The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, July 21, 1914, Home Edition, Page FOUR, Image 4

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FOUR THE AUGUSTA HERALD Pllbl!*b#d Kv»*ry <i I) ring th* Week end on flundav Morning THK IIKRAi n I'l : M* CO £nt t-n 1» 'lu* % ft- l'rt* off)** UK Mar r> •> , «#'.>nd-r <*• BUMH('FIiPT I</>» fIATKS: D*M? and 8»m8aj» * v»*r %f. Oft MMW and Fundny p#r week .If Pfrty and per *■ orth M fttMuv Efarald ] 1 ftO PH ONKH n«*Mnep* Office "ft? W * t »»A r>one ?' 1 * flociatv *616 I Mnnnr'R FJ'iYor *>'ft New* R<.wn *’*9 ' Ormilnt’on PORKION TT JCPT? KPF.’NT ATfVTrei Th* iVnlnmlj A K#nfrnr Co jfft F f»h Av ft New York ntv. )2ik peon * n«* P did ♦nr A dam* fit and Michigan H ,- /d .<i rt rf-TTr?SFv’totFk" ' .1 KltnrV urd W n M Ow»n, ftr, th, nntr a ntboHred fraveflft* **»»s•** «n*'‘**v*s for Th* Herald Par to money to other* # vnlewp th*y can show wr t*«n atlfher'tv from Hu si ness Tdnnnirer of Hsrald T’ub- A ddrep* *!t business aommunlrfitlon* TO THf AUfJSTA MFRAI O. 736 TtroSrl Pt AllfM'l 0/1 No rommtirlo ■ non ** I’l i* published in Th# IferaM unless the n«*rt* of tbs see Mar • »<■»«<*'* ♦ a tf»* seMe's The Augusts Hernia hue u larger city circulation, and a .nrg#-i tolitJ circui t - Uon than any other Augusta paper. Tina baa been proven by to. Audit Co., of New York The iiui.alu tiuaianleen AUv«itu*«*ra ..U par cent. mor. Homo Carrier City Clr culat on in Augusta titan la given by ♦M*J other Auguata paper. TMa guarani* l * will no written In eve > contract and The H**s)d will be ready ajid wining «• a I times to give full ac caaa to Its records 1 a a advertisers who wah to teat tha accuracy of thia guarantee in cuinpatmon with the claim* of other Auguata Newspapers. THE WEATHER Auqu,ia ,nd Vicinity. Tartly cloudy to iiiKht WHncnday. Tor Oaorgia and South Carolina. Partly cloudy tonight mid M . .Im aditv, probably local ahnarri .xtrrni, auuih portion Comparative D.r.,. July 2l«t, 1914. lllfheat temperature report), (in in l,t>*eai lempeiature report), *# In lain l.owiet title morning, Ctt ftnclpltatlon yemejtluy .0, ritirinal, .in. Wlver at # o. m., 7,5 fen Fall In 21 linuiM m s u ui it ft fool F t*. WMKIII, l.iM tti ii’orn aider. BEFOULING ITB OWN NEST. Hollo! Wliat'a thlr*•' Wo find iho i f'oliinilda is. (Vi Hlitlf quoted In t'<■ northern pa pern larmiuli.n Hint the- ! prtmt. In the South "In not nearly it I tree *h It In In the North." Snjß tin alulo: “It In h crimp in (lie South to Nteiil, bill It. In a pro a tor crime lo Nity thill ft Ilian who Kltalu la n llilef. In the South even a largo part of tile moat iniolllgent top illation would bitterly and anKrl l.v ronpiit the hlml of cHmpaiKn that the New York World h t arried on 4. ■itn‘ j I the Innteru nf New lltovon were ll waned against Southern men." la it a greater or mo In tho Smith to ea> thin ti man who ideals is u thief than to steal i These sort of rash abatem'int* are probably never Intended to lie etrlct ly construed any more, than they urn devised-(or repetition away from home We veninrn to say the Co lumbia State would he the first to gird on Its armor and fight tho other fellow for saying such a thing. What the Slate probably would prof«r to have >ald on second thought—ls tluil there are few newe papers anywhere within tho United stales that could % uo courageously have led public opinion In the fare of a Htrong aentimeal for shielding the men oT prominence and popularity, who were Involved In this horrid scandal. While the (people of New Jersey—- soiuu of them. w.» menu were lih\ mg a gigantic ciuidlc made which Is designed to he hurtled on Saint» dn> B Id Saint Peter's at Home, in memory of J. I’iorpont Morgan, Hie fiew York World lias heonbusy collecting da la and milking out a case against this great financier and hie iiasuclatea. "l.ftt Justice roll, though Morgan falls and hit* memory he deprived of Its glamor ami its halo! it isn't a pleasant piece of business to wage war against such men an Morgan an 1 William Rockefeller." In the North, "even a large part of the most Intelligent population, ' does today “bitterly and angrily resent the campaign Waged by the New York World agaluat the looters of the New Haven; bin th e lias given the Nc« York World no pauss and glim the Interntatft commerce com mission no pause. If such Iniqultleft are going on in tho SWuth, we do not know It, but this doe* not mean Unit we would refuse to know It, If the proof were offered Wo firmly believe that the Southern people would srtse and bless ilie newspaper that would let tn tile light and expose the lesterlng corruption of min crimes though “even a large part of tho most intel ligent population" might reHrut It. Human .nature Is pretty much the •ante, North and South, the World get« the praise of those who love righteousness and Justice above Per sons anil wealth We roltimhla State will get the same when It per forms the same office. , The Riqht Wav to Walk In the Aifeuet Woman'll Home Com* TMinlon appear* an article by William J. Cromii entitled "Every Olrl PhonKl Know the Right Wnv to Stand Steep and W nHi." I 'allowing if an extract from the article Khi.wlni what hi* ndvice U ** to the correct poaltlon in walk inR "The proper w*> to walk 1* with the foot *huoM flat mi that the weight of the body at each utep i« di*trlt uted over the entire Mole of the advanced foot The heel should touch the irround first and foot point straight •head Do not attempt to stiffen the knees in military style, but let them five somewhat with each step; let the arms satim naturally at the sld**«« and take a moderately |nm stride. If you do considerable walking. M mt t,. ; | the l*tnJy erect with the < be*t hi*h. you need not worry about the correct wa> l»ecuuse in order to cover around rapidly you will strike the around with the heel first and In a ln.*a walk anyone who toes out will nbeerv* that thare la an *\ er*lncreaaln* tendency to point the foot straight ahead." p—^ DRUSILLA IS ILL. I)iitsilla'd little mother had been playing party .n th • playroom for two days; it had rallied ail tiiat time an 1, oi coutae, they could not get out. One end of the room was made In to a bouse for iJrimllla by chalking off the rooms on the floor, and Into >.ac!i square was set tha furniture lor < aeli room, ho that when It was fin ished UniKlUa was the proud possess or of u kitchen, bedroom, dining room and living room, and also a pop n. Then elie gave her tea party and cook baked her some very little ' akea and cut out cook es with a thimble, for cook aad not forgotten when « ” a little girl, and then Hlie made real tea for Drusilla. 1 do not know that I have told you Just how Drusilla looked. She had a very tuning head which was greatly In her favor, and her hair Was brown and curled, her eyes were blue and rilin', but her mouth was her chjef charm, for it wan opefl a little and showed tier front teeth. She hud a Md body and It. waa JolntO'l ho you see Drusilla wan a very nice doll. The table wm spread and all lhe ni( e th ngs to eat tut on It In little dlfthes. and Iri the center of tho table w , u liny vii with the dearest llt ll. roses, which the little mothers big mother gave her from her laut Hummer's bat. , T.'.n paper doll was invjted. and al though klio was very Htlfrancl did not have anything to say, It wub oT great "DRUSILLA WAS AVE.R-V DOLL JKr * Jgjgx. %s Ss <\> Sr f)\ KatlftfucMnn to Drusilla lo liave her come to her party anil sec tier home. Hobby .loti- iv o necked also and tie came out of Ills box a a far as he i ciuld, I* ailing tm,aid the table in l#b cagcriiOHH to see all the good things- Teddy Hear was brought from jus e nrnev and put In a rlmlr, for he had been .11 the playroom ho long he did not behave like a hear nt all, and a well mannered little boy could not l ive boon more quiet. Drusilla and her little mother did all tl:,. eating, however, hut the guests dl,t not seem to mind - they were contented to look on. fiXtEPYTM ymm (By Virginia Vale.) nnrr upon h time Rover whs lying in | 1 >lO >it rd last asleep and one of the ' Gnomes rame past and saw him. Now ! title <inome thought it would be fun to bother the dogTuat it little. Ho he ! crept up very carefully ami hopped on | Ida back and begun to tickle Rover's ear. t’p went Ids paw and he began to try and stop that tickling. but the Gnom# I .»nlv hopped to the other ear I’niA Rover ! icrutchert that too but the Gnome hop prd down Ids hack and began running l up and down Then Rover got up and i-honk himself hard as he could but | the Gnome stuck fast H M ,k and forth the do* ran hut he couldn't not rid of his tormentor At ast Archie called to Ids mother and said: "Mother look how funny Rov.T is act ! lea What do you suppose is the mat ter with him?” j His mother told him to go and see, but ~f course he couldn't see the Gnome ghi Rovai w ■ to Mama \\\ at once Rover made a daub for the ! cate and down the road he flew with ! the Gnome hnnglng tight to his curly imlr Awa% tlic\ went until the Gnome , wished h« hadn't stopped to have fun* with the dog. ■ I am glad Rover is going toward my home.” ho said, “for it would be a long wa Ik hack '' * All at .i„ve they stopped right in front *.f ids dean* and Rover looked up and •dd "Von didn't think I knew you. did r you'* Well. I did after a while and 1 law the only wav to get rid of you was j t<> bring'on homo.” Then tin* Gnome was sorry that he had bothered Rover and promised he would ‘ not do so again aml lie never did. In the Capital of Calamitv I "There is absolutely nothing wrong with business,” Henry Ford, the great • utomohile manufacturer, ttl'a th# Pres ident. He insists that there is not even i psychological depression. Hut where docs Ml - Ford come from, nd what does he know about Wall street** Ho seems to be speaking about countra outside of lower Manhattan. . He » \ Idem lv lihs in mind a region which Is now engaged In taking over 11ft.000,- 0 • o> • of the soli at the rat# of have •t' a ono ono bust «ls of wheat to sell to Km pc when Buropo needs tt; which Is »l«*\ eloping a traffic that forces upon the rwhrttads the need of putting to use ev t >.\ fretgi't » <y wlthtn ’heir regph. •‘Nothing wrong with business?" What I hs« all this g,o to do w ith huatpeat* W at at out Wall street. W’hleh Is the source of ill wealth and the fountaln i bead of all irosperity* Thcv are not gambling In Wall stree* ias they used to do. Then# nre no nu*re j million-share dav« Fewer people are at wi».“k on shoestring margins, and the r#« i stilting unempk" ment Is terrific. The | mwit, t "'arks leadership ' and no new ! Vapoleona of 1-per cent mart n finance j have >** yet appeared All Is going to ' ttie dogs and calamity strings out Its id.ilh wall on e*er> ticker Mr. Font ca nftnd no e'tdence of ca lamity* What did be expect when he fails to etsit « aismity In Its Capital?— I Tht New York World. The night Drusilla had a terrible dream, and sue screamed out and i frightened all the playroom people j terribly, “Oh, dear!” cried Drusilla, "I ■ thought a terrible animal ran right across my bed and I thought I felt It touch my face, too. It was so real j that it did not seem a dream, but 1 ' (suppose It must have been." "Why of course. It was a dream, said Hobby Jones. "You ate too much at the party. Drusilla.'* But the had dream was no warning !to Drusilla The next day it rained and the party was repeated, and al though Bobby Jones gave a warning look at Drusilla she ate everytning that her little mother gave her. i That, night she dreamed again and 1 when sre screamed this time Bobby Jones came out If tils box In time to see the animal run across the table In Drusilla's dining room, where some of the food'had been leit from the party. “Bid you see It?" asked Doisllla. "I knew II ran across my bed, Aid it bit me, too," «he srjed, putting her hand to her mouth "Oh, dear! Oh, dear, [ what, can It be?” . "If. certainly can run.' said Bobby. “And I do not believe it will come had.. You go to slc#p Drusilla, add 1 will watch ’ But Drusilla did not sleep any more and Hobby Jones and the paper doll kept her company.. Teddy Bear tried to watch, too, but Tell asleep In Ills corner- • . In the morning, when Drusilla's lit tle mother saw her she picked her up and ran out. of the room crying, for right in one corner of Drusilla's mouth wait almost a hole. Bobby Jones did not see Drusilla I for sevrnl days and when she did re turn he hardly knew her, for her hair was light and although her eyes were blue, her cheeks were much pinker, fn fact, her head looked new. And that was Just what had happened— Drusilla had a new head. “Oh, I have been dreadfully sick, Bobby Jones," said Drusilla "and 1 have been to the hospital. They had to take off mv head," said Dnisllta. stopping at this j oint of the story to note the effect on Bobby. "Oh, oh. oh!” said Bobby. Ills spring ! stretched to Its full length, so that he might not miss a word of tills won derful adventure. "YeN," said Drusilla, leaning bark in her chair, “you cannot iraaglno anything about it. But T think my new h->ad rather pretty, don’t you, Bobhy?" "Y-e-»," said Bobhy, "but T should cot rare to liave mine taken off even to get a prettier one. Anyway, Dru sills I toll! on not to eat everything at the party, but you would not llßten to me." "Or, Bobby Jones! If I listened to you I guess I should not get far from this playroom." said Drusilla “If t hadn't eaten so mueli at he party I should never have seen a hospila* and If I had not gone to the hospital T should not have had a new bead Can’t you sco that you must take some risk If you expect to have ad ventures?” (Copyright, 1014, by tlio McClure Newsiaper Syndicate, New York City.) Tomorrow’s Eyes." Automobiles For Plowing Hltrhim an automohlta to a plow' has been tried with more or less sucres*, but a newly-invented tractor makes it pos sible to keep a llßht oar steadily em ployed for such heavy work, without undue strain uj on the machine. Any pleasure ear of medium horsepower can be used for the purpose, so that the farmer's automobile, which carries him to town an u pleasure vehicle, can he nltched to the plow when not used for traveling on the soad The tractor which makes this possible is a two wheeie affair with a mechanism for re ducing the gear, so that the speed is brought down to about four miles, while the engine runs at n rate that would he equivalent to a 25-mile wait. Tho power la increased In proportion as the speed Is reduced, ami in this way the pulling power is tremendous, being equal to a 10-horse team In plowing or cultivat ing The tract**- is composed of a massive frame upon which tha rear half of the automobile Is lifted* bodily, the hack wheels of the car being six inches above the ground. This leaves very little strain on the front wheals as they mereh steer the outfit, and there s no ex-esstve wear upon the tires Of course, the rear tires receive no wear at all*, 'me gear on the rear wheel of th# auto mohll is bolted upon the hub. The tractor wheels are six feet In diameter nnd of very broad tread, which mav ha wider or narrower according to the na ture of the ground on which it works. Us HOTEL*%| POWHATANI Mhincim lIJTtL OF AMERICAN IDWLo Pennsylvania Avenue, JSth and H Streets. Beit L«,ia4 Hotel ia Woihmftea. Overlooks the White House will m euy access of public buildings, shop*, t heater* sod point! of general and historical interest. When visiting the nation** oavtui. you should make your home at the Powhatan, the Ho tel of American Ideal* Rooms with detached bath. It 50, $2 00 and up Rooms with private bath, 92 90. U 00 and up oi^roris&OTEisft: Write for booklet with map. CLIFFORD M LEWIS. Manager THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA. GA. Even Play Time Calls for Proper Clothes For th* HPaskle. the mountains, for golf or for tenni ; , we have a new Shirt. CoUar is adjustable, high up around the neck or buttoned hack to expose the throat, s*.so. For dancing, too, wo’ve a very light weight soft pleated shirt .. .. $2.00 DORR Good Taste Apparel H. C. TENNENT. H. C. TENNENT SUPPLY CO. Phone 862 613 Broad Street. Augusta, Ga. COMPLETE NEW STOCK. MILL SUPPLIES AND MACHINERY BLACKSMITH SUPPLIES AND TOOLS CARRIAGES AND WAGON MATERIAL COMPLETE SHOP EQUIPMENT. Lathes, Drill Presses, Shapers and Planers. Woodworking Machinery. TRADE 'TENNENT MARK SERVICE FIRST-QUALITY ALWAYS To this Is attached the plow', cultivators or other farm machinery.—St. Nicholas. HOTEL RUDOLF. Atlantic City, N. J. On the ocean front. Always open. Canac* Ity 1,000 American ano European p an* Hot and cold fresh and sea water in all baths, running water in guests room* Broad verandas commanding view' of ocean and connect % wth the famous Board Walk. Case uurlolf is one of the big attractions. Superb orchestra; after noon and evening dancing. A. t. Rukeyser, Mgr. Joel Hillman, Pres For Health and Pleasure COME TO RHEA SPRINGS Wher« th# Health Giving Water, Flow.—Btocd the Test of a Century. Etaabllshed by White Man in 1856. Thoorands of Sufferft-s Testify ns to Ita Merits fur Rheumatism. Kidney, and I-lvcr Troubles and Many Other Com plaints of Mankind. In addition we have good Hotel, Swimming and Boating, Fishing. Tennis. Croquet, etc. Rooms En suite with or without Bath. Rstes, Including meals, $lO to st 6 pe.- week. For Booklet tyid full Information address RHEA SPRINGS CO. RHEA SPRINGS, TENN. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. COOL MOUNTAIN BREEZES. In the Land of the Sky Always comfortable at the Battery Uark Hotel “FAMOUS EVERYWHERE.’* Most popular and delightful socially of any resort in. the South. Located in an exclusive park of 15 acres, yet in the midst of all the activities of ASHEVILLE, N. C. The Summer Metropolis. Oolf. Tennis. Swimming, Riding. Paneing Every Evening. Unsurpassed Cuisine—Service of the Best. Address for booklet, J. L. ALEXANDER, Prop. Augusta Herald JUNE CIRCULATION DAILY AND SUNDAY HERALD. The croulation of the Dally and Sun day Herald for the month of June, 1914, was as follows: Jun* 1 1ft.779 Jun* June 3 10.864 June 4 10.R54 June f* 10.8H5 June 6 11 489 June 7 10.886 June 8 10.898 June 9 10,917 June 10 lo 9C9 June 11 10,934 June 12 10 974 June 13 11.511 June 14 10,975 June 15 10,979 Total June 329,741 Daily average 10,991 The Augusta Herald. Daily and Sun day, has a circulation in Augusta ap proximately as large as that of nny Augusta newspaer. Adver tisers and agenres invted to test the ruracy of these figures in comparison with the claims of any other Augusta newspaper. FORD IS THE CAR The Wife and Boys and Girls can drive as well as the men. See Lombard. J. G. WINGFIELD WRITE FOR PRICES. OUR MOTTO PHONE §427 Have Your Automobile Repaired at Reliable Auto Co. ALTAPASSINN ABOVE "The Land of the Sky.” New, Modern. High-Class. On crest of Blue Ridge Mountains. On Carolina, Clincttfieid and Ohio railway, C.olf, tennis, trap shcoting, riding, driv ing. how Ing. billlirds. dancing, music. John S. Bowen. Aitapasa. N. C. V ITTH STREET & UNIVERSITY PLACE One Bloch >Ve»t of Broadway NEW YORK CITY **. WlwteMl# and Retail Dry ilooda nutxicta. Railroad and mOdfrv £bs I <Jl£J i ext fireproof SOO Room* (2CO with Bath) RATCB *I.OO PER DAY UP Excellent Raataarant and Cafe# federate frlocs. t Pend for free ills ttr a ted r, aide and Man of W#w York CUT* A Jure 16 10,P'i June 17 10,9' 5 ! June 18 1C,934 | •June 19 10,981 June 2) 11,47.4 June 21 lti.gJP 1 June :'2 10.9x3 June 23 10.82 G I June 24 1",810 1 June 25 10,9)2 June 26 10,975 June 27 11,543 June 28 10,857 June 29 11,011 June 30 11,057 I TRADE TENNENT MARK Kodaks, Films, Supplies, Etc. Developing & Printing, Waterman's Fountain Pens, Writing Tablets, Pens, Inks, Pencils. 4 RICHARDS STATIONERY CO. ENTIRE PUBLIC INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE Attention of Organization and Individuals LABOR DAY CELEBRATIONS September 7th, 1914 —— To Be Held Under the Auspices of the Augusta Federation of Traces. v, \Ve wish to call the attention of organizations and individuals to the fine list of prizes offered to the Contestants. Prizes for Parade are as follows: For Organization making best all-around average, $50.00. The organization winning the above first grand prize will not be enti tled to any of the remaining prizes. OT the remaining contests any one organization may win as many as two prizes. This does not ap ply to contests outside the parade. For organization with best average attendance in parade: First, $25.00; 2nd, $15.00; 3rd, $lO-00. For organization making neatest appearance in parade; Ist, $25.00; 2nd. $15.00; 3rd, SIO.OO. For organization with best and most appropriate Float: Ist, $25.00; 2nd, $15.00; 3rd, SIO.OO. Field Sports and Races to be Held at FUR GROUNDS Motorcycle, 10 miles; Ist, $00.00; 2nd, $40.00 ; 3rd, S2O 00. Motorcycle, 5 miles: Ist, $30.00; 2nd $20.00; 3rd SIO.OO. Motorcycle, 2 miles, Ist, $15.00; 2nd, $10.00; 3rd, $5.00. Horse Race, %-mile: Ist prize, SSO 00. Mule Race, 1 mile: Ist. prize, $10.00: 2nd, $5.00. Slow Race, %-mile, Ist iprize, $5.00. Foot Race, J/2-mile: Ist prize, $10.00; 2nd, $5.00- 3rd $3 00 Foqt Race, li-mile: Ist prize, $1000; 2nd. $5.00: 3rd. $3.00. root Race, 100 yards: Ist prize,s3.oo; 2nd, $2 00- 3rd $1 00 Boys' Race, 100 yards Ist prize. $2.00; 2nd $1.00; 3rd,’so cents, (.iris Race, 50 vafds: Ist prize,. $3.00; 2nd $2.00: 3rd, SIOO. Potato Race, 50 yards: Ist prize, $3.00: 2nd, $2.00; 3rd SI.OO Egg Race, 50 yards: Ist prize, $3.00- 2nd. $2.00; 3rd SI.OO. Sack Race, 50 yards: Ist prize, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd SI.OO. Three-legged Race, 50 yards: Ist pir/.e, $3.00- second, $2.00- Jumping Contest — Running Broad Jump; Ist prize, $2.00; 2nd f 1.00 Standing Broad Jump: Ist prize. s2.o<l' 2nd SIOO Hop, Step and Jump: Ist prize, $2.00; 2nd, SI.OO Standing High Jump: Ist prize, $2.00- 2nd SIOO Running High Jump: Ist prize, $2.00: 2nd.’sl.oo. Motorcycle Races under supervision of Ed. W. Watson. 222 7th St. Phone 1711-J. Tue-Of-War and Dancing Contest to be Held at LakeViewPark Tug of War: Ist prize, S2O 00; 2nd, SIO.OO. Dancing Contest — Waltz Step: Ist prize, $5.00. Two-step: Ist prize, $5.00- All entries must be registered with Sec. Frank Wright of the AUGUSTA FEDERATION OF TRADES BEFORE NOON, AUG. 25th, 1914. Pound boxes of Violet Talcum Powder, under my label, 25c. - Gartfelle’s, 744 Broad TO RENT No. 1354 Ellis Street.. Brooms $20.00 No. 963 Broad Street. .10 rooms $40.00 No. 439 Broad Street. .10 rooms $37.50 No. 536 Reynolds St.. .10 rooms . .$22.50 House, West of Arsenal 11 moms $75.00 House, Battle Row ... 5 rooms .. . $lO 00 Houses on Turpin Hill, for colored people 3 rooms $5.00 JOHN W. DICKEY HAVE YOU READ “WANTS” TUESDAY. JULY 21. ANNUAL SUMMER REDUCTION SALE Trunks. Bags, Suit Cases, Etc. (M&ttlnf and Cane Caaee and Bags. 39C up.) AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY 735 CROAD BTREET. OPPOSITE MONUMENT.