The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 07, 1914, Home Edition, Page EIGHT, Image 32

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EIGHT AUGUSTA'S SKYSCRAPER DISTRICT MjjfelljHraMWMr ~Wfi Cg j'^ HI '*, , w . t-* £*:'.k*r-L-£lv : **Lj?. i - - - ' 5 . %„ * *■ •^^r 7^ ‘ '• ? "TSJ *~ - .I^-.•..-.«•- - ••• • ■'■■■■■■-•■•■ * Above cut shows the Empire Life’s 16-story office building in course of construction. To the right in the picture is seen the Chronicle building also in course of construction. Since this photo was taken last Tuesday the brick work has been carried up several floors higher on the Empire. In the picture the workmen are seen laboring with their trowels high above the street. AT DREAMLAND THSATRE TUESDAY IN SIX PARTS. BETWEEN SAVAGE AND TIGER ———Th* Story--. Lieutenant Roar. stationed on the African frontier. !■ In charge of largo ■tores of dynamite llle wife, Marie, telephones him of the serious illness of their chdld and neacechea him to hurry home. Rose finally consents to do this, leaving a subordinate In com mand. A considerable quantity of the dynamite, moved during his absem e, explodes with frightful loss of life to Price a Ruthlessly Slashed to make this HAIR GOODS SALE The Most Successful Ever Held. It isn't a question of what ths goods originally cost us—our Hair Goods Manager says—"every hair accessory must go—and go quickly. We need room for now stock.” That's why these prices are so attractive—they're lower than any pver quoted for clean, sanitary, high-grade Hair Goods. Ex perts will gusrsntes a perfect match. Note the wonderful reduction*; All Wavy Switches, worth up to IS.Oft, now JH| All Wavy Bwitcho*. worth up to H.OO, now..JJ All Wavy Switch**, worth up to $5.00, now (2 4 ’ All Wavy Switches, worth up to 17.00, now 45 All Wavy Switches, worth up to s'>.oo, now |4 45 All Wavy Switches, worth up to 10.00, now (4 9 1 * All Gray Wavy Switches, worth to 12 00 for.. 95 '' All Grey Wavy Switches, worth to 10.00, for SI 45 All Grey Wavy Switches, worth to 15.00, for JR2 45 All Wavy Transformations, worth up to 12.50. ">•» *1 25 All Wavy Transformations, worth up to 15,00, All Gray Wav y Transformations, worth up to 13.00, now tl 45 All Gray Wavy Transformations, worth up to ♦7.00, now IK4 45 'i* w Weather: | ( Unsettled Greatest Store. officers and men. For his neglect of duty, Kokh is dismissed from the army in disgrace. In the hope of improving his for tunes he plunges Into the jungles of India. Ills rare marksmanship wins him the admiration of the natives. One day Rosa flrow at an antelope and the boast, after one spasmodic leap, drops dead. This Is considered a great real among the natives, only eclipsed when Hoss, dropping on one knee, fells a charging water buffalo. A close-by Indian village Is much harassed by mHn-eatlng tigers and the All Coronet Rralds. worth up to *« <*• »• « *5 45 All-Over Silk Hair Nets, regularly 5c each, now 7 for 25 1 ’ All-Over Silk Hair Net*, regularly ISc each, now 2 for 25* ’ Rrilllantlne, Hair Tonic nnd Hair Dye at large reduction*. chief, after vainly trying to persuade Ross to remain permanently with him. orders his arrest. Ross hears of his treachery and flees. He is ambushed, however, and after a desperate battle, takes refuge In a tree. The natives having no guns and the lieutenant no ammunition, the natives find it an easy task to cut down the tree and carry their quarry in safety to the camp. Sentenced to he burned alive, the Ingots are idled high In the center of the village. The chief, bemoaning k deathly sickness which prevents him from enjoying the spectacle to the ut termost, watches the preparations from his hut. After the fagots are lighted, the chief Is taken with a vio lent coughing spell. The quick-witted lieutenant secs Ills opportunity. "Free me." he cries, "and I will save the life of your chief." From above the roar of the flames, the chief hears. Ross Is freed and the sentence tem porarily revoked. In the days of idleness that follow, the village is agatn visited by the dreaded tiger. Ross is asked to de spatch him and sets off Into the Jun gle. Stationing himself iq a clearing thb lieutenant cocks his rifle and pa tiently waits while the tribesmen beat the tiger into sight. In a few min utes, tile great head of the beast is seen coming through the underbrush. A second later and a majestic Rengal tiger crouches boldly in the clearing, head down, tail switching, nostrils ex panded, ready for the fatal spring! Then suddenly the beautiful body hur tles through the air while the silence is punctuated by the sharp crack of a rifle. There is an Instant's hush and tlie great beast strtkes the earth and< twists In a mortal agony. Ten min-, utes after, a delighted hand of na tives triumphantly throw over the elephant’s back a wet but beautiful tiger skin. l’leased with his Ross pushes on Into the Jungle. Another graceful tlßer falls before his deadly aim and another skin marks the trophy of the chase. These exploits win him the lov@ of Sarama, the chiefs daughter. Finding hts position hard to bear, Ross sees hts way clour to leap upon a horse and gallop madly from the village In the forlorn hope of escaping The j ever-watohful Sarama gives tmmedl- : ate chase. She leaps from her horse to hts own while traveling at break neck speed und the discomfited Ross soon find* himself upon the ground, strugj ing frantically to break hot hold. This he finally succeed* In do ing and, mounting agatn .speeds away. Closely pursued, the white man de termines upon a unique experiment, tdemounting, he sends his horse Into the underbrush and climb* Into ths lower limbs of a gtanl tree from where he observes a single native riding madly toward him. Then a singular thing happen*. The lieutenant care fully grip* the branch, and. as the rider dashes beneath him, lets down hta lex* w hich he wraps securely about the waist of the rider, pnlltng bis body from the saddle and tossing tt by the 1 road-tide Then, with his mo*t per sistent pursuer out of the way, Ro*» j mounts hta herte and continue* hi* , flight. But fortune doc* not always THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA. GA. favor the brave, and next day the na tives recapture the intrepid adventurer In the boggy mire of a rice field. Meanwhile, many strange things are happening to his wife, Marie. Aftee> making fruitless inquiries for news of her absent husband, she. with her daughter, Elsie, take passage on a liner bound for Calcutta. Elsie makes friends with the old boatswain, "Tom." and one day come sthat dreaded cry at sea, “File!” In a moment the ves sel is wrapped in flames. The pas sengers plunge head-foremost Into the water and only Elsie and her mother remain on board. They too, are final ly compelled by the scorching heat, to follow te rehst. Old Tom puts a sup porting arm under Elsie; they are hauled Into a life-boat, and. some days later, are deposited at an English sta tion on the edge of the jungle. De termined to find her missing husband, Marie, with Tcni and Elsie for com pany, plunge boldly into the jungle. After many weary days of adventure, they are taken captive into the same village in which Ross languishes a prisoner. A happy reunion follows, tinctured by sadness at their mutual plight. Sarama, now rendered insanely jeal ous, plots a diabolical revenge. She Is aided in her plan by the depreda tions of another tiger. This time, it is determined to cap ture the man-eater alive. A pit is dvyr and covered by a stout net. A tiny ktd is tied to a stake and all is in readiness. That night the tiger peers cautiously from ttys underbrush, greedily eyes the dainty morsel at tho slake, springs, sinks, nnd Is caught in the meshes of the net. The prisoner is raised next morning and securely confined in a close-by corral. Intent upon her hideous scheme. Sa rama waits until Elsie Is alone in the hut adjoining the corral. Then she opens the hlg gate and the man-eater dashes through the open door Into the hut. Hut not too quick for old Tom. Seeing his beloved girl In danger, he fires with lightning-like rapidity and the beast drops dead at Elsie's feet. This experience causes Ross to for mulate a plan for immediate flight. That night he secretly constructs dum mies to resemble each one in his party. Strapping these to the backs of horses, he start* them Into the Jungle. An exciting chase by the natives follows, leaving Ross and hts party to escape in peace and safety. Several weeks later they are re ceived at the English village from which Marie had gone into the jungle. Genuine Palm Beach Suits for Men MONDAY AT $4.75 The Same that others are offering at $7.50 and $lO. SCHNEIDER’S SCALY RINGWORM ON FACEJO HEAD Kept Spreading, Itching and Burn ing, Hair Fell Out. Disfigured Very Much. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured. R. F. D. No. 1, Poc&hontM, Tenn.— *‘l took something resembling ringworm and thought it would soon get well but it just kept spreading until 11 l>egan to. look serious. It first appeared on my face as a small spot itching and burn ing and It gradually spread until it got over my face and head Wherever it went it would leave the skin with white scales. I wae compelled to scratch and that irritated the sldn. Mr hair fell out gradually and looked dead. 1 wan disfigured very much and I certainly got tired of people asking me what was the matter with my face. I lost a good many nights' sleep. The disease got so far along it didn't look like ringworm. This frightened me. They said it was bar ber's Itch. “I was advised to use which would stop it, but on the outside of the ring it would soon appear again leaving the sldn rough and scaly. I was given treat ment but it did not do any good. Then I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment, washing with the Cuticura Soap then ap plying the Cuticura Ointment three and four times a day and at night. In a little lese than two weeks I was cured of that skin trouble.'' (Signed) W. H. Nall, Junes, 1913. Cuticura Soap 25c. and Cuticura Ointment 50c. are sold everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T. Boston." HTMen who shave and shampoo with Cu tlcura Soap will find it best for skin and scalp. DAY IN CONGRESS Senate. Met at 11 a. m. Interstate commerce committee voted to report only the trade com mission bill of the trugt legislation program. Debate was resumed on the repeal of the Panama Canal tolls ex emption. House. Met at 11 a. m. Work was resumed on the pending appropriation bill. Adjourned at 4:30 p. m., to 11 a. m. Monday. Nature’s Wonders. Swipes—Say, Chimmie, I wuz out in de country yesterday. Chimmie—What’d’yeah see dere? Swipes—Lots o’ grass what you needn’t keep off’n, by jing—Puck. Depends on Destination. Griggs—Then you don't look upon Sharpe as a coming man? Rriggs—No; but I would if I was in charge of the penitentiary.—Boston Transcript. Great Sacrifice Sale THE Guarantee Clothing Co. 990 Broad Street J . D. Hankinson, Mgr . WE’VE GOT That’s the proper way to dress, and this is the proper place to have your clothes made that way. Get a Navy Blue Serge, ... .$15.00 to $30.00 or a Nobby Mixture. KEEP COOL PAJAMAS At prices that will appeal to every man who wishes to keep cool and sleep well. In soisett, imported madras and pure silk. $4.00 pure silk . .$2.90 $3.50 values .. $2.75 NIGHT SHIRT SPECIAL Cool soft cambric neatly trimmed, well made, SI.OO value 75 NOBBY BELTS. Unusually good look ing, real leather belts, in grey, black, tan, white* • STRAW HATS IN VARIETY— Coni and comfortable; in an endless variety of styles „ $1.50 t 055.00 GEO. H. BALDOWSKI, JR. “The Little Store Around the Corner.” 228 Jackson St. Phones 2443. Our entire stock of Men’s Clothing and Furnishings to go at cost and below cost. This sale will last for a few days only. Now is the time to save yourself some money. This stock is new and up to-date in every particular. Call and look our stock over and you will be con vinced that we can save you money. SUNDAY. JUNE 7- Some good hot wea ther staring us in the faoe—the sweltering kind, when all a man can think of is HOW TO KEEP COOL. We’ve discovered the only system—all the electric fans and soft drinks in the world can’t make you feel eool, unless the clothes you wear are made to “buck up” against the hot wea' ther. Light weight fabrics, cool, comfortable airy style, easy fit. $3.00 value .. .. $2.00 $2.00 and $2.50 values $1.50 CHECK NAINSOOK NIGHT SHIRTS. Extra full size and well made, 75c value, at 55^ FANCY NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. With military collars attached, also French soft cuffs, 75c value, at GOtp