The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 12, 1914, Home Edition, Page FOURTEEN, Image 14

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FOURTEEN LEGAL NOTICE United State* District Court, Northeast ern Division, District of Georgia In the matter of Wm. T. Hail, Bank rupt.—ln Bankruptcy. Notice of Appicatlon for Discharge. To the Creditor* of the above-named bankrupt: You are hereby notified that the above-mentioned bankrupt has f led his application for discharge from nil debt* provable in bankruptcy against the said Wm. T. Hall The said application will be heard by the Honorable Emory Speer. Judge of the United State* D strict Court for said division and diatrlct, at the United States Court House, at Augusta. Ga., on Wednesday, July Ist, 1914, at 10 o'clock a m. All creditors of the »aid bankrupt are notified to appear at the time and place stated, and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer contained in the said petition should not be granted. TV tej at Augusta, On., thfs June Ist, 1014 C. J. SKINNER. JR., Jl? Deputy Clerk. SHOE REPAIRING fits Either Heel .hanged by wearer periodically, it keeps level till all worn out. j Prevents "running! over —slipping and ' rain on anklet. Lani work loose. TTeimbachs gTboublm-Wmr £Jt Rubbmr Hmmt Is stretched over a key-plate In changing. Hence must be of finest soft cushion ilka robber. Inferior rubber will not stretch. Out wears two pairs of common rubber heels. She a pair No Holet—No Nails $ Won’t deposit filth on th: rug* or harm the highest polished floor. For all-aroun comfort and economy, gt fitted out no ‘•While You Wei*" The Augusta Shoe Repairing Invites you to get theii latest change in low prices before having your work done. We have just installed the latest improved machinery which enables us to give you the best of work. Tome and see for your self. Work called for and de* livered. Special Whole Rubber Bottoms sl.lO Phone 943. 966 Broad Street. J. SAWELOWSKY ROOF LEAK? Have your work don# by experi enced tinners. AU work (riven per sonal attention. My prices ure right. E. A. OEMORE Phone 20S1. 823 Broad St Siqsky’s Metal Shingles Coet leee than wood eMhurVe* la*t longer and are fire and water proot. They lower the coet of ln nurance and eliminate all fat lire roof troublee Made In three styles In both Painted Tin and Oalranlzed Iron, nt the rery lowest prices. Our Oranltlaed Asphalt Shingles •specially adapted for Bungalows , are |S.7t per square. David Slusky PHONE 100. 1000 BROAD BTREET. . GET IT HICKEY’S Babies and Children Special Attention. 5 Barbers. No Waiting. Polite Attention. 221 Jackson Street. LEGAL NOTICES SHERIFFS SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY— Will sold at the Court House, in the City of Augusta, County and State aforesaid, the usual place for holding Sheriffs Rales, on the first Tuesday in July next, during the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to-wit: Ail that \ot being No. IC7 of Jackson survey, fronting 35 feet on McAnally street and running back 75 feet; bound ed North by lot No. 16K; East by an al ley; South by lot No. 106 and West by McAnally street Situate In the City of Augusta. County of Richmond and State of Georgia. Levied on ns the property of Jno. and Mara Dixon, by virtue of a Tax fi. fa. issued by Chas. S. Bohler. Tax Collec tor of Richmond County, on the 20th day of December, 1913, for State, County and School Taxes, for the year 1913, against property standing in the name of Jno. arid Maria Dixon. Levy made this 20th »lay of May, 1914, and notice served according to law. ALSO at the same time arid place, all that lot with improvements thfTeon, fronting 75 feet on Wrlghtsboro Road and running back 103 feet; bounded North by Mrs L. Rpelh; East by Win ter street; South by Wrlghtsboro Road and West by H. M. Marks Situate in the City of Augusta. County of Rich mond and State of Georgia. levied on as the property of Mrs. Gtli sie K. Speth by virtue of a Tax fl. fa. issued by Chas. 8. Bohler, Tax Collector of Richmond County, on the 20th day of December, 1913, for State. County and School Taxes, for the year 1913, against property standing in the name of Mrs. Gussle K. Speth. Levy made this 25th day.of May. 1914, and notice served according to law. ALSO at the same time and place, all that lot with improvements thereon, fronting 53 feet on Calhoun street and runu ng tack 180 feet; bounded North by M J Touhey, P. Armstrong and Lottie Lee Tvler: East by C. L. Macmurphy; South by Calhoun street and West by C. f* Carr. Situate in ibe City of Augusta, County of Richmond and State of Geor gia. Levied on as the property of Evallne Harper by virtue of a Tax fl fa. issued by Chas R. Bohler. Tax Collector of Richmond County, on the 20th day of December, 1913. for State, County and School Taxes, for the, year 1913. against iwoparty standing In the name of Evaline Harper. Levy made this 10th day of June, T 914, and notice served according to law. JOHN W. CLARK. J 1219 26 Jly 3 Sheriff, Richmond Co. United Staten Dlatrlot Court, Northeast ern revision. Southern District of Heorgln. In tin* matter of C. M. flchwalla, Bank rupt. In Bankruptcy. Notice of Application for Dlsohanre. To the Creditors of the above-named bankrupt: You are hereby notified that the ohove-mentioned bankrupt has filed his tppl lon sos dlacharga from all debts provable In bankruptcy against the said C. M. Sehwalls. The said application will be beard by the Honorable Emory Speer. Judge of the United States District Court for said division and district, at the United States Court House, at Augusts, Ga., on Wednesday, July Ist, 1914, at 10 o’clock a. m. All creditors of the said bankrupt are notified to appear at the time and place stated, and show cause. If any they have, why the prayer contained in the said petition should not be granted. Dated at Augusta, Ga., this June Ist, 1914. C. J. SKINNER. JR.. .Tl 2 Deputy Clerk. United States District Court, Northeast ern Division. Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of Thomas J. Orr Bank nipt in Bankruptcy. Notice of Application trfc Discharge. To the Creditors of the above-named bankrupt: You are hereby notified that the above-mentioned bankrupt has filed his 1 | dkehAfgl from n!l debts provable n bankruptcy against the aald Thomas J. Orr. The sdd application will be heard by the Honorable Emory Speer, Judge of the United States District Court for said division and district, at the Unit ed States Court House, at Augusta, Ga., on Wednesday, July Ist, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m. All creditors of the said hsnkmpt are notified to appear nt the time and placa stated, and show cause. If any they have, why the prayer contained In the said petition should not be granted. Dated at Augusta, Ga., this June Ist, 1914. C. J. SKINNER. JR.. Jl2 Deputy Clerk. United States District Court, Northeast ern Division, Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of Ehen P. Fleming, Bankrupt.—ln Bankruptcy. Notice of Application for Discharge. To the Creditors of the above-named ! bankrupt: You are hereby notified that the j above-mentioned bankrupt has filed his j application for discharge from all debts j provable In bankruptcy against the said Ehen P. Fleming. The s«ld application will be heard by the Honorable Emory Speer, Judge of the United States District Court for said division and district, at the United States Court House, at Augusta. Ga., on Wednesday, July Ist, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m. AH creditors of the said bankrupt are notified to appear at the time and place’ Ntnted. and show cause, If any they have, why the prayer contained In the aald j | petition should r.ot be granted. Dated at Augusta. Ga., this June Ist, 1914. C J. SKINNER, JR., Jl3 Deputj Giant. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND CODNTY— Whereas. Mary Ellen Cat**. a'ldow of Willi* Cates, Into of said County, de censed, h»* appl *d for year's support. This Is, therefore, to rlt* all parsons concerned, to he and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said County, to be held on the first Monday In July. A. D.. 1814, at 10 o'clock a. m., and show cause. If any they can, why said year's support should not be granted, snd return of the appraisers made the judgment of said Court. Wines* my official signature this 12th day of June, A. D, 1914. ALEXANDER R WALTON, ,T 13 IS 16 Jly 3 Ordinary. R. C. ST ATB OF OEOitn IA, RICHMOND COD NTT— Whereas, Mollle Harris. widow of Henry Harris, late of said Countv, de ceased, has npplled for year's suport for herself and minor child of said de ceased. This Is. therefore, to die all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said County, to be held on the first Monday In July, A D, 1914. at 10 o'clock a. tn„ and show cause. If any they can, why said year's support should not be granted, and return of the appraisers made the judgment of said Court. Witness my official s'gnature this ISth dsy of June, A D 1914. ALEXANDER R WALTON. J 13 1* 3* Jly S Ordinary, R. C. «TATK OF GEORG! V RICHMOND COI'NTT Whereas. Ned ltsston. Administrator, of the estate of Theodore Renton, late of eald deceseed, has applied for letters of Dismission from said Ad ministration. This la therefore, to cite all pereons concerned, to he and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said County, to ba held on the flret Monday In July. A. D.. 1»14, at 10 o'clock a. m , and ahow cause If any they can, why said Letter* should not be granted. Witness my official signature this 13th day of June A. D., 1014. ALEXANDER R WALTON. J It 1» it Jly 1 Ordinary, R. C. •LEGAL NOTICES United States District Court, Northeast ern Division, Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of P. V. Daniel, Bank rupt.—ln Bankruptcy. Notice of Application for Discharge. To the Creditors of the above-named bankrupt; You are hereby notified that the above-mentioned bankrupt has filed his application for discharge from all debts provable in bankruptcy against the said P. V. Daniel. The said application will be heard by the Honorable Emory Speer, Judge of the United States District Court Utr said division and district, at the United States Court House, at Augusta Ga.. on Wednesday, July Ist, 1914, at 10 o’clock a. m. All creditors of the said bankrupt are notified to appear at the time arid place stated, and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer contained in the said petition should not be granted. Dated at Augusta, Ga., th s June Ist, 1914, C. J. SKINNER. JR.. Jl2 Deputy Clerk. POLITICAL NOTICES TO THE VOTERS OF THE AUGUSTA Circuit: I am a candidate for the Judgeship of the Superior Courts of the Augusta Circuit, subject to the ap proaching August White Primary. 1 will appreciate your support Respectfully, ts ISAAC S. PEEBLES. JR Augusta, Ga., June 11th. 1914. Notice to Stockholders of the Langley Manufacturing Company. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE A SPE clal car has been engaged to leave the Monument at 10:00 o’clock a. m., Mon day. June 15th, to arrive at Langley, S. C., in time for the special meeting of the Stockholders, called at 11:00 o’clock a. m. Stockholders desirous of attending meeting will please be on hand at the appointed time. GEORGE R. LOMBARD, Jl3 Chairman. Southern Railway Schedule Effective May 3, 1914. N B.—Schedule figures published only us Inform.itlon and are not guaranteed. Union Station, All Trains Dally. Tralna Depart to No 19 Charleston. R. C 7:20a.m. 9 Columbia. R. C 7:10a.m 13i Washington. New York .... 2:65p.m. 22 Charleston 8:40p.m. 20 Columbia 6:00p.m. 24 Charleston, Jacksonville ....11:40p.m. 10 Charleston 2:45a.m. Trains Arrive From No. 25 Charleston, Jacksonville ... 8:20a m 19 Columbia 10.0Oa.rn 181 Washington, New York ...12:0lnm 81 Charleston 2:15n m 7 Columbia 8:35p.m. 17 Charleston 10:50p m 9 Charleston 1:30a ut Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cara Conches, Dining Car Rervlce. Phone 661 or 947 for Information and Pullman Reservations. MAGRUDER PENT. P'st. Pass. Agent. 729 Broad St.. Augusta. Ga. Atlantic Coast Line NOTEL-Thene arrivals and departures are given aa Information. Arrivals and connection* are not guaranteed 3« T 32 I 1 85 | 37 2:4on| 2 40p|I,v Augusta Ar 8:55al 1:40a 4:26n1 4:l7alAr TWwell Lvl 7:13a|12:01a 4:50*1 4:43p|Ar. Penm'k I.v 6:44n|ll:Slp 5:35a 6 25p!Ar Or'burg Lv 5:67af10:53p 7:2oa| 6:Rsp|Ar Sumter I.v 4:3oa| 9:30p 9:ooa| 8:15p Ar Florence Lvl 3:15al 8:00p l:15p 12:45n Ar Wll'gton I.v 3:45p R:00p 5:25s Ar Rlchm'd I.v 6:35p 8:lRa 11:R0p 9:00a ArWnsh't'n I.vl 3:ORp 4:20* I'3Bnn4V27s Ar Baltlm'e I.v 1:45p ?-50a 4:R4a112:4Rp Ar W Phlla Lvfll :S6a 12:19n 7:lßa| 2:R7p|Ar N. York I.v| 9:lsa| 9:30p Through Steel Pullman Sfeepera on trains 32 and 35. between Augusta and New York. Observation Broiler Car. be tween Augusta and Florence. Standard Dining Car north of Florence. Through Sleeper between Atlanta and Wilmington, via '"gust* on train* 37 and S 3, connecting at Florence with New York aleepera and main line point*. T. B. WALKER, District Pattenger Agent. Augusta. Ga. Phone 825. C of Ga.Ry “The Right Way” Current Schedule* (75th Meridian Time) DEPARTURES. For Dublin, Savannah, Macon and Florida points •*7:30 a.m. For Dublin and Savannah... *2:30 p.m. For Savannah. Macon. Colum bus and Birmingham *9:30 p.m. Tybee Limited for Savan nah, Dublin and Flor ida points a6:B0 a.m. ARRIVALS. From Savannah Macon. Co lutnbua and Birmingham... •I:)0 am. FVom Dublin, Savannah and Florida points *12:30 p.m. From Dublin, Savannah, Ma con and Florida point* **7:so p.m. Tybee Limited, from Savan nah and Florida points M2:45 am. ••Dully except Sunday. ‘Dally, a-Sunday only. b-Monday only. Through train leaving Augusta 730 «. m. and arriving nt 7:50 p. m.. be tween Augusta and Savannah connect ing at 7'tllen with through train for Macon. Columbus. Birmingham and Montgomery. Vestibuled electric-lighted. Sleeping Cars, are carried on night trains be tween Augusta and Savannah. Ga ; con necting at Mlllen with through Sleeping rtarn to and from Macop, Columbus Bir mingham and Atlanta. For any Information as to fares, sched ules. etc., write or communicate with W. W. HACKETT, Traveling Passenger Agent. Phone No. 6? 719 Broad Street. Auguata. Ga. GEORGIA RAILROAD (EFFECTIVE JUNE 7TH, 1914.) No. Arrive From— *2 Atlanta, Macon, Athena and Washington s:!sp.m *4 Atlanta 2 20am. •6 Atlanta, Macon 6:25 pm *8 Atlanta, M icon, Athena and Washington 10:30 ppm •10 Union Point. Macon and Washington 1100 am 12 Camak 8:45a ra Pullman Sleeper and Parlor Car Service. No* I and 4, Augusta and Atlanta. No* 1 and 4. Charleston and Atlanta No*. I and 4, Atlanta and Wilmington. Noa. i and I, Brol-er Buffet Parlor Car Augusta and Atlanta No* 4 and 6. Pullman B.eeper. Augusta snd Chicago. Noa 1. S. * and A Broiler Buffet Parlor Car. Augusta snd Atlanta J P 811 I .CPS, O. P. A. C. C M'MILUN. G. A P A. ■Ol BROAD STREET. PHONES W, Ml and 27M. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA, GA. CHARLESTON & WESTERN CAROLINA RAILWAY CO. (Effective May 31, 1914.) Departure*. 7:10 A. M., No. 6 Dally for Anderson 11:00 A M., No. I—Dallyl—Dally for Greenwood, Spartanburg, Greenville, Asheville. 4:25 P. M., No. 3—Daily for Spartan burg. Greenville, etc. 5:30 A. M., No. 46 —Daily except Sun day. for Beaufort. Port Royal and Charleston. 2:00 P M., No. 42 —Dally for Beaufort, Port Royal, Charleston. Savannah. 5:30 A. M., No. 48—Sunday only, for Beaufort, Pott Royal, Charleston and Savannah. Arrival*. 12:70 P M.. No. 2—Dallv from Spartan burg. Greenville, etc. 7:05 P. M.. No. 4—Dally from Spartan burg, Asheville. 12:26 P. M., No. 41—Daily from Beau fort, Port Royal. Charleston and Savannah. 6:05 P M.. No. 45—Daily except Sun day, from Beaufort, Port Royal and Charleston. 2:15 A. M., No. 47—Monday only, from Beaufort. Port Royal, Charleston, Savannah. 8.00 P. M., No. 6—Daily from Anderson. ERNEST WILLIAMS. General Passenger Agent. 829 Broadway, Augusta, Ga. Swapper s’ Column SEND IN YOUR SWAPS. There’, no charge for Insertion*. You pay 5 cent, for each answer. Have you anything you want to Swap or Ex change? Let the other fellow know Augusta Is full of active, energetic, eager Swappers. who will be glad to make your acquaintance through the Swappers' Column WILL SWAP A WELL-BRED DRTV- Ing mare, with buggy and harness, for Ford car: car must be In good condi tion. Driving Mare, care Swappers’ Column. Jl2 TO SWAP: VICTROLA, COST 3 loth for work horse or mule, machine, good as new. Address Horae, Swappers’ Cnl ninn, care Herald. Jl2 WILL SWAP FOR GOOD MILK COW, heavy oak suit furniture, consisting of bedstead, springs. mattreaa, dresser with glass, washstand with gass and center table; this suit cost one hundred And twenty-five dollars. Address C. Furnl tnre, care Swappers' Column. JI2 WANTED—Boarders nicely furnished rooms, cen trally located, all conveniences; rales reasonable. Apply 708 Greene street or phone 2739. jig WANTED—Board WANTUI: TO RENT FOUR ROOMS and get board for five. References exchanged. Address Board and Rooms, care Herald. Jl4 WANTED—ReaI Estate home WANTED: BETWEEN 3RD and 6th streets, from Reynolds to Tel fair streets ranging In price, $2,500 to $4,350.00. Address Home, care The Au gusta Herald. Jls WANTED HELP—MaIe and Female. WANTED: MAID. HOUSEMAN AND cook; none need apply without refer ences. Address Box 552, Augusta. Ga. __ Jl3c WANTED—Miscellaneous WANTED: TO BUY FOR CASH, three second-hand electric buzz fans. Address Fans, care Herald. Jl4 WANTED SITUATION—MaIe WANTED: BOY, 14 YEARS OF AGE, desires position during school vaca tion. gAddress “Vacation,” care Her ald- Jl4 WANTED: AT ONCE BY YOUNG married man. position as clerk in gro cery store, have had eight years' ex perience, and can furnish reference, am also experienced In clerical work. Ad dress C. J. Thorne, 915 Mclntosh St., Augusta, Ga.. or phone 3<M3-W. Jl4 FOR SALE—Miscellaneous FOR SALE: PATENT LEATHER, TAN and white slippers for children, at 1 half price this week. Cook-McKte Choe 1 Co.. 970 Broad street. JlB FOR SALE: bHILDREN SHOES, ALL j stylet, to go below cost this month, i Cook-McKie Shoe Co., 970 Broad street 1 £i! FOR SALE: ALL WHITE C. Oxfords and pumps for ladles, reduced ' to cost Cook-McKle Shoe Co.. 970 Broad street. JlB FOR SALE: CHILDREN’S SHOES BE- I low cost. Don't fall to visit our bar gain counter. Cook-McKie Shoe Co.. 970 Broad street. Jll FOR SALK: THOSE VERT INTKHKST- I*g paper novels you have been look ing for. Dellquest's New and Old Book shop. 213-215 7th street ts FOR SALE: ONE EDISON BUSINESS phonograph, In perfect order, very cheap. L. J. Henry. Jl2 FOR SALE: ONE SMALL CASH REG- | later, practically new, first-class con- ] dltlon; can he bought for a very rea- I sonnble price. Address "Register. ’• care Herald. jtf I FOR SALE: THREE THOROUGHBRED Scotch Collie pups: tracing guaranteed through dam to Wlshaw Clinker. Pier- j Pont Morgan's famous $5,000 collie; own- j er of dam's sire refused offer of $3,000 for h m this spring. Box 1077, Asheville, 1 N; C. jisc FURNITURE FOR SALE: PERFECTLY new. Including mahogany bedroom suit, cot, dining room furniture, all high grade, half cost to quick buyer; solid mahognnv chifforobe; quantity of chick ens. Cotterlll. 1119 P’Antignac St. »2p; FOR SALE: UPRIGHT PIANO. IN | fret-class condition cheap for quick buyer. Apply 1858 Watkins street or phone 1403. Jl4 FOR SALE CHEAP: FULL SET OP , meat fixtures. 1122 Twlsa street. Jl4 FOR SALE ONE 4-BI.ADE CEILING ! fan. best make, as good as new. Call phone T6-J. Jl4p FOR SALE: FIRST-CLASS MEAT I mrket; good location: established trade: doltiE good cash business; will sell cheap: terms to suit buyer. Good re:i*on for selling. Address Meat Mir ket, care Herald. Jl4 No. report To— • 1 Atlanta, Macon, Athens and Washington 7:40a.m. •3 Atlanta 2:00 am •5 Atlanta and be\ond 12:30 pm ••11 (' mak and Macon' 6:30 pm 7 Atlanta. Macon and Wash ington 8:20 pm • 9 Union To nt. Washington and Athena 4:55 p m • Daily. 'Dally exetpt Sunday. TIME SHOWN ABOVE IS EASTERN (CITY) TIME. FOR SALE —Real Esate FOR SALE: WE HAVE AN UNUSUAL- Iy desirable residence lot for sale. In the Woodlawn section, a triangular lot at the junction of two streets, 232 ft. on each street, 144 ft. across at base. This gives two street frontages, with plenty of air and room, no crowding, etc. Price. SI,OOO. Be the first to act. Au gusta Real Estate Co., 833 Broad St. Phone 346. Ji2c FOR SALE: A NICE FARM OF SIX acres with some Improvements Includ ing a handsome old colonial home. Prop erty located on The Hill, about half mile from car line. Price only $5,000, and only a tiny cash payment requ-red. Ad dress Bargain, care Herald. Jl7 NEW BUNGALOW ON MONTE SANO conven ent to car line, large rooms, broad breezy piazza, positively the cool est place on the Hill; will sell cheap and make terms. Address Bungalow, care Herald. Jis FOR SALE—Auto FOR SALE: FIVE-PASSENGER CAR, well kept, splendid condition; close price to quick buyer. L. J. Henry. Jl2 FOR SALE: 10 H. P., 2-PASSENGER Brush automobile, in A-l condition, new tires. Jas. F. Burdashaw, Cor. Walker and Lincoln. Phone 1390. Jl4 FOR SALE CHEAP: MAXWELL RUN about, in good condition. Apply Sancken’s Grocery, 564 Broad. Jl4 FOR SALE —Poultry FOR SALE: S. C. R. I. RED PULLETS, six months old. Anyone interested would do well to see these birds before purchasing elsewhere. W. B. Winter, No. 1415 Johns Road, Monte Sano, Au gusta, Ga. Phone t855-J. Jls SHOPS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Designed to Place Before the Public the Merchandise, Craftmanship and Spe cial Service Offered by the Exclusive Shops and Specialty Stores not Usually Advertised. ::::::::::: : : : : : : : : : : : • . . . • • • • • AUTOMOBILE TIRES We can furnish you with standard guaranteed tires from 5 per cent to 20 per cent less than 11st price, also do your repairing at small cost; all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Get our prices before buying else where. DAVIS TIRE A RUBBER WORKS. AUTOMOBILES FOB RENT When your car need* repairing bring It to us. We keep your Electric Self-Starter. Electric Lights and Generators In good repair. W. C. GUNN, Phone 2987. 728 Reynolds St. ADTQMQRILF INSURANCE Protect your automobile In tha Royal Insurance Company, of Eng land. Ftroneeet In the world. Tn eurea aealnat Fire. Thef*'. Liability, Property Damage. and Collision . Damaqes. We also Issue accident and health policies. All at the lowest adequate rates. J. V, H. ALLEN A CO.. Phone 411. 121 Jackson St. AUTOMORILE PAINTING We have opened a first-class Paint ?hop. and con attend your wants at very reasonable cost. NORTH AUGUSTA WAGON CO., Just across the Bridge AUTO REPAIRING Electric Self-Starter and Iqnttlon experts. AH work guaranteed. B. F. BOONE Phone 828. 527 Broad. RICYCLES Agent for READING, BTANDARD, NATIONAL. PIERCE. We have the best equipped repair shop In the South. JOHN F. BRICKLE. 228-28 9th. Phone 1914. RICYOI F RFPAIRINR New and second-hand Bicycles and Supplies AH repair work promptly done and delivered. . J. C. COLLINS. 1113 9th St. PI IIF PRINTS. ORAWINCS Blue Prints, per sq, ft. 2o Best grade Drawing Supplies for sale. Experienced draftsman to do tracing end drawing AUGUSTA BLUE PRINT CO., Phone 2362. 406 Dyer Bldg. Augusta, Ga. Special attention to mall order*. HOARDING HOUSES All boarding houses should buy their COAL AND WOOD from W. C. IVEY & CO. i'hone 780. CIGARS For Bigger. Busier Augueta Smoke F. A. W. CIGARS Pa:ronl*e Home Industry. Wolfe & Lombard Cigar Co. Makers. CONTRACTOR E. H MOBLEY No. 4 Irish American Bank Bldg. GENERAL CONTRACTOR. Phones: Office, 2478 and Residence, 8(28-1* CONTRACTORS ANDREW A. HETT CO. Glazing of nil kinds, windshields, lamp* and showcase glass and re puttylng a specialty. Front door glass and church windows repaired. Phone 417-J. 62$ Ellis St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES H. L HUTSON Fans. Motors and Dynamo* House W ring end Fixtures. Phone 287. 40$ Bth St FOR RENT—Rooms. FOR RENT: FRONT ROOM. FURN iehed or unfurnished, for light *house keeplng. Apply to 614 Broad St. Jl2c FOR RENT: FURNISHED ROOM IN North Augusta; nice and cool; on car line. Apply 98S Broad St. jl2p FOR RENT: ONE LARGE FURNISHED room, three outside; wire screened windows; electric lights; hot and cold bath; close in. Phone 75-J. Jl4 FOR RENT: ONE NICE FURNISHED room, all conveniences. 806 Kolo-k street. Phone 2882-J. Jl4 FGR SALE —Livestock FOR SALE: ONE MULE; CAN BE seen at Eugene Slmpkin’s Blacksmith Shop, Hamburg. S. C. JlB LOST AND FOUND LOST OR MISLAID: POLICY NO 100,- 549, Issued by The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, on the life of James L. Robertson. The finder will please re turn it to the undersigned. An applica tion has been made for the issuing of a duplicate. James L. Robertson 614 Broad street. ~,2 LOST AND FOUND: LADIES’ SMALL d amend ear screw. Finder return to Herald Office, and receive reward. Jl3 LOST: ALPACA COAT ON FENWICK street, going towards May Park aboflt 10:30 Thursday. Return coat to loop, Ellis street. Jl3 LOST: ONE PREST-O-I.ITE TANK between Augusta and Green’s Cut. Finder return to L. C. Edelblut. 551 Broad and get reward. Jl3 GARAGES IVEY’S GARAGE Phone 2197. 304 Washington. AGENTS FOR HUPMOBILES. Five years’ experlc -ee with Chal mers and Hupmobites. CARS FOR HIRE. PERROUX & JONES Augusta Garage Repairs, vulcanizing, supplies. Free air. Open day and night largest in city. 720-22 Reynolds Street Phone 120. GASOLINE. 18i/ 2 c Motor cars washed and pol'shed. 25c. 40c. UNION GARAGE 563 BROADWAY S. E. MARSTON’S Harness and Shoe Shop All work done by hand. 738 Ellis St. . N. W. SULLIVAN, 1159 Broad St. Harness maker and repairer. Work, neatly done at moderate price* I can save you money on custom mads harness. Mazda Lamps Reduced 30, 15, 20, 25, 40 Watt 30c Each. Whitncy-Eve Co. 1033 Broad St. Phone 1316. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY A. GREEN. He makds your mattresses level and square. New tick made free. Return mattresses same Phone 1916—shops 1251 Marbury street. PAINTING CONTRACTORS For reliable House Painting and Decorating see B. B Smith & Son. 702 Moore avenue. Estimates cheer fully furnished. Work guaranteed; <f'ty references. PIANOS A. A. THOMAS PIANO CO. Phone 656. 639 Broad St. Pianos. Plaver Pianos, E ectrle Pianos. Organs. Oranhophones and ?pcords—Everything Musical. PIANOS AND VICTROLAS Phone 3327. 854 Broad The latest styles the market affords. CASH OR CREDIT. W. P. MANNING MUSIC CO. POOL. POOL POOL 2 1-2 CUE Do Drop In Pool Parlors, 818 Broad Street. __ PR INTING Our name stands for quality in printing Try us on your next order and we guarantee you will be satis fied In every respect Personal su pervision given every order. PHOENIX PRINTING CO. ROOFING W. B. TOOLE A CO. Tin and Rubber Roof ng Repair ing and Painting. We manufacture METAL SHINGLES. Cornice and Skylights. Lowest prices. Telephone 264. PRESSING CLUB First-class Fleming. Pressing and Repairing I am now located at 214 Cummings Sr. WILEY WALTON. reaiTestate If you buy your houses lots and farm lands from me we both make money. J. B. CHAPMAN Phone 2900-J Ellis & Campbell Sts. L. F. GOODRICH Architect 122 Eighth Street, Telephone Augusta, Ga. 469. FRIDAY, JUNE 12. FOR RtiNT —rssal Estate FOR RENT: RESIDENCE. 947 ELLIS street; a desirable place. Apply 9SB Broad St. BUSINESS NOTICES __ MOVING, PACKING, ETC. FOR MOVING. PACKING AND SHlP ping and storage cars loaded and un loaded a specialty. Strawride w'gon for rent also. Phone 2375-J. Jl4 FINANCIAL MONEY lO LEND ON REAL ESTATE. Augusta Real Estate Co.. 533 Broad St. Jlßtfo FOR SALE; SPECIAL LOT LADIES’ White Mary Jane pumps. at $1.50. Shoe Co.. 970 Broad street. i'lß TRUNK HOSPITAL. OUR T ’.UNK DOCTORS CAN PUT your o'd disabled ■ ink or grip in first class condition. A new slat, lock clamp, etc., und It’s in condition for years’ of servlr.e. Augusta Trunk Factory 735 Broad, opposite Monument. M2tf SUMMER SCHOOL OPEN. ALL GRADES TAUGHT AND SPE cial branches. Hours: Mornings, 9 a. m. to 12 noon: evenings. 7:30 to 9:30 p. tn. For information phone 3098-J. 1721 Walton Way. S. B. Campbell. Princi pal. Jlys OUTINGS. FOR BATHING PARTIES AT LOM bard’s and picnics and other outings, call ’phone 2677 The only real sight seeing car in town. Jl3 WANTED: YOU TO SEE THE STYLES of new Bibles just received, at prices to suit you. Dellquest’s, 213-215 Seventh street. .# STORAGE We do storage. We pack and ship goods. e save you money on second hand goods. We save you money on new goods e a y«vs» h°vp barer* In** for vou. HUGMES FURNITURE CO. _^° n « 656- 567 Broad. SCREENS FLY TIME, SCREEN TIMEI Call Augusta Glazing Co., for esti mates. All work guaranteed a* reason o hie prres. P*UL D. FAGAN. Mnr. Phene 71. 45ft Broad St thf only reliab 1 e SPECIALIST IN AUGUSTA. Dlce-opp mop women end ehll d-en t-eated wl‘hn„» op-ration. I FU r " M 'RU -II MCeiriMr. cREE DR N F AT.rrRD Office OKI T>-oad at FARnwrmr * ofrtviany TAILORS AND RENOVATORS. Suits made to order Phono 1622 JACKSON & B4TT.EY First Cine** Tatlr»-lrig. Cleaning, and Rpnalrln**. TAILORING I can save you money on your Tailoring. Also ftrst-e'ass Pressing Cleaning and Repairing—s suits cleaned and presse ’ forsl.Ro. Ladles' and gent's work given ca-eful atten tion. Work raVed for and delivered W L STEPHEN, Pron. Phono IR6Q-W 21Q 12th St, TIN SHOP PHILIP L. MACK. Phone *93. 913 Kills St. Tin ard chret "Worker. F«t!mates gb-en on tin and sheet Iron work Prompt attention to re rMHng fipwni sTFßiivr; Fumitnr* of eM lonris uoholstered 9**rl Furniture oaokeH for fhippinn. All work nua r ant©ed. W T CKIMNFP A CO. 124'4 Waghinaton St. WFI DING SOUTHERN WELDING CO Phone 1332. 961 Broad St. Welders of all metals, and all kinds of maehinerv breaks renal-ed, car bon cleaned from auto cylinders with n v v?»n. WARON MAWIICArTIIRFR lowrf.y wagon wks. ( Established 1847. Manufacturers of farm wagons carts snd trucks espec’allv equipped for renslr'ng «»r>d painting. Corner F|j| B and 9th Bte. T-Unison* Auaua+a, Ga. wnnn yard BABY WOOD YARD DRY PINE AND OAK Btove Wrod a Specialty. Quick d*llw«rv C A. KING, Mot. Phon- 2981. §4O FenwlCK. WAGON SHOP BLACKSMITH WORK and HORSESHOEING E. T. EUBANKS. WALL PAPER INTERIOR DECORATING. AWNINGS Bids L—cited. Z. D. PHILLIPS, Phone 2051. 1610 Fenwick St. WALL PAPER AWNINGS T. G. BAILIE & CO. Phone 168. 712 Broad S*- EVERY DAY Is Barqain Day in the WANTS