The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 12, 1914, Home Edition, Page TEN, Image 10

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TEN HOST TAKE CARE OF VISITORS FOR CAHP M. & M. Association Already Receiving Inquiries About Room —Send in Names. The Merchants and Manufacturer* Association is already receiving nu merous requests regarding hotels, boarding houses, etc., that ran take care of friends of the soldiers who will he here for the encampment next month. The Inquiries specially refer to places In the vicinity of Autnond, the site of the proposed camp. It is expected that there will he thousands of visitors In the city for the four weeks maneuver camp. At any rate the cheap rates on the rail roads will make an attractive induce ment to come to Augusta at this time. Every hotel and boarding house here will doubtless be crowded. The Merchants and Manufacturers Association, which Is now In almost dully communication with people con templating coining here f>r the en campment, will he favored If the names of hoarding house proprietors are given to the secretary at the of fice In the Harrison building or over phone !i2<6, along with such details as number of rooms, prices, etc. Arrives to Preside at the Disaster Inquiry New York.—Eorrt Mersey, who will preside over the special Inquiry into the Kmpress of Ireland disaster, arriv ed on the Mauretania today. Mo will leaev tonight for Ottawa, where lie will consult with the premier and oth er members of the government. On Monday he will go to Quebec, where the Inquiry is to begin the next day. hiord Mersey predicted that the hoard of Inquiry would get at the truth regarding the Empress disaster before very long. He thought, however, the proceedings would likely he extended to include an Investigation Into the navigation of the Kt. Lawrence river. Went in Search of the Titanic Dead, is Missing Halifax, N. B. —No word turn b«>n received today from the Canadian gov ernment ateamer Montmagny, which left two week* nRo with a crew of 21 The eteamer, which la In command of Cataln Poullot, waa last reported at Cape Race several days ago. She took on coal there and proceeded'for Que bec. Under orders from the marine department at. Ottawa all marine elg nal stations in the lower St. Ixiwreneo and the Oulf today made special ef forts to obtain news of the steamer. During the winter and spring the MontmaKny urns stationed at Halifax and was engaged In Ice-hrenklnK and Inspecting buoys. She was one of the steamers sent from Halifax In search of the dead from the steamship Ti tanic. Capt. Rush's Filipino Boy is Up For Trial Washington. —Reports to the state department today say (tregorlo Alca rez, Captain Hush's Ktllplno boy, a prisoner In Mexico City, Is at present up for trial before a military boaid. Assurances were given some time ago that ho would be released. Otis nine Plneheok l’ants, for man, all sizes, SI.OO to $1 60, at Mertlnt.’ We believe there are Five Hundred Housewives in this City today who have been longing to profit hy such an offer as we are preparing to make. Read: Important Announcement If you arc tied hand and foot by the endless drudgery of unfinished kitchen work— If you are simply worn out with the worry wnd And If vou have the *liirhte«t * ,r *^ n <>f t 2L" B , t ?K k ‘** P U P. appeir * nce * an ‘ l com *' this condition and transform work days in jour strength at the same time— to play day— be sure and See Our Ofler In Sunday's Herald * r \ rJ oT pood for they are being finally submitted to the manage tune, we have Just concluded negotiations where- went for approval K by we are enabled to make a limited number of \v« »»,. -its , , . our customers an unusual offer. thm\nn?ni«n a J tin 1 n ? n i ho y,f r * r . —. , . ... that complete details of this liberal offer will atv #l T he " * r * now b * lnß , and as pear In thts space Sunday. Watch for It, Read this advance announcement is being written. It carefully —then be prepared to act MAXWELL BROS. “Home Furnishers” - 973 Broad St. Underwood Has Narrow Escape in Collision Washington.-—Ose,ar W. Underwood, majority leader in the house, today was being congratulated upon his nar row escape last night when a team of runaway horses attached to a Heavy dray crashed into the street car on which he was riding. The horses were killed Instantly and the vestibule ot the car shattered. The collision was head-on and hut for that fact It is believed serious in juries would have resulted to Repre sentative Underwood, several of his colleagues sin congress and other pas si ngere. "It was one of the narrowest es capes;! ever had," Representative Un derwood said today. Honor Birth of An Heir to Duchy of Brunswick Berlin.—On the Instructions of the Empress an oak tree has been planted in the park of the palace at Potsdam, in honor of the birth of an heir to the 1 mchy of Brunswick. On the day ot the baptism of the Kaiserln's new grandchild a. parchment bearing his names will be attached to a post in front of the little tree. According to current reports, the young prince will ho christened Ernest Augustus Wil liams. Since their silver wedding the Kai ser and Kalserin have adopted the custom of commemorating the prin cipal events In the family, by planting an oak. Thus, on the .marriage of their daughter with Prince Augustus of Cumberland, now Duke of Rrunswlck, a tree was planted, and beside this one that of the little prince has been set In the soil. SALE SI.OO a Week Come, ladles, and get your Summer Clothes. Bring a dollar with you and take your choice from a large va. riety of silk and washable fabrics. Summer Suits Waists, Dresses In handsome checks, stripes, plaids and solid colors, many effectively trimmed, with contrasting collars. SI.OO a Week All goods marked In plain Igurea as low as cash stores. The MenterCo. 940 BROAD STREET, ApGUSTA, GA. "She says her love for you is a con suming .passion!” "It Is. It takes five pounds of candy a week to keep It alive.” — Town Topics. There is a suspicion that Ulster has a hot head, but cold feet. —Philadel- phia Record. Dandruffy Heads Become Hairless Scalp Dries—Chokes *ut the Hair and Prevents Its Growth If you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dndruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don’t. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it. then you destroy It entirely. To do this get about four ounces of ordinary liquid ar von; apply it at night retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dis solve and entirely destroy, every single sign and trace of it. You wll find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair will he silky, fluffy, lustrous, soft and look and feel a hundred times bet ter. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive ar four ounces is all you will need, no m.itttr how much dandruff \ou have. This sim ple remedy never falls. GIFTS TO THE BRIDE We were probably never better able to furnish more attractive wedding presents than now. Hundreds of the newest and tastiest suggestions have poured into us until we feel sure we can please and delight the most fastid ious taste, both in the high est grade and costly gifts and the Inexpensive kinds. .Chests of Silver In the most attractive patterns, silver service charming cut glass articles of singular oeauty and many small but appropriate gifts tnat will delight the recipient. The name of SCHWEIOERT & CO. on your gift in itself is sufficient to insure a hearty welcome for it. Come and let us show you. It will be a pleasure to offer suggestions for your guidance. WM. SCHWEIGERT & GO. THE JEWELERS. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. ALL DAY SPECIALS For Saturday Tie WISE DRY GOODS CO. 18*inch Shadow Lace Flouncings worth 50c at Shadow Laces, worth I A r 15c to 20c at ■ "u Round thread Laces edges and insertions worth Men’s Negligee shirts worth $1.25, Men’s Negligee Shirts r rth7sc : 50c Men’s 50c Summer OQ r Underwear at Jv Men's Silk Sox | Ladies bleached ribbed vest, tape in neck, Big line of Men's Silk Ties worth 35c, 25c 25c Net Ruffling, | 35c Net Ruffling, j 35c Colored Ratines, 19c 15c Figured Crepes, 10c 72x90-inch Sheets, OQ r worth 50c, at 50c Silk Gloves, 3^ « 15c Curtain Scrims, 10c 2.5 c White Shirting Mad ras in Mill Ends, 15c 25c Fancy White lA r Flaxons, at I"v 25c White Voiles, |Q^ 36-inch White Linene worth 12? c, 10c $1.98 Shirt Waist, FRIDAY. JUNE 12.