The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 12, 1914, Home Edition, Page THIRTEEN, Image 13

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FRIDAY, JUNE 12. The Delmonico Concert This Evening One of the most beautiful musical programs ever presented to an Au gusta audience will be the Delmonico concert at the Tubman this evening, a program replete with exquisite songs sung as only artists can sing them. There is n#tq>erson in Augusta who is more deserving of the patronage of the public than Is Mr. Delmonico, and this is the last opportunity that they will have to show their appreciation ill K Costume, l|| Ip Madame wk sMa Imagine the ef feet of this conception i when designed |j with a snappy cut steel buckle ' contra sting % F y. with patent leather final >v3 touch for a cSSS smart con stume. 4 Here we have the new 4 Spanish heel, most s modish of the new $ season’s effects, high $ arch, narrow toe, snug 4 $ fitting under the arch; * $ for a classy pump with 4 distinction, locks" and style we know of no betteij . i WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP , 828 Broad St. C. A. Nickerson /% J]fc x , Manager /m, INDIA TEA Iced or Hot Unexcelled in Delicate Flavor and Refreshing Quality ONE TEASPOONFUL MAKES TWO CUPS. Published by the Grower* of India Taa CALOMEL IS A GREAT 1 DANGER TO MANY Wa* B sd Effect on B»me Oodeon'e \ Live* Tone Take* it* Plae* and ia Perfectly Harm lee*. - If you will Inquire at yoyr drug flet'a you will find that Dodron's Liver Tone la ruaranteed to be a aafe, reli able remedy to take the place of calo tte! and a harmless liver stimulant iuvlqc no bad after-effects. Indeed, your druggist will refund purchases price <soc) without question If you are In any- way dlaaatlafled with this vegetable liquid. It Is very unwise to take calomel, even dangerous,, aa many people suf fer from the poison afterwards, even Society of the many times which his beau tiful voice has been used so freely for all denominations and for all en tertainments. Whenever Mr. Delmon ico was asked to sing he cheerfully responded, very frequently at times when it was at much personal incon venience to himself. Tickets for this evening are only fifty cents. Buy one or twe and en joy for the last time the incompar able beauty of not only Mr. Delmom co’s rich tenor but also the blended voices of Miss Browne, Miss Battle, Mr. Luck and Mr. Russell, with the piano accompaniment of Miss Ellen Hickman and Mr. Irvin. —Mr. Jose Andonegui Is now in Cuba and will leave next week for Mexico. HONOR AWARDS AT CENTRAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL. The ofllowing honor awards were announced today at Central Grammar school: Third Grade. First Honor—Edna Whilden. Second Honors—Charles Kilpatrick and Paul Rbberts. Third Honor—Maude Greene. Fourth Honor—Katherine Rupert. Fifth Honor —Moses Fogel. Fifth Honor—Minky Sowilowskl. Fourth Grads. First Honors—Abel Panknin and Cecil Sherlock. Second Honor—Tigner Wiggins. Third Honor—Gertrude Badger. Fourth Honor—Jarrette Samuels. Perfect Attendance—Andrew Kil patrick. A CARD FROM THE CRITTENDEN HOME. To those interested in the work of the Florence Crittenden Home. The Flerald has opened merchant slip contest, inviting any white organi zation or institution to enter. The Crittenden Home is very needy just now and at all times is entirely dependent upon individual offerings for support. In this little card to the public I am asking for the Crittenden Home the support In this contest of all who feel an interest in this work on which the# Master so tenderly put His stamp of approval. By simply tak ing time to note The Herald’s publish ed sheet of labels, wrappers, etc., that are good for votes and then turning in same for the Crittenden Home you may help quite a good deal. And'we would deeply appreciate this effort on the part of the friends of this work. For any Information concerning the rules of the contest phone 1200 and ask Mr. Goodrich. Yours very truly, MRS. A. M. VERDERY. THE WAR CORRESPONDENT. lie cannot be bested. When copy is short He just gets arrested And wires a report Cougha and Cold* Waakon the System Continued Coughs, Colds and Bron chial troubles are depressing and weaken the system. Loss of weight and appetite generally follow. Get a 50c battle' of Dr. King’s New Discov ery today, it will stop your cough. The first -dose helps. The best medi cine for Stubborn Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Mr. O. H. Brown, Muscatine, Ala., writes: “My wife was sick during the hot summer months and I honestly be lieve Dr. Sing’s New Discovery saved her life." Good for children. 60c and SI.OO, at ypur Druggist. For an Impaired Appetite. To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets. Mr. J. H. Seitz, of Detroit, Mich., says: “They restored my appetite when im paired, relieved me of a bloated feel ing and caused a pleasant and satis factory movement of the bowels." For sale by all dealers. $ll.OO to $25.00 Suits; you will find all-wool; be6t makes; no matter what reduction are offered you will find our's lower. F. G. Mertlna. though they m*y appear at firat to be temporarily relieved. On the other hand, Dodson’s Liver Tone works easily and naturally (really assisting nature) with no pain nor gripe and correcting all bilious conditions and Ills of constipation, clearing away the sick headache and the coated tongue, brightening up the dulled brain and strengthening the weakened body at the same time that it remove# collect ed waste from the overburdened sys tem. Those who have tried Dodson's Liver Tone have found that it made the.m healthier and happier. A test may prove of great benefit to you right now. Augusta’s Best Store For Boys Tomorrow=The Day!—And Schneider's Is the Store For the Greatest Values Augusta Has Ever Seen In MEN'S APPAIIL Men's and Young Men's S2O, $22.50 & $25 Values ISAAC HAMBURGER 6 SONS MAKERS BALTIMORE BOO Men’s and Young Men’s Spring Suits—the finest lot of suits you ever laid your eyes on! And at $9.75 —Man! It’s Some Snap! For here are the usual $16.50 and $18.50 suits, Tweeds, Cheviots and Cassimeres —in plain grays, tans and blues, and the newest black and white mixtures. —Spring models —all of them—and selected from, and made by, a manufacturer who makes nothing but suits to sell for ss.oo™Men’s Genuine $8.50 and $lO Palm Beach Suits===ss.oo CLOSING EXERCISES OF BAYVALE SCHOOL Attractive Program Will Be Rendered on Next Monday Evening. The formal closing exercises of the Bayvale School, at Wheeless, of which Mr. H. B. Turner Is principal, will be held on Monday evening, June lf>th, at 8:30 o’clock and a very Interesting program will be rendered as follows " Welcome Song—Three small girls. "Welcome’’—Julia Foster. "A Boy s Complaint”—Geo. Umec ker. "Dorothy's Problem"—Alma Craw ford. "Engine and Rocking-Horse Drill" —Primary Pupils. "Nobody’s Child”—Allle Rheney. "Shadows on the Wall”—Ruby Newman. Zu Zus—George Rheney, Captain; Twelve Small Boys. Family Portraits—Eight Girls. "Passing of the Horse”—Rushton Hardman. Wreath Drill—Fourteen Girls. Play, "Getting Ready for a Visit."! Cast of characters Includes Leslie Wilkinson, Pratt Cox, Lucy King. Play, "At the Photographer's.” Cast of characters Includes Marlon Kviger, Fannie Belle Crawford, Karl I Wllk, Dorrelle Wolf. Sallle Bowers, Marie Wolfe, Agnes Wilkinson, Allle Rheney, Pratt Cox, Ewell Johnson, j Ruby Newman. George Rheney, Ella Haddleeay, Rushton Hardman, Evelyn THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. LOWEST PRICES OUR CHIEF ATTRACTIONS SCHNEIDER’S THE PEOPLE'S STORE - A STORE FOR EVERYBODY AT TWELVE FIFTY —— • —I,OOO Men’B and Young Men’s Finely Handtailored Suits at $12.50! Newest Spring models every one. Suits made in accordance with the host custom-made ideas. New English, two and three button models—plenty of conservative models in either two, three or four button effects correctly made trousers—everything in 1914 brand-newness! —The materials included in the making of these suits are fine worsteds in neat istripes—plaids, mixtures, fine tweeds in the heather mixtures—neat plain cassimeres—and blue serges. Suits lined with fine mohair linings—suits in all the correct shades of grays, tans, black and white mixtures and stripes. —All sizes—regulars—stouts and longs! $20.00 Spring Suits $22.50 Spring Suits $16.50 and $18.50 Spring Suits At Nine Dollars and Seventy Five Cents Smith. "Uncle Pete’s Sermon”—Samuel Lemmon. Play, "Our Awful Aunt.”Oast of Delight The Inner Man and the world without turns to you a more cheerful face Maxwell House Blend is Coffee of such exhilarating and palate-tickling qualities that it makes you thank ful for life and good liv ing. Scale* Tlac al Graeara Cheek-Neal Coffee Co. KuSoUl. HMba $16.50 per! Tomorrow will be your chance, Mr. Man, to get in on the biggest clothing snap of the season. Coming? Of course you are! % Every suit in these two groups sold with the Schneider guar antee of a new suit for any suit that does not give absolute satis faction in wear and color. characters includes Daisy Bowers, S'allle Bowers, Fannie Belle Craw ford, Ruby Newman, Albert Haddle say, Morion Roger, Samuel Urnmon, Vernon Ward, Ewell Johnson, Dewey Newman. PLftNSITrHfIW 60 ALL AWRY • Jerome Appears in Opposition to Application to Visit Pitts burg to Testify. Washington.—Plane for Marry K Thaw’s removal from New Hampshire to Pennsylvania In custody of officers to testify In court went awry today Instead of presenting an argument for such action to the supreme court for Its approval, Win. T. Jerome, rep resenting the stale of New York filed a brief In opposition to Thaw's appll oatlAi to release on ball. He declined to say what had disarranged the re ported agreement between Interested lawyers and declared that any state ment must come from Attorney Gen eral t’armody at Albany. Attorneys Stone and Hhurtleff for Thaw said they would file affldavlta In rebuttal to Jerome's brief later to day. Jerome prepared to leave for Naw York Apparently the agree- $12.50 ment between the lawyers was entirely abandoned The question of Thaw's release on ball will be taken up by the justices of the supreme court at their confer ence tomorrow and a decision may be announced Monday. Hot Weather Tonlo and Haalth Builder Are you run down—Nervous—Tired? I* everything you do an effort? You are not lazy—you are sick! Your Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and whole system need a Tonic. A Tonic and Health Builder to drive out the waste matter—build you up and renew your strength. Nothing better than Elec tric Bittern. Start today. Mra. Jamea Duncan, Haynesvllle, Me,, writes: "Completely cured me after several doctors gave me up.” 60c and SI.OO, at your Druggist. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for Cut*. W. H. COOK. JR., Prest. C. C. HETT, SurL THE COOK CONCRETE COHSTBUCTIOH COMPANY 517 Leonard Bldg., Phone 291. Sidewalks, driveways, Copings, Steps, Cement Work of All. Kinds. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. $25.00 Spring Suits Suits in All Sizes. Saved Lives of 60 in 40 Years; is Found Dead St. Joseph, Mich,—Captain Joseph A. Napier, who, during hla 40 years career aa sailor and vessel master on the Great Laker, had saved the Uvea of SO persona, was found dead In bis lied hero yesterday. He war 88 year* old. In 1861, single handed, captain Napier rescued 32 of the passenger* and crew of the schooner Merchant, which foundered off Chicago. In 1877 congress voted him a medal for his bravery In saving several lives from the wreck of the steamer D. C. Wil liams, off this port. In effecting this rescue Captain Napier received an In jury to his spine, resulting In perma nent disability. THIRTEEN Augusta’s Best Store For iVlen