nations, A vast stadium is its central feature. Near it Is a large- natatorlum, gymna sia for men and women, and open fields and athletic- quadrangles for International expositions and -con tests.” $100,000,000, Tlie estimated cost of creating such a city, according to the author of the plan, would not lie over $100,000,000, a sum that would not severely tax the resources of the governments of the world if equitably distributed. The In ternational Committee of the organi zation ia to determine the site and lo cation of the city at its meeting next year. Numerous places have been mention*!, such as the Dutch coast near Ihe Hague, the Riviera, near Can nes; Turvueren, near Brussels; Ht. ciermuln on Uayne, near Paris; the Marmora coast, near Constantinople; the New Jersey coast, near I.akewood; the Isthmus of Panama; and recently Ihe Island of Cuba. Many leaders in art, science, education and world poli tics in t tic- various countries of the civilized globe are taking an active Interest in the movement, and the meeting of the International Com mittee next year will create a world wide interest. Exercise No. 1. Extend the arms, palm* up; inhale and exhale slowly through the nostrils, keeping the month always closed, moving the arms front and back, describing horiaoatal circles. This opens th* lung* so that the air has a chance to get into the Interior and expand* th* cheat at the same time. Make twenty circles with arms In thla position. Exsrc*** No. 2. Plaoe the hands on the hip*, rest lightly on the balls of the feet with shoulders well back. Inhale deeply, entirely filling the lungs; exhale slowly, as slowly as possible, until all the air la ex hausted. Repeat thla ten times. This exercise will strengthen the diaphragm and. If continued regularly, will reduce the worst measurement Exercise No. S. Take from six to eight lnhalattons, ex polling the breath suddenly Repeat this ten times. To finish: Throw back the head and blow about an Imaginary bubble, moving the bead from side to side. This Is excellent for neck development and will round and smooth out the throat. USE OF MASBAGE CREAM. An extra beautifying effect will be obtained from these exercises If the throat, the skin behind the ears and any hollows in the neck are covered with a good maasagw cream while doing them. The exercises, by increasing the clrc«iUtto*i. make the skin particularly susceptible of absorbing the nutritive value of a good skin food. When the exercises are finished wipe off any surplus cream wltb a soft doth and follow by bathing the skin with very cold water. SKIN BLEACHING. Many of my pupils are writing me complaining of a summer’s crop of freckles or of a dry, yellow condition of th* skin, tbe usual aftermath of sunburn or unpro tected exposure to the sun. As I have explained In previous lemons, it I* much easier to protect the skin from tan and freckle* than It 1* to remove these blem ishes. However, we must take tn band tbe work of removing this trouble. Keep the akin always well lubricated: that la. never without the protection of some pood complexion erram. If the akin Is dried and tanned. <Jo not use sons on It until this rondttian is removed Clean the face at night with a good cleansing cream, bathe with hot water un til the skin Is comfortably warm, drv gently and apply massage cream, leaving It on over night In the morn ing bathe with odd water and rub a little cream Into the face before putting on powder Protect the Owe with a veil while out of door*; one of thin mesh Is better than none at all. This treatment. If persevered in will gradually re move the 111 effects of sunburn Ido not like to give my pupils strong bleaches There Is danger that any preparation that doe* the work too quickly may have an Injurious effect on the skin. FRECKLES. If freckles are present, either on the face or arms, add half a teaspoon of lemon Jules to a cup of butter milk; cover tbe skin with tN*. allow It to dry and re main on over night. In the morning wash It off with take warm water. Repeat this three times a weak. Madame !**T>*n's next lesson to he published tn these columns will begin the subject of physical cul ture The needs of the too stout end the woman will both be ~~ntlrl—gii! "CoovrUht taut h» A. W. Owntry.J THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE To the Editor of The Herald. Sir:—The fact that the bar asso* elation is getting up a petition to the Georgia legislature to abolish Justice courts, calls for some comment as to why this reform is needed. For the information of the public I write to show the nature of the petition: "Representatives, Richmond County, Augusta, Ga. "Gentlemen: "We the undersigned respectfully ask that you introduce at the next session of the general assembly a bill providing for the abolishment of Jus tice courts In the city of Augusta, and creating in lieu thereof a municipal court as in Atlanta and Macon.” A similar petition is being readily signed by tax payers and citizens. The Cause of Reform. The old-style Justice courts took claims generally on percentage basis, suing in their own courts, making it impossible to get a fair and impar tial trial as provided by law. They charged costs in advance in many cases contrary to law, us costs are not due until final disposition of casp. They charged costs in advance in many criminal cases contrary to law. They garnisheed laborers, taking straw bonds, and demanded strong bonds for release of wages exempt by law from garnishment. They worked Irresponsible consta bles in many instances They failed to comply with the grand Jury recommendations in many instances, Th rendered guess-work decisions on the law, not being lawyers, causing appeal costs in many cases. They tried to practice law in many instances. Are these not a few good reasons for their abolishment? There are many other reasons why this reform system is needed. Atlanta and Macon are on the road to prosperity since the abolishment of Justice courts. Augusta should do likewise. Respectfully, S. M. DEVANEY, No. 1631 Walton Way. June 6th, 1914. Straw Hats, $1.50 to 3.00; Panamas. $5,00 to 600 F. G. Mertinß. WANTED; SEVERAL BOYS TO CAR ry The Herald. Apply Sub Station No. 1. Kollock street. ts Florida Excursion via Georgia and Florida Ry. Tuesday, June 9th. Phone 709 for information. Arrested For Carrying Drugs to Gettes in Jail London.—For conveying letters and drugs to a suffragette in Holloway jail, Arthur Barnett, connected with the Women’s Social and Poltiical Union, was erved with a summons Saturday. Counsel for the government drew the magistrate’s attention when ap plying for the summons to the charges mpde by militant leaders, that prisoners were drugged so they might be forcibly fed He said that evidence on the presnt charge would show drugs were being conveyed to prison ers to make them violently sick after they had been forcibly fed so they might be discharged under the “cat and mouse act.” ELECTED U. C. T. OFFICIAL. Greenville, S. C.—E. A. Hughes of Durham, N. C., today was elected grand counsellor of the gTand council, United Commercial Travelers of North and South Carolina. Durham was se lected as the meeting place in 1915. She —Marry you? Why, you’d be the last man on earth I’d marry. He —I hope so if I’m to be the first. —London Opinion. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE : BY-,. . =z Q. P. TALBOTT Thirty-three acres of land, one mile from the town of Henderson ville, N. C., and overlooking the surrounding country. About 8 acres in cultivation, the rest heavily timb ered with oak, poplar, pine and ma ple. Fine spring on the property with stream running through the en tire place. Stone for building pur poses, and beautiful building sites. Would be suitable for dairy or truck farm or sanitarium or summer resi dence. Price, if sold as a whole, $125 per acre. If dividend, price $l5O and up per acre. Owner would con s Tier a liberal offer for exchangeof lots of equivalent value in Summer vil e or Monte Sano. On Bohler avenue; a splendid resi dence. Is always occupied by a good tenant, but arrangements can be made for immediate possession, or you can renew the present lease. It s a corner lot and only one block from street car line. Size of lot 105x206 feet. Five large rooms, closets, bath and kitchen, with front and back porches. Has electric lights, water and gas connections. Price $3,850. $12,000.T>0 —Sounds large, but Is very cheap. Nine-room residence, with closets, pantry, bath. etc. Lot 200x345 feet. Situated next to Coun try Club. Has garage and all neces sary out-houses. The house is new and has every modern convenience. How about this? Lot on Stovall street, Monte Sano, between Central avenue and Wrightsboro road. Lot 136x130 feet. There are several small buildings on this place, and the price is only $1,376. Let us sell you three lots on West side of Stovall street, Monte Sano, between Central avenue and Wrights boro road. One lot next to alley. 49x -150x29 feet. Other two lots 50x150 feet. Price of each. $750. Well, what do you think of this? Corner Broad and Hill streets. 10- room house, with aN modern con vinces. Lot is 48x59 feet, and can be 511 Leonard Building Mr. Paul Rossignol is with me and MESSAGE TO NERVOUS PEOPLE BY THE FAMOUS DR. WHITLAW Ido not claim to be the possessor of some secret formula, whereby ALL work is done without pain, but Ido possess methods and treatments which, when combined with gentleness and expert workmanship, relieve the pain to a minimum. If you feel the slightest undecided, call at my office any day from 8 a. m. to Bp. m. and talk with people who have neglected their teeth because of the dread of the ordinary dentist’s treatment. Now they are my friends, and are continually sending their friends to me. My offices are equipped with every scientific device known to the dental profession. I ESPECIALLY SOLICIT a call from those who have either been the victim of inferior dentistry or who have neglected their teeth because of the dread of the ordinary treatment. MY METHODS ARE HARMLESS and PAINLESS. FULL SET $5.00 Thsy never dip or drop I give a written guar antee for 15 veam with all my work. No charge for painless extraction when other work is beijng done. References Union Savings Bank and mv work. TERMS: DON’T WORRY DR. WHITLAW PAINLESS DENTIST 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.—OFFICE OPEN DAlLY—Sundays 10 to 3. 840 42 Broad Street. (Over A. & P. Tea Stors) Augusta, Ga. MAKES YOUR BACKACHE VANISH, DRIVES ALL RHEUMATIC PAINS AWAY New Discovery Eases Stiff, Sore, Swollen Joints and Mus cles, Relieving Backache and Bladder Disorders After Few Doses are Taken. No matter how badly you suffer, how chronic your case may be, or what has failed to cure you, your pains will leave, your aches vanish and the tortur ous, killing backacne or rheumatism will bother you no more. This is what Croxone, the new scien tific discovery, does for sufferers of such troubles. It cures these diseases be cause It reaches the cause and removes it. It soaks right into the walls and linings of the kidneys and cleans out i the stopped-up, inactive organs like' water does a sponge—neutralizes, and dissolves every particle of uric acid and makes the kidneys sift from the blood j all the waste matter and poisons that j lodge in the joints and muscles to j scratch and irritate and cause rheuma tism. It soothes and heals the delicate linings of the bladder and leaves the bought now at quick sale for only $4,500. Garage and out-houses. Glad to show it. Here’s a nice home for somebody, and the price is only $4,000. It is already rented by a good tenant at $27.50 per month. It is on 1300 block Ellis street; his 8 rooms and bath, and every modern convenience. On 2000 block Bioad street; a two story, 8-room frame house, bath and toilet, and necessary out-houses. Nice large garden, and other attrac tive features. Lot is 50x144 feet, and the price is only $3,150. For sale —Lot on South side of Williams street, third above K the rine street. Size of lot 100x167 feet, and perfectly level. Oak and hickory trees. Price $3,150. Farm of 200 acres, good land with spring. Plenty of good timber. Sit uated 8 miles from Aiken. S. C., on road to Columbia. Nearest R. R. station about 4 miles. R. F. D. route, and good surrounding roads. Will sell for $lO an acre or will exchange for city property of equal value. On the 500 block of Houston street. Five rooms and bath; kitchen and outhouses in back yard. Electric lights, gas, hot and cold water. Lot 50x85 feet. Owner leaving town only cause for seling. Can make terms to suit. Price $2,000. In the 200 block of Ellis street. Lot is 40x130 feet. Tlie price is only $4,500. Two-story 8-room house. Splendidly finished inside and out. Every modern convenience; includ ng butler’s pantry. china closet, and every thing needful. Thoroughly screened. Pack view almost as good as any city front view. Residence on corner of Druid Park and Central avenues; near to the Monte Sano car line. All modern conveniences. Entirely screened with good substant’al screens. Al ready rented to nice tenants, but occupation can be secured when wanted. Price $2,625. G. P. TALBOTT REAL ESTATE would be pleased to show you any of this property I invite you to call and inspect mv offices, and have your teeth examined FREE. I will tell you in advance just what your work will cost you. I save aching teeth, I save broken-down teeth, I save ulcerated teeth, I can save 90 per cent of the teeth others extract. Phone 716. Lady Attendant. ** SUNDAY. JUNE 7. kidneys in a clean, strong, healthy con dition, so they* can filter the blood and" keep you well. If you suffer with backache —have pains in the neck or sides—nervous or dizzy »pells—a few doses of Croxone will relieve the congestion and you will be surprised how quickly all kidney, blad der and rheumatic troubles will dlfft* appear. Croxone is different from all othtf remedies. It is not like anything else on earth ever used for the purpose. It starts to work the minute you take it and relieves your suffering the very first time you use it. It Is so prepared that it is practically impossible to take it into the human system without results. You can secure an original package of Croxone at trifling cost from any first class druggist. All druggists are au thorized to personally return tlie pur chase price if Croxone should fail in a single case. Here’s another good proposition: Corner Jenkins and Tut le streets. Recently been repainted ins de and out. Has water, gas and electricity. You can get immediate possession, or tenant will remain until October. I Vice $3,675. For sale, near Ell’s and Centre, a two-story house, containing 6 rooms, bath, gas, electricity and water. All necessary out-houses, and a small garden* And yet the price, if bought now, will be only $4,410. On the 1700 Mock of Walton Way, we can offer you one of the best 1 argains of the season. The lot is 40x147 feet. The house is a two story one, in splendid order with modern conveniences. Theve’s a gar age. a stable and suitable outhouses. And the price is only $5,000. WANTED WANTED A small new bungalow, with only a few rooms, but with all modern conveniences. Would prefer a small lot, or would take a larger one. so that part could be sold off. Must he cheap, and sold on easy terms. Please state price and particulars. A residence close to bus ness sec tion. containing about 7 or 8 rooms, with modern conveniences; price about $4,000. A sma’l poultry farm, near to town. Must be cheap and sold on installment plan. Must have spring or branch and a small house on it. Seven or 8-room residence on 1000, 1100 or 1200 block of Greene street; priced about $6,000 or $7,000. A small farm between East Boun dary and Sand Bar Ferry. Please give size and shape, with price and terms of sale. A small house with 5 or Grooms and conveniences near central busi ness section; willing to pay S2,oW or $3,500. Telephone 0057 FOUNDER OF PAINLESS DENISTRY Kgjjjljfc* i ?, '-i- - -.. : vAv _ r ,.- * ; ■. r*■ Crown and Bridge Work .. $4.00 and $5.00 Fillings .. 50< and SI.OO