The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, July 12, 1914, Page SEVEN, Image 15

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SUNDAY, JULY 12. biggest labor bay celebration IN HISTORY OF CITY IS PLANNED To Have Speakers of National 1 soutation Here on Septem ber Seventh-All Day Affair v a t Lake and Fair Grounds MANY SPORTING EVENTS TO OCCUR DURING DAY Fireworks at Night, Vaude vllle„Da7 ancl Night—Plenty of Music—Those Who Will Be Invited to Speak. Iho biggest Labor Day celebration Augusta has ever seen Is planned for the seventh of September next, which is the day of all days with labor men. he first Monday in September each year is set aside by labor men as one NOTICE If you intend buying on The Hill, I will sell you practically your own price, and on your own terms, lots on Glenn Avenue and Highland Avenue. FOR RENT 9 New House of ten rooms. Possession at once. Three Furnished Houses on Hill for summer. Pos session at once. JOHN W. DICKEY -==N3 O LD^- 4. The 19% Property advertised in this space last Sunday was sold during the week to Mr. C. A. Crawford. My Special for this week will not pay 19% in rents by any means, in fact it will pay only about 12% directly in rents but in another way, enhancement, I believe it will pay 100% in next 5 years. It is practically undeveloped now and can be bought at the price of undeveloped property but it is on a Broad Street corner, right in the direction in which Augusta is growing, and the man who gets in “on the ground floor” will make real money. * The big money made in Real Lstate is made by the keen men who can see just a little bit further than their friends and who buy just such property as this at a bargain and sell in a few years to their less shrewd neighbors, who can t see one block ahead, at a handsome profit. If this property were located one block east people would fall over themselves to buy it at four times the price at which I will sell, but the majority of people are unable to see one block ahead. The property is located at the corner of Broad and Fourteenth Streets, with a frontage of 57 feet on Broad, 180 feet on Fourteenth, and 70 feet on Ellis. . Come to my office Monday morning and lets go up and look the property over—it will pay you. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE GEO. A. BRIGGS PHONE 1551 417 D yer BUILDING of rest and recreation. The whir of machinery in the mills and machine shops ceases, the noise of the hammer and saw is silenced and laborers ev erywhere forget to labor and aU make merry for a time. The Augusta Federation of Trades, composed of 30 affiliated organiza tions, is making arrangements to make Sept. 7th next a red letter day in the annals of local labor people. Lake Vie\V Park and the Georgia- Carolina fair grounds have been se cured and from early morning until long after the curtain of night has fallen hundreds, probably thousands of people, will have an old fashioned good time. Tt is probable that either in the early morning or at night there will tic a grand parade on Broad street, when every laboring man in the city’who is physically able to do so will join in At midday at the lake there will he a magnificent barbecue, two bands will play catchy music continuously throughout the day, there will he dancing all day and at night with fHE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA, GA prizes for the best dancers, and, aU told, S2OO will he given away in prizes for those excelling in the various scheduled events. Automobile Raceß. It is probable that there will lie au tomobile and motorcycle races put on on the fair ground track and there are expected to attract large crowds. There will lie mule races, horse races and sot races for the. men. boys and girls. A tug of war is expected to be one of the big features, while there will he 1 reak races, feature races and jumping, pole vaulting, etc., that will he worth traveling miles to witness. There \jill be motion pictures and vaudeville shown at the Casino throughout tlie day and a magnificent fireworks display at night. In snoVi, every one will have a good time and the day will never be forgotten by those who participate in lls exer cises. Speakers of national and state rep utations will be invited to make ad dresses and among those who will be asked to address tlie labor men will he "Mother" Jones, the celebrated labor leader who lias recently figured so prominently in the Colorado strike situation, President Samuel Gompers, of tlie American Federation of Labor, Senator Hoke Smith, of Georgia, and Judge Emory Speer. Sul'tce to say that if any or all of these speakers are secured thy re will bo a gathering of people at the lake drawn from every part of Georgia and South Carolina. Cheap Rates. The officers of the Augusta Feder ation are in correspondence with the Merchants & Manufacturers Associa tion regarding low rates on the rail roads and the eo-operation of the M. & M. has been promised to the fullest extent. From time to time sections of the Labor Day program will appear in the Papers. Mating contests and prizes of fered, also organizations and individ uals competing for prizes. The regular meeting of the federa tion will he Yield next Wednesday night, when committees on various features of the Labor Day celebration will confer regarding the general ar rangements and later will take up the details. The following letter is being sent to every organization affiliated with the Augusta Federation: Augusta, Ga„ July 10, 1014 Officers and Members. Greeting: The Augusta Federation of Trades at its last regular meeting adopted the following resolution: Believing we are in a position to put on a celebration in Augusta this com ing Labor Day that will surpass any thing of its kind ever attempted in the south, and feeling that there is no leg itimate reason why the Augusta Feed eration of Trades should not make the necessary preparation to do so at once and make this coming September 7 a Red Letter Day of the labor move ment in Augusta. We can be most assured of the co operation of all the local unions in the city, providing this organization go at the thing in the right manner and the right time. Considerable data has already been secured and some of the leading business men have as sured us of their co-operation. There fore lie it Resolved, That the Augusta Federation of Trades at once proceed to make tlie necessary preparation for the BIG GEST and BEST Labor Day celebra tion in tlie History of Augusta. The Executive Council is carrying out the sentiments of the above reso- lotion and askes the co-operation of till organizations in Augusta; SUC CESS IS ASSURED. laike View Park and the fair grounds have been secured a program is being arranged to in clude all features appearing on margin of this letter; we invite friendly riv alry between the different organiza tions 1n competition for prizes; from time to time sections of tlie program will appear in the public press, stating contests and prizes offered, also or ganizations and individuals competing rof same; GET IN ON THESE CON TESTS, tt will be worth while. Organ izations or Individuals entering con tests will please notify Frank Wright, Sec. Information regarding program, rules of contests, supplies for parade, etc., will he cheerfully furnished. Please adopt the above resolutions and notify, FRANK WRIGHT, See. Aug. Fed of Trades. SECURE PERMITS FOR RESIDENCES Mr. J. Austin Best Building $7,300 Home on Hickman Road, Many Elegant Resi dences Being Erected. Building permits have been issued during the past few day's amounting to over SIO,OOO. One of the residences to be erected at once and for which a permit has been secured is by Mr. J. Austin Rest on Hickman Road, the Hill. This residence will cost $7,300. It will be recalled that a short time ago Mr. Best sold his Greene street residence to Mr. Oscar Dorr. Mr. George R. I,onibard secured a permit to erect two residences on Phillips street for $3,000. There are a large number of elegant homes going up in Augusta. iVlr.'j. Lee Etheredge is building a SIO,OOO home on Greene street. Mrs. Tinker is building a $23,000 residence on the Hill, and there are a large number, of other residences being erected. St. Luke M. E. Church. < ornor St. Luke street and Crawfrtvd avenue. Rev. J. F. Roberts, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. in. 8:15 p. in. Sunday school at 3:30 p. in., J. G. Platt, super intended!. Mid-week prayer service, 8 p. m., Wednesday evening. You are cardial Invited. WANTED: COLORED BOYS TO ry papers in Colored Territory. Apply Sub Station No. 1, 1037 Itnllook St. ts TB' FOR iDRUNKENNESS lAeelev op,,jm and other ™foßo 1 lire DRUG USING CURED coNMofNT.Au vwntw cotm**niHU aoiKifio ME KEELEY INSTITUTE 24)41. MAIN STREET Jacksonville, Fla. TTir Only Koeley Institute In Florida An Ideal Truck Farm For Sale Can now offer you an Ideal Truck Farm, as many acres as you can handle successfully. A good part of it now in cultivation. A large two=story residence with all modern conveniences, and a nice four room cottage for your superintendent on the premises, also all necessary out-buildings. Located on car line, very convenient. \ A Real Bargain! Good Terms! InvesfigateJ Do it Now! G. P. TALBOTT REAL ESTATE AGENT 511 Leonard Building Phone 3057 Lockhart, Lucky & Co. Rent List for October Ist. No. Room*. Price. 1248 Oreene St 7 $40.00 318 Broad St 8 46.00 230 Kills St 8 30.00 232 Kills St 8 30.00 STORES. No. Price. 630 Broad St. $20.00 126 Centre St 16.00 120 Centre St 35.00 422 Ninth St 20.00 42214 Ninth St 16.00 A few desirable offices for rent In Leonard building. See— Lockhart,Lucky&Co. No. 1 Leonard Bulldlno. HERE'S A PICK UPI Throa acres on Walton Way, on Atimond oar line, water In front of property. Land lies high an<l well \ fine place for a home-in excellent Investment.. There 1* a small house on this OTODertv flan b« bought for $1,000.00 less Its real value. Phone us 2,62 aid we will take you out and show you this bargain. WE WANT a house for sale; 5 or 6 rooms, between Campbell and McKlnne Street, not beyond Telfair. I,lst your property for renter sale with ua. Zachary, Osborne A Milter REAL ESTATE. ph „„. INSURANCE. USE IJERALD WANT ads SEVEN