The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 12, 1914, Home Edition, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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FRIDAY. JUNE 12. SENATE MAKES THE GIFT. Washington.—The senate today passed a resolution presenting to the French nation the steam launch Louise, used by both the French ca nal company and by the United States In Panama Canal work. The gift is in recognition of the part performed iby France in construction of the ca 'nal. The bill provides that the Louise be —Weak Heart Many people suffer from weak hearts. They may experience shortness of breath on exertion, pain over the heart, or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after tneals or their eyes become blurred, the heart is not sufficiently strong to pump blood to the extremities, and they have cold hands and feet, or poor appetite because of weakened blood supply to the stomach. A heart tonic and alterative should be taken which has no bad after-effect. Such is Dr. Pierced Golden Medical Discovery which contains no dangerous narcotics or alcohol. It helps the human system in the constant manufacture of rieh, red blood. It helps the stomach to assimilate or take up the proper elements from the food, thereby helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, heart-burn and many uncomfortable symp toms, stops excessive tissue waste in convalescence from fevers; for the run down, anaemic, thin-blooded people, the “Discovery” is refreshing and vitalizing. In liquid or tablet form at moat drug atorea or aend SO one-cent atampa for trial box to Dr. Pierce'a Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. JRead Chapter VII on Circulatory Organs in the “Medical Adviser”—A French cloth- I bound book of 1008 pages sent on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps, address as above. MADAM, LOOK BEHIND YOU! . Are You Living in the Shadow of a Disease That Saps Your Strength? {jpill You cannot afford to delay longer. Buy a bottle of Stella- Vitae today and start on the road to health—sl everywhere. The Thacher Medicine Company, at Chattanooga, Tenu. Across the Mexican Border Between the Battle Lines of the Federal and Revolutionary Troops M 'r. fl V The Land of Broken Promises By DANE COOLIDGE Author of “The Fighting Fool,- ‘Hukfcn Water-,- The Tezfcan.” Eta. WE feel that we are indeed fortunate in being able to announce this truly remark able story for serial publication in this paper. It is a stirring story of the Mexican revolution in which this portrayer of western character has painted vivid pictures of the scenes of carnage in war-infested Mexico; the plight of' American refugees in border towns; the wantonness of both the Mexican federal aad revolutionary troops, and in fact gives a graphic and truthful description of present conditions and all through the medium of a powerful story. Mixed with the hair raising adventures of two Americans is a passionate love story. It la the Type of Story Every Reader Will Appreciate Beginning in Saturday*s Herald put in condition and, flying the French flag, be accorded the place of honor at the canal opening. STEVENSON IS SINKING Chicago.— Adlai E. Stevenson, form er vice president of the United States, is slowly sinking and the end is likely to come any time. He took a small amount of nourishment today for the first time in 36 hours. Stella-Vitae was made for women whose life is worn out by the backache, misery and suffering due to their peculiar troubles. It is a guaranteed-to-benefit remedy that has restor t ed thousands of Southern women to health during the past thirty years. We authorize all dealers to give I your money back if the first bottle of Stella- Vitae fails to help you. The reason for Stella- Vitae’s wonderful ' success is that it cures the cause—goes to the seat of the trouble. Quiets nerves, lessens pain and builds up the system by making rich, red blood.' SJ& :*ff" V t NICK WILBURN IS REPENTANT Gives Way to Emotion When Last Hope Vanishes. May Have to Be Carried to Gal lows. Macon, Ga.—Unless some unfor seen hitch arises, N. Wilburn with his eyes fastened on Crucifix and prayer for forgiveness on his lips, fully re pentant for the terrible sin against God and man that he committed when he murdered Janies King, al most two years ago: will walk to the scalfold in the Jones County jail at 12 o’clock noon today, and there pay the penalty for his crime. At Gray yesterday it was said Wil burn had resigned himself to his fate and had declared, ’T am ready to meet my God.” He was deeply mov ed when he received a telegram Irom his attorney, John R. Cooper, who has waged an unrelenting fight in behalf of Ills client and who did not abandon hope until the governor had llnally spoken, saying: ”1 have done all I can for you. Goodbye." For several hours after the message came Wilburn gave way to his grief and his form shook with sobs as he lay on his cot in his cell. May Have to Use Force. Those who saw Wilburn go int« hysteria a few days ago when he was removed from the Bibb County jail to be taken to Gray and placed under the death watch fear that he will not go to the gallows today without force. They say if he makes a display of hat kind over being removed from one jail to another, when the hour comes for tihte noose to be placed siound his neck he "will also offer re sistance and may have to be over- I owered by main force and carried to he gallows. On the other hand men who have oe:i many hangings say that the ap ■ roach of the ordeal so completely pnerves the hangman’s intended vie rn that he almost invariably be omes limp and offers no resistance. . iiburiT is a big, strong country boy nd should he show resistance he ould no doubt give a good account j himself. Every preparation has been made y Sheriff Charlie Roberts Tor the hanging at Gray today. The rope has been in place several days and has been given a thorough testing. Deputy Sheriff Sam Westcott, of Ma con. who during his terms as sheriff of Bibb County has hung several men will be at Gray this morning to see that everything has been arranged MS Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Tonic and alterative. Increases strength. Restores healthy functions. No alcohol. Sold for 60 years. Ask Yonr Doctor. Pi a=aß m i llfll m m iiL P PERSONAL COMFORT is truly a pos session beyond price. Yet much de pends simply upon how the feet are treat ed. WALK-OVER Shoes are ac knowledged best for feet by folks who choose footwear wise ly- And WALK-OVERS are all that could be desired in the way of style, fit and service. WALK-OVER Shoes for Men and Women are $3.50 and up. “ROMP” Model for Women, $3.50 WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP C. A. Nickerson, Manager THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. properly. The trigger will be snap ped by Sheriff Roberts. Only a few persons will be permitted to witness the execution. Accepts Catholic Faith. For some lime Wilburn has been accepting the administerings of a Catholic priest from Macou and thu same priest will be on hand this morning to administer the last rites to the doomed man and give him final preparations for the meeting with his Master. Alter the execution the body will be turned over to the parents ot Wil burn for burial. Wilburn’s father, an industrious, hardworking man, is heart-broken over the plignt of his sou. For the sake of his own blood and believing that his son was not be ing shown justice in being made to pay the full penalty while the woman in the case goes free, Mr. Wilburn has used every means at his com mand to save his boy. He has spent what little mor.ey he had and for weeks and weeks he has traveled over Jones, Bibb, and adjoining coun ties, circulating petitions calling on the governor to show mercy. John R. Cooper, attorney for WiV burn, will not be present at the exe cution, it is thought. He had not returned from Atlanta last night and it was said that he was remain ing there to make a last and final ap peal to Governor Slaton this morn ing. JONES TO HEAD RESERVE BOARD Name of Chicago Lawyer and Personal Friend of President Goes to Senate Monday. Washington.—Thomas R. Jones, a Chicago lawyer, former member of the Princeton University trustees and a personal friend of President Wilson, has practically been selected for gov ernor of the federal reserve board. It was said unofficially today that his nomination would go to the senate Monday. With the nomination of Mr. Jones the names of Paul M. Warburg of New York, W. P. G. Harding of Birm ingham, Ala.; A. C. Miller of San Francisco, and E. C. Simmons of St. Louis, to be members of the board, are expected to go to the senate. Sec retar} McAdoo and Comptrollar wii liams of the currency bureau will be ex-officio members. Announced Monday. It was definitely stated at the White House today that the president would formally announce the person nel of tile board Monday. Mr. Warburg and Mr. Harding are bankers; Mr. Miller is an economist, and at present secretary of the in terior; Mr. Simmons is a merchant; Mr. Jones is not only a lawyer but a student and expert in finance. With the appointment and organiza tion of the board the work of actually organizing the country’s new hanking and currency system will get under way and officials hope to have it in operation for the crop moving period in the autumn. Much Detail Work. Much detail work awaits the federal reserve hoard after it assumes office. Secretaries and assistants to the members must be selected and a com plete system of reports for the re serve banks must be worked out Treasury department officials, how ever. believe it will be possible to have the twelve reserve hanks in operation by August 1, although they say the demand for money to move crops has not been such as would suggest that there will be any great strain to be relieved by the reserve hanks. Pullman Co. is Rapped on the Evil of Tipping San Francisco.—"lt lB up to you to stop these practices and pay your men decent wages.” This was the ultimatum delivered today today by President John E. Eshleman of the California state rail road commission, to Richard Dean, general manager of the Pullman Co., in a spirited argument on the tipping evil during an official hearing on the question. “You canned stop tipping," argued Mr. Dean, ‘‘when the public can get better service by tips. It is human nature to bid for good service.’’ “Mr. Dean, would you want to take part of your salary in gratuities?” Commissioner Eshleman asked. “Yes, if received under the same conditions that obtain in the service the Pullman Company." “Then our standards of patriotism are vitally different,” rejoined the commissioner. jj|| —i At the Casino Manager Gollenstein and his com pany, headed by Mae, Vernon, pleased another good crowd at the Lake View Casino last night, presenting for the first time here “The Moonshiner's Daughter,” a clever little Kentucky mountain story, In a very acceptable mariner. The leads were played by Mr. Ool lenstein and Miss Vornon, while Jack l.aughlln was a bold and had moon shiner. Hamilton was good In hia character part and H. M. Camp was exceedingly funny as ltastus. "The Moonshiner's Daughter” will he shown again this evening and to morrow evening for the last time. The night shows begin at 8:30 with the motion pictures—the best motion pic tures in the city, too. Ask anybody who has seen them. Tomorrow afternoon fHaturday) . special matinee will he given for the children and every child who comes will be giver) a little toy, something It will be bound to appreciate, and In addition to that a big Ice cream cone. The management wants every child In Augusta to come out to the Ca sino tomorrow afternoon and enjoy themselves thoroughly. Indigestion and Constipation. “About five years ago I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets after suffering from indigestion and constipation for years without finding anything to re lieve me. Chamberlain's Tablets help ed me at once and by using them for several weeks I was cured of the com plaint,” writes Mrs. Mary K. McMul len. Phelps, N. V. For sale by all deal ers. SI.OO to $3.00 Straw Hats you will find some at half price. F, 0. Mertins. SATURDAY’S GUT -PRICES Rice SJS a lb. 5c Salmon «. can 7c Salmon can I Ic Peanut Butter .. lb. I Ic Wesson Oil S" 25c A&P Old Virginia Sugar Cured Hams, lb.. 20c Snowdrift Compound New York State Potatoes, /fir' peck WU Yard Eggs, or r dozen LADIES LISTEN For Experienced Hairdressing Phone 2621-J or 928. Save your combings and do not send your work out of the city Have work dona by one of most experienced lady hair dressers in South—Mrs. J. Will Ergle, 5t)2 West Avenue. North Augusta, S C All work sent for and deliver ed. Satisfaction guaranteed HOW FRENCH PEOPLE CURE STOMACH TROUBLE j A household remedy of the French peasantry, consisting of pure vegetable oil, and said to possess wonderful merit in the treatment of stomach, liver and intestinal trouble?, has been introduced in this country by George 11. Mayr, who for twenty years has been one of the leading down town druggists of Chi cago and who himself was cured by its use. So quick and effective is its action that a single dose is usually enough to bring pronounced relief in the most stubborn cases, and many people who have tried it declare they never heard of anything to produce such remarkable results in so short a time. It is known as Mayr’s Wonderful Stomach Remedy and can now be had at almost any drug atore. It is now sold here by i i,. Howard's drug Sluice and drug gists eve-vwhere. Great June Clearance Sale of Up-to- Date Gents’ Furnishings and Hats at DIETZ BROS. Any Hat in the House, Straws and Pelts, Values up to $3.00 at $1.50 MEN’S SHIRTS SI.OO Shirts at 75 * $1.50 Shirts at sl.lO $2.00 Shirts at $1.45 $2.50 Silk Shirts at $1.50 $3.50 Silk Shirts at $2.50 $5.00 Silk Shirts at $3.75 NECKWEAR. 75c kind at 39* 50c kind at 25* MEN’S NIGHT SHIRTS and PA JAMAS. SI.OO Night Shirts at 69* $1.50 Night Shirts at sl.lO $2.00 Night Shirts at $1.45 $1.50 Pajamas at sl.lO $2.00 Pajamas at $1.45 Don’t Miss This Great Money Saving Opportu nity of Standard Brands of Merchandise, at DIETZ BROS. 1022 Broad St. Augusta, Ga. El Ryad Coffee The Most Delic ious Grown. This t’oi’eo is al ways sold in Trade Mark Green Buga, and for sale only at The A&P stores Lb. 35c /\1 \ t '» ?t~ • V-"' &y-3£i Dyer Building. SUMMER RATES On June, July and August. Either or Both Courses. Phone 671 or 1410 at Once. Have You Thought of This Fact? The advantage to you In trading with us, la that you are buy ing from McCarrel who has. hlmßelf, been a very large consumer of everything In the line of Building Materials, Paints, etc., for the past Twelve Years. McCarrel has been through ail the experi ences of the Consumer, and he can take your view. Everything from us Is under the Original Label of the Manu facturer and we represent the very best. We do not manufacture, remix or dope. We take care of you In small retail or car lota. McCarrel supply co. #43 BROAD STREET. PHONE 182#, Peaches Selected a lb. Sc Salmon tfL 13c & 20c Beets No. 3 Can 3 cans 25c Navy Beans lb. 5c Soap 7 bars Laundry.. 25c Fancy Lemons Dozen 20c Sultana Coffee Is the Best Value on the Market. This Coffee is al ways sold in Cardi nal Rod Trade-Mark Base. TAKE NO OTHER. Lb. 30c No. 5,55 c; No. 1.0, $1.10; No. 20, $2.20 UNDERWEAR. 50c kind at.. .. ~,..39* 75c kind at ..55* SI.OO kind . ..65* $1.50 kind at sl.lO 50c Elastic Seam Drawers at .. .39* HOSIERY. 50c Silk pilose at 39* 25c Silk V 2 Hose at .‘.l9* "i 1 CAPS. SI.OO kind at 69* 50c kind at 39* MEN’S BELTS. SI.OO kind at 69* 50c kind at 39* 25c kind at 19* SEVEN Fancy 24 lbs. Patent Flour ... * Ow Best A&P |>a Creamery jJP Butter .... . uwu