The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, July 26, 1914, Home Edition, Page TEN, Image 26

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TEN Herald’s M. & M. Contestants in Reach of Four Million Mark Daughters of Isabella Leads Organizations—Miss Louise Geer Heads Individuals—Lynwood Hett Heads Children’s Class Daughters of Isabella leads organi zations by small majority with Y W (’. A. and Jr. O. IT. A. M. a cloas ond and third. Bo>*f Home fourth, and KinK'a Daughters fifth. Mias Ijouiftf Geer still leads the In dividual (’lash with John Lack man second; Miss Mary Acton third; Mins Vita St. Amand fourth, and Mlsa Lau ra McArthur fifth. Lynwood Hett heads the Children’s CIa»« Julian Avery second; Har man t'lark third; Geoffery O'Donna!! fourth and Durward Ilia's fifth. Bonus Votes on Labels Awarded as follows: ...» Bonus Votes. Jr. O. tJ. A M. ....260.000 Boys' Home 160,000 Daughters of Isabella 60,000 Y # W. C. A 30,000 Vine’s Daughters 10,000 Bonus Votes awarded as follows on Better he (’ream, Economy and M. A. Hates .Mile* slips: Bonus Votes Hots Home 250.000 Jr. O. IT A. M. 160.000 Bonus on General Bale Blip offer awarded as follows: Bonus Votes Boys* Home 260,000 Daughters of Isabella 160.000 T. W. C. A 60.000 Jr. O. U. A. M 30.000 Hebrew ladles* Aid Boelety . . 10,000 BPECIAL NOTICE. Bonus votes for the largest Kegis trstion Days will he announced Mon day. •TANDINO OF CONTESTANTS IS SHOWN BELOW: Orgsnlzstlon Class. Votes. T. W. C. A 3.749,370 Hoys* Homo 3,738,570 Rainbow Circle, King’s Daughters 2,682,000 Woodlawn Baptist Church.... 126.600 Hebrew Ladies* Aid Society. .2,415,870 Daughters of Isabella 8,833,260 Woodlawn Council, No. 29, Jr. O. U. A M 3,745,000 Carpenters' District Council.. 230,100 Humane Educational. Society 76.960 Individual Class. Miss lx»ls Geer, Thomson. Ga.. 919,000 Mrs Mamie Goodwin, G la* vtlle Mfg. Co 16,100 Mrs Husto ii. ItAiisom, 413 Greene J 2,100 Miss Mnble Abernathy. North Augusta 16,300 Mrs George Hehaufele, 3701 Fenwick 37,6"0 Miss Mary Hall. 1137 Greene 217,700 Miss Mary Acton, 1261 Greene 567,200 Mlsn Louise Livingston, 1539 Walton Wny 166.9'* Miss Lila Gibson, Woodlawn avenue ... 87,500 Miss Laura M< Arthur, Howard s Pharmacy Miss Vita St. Atnand. Albion Hotel 600.060 Miss Louise Lynch, llroad St... 2«.8*0 Mr. Cops Wright, Reynolds Ht... 126,1 CC Mr John Lack man. Monte Harm 845,550 Mr Allen Elliott, Ellis Ht 120.6)0 Mr Frank Fulmer. Fenwick Rt:. lO.oeo Miss Nor* Bags, Monte 5h00.... 91.809 Miss Nora Marshsll. Druid Park avenue 126,750 Miss Bessie Irvin. Telfulr Ht ... 10.000 Miss Josla Mark waller, Walton Way 90,800 Mr, Otis Dehan. 220 Telfair Ht . 10,00} Miss Mary Byers. 328 Ellis Ht.. 50,151 •j A'hert Cleary 718 Moore Ave.. . 53.35(1 *Mrs. K. S. Ingram, Walton Way 164.750 ‘finest Wheeler. 1726 12th Ht . *9,8 ><) MVs William James. Blythe, Gs. 24,230 J. A. Thurmond. 603 Watkins . 10,1*00 Children'* Cla*«. Churl.. II Htevena, 9.4 H.y nolda ait eel 23,400 Tarver Kitchen. 268 Telfair 84,009 Hoolt Nixon, The Hill 38.400 Carlton I.ippa 1456 Droad .... 40.(39 Ouaale l'allaaoff, 1100 Keynolila.. 18,130 Kphy Tunkle. lOOS Kill* 103.8a0 John While. (43 Crawford Ave. SS.FoVi Helen E Dunbar, Ellanton, B,C. 71,160 Goorgn O'Hara. 1188 Broad ... 180.330 1 Muriel Er*le. N. Auxuatu ... 659.600 Wesley Kilpatrick, 611 Wat kins (94,000 Oswald Oreallsh, 569 Hrond . . . 14( 300 Terrell Rln*l,ton. Monie Hano.. 20.869 David Btnlnberir. 133 Kills .... 130.800 WIIU* Taylor. 1*36 Broad 10,100 Kynwood Hett, *O2 Third Hi. 1.115.010 Charles Fur*., 303 Broad Bt. ... 226.660 John Bowen, 446 Re> iwlda 24.2* 0 lamia l.okev, 703 Fourth 8t ... 211,869 Durward Hayes 634 Itroad. ... 7*0,300 Harmon Clark, 1237 Klllk .. 026,660 Whitney Dowling, 716 Calhoun 255,*r.0 Edward von Bpracken, 118 Brisid 226,760 l;i. P. O'Connell. 847 Broad 14,*1)9 Julian Avury. *63 ltrniul 1.004 300 Ueoffery O'Donnell *2* llroad *87. 160 Edward O'Donnell. *2* Broad 10 650 Boy Hitt, 683 Telfair 18,6*0 Edmond Clue *OB Broad 142 300 l.lllle Parr. 724 Taylor 26.030 Hyman Cohen. *l4 Broad 64]*,(l Krai rice OarHeon, 611 Wright Ave. 3<5.«00 It. Wlnton Partaln, 1462 Walton Way 4»6«00 JI P Burum Jr, Walton Way 28,05,1 Annie W. Hill. North Augn.ta.. 637,636 l-onnle Powers. 1640 St. 10 60.1 HUlth Mulherln. IP'S lireane 14 St"' tllover Cushman. 903 16lh St. 60 966 Walton Slxemore 1918 Brisid .. 10.000 Albert Connell 60,950 CONCERT AT THE LAKE THIS P. M. A concert will he rendered at Vew this Afternoon by the Augusta Military Hand. The follon ng is tlm pro* rant Program. Sunday from 6 to 7 p m An*uata Military Hand, C. C Howard Director 1. March- t'avalotta Jewell *■ O Hunting Scene Hucaloaal 8 Raymond l'olka Cornet Solo (Sykea) Bogd 4 March —Dixie (liM.ttgaou I March —Gay New York , v Brown INTERMISSION 8. March—American Eagle • ■ Wagner 7. Overture—Superb* . Daibev 1 March—llawu of hYeedom • • • llerger » Selection—The Red Mill • • V. Herbert If Star Spengled Banner ..Brooka If you want the beat stilt of clothes for your money see on- $lO 00, 77!loo and $8(100 Hart SehaTfner and Marx P. G. Martina. S3OO cash and the money you pay lop rent will buy a nice 6-room home on Summerville car line. Phone T5-W. DAVIS CUP Chicago —Australasia Saturday mad, it a clean awoep over Canada in th« Davl* cup sterlet*. In two final match- Norman K Brookes defeated H. n. Powell, 00, 6*l, 6-3, and A nthoriy Wilding won from B. M. Hchwengera. 7-6, 6-2. 6-1. KchWengers gave a much better ac count of himself against Wilding than b«* did against Brookes and at the Htart of bis match seemed to have a chatue to wlii The marvelous accu racy of Jh<* tall New Zealand, r, how ever, triumphed In the end. The Can adian was forced all over the court by Wilding, while the latter, barely moving, did practically all his work with his wrist and racquet. Howell had no chance against Brook**. The latter. If he had ex tended himself, apparently could have made every set a shutout. IBs play iri the opening set was the best shown In the matches Brookes took tin* final match of the tournament, 3-0. TRUCK FARM We have listed with us lor immediate sale a 14-acre truck farm with 2 houses Thin Tar m lien well and in located 4 miles from it road Street south of Augusta, oil two of the best roads In Richmond County. Tills ; lace can be bought now for $1,500 less Its real value Five springs on place and only one miles from car line. This place will double In value In the next year. If you are in the market kp.i uh quick. Zachary, Osborne &, Miller REAL ESTATE, RENTING*, INSURANCE. Phone 362. 225 Dyer Building. Money to Loan on City Improved Real Estate. TO RENT No. 1354 Ellis Street.. (I rooms .. . $20.00 No. 963 Broad Street. . 10 rooms SIO.OO N<t. 536 Reynolds St... 1(1 rooms .. $22 50 House, West of Arsenal 11 rooms $75.00 11 ouse, Battle Row ... 5 rooms SIO.OO Houses on Turpin Hill, for colored people .... 3 rooms $5.00 JOHN W. DICKEY Real Estate Notice Take notice that if you are thinking about buy ing a farm, we have a number of places with and without improvements that must be sold. We are handling this property exclusively. And can offer you some very attractive prices and terms. It is worth looking into if you are interested in farm lands. We can save you money on your purchase, and can prove it, if you will give us a chance to do so. Several attractive homes for sale in the City and on The Hill, that have never been advertised. Just for the asking we will tell you all about them. Instead of givng rent notes for next year, let us get you a deed to your own property. Our automobile and four salesmen are at your command. No trouble to show property. W. T. HOUSTON & CO. Phone 607. Harison Building. Augusta, Oa. FORSALE On top of the Hill, in North Augusta, there is a beautiful two (2) story ten (10) room residence that will be atractive to any one looking for a good home. This place has a commanding view of the City and surrounding country. Large lot, established neigh borhood and first class in every respect. Occupied by owner, but a change in his business necessitates a change of residence. Sixty (60) days ago they would not have sold out for $8,600.00, but for the above reason they will now sacrifice it for $7,000.00 on easy terms. Let us show you over this place. It will be inter estlng. Jas. H. Leap & Co. No. 1 U. S. Bank Building. Phone No. 176. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA. GA. FRECKLE-FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spot*. How to Remove Easily. Here’s a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable that, it will not cost you a penny unleM it re moves the freckles; while if It does give you a clear complexion the ex pense is trifling. Hlmply get an ounce of othtne— double strength from any druggist and a few applications should show you how easy It is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Barely is more than one on we needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othfne as this Is the prescription sold under guarantee of rneney hack if it fails to remove freck les. BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking hoes not cur® children of beh-wetMng. There Is a constitutional emise fur this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum mers. Box W. Notre Dame. Inh . will send free *o any mother her successful honm treatment, with full Instructions. H'-nd no money, hut write her today !f your children trounlo you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are |t can't help It. This treatmen* also cures adults and age l people troubled with urine difficulties by day or nigi.L Palm Beech euita $6.50 and $7.50. Linen SB.OO and SIO.OO, best made, at Mertins FOR SALE flood location, oti Jackson Struct, for near beer or grocery store, and residence of 8 rooms and bath, electric lights. A good proposition. .See me about it. Don't lose your chance for a home on “RICH MOND TERRACE.” The prettiest suburban proposition arounn Augusta; strictly white peo ples settlement. Cit.v water, no city taxes, easy terms, no interest on deferred payments. Call me up for full particulars. Phone 3446. J. Hardwick Jackson 409 DYER BUILDING. To Locabe In Augusta? You will want a nice, 6-room, two-story residence, large lot, plenty of shade, good neighbors. Not over $4,500. We Have It You will wish an office in the Empire Building. We Have ID When you say you have an office In the Empire Building, you need say nothing further, the public will know where you ar© and will be glad to go to you there. What the Sun Is to the day and the Moon Is to the night, the Em pire Building is to Augusta’s trade territory: the size and beauty of this building will draw people to It, as the magnet draws the needle. GET YOURS NOW. Martin & Garrett 137 Jackson Street. PHONE 224. REAL ESTATE. RENTING. INSURANCE HOMES FOR SALE r * ii 1U25 Wrightsboro Road A 6 room house in Rood condition. This place has all conveniences and is worth $4,000, but must be sold immediately-*-make me an offer. GEORGE A. BRIGGS Phone 1551 - 417 Dyer Building REAL ESTATE WANTED FOR SALE I have applications for two residences, convenient to bus iness section, preferably on Greene or Telfair Streets; one for about $2,500 and the other about $3,500. I have application for a small farm, near to city, but not too near. Must have a house containing about 8 or 9 rooms in good condition. Willing to pay about $3,000 for it. Please state all particu lars as to outhouses, and gen eral surrounding conditions- I have application for a res idence, party willing to pay be tween $3,000 and $4,000 'for it, but it must be in a certain territory, namely, between Fifth and Eleventh Streets on Ellis, Greene or Telfair or Walker streets, or on cross-streets be tween these points. I have another application for a residence in the same territory as above, but the iprice must not be over $2,000. or about that amount. I have application for eight or ten acres ot land on the Walton Way extension, say be tween the city limits and the Aumond property. In your re ply be sure to give all partic ulars as the prospective pur chaser lives out of the city, and must be written to fully. It will be a cash purchase, so price must be cheap. I have application for a small farm, say 15 or 20 acres, suit able for a Poultry Farm. .Must have small house and one or two outhouses. Please give full particulars. I have application for a small houfee near Barrett Plaza tnat could be turned into a store with residence above. What have you to offer that will fit either one of these cases or nearly so. These are bona-fide propositions, and if property is suitable sales can be made at once. G. P. TALBOTT REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office Phone 3057. Before Shopping Read Herald Ads • -Nv - ' t> \ ..... North East corner Cobb street and Central Avenue. 9 large rooms and big lot. House in perfect condition and is a bargain right at $4,.500. SUNDAY. JULY 26. A part of the property be longing to the Mary Warren Home, but not the lot on which the "Home” is situated. The property for sale has a front age of fifty feet on Broad Street, but in the rear 140 feet on the tracks of the C. and W. C. Railway- Can be divided up into lots as purchaser may wish, but a big consideration, perhaps the biggest is the op portunity of building ware houses adjoining the railway tracks. The i rice is only $3,500. Get us show you on the 900 block of Mclntosh 3treet a three story dwelling on a lot 172 feet that we can ;.ell for $5,000. There are 11 rooms with bath and closets, and would make a money-nnking boarding house, or residence for large family. If you want to invest $2,000 in a small cottage, let us show you one on the 300 block of Telfair street, very near Lincoln street, where you can catch either a Summerville or Lake View street car—only seven minutes apart. Five’ rooms and bath with kitchen attach ed. On the 400 block of Walker street we offer you a 2 story 7 room house, on lot 85x250 feet, for $5,000, with terms to suit purchaser. All modern con veniences—bath, closets, gas, electricity, water. And it’s a real bargain. Let us show you a Bungalow of five rooms and accessories, it’s on Ellis street between Crawford Avenue and Eve streets. Take a look at it, and then let us tell you the price and terms. The twelve hundred block of Greene street is one oi the of the nicest residential sec tions of Augusta. Neighbor hood superb. Let me sell you there a 2-story, 8-room house on a lot 40x185 feet. Every modern convenience. Free is $7,500, with a cash payment of only SI,OOO, balance to suit yourself- We have several other real estate bargains that we would like to talk to you about in on ■ office, .lust tell us what you want and we will furnish it. 511 Leonard Building. Home Phone 1391.