The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, July 05, 1914, Home Edition, Page FIVE, Image 21

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SUNDAY, JULY 5. KELLY’S .of™ ‘ ARE WE ON THE RIGHT OR WRONG SIDE OF THE STREET W you look at it from the samAtandooint'Thu S fhp overot Stl ? et ' We le on tl)e rlg!lt sic * e for you to deposit your savings and to increase your savings by securing goods of merit. Of course, if " think of when visWng a Isto makesSafshtfor“£* “ .° h ° U ” try fai i' * he ? y 2 u ' re c » n , ec ‘-*' : *™ °» «■« wrong side of the street; for the first thing some people «h“e"Sve a ?t?^ h n e S”'s e id S eTf' ! the W s^e^ 1 ' S! 2XS ness methods 0 , 1r 2&isv^^s^^ssusaa^TbSK the wrong side of the street, yo! can” tell when von might WMt « »1. ,mS' a - COUnrV * l ?, re °?"” ,e . r d LISTm v ° va '— P* ‘hot foolish notion out of your head about this being Rehab,hty and Individuality sometimes, and we folks over".,ere like a personal interview °' "**■ SPECIAL 25c White aurl Sky Blue Socks for children; every thread pure silk. About ten dozen in the lot, sizes No. 4to No. 71/k. While the lot lasts, 1R Monday J.OC Hosiery Specials 25c nut-size Silk Lisle Hose, In white and tan; Onyx Brand; a limited quantity; in all sizes; while the lot lasts, Monday l&C Another lot of those marvelous Onyx Silk Hose—silk from toe to hem —in white, black, tan and bronze, Monday SQ G 50c Onyx Silk Lisle Hose, in white, black, tan and bronze; Monday, special 33'- $1.25 Kayser's black and white shaped top Silk Hose, an extra special value *. SIOO $1.50 Kayser's wide-top, extra long Silk Hose, in white and black; a per fect fitting ankle, with the extra wide garter top .. •. $125 Onyx Silk Lisle Hose, in all the new shades: white with navy or black polka dots, white with black, tan, green or American Beauty silk clock; the new pointex heel, in white, black and every imaginable color 50'- KELLY’S DYER BUILDING IT WILL END. When the way is drear and the shadow* crowd, And the wolf on the track howls long and loud. And the long, long lane shows nevw a bend, Just say to yourself, “It will end, will end.’" When the sunbeams hot on the desert road, And you wearily plod ’neath your own hard load, Just say to yourself as you stubbornly go, “It will end some time, I know, I know." When the world stands off to your sob and moan, And you face the foes of your fate alone, When the sac e of the crowd shows never a friend. Just say to yourself, "It will end, will end.” It will end some time, and heart, some where, The weary march and the gaunt despair; When the day slips to. the golden west, And the tired heart ffnds its rest, sweet rest. \ —Will Allen Dromgoole. AUJFFLED NIGHT DREBSEB. X, Lingerie is Blmpler and finer and love lier. As for running yards and yards of baby ribbon through fine headings, w* arc saved that very painstaking task-. There is not fullnes» enough to draw in the new garments, and even the cunning little bows might make “lumps." Many of the ewest lght dresses have little foot ruffles o f tape-edged net, headed In turn by narrow Insertion The trained night dress Is shown as a nov elt' It promises to remain so. The train Is of the fish-tail variety. Fus trims some of the jngerle. but that, too, is a decided novelty—and not one that 13 Flair, net combined with figured net showing tiny posies In pink or blue Is made up into dainty and fairly durable undergarments. Figured net forms the yoke and sleeves of some of the crepe or mull night dresses. WOMEN PAID PROMPTLY. prompt payment was made of the $20,- i w,l expenses of'the Genera! Federation ot Women’s Clubs for the Chicago con vention An all-day session of the wenrv managers was necessary to audit i, i,t an «vlect lesson In good bual ‘ , was considered Important. The ex ren, of tills largest and most success ful ' invention In the history of the eon ventlor included the rental of halls ii. me furnishings, entertainments ev- J?V derail which made the big aaaembly tup .nmothly running machine for which , -idreds of women had worked for Of this sum ,110.000 was sup ,,v the federated clubs of Illinois. The res' was raised hrough the activity i# the Chicago Association of Commerce Club taxation was the method used by the local board. It is reported that all manner of unexpected drain was put k upon ti e budget and the efficiency of the f committee. Some states scheduled fOf „ certain number of delegates sent dou- M< the amount. lowa, hooked 'wenty delegates, sent forty, and extra work and ' ommodatlons, both at the hotel and „ .torlum, had to b' made for them. * „ -,ly Jarring Incident was the erusly . president's night, whan a mob of ,'ffl tried to fores entrance to hear M s Margaret Wilson. Mrs. Hsrechel ... NEWS OF SOCIETY ... Knapp, chairman of the local ticket com mittee said, “The lmpetusity of some of the out-of-town women carried them to extremes. They made unjust criticisms and I am sure this was done because of their ignorance of actual conditions.’’ The executive committee of the local board has purchased a splendid Jewel, a diamond ornament, which they plan to present to Mrs. George Bass, chairman of the board.—Exchange. AT ALTAPASS INN. Altapass, N. C—Mrs. - T. B. Coleman, accompanied by her son. Owen A Cole man of Augusta, have arrived at Alta pass, and have taken apartments for several weeks. Mr. Coleman is enjoying the new golf course, having met here some old col lege friends in Messrs. Newton and Alex Stark of Charlotte, who with their moth er, are spending the summer here. Mr. Jno. W. L&ng, professor Instructor of golf at Tate Springs and Johnson City and P. B. Ileywood, of Worcester, Mass., (a Harvard golfer), had a match here on the 27th, makng 47 and 43, Bay wood winning and then making 47 and 43 Long. They state this the best new course ever seen, "The Sportiest" ever played on and will be the beat in South. "TAKING WAYS.” "Some girls are remarkably lucky, a lady assured me the other day somewhat bitterly, say* Lucille Cain In the Cleve land Plain Dealer. “Miss X Is one. You can’t say she Is pretty” (I suppose mj face here expressed disagreement). “Well, of course, there Is no accounting for taste, but 1 should say that 99 out of 100 would say she was absolutely plain. And, after all, she goes and mar ries a man that any girl would Jump at a moat delightful and In every respect, desirable husband. What he could see in her goodness only knows.” I could have told her of a dozen young gentlemen who entertained very enthu siastic views with regard to Miss X. 1 cannot remember any young lady for a considerable time whose engagement has caused so many to feel a bit cast down. "1 say,” one of these olher admirers would say to me, "heard the news? Miss X has got engaged." "Who to?” "Why to that Johnnie. Dick Ho-and-Ho. What she could see In that fellow to get en gaged to him goodness only knows.” But I reully think I know the secret. She has the most delightful "ways” possible. Albert Chevalier used to sing a song about a remarkably disagreeable gentleman. A man who used to set other people’s teeth on edge—and no one exactly knew how he managed It. tine acualntance, howevtr, solved the prob lem. Me declared, "It ain’t eksaoilv wot ’e sees, but the nasty way ’e sees It." It Is not exactly the things Miss X titles, but the way In which she does them that makes her sweeter and pret tier than other girls In her friends’ eyes. "Ways" make ell the difference. And they donSt make all the difference mere, ly with women Men are equally at dependent on "ways" for auccess or fail ure. I have a Mend whose lot It la to b* a kind of business doctor. He Is en gaged by a large firm with store* all over (he country.and when there com# melancholy reports from an establish ment he Is promptly dispatched to In vestigate "Walk Into a store.” he said to me, "and ask (or a atlck of shaving soap. $6.98 and $7.50 Dresses Crepe, Linen, Voile, and Lingerie Dresses in white, figured and solid colors about twenty five, in the lot to close Monday SIO,OO Long Tunic Dresses New •Long Tunic Crepe and Linen Dresses in pure white and Roman stripe and white combinations. Very late models, Monday special .. WHAT AGAIN? Yes, another lot cf those Waists. Some brand new models. To date we l ave sold more than one hundred dozen of these waists and I'iom the present outlook we expect to make it two hundred dozen or more. If you haven't seen them, ask your friends and then we're sure you will come yourself. .Art Special ✓OC SPECIALS Warner’s Net Bust Copfiners . .25C 'Bien Jolle embroidery trimmed Brassiers 50 c B. and J. Brassiers, lace and embroidery trimmed; act as bust conflner and coiset cover $1 00 Kleinert’s Triton Net Shield Brassier sl-00 Kleinert’s Tango Net Shield Bust Conflner, special... 65C Kleinert’s Sanitary Belts 25C and 50 1 ’ Kleinert’s Sanitary Diess Protectors 50C and 75C Kleinert’s Baby Pants waterproof 25 l - W’amer’s Perfection Waists for boys or girls, sizes 2 to 12 years.. ", 25C Just Received RatiM "" Skirtß ’ :". whUe :. in .°* tra . or .T 1a, 98c to $3.98 This Store Closes During the months of Jujie, July and August on Saturday’s at 2 O’clock Sharp and Our Patrons Are Commending Us For It. The Store That Has The New Things First (2.49 (6.98 Your business is all over in a minute. You have parted with your money, taken your change, and pocketod your soap. You might think there’s an end of It. Not at all. You carry away a memory of the manner In which the man served you and you won’t forget the Impres sion he made on you when you want another stick of shaving soap. If you like the man behind the counter you will go to that store again. If you don’t, you will go elsewhere.” "Ways” Impress people In a couple of ticks. Sympathetic ways win. We all like people who are concerned about us. Good nature binds us to them In bonds of steel. "There air some folks," remarked Josh Billings, “thet you feel woodn’t be con sarned es a steam roller went over yew. Our harts don’t go out to sleh.” S They don’t, and these people are eommon. Thackeray knew a man who oame to the conclusion that society ladies were peculiarly heartless. He went one night to a party and got into con versation with a lovely girl. In the mid dle of the conversation he suddenly gave an alarming "Ah!" and hastily rolling his handkerchief Into a ball, clapped It to his face. He explained to her he had suffered a sudden frightful pang of toothache. He told Thackeray after ward that he tried that dodge—he had n't really got a toothache at all—on five girls and each one of them calmly went on with the broken off conversation with something like this: “As I was saying, Mr. C„ when you In terrupted me." When he tried It on Number Hlx she was so concerned about him that he felt a perfect monster for having troubled her. “That girl’s a girl with a heart, by Jove," he told Thackeray. ”1 hope she'll mavrv some fellow who'll make her happy." He was so anxious about her making no mistakes that he proposed to hes himself a week or two later. NOSE-TIP VEILB. The nosetlp veil Is the latest arrival In London from Baris, says the Low* don Mirror. This veil Is so nasneil because when arranged around the hat It covers the eyes and reaches only to the tip of the nose. There haH re- FRECKLE-FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily. Hero’s a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that It will not cost you a penny unless It re moves the freckles; while If It does give you a clear complexion the ex pense is trifling. .Simply get an ounce of othlne— double strength from any druggist and a few applications should show you how easy It Is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beautiful complexion Rarely Is more than on* ounce needed for the worst case. Be aure to ask the druggist for the double strength othlne as this Is the prescription sold under guarantee of mcney back If It falls to remove {reck, lea. fHE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. Camp Wheeler Cape Coats Will be here Monday, in new col orings and fabrics, in solids and black and white checks. The manufacturers of those enats named them in compliment to the South’s most beautiful camp site. Ask to see JL p i\ey them SU.VIO cently been a decided revival in the wearing of veils, and the nosetlp veil is the latest development In the fash ion. It is contended that this veil la more convenient for women when making afternoon calls; there Is no need for the untying or the ruffling up of veils if one wishes to take a cup of tea. Black nosetlp veils will doubt less be the most popular, but the most fascinating nose veil Is of white lace. The newly revived white sailor is a very convenient hat on which to ar range the nose veil.—London Mirror. All of which soundß very attractive but let the woman who anticipates adopting a nose veil first be sure of her nose. Children's Hospital Association. Regular July meeting of the C. A. A. will be held on Tuesday, July 7th at eleven o’clock, Y. W. C. A. rooms. The Beat Tabl* In th* Mountain*. HOTEL GORDON WAYNEBVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. 8,000 feet above sea level—highest city East of the Rockies. Tennis, Fishing, Riding, Driving, Bathing, Motoring, Dancing In own private ballroom. The GORDON la the recognized center of Wayneavllle social life, and la thoroughly modern. The rates are reasonable. Send for Booklet. F. O. DUNHAM, Proprietor. HOTEL Colling wood Weet 35th Street, New York City. SETH H. MOSELEY. Half Blk. from Herald Sq. & sth Av. In midst of leading dapurtment stores and theatre*. Select accommodations for discrimi nating people with personal attention end service Impossible in the larger ho tels. .Your patronage la earnestly so licited. Room without bath *I.BO Room without bath for two *3.00 Room with bath *2.80 Room with bath for two (3.00 Pnrlor Bedroom with bath <.*8.09 Special attention given to ladles and families. Restaurant at moderate prices. HARRIS LITHIA SPRINGS Boarding accommodations at reasonable prices , Open* Jnue 15th, Apply for rates to Harris Springs Water Company HARRIS SPRINGS, 8. 0 # $25.00 and $27.50 Silk Dresses Pussy Willow Taffeta, plain and figured Crepes, Meteors, and Crepes, black and col ors. all to go without reserve Monday $35.00 and $57.50 Silk Dresses One and three piece Dresses in Taffeta, ('repos and Me teors; our very smartest models, in blacks and colors, Monday WHO’D A THOUGHT IT We certainly expected to sell these waists at sl.oo—and fast at that, too. But you can’t always sometimes tell. At any rate, we bought them to sell, so they must go. Solid pink and blue Crepe Waists with black silk lie; r*/| while they last, Monday.. J\/C SPECIALS Children’s White Ilen-slHohed Handkerchiefs, special. . 2'^C Ladles’ sheer white hfmstitched Handkerchiefs, extra special Ladies’ pure linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, six In a leather traveling wallet, Monday, special *. ,gf|<; 25c Children's Silk Windsor Tics, in solids and polka-dots special 130 25c Children's Patent Leather .Belts, white, black, and rod, special 1 3C $5.00 Kelly green, bell-shaped Parasols $2 98 $3.00 Kelly green Parasols, special $1 9H $1.25 Kelly Krcpe Koolers, a scalloped gown laced with white, pink, or blue i IVihon H9 ( ' HOTEL RUDOLF, Atlantic City, N. J. On the ocean front. Always open. Capao liy 1,000. American ano European plana Hot and cold fresh and sea water In all baths: running waler In guesth’ rooms. Broad verandas comfhamltng view of ocean and connecting with the famous Board Walk. Case Rudolf Is one of the big attractions. Superb orchestra; after noon and evening dancing. A. S. Rukeyser, Mur. Joel Hillman, Prea ALTAPASS INN ABOVE "The Land of the Sky." New, Modern, High-Class. On crest of B|je Ridge Mountains. On Carolina, Cllnomlnld and Ohio railway Golf, tennis, trap shooting, riding, driv ing. howling, billiards, dancing, music John S. Bowen, Altapass. N. C For Health and Pleasure COME TO RHEA SPRINGS Wher# th* Health Giving Waters Flow.—Stood the Teat of a Century. Etsabllshed by White Man In 1856. Thousands of Sufferer* Testify ns to Its Merits for Rheumatism, Kidney, and L|v>r Troubles and Many Other Com plaints of Mankind, In addition we have good Hotel, Dancing, Swimming and Boating, Fishing. Tennis, Croquet, etc. Rooms En suite wUh fir without Hath. Rates, Including meals, |lO to *ls per week. For Booklet and full information address RHEA SPRINGS CO. RHEA BPRINGS, TENN. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. NAVARRE 7th AVENUE A Bglh ST. IHYTI7T 800 FIEI FROM BROADWAY 1 LiLi From GRAND CENTRAL BTA. XT X 7 1 fenn. iS'itiw. New Y ork CENTRE OP EVERYTHING 350 ROOMS BATHS 200 A room with bath • Si .SO Other rooms with hath $2.00 s2.f>o Rooms for two persons |2 5() 83 OQ CUISINE .(A LA CASTS) music SEND FOR COLORED MAP OF NEW YORK KUMAR T. SMITH. Mana£in£ Director. (11.49 (14.95 Before Shopping Read Herald Ads COOL MOUNTAIN BREEZES. v In the Land of the Sky \ Always comfortable at the r Battery Park Hotel “FAMOUS EVERYWHERE.’ 1 Most popular and delightful socially of any resort in the South. Located in an exclusive park of 15 acres, yet in the midst of all the activities of ASHEVILLE, N. 0. The Summer Metropolis. Golf, Tennis, Swimming, Riding. Dancing Every Evening. Unsurpassed Cuisine—Service of the Best. Address for booklet, , ?! J. L. ALEXANDER, Prop. _ •. 1 ■■ • >w jljr— ■. *.• JLsa ..... ->| ALTAPASS INN New, Modem, High Class, • *rrv" ABOVE—"The Land of the Sky.” On Crest of the Blue Ridge Mountain, on Caroline, Cltachfleld and Ohio Fla 11 war, Th* place to epend your Bumm er—oolf, Tennla, Trap Bh«>ting, Riding, Driving, Bowling, Billiard*, Dancing Mualo. For Bookings write Jno. S Bowen, Altapaee,’ N. C. KELLY'S SPECIAL 50c Misses’ Black, White, Tan and Black Silk Hose, pure silk boot; about eleven dozen in the lot; sizes No. 6 to No. 9. While the OQ/i lot lusts Monday .. Knit Underwear Specials Fine weave silk lisle gauze closed Union Hulls; lace or shell scallop; special 50C Pine needle-stitch cob-web weave silk lisle Union Huits, closed or open, lace or shell scalloped; H t ,et-1111 $ • •• $1 on 19c out-size lisle ribbed Gauze Vests, special. . . x 14 c l'lxtra quality, out-size, fine ribbed Gauze Lisle Vests, special.. .. .-25 C 12Vic fine ribbed Gauze Lisle Vests : go 25c Infants’ Gauze Lisle Vests 10C 50c ladies' pin-needle stitch silk lisle Vests, 3 to box, per box, special $1 00 Onyx fast black knit Corset Cover 50*- $3.00 glovo silk Bloomers, In black, pink, blue, and white; Just the thing to wear with your bathing suit. Monday, special $2-2J* $3.50 Glove silk Combination, pink, blue and white; special.. $2 85 $1.75 glove silk Shirts, pink, blue and white $1 49 KELLY’S DYER BUILDING FIVE