The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, July 27, 1914, Home Edition, Image 56

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SPECIAL NUMBER Push, Progress, Prosperity, Peace and Plenty in August! VALUE OF GOOD ROADS 3y MRS. WHITLOW LOGAN. Only in late years has the good ; movement come into pomi i. te, foelors that people seemed to accept had roads as a matter ot course, j ust as t.he.> did small-pox mi o;her filings considered to he \i.-itations ot Providence. Probably no on: thing has done n cie toward awakening people to the situation nui alleviating it than the ; tctnobilc. I i til the motor car (i.ino into general use there was :»o n d ot main trunk highways, tlie , iti roads needed being those lead ii. from i griculutial districts to the inies or nearest, shipping [joints but ■ dll t ie automobile came the neces sity hi thorough roads going from dm sta <■ to .mother and connecting citij.i. It lias also made it evident that the old principle of road building was inadequate and that merely build ing a good ro id is ( .setting the tax payer and that some provision must he’ made tor maintaining it or in a few >ears the ronununit:-' must again nay lor an entin I.- new highway. Bring man- thousand of visitors and tourisis to this section each year This section, the pioneer in good loads development in the South. There is nothing that, so improves end modernizes a community as good roads, in some sections i: is impos sible tor a fanner to market his pro duce except at certain seasons oT the - car and in many instances this puts Idm at the mercy of middlemen. I,ook at the community connected by smooth, well drained roads; how I rosperotis, happy and wide-awake they look as if living in ihe country were a privilege and pleasure. On the other hand consider the mud road full of stones ami chug holes and it b his type of road that always goes with tumble down buildings neglected a, abandoned farms and forlorn peo pe. What hoy is going to stay when there is any chance of escape to the city. Tile greatest needs of the farm today are conditions that will so in ti rest anil apeal to the hoy that no foreign attractions can entice him II way. In many states a dust preventative is included fn the original road build ing plan: notably in Massachusetts. This should be done everywhere as there is no economy in sacrificing the health of a community as you surely do in allowing the roads to tie germ, dispensers. Why not plant trees, even though small ones, along our highways that man and beast may U •v el iii as much com fori as possible and that the appearance of the coun try may be more pleasing. Tlie construction of good roads will c> be undertaken properly and car ii-d out. satisfactorily until the peo- P av.aken to the fact that good 1* ;u’s and good schools are tlie, prime 1 euifitos of prosperity, just as ig :■< iv" nd grafting politicians are WESTERN WHEELED SCRAPER CO. Factory and General Offices: Aurora, Illinois. Manufacturers of the Celebrated WESTERN AIR DUMP CARS It is agreed among contractors that the WESTERN car will stick to the rail better than any other dump car in the market, not only while being dumped but in running between pit and dump. The Western Air Dump Cars were extensively used in the building of the Panama Canal and on other of the largest and most im portant work in the country. They have been used, endorsed and reordered by many of the leading railroads in the country which, we believe, speaks for itself. They save WESTERN WHEELED SCRAPER CO. AURORA, luLINOL EARTH AND STONE HANDLING MACHINERY the curse of progress. Some public officials swear to do great things for their state, county or city but have the viewpoint of that London clerk calls a position a berth because he considers it something in which to go to sleep. Seldom do the voters What Augusta's Big Canal Means to the Industries of the Cits Power, Pay- Rolls and Prosperity Tlie Augusta 1 anal is and for many years has been one of the principal factors in the industrial prosperty of the city. It furnishes 12,0 HS horse power which is used by 14 different concerns, including the city itself which uses an even 1,000 horse power. The largest single user of canal power is the John P. King Manufac turing Company which has 2,928 horse, power. The various industrial corporations which use canal power employ a total of 2,802 people and the annual pay rolls foot up to an enormous figure. The actual cash money paid out week ly. semi-monthly and monthly foots up to a yearly aggregate of more than $1,300,000. The demand for power from the canal has been so great that every available particle of it was contracted for long ago and should any one of the Present users for any reason decide to discontinue it there would be many anxious concerns ready to secure the power. The city keeps books carefully on the <anal, Mr. Chas. A Maxwell, su- “The Time Is Rotten Ripe* 9 New times demand new measures and new men; The world advances and in time out grows The Jaws that in our father's day were best; And, doubtless, after us some purer scheme Will be shaped out by wiser men than we, Made wiser by the steady growth of truth. The time is ripe, and rotten ripe, for change; Then let it come; I have no dread of GEORGIA’S RECORD First to bestow degree upon women. First to have a sewing machine. First to codify the English law. First to pass the "married women’s consider road building as a business requiring the ability and modern methods so necessary in any oilier business that would succeed. When we stop harping on party politics and put into office only experienced men of ability, energy and sound princi ples o honesty instead of men who are failures in everything but petty politics, then and not until then will we get something for our money, be sides a lew badly built str-.itciios ot road beginning at. some city and moat probably ending at the front gate 01 some public official. perintendent of water works, having official charge of the matter Extremely low water in the river sometimes causes the water power power furnished by the canal to be considerably less than the maximum of 12,4)65 but these periods do not come often and are usually of short dura tion. The following is a list of the users of canal power, the amount each uses and the number of employes: E lll - H. P. ployes. Sibley Mfg. Co 1,650 900 J. P. King Mfg. Co. .... 2,928 *75 Singleton Mills 50 so Augusta Factory 1.253 400 Enterprise Mfg. Co. ... 1,246 520 Globe Mills 206 150 Sutherland Mills ,319 125 Clark Milling Co. .... 181 37 Nixon Grocery Co. ... 110 10 Augusta Lumber Co. .. 105 125 Lombard Iron Works . . 92 225 City of Augusta 1,000 6 Georgia Iron Works .. 36 75 A.-A. Power Plant .. .. 2,829 2t>o Totals 12,015 3,808 what Is called for by the instinct ot man kind. Nor think 1 that God's world would fall apart Because wo tear a parchment more or less; Truth is eternal but tier affluence, With endless change, is fitted to tlie hour; Her mirror is turned forward, to re flect The promise of the future, not the past. —JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. act," the right to manage her own property. First to discover ether anesthesia— Dr. Crawford \V. Dong, of Athens and Jefferson. First to send troops to the confed erate service—the Oglethorpe Light Infantry of Savannah. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA. GA. LON DICKEY LUMBER COMPANY ™ INCORPORATED 1 — Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers Yellow Pine Lumber and Ties FITZGERALD, GEORGIA We are prepared at all times to give prompt delivery on all orders—-no order too large for us to handle. A. J. Twiggs & Son, Augusta’s leading con tracting firm has used our lumber in many of their large operations and do not hesitate to say our lumber is always as ordered and our service prompt as high as 50% in the handling of material. Dump the load clear of the track and pull out at once. Invaluable for hauling of all kinds. Illustrated catalog and complete details gladly upon request. A. J. Twiggs & Sons, are using the Western Air Dump Cars in their different construction work and unhesitatingly recommend them. These cars are being used on the levee con struction work and are not only saving money but time as well. “AUGUSTA IN 19J