The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, August 16, 1914, Home Edition, Page SIX, Image 22

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SIX SCHNEIDER’S GIVE-AWAY SALE CONTINUED FOR ONE MORE DAY-MONDAY ONLY OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT GIVE-AWAY PRir.FS DRESSES 100 Ladies’ Embroidery Dresses, trimmed with lace yoke, short or long: sleeves, values to $5.00, ft I n Q f or d 1 1 Ju 50 Crepe Dresses, siz§s 16 to 42, latest styles, values to 0 0 QO SIO.OO sj»jO 25 Silk Dresses in navies, tans, golden brown, and tango, regular rurft7 QO of sizes, values to $20.00. . . v* «uU Ladies' Linen Coat Suits, white and colors, $3.50 and $5.00 values, for $i .00 ladies’ Nainsook Drawers, embroidery ruffle and tucks, our price for tomor- qa row is 25c children’s Knitted Bodies, special n for tomorrow OC 50c Boudoir Caps, lace and ribfton i r trimmed, special for tomorrow IDC 10,000 yards Dress Ginghams, everybody’s price 10c yard, our price for tomorrow per yard . I C $1.50 Nainsook Gowns, trimmed with lace and embroidery, special for tomor- £A for OyC 75c ladic ’ Gowns, neatly made and QQ trimmed, special for tomorrow OOC 50c ladies' Drawers, embroidery ruf- 01 fie and tucks, our price for tomorrow is <£lC "A Store For Everybody" Plans Being Made For the Greatest Labor Day Fete in History of Augusta fkll-Day Program For September 7th Will Includo Magnificent Parade, With Gorgeous Floats, Beginning at 9 A. M., Speaking and Good Old Fashioned Barbecue at Lake, Motorcycle and Horse Races and Athletic Contests at Fair Grounds in Afternoon All hand** are at work making ready dr the greatest Labor Day celebra k»n Augusta has ever seen. The date I Bepiember ?th. Announcement waa made yesterday item non by Seeretary Frank Wright *td Business Manager F W. Hill*, of he Augusta Federation of Trades, inder whose auspices the celebration rill be held, that the entries were Omlng in fast and that there was very Indication that the various eon sets. which will be held at the (ieor 1a Carolina Fair Grounds, in the nf rnoon, will tie participated in by flanV people, and will tie a feature a which as much if not mors interest rill be taken than anything else. No Entrance Fes. Th# entry list ts open till August ith. There la no entrance fee AU hut is nscesssry for persona wishing n take part in sny of the contests on Aibtir Day. in which handsome* rill he awarded the winners tn all the ivents, is to writs or see the sec re ars . Frank Wright, or Business Man rir Bills at the Ijibor Hall, corner Eighth and Ellis Bireeis. The con tain are open only to amateurs, ex ept In the ease of the motorcycle aces The athletic ropiest* include foot ares from M> yards to half a mile, gg races, potato race, sack race, ipec legged race and freak races of II kinds, running broad Jump, stand ig broad jump, running high jump, landing high jump and hop step and limp. In which contests the prises will mount to over S3OO, Tup of War. Kpaetai announcement is made of *s tug of war which will be held at p. m The challenge of Local SRS, Arpeoters and Joiners has been ac iptsd by Local 41, of the Car Work re It is going to be a "pull" to the ntah Thla will doubtless bs ona of i« most axcitlng contests on the pro !*m. The motorcycle races in the hands ’ Mr Ed Watson, will be an attrac on In themselves They will he held t the fair grounde track, prefee onals will participate and there will s some of the fastest and most thril ling exhibitions on the track ever wit nessed here. Parade at 9 a. m. The parade ai 9 a m, will be the greatest spectacular feature of the day Every effort Is being made by the lusul labor people to have thla parade a representation of all the tlades in the city. The merchants, the manufacturers, the city officially and all others interested in the cause of labor will participate There will be 5,000 people tn it, it is estimated, and prises will be given the moat beautiful floats to the extent of S2OO. There will be three bands. Barbecue, 1 to 3 p. m. While the program is \et to <w ar ranged in a more detailed form, it it iitown that the speaking at Lake View Park will take place at It a m, and the speaking at the fair grounds in the afternoon at S o'clock. The barbecue at the Lake will be served from 1 till 3 o'clock Immediately following the speaking at the \ fair grounds the conteata will be begun. President 8 B Marks, of the Geor gia Federation of laihor, will make an Interesting speech, as will "Mother" Jones, who has consented ter be here to speak also. These two speakers are well-known and great crowds will naturally come out to hear them The day will unquestionably do credit to the local labor organisations who are so earnestly striving to make It a auo erg's in every sense of the word. TEAGUE, OP STATE BARACA, UNABLE TO BE HERE TODAY On account of llneaa in his fatnilv Mr C i\ Teague, fleid seoretsri so the Stale Pre-s of Georgia, will not b» able to till his appointinents in Augusta at the xavious churches today 1,200 STRIKE. ChsHeeton. W. Va,—Twelve hundred miners at Bloomer in the Paint Creek district struck today because one of their number had been discharged. At it. mine of the Columbia Iron and Steel Company liO miner* have*truck. THE MOST REMARKABLE SACRIFICE SALE IN OUR HISTORY , The Following Intense Bargains at Hours Specified Only 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. 25c Ratines and Crepes, Swisses and Madras, limited, per yard 69c Overall O Pants, (limited)^ Boys’ Suits The best grade of boys’ Suits, made by reliable makers. Large va riety and full run of sizes from 6 to 16 years: $2.00 values $1.29 $4.00 values $1.28 $6.00 values $2,98 SB.OO values $3.98 SIO.OO values $4.98 54 inch White Mercerized Table Damask, 35c value, special for tomorrow, | q yard 1«/ C 54 inch Turkey Red Damask, 35c value, 1 Q special for tomorrow, per yard 1«/ C 25c ladies’ short embroidered Kimonos, l A nicely trimmed, special for tomorrow. . 1«/ C SCHNEIDER’S Mystery Shrouds Finding Of Human Skeleton on the Site For New Postoffice In Excavating for New Government Building on Barrett Plaza Yesterday Afternoon Startling Find was Made. Dif ference of Opinion as to What the History is While excavating yesterday after noon on Barrett Plaza preparatory to laying the foundation for the new Au gusta postofftce. Foreman Jack Mtir phey of the Augucta list) \ Transfer t’ontpany'a teams, which are hauling the dirt away, noticed that one of the negroes, as he came down with hi* pick to the damp earth some four or five feet below the level of the side walk. atruck and broke what looked to be a human skull. Further inves tigation revealed the fart that it was what it was thought to be. In addi tion to a complete skull, including lower Jaw bone with the teeth In splendid slate of preservation, one of the leg bone*, the backbone and ribs were discovered, also. Bones Found in Lime. Had tt been this alone to tell of, the find would have been nothing much out of the ordinary—nothing deserv ing of more than passing notice, for on several occasions before similar finds have been made when contrac tors have been excavating on the sites of buildings. But the human bones were not all; there was lime from where the bones were dug, and it is herein the mystery Ilea. No one know s and no one even ven tures to assert what might be the his tory of the skeleton dug up yester da> Was it once the grave of a ntur deiod man? Some persona say that thla theory Is entirely feasible. In view of the facl that the lime was there It ts generally known that murderers ha\e hurled their victims in lime in osier that th# flesh may be quickly consumed Then It t* cer tainly possible that these are the bone* of someone who was murdered and forgotten about year* and years ago. Who can tell? Anothar Theory. Another theory advanced is that the skeleton ts that of an Indian, for with the bones was also discovered a sti ver coin, which was smuggled away hy one of the negro workmen before it could be seen. There were no other mark*, however, that th# hone# were those of a Red Man. Ijutt. the theory Is given that the skeleton la that of one who tn the THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA, GA, 10:30 to 11 a. m. 54 inch Damask, 39c value, white and Tur key Red, 1 - (limited) yard * V/i* 25c Men’s Balbriggan Underwear, 1 (\r* (limited) ...» (lays when Augusta was under British lontrol shortly after General .Ogle thorpe settled the town —was executed In accordance with England's rule. Such executions did occur here, it is said, and the bodies were buried here. Whatever may be the history of the skeleton is as yet only a matter of conjecture, latter developments, how over. mny throw some light on the subject. SIDETRACK SHIPPING BILL. Washington.— Action on the bill to extend American registry to foreign ships was sidetracked tn the senat* Saturday by other business Consid eration will be resumed Monday. ojfo WJrtowitti, Js., J O B_P R I NTING i Sum * arms n 1 ' PHO NC I 360 " ~1 F« I Nil rar. as YOU USE IT AUTOS FOR HIRE LARGE CARS. BY HOUR. TRIP OR DAY. Hates Reisocabla. Competent Drivers Special Prices to Parties. Phon* 3127 J. Stand at Hickey’s Barber Shop. Men’s Suits Men’s latest style high grade Clothing, suitable for Fall and up to Mid Winter: In Serges, Worsteds, neat stripes— All of our $20.00 Suits at . . . .$8.98 All of our $15.00 Suits at . . . .$6.98 SHOES One lot Ladies’ Low Cut Shoes, in blacks, tans, and canvas, and rubber soled, in broken sizes, values to $3.00 5,000 pieces 27 inch Puritan Diaper Cloth, extra quality, special for tomoip-ow, ROOF LEAK? Have your work done by experi enced tlnnera. All work given per sonal attantlon. My prlcea are right. E. A. DEMORE Phone 2011. 523 Broad St 11 to 11:30 a. m. 69c House Dresses, lim ited, C _ each 69c Men’s Negligee Shirts, all sizes, C each SERVICE Is . our car In good running con dition? If earn* is in need of re pairs have it worked over by com petent mechanics, which you will find at the PEOPLES AUTO REPAIR CO. REAR DYER BLDG. HOLLEY WAGON GO. Builders Of All Kinds of High Grade Wagons. We Repair and Paint Buggies, Carriages. Wagons. Automo bile* on Short Notice. Good year Rubber Tires. Horse Shoeing. 502 and 504 McKinns Street. TELEPHONE 803. Telephone 100 We can stop that roof leak in a jiffy. Don’t let it min your furniture, your temper and your health. We are specialists in roof repairs. If you want a new roof, let us put on a material that has stood the test of time for more than thirtv rears as SLUSHY’S Old Style Tin. Consult us about your roof and sheet metal work. DAVID SLUSKY 1009 Broad St. Phone 100 SKIRTS 500 Serge Russian Tunic Skirts, navy and black, $5.00 values, ft | Qfl for dliuO 100 Amoskeag Serge Skirts, popular shades, Russian Tunic pleated bot tom, SB.OO values CO QQ for dZiUU 100 Russian Tunic Skirts, black and navy only, SIO.OO values ftQ QO for soiuo 500 Hercules Hemmed Sheets, 81x90, SI.OO value, special for tomorrow’, each DOC 50 Saranac Hemmed Sheets, 72x90, 75 yin value, special for tomorrow, each .... TvC 500 Peerless Sheets, 72x90, 50c values, QA special for tomorrow, each O^C 500 Linen Wash Skirts, regular price AT SI.OO, special for tomorrow, limited, at ZDC 100 ladies’ white Corduroy Skirts, tunic effect, $1.50 value, special for tomorrow, for aye SI.OO Middy Blouses, special for r A tomorrow, all sizes OyC 50c little one’s Rompers, all sizes and colors, for boys and girls, special for A| tomorrow .. O i C “Lowest Prices Our Chief Attraction" AUGUSTA SHOE REPAIRING. Have your shoot repaired at these prices: Men's Wide Bottoms, sewed •1 00 Men s Half Soles, sewed and Rubber Heels SI 00 Mens Half Soles, sewed •• • ■7s l^ Men's Half Soles, nailed 500 Ladles' Half Soles, sewed and Rubber Heels.. .. 750 Ladies Half Soles, sewed,. - 500 Ladies' Half Soles, nailed.. ..35C Children's Half Soles 25C and 35C T" ?et Rubber Heels 250. 350. 45c Helmhack's Double Wear Rubber Heels SQC Work done while you wait. Work called for and delivered on short notice. Phone 943. 965 Broad St. J. SAWILOWSKY, Proprietor Special Rubber Bottoms... SI 10 GET IT **—2l tr—— HICKEY’S Babies and Children Special Attention. 5 Barbers. No Waiting. Polite Attention. 221 Jackson Street. Use Herald “Wants' ’ KOON & COOPER SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 ' KOON & COOPER REAL ESTATE, RENTING, FIRE INSURANCE. 857 Broad Street. Rhene 206. e ■ fer the following for rest. from Octotier Ist, next: Location. Rooms. Prlcau 441 Walker 9 *40.00 441 H Welker 6 35 00 939 7th St « J 2.09 933 7th 8t 4 10.06 50* Ellis fi jo.OO 512 Ellis 6 *O.IO 214 Telfair 5 20.00 528 Reynolds 10 30 90 431 Reynolds 7 30.00 433 Reynolds 7 30.00 *Ol Moore Ave 5 17.51 434 Watkins 6 j 0.99 1834 Starnes 8 30.00 301 Watkins 6 *3.50 303 Watkins 6 U.OO 106 Reynolds 5 10.00 1526 Walton Way 6 36.00 720 Wrlghta 5.' 30.00 721 Wrights 6 21.00 728 Wrights 6 21.70 S3* Walker 6 23.50 530 Calhoun 5 20.99 1928 Watkins 5 16.00 1848 Broad 7 26.00 Hickman Rd M't# Sano 6 22.50 Heard Av« « 30.00 SSS Greene (flat),... 4 56.00 1518 15th St 6 iI.OO Also a good, long-aatabltshad fur niture business for sale et a bargain. See us for particulars We have for aale desirable proper ty in all part* of the city.