The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, August 16, 1914, Home Edition, Page SIX, Image 14

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SIX Detective Roney Had His Man and 41 Pair of Pants in 40 Minutes After First Knowledge of Greenwood Robbery A ■wire received from Greenwood, H. 0., by the Auipjsta. police at 12:20 tbi* after noon conveyed tho In formation that a box car had been broken Into thora and 8S pair of men « pant* itolen, and that the good* had been *hii pod to Augusta by «xpr#*** by a negro whole name w;«* given n h Doraey Hell William*. 20 years of age, who war or the «*m< train It 40 minutes after the wire wo* received Detective .Sam Roney had recovered U pair* of the alolen pant* arid also the negro, who a«y* hi* name I* Wader Fason, alias Dollar Bill." Mr. Roney wm assisted In the case hy Officer Dunn, and they are being congratulated for the rapid and am < *.HNful piece of detective Work they Accon>i>ll*l»ed toda: T he negro denies that he known any thing about the robbery, saving that he came to Augusta from Hamlet, N. (*. Dal active Roney learned that the Chandler Purchasers Share in Chandler Profits (HANDLER LIGHT-WEIGHT SIX This is the new Chandler Profit •m Z Sharing price. It is the figure m at which the most famous light-weight six touring car and roadster for 1915 will sell. The fixing of this price is the second epoch-making move on the part of the Chandler Company. Ttir first wa. whrn Chandler built the pioneer HrM weight ah, a rtrtctty high-tfradi . six cylinder car of medium size and marketed it for $1785. It chan Red the whole trend of motor cur mannfacturmg. It showed the practicability of building high grade sixes for the average purse. And now. prosperous and with doubled output for the coming year, the Chandler Company is dividing its profits with Chandler purchasers. At any similar price there is no similarly high grade six cylinder car on the market *n,j» far in Rrief Chandler lona stroke motor, with silent Imported rhatn drive a lie va> i 1,1 ul 'cl tor motor •, unit electric mnrtlng and lighting eyatem: Boe h magneto; caat aluminum motor bane; hodv deaign pure Htreatn-ltne luanrioua comfort; left aide drive; center matml; 120 ha h wheel haar; fivwpaaaenger teuriug car, tonneau era! 47 inrhea wide, 51395; handsome roadster, $151)5, Come see the Chandler and its marvelous motor SPETH GARAGE ®. SALES CO. Phone 2187 930 Ellis St Augusta. Ga. CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY. CLEVELAND. OTTIO Going t,o Move October First* ? Why not buy now »nd nettle the moving question for good. We have a complete list of homes ranging from $2,000 up and wo shall ho *, glad to ahow them to you. PLENTY OF MONEY to loan in City Improved real eetate at * par vOant ' HERE’S A PICK UP —Three lots ncroaa new Medical College, 40x140 fVet each. We offer for one week only these three lota for $«00.00 It a a fine place for hoarding or apartment house Better see u„ earlv Monday about thla Zachary, Osborne & Miller RENTING INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Phon * ! M * 225 Dyer lUdg. Features This Week at the DREAMLAND MONDAY the Heart Calls” —An Imp Drama in two parts. Poor other selected reels. > TUESDAY ' “The Coast Guard's Bride”—A Victor production in ' dwo very exciting and pleasing parts, with Florence i Lawrence in the titft> role. Four other selected reelk. WEDNESDAY “Rescued by Wireless”— lol Ryson feature produc , tion in two thrilling acts. Four other extra fine reels. THURSDAY “In All Things, Moderation” —lmp Drama in two ' 'parts. Four other selected reels. FRIDAY '“Universal Ike in the Dangers of a Great City” with . five other selected pictures. SATURDAY “The Price Paid” —An Eclair production in two strong parts, with four other fine reels. All of these can be delightfully enjoyed at the “COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN.” pant*, pa< \t*A In two wooden boxM, were to Doll Jo Belie William*, and that fb* negro went to the oxpress office '•arly tbi* morning and watted for It to open to get the good*; that he signed the name of DolJJe Belle William* and received the pant*, then took them to An fin Hubbard* bote, on Walker street. Here it wa* that the detective had gone and found the good* when hi* man walked In wiiti a brand new suit raae which in* bought for ltie purpose, It J* claimed ,of faking some of hi* stork away at a time to sell or pawn. The detective, naturally supposing since the M«V«Hrgl paint of parti* were there that the present owner would return, ho he waited The ease I* one of the moat remarkable that i* on record heTe, and it I* believed that there in not another on record which was put through in such short time. A ugusta Church News At a Glance Junior Order at St. James. The two lodges of Junior Order, No*. 2 ‘J and 21, will worship at St. James Methodist Church at 11 a. m. today. The Junior Order men are very numerous In Augusta, and will fill the church at this service, If they ail attend. And, Judging from their past record, Dr. Dillard will have an unusually large company of men to hear him. Dr. Dillard is an able preacher, and a favorite among the men of the city. He visits most of the Beraca meet*, is an ardent secret society man, and an all-round good mixer. His ser mon today will be a treat. The members of Dodges, Nos. 29 and 31 are requested to meet at the hall of No. 21, corner of Jackson and Wilis Htreets, at 10 o’clock Sunday morning, anil from there march to the church in a body. Rev. M. M. MacFerrin Out of City. Rev. M. M. MacFerrin i« out of the city on hi« vacation. He will be away for gome weeks, and in hi* ab hcuco the laymen of the church will conduct the regular nervices. Mr. MacFerrin is visiting relatives and friends in Fastern Tennessee. His people will miss him much, and will hall bis return with delight. Dr. Howard Lea Jonas at Firat Baptist. Rev. Howard I>ee Jones, D. D. D., president of Coker College and for a number of years pastor of the Citadel Church, Charleston, will preach at the First Baptist Church, corner Greene §.nd Jackson Htreets, at 11 a. in. to day. Dr. Jones will supply for bis brother, Rev. M. Ashby Jones, who is out of the city on bis summer vaca tion. Dr. Jones is not a stranger in An gusta. He has preached here on sev eral occasions and made many ad dresses at commercial gatherings. He is very popular in Augusta, and will bw heart! by a large crowd. Rev. P. Virgil Hollingworth Supplying First Christian. Rev. Howard T. Cree, pastor of the First Christian Church, is out of the city on his annual vacation. He will be away till the last of the month. Mr. Cree secured the services, as sup ply, of Rev. P. Virgil Hollingworth, of Augusta. Mr. Hollingworth is a young man and most promising min ister. His sermons have been greatly enjoyed by the cultured congregation of the First Christian Church. He will preach today at the regular service. Rev. Dr. Sams, of Yhomasville, Qe-» at St. Paul's. Rev. Dr. Rams, rector of Bt. John’s Episcopal Church, Thomaaville, Oa., will preach at the regular services to day at St. I‘aid’s Episcopal Church. Mr Sams Is visiting In Aiken, S. C., and will supply the church while Dr. Whitney is away on his vacation. ns I HUE SMITH WEEK In Washington and Georgia. Has Come Out on Top in Everything Undertaken. Atlanta, Oa. Thta haa been dis tinctly n Hoke Smith week In Wash ington and In Georgia. It has brought the passage of his well known cotton futures bill In the United States sen ate. a long stop toward the successful protection of cotton against war de pression, and the refutation of half a dozen campaign canards circulated about hint recently. He has come out on top all the way. A flat denial and proof to hark It up Is made hy H. Y. McCord of At lanta, regarding the charge that Hoke Smith secured the discharge of white guards at the federal prison snd the appointment of negro guards In their piace. The record at the prison shows that there are only two negroes em ployed there, one a driver, apptdnted tn 1902. the other a blacksmith, named In 181 L both there before Hoke Smith went to the senate. “No negro has been appointed to the prison since Smith became sena tor," saya Mr. McCord. "That t» definite enough.” In regard to the rumor that Hoke Smith held up the appointment of Roscoe l.uke as assistant district at torney for South Georgia, Attorney General Mcßeynolds gives out a state ment saying this Is shsurd, and that Senator West switched from one can didate to another so rapidly that the department was unable to keep up with him. Senator Smith haa accept ed every choice made hy Weat. Cor respondence between Mr. Luke and Senator West shows that I.uke with drew rather than emharass West, aa Luke was making addressea for Sen ator Smith and this did not please the Junior senator. WASHINGTON AND LEE TO SOON BEGIN FOOTBALL WAR Lsxington, Vs—Football prsoltoo at Washington and la>e University will beuln September 15th. Coach Kleock announced today. The playing season will open In I.exlngton. September 2S. with s Ksme with Marshall College. SOMETHING FOR THE CHILDREN.—HAVE YOU A BIRTHDAV THAT COMES IN AUGUST? Boys and girls, under IB years of age, who have a birthday in the month of August, are requested to send in their full name, address and birthdate to the "Children's Editor,” Auguata Herald. The Herald is preparing a eur pries, a pleasant and enjoyable ourprieo, for its boy end girl readers who are getting ready to celebrate a birthday in August. Be aura to give full name, ad dress and birthdate, and address your letter to- CHILDREN S EDITOR. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. IS.SS IJm-n Union Suits, t? 00 val ors, Sprnd *4.00. sots *3 00. F. G. Molina. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA. GA. Mr. C. C. Teague at Second Baptist Church. What promises to be a real treat for the Sunday school of the Second Bap tist Church is the visit of Mr. C. C. Teague, secretary of the Baraca-Phil athea Association of Georgia. He will address both claa«es at 10 o’clock this morning, and a large crowd will hear him. He Is one of the most in teresting talkers in the Baraca work, and all Baracas in the city will be delighted to know that he is to be in Augusta today. He will address other congregations at the regular preach ing hours, and a mass meeting will be held at the First Baptist Church this afternoon. All adult Bible students are requested to hear him speak. Rev. A. D. Echols Returns From North Carolina. Rev. A. D. Echols, pastor of Asbury Methodist Church, has returned from Unaleska, N. C., where he has spent part of his vacation and will preach at the regular services today. Mr. Echols reports the most pleastnt time of his life. While at Unaleska he attended the different conferences held by his church in the interest of various phases of church work. He comes home prepared to do the best work of his pastorate. Returns From a Successful Revival. Rev. A. J. Smith, pastor of the Cur tis Baptist Church, has returned from a week's meeting near Hartwell, Ga., in Franklin County. He reports a gracious meeting, and a delightful trip. He will preach at the usual ser vices today, at 11:16 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. The night services are made pleasant by electric fans. Sunday fechool, 10 a. m. T. M. Freeland, Supt. You are invited to attend all services at this church. BLANCHARD & CO, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS 1868 Broad Btreat. Phone 8138. Efficient Sitylg* Guaranteed The Best and the Cheapest Two Horse Farm in Richmond County For Sale. Just 4 miles from Hephzibah on automobile road, in a splendid neighborhood, church and school right at the place, we have for sale 33 acres of land, a nice four room cottage and tenant house, located in a large grove, plenty of wood to do the place. The land will make a bale of cotton to the acre, or 50 bushels of com. Different kinds of fruit on place. A good well, of water. The land is clay sub-soil, sandy gavel top, and easy to work, and lies well. The price of this place is only $1,000.00. When can we show it to you? W. T. HOUSTON & CO. Phone 607. REAL ESTATE. Augusta, Ga. FOR SALE Large splendid lot on Monte Sano Avenue. Good location at a very reasonable price. Terms. I have for sale a nice small farm 9 miles from the city, about 50 acres, cheap for cash, or party will ex change for improved city property. I am selling "Richmond Terrace” lots right along. Get in at bottom figures, or they are all gone; $15.00 down and six cents a day buys a lot while they last. Only 30 more on these terms; 115 bona-fide sold. J. Hardwick Jackson Phone 3446. 409 Dyer Building. DROPSY SPECIALIST Usually give quick relief, have entirely relieved many seemingly hopeless case*. Swelling and short breath soon gone. Often gives entire relief in 16 to 26 . days. Trial treatment sent i fTee. DR. THOMAS E. GREEN Successor to Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons Box P Atlanta, Qs WANTED-TO BUY REAL ESTATE HAVE YOU SOME TO SELL ? I have several pieces of REAL ESTATE WANTED by different people- Have you anything that will fit either of these cases? If 90, please give me full particulars, either at my office In person, or by mall, pairtlcularly your name, address and phone number; location of Property- size and shape of lot; size of house, number of rooms, closets, bath, etc.; whether water, gas, electricity, etc.; lowest selling; price, smallest and longest terms on deferred payments, and I wiU Sail it for you. I WANT TO BUY— Small nouse on nice lot In Summerville. Price, about $2,800. Brick dwelling, about 8 rooms, modern conveniences, near center of city. Price, about $4,000. Home, 6 or 6 rooms, near business center. Price, about $2,800. Hojje In Monte Sano, new and of modern size. Price, about SB,OOO, Home In either Monte Sano or Summerville, about 8 rooms and •uthousee. Price, about $3,500. About Hickman Street. In Summerville, 7 or 8 rooms, large lot Price, about $5,000 or $6,000. Home, near Ga. R. R. shops, 5 or 6 rooms. To be paid for In monthly payments, like paying rent or little more- Price, about $2,500. $2 600 a I “ ome ’ " ut must b* ‘ down town,” 6or 6 rooms. Price, about Hom ® In Summerville. 6 or 8 rooms—but must be on top of The Hill, and in best surroundings- Price, about $4,000. Then there are four other applicants for homes of moderate else, tn central section of city. Two of then must have water, gas and elec tricity; the other two, water and either gas or electricity. But all must be sold for a very small cash payment and the balance in month' ly Installments well secured. Price range from $2,000 to $3,000. G. P. TALBOTT REAL ESTATE AGENT 611 LEONARD BUILDING. Home Phone, 1391. Office Phone, 3057. REDUCED SALE $2.95 Searsucker Suits. $3.95 Linen (union) Suits. $4.95 Crash Suits. $5.95 Palm Beach Suits. $9.96 Genuine Mohair Suit*. $9.96 all Wool Suits. $2.96 all Wool Pants. 3.95 Genuine Mohair Pants. No matter what reductions oth era offer you will find ours cheaper and better. F. G. MERTINS THE CLOTHIER AND TAILOR FARMS I offer today two of the best farms In Richmond County. One consisting of 345 acres of fertile land, nice residence, barn, out houses, fruit trees and four tenant houses; located Just out of Heph zlbah. The place also has a gi n and grist mill in good condition and doing a fine business that will go with |L The Improvements alone are worth $4,000, but owner says sell. So here goes. First offer of $3,900 gets place. Adjoining above property, I ofTer 310 acres, part In cultivation and part heavily timbered, with long leaf pine; land is level and is exactly same grade as above property, with nice residence, barn and tenant houses. A good pasture and yonng orchard are among the improvements of this valuable farm. Land a short distance from this place brings SSO per acre, but I can sell for a limited time, tor sl2 per acre. GEO. A. BRIGGS Phone 1651. 417 Dyer Building. TO RENT No. 1354 Ellis street, ... 6 rooms .. .. . S2O 00 No. 963 Broad street 10 rooms $40.00 No. 536 Reynolds street. 10 $22.50 House, west of rooms.. .. . .$75.00 House, Battle Row 5 rooms SIO.OO House on Turpin Hill, for colored people 3 rooms $5.00 Partially Furnished House—on Highland Av enue. 9 rooms, for rent. Price $50.00 per month. JOHN W. DICKEY FOR SALE / , * Regardless of Price The two story house, No. 1556 Walton Way, is in perfect condition. Has six rooms and two halls. All modern conveniences. Large lot. This is a nice new house which the owner has decided to sell regardless of price. If interest ed, ask me for any information in reference to same. Make me an offer on this. An oppor tunity for some one to secure a convenient and attractive house at a sacrifice. E J. DORIS Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. SUNDAY, AUGUST 16