The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, August 02, 1914, Home Edition, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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EIGHT Swappers’ Column. • END IN YOUR SWAPS. Tl • r*» it no charge for insertion* You pay r > ren’s for each answer. Hava you anythin* you want to Swap or Kt chang*? I>at tha othar felow know Augusta la full of actlv**. energetic, eager Swappers who wl 1 bn glad to make your acquaintance through th# Swappers' Column pf¥B SMALL CAMPINO OT TFII i»lnlng tant with sleeping cot attach ed. folding stool*. extra folding not, kerosene stove. Flambeau light, canvas for cooking shelter, new. ’Will a wap for furniture or anything of equal value. Ad dress Camping Outfit, Swappers’ Column, • are Herald. A 6 W 1 LL SWA V V All < wVf ITPf \S I >1 A N Runner Ducks, lat prize winners .*t the lwMt Augusta Poultry Show, for H. Rhode Island Red* or Whit*- Wyan dot tea, pullet a or bene for sal*. Ad dress H. H., Swappers' Column, <ar« Herald. At SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 71Y lawx the annual meeting of Stock - holder* of Georgia Chemical Works, will be held at Auguata, the second Tuaeday In August, being the 11th day of the monih. W. H. P. RHKPARI) AlO Secretary. WANTED HELP—MaIe and Female. I earn Alao na Incidental earning 9J.00 per hour, guaranteed All particulara free and postpaid. Glaser, 8o Miller Avenua, Providence, R. ! WANTED HELP—MaIe SIKN WANTED Tl. WKAII A I'AIH of our low ehoea, all sixes reduced t«» cost during thle sale See bargain oountera Cook-McKle Shoe Co.. (CO Uroad street. A 2 ARMT OF IT. H WANTED UNMAR rled men eg#* 1* to 86. Information a* Recruiting Offices, Post Office Ridge. Montgomery, Ala, Home. Auguata, <’o lumbue, flu., 192?Vfc Second Am*.. Rlrm- Ingham, Ala.. 411 Cherry Ht , Macon, and Broad and Marietta, At antn, Ga. WANTED, CO 1 7j AH TOR WANT EI > A young man who can collect money Apply H. R. (\, care Herald. At MEN WANT ED IN Ml L< m A | .mi S2O weekly and permanent position showing aampJes large* mall order house Outfit free Hlgheat rcfarcnucH furnished American Grocery Co., Port Huron, Mleh. All RE . DETECTIVE; EARN s.%<» TO SIOO weekly; travel all over the world Write Dept ?&. United States Dele five A Adjusting Agency. Railway K\ change Bldg., St Hon la, M«i V COIA tREP M\N (Hi WOM \N t N DEI R 0 wanted No experience needed. SIOO month Write quick. Box A 109, Cln rlnnatl. Ohio. A 2 RE( < -Mi \ B< m »K K El PI 1 t'uM piste double entry course taught for sf*. !m prove your present situation Earn more Write The Jacob* Co., 119 East 101st Ht., New York City. A 1 Wanted neat appi xrino sin gle ntsn for house to bouse canvassing Halary and expenses paid Apply to O. ft Mover, Monday, 160 Forest Ave North Augusta. H. C. A 2 Want i:i• in »mkkeeping ' "aihm i two <»r three hours desired 1n evenlncs on book work, also can use typewritet Address Poster, care llerahl. A 2 WANTED—Boarders NICK ROOMS AND BOARD RUITARLE for young men or couple. Phone 2353. 1315 Ellis street. AI BOARDERS \A \NTI I » B*>.\HDl \l I - private family, also furnished rooms to rent; all convenience*. 523** Broad Street At WANTED —Miscellaneous Wantki> my fruoniw ani> ukn •raj public to know The Greater Au guste Pharmacy, under my personal charge, has opened with a Dill line of Drugs. Soda Water and Sundries, nt 3211 Broad street. Your patronage ap preciated Heat goods right prices .1 R Qepft t I*l i !’» one 1 lilrt 11# WANTHUi lIKAI I KM l'< Ml !Ml>> r V. I tylene ess plants In every county. Writ# at once for particulars H. W Horner. Managing Salesman, Lock Box M 3. Atlanta, (la AR VANTKI»Tas 1 FI’RNISH PLANS AND epsclflcatlons (without charge) with estimates on all classes of buildings, my friends are asklnf me why 1 wna not In the special Issue of “Augusta In 1314?’* 1 answer, first: Iterauae 1 did not know It wss being prepared; snd second ! spend my advertllsng money In doing better work with better material and find these satisfied customers do the '.best advertising. Ask any of them for whom 1 have don* work. If they did not save money by giving me their work. 1 also supsi Intend work for owners who went to furnish material and have their work done hy the day. If you are think ing of building, I would be glad to sc* you and talk over this method. Thomas Nichols, 510 Crawford Av*, Augusta. On A 3 WANTED IP RAN WRIT 10 FOR LIST or Invsntlons wanted by inamiftictur #wa and prises offered b) Invsntlons Our four books sent free Patent se cured or fee returned Victor J Evans A Co., Washington. P C J ’«• 2*l A 1 t 11 |1 WANTED TOTEt YOC KV »\V TH AT w# ordsr 300 cases o. Blue l.ahel Catchup to supply our good customers from now on. New York Case “Stand ard Restaurant of the South.'’ B|L a*t sun men !' WANTED \ ONCI I'D DO I*| \j\ sewing by the day Address **Qut* w care Herald ,\1 WANTED—Aqents AQKN AT! lilt HI grade ara vu .*- tseis aohl ev-back guarantee Sample fs prepaid. Particulars free Otffbrd-Rohlnton. 4*34 Indiana Avenue. Chicago, 111 \j FORM Just out -nothing else like it Carry right tn your pocket The biggest sell er out today enormous profits coins you Mone* knyone cai now cooling glaas of l-oger Beer whenever ■ they want it wondei f a mating great Show it ae I them all If sf»n a wreek looks good to you wend postal todav The \inbrew '* 1 Itlft. On ini \ WANTED—FIat WANTED- Ft .AT OF J OK « ROOM* with prlvat, N»th »i.«l pIMKCA. nu..l«rn convMUvncM; »Uh»r In th* city nr •uhurt* Thun* JllO-J. At WANTED—ReaI Estate . ANT ED TO BUY FROM OWNER, some siiuil I colored tenant houses. Must show good investment for price caked, Give description, locality and price. Address Owner, care Herald. A 3 WANTED TO BUY MM ALL PIECE OF bind next to a car track, dose In. Lot must be cheap. Give si**, location and job# Address "Trackage,' car* He:- old ___ A 2 WANTKb; TO BLY It EH 11 fENCE irom owner In good neighborhood. De sire five or six rooms. Not to exceed $2,- * <>. Address Hons* -Seeker, car*- Her ald. A 2 WAN I LD —Salesmen | DO VOL WANT’ $lO A DAY HIDE OR main line, retail, premium and punch I board deals? i-Tve propositions. Ameri can Factories Co., ht l>»uls, Mo. AJ W • N . El > i •To HIGH GRADE HPB clalty salesmen for staple line. Large commissions. Protected territory. Old established house. Must close at ore S. K. Kllrie, Hales Manager, 024-31 Crafts i ■I g (T* *v #l>l n. I, ni,i *. A 2 WANTED HELP—Female LA DIE. IMMEDIATELY; 8 V WADY home-work, evenings; preparing den tifrice. material furnished, no expert* eric#-, no Canvassing; $1- weekly; ex cellent opportunity, enclose stamp !•./ n,a H| « ■ 'I <*r •» '■> '>’ ' ■ \V T 771. p7\ V TtEIJA til. I. WOM AN s2sU.«mj for distributing 20MI FREE packages Perfumed Soup Powder in your town. No money »# qul. # I Ward A Co., 216 In i ’ < !bU A$ vCiUrol, lui.uiic, ' Aid. ON I'H FOR teacher tor ny position. Our teachers highly quullfleil, have now < nllege pro i. oi i ■ iperintendents, high principals, speeisllsts in music, **io< u ilon, sciences and rural teachers. The New South Teacher's Bureau, Red Springs, N. C. * I,A I>l EH IM MEI »l AT’ELY , HTE AD Y home-work; evenings, filling anil label ing boxen; m# experience; m# canvassing; ]♦ ij weekly; excellent opportunity ; en , close stamp. Krlna Hpeplalty t'o., Toron ' to, Out 1 WOMEN WITH FRKCKLKH AND otliers write us. We < ti show "U how easy It is t*» mak* $1»« and mor* I week I \ demonstrating MAZOLA >•# I neighbors arid friends. Guaranteed t<» remove fr*-« kies and Improve th*- com -1 plelxon Nothing like it. Writ* t«»r llbenl off* i Masola Co., 4215 Champlain Ave., Chicago A 3 WANTED —Rooms WANTED FROM OCT IST. BY LADY and eon, age 22, unfurnished rooms and board; rooms arranged for light housekeeping, in refined, private home. Greene street preferred. Address 11. 11. H * are Herald. FOR RENT—Rooms NICELY FURNISHED ]UX)MB, bath, electric lights, use of phone. Ap ply 1013 Broad street. AB IT >|{R EN T fHREE I T N Fl' IIN Ts 11KI» rooms. porch, lath, telephone and lights, fir..on j„.r month; nice neighbor hood and not far from business center; references exchanged Phone 1002 .1. A 2 FOR RENT—FIat FOR RENT: 1100 BLOCK BROAD ST.. ♦; rooms each. S2O and s2f»; t:*.l and 433 Telfair street, $35 eneh. I F Jones Kt F b'.l Telfair street. Plmne 821-.1. A 4 FOR RENT—FIat For RENT: NICK LARGE EIGHT room flat, electric lights, gas, hot and cold water all modern conveniences; eentrally located. 1202 Ellis street. Phone 2908- J. A 3 • RENT FROM OCTOBER Ist, 803 Monument street lower flat 5 rooms and bath, upper flat 4 rooms ami bath. Ap;*b to Uhas. W. t’rawford. Phone I- W, 2084-J. A 6 FOR SALE—ReaI Estate 1 'll rwo ST (mKH. LOCAI ED at 1388 an*l 1370 Broad street, with 9- rooin flat overhead, and two cottages In tear facing on Kills street. This property tents well and will pay 122 per cent, on the money Invested. One of the stores (the one on the corner), has been used ns a grocery store for the past 20 years and Is an extra good location for a gro cery store. This property Is Just one short block from the property on the 1200 block of Broad that has enhanced In value so rapidly in the last fev' years. Mv property will see the same enhance ment in the next few years, and the man who buys now will make big money h\ hojdlng for a little while. Will sell « heap to a quick buyer. It. A. Frain. o ’I - ft. A 9 F<>l{ SALK U>T 100x187, IN NORTH Augusta, for $250 00; good Invest inept to build 5 houses for colored tenants Apply J. T. Anderson, 2180 tlrcene street, near High street, Au gusta. («h At \\t LEAVING TOWN AND WANT TO se’.l my home right away; it Is a t»- ioom bungn ow. located Just « short block from Walton Way; will sell cheap with .* very small cash payment. Ad dress J. G. J , care Herald a4c FOR SALE ONE STORY COTTAGE, three rooms with hall, lot 40x150. 1537 Chestnut street. $750.00. One lot on Hop kins street, near Pine, 88x140, $750.00. Richmond Realty Co., 420 Jackson Ht. Phone 224*2. sat sun molt Ki •v i iHTv i t USE NTH INVITED • * write for our legitimate co-operative uuuic.v making proposition. Splendid op portunities Address Atlantic States Farm Land Company. BOX 12. Americas Georgia A 2 FARMS FOR SALE: 1 CAN HELL YOIJ the last of farm land in northeast G* igi .*n and neat good railroad sowtts that wdil produce a I ale of cotton or 100 bushels com per acre for from sls to $25 per acre depending on Improvements. We are 1 500 feet above sea lev e land lies from level to gently rolling with deep ted sub soil ami Is the best farming .nd fruit country to be found. If you are looking tor a new location or in vestment wtu c you will have good health and get g*H»d productive land cheap, it will pa> you to write me for full particulars, booklet and list of prop .it \ Kas\ terms to all Address J H links Clarksville. Ga. A 2 Imr SALE IN MOST DESIRABLE Lo cation on Monte Sam*, a cottage con sisting of 5 rooms and hath, largo piaz za front and bark, and with modern Im provements Servant’s r*s>m In yard. I Have Just decided to sell and a quick Stiver will get a bargain. Address S i Hormld AS Sau ' 1 ! - on \i street near Stovall. In Summerville. st*e KMtxNk* feet Orta In to go much higher in price Price for all. sS,oOt*. Address S K J . are llerahl A 2 I «IR SALK I'W I I lING ON Mt)NTK Bano Rlx rooms and ah modern con venlences. caldnet mantels, etc and very desirable .* atlon Price vd d*e— •>tn=diitd" care Herald A 2 FOR SALE—Poultry FDR MAI 1 T»U BEST BLOODED ptg«H*n toft in Virginia. Comeaux, Dragoons and White Homers Will sell in small lots at very reasonable prices I Ross A Co. 480 Brook Ave. Rich mond Va A 9 FOR SALE—Seeds IVR OFFER GOOD CLEAN NORTH v'ar«*ltna seed rye for immediate ship | ment at $1 i*ei bushel, f o. b. our sta- I iloiv Hickory Meed Co., Hickory, N. C i Ai THE AUGLSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA, FOR RENT—ReaI Estate FOR RENT STORE 1240 BROAD ST., $4 AlB JO RENT: FLATS ON THE RoO block of Walton Way. Up stairs and ■lown stairs all modern Improvements. Apply to J. N Barnes & Co., 171 -i Broad reel Phono 748. a 7 V< »!: BENT. CHEAP; SMALL < STORK; | < in be used aa office or store room. Growrd floor, 745 Telfair street Apply A N Ktotiiart, Druggist, Cor. Jackson and, . TO RENT FROM OCT. Ist, THAT DK slrable residence on the northeast cor- 1 ner «.f Hickrnan road and Wrightshoro ] r*»ad. Modern construction and finish . attri tlv located. Appl: *o #r*nk K riafk, Montgomery Bldg., August.*, Ga. A 2 FOR RENT: FROM OCTOBER Ist, 344 Greene street, trick residence of nine rooms. in first-* lass condition; 338 Green**, 9 rooms. Also smaller houses and flats. Apply 247 Broad street. A 6 FOR RENT: OCTOBER Sst, BROAD | street store No. 841 now occupied by i Augusta Chronicle. Alexander-Goodwin- Duvall Co. AS FOR RENT OCTOBER Ist, BEBI den##- Nd. 318 Greene street, 7 rooms and bith; desirable house; excellent neighborhood. Alexander-Good win-Duvall Co A 2 ; i (i B ENT: “ KING KTKEKT MOVING pi*tur<* and vaudeville theater; fully equipped; ready for business. Address James S. Simmons, 177 East Bay Char- Ic-Hon. H. C A 6 TO RENT: FROM OCTOBER IST, r esidence 951 Telfair street, centrally i located, all modern conveniences, 11 r*iorns arid servant’s house. W. P. Dan forth. Phone 8780-J. AJ fiTi hunt hvT: Mow two-stohv hmjf*s *>n 1380 Block Estes street. Ele* tii * lights, gas and bath, only $12.5(1 I i month. Apply to Jnp, a. White, ai F?JR RENT RESIDENCE • ISIS J Greene. $37.60; 1322 Greene, $37.50; 816 ! Centre, $20.00; flat, 541 Calhoun. $17.50; ' flat, 643 Calhoun, $15.00; store and i garage. 527 Broad, $40.00; large ware- i In.use rear our store, $25.00; large horse lot with stable, SIO.OO. John J. Evans a 3 FDR RENT: STORK. NO. 501 CAMP- , bell street, south went corner Telfair. ' Fine location for fancy grocery*, clothing or haberdashery. Alexander-Good win- ' Duvall Co. A 3 FOR RENT: 1249 PINK STREET. ONE 1 room house, $9.50 per month. 1128 South Boundary street, one 4-room house. Richmond Realty Co., 420 Jackson street Phone 2262. sat sun mon FOR RENT 7-ROdv id *t sI; new. every convenience, price $30.00 per month. Star Grocery, 16th and Walton Way. sat sun mon FOR Li .N’i FROM! OCT IST, 6-ROOM house, in desirable neighborhood,. with garden. Price $12.50 per month. Ap ply on premises, No. 1518 Woodlawn avenue. A 2 FOR RENT HOUSES 211-218 TEL fair street. I rooms each. Apply F i P Branch, 334 Walker street. Phone' 2111. ; A 4 V"OR ItKNT: DW EI,LI NO OF FIVE roomi and oneof six rooms, all com plete. Apply at 445 Watkins street. AK ; FDR RENT FOR LIGHT lioUSEL keeping to party without child! en. three room flat with hath and electrq )4so, A$ FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE AT HEPHZI bah for rent or for sale. Apply A. L. Traylor, Blythe, Ga. A 2 I-vTb RENT: OCT. IST, 8 OR 4 - ROOM apartment, furnished or unfurnished; private piazsaf; alp conveniences. 1010 'l>l fair street. A 2 Fi »R RKNT: Nl< ’E 6-ROOM COTTAGE] 108 Lincoln, possession immediately. Apply Martin & (hirrett. A 2 FOR 'RENT: 443 WALKER STREET 4nr*s Walker, 508 Fenwick street. Ap ply i«J. Tyler, 107 Center street. Phone 2201. AS FOR RENT: TWO KI'UNfSHEn OR unfurnished rooms for light house keeping. Apply 307 Kills street. A 3 FOR SALE —Miscellaneous FOR SALE PURE FULQHUM, AP pU«r and Texas seed Oats. For prices and further information. phone 935 FOR BALE OOBHiN PLANT\- tion. Telephone No. 62<»3. A 5 F< »R SALE i )NE BA BY CARRI \GE Wil sell f->r halt price (’all 156 I \1 FUEL BLOCKS FOR SALE. WE HAVE ABOUT 200 WAGON 1/OADS «»f planing mill trimmings which will be sold |t\ single loads at $1.75 and In ten-load lots or more at $1.50 per load, delivered anywhere east of 15th street. Better fill your wood-house now- will be scarce and worth more when winter comes Our telephone number is 275. Augusta Lumber Co. A 2 F< *u BAI E I.ATUST IMPR4)VEI ■ Acetylene lighting plant, nlso overhead and underground water systems for country homes. Acetylene supplies of all kinds. Write for estimates on plants for your home L. L. Horner, Lock Box 141 \tlanta, Ga. AI Ft *K BALE iw ENTY T4INS 8 ACKEI * cottonseed hulls. WTll ship In any quantity People’s Brokerage Co . 1 BrsnchviHe, S C. A 2 Ft >R ILVLK: A FEW NICE CONN COR nets with "C” attacliment. Prices and terms t»* suit purchaser; some rent bar gains. Apply to A. E Adams. Green wood. S C. A 2 FOR SALE: 35 HORSEPOWER XRICK i ttloi ury at earn engine. In good con dition cheap for cash. Address S. M Hall. Mesena. Ga A 2 4 8 F(TR SALE OR” EXCH K NOE: NICK Jersey bull calves up to 2 years old, Golden T-ad strain Prices reasonable. Bowden’s Ikilrv Farm, R. F. D. N«>. 3, Anderson. S. C. A 2 1 FOR SALE—Autos FOR SALK HUP SO >’•« M »1> CONDI tlon. Apply 410 Leonard Building. • ’ Aug 4p FOR I \i E r \ssr\< ;kk 1912 OVEfL land touring car, in good running or der, $325. J. T. Both well. Phone 221- i '.’ll. eat sun mon FOR SMV 1914 OVFRI K ND, FQ»’TP pod with electric generator and t.irt •r; perfect condition# Address "1915.” | care Herald J 1! 19 ?6 A 2 FOR SAI F—Livestock H U*E ruitli lb 'I'M) pups, week old. $5.00 each; also pure White Poodle pups. 8 weeks oM. $5.00 ; each. Satisfaction guaranteed J. E. | Rodgers. Fountain Inn. S C A 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST AND FOUND: LOST OPPORTIT j nity to wear men's low shoes nt -ost | price by not buying from us. See bar gain counter* rook-McKle Shoe Co.. 970 Proud street. At 1.081 RKTWKKN REYNOLDS \NP Marbury streets, one brown suit case containing ladles and child’s clothing Return t<* J W Radford Union Station i and receive liberal reward. A 2 STOLEN FROM 1256 WALKER ST i one brown bull puppy with white ring around neck wears collar with silver catches Liberal reward If returned to | L'al Walker street. AS LOS RTRt Si \N GOLD BRACELET with amethyst set Finder returning to I U«r»#4 sIU A 4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 1 IFT • IN* SB 5 )PP( UNITY $4.00 mep’u low shoes reduced to j ?2.15 to $2.60. See bargain i Shoe Co , 970 Broad street. ) __ A 2 | wl7 MANUFACTUR E NEW BUSINESS ’ MACHIKE; MORE NECESSARY j TH A N ( ASH 11 K< JISTER R ETA ILS $10; PROFIT 15U PER CENT WE DE- I HIKE COMPETENT MAN TO OPEN OFFICE AND HANDLE SALESMEN. REQUIRES S2OO TO SSOO. YOU HANDLE OWN MONEY. INVBBTI G A T E PROMPTLY. MOODY MF’G CO., ST LOUIS. A 2 FOR"’SARK: RETAIL. DRUG STORE IN good locality. 10 years established] stand, doing good business; reason for selling, want o devote entire time t*» practice of medicine. Jaw. F. Burda shaw, M.D., < ’or. Walker and Linci* 1 streets phone 1390. A 4 SUMMER RESORTS VANTED: BOARDERS AT THECHAP man House, Glenn Springs, S. C., $9 a week for board and the mineral water. a4p i BOARDERS WANTED: FRONT BEACH, cool rooms, plenty sea food. Miss May rant, Atlanti* ville, S. C., Station 22, RIVER VIEW FARM, r Q MILE FROM station, ori Toxaway road; milk, but ter. fruit and vegetables a specialty. Mrs M. H. Grainger. Davison River. N. C. A 2 .v i:s 5 BCBALLING HAS OPENED opened her cottage, “Idle Hour,” at S atlon, 22Vi, Sullivan's Island, for the s*-a s < > r i. A 2 ANDREW L. JACKSON, FORMERLY of The Imperial, Sumter, S. wishes to announce to the public that he ha.\ leased The Osceola Lake Hotel. Hen derson, N. where he will he pleased to meet his friends. Hotel is new and has all .modern conveniences; excellent table, 1 oating, fishing, dancing, tennis 1 and croquet. For rales, etc., address Andrew L. Jackson. Manager. A 2 ~H E NDE rSONVILLE REAL ESTATE. WHEN IN HENDERSONVILLE, N. <\ see Luther Osteen, five ten King s reel, for orchard lands, home sites, investment opportunities. Also <• n a - c< mmodate a few sel«;ct hoarders at on*e- AS BUSINESS NOTICES PIANOS AND ORGANS. NEW PIANOS. UPRIGHT PIANOS IN BEAUTIFUL figured mahogany cases; terms $lO cash, and $5 per month. A. A. Thomas Pi no Co., 639 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. WELLINGTON UPRIGHT MAHOG any. Matquetry case, fine tone and condition; bargain, $97. KINGSBURY. GOLDEN OAK CASE, upright piano, in fine condition, $l5O. ORGANS CHURCH, CHAPEL AND parlor styles; Carpenter make. Sev eral second-hand organs, some with mir rors. sls, S2O. SBO and up. Write for bargain list of organs and pianos. WHOLESALE PI AN 08—MERC II A N T sljould avail themselves when buying a piano. We will sell merchants pianos at wholesale, same* as They buy other mer chandise. A. A. Thnnni Plano Co., 639 Broad St., Augusta. Ga. A 9 TRUNK HOSPITAL. OUR T .UNK DOCTORS «AN PUT your o'cl disabled 4 «nlr or grip In first class condition. A r.ev flat, lock clamp, etc., and it’s in\ condition for years' of •ervlie. Aig’isftn Trunk Factory* 785 Broad, opposes Pioyim»nt. M2tf umat.t. rM-id* Cash investment *>f from S2OO o*. to ‘#1.008.08, guaranteed 26 per cent. divi4ends. f-trong company of leading business fnen In control Mall vour name add address to P. O. Box and a representative will call and explain fully. _ W ANTED YOU TO SA VF ONE - TIA I F your ice bill, so buy a parlcloth ice blanket, Ukst IHta ail summer. Deli quest’s, 2J3-215 7th street. »f FOR SALE MISCEIJ7aNEOUS: MEN’S low shoes all and lasts, to go st cost. ' Fee our bargain counters. Cook-MeKie Shoe Co,. 970 Broad street. A 2 T SWIMMING. TRY AN EARLY MORNING SWIM AT Lankey's. Open from 9 a. m. to 11 p. m. Sundays from 9a.m.t08 p. m. Ladles admitted free Sundays. A 7 SH Oi. REP AIR ING First-cl ' ss shoe repairing, all 1 work called for and delivered. We guarantee satisfaction with every job. W M Goings, 1810 Broad street. Phone 2878 A 2 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LEND ON REAL ESTATE Augusta Real Estate Co., 833 Broq.i oL .IlSlfo fish: fTshi TROUT. SPANISH MACKEREL, POM pano. Black fish and Mullet. Phone , 1077. Jno. M. Bush. 721 Campbell street, j A 2 ] BARGAINS ! HAMMOCKS. REGULAR $2.50 VALUES only $1 39. Pedestals. regular sl.Ol values, 49c. For one week only. Croft ,% O'Connor Furniture Co., 1131 Broad street sat sun mon THE EVEFFTT PIANO. ONE OF T HE THREE GREAT PIANOS of the world. Also Harvard. Dayton and Winter Player Pianos, sold In Au gusta by J. E. Stratford. 432 Jackson < street. sat sun mon Ul si NFS- .man 37. COMFORTABLY situated would marry. V-Box 35, To led** League. Toledo. Ohio. A 2 PERSONAL MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY, THE reliable confidential, successful club, have large number of wealthy, eligible members, both sexes, wishes earl\ mar riages Descriptions free. Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26 Oakland. Calif A 2 9 MONEY TO LOAN. 5 PER CENT BASIS. FOR BUILDING HOMES, IMPROVING real estate or paying off mortgages. 1 Weired payment plan. For informa tion call or write No. 269 Mont. Bldg. Phone 2321. A 4 BIGHT LEADERS. Lovell lead In sausage meat In beef and lamb and veal, la pork and eggs ami poultry It s the proper place to deal. Mulhertn Marks are leaders Of course that's nothing new. Handles the finest in footwear The “Crossctt ' and "Nettieton’’ shoe. Claussen too. is a leader. Flour *>f all the flock. Ills “Katmor” bread is perfect l ike everything in his stock. j b White's department store Caters to all the masses. Haves much time and money For women, boys and lasses Marks, the Coffee parcher, toils in strlctb the best. Phone your wants for the table And Marks will do the rest. Those who need a tailor In winter, spring or fall l*erfect go**ds and perfect fit. They always get from Hull. llardwnk deals in Red Estate, Houses, lots and farms. To ask about his bargains Will certainly do no harm. Those merchants all are leaders In each respective line*. But when it corns* to Bicycles The honor is strictly mine. The Columbia. Rambler and Racycle. j Three of a kind you see, I Beats two pair of other wheels I I’m holding the hand you see. W. H. HOLMES. I 808 Ninth S reet. AJ LAUNDRY. IF YOU WANT NICE WORK DONF. I send it to the Snowflake Laun U;\ W.-j do all work by hand, save wear and j tear of your linens. We would appre ciate it if you would give us a trial. Shirts 8c; collars lVfcc. The Snowflake Ldry., 901 Telfair St.. Augusta, Ga Al 5 BICYCLES’AND MOTORCYCLES. WE SELL THE BIG WHEEL FOR DB- Hvery purposes. We have on hand a few second-hand motorcycles and bicy cles, prices and terms very reasonable. Full line of supplies always on hand. Dixie Repair Wks., 961 Broad street. Phone 2511. sat sun mon MERCHANT TAILORS. OTTO W MARSHALL. ESTABLISHED 1878. Having too large a stock of gent’s woolens on hand [ am closing G *-n. .!! ow I re-CP sa: sun rnon AUTO REPAIRING. I CAN ABSOLUTELY PUT YOUR Au tomobile in first-class cond-tion. If your car don’t do its duty, bring it to— E. G. Lundy, McCartan St. sut sun mon FURNITURE. EVERYTHING IN HOUSE FURNISH ings at remarkably low prices People* Furniture Co., 1019 9th street. The new store owned and operated by colored people pat sun mon GAR DEN HOSC. NEVER- LEAK MOULDED RUBBER. the very best qu.i lty at the same price as ordinary brands and 15c per foot. The Henry Mutt Co.. 611 Broad. street. aat sun mor RUBBEP STAMPS—F W. DODGE. RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS. BADGES Stencils. AUumnlum Checks &c 855 Fills street. Phons 1121 sat sun mon WANTED: A FEW HUSTLING SAI*EB - to sell the new “1920 Segar" In Augusta on commission. This Home Cigar is getting better and better. Dorr Cigar Factory. Augusta. Ga. sat sup mon EVERY MONTH. EVERY DAY AND every hour, somebody is saving. Get n Belvedere or Melrose Park lot for $25 cash, $5.00 per month, no taxes. Will select you a nice one. L. A. Dorr, Ter minal building sat sun mon SHOPS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Designed to Place Before the Public the Merchandise, Craftmanship and Spe cial Service Offered by the Exclusive Shops and Specialty Stores not Usually Advertised ; ; : AUTOMOBILE TIRES We can furnish you with standard guaranteed tires from 5 per cent to 20 per cent less than list price also do vour repairing, at small cost. VI work guaranteed to give satis faction. Get our prices before buy ing elsewhere. DAVIS TIRE A RUBBER WORKS automobile painting Wp tiav, nrencl a nrat-cIMS Pnlnt erior. and can attend your wants at very reasonable cost NORTH AUGUSTA WAGON CO. Just across the Bridge. BICYCLES __ A pent fnr READING, STANDARD. NATIONAL. PIERCE. We have the best equipped repair shop In the South JOHN F. BRICKLE, 9th. phone 1914 - ——m BICYCLE REPAIRING New and second-hand Bicycles and S.TppUe. All repair work promptly done and delivered. J. C. COLLINS, 1113 9th Street. blue prints drawings Rest Dewing’ Supplies'' iter rile Experienced draftsman to do tracing and drawing. AUGUSTA BLUE PRINT CO. Phone 2362. , «« D >' er Bld * Augusta, Ga. Special attention to mall order*. COAL AND WOOD delivered any PART of the CITY OR THE HILL. w. C. IVEY & CO. Phone 780. CIGARS For Bigger. Busier Augusta Smoke T. A. w: CIGARS Patronize Home Industry. Wolfe & Lombard Cigar Co. Makers. CONTRACTORS ANDREW A. HETT CO. Glazing of all kinds, windshields, lamps and showcase glass, and re puttying a specialty. Front door glass and church window’s repaired. Phone 417-J. S2B Kill* St. CONTFACTOR AND BUILDER N. M. OGDEN Phone 2830-J. P. 0 Box 83 NORTH AUGUST A, 8. C. READ HERALD WANTS TODAY FORD REPAPIRING. FORD REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Complete stock of accessories. Let us cut vour machine into a Roadster W* cover floor boards alluminum. Phont 3342. Union Garage, 663 Broadway. sat sen mon MEAT MARKET. REAL BARGAINS IN FRESH MEAT for cash at M. T. Hair’s Market. 6th and Ellis streets. Phone 542. sat sun mon iCE. 12 LBS.. sc; 25 LBS.. 10; 50 LBS., 20c; inn U s 40c. C. O. D. Quick delivery. Wm Kelly. 455 Calhoun street. Phone 322‘;1.r sat sun mnn FRESH “MEAT AND GROCE RI ES , HOME-CURED CORN BEEF TWICE A week. Wm Boyle A Son, sat sun mon j COFFEES. TEAS, ETC, CALL 400 FOR FRESH ROASTED j coffee. To get the rer] flavor buy ( where it is roasted fresh every day. , Marks Grocery Co., 1023 Broad street sat sun mon ; TIRE REPAIRING. 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN TIKE and tube repairing enables us to give the best service that can be had. AH j work positively guaranteed. Augusta Vulcanising Co., 552 Broad street. sat sun mon CHESAPEAKE ROYAL POUND CAKE. WANTED: LADIES TO TRY THE De licious Chesapeake Cake. Quality guar anteed to be the best sold in this city. One-pound packages. A trial *s suffici ent. At'all leading grocers, sat sun mo GROCERIES BEFORE ORDERING YOUR GROCE- ! ries call 2174 for cur prices. We can ■ save you money. Everything fresh. FYre ! delivery anywhere. W. H. Bagby Gro i Co.. 510 Broad St. Phone No. 2174. sat sun mon BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE stock of A. 11. McDaniel Co., consist ing' of mantels, grates, paints, brushes, etc., will sell at very low prices. Apply to Edelstein & Co.. 937 Broad Street. Phone 707-J sat sun mon WA l I P A DP R “A THING OF BEAUTY* TS A JOY forever.” Why not beautify your home'> We are headquarters for wall paper, house and sign painting. J W. Bowick, 301 Mclntosh street. Phone 2284. sat nun mon GARAGES GASOLINE. 18'/ 2 c Motor cars washed and polished. 25c. 40c. UNION GARAGE 563 BROADWAY S E. MARSTON'S Harness and Shoe Shop. All work done by hand. 738 Ellis Street. MAZDA LAMPS REDUCED 10, 15, 20, 25, 40 Watt 30c Each. Whitney-Eve C© 1033 Broad Ct. Phone 1316 MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY A. GREEN. He makes your mattresses level and square. New tick made free. Return mattresses same day. Phone 1916—shops 1251 Marbury street. PAINTING CONTRACTORS’ For reliable House Painting and Decorating see E. B. Smith & Son. 702 Moore avenue. Estimates cheer fully furnished. Work guaranteed; city references. PIANOS A. A. THOMAS PIANO CO. Phone 686. 639 Broad SL Pianos, Player Pianos. Electrie Pianos, Organs, Graphophones and Records—everything Musical. ROOFING W. B. TOOLE A CO. Tin and Rubber Hoofing, Repairing and Painting. We manufacture METAL SHINGLES, Cornice and Skylights. Lowest prices. 935 Broad St. Telephone 264. PRESSING CLUB First-class Cleaning. Pressing and Repairing. I am now located at 114 Cumming street. WILEY WALTON. EVERY DAY Is Barqain Day in the WANTS STORAGE We do storage. We pack and ship goods. We save you money An second hand good*. W e save you money on new good*. We alwave have bargain* for you. HUGHES FURNITURE CO. Thone 656. 667 Broad. L. F. GOODRICH, Architect. 122 Eighth Street, Telephone Augueta, Oa. 469. SUNDAY, AUGUST 2. A. H. NICHOLS & BRO. MARBLE. GR\NITE AND STONE Works. Manufacturers, importers and dealers in Marble and Gran te, Monu ments Headstones and Copings Agents for iron fencing. Satisfaction guaran teed. 634 Washington street. Telephone 719. sat sun mon JOB PRINTING. WALTON PRINTING COMPANY. GET our prices on all kinds of Commercial Printing. ‘“'We pr nt to please.” Phone 3547 127 Mclntosh street, rear Georgia R. R. Bank. sat sun mon FOR SALE: CORONA TYPEWRITER. weight 6 pounds; the machine for tra veling men and home use. Augusta Typewriter Exchange. 408 Leonard Building. Phone 2005. sat sun mon AUIO REPAIRING. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND AD just ng, magneto and carburetor work my specialty. All work given my per sonal attention. Cheeseborough’s Repair Shop, 549 Broad street. Phone 1211. sat sun mon FOR SALE: ROLLER TOP DESK. flat top desk, typewriter des 1 ., type writers. adding mach nes. d'.taphone* and other office equipment new and second-hand, bought sold, rented or ex changed. Augusta Typewriter Exchange, 408 Leonard Bldg. Phone 2N)5. sat suu mon WRITE MOTION PICTURE PLAYS. DEMAND FOR MOTION PICTURE plays is steadily increasing. Excellent pay and congenial work. Comp’etc in structions mailed for 25 cents Money re funded if dissatisfied. Motion Picture School. 125 La France Street, Atlanta, Ga. A.*.; WE SELL THE BEST MATRESSE* MADE. ONE-THIRD OF OUR LIFE, IT IS SAID Is generally spent in a bed. Now, if tills fact is true, Don't you think that you Ought to buy the best that is made? Morgan A Johnson, 1208 Broad street sat sun mon SPECIALISTS the only reliable SPECIALIST IN AUGUSTA. DIS J?f eS . of . m< T n v - omen and chil dren reited without operation. I FURNISH ail MEDICINES C REE DR. N. E. ALFORD Office 969 Rroad St. TAILORS HARDWICK & GERMANY TAILORS AND RENOVATORS. Suits made to order. Phone 16.'2. 213 6th street. JACKSON & BAILEY Phone 1754. 823 9th Street. ’ £ irst-ciass Tailoring Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. TAILORING I can save you money on vour Tailoring. Also first-class Pressing, L:eaning ami Repairing— 5 suits c eaned and pressed for J 1.50. Ladies’ and gent s work given careful atten tion. Work called for and delivered. W. L. STEPHEN, Prop. I bone 1580-W. 210 12th St UPHOLSTERING Furniture of all kind, pholstered •nd repaired. Furniture packed lor shipping. All work guaranteed. W. T. SKINNER & CO., 12414 Washington street. WELDING SOUTHERN WELDING CO. Phone 1332. 961 Broad Sl Welders of all metal* and aj: kind* of machinery breaks repaired, car bon cleaned from auto cylinders with oxygen WAGON MANUFACTURER LOWREY WAGON WKS., Established 1847. Manufacturers of farm wagons, carts and trucks, especially equipped for repairing and painting Corner illis and 9th St*. 1 elephone 1309-J. Augusta, Gu. WOOD YARD BABY WOOD YARD DRY PINE AND OAK Stove Wood a Specialty. Quick delivery. C. A. KING, Manager Phone 28S1. 840 Fenwick. WAGON SHOP BLACKSMITH WORK arid HORSESHOEING E. T. EUBANKS. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER AWNINGS T. G. BAILIE & CO. Phone 166 712 Broad St. WAGON WORKS We overhaul and repair wagons, buggies, carts cotton trucks etc. Alsu do horseshoeing Your >a.ron age w|,| be appreciated Quarles wagon works Greene and Poplar St* Phone 3832.