The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, July 13, 1914, Home Edition, Page SIX, Image 6

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SIX RAIN AND ELECTRIC STORM IN AGUSTA » Swept Over City This After noon Between Three and Four O’clock Accompanied By Some Hail. A terrific electric and rainstorm f over Augusta between 8 ami i o< o* k Hun p. m. Loud peals of thunder, r»c ronipanieri hy frequent flashes t»f light* r-»njr r#m* *'th »V* min and there *ai »t*o soim hah What (l»n*aw»* th«- K.urrji did rood iu»! be ascei t fiined a# The Met old went to ptvs* It was still raining bard at 8:46 n. m. DEATHS GABON KH, CIIAKLKS H. Tin in fartt son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gardner, died yesterday morn ing at the residence, MHO Broad jplrsct after a ah<*rt IllnesH. The funeral servlrea were conduct'd from the Church of the Harr* l Heart this morning at 10:80 o'clock and the interment follow - Od In the city cemetery. JACKSON, MR U H. I>b d last nlgnt at his residence, 1808 Steed street, after an Illness of four weeks, lie-. ceased was a resident of this city for the past 18 months. Ills re niana were conveyed to Hamel!* Ga., the funeral services heitm' conducted from the Salium Baptist church, Rev. James Kdnmnd offi ciating. «nd the Interment follow ed in that town. Daily Pattern 9790.—NEW AND BECOMING STYLE Ladles' Apron. Suitable for gingham percale, rambrlo nalneook or lawn The design has front nnd bark WHlat portions cut wide over the shoulders, and caught In deep tuek darts below the bust. terminating In deep plait a at the panel edges The design 1s cut with square neck edge The pattern le cut In three sizes: Small, medium nnd large. It requires ES. yards Of M-liioh materiel for a medium size A pattern of this Illustration mailed to any address on receipt of 100 In silver pr stamps. Nc «1M 009« ir m—i « NAM ■ immmwi ■■■■ —« otT||| 111 Nik mmimaraiMu • W * • ctt? (titi Geo. rsr Tidwiu. Jr., JOB PRINTING • VMIR ITAM *• " *>HO N f “print in <• as yOf t IK( IT” ROOF LEAK? Have your work done hv experi enced tinners. All work given p*r eonat attention. My prices are right. E. A. DEMORE Phone >022. 621 Brand St get it HICKEY'S Bable» and Children Special Attention. 5 Barbers. No Waiting. Polite Attention. 221 Jackson Street. Severe Attack of Colic Cured. K. E. Cross, who travels In Virginia and other Southern States, was taken suddenly and severely ill with colic At the first store he came to the iner i chant recommende-l Chamberlains I Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, i Two doses of it cured hinr No one 1 should leave home on a journey with out a bottle of this preparation. Fof sale hy ail dealers. LEGAL NOTICES Untied stntcw Court. Southern District of Ur or Kin, Nortiie tstr-n Division. | In rr § Aqua IMsilUlrl* and Mottling Company, Bankrupt. I'uisttstit to the order ttf HuraAuble j .Tor Uuialil. Refer Sr In Bankruptcy, all that stork of ini reliandtse consisting mainly of: Office fixtures, bottle soaker - omp - te. crowning mat-bine, siphon fill et, rnrhnnnlot att'i gas Itnik, complete t] stilling process, a IrirKe steam boiler, dynamo two wagons, Itrgc quantity of bottles of various rlz<«. larK'- and small < rises for trollies and Hvpltons. located Dir, Kills St., Augusta, Ua will he offer ed for sad-, after due publication or ' the j*,:h day of .Inly, 1014, at la o’clock 111 on. at air, 1-1!IIs sired, ’Augusta, Ga. This slm k to be offered In sultal le lots I (hen the fixtuies and then the wtiole stork and fltxures to be offered In l.titk, ts Ur pries for sa'd stock and f'Xtores ill lots Is grei'er than the price In bulk then the said stork to be tie. liven I to the vesperllve purchasers, otherwise. If the prlre for the stock and fixtures In hulk s greater, then the same to tie delivered to the highest and best bidder. Also a 1 lilt- same time and plate and under the same renditions and terms one horse will be offered 'or sale. —TiT . -ei v irtUiWn c the terms of said sale p, be fra- rash certified eherk of I<l [irr cent, to aerompany tin* bid Hale sub ject in confirms I lon of the Court. In ventory of afnresn'd property ran bo seen on application to the undersigned. This Util day of .T'tlv. Ift 14. UEOROK IIAINP. .17,11 16 20 It Trustee. CHARLESTON & WESTERN CAROUNA RMi WAY CO. (Effective May 81, 1814.) Departures. 7:10 A. M . Nu a Uttllv for Anderson 11:00 A M . No. I—Dally for Greenwood, Spartanburg. Greenville. Ashevtlie. 4:211 R M . No 3 —Pally for Spartan hurg. Greenville, etr. 6:SO A M , No 16 Dally except Rur.- day. for Iteaiifort, Port Royal and Charleston. ,:O0 p M . No. 41 Dally for Beaufort, Port Royal. Charleston. Savannah. 6:30 A M No. 48 Sunday only, for Beaufort, Port Royal. Charleston and Savannah. Arrivals. 12:10 P M. No 2 Dilllv fYom Spartan, burg Greenville, etc. 7:06 i‘. M No 4 Dally from Rpartm burg. Ashevllls. 11:26 P. M . No. ♦< -Dally from Bean fort. Port Royal. Charleston and Savannah. 6:06 p M No. 45—Dolly except Sun day, from Roaufort, Port Royal nnd Charleston. 2:16 A M., No 47 Monday nnlv erom Beaufort. Port Royal. Charleston, Savannah. (pen p m _ Mo 6 Dolly from anderson. Effective .pine 14th. Pullman Parlor Buffet Cars will tie operated between Augusta nnd Anhevlllt on tralna Nos. 1 and 2 In connection with So • Ry. Caro lina Special from Spartanburg ICRNEHT WILLIAMS, Orneral Passenger Agent. 622 Broadway. Augusta, Os Southern Railway Schedule Effective May 3, 1914. N. R. Rrbedul* figure* publl*hiNl on 1? an Information nnd nr* not Riunmupd. Union Station. All Tralna Daily. Tralna Depart to No. 1* Charleston. R. C 7:20a.m. 8 Columbia, 8. C. 7:10a.m. 132 Wnahlngton. New York .... 2:65p.m. 2? Charleaton 640 pm. JO Columbia 6:00p.m. 24 Charleaton. Jack eon villa .. •11:40p.m. 10 ('hnrleaton 2:46am. Trama Arrive From No. 26 Chorleaton. Jaokeonville ... 9.20a.m. 12 Columbia 10:t0a m 181 Wnahlnirton. New York ...12:<*>i m 31 Charleaton 2'Anm 7 Columbia 1:66p.m. 17 Charleaton JOROp rn. 2 Charlerton 1:30a..a. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cara, Coachra, Pining Car Service. Phone 661 or 947 for Information nnd Pullmnn Reaervatlona. MAORUPFR bFNT. TVat Pnaa. Agent. 722 Rrond Rt Aurruata. Oa. C« f Gaßy “The Right Way" Current Schedules (75th Meridian Time) DEPARTURES. For Dublin, Savenneh, M*con and Florida point* ••7:80 am. For Dublin and Savt nah.. *2:80 p.m. For Rincon. Colom bo* and Rlrmlm?bam ... •9:30 pm Tybee Limited for Sevan* nah Dublin and Flor ida point* a«: 50 a.m. ARRIVALS. From Rav.mnah Maoon Co lumboa and Ultmfnßlnm. *8 SO a.m FVom Dublin, Savannah and Florida point* .... •12:80 p.m From Dublin Savannah. Ma con *n«l Florida point* ••7:50 p.m Tvbee Limited, fr-'m Sivan nah and Florida po nt* . ,b1?:4B * m ••iSnliv except Sunday. •Daily, a-Sunday only b-Monday only. trt* in leaving Ml a m. and arriving at 7:50 n m . be tween August* and Savannah connect ing nt * Tien with through trnln for M*oon Columhua. IVrmlngham and Montgomery Veatlbuled e’ectrV-llgbted. Sleeping Car* cnrried on night train* b*. tncrn Augoat * -nd Savannah da : con necting at Vrien with through Sleeping ("nr* to and from M'-vn, Columhua lllr tnlngham and Atlanta For any Information ** *o fnre* *.-hed ulea etc., wr te or comm unicate with W W MACKETT Traveling P'aeenger Agent. Phone No 82 71 • Rroad Street August*. Oa GEORGIA RAILROAD (EFFECTIVE JULY 12, 1914.) No.v Arrive From— *> Atlanta. Macon. Athena and Washington J‘J9p.m • 4 Atlanta 2:2oam. •4 Atlanta Macon <:2( pm • I Atlanta. M con, Athena and Washington 10 30 ppm •10 Union Point Macon. Wash ington and Athena 11:00 am It Cam ah 9:45a oa Pullman Slaepar and >’»: lor Car Marvloa, No* I and 4, August* and Atlanta. Nca 3 and 4. Charleston and Atlanta. Noa. 1 and 4, Atlanta and Wilmington No*. 4 and I, Bro: ar Bullet Parlor Car Atiguata and Atlanta. Noa l and 4. Pullman Beeper. Aagueta and Chicago. Noa 1. A 7 and A Brollar Buffat Parlor Car August a and Atlanta. J P. Rtl I.I’JS, O. P. ». C C. H MIU4N. O. A P A. IDt BHOAD STRUT. PHONIC 252, Ml and 22M. SPECIAL NOTICES Notice, Social Lode® No. 1. THE KEG I EAR COMMUNICATION OF m s.e-ial Eodgc No 1, ! and A, T M will b, he tl In Lodge A ':ooms, M;ts‘)nl<- Temple on Ml , teed* night at An -.30 o’clock. Members of v Webb* Lodge No I'!'. and * -indent bre-hren eordlally in -1 ' ..n.d to attend. T. M. MORRIS. W. M. W. B. TOOLE. Sec y. JH POLITICAL NOBC6S TO I HE VOTERS OF THE AUOUSTA Circuit. I am a candidate for the Judgeship of the Superior Courts of the Augusta Circuit, subject i.i me ap August White Pr m:<ry. I will appreciate vour support* Respectfully, «f ISAAC S. PEEBLES JR. Swappers’ Column SEND IN YOUR SWAPS. There** no charge for Ineertlona. You pay * cent* for each anawer Have you anything you want to Swap or Ex change? Let the other fellow know Ang iHtfi la full of active, energetic, eager Swappers who will be glad to make your arqunintanc® through th* Swapper*’ Column. ' ■WILL SWAP: TWELVE RABBITS, urge win pen w'lth tin roof and floor bottom, for iron bed. refrigerator (ft anything of equal value. Address "L. M Swappers’ Column, rare Herald. Jls ""WANTED —Real Estate VV-A-NTKIi. 1 WfJl’lJ) LIKE TO PHY A six or seven room house on Monte Harm. State location and lowest price. Address H.. care Herald. Jl3c WANTED—Work. IS ' VOI’H STKNOGRAPHER ON IUS vacation ? ExpeYlcnoed stenographer wad: couple of weeks night work. Satis faction guaranteed. Telephone 450-J for particulars. WANTED HELP—MaIe WANTED: HWH-CLASS COLORED man who can read and write and who knows the city well, to act as porter. For man who is competent and reliable we will pay good wages. Apply to The John B. Jones Company, 853 Broid i tret i Jl® u M 'Ah RBPREBENTAI IVK WA NTEI • Nt» canvassing or soliciting required. Mood Iricrtme assured. Address Natonal Co-operative Realty Co., V-876. Marden Building. Washington, P. C. Jl3 BARBER WANTED FOR WAYNES -1 oro. Apply Budener Barber Shop, Wiiynesboro, or Busia & Dennis, Augns WANTED HELP—Female Wanted six female solicitors to canvas from house to house; staple article; good commission. Answer “Sta ple,” care Herald. Jl3 WANTED—Miscellaneous W \NTEI > T< * BUT ALMOST ANY old thing and to sell you “anything that Is a book.” Dellquest’s New and Old Bookshop, 313 th St. ts WANTED: GOOD DRIVING HORSE for his feed, during summer months, light work. Phone R733-W Jl4 w7\nti:i>. ”s\ia!7l size cash reg- Ister, in good condition. Do-Drop-In Pool Parlor, 81S Broad street. Jl3 WANTED SITUATION—Fe maIe A WIDOW LADY OF REFINEMENT wants position as housekeeper; the best of references. 427 Watkins street. Jl3 WANTED —Boarders NICE COOL UPSTAIRS ROOM; ALL conveniences. At 1029 Ellis street. Jl4 FOR SALE —Miscellaneous FOR SALE: GOOD AS NEW. BABY buggy, Favorite coal and wood range. Franklin heater Phone 1774-W. Jl4 FOR SALE: ONE LARGE GROCERY Ice box. holds about tlOrt pounds, four glass cheese bins, box Is In good condi tion and can be seen at 1812 W'alton Wav Phone 2402 W Jl4 FOR REN > ms FOR KENT TWO ENFERNISIIKP moms with r«ntr\ larßp pumiffb for (tux xtovp; front and bm-k piazzas and othrv ronvrnlent-aa. lifts Glover street. Phone 2559-J. Jl3 FOR RENT TWO OR THR&K UN ftimlahed room*. aultablp for light housekeeping. Free hcopsr to bnth, hot and oold water, alao telephone. Call 1176-J for portleulara. JIS FOR RENT VB'F.I.Y FI’RNISHKD rooms with bath, telephone, ete. 1013 Broad. itl FOR RENT: COOL FT’RNISHED rooms for rent, all modern conven iences, centrally located. App y 610 Telfair street. J 1" I tiu RENT: NICE LARGE COOK BED room, all modern conveniences Apply 307 11th street. Jl3 Atlantic toast Line NOTE These arrival* and departures are given as Information. Arrivals and connecliona are not guaranteed H|Mt |~H I IT J tnaTT 4np!l,v Augusta Arj s:6sa 1:40a 4:J6al 4 t7a|Ar Far’well t,v( 7:13a 12r0ta 4 M's! 4-4tpl\r. Denm‘k TV' 6:44a111 S4p R:Bsa HISplAr Or’burc Lrl 8:ST» 10:5*p 7:2oai 6:ssp|.Vr Sumter T.v! 4:SOa 9:80p 9:00aI B:lßp|Ar Florence I.vl S:18al 8:00p 1 ■l6p|!!-4RalAr Wll'gton I.vl S:4sp S-o Opt Ar Rlchm'd I.vl *-16p 8:18a 11 60p! 9:00a Ar Wash'Cn T.v| J VMaBA-tta Ar T»a|t'tn , a I.vl 1-tRr -*S«a 4 64a1H:48p Ar W rhila Dv!!1 :*«aß2l9n T H-tl J:67plAr N York T.vl 9:lSa^9:JOp Th-oush St P'l’ UUI" V'e.-per* trains 3“ and 86. between Aiigu.fa end New York Observation Broiler Car, be tween Augusta and Florence Standard Dining Car north of Florence Through Sleeper between Atlanta and Wilmington via •guatn on trains ST and S». connecting «t F’orence with New York sleeper, and main tine polnta T R WALKER. District Paisangar Agent. Augusta. Oa. Phona 629. No. Depart To— • 1 Atlanta. Macon, Athena and Washington 7:40a.m. *8 Atlanta 2:60 am *5 Atlanta and be\ond ....... 12:80 pm ••it Camak and Macon 4 SO pm 7 Atlanta. Macon and Wash ington l:!0pm •9 t’nlon Po nt, Weahlngton and Athena 4:44 pm • Dally. tOally except Sunday. TIME SHOWN ABOVE IS EASTERN (CITY) TIME. fHE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA, GA FGR SALE —Livestock FOR SALE: ONE BAY MARE, FOR driving or riding, gentle and of good at>le; one basket phaeton; one set of harness. A bargain for cash. L. B. Evans. Jl3 FOR SALE: aON 17 M EDIUM ~sfzE, gentle, suitable for ladies or children. G. S. Lombard. JH FOR SALE- —H' - : Esate WB HAVE A SPLENDID LITTLE farm of 29Vi acres, on Hephzibah Road, i ‘At miles beyond Gracewood for SI,OOO. Has a 6-room dwelling and orchard. Good land; branch on place. Good for truck. Owner sold $l2O worth of tomatoes from '--acre last year. If you want a good little country place near town, better act quick on this. Augusta Real Estate Company, 833 Broad St., Augusta, Ga l hone 346. Jls SI j{U RBA N BOM E. WHY NOT GET A good suburban home in a nearby til lage like Hephzibah where you can get a good dwelling and acreage cheap? We offer a 2-story, 9-room dwelling and 4 acres of land for $3,000 in Hephzibah; Va block from station; also 100 acres of land in connection with above, if de sired, Vi mile from dwelling for $1,500. Think of this. Augusta Real Estate Co., 833 Broad street. Phone 348. Jl7 SUBURBAN HOME. WHY LIVE IN town on a little lot when for the same money or Jess money you can live in sight of town and have acres around you? We can sell you for SB,OOO a 45- uoro farra. highly improved, 7-room dwelling, in nice grove, 1 miles fYom Au gust;!, on the hard Milledgeville Road (ns good as a city street). An ideal home, with the property enhancing in value ev ery year. Good terms for payment; ‘,2- mlle from R. R. station, and 1 Vfc miles from Iroliev inlVTOAie Sano ff you arc thinking of buying a home consider se riously of this nnd see us. Augusta Real .Estate Co., 833 Broad St. Phone 346. Jl7 FOR SALE TWO STORES LOCATED at 1368 and 1370 Broad street, with 9- room flat overhead, and two cottages in rear facing on Ellis street. Th : s property rents well and will pay 12 per cent, on the money invested. One of the storei (the one on the corner) lias been used as a grocery store for the past 20 years and is an extra good location for a gro cery store. This property is just one short block from the property on the 1200 block of Broad that has enhanced in value so rapldlv In the last few years. M> property will the same enhance ment In the next few years, and the man who buys now wll] make big money bv holding for a little while. Will sell cheap to a quick buyer. R. A. Frain 1370 Broad street. Jl9 FOR RF'Ji—Rpaj Estate FOR RENT: LARGE STORE. 1240 Hronrt street. $40.00. Jit FOR RENT: RESIDENCE, 421 11T11 street, nine rooms, modern, $37.00 p*.r month. Apply Mrs. A. Whittendale, L 3 Blevanth street Jl2 FOR RENT: FROM OCTOBER IST - 11 1 9 D’Antlgnac street. 7 rooms and baih new. all modern conveniences. Ap pl 1116 D’Antlgnac street. JiS FOR RENT: STORE OR SHOP, 807 EL lls street, size 18x40 ft. $15.00 per mon'h. Apply W. C. Lewis, 818 Broad street. Jl3 FINANCIAL MONET TO LEND UN MEAT. ESTATE Augusta Real Estate Co., 833 Btond SL Jlltfe TRUNK HOSPITAL. otm T :UNK DOCTORS CAN PUT i your c'd disabled ' ml: or grip In first class condition. A new slat, lock clamp, etc., and It's in condition for year*' of service. August* Trunk Factory. 785 Broad, oppo* te Monument. M?tf WANTED: YOU TO SAVE ONE-HALF your ice hill, *o buy a parlcloth ice blanket. 10c. lasts all summer. Dell quest's. 213-215 Tlh street. *f LOUD SMELL ON CAMPBELL ST. What is it? Win It is tlie Aroma from the Fresh Roasted Coffee made at Chapman's dally. 420 Campbell street. Phone 3371. Coffee. 2fto, 25c. 30c. 35c, 40c. Jl3 BUSINESS NOTICES WATERMELONS. FINE LOT OF FRESH RICHMOND County home-raised watermelons and cantaloupe*. They are fresh every day. Phone 1349 and let us send you one of these melons. Star Grocery Co.. 801 15th street. Phone 1349. sat sun mon BOOST BOYS THE "!92rt BEGAR, * I three sizes Your home cigar. Nickel back If you are not satisfied. Dorr Cigar Factory. sat sun mon FRESH MEAT AND GROCERIES HOME CURED CORN BEEF TWICE A ' week Wm. Bov'e A- Ron. sat sun mon FURNITURE SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY RAILROAD IN SHIPMENT: bruised, rubbed scratched or In any wav ess than perfect, we sell at half price A purchase of $50.00 bill with us entitles 'i'ti to Grandfather Clock. s ! x feet high fumed oak. Morgan A- Johnson, 1208 Broad street. rtit sun mon JOTS NOW SELLING AT RELVE dero Melrose Park, and North Augus ta. $25 cash. $5 and $lO a month. Na , foxes Six ’ots sold this week. Now is the TIME to make 200 per cent on yous Investment. L. A. Dorr. Terminal Build ing. sat sun mon WE SELL THE BIG WHEEL FOR delivering purposes, and have wheels from SO.OO up to $50.00. Full line of supplies. Repairing, best In city. Dixie Repair Works, 981 Broad street. Phone 2511. sat sun mon j BARGAINS MAMMOCKS RFMFI.AR *2.5« VALT7ES only SI IS Pedestals. regular SI 00 value* 45c. For one week only. Croft A O'Connor Furniture Co., 7131 Broad afreet aat aun mon I SPECIAL NOTICE. WK HAVE SECURED FOR OCR RAR her Shop on Cumming afreet, the aervlcea of Mr. Hooka, a very fine bar ber and nlao Mr. John Hamlett, who needa no Introduction aa a barber in Ail gusto Ollle Williamson will also stay there flood services guaranteed Cor. Hrond and Cummins atreeta. Buabla A Dennis. Jl7 ~ KODAK. fit WII.I, Rt r Y A KODAK. TOST CARP ; size and a "Dayllht" developing and printing outfit; all In good condition. j worth S3O, to the first buyer. sls. Act ■ at once P. O. Rox 71*. City. Jll ' THE ANTISEPTIC I.AT'NPRY AGENCY la not In any way connected with The Model Steam I,aundry. We have no agents In Augusta and have authorized no other than our drivers to gather laun dry fid* ua. Youra truly, Model Steam laundry. Jtl PIANOS AND ORGANS WELLINGTON UPRIGHT PIANO, Maroulette lined, mahogany case, coat S3OO. sale price $57. A bargain. F.VERETT UPRIGHT PIANO. MAHOG any carved case, original price $550. sale price, $147. GOLDEN OAK HARVARD ITRIOUT ' piano, good tone and condition. $95. EMERSON EROMZEP CASK UPRIGHT piano, a bargain at SIOO. Good tone and tune. ORGANS-CHURCH, CHAPEL AND parlor style* Carpenter make. Sev eral second-hand organa, some with mir rors. $75. S7O S3O and up. WVtte for bar gain list of organs and piano*. WHOLESALE PIANOS—MERCHANTS should avsll themaelvea when buying a piano We will sell merchanta piano* at wholeanle, same is they buy other merchsrdlse A. A Thomas Plano Co. beg Broad Sc. Auguata. Ua. Jit, FOR SALE: ONE LOT AND ONE 4- room house. Cor. Jones street and Both well avenue. Gough. Ga., $1,500.00; 730 9th street, $2,000.00; 1220 South Boundary street one 4-room house, $200; one Jot on Hopkins street, near Pine, north side of Hopkins, 38x140, $750.00. Richmond Realty Co., 420 Jackson street or Bth. Phone 2262. sat sun mon 4 AUTO REPAIRING. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND AD justing, magneto and carburetor work my specialty. All work given my per sonal attention. Cheeseborough’s Repair Shop, 049 Broad street. Phone 1211. sat sun mon A. H. NICHOLS & BRO. MARBLE, GRANITE AND STONE Works. Manufacturers, Importers and dealers in Marble and Gran te. Monu ments, Headstones and Copings. Agents for iron fencing. Satisfaction guaran teed. 634 Washington street. Telephone 719* sat sun mon THE EVERETT PIANO. ONE OF THE THREE GREAT PIANOS of the world. Also Harvard, Dayton, and Winter Player Pianos, sold In Au gusta by J. E. Stratford. 432 Jackson street. sat sun mon «C*. 12 LBS.. sc: 25 LBS.. 10; 50 LBS.. 20c; 100 lbs. 40r. (' (). D. Quick delivery. Wm. Kelly, 455 Calhoun street. Phone 3223-J. sat sun mon COFFEES. TEAS, ETC. CALL 400 FOR FRESH ROASTED coffee. To get the real flavor buy where it is roasted fresh every day. Marks Grocery Co., 1023 Broad street. sat sun mon F R SAI-E: CORONA TYPEWRITER, weight 6 pounds; the machine for tra veling men and home use. Augusta Tvpowritrr Exchange, 408 Leonard Building. Phone 2005. sat sun mon SHOPS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Designed to Place Before the Public the Merchandise, Craftmanship and Spe cial Service Offered by the Exclusive Shops and Specialty Stores not Usually Advertised :::::::::::::::::::::: AUTOMOBILE TIRES We can furnish you with standard guaranteed tires from 5 per cent to 20 per cent less than list price, also do your repairing, at small cost; ail work guaranteed to give satis faction. Get our prices before buy ing elsewhere. DAVIS TIRE & RUBBER WORKS AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT When your car needs repairing bring it to us. We keep your Elec tric Self-Starter. Electric Lights and Generators in good repair. W. C. GUNN, Phone 2987. 726 Reynolds St. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Protect your automobile in the Royal Insurance Company, of Eng land. Strongest in the world, in sures against Fire, Theft, Liability, Property Damage, and Collision Damages. We also issue accident and health policies. All at the lowest adequate rates. J. V. H. ALLEN & CO.. Phone 411. 121 Jackson St. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING We have opened a first-class Paint- Shop, and can attend your wants at very reasonable cost. NORTH AUGUSTA WAGON CO. Just aoross the Bridge. BICYCLES Agent for READING, STANDARD, NATIONAL. PIERCE. We have the best equipped repair shop in the South. JOHN F. BRICKLE, 236-28 9th. Phone 1914. BICYCLE REPAIRING New and second-hand Bicycles and Supplies. All repair work promptly done and delivered. J. C. COLLINS, 1113 9th Street. BLUE PRINTS DRAWINGS Blue Prints, per sq. ft .2o Best grade Drawing Supplies for sale. Experienced draftsman to do tracing and drawing. AUGUSTA BLUE PRINT CO. Phone 2362. 406 Dyer Bldg. Augusta, Ga. Special attention to mail orders. COAL AND WOOD DELIVERED ANT PART OF THE CITT OR THE HIED. W. C. IVEY & CO. Phone 780. CIGARS For Bigger, Busier Augusta Smoke P. A. W. CIGARS Pa'.ronize Home Industry. Wolfe & Lombard Cigar Co. Makers. CONTRACTORS ANDREW A. HETT CO. Glazing of all kinds, windshields, lamp* and showense glass, and re puttying a specialty. Front door glass and church windows repaired. Phone 417-J. <2B Kills St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES H. I HUTSON Fan*. Motor* and Dynamo*. House Wiring: and FixturM. a none 387. 4£B Bth St. READ HERALD WANTS TODAY WANTED: TO LET THE PEOPLE OF Greater Augusta know that we will serve a delicious dinner every Sunday, Jsc. Try it. New York Case. 226 Jack son street. sat sun mon j FOR SALE: ROLLER TOP DESK, flat top desk, typewriter desk, type writers adding machines, dictaphone* and other office equipment, new and second-hand, bought sold, rented or ex changed. Augusta Typewriter Exchange, 40S Leonard Bldg. Phone 2005. sat suu mon BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE stock of A. H. McDaniel Co., consist ing of mantels, grates, paints, brushes, etc. will sell at very low prices. Aprly to Edelstein & Co., 937 Broad Street. Thone 707-J. sat sun mon JOB PRINTING. WALTON PRINTING COMPANY. GET our prices on all kinds of Commercial Printing. ’"We pr nt to please." Phone 3347 127 Mclntosh street, rear Georgia R. R. Bank. sat sun mon WALL PAPER. "A THING OF BEAUTY IS A JOY foi-ver." Why not beautify your home? We are headquarters for wall paper, house and sign painting. J. W. Bowlck, 301 Mclntosh street. Phone 2284. sat sun raon TIRE REPAIRING. 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN TIRE and tube repairing enables us to give the best servico that can be had. All work positively guaranteed. Augusta Vulcanizing Co., 552 Broad street. sat sun mon MEAT MARKET. REAL BARGAINS IN FRESH MEAT for cash, at M. T. Hair’s Market, 6th and Ellis streets. Phone 542. sat sun mon GARAGES IVEY S GARAGE Phone 2197. 304 Washington. AGENTS FOR HUPMOBILES. Five years’ experience with Chal mers and Huptnohiies. CARS FOR HIRE. PERROUX & JONES Augusta Garage Repairs, vulcanizing, supplies. Free air. Open day and night. Largest in city. 720-22 Reynolds Street. Phone 120. GASOLINE, 18»/ 2 C Motor ears washed and polished, 25c, 40c. UNION GARAGE 563 BROADWAY S. E. MARSTON’S Harness and Shoe Shop. All work done by hand. 738 El|is Strwt. N. W. SULLIVAN, 1159 Broad St. Harness maker and repaiYer. Wo k neatly done at moderate prices. I can save you money on custom-made harness. M uL Lamps Iteducdil 10, 15, 20, 25, 40 Watt 30c Each. Whitney-Eve Co. 1033 Broad Ct. Phone 1316 MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY A. GREEN. He makes your mattresses level and square. New tick made free. Return mattresses same day. Phone 1916 shops 1251 ilarbury street. PAINTING CONTRACTORS For reliable House Painting and Decorating see K. B. Smith «v Son, 702 Moore avenue. Estimates cheer fully furnished. Work guaranteed; city references. PIANOS A. A. THOMAS PIANO CO. Phone 686. 639 Broad St. Pianos, Player Pianos, Electric Pianos, Organs, Graphophones and Records—everything Musical. PIANOS AND VICTROLAS Phone 3327. 854 Broad. The latest styles the market affords. CASH OR CREDIT. W. P. MANNING MUSIC CO. POOL, POOL. POOL 2 1-2 CUE Do Drop In Pool Parlors, 818 Broad Street. PRINTING Our name stands for quality sh Printing. Try us on your next order and we guuramee you will be sitls fled in every resepet. Personal su pervision given every order. PHOENIX PRINTING CO. ROOFING W. B. TOOLE * CO. Tin and Rubber Roofing. Repairing and Painting We manufacture METAL SHINGLES. Cornice and Skylights. Lowest prices. 933 Broad Si. Telephone 264. PRESSING CLUB Ftrst-rlas* Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. I am now located at 214 Cumming street. WILEY WALTON. EVERY DAY Is Barqain Day in the WANTS L. F. GOODRICH, Architect. 122 Eighth Street, Telephone Auguata. Ga. 449. MONDAY, JULY 13 CHESAPEAKE ROYAL POUND CAKE. WANTED: LADIES TO TRY THE DE llclous Chesapeake Cake. Quality guar anteed to he the best 'sold in this city. One-pound packages. A trial s suff'et ent. At all leading grocers, sat sun -ho MERCHANT TAILORS. OTTO W. MARSHALL. ESTABLISHED 1878. Having too large a stock of gent’s woolens on hand I am closing them nut at very low prices, sat sun mon AUTO REPAIRING] I CAN ABSOLUTELY PUT YOUR Au tomobile In ftrst-class condition. If your car don't do its duty, bring it to— E. G. Lundy, McCartan St. sat sun mon FURNITUR W. EVERYTHING IN HOUSE FURNISH ings at remarkably low prices. People* Furniture Co., 1019 9th street. The new store owned and operated hy colored people sat sun tfion GARDEN HOSE. NEVER-LEAK MOULDED RUBBER, the very best quality at the same price as ordinary brands. 12V4c and 15c per foot. The Henry Hutt Co., 811 Broad Btreet. sat sun mon GROCERIES. BEFORE ORDERING YOUR GROCE ries call 2174 for cur prices. We can save you money. Everything fresh. PYce delivery anywhere. W. H. Bagby Gro Co.. 510 Broad St. Phone No. 2174. sat sun mon FORD REPAPIRING. FORD REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Complete stock of accessories. Let us cut your machine into a Roadster. W» cover floor boards allumlnutn. Phoni 3342. Union Garage, 563 Broadway. sat sun mon RUBBER STAMPS—E. W. DODGE? - RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS. BADGES. Stencils, Allumnium Checks. &o. 853 Ellis street. Phone 1421. sat sun mni, STORAGE We do storage. We puck and ship goods. We save you money on second hand goods. We save you money on new goods, ue always have bargains for you. HUGHES FURNITURE CO. Phone 050. 5«i7 Broad. SPECIALISTS THE ONLY RELIABLE SPECIALIST IN AUGUSTA. Diseases of men. women and chil dren treated without operation. I FURNISH all MEDICINES FREE DR. N. E. ALFORD Office, 969 Broad St. TAILORS HARDWICK & “ GERMANY TAILORS AND RENOVATORS. Suits made to order. Phone 1622. 213 6th street." JACKSON & BAILEY Phone 17S1. X 23 9th Street. First-class Tailoring. Cleaning. Pressing and Repairing. TAILORING' I can save you money on 3 our 'Tailoring. Also first-class Pressing, Cleaning and Repairing—s suits cleaned and pressed for $1.50. Ladies’ and gent’s work given ca"eful atten tion. Work called for and delivered. W. L. STEPHEN. Prop. Rhone 15SQ-W, ?|0 12th St. TIN SHOP PHILIP L. MACK, Phone 193. 913 Kids St. Tin and Sheet Iron Worker. Estimates given on all tin and sheet iron woik. Prompt attention to re tailing. UPHOLSTERING Furniture of all kind* phclstercd and repaired. Furniture packed for •hipping. All werk guarantee 1. W. T. SKINNER & CO., 1-I*2 Wawlmtgton street. WEL DIN G SOUTHERN WELDING CO. Plume 15.J2. 961 Broad St. Welders of all metals and all kinds of machinery breaks repaired, car bon ' leaned from auto cylinders with oxygen. WAGON MANUFACTURER LOWREY WAGON WKS., Established 1547. Manufacturers of farm wagons, carts and trucks, espee ally equipped for repairing and painting Corner Ellis and 9th Sts. Telephone 1309-J. Augusta, Ga. WOOD YARD BABY WOOD YARD DRY PINK AND OAK Stove Wood a Specialty. Quick delivery. C. A. KING, Manager Phone 2881, 840 Fenwick. WAGON SHOP~ BLACKSMITH WORK ■ rid HORSESHOEING E. T. EUBANKS, 18 Centre St. WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Interior Decorating Bids solicited. Z. D. PHILLIPS Phone 20M, 16ln Fenwick St, WALL PAPER AWNINGS T. G. BAILIE & CO. Phone 166. 712 Broad St. WAGON WORKS We overhaul and repair wagon., buggies, esrta. cotton truck. <tr Also do horseshoeing Tour pa’ron age will be appreciated. QUARLES WAGON WORKS. Green* and Poplar Sts Phone 3332