The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 07, 1914, Home Edition, Page SEVEN, Image 31

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vSUNBmY. JUNE 7. Extra Vote Offer in Herald's M. & M. Contest CONTESTANTS IN LABEL SAVING CAMPAIGN WILL GET CREDIT FOR NEAT PACKAGES Beginning tomorrow, June Bth, con testante in The Herald's Merchants and Manufacturers' Lobel-saving Campaign, will be given a chance to earn extra votes. In addition to the number of vote* already allowed on labels, addi tional votes will be given to those who arrange their labels in neat packages. To save time ia sorting and counting the labels at the Contest Depart ment, The Herald has decided to allow extra votes to those who save a spe cified number of labels and assort them npatly in packages. The only thing necessary is to arrange the packages an dthen bring them in for exchange. A list of the products on which labels are to be saved in packages is given be low. But it is not necessary to wait until you have the required number in the entire, list, but as a sufficient number of labels are saved on each kind of product, you may bring it in and the credit for votes. Save any of the following sets until you have the required number asked for, then bring them in in neat packages to the Contest Department, 213 McCartan street, and receive in addition to the regular label vote, EXTRA BONUS VOTES AS SPECIFIED BELOW. These bonus votes are offered to induce contestants to bring in labels, wrappers and sales-slips neatly ar ranged, thereby saving time in counting. THIS OFFER PRACTICALLY MEANS ONE HUNDRED VOTES FOR EACH CENT SPENT. It is not necessary to bring all that are listed below, SELECT ANY SET and save until you have the specified number. THIS OFFER EXPIRES FRI DAY. JUNE 12th at 1 p. nt. EXTRA VOTE OFFER NO. 1. Two thousand extra votes for any set listed below, brought in neatly arranged, to the Contest Department by 1 p. m., June 12th: Fve Swift's Arrow Borax Soap Wrappers. Five Swift’s Pride Washing Powder cartons. Five Queen Regent Toilet Soap cartons. Two Brookfie d Butter cartoon. Five Cocoa-Cola Gum Wrappers. One Sensation Flour Bag. < One Rings Elegant Flour Bag. Five Libby McNeill & Libby's Labels, any size. One Swift's Premium ham wrapper. One Swift's Premium bacon label or wrapper. One Dreamland Theatre stub from SI.OO books, on sale at the Contest jjgpartment. Twenty-five Chero-Cola crowns. Twenty-five Piedmont or chesterfield coupons. The Y. W. C. A. takes first place and The Boys’ Home a close second, wh le the Woodlawn Baptist church and the. Hebrew' Ladies’ Aid Society are in third and fourth places. The contest Is Just becoming interesting and anyone of the organizations may take first place by next Sunday by just a lit tle effort. The Individual Ciass is led by Miss Mary Acton, 951 Greene street, and is followed closely by Miss Laura McArthur, Miss Louise Livingston and Mrs. Geo. Schaufele for second, third and fourth places. Wesley Kilpatrick heads the Children's Class, with Lynwood Hett a close competitor, while Harmon Clark is holding third with Jeff O'Donald just a few points behind. Jeff says he is going to hit a home run this week. No doubt there will be some great change* in this class this week, as many of the con testants are confident of turning in enough labels by Friday to land first place. * STANDING OF CONTESTANTS IS SHOWN BELOW: ORGANIZATION CLASS. VOTES. Y. W. C. A 76,390 Boys Home . . 66,700 Rainbow Circle, King’s Daughters 18,200 Children's Home.. 18,200 Florence Crlttenton Home 15,100 Woodlawn Baptist Church w .. 25,300 Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society 18,200 Daughters of Isabella .. 12,500 Woodlawn Council. No. 29. Jr. O. U 10,000 Carpenters’ District Council A. M 10,000 INDIVIDUAL CLASS. Mrs. Mamie Goodwin, Graniteville Mfg. Co 15,100 Mrs. Mary Ellen Owens, Burton-Tayior-Wlse .. .. 16,500 Mrs. Susie H. Ransom, 413 Greene .. 12,100 Miss Mable Abernathy, North Augusta 16,300 Mrs. George Schaufele, 1701 Fenwick 37,500 Miss Mary Hall, 1137 Greene 17,500 Miss Mary Acton, 1251 Greene 45,000 Miss Louise Livingston, 1539 Walton Way 40,700 Miss Lila Gibson, Woodlawn Avenue 10,000 Miss Laura McArthur, Howard’s Pharmacy .. .. .. 41,750 Miss Vita St. Amand, Albion Hotel.. 20,100 Miss Louise Lynch, Broad St 20,100 Mr. Cope Wright, Reynolds St 21,200 Mr. John Lackman, .Monte Sano 25,700 Mr. Allen Elliott, Ellis St 17,500 Mr. Frank Fulmer. Fenwick St .. 10,000 Miss Nora Page, Monte Sano .... ..... .... 10,000 Miss Nora Marshall, Druid Park Avenue 10,000 Miss Bessie Irvin, Telfair St 10,000 Miss Josie Marltwalter, Walton Way , 22,500 Mr. Otis Dehan, 220 Telfair St .... .... 10,000 Miss Mary Byers, 328 Ellis 15,500 Albert Cleary, 718 Moore Ave .... 20,100 CHILDREN’S CLASS. Charles H. Stevens. 954 Reynolds St .. .. ... ... .. 11,400 Tarver Kitchen, 258 Telfair 30,100 Scott Nixon, The Hill >..... r.... 16,750 Carlton Lipps, 1455 Broad .... ..... > 12,480 Gussie Peliakoff, 1106 Reynolds.. 12,650 Ephy Tunkle, 1008 Ellis c'VfT.. y.U« •••• 26,400 John White, 642 Crawford Avenue.. .... .. ■ 24,850 Helen E. Dunbar, Ellenton, S. C ' 10,000 George O'Hara, 1136 Broad 10,000 Muriel Ergie, North Augusta ... 14,150 Wesley Kilpatrick, 511 Watkins .... 85,750 Oswald Greallsh, 559 Broad ... 10,000 Terrell Singleton, Monte Sano 10,000 David Steinberg, 1338 Ellis 36,750 Willie Taylor, 1825 Broad '. 10,000 Lynwood Hett, 602 Third street 88,650 Robert Babbitt, 549 Watkins 10,000 Edward Ille, City . 10,000 Charles Fargo, 303 Broad street 21,250 John Bowen, 446 Reynolds 24,200 Robert Parks, City iM. 10,000 Louis Lokey, 703 Fourth street . 10,000 Durward Hayes, 634 Broad 26,100 Sam Speering, 724 Eighth street 10,000 Herman Clark, 1237 Ellis 60,450 Whitney Dowling, 715 Calhoun ... 41,300 Edward Von Sprecken, 1115 Broad ... ...... 10,000 D. P. O’Connell, 847 Broad 14,900 Julian Avery, 963 Broad .». 15,000 Jeff O’Donald, 929 Broad 51,100 Edward O’Donald, 929 Broad ... ...... ... 10,550 Roy Hitt, 683 Telfair ..i -. 10,750 Esmond Gue, 608 Broad .... .... .. 15,750 Lillie Parr, 724 Taylor 11,500 Minnie Cohen, 914 Broad 10,000 Hyman Cohen, 914 Broad 11,256 Beatrice Garrison, 511 Wright avenue FINAL ACTION IN SPEER CASE Washington.—The House Judiciary sub-committee, Investigating Impeach ment charges against Emory Speer, of Macon, Ga., United States district* judge for the Southern district of Georgia, conferred today. Final action was put off until next week. The sub-committee probably will meet again Monday and agree on Its report and recommendations to be re ported to the full judiciary committee Tuesday. Judge Speer, who Is a re publican, was appointed by President Arthur. At the Casino The second week of drama and vau deville at the Lake View Casino will open tomorrow with “'Little Miss No body," a sho wthat has been recom mended strongly as one of the catchi est, most tuneful that could be pre sented on the vaudeville stage. The PClces remain at 10, 20 and 30 cents. It Is now becoming tho habit of many people who have awakened to the fact that this Is the best way to get cool and at the same time en joy themselves at a minimum cost, to ride out to the l.ake any night, enjoy the breezes on the open cars, snd see motion pictures, vaudeville and a clever little show’ besides. There are lots of people doing it. This week on Wednesday night for the first time this season amateurs will entertain, In addition to the regu- Ur full performance, Cash prizes will be given the three best amateur*. There will be Impartial Judges to award the prizes. On Friday night the second tango contest of the season will be held. Prizes will be given the best tangoers. The contest is open to anyone. All that is required Is your name left at the Casino box office. SEVEN DEADIN MJPAOO Sioux City, la.—The tornado which swept across Northwestern lowa Fri day night killed seven persons and in jursd a dozen, some seriously, accord ing to reports received in Sioux City Saturday afternoon. The dead are P. W. Yetuma, Sanborn; Patrick Dough erty. Sanborn; John McNult, child, Archer; Mary Blsland, child. Archer; William Bills, Sanborn; Howard Bins, Sanborn; Wm. McDaniels, Marcus. Near Archer the storm tore the child of Jo n Blsland from its father’s arms and daßhed It to death against the side of the farm house. At Sanborn property damage Is esti mated at *160,000, practically all of the east end of the town having been leveled by the wind Always Lead to Bsttsr Hsalth. Serious sicknesses start In disor ders of the aotmach, liver and kid neys. The best corrective and preven tive is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They Purify the Blood—Prevent Con stipation, keep Liver, Kidneys and Bowen In healthy eondlton. Give you better health by ridding the system of fermenting and gassy foods. Effec tive and mild. 25c, at your Drug gist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve tor All Hurts, ffiE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. AUGUSTA COTTON MARKET Middling closed today, 14%c Tone Steady. Middling Last Year 12c CLOSINGQUOTATIONS Good ordinary 11 7-1 Strict good ordinary 12 3-3 Low middling 13 3-8 Strict low middling 14 Middling 14 1-2 Strict middling 14 1-2 Good middling ... ... —- Tinges, first 14 Tinges, »eeond 13 3-8 Previous Day’s Figures Good ordinary 11 7-8 Strict good ordinary .....12 3-8 Low middling 13 1-8 Strict low middling 14 Middling 14 3-4 Strict middling 14 1-2 Good middling ■ Tinges, first 14 Tinges, second 13 3-8 Receipts For Week Sales. Spin. Shlpt Saturday 48 39 —— Tuesday .... .... Wednesday . , . Totals .... 48 39 Comparative Receipts 1913. 1914. Saturday 179 90 Rev. S. P. Wiggins to Tubman Girls; Rev. Ashby Jones to Academy Boys Baccalaureate Sermons to Augusta’s Two Publio High Schools at St. John’s Church and First Baptist Church, Respectively, This Morning—Seats Reserved for Students. “ That our daughters may be as corner stones polished after the similitude of a palace.”—Psalm 144, Twelfth verse. This will be the chief thought upon which Rev. S. P. Wiggins, pastor of the Methodist Church, will preach at 11:16 o’clock this morning at his church, the annual sermon to the young lady graduates of the Tub man High School. The subject of the sermon will be “The Life Beautiful.” It is expected that the church will he very crowded on this occasion. The public is Invited. The students of the Tubman are re quested to meet at 11 o’olock in the RECEIVE FIRST COTTON BLOSSOM IN AUGUSTA Augusta received the flr.t cotton blossom of the season yesterday, which was pulled on Tuesday last by Mr. B. C. Page and sent to his father, Mr. P. B. Page, of Burke county, who was In the city yesterday. This cotton was grown on the plan tation of Mr. James Whitehead, near Waynesboro, Ga- Mr. Whitehead has something over 320 acres planted in cotton this season, and says the cot ton on about 200 acres of this land is fully knee high. Atlantic Coast Line NOTE—These arrival, and departure, are given as Information. Arrivals and connections are not guaranteed 38 j 32 | I 35 | 37 2:4oa| 2:4op|Lv Augusta Ar| 8:55al 1:40a 4:26a| 4:l7n|Ar Bar’well Lv 7:13a|12:01a •:50al 4:43p Ar. D.nm’k Lvl fi:44a|ll:Stp 8:35al 5:26p Ar Or’burg Lvl 5:57a|10:83p 7:2oaj 6:55p Ar Sumt.r Lv| 4:3oa| 9:SOp 9:ooaf B:llip|Ar Florence Lv| 3:lsa| 8:00p l:15p 12:45a Ar Wil’gton Lv 3:45p 8:00p 5:26a Ar Rlchm'd Lv 6:35p 8:15a ll:60p 9:00a Ar Wa.h’t'n Lv 3:03p 4;20« 1:38a 10:27a Ar Baltim’e Lv 1:46p 2:50a 4:54a 12:45p Ar W Phiia Lv 11:36a 12:19n 7:13a 2:57p Ar N. York Lv 9:lsa| 9:30p Through Steel Pullman Sleeper, on train. 32 end 35, between Augusta and New York. Observation Broiler Car, be tween Augusta and Florence. Standard Dining Car north cf Florence. Through Sleeper between Atlanta and Wilmington, via > "gnata on train. 37 and 38, connecting at Florence with New York sls.per. and main line points. T. B. WALKER, District Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga. Phone 625. CHARLESTON & WESTERN CAROLINA RAILWAY CO. (Effective May 31, 1914.) Departures. 7:10 A. M.. No. 6 Dally for Anderson 11:00 A M., No. I—Daily for Greenwood, Spartanburg, Greenville, Asheville. 4:25 P. M., No. 3—Daily for Spartan burg. Greenville, etc. 6:30 A. M.. No. 46—Dally except Sun day. for Beaufort, Port Royal and Charleston. 1:00 P, M., No. 41—Daily for Beaufort, Port Royal, Charleston. Savannah. 5:30 A. M., No. 48—Sunday only, for Beaufort, Port Royal, Charleston and Savannah. Arrivals. 12:10 P. M., No. 2—Dally from Spartan burg, Greenville, etc. 7:05 P. M., No. 4—Dally from Spartan burg, Asheville. 12:25 P. M., No. iJ—Dally from Beau, fort. Port Royal, Charleston and Savannah. 6:05 P. M., No. 45—Dally except Sun day. from Beaufort. Port Royal and Charleston. 2:15 A. M., No. 47—Monday only, from Beaufort. Port Royal, Charleston, Savannah. 1:00 P. M., No. s—Dally from Anderson. ERNEST WILLIAMB. General Paesenger Agent 129 Broadway, Aurusta, Oa. GEORGIA RAILROAD No. Arrive Prom— *2 Atlanta. Macon, Athens and Washington 2:25p.m. *4 Atlanta- 1:50a.m. •5 Atlanta, Macon and Csmak 8:16p.m. •I Atlanta, Macon, Athens and Washington 10:40p.m. •10 Union Point Macon and Washington 11:00a.m. # 12 Camak 8:45a.m. Pullman Bleeper and Parlor Car Service. Noa. » and 4, Augueta and Atlanta. Nos. * and 4. Charleston and Atlanta. Noa. * and 4, Atlanta and Wilmington. Noa 5 and 4, Broiler Buffet I'arlor Car Augusta and Atlanta Noe. 6 and 4, Pullman S.eeper, Augusta end Chicago. Noe. 1,2, 7 and g, Broiler Buffet Parlor Car. Augusta and Atlanta. J. P. BILLUPS, O. P. /. C. C. M’MTLLIN, O. A P. A. •01 BROAD STRICT. j ; PHONES 2«7, *Ol and 226 C Monday ... —— —— Tuesday ... Wednesday ■ Friday —- Totals 178 90 Stocks and Receipts Stock in Augusta, 1913 28,901 Stock in Augusta, 1914 21,982 Rec. since Sept. 1, 1913 334,001 Rec. since Sept. 1, 1914 370,055 Augusta Daily Receipts I*lß. 1414 Georgia Railroad 10 —— Sou. Railway. Co 90 Augusta Southern Ry.. Augusta-Aiken Ry. Co. ... Con. of Ga. R. R 16 - Georgia and Florida 1 C. and W. C. Ry 51 A. C. L. R. R 100 Wagon 3 —— Canal —— —— River —— Net receipts 179 Through •.. ...... *7 Total "179 187 Weekly Crop Movement, End ing Friday, June 5, 1914. 1914. 1913. 1912. Shipments . 30,623 15.221 20.457 Stock . ... 59,903 44,355 35,512 Receipts ... 268,612 295,510 188,316 Camo in St. 97,254 83,603 76.091 Crop in St. 18,780,188 12,924,061 14,925.028 Vis Sup 4,561,911 4,024,946 8,954,010 St. John Sunday School rooms, pre paratory to marching Into the church in a body. They will occupy reserved seats. The baccalaureate sermon for the Cadets of the Academy of Richmond County will be preach ed thus morning at the regular hour hy Rov. M. Ashby Jones, D. D., at the First Baptist Church. The Acad emy has on roll two hundred cadets and all are urgently requested to at tend the services this morning. The members of the graduating class will occupy reserved seats near the front. The public is Invited. MORE HAPPINESS THAN PAIN. Life holds for most, my comrades, More happiness than pain. God gives a week of aunehlne For every day of rain. So, trusting In the wisdom Of His eternal plan, Let's face the rain or sunshine And do the best we can. —Author Unknown. CyGaßy “THE RIGHT WAY” Current Schedules (75tb Meridian Tims) DEPARTURES. For Duhiin, Savannah. Macon and Florida points •*7:80 a.m. For Dublin and Savannah... *2:30 p.m. For Savannah, Macon, Colum bus and Birmingham *9:30 p.m. Tybee Limited for Savan nah, Dublin and Flor ida points a6:50 a,m. , ARRIVALS. From Savannah, Macon, Co lumbus and Birmingham... *8:80 a.m. FVnm Dublin, Savannah and Florida points *12:80 p.m. From Dublin, Savannah, Ma con and Florida points... .**7:6o p.m. Tybee Limited, from Savan .nah and IHorlda points b12:46 a.m. ••Daily except Sunday. ‘Daily. a-Sunday only. b-Monday only. Through train leaving Augusta 7:30 a. m. and arriving at 7:50 p. m., be tween Augusta and Savannah connect ing at Illllen with through train for Macon, Columbua. Birmingham and Montgomery. W. W. HACKETT, Traveling Passenger Agent. Phona No. 62. 719 Broad Strsst. Augusta, Qa. Southern Railway Schedule Effective May S, 1(14. N. B.—Schedule figures published only as Information and are not guaranteed. Union Station, All Trains Dally, Trains Depart to No. 18 Charleaton, 8. C. T:toa.m. 8 Columbia. 8. C. 7:10a.m. ISJ Washington, N*w York .... 2:55p.m 22 Charleston 8:40pm! 20 Columbia 6:00p.m. 24 Charleaton, Jacksonville ...,11:40pm 10 Charleston 2:46a m.' Trains Arrive From No. 25 Charleaton, Jacksonville ...B:2oam 19 Columbia 10 00a m 181 Washington, New York ...12:0ln‘'m 81 Charleaton Jrißp.m 7 Columbia 8:85p.m. 17 Charleston 10:50p.m 9 Charier ton 1; 80a.m.' “Pullman" Drawing Room Hfeoplng Ctrl Coaehee, Dining Car Servlca. Phone 661 or 947 for Information and Pullman Reservations. MAGRIJDER DENT. Diet Pass. Agent. 729 Broad St.. Augusta, Oa. (Effectlvs May 3, 1914.) No. Depart To— • 1 Atlanta, Macon, Athena and Washington 7:40a.m. •8 Atlanta l:Sj„ m •6 Atlanta and. beyond 12:*0noon til Camak and Macon 6:80l m 7 Atlanta, Macon and Wash ln*ton 8:80p.m. •9 Union Point, Washington ton and Athena 5:10d m • Dally. IDally except Sundey. TIME SHOWN ABOVE IS EABTERN (CITY) TIME. OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO EVERYMAN, WOMAN AND CHILD IN AUGUSTA Is the fact that the L. P. Speth stock .at No. 864 Broad street is to be entirely closed out at retail this week. The remainder of the stock now at No. 864 is offered the public at prices which they themselves will make—in other words, not an article is to remain over, but Everything Win Be Sold At Whatever Price You Will Give What do you offer. Come in and make up a list of what you can use and tell us what you will give—if its anywhere near a reasonable price,, take the lot. But do not forget that this sale is strictly for cash and that there are no C. O. D’s. or approvals and no stamps. Housekeepers Anywhere Here is your opportunity to secure useful everyday standard articles at a small fraction of their value. Refrigerators, Ice Boxes, Coolers, Garden Hose, Garden Impliments, Sporting Goods, Stoves and Hollow Ware, Wire Screens, Kitchen Utensils, Bicycles and Supplies. and countless small articles-ALL offered for what you will give. L P. SPETH 864 Broad Street* SEVEN