The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, July 12, 1914, Page SEVEN, Image 25

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SUNDAY, JULY 12. Insurance Department of State of Georgia Says That Empire Life Insurance Co. Solvent - « - Petition p or Receiver Not Taken Seriously—Thousands of Stockholders Gratified to Know That State Says Company O- K.—Figures of State Secured By Duly Accredited ivepresentative of State Insurance Department. A ' Atlanta, Ga.—Thousands of policy holders in Georgia and the South in the Empire Life. Insurance Company Atlanta will be gratified to learn that the insurance department of iieorgia has declared the company to De in a perfectly solvent condition. Several days ago a petition was tiled in alleging that the company, was insolvent and asking a receiver. Tile lawyers in the case were supposed to be acting for James tl. Brown, of Canton, Ga., a stock holder. W, W. Reid, president of the com pany, in a statement to the Insurance Held, stated today that the petition The Only Tailor and Gents’ Furnisher That’? Giving IM. & M. SALES SLIPS i Fellows, do your shopping at the “Little Store Around the Corner” and help your organi zation or Lodgd win the $1,000.00 in (hold. Ev ery penny you spend we give you cafeli sale slips which entitles you to votes. * / Look Fellows! NOBBY NEGLIGEE SHIRTS— Bright new patterns and everyone a beauty. Well tailored and full size. Colors are guaranteed fast. A new shirt if they fade. Regular SI.OO values at .. 75^ COOL PAJAMAS— In imported Madras, Soisette., and pure Silk. Beautifully trimmed and well made. Note the reductions: $4.00 Silk .. . $2.90 $3.50 imported Madras for .. .. $2.50 NIGHT SHIRTS— Cool English Nainsook, extra, quality and full size, neatly trimmed, $1.25 values .... .95^ Handsome Blue Tailored Suit With Extra Cream Trousers JMade up to your individual measure and fit guaranteed. For ten days only, C 1 Q KA $30.00 value .. ... GEO. H. BALDOWSKI Junior Phone 2443. 228 Jackson Street. TO CAMP WHEELER _ \ Express Cars t For the benefit of City Merchants, we will run regular express service to Camp Wheeler daily with the exception of Sun days. Should business warrant we will have two cars each way. For information as to rates call T. W. Bunch, Augusta Agent, or E. L. Deal, C. C. Ry. Dept. j ■ A. A. R. & E. CO. is not taken with any seriousness oy the officers of the company, owing to the (act that the allegations are so distcr .1 as to eliminate any element of -uth. ilariy so,” said Mr. Reid, “is this true of the statements made about myself in the sale of stock to Mr. Brown. Heretofore Mr. Brown has always been on tne best of terms With us and expressed himself both in person and in writing as well satis fied with his investment, it would, therefore, appear that the filing of the petition is more in the light of malic ious persecution agitated probably by other parties with interest to gain. $2.25, lj»2.00 Soisette for .. $1.50 $2.50 Soisette . . $2.00 NIGHT SHIRTS— In Otpnbric and ('heck Nainsook, full size, well made. 75c value at 55^ “Our last statement with the state insurance department shows us in a perfectly solvent condition, it must be remembered that (he figures given were not made by the officers at will but by a duly accredited representa tive of the insurance department in his official capacity.” Similar suits have been filed against numerous insurance companies re cently, mostly by disgruntled stock holders. and many on the flimsiest of pretexts, and have been thrown out of the courts. The insurance Commissioner states that these suits seem to he filed now at the whim of almost any one. 1 1151 BILLS Announcement of Vote of Chamber of Commerce of U. S. is Announced on Pending Measures. Washington.—Results of a referen dum on the trust hills pending in con gress, conducted by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States among its constituent members were announced here today at the head quarters of the chamber. Some or 'ganteatiorrs decTlned To vote, giving as their reason that they regarded such legislation unnecessary at this time. Business oganlzations in the states casting a total vote of 659 re corded their views. The vote against attempt by statute to forbid discriminations in prices of commodities was 531 to is. That a proposal to compel persons controlling the product of mines to sell to all applicants, “who may he re sponsible,” is wrong in priciple and unworkable in practice, was voted 527 to 32. Sales and Leases. That there should not bo statutory proribition of conditions accompany ing sales and leases to the effect that buyers or lessees cannot handle or use the products of competitors was ■ voted 514 to 35. That a final decree in an equity suit which establishes the existence or non-existence of a restraint of trade or of a monopoly should be con clusive evidence as to the same gen eral fact in similar private action against the same defendants was vot ed 484 to 62. That interlocking of directors among competitive business corpora tions, including railroads should lie prohibited regardless of size of cor poration of competition among corporations in question would con stitute a violation of the Sheman act, was voted 491 to 41. That interlocking of officers and directors between railroad and indus trial concerns with which they tranc act any substantial volume of busi ness should be prohibited except in such instances as the Interstate com merce commission may determine are not detrimental to the public interest, was voted 494 to 53. Credit Concentration. That problems involved In prevent ing concentration of credit should he referred to the federal reserve board or some other competent body, was voter! 440 to 13. That corporate ownership of stock directly or indirectly of competitor corporations should he prohibited if elimination of competition among the corporations in question would con stitute a violation of the Sherman act, except in such instances as the Inter state Trade Commission, or the Inter state oommerre commission In the the case of railroads, may determine are not detrimental to the public in terest, was voted 432 to 75. Tnat there should not be an at tempt to regulate the shares of stock issued by corporations engaged in in terstate commerce, was voted 455 to 74. JOINT MEETING OE THE BARACAS, PUMAS Will Be Held Tuesday Evening at Lake View Park at 8 O’Clock. A joint meeting ot the Bara>'a and Philathea <’ity Unions will tie held at lja.k« View Park on Tuesilay evening, at 8 p. m. Special cars will leave the Monument between 7:UO and 7:45, also extra cars will leave the I-ake at 10:30 p m. Every Phllathea and Raraoa in the elty Is urged to lie present as there is a rare treat In store. Among the most prominent numbers on the program will he selections by the Lyric Quar tette and interesting talks by Kev. W. B. Dillard of St. James church, and Rey. Mr Smith of Curtis Baptist church, both whole-hearterr Bnrncaa It Is earnestly hoped that every Phila tthea and Baraca will take advantage of this splendid opportunity and he present, on this occasion and enjoy the social feature of these monthly meet ings. J. B. WHITE ’CO. BUYERS OFF TO THP! MARKETS Mr. (Jeo. X. Bailey, manager of the furiiicure department oi J. It White & Company, left Augusta Saturday night for Brand Rapids, Mich., Chica go, Ills., and markets In the north, to purchase the fall and winter Htoek of furniture for White's. Shortly tiie department managers of the fifty-three other departments of Waite's will he leaving for the north to buy their respective stocks. The buying lor White's Is don.- In connection with the forty odd other stores In the chain. This has the ef fect of permitting the buyers to bene fit by the experience of the others and what Is more Imimrtant, enables them to buy at lower prices, because of the tremendous quantities the forty odd stores can command. WANTED. COLORED BOYS TO CAR ry psps'S In Colored Territory. Apply Sub Station No. *. 1037 Kollnek St. If Just received, car load of Chevrolet Roadsters. L. C. Edelblut, 551 Broad St. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA, GA, AUGUSTANS NOW CALL THE EMPIRE BUILDING THE “BABY WOOLWORTH” However, the Elegant 17-Story Building is Not a Baby But a Whale of a Building in the South ARCHITECTURAL LINES PERFECT AND BUILDING IS ADMIRED BY ALL' • . Terra Cotta Work About Finished—Plasterers Busy at Work—Five-Ton Granite Col umns For Front of Building to Be Installed This Week. Rapid progress is being made on tbe Empire building, "the baby Wool worth" as Augustans are beginning to term it. Tt may be a baby when compared with the enormous structure structure erected by the five and ten cents store millionaire on lower Broadway, New York, but It is a whale in Augusta and the south. Every visitor who comes to Augusta spends a good portion of his time viewing the Empire Life Insurance Company's 17 story office building which is being erected by the Whitney < ‘ompany. Augustans themselves never tire looking at that beautiful structure whose architectural lines are perfect and whose graceful tower penetrates the atmosphere to the height of 330 feet. The beautiful finish to the build ing, aside from Its naturally graceful outlines, is the cause of unstinted praise being showered upon the archl tei is who planned It, the company that is building it and the life insurance company that, will call it its home. The terracotta work Is about fin ished except plugging a few holes hero and there. The big smokestack is beltitgsflnlshed around the top of the tower with terracotta and practically all of the outside work has been com pleted. The plasterers are working busily on the fifth floor and will soon have all of the plastering work complete on that floor. This work will be rushed to completion as rapidly as possible. The plumbing and electrical work is progressing well aud one of the big bMlers to he placed in the basement for heating the building is already In place and aonther is ready to he put in. The elevators are being installed rapidly and, In fact, everything Is moving forward with tremendous rap idity and more than 50 per cent of the offices will he complete by Oct. 1. The big granite columns, weighing five tons each, which will be placed on cither side of the nan entrance are expected this week. They will be iny stalled Just as quickly as possible, Martlh K■ (larretl, renting agents for the Empire say that the offices are renting rapidly and practically every office which Is finished on Oct. 1 will have a. tenant. The headquarters of the Empire will occupy an entire floor. The architects for the Empire are Messrs. (}. Lloyd I’rea< her. of Augusts, utitl VV, L. Stoddart, of New York. Mid-Summer Reductions On Our Latest Straw Models All $5.00 5traw5...... .,,,..53.73 All $3.50 Straws $2.60 Men’syand Boys’light weight Summer Cloth ing at considerable reductions from regular prices. All $2.50 Straws $1.95 This house carries none but the best grades. Silk Shirts, Collars, Underwear, Socks, Pajamas, Ties, in vast profusion at lowest prices. - MS Creary’s SURGEOISKIIFE KILLS lEIEINE Wife of India’s Viceroy Suc cumbs After Operation. Bomb Thrown While Riding An Elephant. London—Lady Hardlnge, wife of the viceroy of India, died Saturday at a hospital here after undergoing an op eration. Lady Hard Inge was 4t> years old. She whs married to Baron Hardingc In 1890 and leaves two sons and -i daughter. The lute vicereine was seated In a howdah, on an elephant's hack, with her husband, Dec. 23, 1912, making a state entry Into the city of Delhi, India, when a bomb was thrown it them which wounded the viceroy and killed the attendant who was holding the umbrella over the heads of vice roy and vicereine. The escape of the viceroy and his wife was almost miraculous and the occurrenee caused a sensation through out the world. The dead noblewoman was a favor lie attendant of Queen Mother Alex Don’t Make a Racket The Spalding Line of Tennis Rackets are the bent that selected material and skilled work manship can produce. They are so much bet ter than the ordinary kind that it will pay you to in vestigate their merits be fore buying some other make. Prices from $1.50 to SB.OO. boweTbros. HARDWARE. “Home of Good Clothes” nndra and warm friend of the pres ent Empress of Bossln. "YOU CUR.” Bristol, Eng. A violent at tael, was made today on Augustine Birrell, chief secretary for Ireland, by n. male suf fragist. The assailant hurled a. heavy bundle of ptspers in Mr. Blrrell's face at the same time shouting, "You curl" /‘You torturer of wooien!” ‘Pile mail was arrested. All $4.00 Straws $3.00 All $3.00 Straws $2.25 All Light Flannel Odd Trousers at 20% Reduction LINES IN THE FACE Make Women Look Old and they show the effect of unnatural sufferings—of headachas, back aches, dizziness, bot flashes, pains in lower limbs, pains in groins, bearing-down sensations. These symptoms indicate that Nature needs help. Overwork, wrong dress ing, lack nr exercise, and other causes have been too much for nature—and outside aid must be called upon to restore health and strength. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription The Vegetable Remedy for Woman's Ills that relievea nervous exhaustion nnd Irritability arid remove* other distressing symptoms due to disturbed condi tions of the delicate feminine organism. For over forty years It has been nsed with more than satisfaction by the young, middle-aged and the elderly—by wives, mothers and daughters. You will find it of great benefit. Sold by Medicine Dealers in liquid or tablet form, or send Ur. V. M. Bierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 60 one-cent a tamps for trial box by maiL PR. PItRCK'S PLEASANT PELLETS Hellave constipa tion, regulate the liver, and bowrla. Easy to take as candy. Specials This Week at the DREAMLAND MONDAY “The House Discordant’*—A Rex Drama in two parts—with four other selected reels. TUESDAY “Her Ragged Knight’’—A Victor Universal, two great parts, with Florence Lawrence and Matt Moore in the title roll—with four other selected reels. WEDNESDAY “The Hopes of Blind Alley—lol Bison; 3 great parts—3 other fine reels. THURSDAY “The Old Curoaity Shop” Hepworth’s Pic torial Revival as imm rtalized by Charles Dick ens. In 5 great feature parts. “At Mexico’s Mercy”—with .J. Warren Karri gan in the, title role. FRIDAY “Lucile Love, the Q-irl of Mystery”; 13th Series With four other selected reels . SATURDAY “Duty” Au Eclair production, in 2 .parts— with four other selected reels. JUDGE HAWKINS DROPPED DEAD IN DUBLIN HOME Macon, Ga -Judfff* Kendrick J Hawkins, Judge of the Dublin circuit. ’ dropped deaf! today while reading at his home. He was editor of the Dub lin Timet), which he helped found, for a number of years. His brother, W. M. Hawkins, was buried in Atlanta Tuesday. SEVEN