The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 12, 1914, Home Edition, Page THREE, Image 3

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FRIDAY. JUNE 12. SATURDAY and AFTER SUPPER SALES IN CONNECTION WITH SPECIAL FIRST TEAM (Z) SALES IN EMPLOYES’ CASH PRIZE SALE Reduced Prices From these already remarkably low figures are possible by securing double Surety Coupons, given before noon. A five per cent saving is what 'double Surety Coupons represent. A fter Supper Sales 6 TO 7 O’CLOCK. WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP, 19C UNEEOA BISCUIT, LEMON SNAPS, ZUZU CRACKERS, 3 pkgs for IOC LIGHTHOUSE CLEANSER .. ..5C NADIA CORSETS, new shipment of $1 values, for 79c CORSET COVERS, embroidery trimmed; 49c values for .. . -29 C 25c COTTON MOPS 19C 3£c BROOMS 29^ GIRLS’ COLORED DRESSES, ages 6 to 14 years 59C 7 TO 8 O’CLOCK. PACKER’S TAR SOAP 19C OCTAGON SOAP, 3 cakes .. .-IOC MUSLIN GOWNS, lew necks; 59c values for 39C CHILDREN'S MUSLIN PANTS, all sizes, special IOC 10c BLACK SHINOLA SHOE POLISH 5C 75c MIDDY BLOUSES S()C ONE-DAY ALARM CLOCKS . 59C BRASS CUSPIDORES 4.9 C 8 TO 9 O’CLOCK. MUM 19C FAIRY, FLAKE WHITE, TAR COAPS. 3 cakes . . . . IOC SURETY COCOA, %-lb. tins for lgC BRASSIERES, all-over embroidery, cross over back, open front, 50c * values for .. .. 39C COMBINATION CORSET COVERS, AND DRAWERS, $1.25 and $1.50 values for 75c COVERED TWO-QUART GLASS PITCHERS 23C 15c PETERMAN’S ROACH AND ANT POOD IOC 25c COLORED GINGHAM PANTRY APRONS 15C FOR ICED TEA USE. J. B. W. Special Blend, Oolong, English Breakfast, Young Hy son, Gunpowder; all 60c teas, which we have priced for 50° a pound. SNOW WHITE SHOES FOR RED HOT DAYS Women's white canvas colonials, $3.50 values for $2.95 TUBMAN’S COMMENCEMENT MOST DEAUTIFUL IN THE HISTORY OF THE SCHOOL Fifteen Hundred People Pres ent For the Exercises Last Night at Grand Opera House ■ DR. GAINNES SPOKE ON “THE MODERN WOMAN” Bplass Oration By Miss Lois K Eve, Who Also Won High I Honors, Was One of Finest i|| Ever Heard. B Despite the very warm weather and the absence of electric fans 'in the Wester, it ig conservatively estimat ed that there were fully fifteen hun |red people present last night for the graduation exercises oT the Tub man High School—said to be the most beautiful and most significant r tn-3 history of the school, : There were twenty-four in the * graduating class, twenty-three of • whom were awarded diplomas. It, was t*rnounced that the young lady re ♦efving the certifticate was not an 1 Taped Edge Gloria Umbrellas, 79^ 100 ladies’ taped edge gloria umbrellas, han dles in trimmed Mis sion, Paragon Steel frame; regular SI.OO sellers, priced Saturday for 79^ SI.OO Pure Silk Gloves, 69^ 16-button pure silk Gloves, with double tipped fingers, sizes 6 to in black only. These are SI.OO values, which we have priced at 69 1 ' Boys’ check Nainsook Shirts and Drawers, size 24 to 35, 25c sellers, each .. 19C LAST DAY PRICES ON GROCERIES Items you want at prices you seldom get. Order your needs Saturday. Groceries may be charged at these prices. We invite comparison. Golden Harvest Flour 24-lb. bag 80c HAMS, Armour’s, |OT/ Star brand, lb PICNIC SHOUL- \A\/ r DERS, pound COFFEE. Rio, lb., 20C; E. C. D„ lb. 30C; Mocha and Java, 3 Ibß. :;ioo White canvas pumps and oxfords with or without straps, with wood covered or leather heels; $2.00 value for $1.69 applicant for a diploma, for the had entered Tubman only last year, hav ing received three years of her high school training elsewhere. Carrying Shasta Daisies. After an overture by Balk’s Or chestra the curtain arose at 8:30 and the young ladies beautifully gowned in white, carrying bouquets of Shasta daisies, marched In very slowly in twos, one entering from each elde of the stage at the some time, as a march was played by the orchestra. An abundance of lovely flowers, roses, daisies, carnations, ferns, etc., mostly In baskets, taste fully touched with pink or white tulle, adorned the center of the stage. The twenty-four chairs, covered with white cloth, formed a semi-circle around behind the flowers, which were arranged so as to make a pas sage way for the graduates from the center of the stage, back of the row of seats. When every one had marched In the music ceased and all took their seats together. Opening Song. The young ladles arose, walked to the lootllghts, and under the dlrec tlon of Prof. S. T. Battle sang the opening song, ’ Woodland Sprite,” by Ardite. Following this came the speech by Weather Jiu }t!y Rain DRESS ACCESSORIES 5c Handkerchiefs, 25 Dozen. Ladies’ lawn handker chiefs, hemstitched. 5c values which we are selling for a dozen. Ladies’ Hose. Ladies’ pure thread silk hose, broken lots of our SI.OO and $1.50 sellers, in black, white and col ors, we will sell for 69^ Ladies’ Imported gauze lisle Hose, double at wearing points, in black, white and tan. These are 39c values which we are selling three pairs for $1 LARD COM- | A POUND, size 10 ~.*P4«IV RICE, fancy Japan, a 10 pounds T’OC CHEESE, full cream CEREALS. Quaker Corn Flakes, three packages .. .. ..23C Post Toasties, three packages .. . 25C Puffed Rice, two pkgs. 25C Puffed Wheat, three packages .. •• • -25 c Miss Lois Eve, who had been chosen by her class to deliver the only class oration on commencement night. Miss Eve looked especially charming and no praise too high can be given her for the splendid paper she had prepared and also for the graceful manner in which she delivered it. At the conclusion the entire house brought forth prolonged applause and afterwards she was the recipient of many congratulations from her scores of friends. Miss Eve's paper will appear in full in Sunday’s Herald, as will also the other class papers. "O'er the Waters Gliding, ’’ was sung by the entire class standing. S -cond Part. Here the curtain was dropped for the re arrangement of the stage, al lowing during the second part room for the speaker, Dr. F. H. Gaines, president of Agnes Scot College; the principal of the school, Mr. T. H. Gar lett, Supt. Lawton B. Evons, who de livered the diplomas in behalf of the Richmond County Board of Educa tion, of which he Is secretary; Mr T. I. Hlcwman, chairman of the high school committee of the board who announced the class honors, anil Rev, 0. Sherwood Whitney, who pronounc ed the benediction. These gentle men were seated in the center of the stage with the young lady graduates occu-i ying their former position. Graduates. Diplomas were then given the fol lowing young ladies: Misses Mattie Harris Armor, Helen Howard Beman, Mary Bleakley, Ruth Stephens Clark, Alma Itavls, Maude Scott Dll worth, Henrietta Donen, Mary Lois Eve. Dorothy Fitzgerald. Nell May Griffin, Harriet Reid Irvin, THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. 25c Silk Windsor Ties, 19<\ All silk Wind sor ties in black, white and all colors and plaids. Our regular 25c sellers which we will sell for 19^ Children’s white socks with fancy colored tops, sizes 4 to 81/0, 15c sell ers for 7. .. 12i/o^ Children’s light weight, fine ribbed Hose, in black, white and tan, sizes 5% to 9V6, 15c values, fo r 12'4C Ladies' extra size, ribbed Vests made of selected yarns, first quality, size 7, 8 and 9, sellers IOC f SUGAR’ I Granulated Sugar 25 lbs. 90c If bought Aith SI.OO worth of tea or coffee. SNOW DRIFT COMPOUND— Size 5,55 C; size 10, $110; size 20, $2 20 A Saturday Sale of Toilet Goods At Prices That Are Commensurate With the Week's Sale 25c Lyon’s Tooth Powder .. .. feSH 25c Cuticura Soap .. 19^ 25c Woodbury’s/f Facial JjKSy Soap .. v^Bgjjgpr 25c Peroxide Cream 19<^ 25c Danderine 19^ 25c pound can Jergen’s Talcum 19^ FIRST HONOR GRADUATE TUBMAN HIGH SCHOOL 1914 I .’,-- MISS LOIS EVE Cecelia Theresa Meadowcroft, Doro thy Morris, Marguerite Morris. Mabel Underwear Specials One ease ladies’ gauze ribbed Vests, first qual ity, regular sizes, 10c value, 3 for 25^ Ladies’ Swiss ribbed lisle Vests, silk tape in nock and arms, 35c sellers 29^ Ladies’ extra size rib bed Vests, taped neck and arms, 10c sellers for 71/o^ PRESERVES AND RELISHES Jam, any kind, three glasses 25 c Catsup, “Bull Head" three! bottles 25C Peanut Butter, 22-oz. Jars 23 c Chow-Chow Pickles, loose, quart 270 Sweet Mixed Pickles, loose quart 3QC WASHING, POWDTH, SOAPS. Sttl Soda, Surety Brand, 2-lb. packages, 7 for .. .. 25C Celluloid Starch, seven packages for . . . .. 25C Surety Washing Powder, three packages .. .. 250 Lenox Soap, six bars . . 25* ’ 25c Listcrinc .. .. 19^ 25c Peroxide of Hydro gen 19^ 25c Witch Hazel .... 19^ 25c Sozodont 19^ 25c I )ioxygen 19^ 25c Packers ’ Tar Soap .. 19^ 25c Mum 19^ 25c Roseline .. .. .19^ 25c Roger & Gallett Rice Powder .. .. 19^ Ellayz Newton, Lillie Alma Page, Jennie Sandier, Estelle Sawllowsky, Mollle Shapiro, Nuomi Llppfield Sil ver, Mary Taphenes Townes, Gladys Adelle Vlgal, Katherine Apphia Whit ney, Lillian Hampton Wilson. The address by Dr. Gaines on "The Modern Woman,” which was appro priate in every sense, was delivered forcefully and Impressively, right af ter the presentation of the diplomas. Owing to the curtailed amount of space in this Issue, his address Is being held for appearance in Sunday’s Herald. Class Honors. The class honors were announced as follows: First tonor, Agnes Scott Scholar ship and graduating with great dis tinction—Miss Lois Eve. Second honor, Randolph-Macon Scholarship and graduating with dis tinction—Miss Gladys Vlgal. Graduating with distinction Misses Jennie Sandler and Maude IRlworth. Complimented Class Preceding the announcement of the honors, Mr. Hickman paid a very high tribute to each and every member of the Class of 1914 of Tubman High School, speaking of their high quail ties as young ladles and compliment ing the class for its splendid record of four years of hard study at Tub man. He said it meant a great deal more to get a diploma from Tubman since Mi Garrett has been principal and since he has had the present etpable cons of teachers with him than before. He briefly stressed the point of -how the school had been ad vanced in the last few year*. The Honor Graduates. It may be said here that the honor graduates, four in number, well de Smothered Chicken Hashed brown potatoes, hot home made rolls and your choice of iced tea, eoffee or rich milk, will compose the supper in the Tea Room Satur day night. The price will he 40^. Ladies’ gauze ribbed Union Suits, umbrella lace knee, 39c value for 25^ Ladies’ silk lisle gauze ribbed Union Suits, hand trimmed neck and arms, umbrella lace knee, $1.25 value. 98^ BUTTER, Surety Rrand, pure and sweet, ■yn pound SLICED PINEAPPLE, three cans for UOfr. BREAKFAST _ BACON, pound FANCY LEMONS, IRISH POTATOES, a new, peck tOL EGGS, fresh from the country, dozen .. , 25c Wiliams’, ►Shaving r|J) sti ” k 19 <* Jg 25c Odor-O-No. .. 50c Nachine Face Powder 39^ 50c Hind’s Honey S Almond Cream [gl for 35^ 50c I )anderine .... .39^ serve the distinction given them. It is said that Miss Eve's record has been equalled by lew who have been graduated from Tubman. Likewise Miss Vigal comes very near this mark. She has been studious and has won proper credit for her goon work in the school. Miss Sandler is regarded as one oT the brightest young ladles who has ever been given a diploma at Tubman. In the case of Miss Dllworth her re<ord hag noi only been fine In her studies, tor the four years past site has been a student at the Tubman she has been one of the most popular girls In the school, having been elected and serv ed for each of the four yours as pres ident. of her class. And it Is said that it is through the president ot the Senior class, more than any other channel, Hie public Is brought Into touch with the whole school. As president she has done ail and even more than is expected of the occu punt of this honor office. In addition Miss Dllworth lias tended to stimulate athletics, principally in the form of basket ball, more than any other student in many years. She was cate tain or Tubman’s first 'varsity team and had held this position ever since It was a winning team, too. In ail matters of Interest to her school and Its welfare she was always vitally in terested. The exercises were closed with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Whitney. The winning of the English derby by an American horse, suggests the para phrase "Legs Across the Rea." —Brook- lyn Time*. Boys’ Pants, 50c to $2.00. for sum mer wear, big values. F. G. Mertlns. Hot Weather Comforts One quart Vacuum Ice Cream Containers, always serviceable, $5.00 value for $4.23 Electric cooking stove,small and convenient, no excess heat, $4.50 value for $3.23 Nickle plated knives and forks, six of each; set 50^ Set of three, lipped alumi num sauce pans, 30c, 40c and 50c values; the set is now priced at 98^ Self Rising Flour A fresh shipment of Jersey Cream Self-Rising Flour is just in. 24 lbs. 75c CANNED VEGETABLES. Tomatoes, No. 3 cans, six for .. .. •• 54C Sugar Corn, No. 2 cans, six for 47C Maine Corn, No. 2 cans, six Tor .. .. 70C 50c Listerine .. .. . 39£ 50c Newbro’s Herpicide for 39^ 50c Wilson’s Freckle Cream 39^ (Colgate’s Talcum Pow der, 2 cans 25^ 50c Pinard Earde Qui nine Hair Tonic .. . 39tf 50c Pebeeo Tooth Paste 39< 50c La Blanche Face Powder .. .. 39^ 35c Prophvlatic Tooth Brush 25^ British Negotiating For California Oil Fields London.—Negotiations on behalf ot British Interests for the acqulstlon of extensive oilfields In California have not yet been completed, but substantial pro gress In the matter has already been made. If the (leal Is brought about, great significance will attach to It be rnuse of the nature of the syndicate which has the matter In hand. The mem bers of It Include Lord Plrrle, whose firm recently begun the building of Diesel—engined ships on the Clyde; Sir Thomas Hoyden, deputy chairman of the f'unard line and Mr Andrew Weir, whose steamers are engaged In many trades. Mr. Weir Is the head of the group wh'ch runs the General Petroleum Com pany, through which an option is held on the I talon Oil Corporation, the pur chase of whose property is now desired. In the event of a successful Issue, strong opposition will be offered to the Stand ard Oil Company, and the conetructlon of oil-tankers to the value of about twenty-five million dollars le mentioned us another development. Patience—He aays hie book* are hit best friends. Patilce—But he’s forgetting the la dles, "Oh, no. he's not. He says he can shut the books up when he gets tired.* —Yonkers Statesman. First College Student — ln what pla; does Hamlet’s soliloquy come? Second Student—l'm not quite sure but I think it comes in Macbetl where lago delivers the funeral ora tlon over Mark Antony.—Lite. THREE